View Full Version : Saurron
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 05:50:01 PM
Are you a Vampire for your own good you better say no
Sith Summoner
Oct 14th, 2000, 06:46:22 PM
you got a death wish or something??? Sayin's, Vamps... whos next???
Oct 14th, 2000, 06:51:33 PM
And do you have normal Vampire weaknesses?
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 14th, 2000, 06:58:15 PM
OOC: i never read the blade comics but from the moives information Blade is a half vampire his mom was human then turned or something
he has their strength and powers but doesnt have all their weakness's
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:00:34 PM
you are right that is exactly what I am
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:05:02 PM
I know all about Blade, I meant Saurron. FDTD 1&2 fan wants to know is a baseball bat and a shotgun will stop him :)
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:09:06 PM
well a shotgun will only if coted with garlic
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:10:41 PM
OOC: i think saurron sticks to the Rule Force Powers out match other types of RPG, i fought him in the tourny and he seemed to stayed pretty close to the Sw Universe.. he does use the undead and liveing forever thing though <img src= ALT=":\">
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:13:39 PM
OOC: i thought in blade garlic only bugged the hell out of the skin but UV light and Silver can kill em? (Uv light not effecting thoughs who were turned into vamps rather then the ones that were born vamps)
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:32:31 PM
no silver bug the hell out of them but silver if many shots hit them the will die
Sith Summoner
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:39:39 PM
From what i understand about Blade from the movie and some of the comic... all the above is correct except that he does need a special injection of Human plasma so he doesn't have cravings for blood...
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:45:32 PM
well in the movie he has to take a serum to control his thrist for blood not stop it completly
Oct 14th, 2000, 08:03:04 PM
But what will hapen in Blade 2?
I think what gets Vampires are:
Fire(I think)
Any others?
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 14th, 2000, 08:07:31 PM
OOC: drinking from the dead?
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 08:32:06 PM
not cross' they don't do anything thats what they said in Blade 1
Oct 14th, 2000, 09:01:44 PM
Thats what he thinks :)
If Seth and Bucky use em, then I believe em :)
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 09:20:49 PM
Buffy is nothing compared to Blade and his skill
not to sound upset
Oct 14th, 2000, 09:27:16 PM
As in FDTD 2? Robert Patrick?
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 14th, 2000, 11:22:34 PM
who is Bucky
Oct 15th, 2000, 03:23:22 AM
Saurron's Lambda shuttle lands and the ramp opens to spill no light onto the dark Battle Ground...
I have foreseen this in the force.Saurron's voice echoes as he strides down the ramp...
OOC:I think what gets Vampires are:
Crosses-------------:Rubbish, there is no definite holy symbol in the SW universe. However I could probably RP a holy symbol from his home planet or something from his past that would repel him due to him not being human any more remorse etc.Hmmmmmm....sounds interesting.
Silver______________:No, that is in blade not Ann Rice
Garlic______________:D on't make me laugh that is like trying to poison a Jedi. Remember Saurron is a master now.
Stakes______________:Raises an eyebrow then smirks
Sunlight____________:The cursed star?!?!? your damn right! But it has to be natural not some plasma or jedi recreation of light. I have rp'd the fact that he has to wear an enviro suit many times.
Fire(I think)_______:Fire will kick anybody's ass although it takes a little more to put Saurron down ie Interview.
Decapatation ________:See fire!
Any others?
Magical attacks mainly and of course all force powers. For instance when Vengence stabbed me in the gut with a Sith Dagger and shot Sith Lightning into me that was rough. Rp'd a healing thread with Ogre helping me...Thanks Oge!
I do use the Vamp powers(flying etc.) on occasion but the powers are so close to Sith I just stick with the Dark Side force powers, Sith spells, and artifacts. I recently had the pleasure of having Mara and Lynch come to my house for a few hours to meet me(Saurron),Bowdin,Syruss,and Soth. They can attest that I am a true Star Wars fan not some Vamp wannabe trying to change this place,. :) I say this mainly due to the comments that fly around her every now and again about the races that don't belong here. To those of you who ran this place way back when:If you didn't want all these races showing up then you should have been strict in the beginning. Now next to the Star Wars movies Vamp flicks are my favorite, and if you think about it Vampire powers are very inline with Sith powers even the ever lasting life one attains when turned.
IC:Faces Grey Wolf...
I am nothing...if not Vampyre.Saurron arrogantly states with a coy smile.
Tilting his head slightly...
I can smell the human blood in you...halfbreed He says with disdain.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 01:19:39 PM
Saurron I am not really a half breed I have all the powers and none of the weakness. That's the Vampire dream itn't it to be a day walker. Can I ask a quest were you turned our are you a pure blood. I was born this way and if I can take out La Magra then I sure as hell can take out you. You better get that smile off your face or i'll take it off for you.
*Throws a staek at saurrons shoulder which stapled him to the wall as he tried to free himself Blade Staples the other shoulder Saurron is stuck*
Saurron give this message to the Sith, They are going down
*Walks away hoopes in his motercycle and drives away laughing*
Princess Sara
Oct 15th, 2000, 03:22:17 PM
*walks out of the darkness and removes the stakes from her husbands shoulders,freeing him and looks at his eyes which are glowing white*
They only one going down will be him
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 05:57:50 PM
*Blade Mind links with Sara*
Hi Sara well this is a pretty picture well guess what it is open season on suck heads this mean your boyfriend
Princess Sara
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:01:44 PM
*speaks back to him*
He's My Husband..and you will die before he does.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:20:30 PM
Ha ha ha that is what you would like to think. but I suggest you get out now because the is gonna shine. when was the last time you saw a sunraise because one is coming ha ha ha
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:38:59 PM
Now THAT is a weapon...
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:42:22 PM
Oh yeah, who is Bucky...
From left to right:
Sherrif Otis Lawson
Razor Eddie
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:43:58 PM
That really is a weapon
Kerian Firestorm
Oct 15th, 2000, 08:46:08 PM
Of course, a @#%$y Jedi Padawan is going to kill a Sith Master. Maybe if he had a really big gun... but I wouldn't trust a really big gun to BBGW.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:12:22 PM
I did not kill a sith master and I am a vampire jedi so back up
Big Bad Naga
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:25:18 PM
Jeez you make it sound like you are so @#%$ing important, last time I checked you were only a padawan. Big deal, you are a vampire, I don't know if anyone filled you in on the rules but any other powers besides the force are useless, hence you would be useless if u didn't have the force.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:34:41 PM
Explain that to some Sayjins around here
Big Bad Naga
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:38:25 PM
Yes most of them don't use their moves in battles unless the other/s allow them to. Maybe you should pay attention to your foe, before making assumptions.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:40:13 PM
have I once used my powers in a battle saurron is a vampire so i assumed it wolud be okay to play with the Vamp rules
Big Bad Naga
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:43:47 PM
Assuming will be your downfall. I sense much anger in you, you are scared. I can feel it. Rememeber Yoda's words BBGW, once down the path of the darkside, your life will be cursed for all eternity (or something similar to that).
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:45:40 PM
Now what the @#%$ would I be scared off I am one off the most powerful ppl on earth. When My sprise comes you all will be tthe scared ones
Big Bad Naga
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:50:48 PM
Your overconfidence is your weakness. You expect us all to be scared with your surprise, well I for one am not. And you claim you're are strong, well I must disagree a thousand fold. You are weak and insecure, you will never become a Jedi. Oh yes, and all this swearing is making me sick.By swearing all the time you are lowering yourself. Swearing is for the weak who cannot fight to defend their honor.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:54:27 PM
OOC: Why r u like this when I talk to you in RL you are not anything like this why do you act diff.
IC: Go to earth I can kill anyone there I am Blade you what why r u talking about Honor Sith don't have ne remember .
Big Bad Naga
Oct 15th, 2000, 09:58:49 PM
OOC-Its my character dingleberry!
IC- Sith do have honor, we are living beings and I will defend the Sith honor if I have to. But I'm not going to waste my breath talking to you.
:: Leaves ::
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 15th, 2000, 10:02:11 PM
Telepathy connects
You better leave you are nothing but a scared loser I beat you ever since then you have dis liked me
Oct 16th, 2000, 01:01:52 AM
As Big Bad Grey Wolf confidently is riding away laughing, two crimson red salvo lazer blasts lance out from the under belly lazer turret that has been tracking the boastful persons actions ever since the shuttle landed. Striking the motorcycle mid-engine exploding it into a hundred metal shards and throwing its rider high into the air at first then slamming his shrapnel racked body hard to the ground! Mockadane walks down the ramp of the shuttle, "That suit that Big Bad Goat Wolf was wearing looked expensive!" He said after suveying the damage.
Oct 16th, 2000, 04:12:49 AM
Thank you my friend...and yes it did look expensive at that...
Saurron comments as he walks down the ramp after Mockadane.
Seems you've gotten yourself into a bit of a scrape. Saurron says sarcastically.
Grey Wolf jumps to his feet quickly, the superficial wounds already healing on him...the deeper ones taking more time.
With all the confidence or stupidity of a Vampire slayer Grey readies himself to attack. Stepping forward he feels an immense pain grip his leg as if in a huge press. The pressure is immeasurable, grabbing it as if to stop the pain Grey Wolf drops to a knee gritting his teeth trying to feign the pain to no avail. First the ham string snaps making him wince then all of the tendons and arteries in his leg are severed. The burning is unbearable. Finally with a loud snap that echoes through out the BG Grey Wolfs leg is broken clean through...
Nothing compares to the dark side...not even the darkness from whence I came...
Shaking his head... Who is La Magra? I know nothing of any gods or devils. I only know that I abomination. In all my years I have yet to run into a half breed as dumb as you.
Grey Wolf unslings his shotgun taking aim but Saurron takes it from him with ease calling it to him,then bends it to resemble a question mark ...and tosses it away.
Beedi Padawan, most of you learn through pain at the hands of a Sith... I see you are no different. Oh by the way here is a message from the Sith
Saurron backhands him jerking his jaw, and sending BBGW over onto his back still grabbing at his broken leg...
Oct 16th, 2000, 01:24:24 PM
last time I checked you were only a padawan
Naga, last time I checked, you were just a Sith warrior, my big haired friend
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 02:09:35 PM
Hey don't knock the padawans.. this padawan right here could kick your sorry arse to Dagobah...
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 02:36:31 PM
:: LL watches the proceedings, with a wry smile on his face ::
Sith Kat
Oct 16th, 2000, 02:56:56 PM
:: Kat appears in a cloud of smoke and fire ::
"Sorry I'm late."
:: Grins at Saurron and lays a boot across BBGW's jaw as he tries to get up ::
"Tell me how it feels to be the hunted."
:: She pulls him up brutally and punishes him with a series of leopard strikes to the chest and face, following up with a head smash to the nose that sends him staggering back in LL's direction ::
"Did you really think that I would walk into your <a href= ?topicID=2106.topic>little trap</a>? What a pity, because now you've fallen into mine!"
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:02:47 PM
OOC: Nice how you gand up like 8 year olds
::Kat feels a tap on her shoulder, and turns round to be greeted by a punch from Fett.
"Yo, she-b***h, lets go!"::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:04:12 PM
Kat...leave Wolf alone. I am having a discussion with him.
Sith Kat
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:08:06 PM
OOC: nice how Jedi put out contracts on Sith. How noble.
:: Kat feels the tap on the shoulder and mule kicks Fett in the groin, too intelligent to fall for such a simple trick. She follows up by force pushing Fett skywards as she ignites her sabre ::
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:17:07 PM
OOC: More noble than you could ever know. Noble for the people
::Fett lands on his feet, and runs at Kat. He turns the run into a flying kick, and knocks Kat to the floor. Fett then kicks Kat a few times while he is on the floor. Fett then steps away, and looks a LL
"Or what?"::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:20:35 PM
I don't want to kill you over something so trivial. When its done...I want it to be...perfect. Don't make me settle for leaving your corpse in this place.
Sith Kat
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:30:21 PM
:: Kat sits up and points at Fett, causing him to scream as Force Lightning courses through his body. She extends her senses around her as she tekes her sabre back to her hand ::
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:43:09 PM
Syndic force pushed Kat down freeing Reaper from her force lighting, The Chiss then unclips his saber and ignites it with a flick of the wrist
OOC: :lol ash rocks
Sith Kat
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:50:40 PM
:: Kat ignites a metsu-bishi (smoke bomb), blinding everyone as she disappears ::
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 04:00:09 PM
Syndic disignites his saber with a sigh
Oct 16th, 2000, 04:31:40 PM
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 04:52:55 PM
I know... i mean she had LL watching her back... fighting LL and Sith Kat.. now that would be a good battle.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 16th, 2000, 05:21:31 PM
*gets back to his feet while everyone is distracted, he slowly reaches for his sending a message to his friends, " i need help come quick" then reaches for his sword tapping Saurron on the back slashing at his arm cutting his arm off. Then grabs Sith Kat throwing her across the room. " this ain't your fight, GET OUT!" Goes to reaper Fett thanks for the help buddy.
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 05:26:34 PM
OOC: uuuhhh enless you talked with Saurron about cutting his arm off and he agreed to it .. what you doing is breaking the rules... you attack is void and Sith Kat left so your attack on her is void..
Oct 16th, 2000, 06:23:30 PM
The com link BBGW speaks into throws out a burst of static as he tries to use it and realizes all communication is being jammed.Looking at Saurron "He still acts like he's in controll of the situation...,"Mockadane says with a smirk. Looking back at the shuttle..."Explain it to him!" Mockadane's words were puntuated by two more salvos streaking from the lazer turrets ripping up the ground, throwing broken rocks and hot magma at Big Bad Grey Wolf blasting him backwards onto the ground. "Perhaps he should run his feet instead of his mouth." Mockadane says to Saurron!
Oct 16th, 2000, 06:28:38 PM
::Fett sees the danger from the turrets, and reaches deep within him. A bubble of pure force extrudes from him, keeping the Jedi safe::
Sith Kat
Oct 16th, 2000, 06:49:25 PM
:: Kat watches in amusement from the comfort of her Infiltrator, cloaked from sight nearby ::
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 06:53:48 PM
Syndic clears his throat
"Useing ships are we? ah now that is right up my field"
Syndic flips open his com speaking a few words into it.. minutes later 3 OF's jump out of hyperspace launching fighters
"Now lets see you try fireing some turrets again"
EDIT: typos
Endo Freedoo
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:12:05 PM
:: In the pilot's seat of Kat's sith Infiltrator, Endo spaeks to his Mistress in his native tongue of Rodian ::
Shall we remain here? The skies are filling with New republic fighters and it may be advisable to depart. Though I'm not certian if they know we are still here, as our cloaking device is working at optimum efficiency right now.
Sith Kat
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:21:41 PM
:: narrows her eyes at Endo ::
"No. I shall not abandon Saurron."
:: watches to see what Saurron does ::
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:27:13 PM
I will not be deafeated Mockdane who are you? I am going to now used my Vamp powers
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:47:37 PM
Syndic casts a glance around the battle field keeping alert
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:11:33 PM
ooc: In regards to Syndic's post...With all comunications jammed, the only form of comunication is MonCalimari blip code and that is only in line of sight. Nothing can be reached especially off planet by normal com.I have G-M'ed starwars rp for about 7 yrs. (no offence intended)
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:17:08 PM
Finding myself in a strange and unknown environment, I see at least one familiar face.
"You summoned help?"
After being quickly briefed on the situation, I fire an optic blast at Mockdane.
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:21:02 PM
Yes Cycke you came did you bring the Black Brid
Big Bad Naga
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:35:36 PM
Reaperfett you quoted my line and told me that I was a warrior. Well thanks for telling me buddy, I might have forgot it. Jackass! I know what I am, but he doesn't know what he is. As for you BBGW c'mon ass I'll fight ya right here and now!
BBGW: Uhhh I can't now, but wait till I can, I have a surprise for you...
I've already posted that for you, to save you the trouble.
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:37:21 PM
"Yes I did."
Leia Solo
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:41:43 PM
from nearby, leia emerges from behind one of the trees.
i have been wondering what had happened to you. you seemed to disappear from tse.
leia takes a moment and looks around the nearby battle ground
having fun tomenting grey wolf i see. cant find anything more productive to occupy your time?
Big Bad Grey Wolf
Oct 16th, 2000, 08:57:50 PM
yes lets go
Oct 17th, 2000, 01:31:18 PM
Reaperfett you quoted my line and told me that I was a warrior. Well thanks for telling me buddy, I might have forgot it. Jackass! I know what I am, but he doesn't know what he is
Wow, look at the guy that makes plankton seem intelligent! I was pointing out that you were making a big thing of it, in what was really a 'I'm bigger than you' comment. I just pointed out that I am even bigger, you moron. Jeez, if you are gonna act like a ar*e, do it in your own thread, your ignorance could offend someone if you are heard
Oct 18th, 2000, 10:44:49 PM
OOC: There are a set of rules around here somewhere Grey Wolf I suggest you go and read them.
Saurron watches as the vampire hunters leave in there blackbird, then focuses on the one true threat here aside from Leia...the now Jedi Master Reaper Fett.
<a href=>Igniting</a> his light saber Saurron calls to Reaper as he hides inside his force bubble.
Come out of there Reaper Fett Saurron growls...
No one will interfere Nods to Mockadane... Making sure the Vampire hunters, have left Mockadane backs up to the shuttle and observes from there.
Saurron cautiously approaches Reaper, the red glow of his saber illuminating his face in the night....
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