View Full Version : Sage Hazzard vs. any Sith who wants to fight

Sage Hazzard
Nov 11th, 2000, 03:29:35 AM
::Sage ignites his Lightsaber and twirls it around a bit to loosen up. The Blue glow sprawls across the ceiling as the blade makes a various loops. He stops the twirling and brings the Lightsaber in tight to his body, he leans back with his support on his right foot, his left foot forward. Sage holds the Lightsaber straight up, his hands postitioned closely to his hip. His center of gravity is low so that he can move quickly. The gleam from his Saber shines across his face::

OOC:Another words, I feel like fightin'. And I'll take on anyone who ain't a Jedi or Gungan, or Wookie..... Or Ewok. I'll also fight how ever many wants to fight. You just open up with a attack please.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 11th, 2000, 03:35:15 AM
I dont really Feel Like Fighting...

O well,

**Dyzm Unclips his Blood Sword, Stabbing the 5 needles into the palm of his hand. The sword uses Dyzm's Own force enegry, and suddenly, a red beam shoots through the air, black lighting flashes ands twists across its surface as Dyzm spins it in a figure eight**

Sage Hazzard
Nov 11th, 2000, 03:50:45 AM
OOC: I suppose I'll attack. I'm not sure if that was a attack, but I'll open it I suppose, sense it was atleast a post, and a threat none the less. So, I could still think of it as self defense.

IC:Sage leaps into the air and spins a 360 in mid air. Sage comes down overhead slashing, the weight of himself, the momentum of the jump, and the Force powering his muscles causes the slash to become quite strong. Dyzm blocks it, but the power of the swing causes his Lightsaber to fall downwards, his arms, still holding it, goes with it. Sage keeps his Lightsaber on Dyzm's to keep him from swinging it upwards without something to stop it. Sage kicks with his left foot to Dyzm's throat, his balance on his right leg. Dyzm gasps for air as the kick chips his trachea bone, his arms fall weak from the shock of the attack, he still keeps a loose grip on his Lightsaber though. Sage, no longer needing to keep Dyzm's Lightsaber at bay, lifts up his Lightsaber. While lifting his Lightsaber up he elbows Dyzm in the throat, farther injuring it, Dyzm lets out a silent scream as words cannot form from his extremly bruised vocal cords. Dyzm's knees buckle slightly and he bends over. Sage slams the hilt of his Lightsaber into the back of Dyzm's head, Dyzm calapses to his knees. Sage paces around Dyzm, waiting for a attack::

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:07:34 AM
**Dyzm Struggles up to one knee, spewing silent curses at the Jedi. Dyzm lurches forward and Stabs his Blood Sword up at the Jedi. Sage starts a parry, expecting his LS to contact with Dyzm's. But Dyzm, with a thought, switched his Blood Sword from Beam to shield. Sage quickly tries to compensate for this change as his Lightsaber swings far to the left. Dyzm suddenly springs forward, and his left hand grabs Sages own hand and the lightsabers Pommel, keeping the Lightsaber away. Dyzm then brings his knee up into Sages Gut with a burst of Force Speed and Strength. Sage hunches over with pain, and a elbow to the back of his head sends him to the floor. Dyzm lashes out with his foot and catches Sage in the forehead, snapping his neck back.
Never one to let the enemy recover, Dyzm Kicks Sage a couple of times in the stomach. And with a force blast, sends the jedi rolling across the floor into the wall**

OOC: No more Sigs Please

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:27:53 AM
OOC: Till Tomarrow...

Sage Hazzard
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:33:11 AM
::Sage struggles to get up, he stumbles a bit as the dizziness from hitting a wall comes into effect. Sage quickly clears his mind and overcomes his dizziness. Sage notices several large blocks of reinforced concrete laying around his feet. With a wave of his hands and munipulation of the Force, Sage lifts several blocks off the ground and sends them in a circle pattern around his body. The bulkness of the blocks, and the number make it hard to see Sage clearly. Sage walks forward towards Dyzm. Dyzm tries to peer through the concrete field around Sage's body, but it's hard to see Sage and what he is doing. Sage gets close to Dyzm. Sage manipulates the field to seperate whenever he wishes for his Lightsaber to make a slash at Dyzm. Sage causes a block to hit Dyzm in the chest. Dyzm, angered and frustrated, swings at Sage. Not knowing Sage's exact relation to him Dyzm slashes through a few blocks instead of hitting Sage. Sage makes a block hit Dyzm in the groin, Dyzm lets out a silent yell as the concrete breaks his pelvis bone, and bruises other areas. Dyzm falls to his knees, he drops his Lightsaber and cups his injuried area in agony. Sage sends two blocks from each side of Dyzm's head into his two temples. Dyzm callapses. Sage, in a few seconds of Jedi meditating, implodes the blocks into themselves, making them nothing more then useless fragments, so small they wouldn't hurt at all if they hit all together::

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:47:40 AM
OOC: I protest that last move, Your Treating me Like I wouldnt be smart enough to implode the blocks inward toward you, sending thousands of small chips to drive through your skin. NO ONE would still try to hit you when they have giant concrete slabs swirling around their target.

Sage Hazzard
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:56:02 AM
OOC:So, are you saying you would just sit there and let the blocks hit you? Also, it's kinda hard to think about imploding blocks when you just got hit with one, and they are flying at you continuesly. But if you wish, I can delete you swinging, and me hitting you in the chest and just leave it with you getting your groin hurt and the concrete htting your head. Would that be okay? Also, I've practiced with imploding things, if you have read my earlier battles I started to implode things early, now I can implode bigger things, but have you done this? If not, you would not be able to simply implode possibly.... 30 concrete blocks.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:17:52 PM
OOC: Look at it from my point of view, If I was attacking, would you just stand their, watching giant blocks swirl all around, with out doing anything?

Sage Hazzard
Nov 12th, 2000, 12:54:37 AM
OOC:Hmmm.... I suppose you might be right. I was simply trying to add to the story and make it more interesting to read, what with blocks fying around and such, it was sort of inventive. But, tell me if this is better. If so, then simply accept this attack over the other one....

IC:Sage slams into the wall hard. Blood pours from his head as he smashes into the reinforced concrete wall. Large blocks of concrete crumble from the impact, they lay around Sage's feet. Suddenly, Sage has a idea. He goes into a Jedi meditation to help him complete his next attack, the meditation helps him become more intune to the Force, and allows him to guide the blocks with more accuracy. Sage lifts up 7 blocks from the ground, he hurls them forward at Dyzm. Dyzm, shocked by the attack, but still consious of what he is facing holds his Lightsaber ready. As the blocks approach Dyzm charges forward. He slices through to huge blocks as they spiral towards him, he spins and cuts through another one leaving 4. Dyzm notices one of the blocks coming from above, in direct course for the top of his head! Dyzm brings the Lightsaber up slicing it in half, the dust from the concrete falls in his eyes and he is temporarly blinded. But the blindness doesn't matter for another concrete block smashes into his groin only a second after his swing. Dyzm falls to his knees in pain, his pelvis bone broken, and his genitals badly bruised. With Dyzm's abviously blindedfully painful state he doesn't notice two concrete blocks aproaching. They smash into both sides of his temples and he collapes, a severe concussion leaving him in utter agony. Sage awakes and stands up. he holds his Lightsaber tight, not knowing if his enemy is out for good::

OOC:Is that a little better?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:12:29 AM

**Dyzm Lays on the ground, fighting to stay conscious.
Using the Force, Dyzm blocks the pain and quickly regains his senses. Dyzm Staggers to his feet and faces Sage. With a primal scream of rage, Dyzm Charges him.
Shunting and blocking the pain allows Dyzm to continue the fight. Even through he knows that this is wreaking his body in the long run.
As the Sabers Clash, Dyzm sends the force into his Blood Sword. The lighting on his Sword leaps to sages, travels down his Lightsaber and overloads it. As the blade sputters, and disappears, Dyzm smirks with victory. Suddenly, at the front of dyzm's bloodsword, a red glow appears. Dyzm castes away the prototype weapon and it explodes. Before Sage can gather his thoughts, Dyzm lashes out with Sith Lighting, catching Sage on his right side and spinning him around. With a blast of Condensed Air, Dyzm knocks Sage face first in the wall. Seeing his Chance Dyzm runs up, grabs a hand full of hair, and repeatedly smashes Sages head into the wall. With one final attack, Dyzm forces his will into the jedi's mind. Fighting against Sage's Mind Defenses, Dyzm latches on to his nerve center, and with all his might, Triggers all the pain receptors at once. Doing this, Dyzm falls back, exhausted. And Sage Collapses to the ground, twitching like crazy as his body lashes in pain.
Dyzm falls to the ground, and turns his head toward the Jedi**

Dyzm:Know this... If... You do manage to regain control... Any Further attacks...will be...the gateway to the...Dark.....Side.

**With that being said,Dyzm Triggers the homing beacon on his belt, and Blacks Out**

OOC:Should We Just Call it a draw? Not much left to do.

Sage Hazzard
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:20:50 AM
OOC:A few questions first..... One, a Sith of your skill level should not be able to use Force Lightning, and I'm assuming your attack was the same as the one used by the Emperor against Luke. And, how would any farther attacks be leading to the Dark Side?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:29:09 AM
OOC: First, I have Been around for 2 months longer then you. Had a old name, that somehow Stoped working.
(Darth Dyzm) Second, My force Lighting wasnt powerful enough to knock you down and out. And third. Attacking a Enemy while he is down. It wouldnt be in Defense, but out of revenge.

Sage Hazzard
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:30:22 AM
OOC:Ah, I see. Than I suppose we must call it a draw. Shake?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:34:06 AM
OOC: Deal, We Call it a Draw. Nice Fighting with you dude!

Sage Hazzard
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:58:10 AM
OOC:D eal.

It was nice fighting with you also Dyzm! You are quite skilled at fighting, I looks forward to a future fight. :D