View Full Version : The 2nd run of Star Wars Dog Tags.... AND YOU!

Sep 21st, 2001, 05:30:01 PM
I'm really curious if anyone has received their 2nd run dog tags from a certain "SH"... OR received and E-mail from him this past week about ANYTHING. Well?

If the so called "Dog Tags" were to be shipped when the person said they would be, I believe they should have arrived by now... HOWEVER... they have not and I cannot get an E-Mail response back to save my life.

I really just want to know what's up. Until now, communication has been just fine (although for the most part I had to ask for updates). It has ceased since DC 2001 and I'm curious if this is directed towards people like me who are on the list for these tags, or has other things come up to prevent him from E-mail completely.

I've heard the warnings about him.... but unfortunately that was after I had sent $51. I am a little skeptical about the whole situation. I really hope I have not been had.


Sep 21st, 2001, 05:42:56 PM
Nope, still waiting for my 2nd run tag. Got the 1st run pretty fast, but no communication on the 2nd run since DC 2001 ...

Sep 21st, 2001, 05:53:17 PM
I was able to get in touch with him.. He said they would go out the first of next week.. That's what was told to me any way?? If I get any more info. I will post it here...

Sep 21st, 2001, 06:00:58 PM
I really wish he would have let the rest of us know this.... here I am expecting 6 dogtags in the mail... 2 of which for my Girlfriend and 2 for a friend, Otto ("Sentinel Tegan" if you're ever up late enough to see him on the board). A little frustrating... *sigh* At least I know something... Thanks for the info, 1215.

Sep 21st, 2001, 07:38:43 PM
No problem Gytheran... It helps living in the same state he does ;)
If I get any more info from him I'll let you guy know!!

Draco Lawgiver
Sep 21st, 2001, 10:44:24 PM
HA! I never got my first run! Scott "lost my order," even though I had paid by PayPal. Then, like an idiot, I ordered more. He hasn't returned my emails. Sitting on $50 here.

Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 21st, 2001, 11:02:20 PM
I got my first run and they we really cool. Hopefully the second run is on the way.

Draco Lawgiver
Sep 22nd, 2001, 02:55:06 AM
Well, we're now 6 weeks over the appointed delilver date.

Sep 22nd, 2001, 03:17:00 AM
woah... I wasn't expecting another post....

You are correct.... I love the fact that my well earned $51 is just floating out there.... as I still have yet to receive a message from hawk...er SH. If you are reading this post.. please don't hold it against me... at this moment things are a little easier to say in public... so to speak (if you understood that). Personally, I'm suprised I'm still typing...somewhat correctly that is.

Scott... you have my money... and a service you've promised. Nothing against you personally, but if you'd like to earn a good name, keep good communication, realistic production dates, and if you say you're going to ship something on a certain day after the product is "finished", damn it, do it.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I have never purchased anything in the past and if things don't ship soon, quite possibly this will be the last.

Sorry about having to read this post, people... just the thoughts of a frustrated, inebriated(sp?..screw it.. I don't care :) ), customer...AGAIN...*sigh*

Back to Episode I...perhaps :lol: