View Full Version : Universal Armorer alive and well in Australia???
mr trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:50:47 PM
Look on Ebay under 'star wars prop'....
The vader parts, fett items and the stormtrooper boots are the EXACT thing Tom Scheer was selling. Would not surprise me if he sent some items to the phillipines before he fled the US....
Anyone know who the ebay seller is???? I wonder if Jase or Cameron knows this guy.....
Mr Trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 03:14:59 PM
Narrow it down for us. Which seller?
I didn't see any headers that fit Scheer's "STAR TROOPER STORM BLASTER WARS" kind of style.
Since he recasted everything he sold, could you be seeing items that had been made by the original makers?
mr trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 03:25:35 PM
Nothing there indicates that Tom is selling... The items that are listed, such as the trooper boots, are the same thing that he made, or made made in the Phillipines. So, what I am saying is that he may be MAKING the items.... Hell, could be him, you can list your country as anywhere on an auction.... This is just a heads up to all. (
and (
These are the EXACT same cheesy $hit assed stuff he used to offer in the US....
Mr Trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:28:54 PM
Having talked to Steve Altmann in the past, and him having been robbed big time by UA, I've asked him to check the auctions out as well and see if he knows what's going on. That is a LOT of props for auction and all of them do seem to have the UA look to them.
Aug 27th, 2001, 06:08:12 PM
Well, the SW community is pretty tight over here, and I can think of only two or three people that this could be- that is, if they are involved in the local fan and film groups. I'll do some checking...
Aug 27th, 2001, 06:23:41 PM
Well, does anyone know what he looks like?
Could this be him posing in a Fett jumpsuit? (
And is this his new boyfriend? (
== Sean
Aug 27th, 2001, 06:33:01 PM
I would have thought the only replicas Shear would be making now would be of license plates.
mr trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 06:54:39 PM
Well, I want Tom or Ernie or whatever he goes by now, caught and sentenced. He deserves it. If we can prove it is him, then we can maybe get the FBI to go and arrest him.
I do not know what he looks like... wish I did. The armor is too coincidental too like like what he used to produce.
Mike, good call on contacting Altmann... Lets see where this takes us. maybe to the Phillipines in costume, to arrest Tom... That would be cool....
Good work to Jase.....
Sean, well he has the prison blues uniform on in that pic, but I do not know if it is him or not. Like I said, I never saw the guy... Wish I did though....
Mr Trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 08:23:07 PM
I only met him once and that's not him, nor the other guy, and it's actually "Schueuer". Don't feel too bad about not knowing the name though, as even the newspaper article reporting his flight from prosection mispelled it. I heard from the only reliable source, his former landlord, that he is in the Phillipines and still a fugitive from justice.
If the person in the Imperial officer's outfit with the saber is Phillipino (and it's too hard to make out from the picture) it would be an interesting coincidence, wouldn't it? I doubt he would post his own pic anyway.
Keep in mind that you would not see any of his 'old' stuff in terms of prop replicas, as ALL of that and the molds for them were sold off to Dave Gielda in a private sale by said landlord. As TS had in-laws in the Phillipines making many of his outfits, though, it would follow that should he still be there, those items would be available.
Also, to be fair to gay people everywhere, I feel compelled to point out that he is not 'gay', but instead an 'alleged' child molester, wanted on the charge of statutory rape and also under investigation for possession of child pornography.
mr trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 08:44:29 PM
Yes, I know it i spelled wrong, but ho cares like you said.
I call him Universal Molester due to the child porn thing... I am more than sure that he may have either taken some things, or at least shipped some stuff out before he fled. Yes, he had family making stuff for him long before, but it is all too koinky-dinky that the EXACT same stuff is being offered.
Like I said, Weird....
The person does loook 'dark skinned' and being 100% psoitive they are Fillipino, is just not possible.
I may bid on the imperial patch and see what address I get once won, or to whom the MO is made out to... That would be a good way to be sure of who this is....
Mr Trooper
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:14:51 PM
Here is the Thomas Ernie Scheuer info for those who do not know... ( (
Biker Scott
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:26:06 PM
I must back up Morganthirteen. I met Tom Sheueieeeur once at a Chiller Theatre Convention up here in the Northeast. Neither people pictured are him. He had his wife/companion with him, and she was definately of Phillipine or Pacific Island descent, and there was a child along as well. I snapped a pic, but they were in costume with masks on. I'll know him when I see him.
Aug 28th, 2001, 12:07:54 AM
Last known accurate information...
Thomas Ernie Scheuer
Rhoda P. Scheuer (Tom's wife/A.K.A. Universal Armorer)
(last known address)...
17 Laflin Road
Pittston, PA 18640
Phone (570) 883-9436
To avoid being arrested on child pornography charges by the F.B.I., Tom and his wife fled the country to the Philippines where his wife's family is from.
For your own good, avoid these people at all costs! Universal Armorer claims to sell props, but THEY WILL SCAM YOU every chance they get. They will take your money and deliver NOTHING.
Anyone with information regarding the known whereabouts of Thomas Ernie Scheuer should report this immediately to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Trooper Sam
Aug 31st, 2001, 07:05:02 AM
I'd like to hear what anyone finds out....
Trooper Sam
Sep 1st, 2001, 12:26:38 AM
that creep got me for $90.00 cash also!!!!! and it was around the same time that he disappeared..... just prior though he did send me a galactica helmet and blaster but it took almost a year of harrising hin to get it shipped you can check it out on my props banner below....
mr trooper
Sep 1st, 2001, 12:49:28 AM
Big deal.. I am mean it is a lot, but try $4000.00 for work I did and never got paid. He also ripped off my patterns when I told him I was taking a hiatus for about6 months, lied about it and then admitted it....
The dumbass was so stoopid to do that, then he forgot about A ROTJ helmet he sent to mean to authenticate.....
Wonder where that is??? :)
Mr Trooper
Sep 3rd, 2001, 01:26:19 PM
Ok, Did anyone ever find out anything about this guy on ebay who had all the prop items for sale who lives in Austrailia? I won his vader costume auction and dont want to get scammed if it is. When I contacted the seller after he notifiying me that I won, I offered up the use of - like Larbel uses. For those who dont know, you pay Tradenable the proper funds, and they notify the seller, to send his product, when it arrives, I then confirm with Tradenable's site to allow them to "release" my funds to the seller, all nice and easy...when dealing with large amounts like this, it just keeps honest people, honest. So if he says he wont do it, even though, I've offered to pay any and all fees, it could point to a possible scam. Of course I will not tell him some of the fears that are expressed here on the board, because I believe people are innocent until proven guilty...but this seems to be the best way when dealing with a possible problem transaction...
Sep 3rd, 2001, 11:08:52 PM
Rany5000 you should request "contact info" about the seller of your eBay auction here... (
Please post your findings on this individual's real name, address and identity.
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:46:40 AM
Thanks for the tip..I will do. But so far, no reply from this user. His email says his name is Peter Lawless, and like I said before, he is a legitimate seller...nothing more.. This seller also claims he can make more of these items that he just auctioned off, so it makes me think he is a prop maker of Vader, Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, Battlestar Galactica type items...but am not 100% sure. He said the vader suit I won can be made to order which makes me think either he can modify the suit I won or make me another with my exact size. I think I read back in this thread that there are only a few Austrailian prop makers, so maybe, this is a new source..I will report back as it goes.
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:52:57 AM
UPDATE - ebay came back with different information than I expected, his email belongs to a Clark Nole who lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. So the question is why does his email say he lives in Austrailia when his ebay is registered to a completely different name who is asking for the payment. sure there is a logical explaination...right?
Sep 4th, 2001, 09:15:08 AM
hmmm. Anyone have any ideas?
Sep 4th, 2001, 11:32:35 AM
I emailed this seller to find out about his vader capes and he emailed me back very quickly to tell me that he can make the capes any size and that it would be 3-4 weeks for delivery of specially ordered items.
He also said that that was him in the photo and that he is six foot four tall.
Sep 5th, 2001, 01:25:12 AM
I would be VERY suspicious of anyone having different ID info on listed eBay. I would wait and see if any positive feedback on his eBay ID comes in from any of his recent auctions.
The old "my friend makes the props and I sell them" excuse is growing a bit thin nowadays. He should sell what he has and not sell empty promises.
This is my personal experiences that could save some future trusting buyers their hard-earned cash. There are too many scammers out there in the world.
Please keep us posted with any updates.
Sep 5th, 2001, 02:36:01 AM
I just emailed this guy about the white boots and bodysuit. He sent me an invoice from Isn't this strange that he uses several different payment sources that he doesn't list in his auction? The name on the p2p account is: June A. Lawless in Brisbane Australia. Luckily, the transaction had an error and it was not submitted.
Anyone got info on this guy yet?
Sep 5th, 2001, 02:52:17 AM
update: I just checked his paypal account and he has only been a member for 7 days. When I tried to send $0.01 to his address and June A. Lawless's address, paypal said that they were not able to use paypal.
Now I am worried...has anyone ever heard of You don't suppose that this is some sort of scam to get visa #'s is it?
Tom (not the Tom S. you are talking about)
Sep 5th, 2001, 03:09:28 PM
Any update on this situation?
Bittersweet Me32
Sep 5th, 2001, 03:31:21 PM
This is just a hunch but... does anyone know if this guy's wife was a weightlifter and professional fitness model?? And the kid looked about 8 years old, and resembles whatever ethnicity the mother is? Like I said, just a hunch.
Sep 6th, 2001, 02:08:33 AM
UPDATE *** - I won his $500 5 piece Vader costume on ebay recently. I explained that with only 1 ebay rating, and the fact that the ebay account is his friend in Hawaii, and he IS in Austrailia. His email is Singapore though... I said that I would like to do TRADENABLE like Larbel uses, because its an escrow service and safe. The Seller signs up with Tradenable for free, starts the transaction, which tradenable emails me to pay the agreed upon amount. After I give the money, they then email the seller that I've paid, which then the items are then shipped and I get to inspect before telling Tradenable to release my funds to him.. A very safe way for us both. So at first he wasnt too keen on the idea of doing it this way, but when I explained I would then have to back out of the auction, and explained that he has too many things against his honesty factor, he agreed to give it a try. So I got my tradenable email, sent the funds, and he is sending out the items. I feel much better already. After talking to him via email about 6-8 more times, I've learned the following facts:
He lives in Austrailia, and is a Fisherman who loves Star Wars and in his spare time (sometimes 3 weeks at a time) he makes a bunch of props like Vader costumes and Fett costumes (just the softgoods, not armor) and then sells it all. I guess some seamtresses help him make it. His prices are good, so time will tell here soon if he is trustworthy. so far I feel like he might be a good resource for those people who need the Fett jumpsuit,vest,belts and capes, and vader 2 piece quilted body suits, capes and cod-belts. - When my items arrive, I will post my review..he is actually modifying my outfit to my size right now.
Sep 6th, 2001, 02:14:14 AM is a legit place alot like paypal, that specializes in taking money from one country, converting it and depositing to another countries bank account like paypal. Except the reason why I didnt want to use it, is that like paypal, place2pay is not an escrow service and if the seller never sends the item promised, neither paypal or place2pay can do anything for you to get your funds back. So I am glad to see he is doing the Tradenable, because if this person had planned to rip anybody off, he would have come up with an excuse that tradenable would not work for him, allow me out of my auction and repost it to someone not so leery of just sending a bunch of money from the states to the land down I say my guess is he is an honest costumer maker as a side hobby, so lets watch and see. ;)
Sep 8th, 2001, 12:16:48 AM
Please keep us updated Randy5000
Sep 8th, 2001, 04:47:12 AM
So Far, I've paid, and he is making some minor alterations to my outfit, and says he will send in a few days. He has to send it in some way that it can be tracked so he is able to make me sign for it, Then I have two days to inspect before releasing the funds I paid. If all goes well, we will probably have a new softgoods costumer that is trustworthy. His prices are very good, and soon we shall see his quality of work.
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:17:26 AM
Randy5000 did the seller guy ever explain why he has a different address listed on eBay from the one that you are suppose to send the money to? I would still be suspicous with him.
He is new to eBay, but put down a Hawaii address while selling products from Australia??? Something smells rotten here.
Keep us posted.
Sep 13th, 2001, 04:50:18 PM
Did anyone ever get their products??? The sellers feedback is still only a 1 rating.
Sep 13th, 2001, 09:09:22 PM
Well, I am suspicious too. He explained the ebay thing like this. He used to live in Hawaii, then moved to Austrailia. He uses his ebay account that he opened just before moving, that he and another friend use jointly...He does plan to open his own, just hasnt yet. Now my Vader costume that I won is supposedly in the mail right now, and I have a tracking number so all looks good. My funds are safely with, so if the items show up and are not as described, I will simply get my money back. But if he planned to rip me off, he would not have done the ESCROW plan, as he cant cheat me when I get to inspect the goods before releasing my payment to his hands. So far through many emails exchanged during the last week or so, I feel good about it and my GUT feeling tells me that he is legit. We shall see the outcomes of all those other ebay auctions as well, because soon, either lots of positive or lots of negative feedback will show up on his account. I should get my stuff
within the next 3-4 days if airplanes start flying again.
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:56:08 PM
Guess what? I'm sorry to say that your seller (clark94) is not a registered user on eBay anymore. That's no surprise to me. Perhaps he has took the money and ran???
Here's the eBay user info... (
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:47:20 AM
Any update yet? The seller has been emailing me about if I was still interested.
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:55:58 AM
The seller now has a new ebay userid, check out his auction(s): (
Here is the fishy part....he has 1 + feedback from the same guy that he had last time w/no item #.....and now he is asking for payment through another many payment accounts does he have?!?!?!?!
Sep 19th, 2001, 04:09:52 AM
Pictures on the page look familiar. (
Sep 19th, 2001, 09:24:30 AM
Jeez! Sure looks suspicious. I hope everyone gets alerted before he takes advantage of more fans. What a total sleeze ball. I hate people who prey on fandom. Be nice if law enforcement could nail this guy down. I guess he is now an "international crook". Amazing the lengths this guy will go to to avoid apprehension and still has the nerve to try and screw people.
Trooper Sam
Sep 19th, 2001, 09:34:54 AM
Well, I think it's pretty well nailed down now. Check out the feedback of the one guy that left him feedback. Go all the way to the bottom of the second page, and check out the names of others allah1 has given feedback to. You'll find moon*star*scimitar there, one of Universal Molester's earlier ebay names, as well as another alias, moonstar-productions, and the name dr.morbius, a board member who used to do business with Tom.
Trooper Sam
mr trooper
Sep 19th, 2001, 12:48:48 PM
I designed some of the leather work he is putting on Ebay per his wishes. Though not top quality, you do what someone tells you to do when they pay you. I designed the Vder cod piece as a cheaper alternative to GT's and Steebers....
I also got the first boots he made for the troopers and hated them.
If someone gets a box from them with a Address in the Phillipines, I would appreciate the address being posted.
Good work TrooperSam....
UA is alive and well.... Unfortunately.....
Mr Trooper
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:52:09 PM
How did his new account get a feedback that had no item#? Ebay doesn't let you leave feedback that way anymore.
Sounds like ebay allowed him to transfer his old feedback from the previous account. Maybe he just renamed it...
Sep 19th, 2001, 06:41:27 PM
I don't think I'D do business with someone more than a car drive away after that list of explanations, multinational accounts, multi payment, etc. And even the hint of association with people / account identities involved with previous scams would send me running.
Escrow services are indeed the only way to go in these cases.
I'd much prefer to deal with someone with a fixed email account, and a long-standing ebay / seeler identity. Frquently changing hotmail-like accts, and seller identities are all indications (to me) of less-than-stellar business dealings, and more likely, criminal activity.
BTW, 'Peter Lawless' would be a pretty fitting name for a child pornographer, no?
Trooper Sam
Sep 19th, 2001, 06:47:04 PM
Note the date of inception of the new account, in February of 2000. The date of the feedback was in March, right around the cutoff period where eBay changed the rules of feedback, and required it to be related to a particular transaction. Before then, anybody could give anybody feedback, for any reason.
What this makes clear is that Universal Molester created a series of eBay accounts for eventual use, keeping them stockpiled for future need.
Trooper Sam
Sep 19th, 2001, 06:55:33 PM
Got an email from them. They say the other account was suspended because filed an ebay complaint because of their Galactica stuff so they are using a backup account and no longer selling Galactica stuff
Trooper Sam
Sep 19th, 2001, 07:08:44 PM
That may be true, but still, with the feedback trail, it's almost a shoe-in that our friend, the Universal Fugitive, is back.
Trooper Sam
Sep 20th, 2001, 06:16:02 PM
sitti1 is believed to be the eBay alias of Thomas Ernie Scheuer or perhaps another unscrupulous scammer..
Can someone confirm this???
Any eBay auction winners of "sitti1" should request "contact info" about the seller of your eBay auction here... (
Please post your findings on this individual's real name, address and identity.
Trooper Sam
Sep 20th, 2001, 09:53:10 PM
Considering the trail of feedback, I don't see reasonably how it could be anybody but him.
Trooper Sam
Sep 21st, 2001, 12:28:17 AM
Sep 21st, 2001, 01:55:55 PM
Now his website has been deleted!!! Probably for posting eBay pics using Geocities or for trying to sell items using a Geocities account!!! If this isn't Thomas Ernie Scheuer, then it appears to be someone just like him. Too bad for him that his eBay auctions no longer have photos with them!
Another SCAMMER defeated for now!!! (
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:06:25 PM
UGH! Now the guys website is working again!!! Unbelievable!!!
Sep 22nd, 2001, 03:41:20 AM
It is also very convenient that he now won't get negative feedback for the last batch of auctions (a few weeks ago) on his new ebay userid. Randy5000 - any news?
Does this guy Tom look at these boards?
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