View Full Version : Emergence of a Master
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 18th, 2000, 12:55:55 AM
The Forest Moon of Endor also known as the Sancutary Moon
Qui Wan Jin is his name, a Jedi Master for almost 6 centuries. The humanoid figure of unknown discension stands in front of The Academy. He stands tall with dark flowing hair that rests on his muscular shoulders, his tan tunic a testament to the old days when the meaning of Jedi was more traditional. He closes his eyes and concentrates on the living Force, letting the peace and serenity of the Forest Moon reflect on his soul and flow through his veins. He awaits the arrival of the the new age of Jedi. He turns to address one of his droids.
"When are they to arrive See Zee?"
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"The new Jedi shall be arriving within the next 18-24 hours Master. Unless of course there is any... interference..."
"Of course See Zee. Thank you for the update"
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Yes Master"
He turns to face the dense jungle of the forest moon knowing that the emergence of the Master will once again occur....[/i]
Duo Maxwell
Oct 18th, 2000, 06:56:25 AM
OOC: No offense, but you can't do this. You have to train before you can say you are a Master. You've only been here 1 day. I've been here since July, and I'm still a Padawan.
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 18th, 2000, 07:00:59 AM
OOC: The Masters will be the judge of that. It's not unknown for Jedi Masters from other forums to arrive and if that is the case, its customary to honour them. I prefer to observe and see if he is really what he says he is.
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 18th, 2000, 08:38:16 AM
I know for a fact that this one is from other forums. I've known him for awhile now and he is an excellent RP'er. I know that he is also a member of the NSU. If anyone is quallified to be called a Jedi Master... it's him.
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 18th, 2000, 09:05:49 AM
I'm watching then with great intrest.
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 18th, 2000, 09:42:16 AM
Does it really matter? No Master can rival me, anyways.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 18th, 2000, 11:00:09 AM
:rolleyes: Big ego...LL! But, that's what I would expect you to say. Wouldn't expect anything less. ;) *sigh*
{edited to add the following:}OOC:
Well...I am seeing this thread. Hopefully we didnt mess it up too much.
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 19th, 2000, 02:44:29 AM
27 hours later... The Forest Moon of Endor
Qui Wan Jin stands in front of The Academy as he looks out towards the star lit sky. Although he is almost overcome by a sense of impending doom the man seems to remain completely calm. He takes a deep breath as he slowly closes his eyes tapping into the endless knowledge that is the lightside of the Force. He opens his eyes as he slowly exhales.
"See Zee can you have R3 prepare my shuttle for launch?"
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Yes Master are you going to be going off planet?"
"I believe so See Zee"
CZ Secretary Comm/Droid>"But Master, your students should be here any moment"
"They should be See Zee... there's something wrong...."
CZ Secretary Comm/Droid>"Very well Master your shuttle will be ready within the hour"
"Thank you See Zee have R3 notify me when we're prepared to launch, I'll be in the Armory.... I know something's wrong.... I can sense it...."
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 20th, 2000, 04:35:39 AM
Approximately 1 and a half hours later.... docking bay of The Academy
Qui Wan Jin takes the controls of his Lambda Class Shuttle and slowly guides the ship through the docking bay doors and begins his ascent into space. He barks a command to his astromech.
"R3 open Comm Channels"
A small 1 meter by 1 meter viewscreen comes out of a side panel that directly meets Qui's line of vision. The visage of See Zee comes into view.
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Master all Comm frequencies are open. I'll contact you immediately if I hear from the Jedi students."
"Thank you See Zee"
R3>A series of beeps and whistles not recognizable in the language of Basic ensue from the droid's voice receptors"
"Thank you R3 keep trying to get a read on their frequency"
The tall man closes his eyes and takes a deep breath letting all of his senses converge with the Lightside of the Force letting every fiber of his being become one with its peace and serenity. Just as he gets deep into his meditation he feels a sharp disturbance in the Force. He opens his eyes having gotten a mental glimpse... a vision. He looks out of the viewport seeing 2 moons on either side of the viewscreen, he notices the moon on the right and squints his eyes focusing on the slightly larger moon.
"That's it"
R3>A couple of beeps and whistles ensue from the small droid showing that he obviouly doesn't know what his master is talking about
"R3 set a course for the moon, they're there I can feel it"
R3>The R3 unit belches a confirmation as he plugs in the coordinates
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Master have you determined your destination?"
"Yes See Zee we're headed for that moon. My students are there...."
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Master I assure you that I gave them the correct coordinates"
"No See Zee this isn't your fault, there are other factors at play here. I have to investigate further"
R3>The small droid beeps a few quick facts to his master letting him know that they'll arrive in the moon's atmosphere in approximately 3 and a half hours at their current speed.
"Thank you R3, increase the speed to full throttle we must get there as quickly as possible"
R3>He whistles and beeps his acknowledgement of the command increasing the ships speed by almost 25%.
Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes later
Qui Wan Jin sits back in his chair with his eyes closed as he meditates on the Force feeling the disturbance stronger now than before. He takes a deep breath instinctively as he continues to meditate on the living Force. He senses that they're very close, he can feel the danger rising from the planet, he can almost pin point the source.
The droid begins to speak quietly not wanting to interrupt Qui
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Sorry to interrupt Master..."
The man's eyes slowly open as he exits his trance.
"Yes See Zee?"
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"We'll be entering the planet's atmosphere in less than 5 minutes."
"I'm going to cut the transmission See Zee I'll open communications once the threat is neutralized"
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Threat Master?"
"Yes See Zee but I can't explain now"
CZ Secretary/Comm Droid>"Yes Master, I look forward to hearing from you"
The viewscreen disappears into the side panel of the ship taking the image of See Zee along with it. Qui Wan Jin closes his eyes letting the Force guide his actions as he steers the shuttle towards the source of the disturbance. He closes his eyes yet sees more clearly than humanly possible, he lets go of his thoughts yet he's more focused than you could possibly imagine, he slowly lets the ship down for landing near a clearing with grass strewn about and trees that circle the 60 meter patch of flat, obstruction free land. The Shuttle smoothly touches down on the moon's surface letting the hatch open and the light from the sun shine through the dimly lit vessel. The man stands up and exits the ship through the hatch walking down the ramp that was automatically ejected from the ship upon landing. He looks around knowing that the source of his disturbance is not far off.
"R3 stay in the ship I'm going to take a look around"
He walks out towards the open and moves his head towards the right looking into the trees not seeing anything as he scans the treeline from right to left slowly not missing a detail until he comes across something, a movement in the trees so light that the average person wouldn't have even so much as hesitated upon spotting it. The man stops and looks straight towards the spot of the interuption. He continues to stare into the spot and sees not with his eyes but with the Force that someone is hidden in the trees. Without need to acknowledge the person he already knows what he's up against. He softly acknowledges his opponent.
"A Sith...."
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 22nd, 2000, 07:24:54 PM
OOC: TTT. I wanna see someone take this guy on...
Oct 23rd, 2000, 06:08:50 PM
The gut feeling of the Jedi Master was correct; It was a Sith.
The Sith walked out from behind the trees. He stood there holding his arm up high, a victors pose. The Sith stood there in all of his glory.
The Sith brought his arm down and rested it by his silver lightsaber handle. He stood there, staring at the Jedi for some time, waiting...
Darth Phantom
Oct 23rd, 2000, 09:09:18 PM
Sane Karno
Oct 24th, 2000, 09:55:48 PM
OOC: Sorry I haven't been able to post I've been in Vegas all weekend I'll get to this soon though
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 24th, 2000, 11:46:02 PM
LOL. Well, I guess that this means Qui is Sane? Haha, get it? Made a lil' joke there... Qui, sane... Ergh.
*leaves before he gets "force frying panned" by DT*
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 25th, 2000, 01:00:18 AM
He stands there calmly as his assailant reveals himself from the dense forest. He stands there with his robe softly blowing in the wind as he keeps both eyes fixed on his opponent. As the wind raises his robe he looks down to his right side to see the hilt of his lightsaber clipped to his belt. He neglects to reach for it knowing that his mastery may be more than enough for this opponent. He raises his eyes to meet those of the Sith knowing that this is not his first Sith opponent and knowing almost more certainly that this will not be his last. He takes a couple of steps forward slowly so that he's in front of his shuttle as he prepares to address the would-be attacker. With a slight wave of his right hand he uses a bit of persuasion through the Force to help him better achieve his goal.
"You will let my students go..."
With that his hand returns to his side and he keeps his eyes fixed on the man.
Oct 25th, 2000, 03:42:21 PM
Breaking eye contact is the first sign of weakness in a being. Without breaking the eye contact, he takes a few steps foward, narrowing the gap between himself an the Jedi.
Your students... you will receive them..
The Sith stops talking as he realized the trick the Jedi played.
"Your students are not the main importance right now"
He takes another step foward. He keeps the eye contact.
"I am sure that you already know the main importance, or you wouldn't be here, correct?"
OOC: happier now?
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 25th, 2000, 05:08:55 PM
OOC: Obviously you don't understand the use of Force Powers.. oh well I'll get to this a little later when I have more time.
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 25th, 2000, 11:14:34 PM
He keeps his eyes transfixed on his opponent as he addresses him.
"The main importance here is my students, I do not seek a fight, only the safe release of my students. Tell me where you're keeping them and there will be no need for any conflict."
Oct 26th, 2000, 01:02:20 AM
*Fierbird1 stands outside the field of vision of the Jedi and Sith, watching this Jedi Master as he confronts a member of The Sith Empire.*
Oct 26th, 2000, 04:43:02 PM
The Sith takes another step foward, narrowing the gap to 200 paces.
"I am sure we can strike a deal"
OOC: I am so sorry... my mind is not thinking clearly... School and homework will do that to you...
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 26th, 2000, 05:05:54 PM
OOC: are you like a total newbie or what? How does 4 steps equal... 3 paces away from me? You were way out in the forest where someone could barely see you and all of a sudden by taking 4 steps you're 3 paces away from me? Are you a giant or what? :: shakes his head in frustration ::
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 27th, 2000, 11:32:51 PM
He stands in front of his ship calmly as he lets the peace and serenity of the Lightside of the Force flow through him, he gets a sensation that flows through his body, like the tingling feeling you get when you listen to a great peice of music. The Force not only flows through him but radiates off of him, He IS one with the Force. He stands before the Sith with his eyes closed tightly yet sees the shape of the man standing in the trees. He opens his eyes slowly as he reaches down with his right hand and unclips the 24cm durasteel hilt from the right side of his belt. As he raises the hilt of the saber so that he's holding it in a defensive stance he slides his thumb across the activation plate slowly letting the blade emerge out of the hilt with the familiar snap hiss. He stands there holding the saber ready for battle although still hoping to avoid it. He raises his left hand from the saber as he clenches his eyes shut and points towards the trees as his hand rises. Creaking can be heard as the man continues to concentrate. All of a sudden directly behind the Sith a 20 meter tall tree with a diameter of about 2 meters begins to fall towards the man at a rapid pace.
Oct 27th, 2000, 11:53:04 PM
The dense forest shakes and shakes. Sensing something wrong, the Sith dives to the ground and rolls away. The Sith comes up on one knee, already holding his lightsaber. As the Sith emerges from the ground, the tree crashes to the ground, no more than A meter to the side of him. The amazing sound the tree lets out as it hits the ground shrouds the sound of the Sith igniting his beautiful red lightsaber. The cloud of dirt the tree sent up prevents anything from being seen, but the lightsaber blades shines through. As the dirt, the Sith side-walks towards the Jedi. Stopping after Ten steps, the Sith raises his hand in similar fashion to how the Jedi did. The difference though is that the Sith doesn't close his eyes. All he does his clench his teeth and generate anger.
The Sith flicks his wrists slightly, and the hundreds of nearby rocks (biggest being a meter) levitate off of the ground. The rocks begin to move foward, gaining speed every centimeter of the way.
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 28th, 2000, 02:29:43 AM
OOC: OK check this out.. you're starting to piss me off. Don't EVER post for me. NEVER. Nix that post of me taking a step back cause that's straight BS. Why the hell would I take a step back? Are you trying to imply that you have some like great power? Second of all how do you figure your char can DIVE, not a running jump.. a standing dive... 9 feet. The tree was 6 feet wide... then you said you landed a meter away from it (3.1 feet) that adds up to 9. Are you a gold medal broad jumper? Realistic remember that word. Use it from now on. After you fix those posts I'll continue with issuing you a beating.
Mischevious Bob
Oct 28th, 2000, 02:41:03 AM
OOC: You have to remember... He could be a half-blood siyajin/pokemon. And his DBZ powers could aid his physical attributes... Hell, he might even be able to fly! :lol:
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 28th, 2000, 02:44:39 AM
...or he could be some bastardized clone from a parallel Kevin Smith universe. :lol:
Oct 28th, 2000, 08:55:09 AM
no more than A meter to the side of him
I stress the words no more than that leaves room for a lot of speculation. Its a loose term in this case, it can mean a meter away, or 10 centimeters, but the point is, its no more than a meter to the side of him.
Sane Karno
Oct 28th, 2000, 12:49:06 PM
OOC: So basically you just said... he jumps some unknown number of (fill in unut of measure) away from the tree. I see description is not one of your better strong suits. But anyways whatever. I'll get back to this later when I have time.
Mischevious Bob
Oct 28th, 2000, 01:24:14 PM
... And Qui turns sane again! :lol:
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 29th, 2000, 04:59:49 AM
The tall man stands there... his thoughts and emotions all fueled by the Lightside of the Force as he continues to hold his concentration. His eyes shut tightly as he sees a number of projectiles coming at him through the Force. He raises his left arm as the projectiles soar far around him though not coming within 2 and a half meters of him. He opens his eyes as he lowers his left hand to meet the hilt of his lightsaber which stands ignited at its full 1.06 meters. The saber is pointed towards the man who stands a rough 30 meters away, he keeps both eyes fixed on the man who attempts to cause him physical harm yet continually fails. He stands there with an heir of clam about him as he moves fluidly and with complete control. He walks forward slowly and cautiously until he's about 20 meters away from his opponent scanning him up and down using the Force to aid both his vision and his actions. He stands there waiting for his opponent to make a move as he raises his hand from his saber to convey body language as he speaks.
"I see you have no desire for a peaceful resolution. I will give you one last warning. Put down your weapon or I will be forced to thrash you."
Oct 29th, 2000, 09:27:25 AM
[i]"Was it not you, who attacked me first?"
Gav Mortis
Oct 29th, 2000, 03:10:38 PM
Let's piss him off more..
Qui Wan Jin runs away terrified for his life.
Sane Karno
Oct 29th, 2000, 08:15:40 PM
"You will return my students to me immediately. Or I will be forced to dispatch you with extreme prejudice."
Oct 29th, 2000, 08:56:31 PM
OOC: Qui is Sane again! beat you to it Hyfe!
IC: Hm... I must've been wasting your time, I do not know where your students are.
Oct 29th, 2000, 11:06:56 PM
*Firebird1 staying silent untill now speaks toward the Jedi.*
We have no knowledge of your students wereabouts on this planet. I suggest you leave, and rethink your stratgy...
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 30th, 2000, 02:44:48 AM
OOC: Well I've got to hand it to both of you not only do you both suck at RPing you really know how to @#%$ up a thread
Sane Karno
Oct 30th, 2000, 02:59:49 AM
OOC: By the way I'm ignoring Firebird for a couple reasons:
A)What the hell are you doing here? You're just like standing in the middle of one of the moons of Endor for no real reason....
B)You're far enough away that we can't see you but you're close enough so that we can hear you talk?
[i]He walks towards the Sith with his saber still ignited until he's within 10 meters of the Sith. He raises his right hand pointing the blade of his lightsaber in the direction of the Sith as his eyes lock on those of the man. He continues to circle the man as he draws closer and closer with his blade still pointed towards the man. He brings his left hand to the butt of his saber so that he's holding the hilt with both hands as he continues to circle the man getting closer and closer as he keeps both of his eyes glued on him. He raises the blade above his head sending it soaring down in a wide arc which is on course to cleve the Sith's body in two from his left shoulder to the right side of his torso as he swings powerfully.
Gav Mortis
Oct 30th, 2000, 11:11:02 AM
OOC: Ok, no offense Sane(EDIT: or Qui Wan)...but would you like some cheese with that whine...or rather that consistant whining?
What the hell? Can't they breath unless you say so, you better be more polite OOC otherwise you aren't going to have many people who will tolerate roleplaying with you.
Oct 30th, 2000, 11:56:29 AM
OOC: I bet he wants his whine aged to perfection. What is my character doing here? Why don't you ask him? OOC: I bet he wants his whine aged to perfection. What is my character doing here? Why don't you ask him?
As for
B)You're far enough away that we can't see you but you're close enough so that we can hear you talk?[/qoute]
Use the Force, Qui...Basicaly I'm viewing the battle from a distance, but I did not wish to interfere with the story line that much. What do you want me to do appear behind you next tim
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 30th, 2000, 02:05:52 PM
OOC: ...I have no problem with them role playing with me. The problem is when they do stupid @#%$ like get into the role of a character I've created (Poreon posing as the Sith) and then go through with it for a while and then all of a sudden be like.. Oh I have no idea what you're talking about I guess I was wasting your time. That's what pisses me off. You don't have to RP with me if you don't want to... that is your own decision. I only ask that if you do you take some consideration for the storyline and for the other RPers involved, that is not too much to ask... and actually try and FIT IN with the storyline.
Oct 30th, 2000, 02:26:15 PM
OOC: Well that is what I am trying to do....
Qui Wan Jin
Oct 30th, 2000, 03:04:39 PM
OOC: That's fine... but obviously Poreon isn't when after taking over the role of the Sith that I had as the person who stole my students on the way to The Academy, he just goes... Oh I've been wasting your time wrong guy... That's what I don't appreciate. All I ask is that you follow through with the role that you have accepted and you accepted it by posting as the Sith character. Firebird if you have some way to fit into the SL that's fine... if you fit in
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