View Full Version : Who was talking about the "Jeannie bottle" decals?

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:09:42 PM
I have a couple of bottles that I got from Ebay, and I want to paint and detail them correctly. I went to one site where the guy shows how to paint it, with templates, and photos of the finished product, but decals would be much better, faster and easier. Please help, anybody.
thanks, DW

Sep 17th, 2001, 06:48:38 PM
Fpr decals try -
www.jeanniebottles.com/je...index.html (http://www.jeanniebottles.com/jeanniebottles/index.html)


Avalon X
Sep 17th, 2001, 11:44:42 PM
Forty bucks for decals? I painted most of the bottle... does anybody have just the lower portion decals? Joe Campbell claimed he had some, but I can't seem to get in touch with him.....

Smugglers Blues 77
Sep 17th, 2001, 11:53:14 PM
Joe Campbell does have some. Just keep this thread bumped and I'm sure he'll post. He always seems to be around when somebody needs something...


Avalon X
Sep 18th, 2001, 01:23:54 PM

Sep 18th, 2001, 01:54:58 PM
Does anyone make a resin version of the bottle?

Is this a stupid question? :p (if it is...please be gentle) :)


Sep 18th, 2001, 02:48:16 PM
Does anyone know the correct colors to paint and detail the 2nd season bottle with?

Was the first season bottle painted a basecoat of black before putting the vine pattern on or left in its natural green glass?


Sep 18th, 2001, 04:18:20 PM
Some of the information out there suggests the first season bottle was left the smikey brown/green color te decanter comes in and then detailed and varnished over. Resin bottles I'm not sure of but there are ceramic copies available, painted and cheaper than a Jim Beam painted bottle. They are of course at least 5% smaller due to shrinkage.

hometown.aol.com/sharkkee/index.html (http://hometown.aol.com/sharkkee/index.html) or
www.jeanniebottles.com/ (http://www.jeanniebottles.com/)


Joe Campbell
Sep 18th, 2001, 04:19:23 PM
Hey, guys...

I don't have the actual ecals, but I built some templates for them. I'll email ya the templates as a .bmp file, and then you take the disk to Sign Pro, or Signs Now, or one of those places, and they'll make you a set of decals. I got two sets of white arches done for $15.00.

However - I've got to find the files in the jumble that is my computer. Email me, and I'll take a look, and when I find 'em in the next couple of days I'll send em to ya.

Also, the first season bottle WASN'T painted. The gold was just painted directly on the glass. Incidentally, the first season bottle had a different top - It was crystal.


Smugglers Blues 77
Sep 18th, 2001, 04:25:58 PM
If anyone needs pics of the second season bottle, I have a few. Feel free to e-mail me and I'll send 'em out. :)


Sep 19th, 2001, 01:48:22 AM
Coop-- please contact me at rphillips1@webzone.net concerning an unrelated subject. My posted email address is now dead. Thanks.


Avalon X
Sep 19th, 2001, 02:31:40 AM
Paging Joe Campbell... Mr. Campbell, you are wanted at the courtesy desk....

Avalon X
Sep 21st, 2001, 12:05:18 AM

Joe Campbell
Sep 21st, 2001, 12:16:45 AM
Ok, found the damn things...

walks@russellwalks.com if you want the Jeannie Bottle templates I built.


Avalon X
Sep 22nd, 2001, 01:10:11 AM
Hey Joe Campbell...email me the template if you'd be so kind.
