View Full Version : Bring me the head of C3PO

Sep 19th, 2001, 10:49:25 PM
Wasn't somebody here offering 3PO heads at one point?

I have a costume but I'm not happy with the head, and I'd like a new one.

Any leads???


And no I'm not a troll, I don't work for any studio in any way, I just need a better head. (write your own joke here)

Sep 19th, 2001, 11:58:58 PM
Seems like this was discussed several months ago.
I imagine someone could direct you if you made your email un private.

Sep 20th, 2001, 12:01:37 AM
*trying not to laugh*

Sep 20th, 2001, 02:41:07 PM
Oh no! Not this again!

I have a feeling this thread will soon bear the stench of recast resin fumes.

Ready the respirators!

Sep 20th, 2001, 03:23:26 PM
Nah... Adrian needn't waste his time skulking around this thread. Cyberdyne already has a fiberglass casting of a Disney suit. That's what he's trying to replace.

== Sean

Sep 20th, 2001, 04:34:02 PM

I have only seen one C-3PO accurate in proportions and vacuum-formed construction, and I think we both know where that one come from.

Sep 20th, 2001, 05:15:25 PM
Glitch, aStanze and others,

I seem to have touched a nerve from an old thread. Sorry.

I checked the archives and found nothing. There is obviously some backroom stuff going on here, but I have no idea what you are talking about. I've only been on the boards a few months.

Please enlighten me.

AND I really do need a new head...

Sep 20th, 2001, 09:48:58 PM
I replied to this post to try and help the guy out...thought that was purpose of the board. I forgot that there is an established pecking order here.Personally I think your secret squirrel posts are rude and unwarranted. He should not be apologizing you should. Mebbe when you guys quit dancing on his grave you might be able to help him out instead of sitting smug with your 500 plus posts figuring you own the community.Shame on you.

Sep 20th, 2001, 10:08:41 PM
Okay, Rick. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that if you had been here longer you would have known several things.

- First and foremost is that intelligent people don't just go blabbing about the best places to get a prop that a newbie is asking for. As you yourself pointed out, cyberdyne doesn't have a public e-mail so we can't tell him what we know privately and therefore won't do it at all.

- Second is that we did, at least, warn him of who to avoid. Sometimes that's more important than telling him who he should go to.

- Third is that cyberdyne has already asked these very same questions in a more private C-3PO building forum. We tried to warn him there that he should avoid buying the suit that he ended up buying impulsively anyway.

Not at all interested in seeing "Sins of the Jedi"
Why? Because it involves Boob Bean

Sep 20th, 2001, 10:31:27 PM
No ones length of time on the board has absolutely anything to do remarks made to the author of this thread. If contributions of assistance to the C3po thread were as vague as those here it is no wonder he erred in his acquisition. Now the guy expresses an interest in making correction and all he gets is vaguery. You had a chuckle at his expense.I am sure he is the wiser for it.

Sep 20th, 2001, 11:27:23 PM
Read it however you want, Rick. Smart people don't talk specifics on this board. Period.

My advice to him on the more private forum was very specific in what to avoid. He chose to ignore my advice and that of others and rushed to by a low quality product for alot of money. That was his choice.

Despite him ignoring earlier advice, I have given him guidance on how to get his kit vacumetalized accurately and affordably. Hopefully that will save him some money.

Please... before you try and criticize my intentions, please try and have a clue about what you're talking about.

Who still doesn't want to see "Sins of the Jedi"
because it involves Boob Bean

Sep 21st, 2001, 12:55:00 AM
"Please... before you try and criticize my intentions, please try and have a clue about what you're talking about."

Gee... I figure me letting him know this subject area was previously addressed in this forum and the fact that I directed such a request be handled through email showed I had a clue.

I am aware that he possibly made a choice that may have not been the best. We have all been there. I choose tact. His inquiry shows his attempt to improve his prop. The wording of this inquiry, his low number of posts and absence of email access for a sensitive subject all smack of inexperience. If he is, for other reason not apparent, slow to grasp, is he subject to jest?

Guarded is the watchword of the day.Specific information should certainly not have been supplied in posted reply nor however, should the posted reply lack supportive substance.

In ending my contribution to this thread I must say I am clueless to any constructive benefit of the replies I questioned. The message sent to the less experienced is clear, Simply know all the answers to your question prior to posting.

Sep 21st, 2001, 01:07:28 AM
You're clearly not listening to me, so it occurs to me that perhaps you have something to learn from this thread as well.

At no point did Glitch or I make a joke at the expense of our friend Cyberdyne. The only barbed comments we made were directed at Cris Adrian, who invariably pops up whenever someone asks about an item that he's had the opportunity to poorly recast. I'm surprised that there's not an oversized photo montage of his Disney Threepio in this thread already.

Pay particular attention to warnings about con artists made by experienced members of this board. They will serve you well. You've obviously already made the mistake of getting involved with Bob Bean. My condolences... He and Cris Adrian are probably at the top of the RPF's most wanted list.

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:30:25 AM
jedi: If glitch's email wasnt private, Im sure someone would have emailed him and told him where to get the head. Ive seen the pics, and they are great.
Im hesitant like others to post makers name on this board for reasons that
A)Lucasfilm trolls this board quite frequently.
B)A fellow prop maker has already been sued by LFL for selling Stormtrooper gear. We don't want to see this happen again.
No one is trying to be smug about anything. I dont give a rats arse about how many posts anyone has. But if someone like yourself comes off as being a smart@$$ just because we are trying to protect the hobby we love, it just shines a pale light on yourself.
cyberdyne, If you email me, I can give you the board name of the maker of the 3p0 heads, and costume. If some other member hasnt done so by now.


Sep 21st, 2001, 09:34:15 AM
"cyberdyne, If you email me, I can give you the board name of the maker of the 3p0 heads, and costume. If some other member hasn't done so by now."

Now that is exactly the type of response I expected to see when I originally checked additions to the thread. Not the vague references that the author of inquiry was unable to decipher.

As for the C3 casts origin, I received an email from cyberdyne indicating he did not know origin of his unit as it was acquired through a third party.

As for Bob Bean, he answered an open call requesting input. He told us what he could do, when he would do it, and made a 700 mile round trip to fulfill his commitment. I realize several have valid issue with him but my experience with him has been exempliary.

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:18:48 AM
Nightseed - If you're thinking of pointing him in the direction of the board member that makes a fiberglass copy of a Disney suit, don't bother because that's what he already has and is not happy with.

Rick - I will tell you ::again:: that we already know the source of Cyberdyne's current Threepio casting, and it was recognized as soon as he began describing it to members of the C3POBuilders group. If there were any doubt, he even posted pictures of it there.

Aside from being guilty by association, I won't hold you responsible for the way Bob has treated so many members of this board. Knowing how much effort he was willing to expend answering your request will come as very unwelcome news to the people who would have rathered he use that time to finish and return their armor that he's been holding hostage for more than a year.

== Sean

Sep 21st, 2001, 11:04:42 AM
Uh, Most Wanted? That's why I get referrals and business from this board constantly? You make me laugh so hard, sean.
You condemn like a child on old, embellished and fabricated news. You are a huge joke to alot of us here and ya look and smell funny. =)

Anyways, here's what I'm agonna do for YOU!!!!!. The first person to email and paypal me receives a droid head kit for $90.00 shipped (it's normally twice that). The only requirement is you leave a REVIEW on this board so I can gloat for sean. I have one ready to ship out TODAY. Includes all you see here:
And compare it to a disney suit head, you'll find it alot more accurate.

I'm waiting.


Sep 21st, 2001, 11:18:10 AM
Ah yeah, Sean. Forgot to mention. With the help from a fellow board artist, the eyegrids are now PERFECTLY laser cut, as are the actuators and pistons.


These aren't for sale generally, but I do want you to have the pleasure of seeing some CURRENT news from an impartial reviewer.

Sep 21st, 2001, 11:30:43 AM
Ahhh... I knew it was only a matter of time.

Cris, in the words of the french knight from Monty Python's The Holy Grail...

"He's already got one!"

Read, you idiot.

And before you give us your tired story about how you've modified that head. It ::still:: looks like a Disney head. It looks ::nothing:: like an original. An ILM employee very familiar with Threepio saw one of your castings on eBay and not only pointed out that it was nothing like the original, but said they were the worst castings he had ever seen.

You keep talking about all these loyal customers that praise your work and think I'm a joke. Please... bring them on. I'd love to hear from them, because all I ever hear are the significant members of this board (StevieRad, SSTCop, GotMaul, BaronFel among them) decry your work for it's poor workmanship and the obvious unethical nature of your castings. You can't even put most of your kits together the right way because you're so unfamiliar with them before you throw rubber at them.

If you want to live in your own little fantasy world by calling your detractors names, claiming big-time contract jobs that only take our board members a few phone calls to disprove and continue thinking that the work you've stolen from others is really yours... go right ahead. We all know the truth.

== Sean

Edit: Oh... and thank you for the big ass pictures of your crap. That's just what we needed to see for the umpteenth time.

Sep 21st, 2001, 12:36:40 PM
WOW! Now I see why the guy I got these from is so paranoid.

Sorry about the missing e-mail, I blew that. It’s in my bio now and here it is for all:

cyberdynelabs yahoo.com

I honestly did not know this was such a volatile topic. It’s hard being new to a prop. Ask me anything about a LIS B9 and I can spew out a long list of facts. BUT C3 is a b*tch. I was warned off this project, and given people to avoid but never any hard descriptions or facts to go by. How many casts are really out there anyway?

Even the descriptions of what’s available is vague, and this I do not understand. I get it that people are afraid of getting in hot water with Lucas but we can still talk about what’s out there. I mean facts with no names is just good information and I thought that’s what this list was about.

AND how often has anybody ever held a whole suit in their hands? I have heard for literally 20 years, “Oh I can get you a cast” or “ I know a guy who can get parts” 20 years! SO I got a shot at these and jumped at it. And for my money they are fair. Will they need work, yes. The head especially looks weird, but how often do we fans ever get High quality stuff from other fans?

Jedirick -- Thanks for your help, I look forward to more e-mails as we trudge through the 3PO wasteland

DarthSean – Jedirick is OK really, thanks also for your help here and on the other list. I wish we could have been clearer, but I probably would have bought anyway.

Glitch – If you know of another manufacturer of “accurate in proportions and vacuum-formed construction”. I don’t know. E-mail me. Or were you being sarcastic. Sarcasm is hard to smell in a post.

Nightseed – you have mail

Sep 21st, 2001, 12:53:18 PM
I would jump on that!! If I can get your e-mail address I'll Pay Pal you.


Sep 21st, 2001, 01:47:21 PM
it's yours, Lorenzo. Check your mail and it will ship this afternoon.

Sep 21st, 2001, 01:55:40 PM
Hey Sean, if you could send me an email with info pertaining to your statement:
"I have given him guidance on how to get his kit vacumetalized accurately and affordably."

I'd really appriciate it. I'm looking for info on this and would much appriciate the advice.


Baron Fel The 1st
Sep 22nd, 2001, 01:33:01 AM
Oooo, Some body just bought a pile of junk. It wont look like the pic. I know this for a fact!

Sep 22nd, 2001, 01:42:19 AM
Um..I would like a Golden droid head for $90 as well, if you decide to provide another, and I will review it too!


Baron Fel The 1st
Sep 22nd, 2001, 01:44:49 AM
Review it! For the love of GOD, Review it!!

Sep 22nd, 2001, 04:17:25 AM
I must have totally missed this one when it came around the first time.... out of the mouth of my girlfriend....


Oct 11th, 2001, 07:48:33 PM
So LorenzoTOS.
It's been three weeks since the afternoon it was to have been shipped. Any review for us yet?
