View Full Version : "Conquest of Dantooine"
Darien Hyfe
Oct 16th, 2000, 11:46:20 PM
GMA 5th fleet jumps out of hyperspace. As the fleet blurs into view after leaping from the colorful swirling void of hyperspace and into the calm blackness of realspace, it takes up a course towards the planet Dantooine. ((GMA Fleets can be viewed here ( As the fleet inches towards the planet, there is the unmistakeable shape of dozens of Star Destroyers cutting through space like giant daggers.
Then the form of the fleet breaks. While the majority of the fleet changes course, only the following ships continue to head towards the blue/brown planet of Dantooine:
SSDIII Intimidator
ASDII Infuriator
ASD Pulverizer
ISDIII Purificator
ISDIII Retrevator
VSDIII Violator
VSDIII Victoriator
OFII Turrascous
OFII Dark Omen
NEBG Dark Sway
NEBG Triumphant
ITC Success
The other 50 + ships now face cords 18.21.22, the formation of the ships indicating that they are about to make a short jump. After releasing their trash to float uselessly through space, the fleet jumps to hyperspace, leaving the other ships behind.
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 12:29:06 AM
Bridge of the Intimidator, just a few minutes later
High Admiral Darien Hyfe of the GMA sits patiently in his command seat on-board the 5th Fleets flagship, Intimidator. In his left hand he holds a small, standard Imperial datapad, his right hand tapping a few bottons on the pad. The information he needs pops up on the display screen:
<font color="red">Data Loading...
<font color="#008080" font size="2">Dantooine
An olive, blue, and brown-colored planetwith no industrial settlements or advanced technology, Dantooine is far removed from most galactic traffic. Its surface is covered with empty steppes, savannas of lavender grasses, and spiky blba trees. The planet has two moons and abundant animal life, including herds of hairy beasts, simple balloonlike creatures, and mace flies. Primitive nomadic tribes move along the coasts, though their numbers are so few the planet is essentially uninhabited.
Four thousand years ago, the Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas established a training center among Dantooine's ruins, where he instructed Exar Kun and the Cathar warriors Crado and Sylvar. Millennia later, Dantooine served as the primary base for the Rebel Alliance. Rebel engineers originally built the base from temporary, self-erecting modules, and defended it with stolen weapons and an energy shield stolen from an Imperial correctional facility. As time passed, the Alliance grew more secure, fortifying their base and becoming increasingly careless with security. This ended, however, when Rebel soldiers discovered an Imperial tracking device hidden in a cargo shipment. Though the beacon had not betrayed their location, the Alliance had no way of knowing this. All personnel evacuated the Dantooine base in a single day, leaving behind only the permanent structures and some disabled vehicles. The Alliance fleet then hopped from system to system, until erecting their new headquarters base on Yavin 4. Later, when interrogated by Imperials aboard the Death Star, Leia Organa revealed the Dantooine base's location, knowing it had long since been deserted. Imperial scout ships were immediately dispatched to Dantooine; when they uncovered Leia's ruse, Grand Moff Tarkin ordered the Princess executed. Nine years later, during the New Republic's war against Grand Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Ackbar planned to visit Dantooine following his inspection of the Farrfin and Dolomar defenses. Two years after that, fifty colonists from Eol Sha were relocated on the planet, until they were utterly wiped out by a group of Admiral Daala's AT-AT walkers.
The average day on Dantooine lasts 25 standard hours, and its year encompasses 378 local days.</font>
<font color="red">END OF DOCUMENT.</font>
Darien absorbs the information carefully, making sure not to miss a single detail, as it may prove vital in the future.
Darien sets the data pad down on the armrest of his command chair, and raises. Standing tall now, staring out the viewport of the Intimidator he speaks calmly.
Darien: "The fleets jump was succesfull, Commander?"
Commander: "Yes sir. The rest of 5th fleet is now closing on Turkana."
Darien: "Good. Inform them that they may begin ciezing the planet at once. I want reports every six hours."
Commander: "I'll tell them right away, Admiral Hyfe."
Darien nods solemly, still staring out the front view port.
Darien: "Bring us closer to our own planet. Launch the transports and have the fleet surround the planet. Intercept all transmissions and craft."
Commander: "Right away Admiral."
Darien pivots 180 degrees, a weak smile spreading accross his face as he begins to pace off the bridge towards his quarters.
Darien: "Looks like we've got another free run on our hands..."
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 01:06:14 AM
Dariens quarters, 1 hour later
Darien sits very erect in his seat. His eyes stare downwards at his desk, his hands clasped neatly infront of him. The military posture in him is evident as he cleas his throat. Moments later there is a flicker, and then a hologram of Darth Viscera appears on Dariens desk. The hologram has been downsized, but all the same, the evil and darkness that emnate from Visceras form are lessened in no way. As the image of Viscera stands silently, cloaked in his usual black garbs, Darien greets him.
"Greetings, Master. I trust it goes well on Carida?"
Oct 17th, 2000, 01:15:20 AM
*A Blastray Skipboat comes out of hyperspace, in its control room Firebird1 opens a communication to the GMA fleet*
I was wondering, could I go down to Dantooine...when you all invaded...
Darth Viscera
Oct 17th, 2000, 03:39:03 AM
Viscera-"Of course it goes well on Carida, my Apprentice. The planet has been occupied, and everyone here is heading back to Headquarters."
The holograph of Viscera looks about, and notices that things have gotten a bit too large for his tastes.
Viscera-"Never put me on that setting!"
Viscera is seen pushing a few buttons on his datapad, and overrides are set. All at once, the holograph of Viscera grows to life-size.
Viscera-"I do not appreciate being looked down upon, High Admiral. Save the current holosettings for later."
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 07:59:53 AM
Dairen: "My apologies, Master."
Suddenly, the comm on Dariens desk beeps once.
Darien: "Excuse me for just a minute, My Lord..."
Looking away from the holograph of Darth Viscera, Darien taps his comm, and then speaks into it softly.
Darien: "Yes?"
Unknown Comms Officer: "Sir, there is a transmission from a lone skipray blastboat. He asks permission to go down to Dantooine..."
Darien: "Patch him through, Officer."
Comms Officer: "Yes sir."
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:39:45 AM
There is a bit of static, and then the com clears. Darien still speaks softly into the com unit.
Darien: "Greetings. Lord Firebird is it? May I ask what your intentions are on the planet?"
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:42:34 AM
OOC: Damn multiple accounts.... :)
Oct 17th, 2000, 11:45:01 AM
*Firebird1 replys to the comm*
I mearly wish to see where Kun studied, that is all...
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 02:03:09 PM
Darien: "Very well, Lord Firebird. You will not be bothered. I trust in you to not disturb any happenings down on the planet. I have matters to attend to now, so if there is nothing else, good day."
Darien cuts the transmission and then taps another key on his com unit.
Darien: "Commander, have one squadron of TIEs escort Lord Firebird to the planets surface, and then leave him be."
Commander: "Uh, yes sir. But... don't you think we should be just a bit more cautious...?"
Darien: "He is Sith, Commander. I'm confident that he will not intervene with our operations."
Commander: "Yessir."
Darien again taps a botton on the com unit.
Darien: "Extremely sorry Lord Viscera. We just had a ship come into the system. He wanted access to the planet. Lord Firebird. Perhaps you know of him?"
Darth Viscera
Oct 17th, 2000, 03:02:23 PM
Darien-"Perhaps you know of him?"
Viscera-"Of course I do. That's the name of a Sith who is currently riding in a Skipray Blastboat, one that is bound for Dantooine."
Darien-"My word! How is it that you know so much, oh wonderful Lord Viscera?"
Viscera-"I am one with the force, of course."
Darien-"Yes, my lord."
Viscera-"Now, continue with your operations to take Dantooine. I am certain that Lord Firebird has no hostile intentions, as he is Sith, like us. We are all allies against the Jedi, my young Apprentice."
Darien-"Yes, my master."
Viscera-"He merely wishes to study the place where Lord Exar Kun studied under his master, the Jedi Vodo Siosk-Baas. Perhaps we should do the same, in the future. It would not hurt the GMA if we were to uncover an ancient Jedi Holocron. Now, attend to your Conquest, High Admiral Hyfe."
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:08:57 PM
*Firebird1 lands his ship "The Destronger" on the planet Dantooine. He does not fear GMA, they place their streingth in their fleet. But Firebird1's faith is in the Force, not the technology that he understands and can build. For it is the Force that makes the final decision in weither the computer works, or if it is a giant peice of scrap metal. As he leaves his ship he switches his Comm over to an encripted frequency.*
Firebird1: K9 keep the ship ready for immedate departure, our hosts may soon object to us being here.
K9: But sir, we would not survive the attack of that many ships..
Firebird1: K9, there fleets may be strong, but their minds are not.
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:33:09 PM
OOC: Is this an act of war, Firebird? I personally am not a man that likes to be referred to as one with "a weak mind".
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:40:50 PM
OOC: No my character does not like big fleets hanging over his head, unless he has a fleet to help him. It just makes things get ugly that much quicker. But his dislike of fleets may change..
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:43:27 PM
OOC: Alright, but a warning: if you make an offensive move, it won't be in my power to stop it.
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:55:08 PM
OOC: My character is not going to make any offensive moves
Darth Viscera
Oct 17th, 2000, 09:33:42 PM
OOC:We're all Sith here, right?
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 10:42:49 PM
OOC: OK! Now that my beautiful thread has been cluttered with everyones squabbling, and my post that I spent FORTY FIVE minutes typing never showed up, I'll give this PIECE OF @(*#$&)@#%@($&)@(*&$)$@#&)@(#%%$ another go.
Viscera: "... Now, attend to your Conquest, High Admiral Hyfe."
Darien: "Of course, My Master. I look forward to returning home so that I may continue my studies. Until then, farewell."
Before Darien can even move to cut off the transmission, the life-size image of Darth Viscera flickers out of existance.
Letting out a sigh, Darien leans forward, tapping a botton on the comm unit on his desk once, and then leaning forward, speaking softly into the comm unit as usual.
Darien: "Commander, what is the report from Turkana?"
Commander: "Zero resistance. The fleet has moved into proper formation around the planet. Scouts are patrolling around the clock on the planets surface, as well as in the surrounding space. Sites for all four bases have been selected and construction of Alpha base has already begun."
Darien: "Excellent. Lieutenant Essian is performing admirably after all. Tell him to keep up the good work. I will be expecting another report in the morning."
Commander: "Of course, Admiral."
Darien: "Now, on to matters closer at hand. Did you happen to get a configuration on where this ship, The Destronger, set down?"
Commander: "As a matter of fact, we did. Southern hemisphere of the planet. Planetary cords 248.375.042"
Darien: "Very well. Anything peculiar about that location?"
Commander: "Not that I can detect, sir. The craft set down approximately 2 days within hiking distance of the anctient ruins at which Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas instructed the young Exar Kun."
Darien: "Good. It's just as he said he was going to do. He should be able to reach the ruins by nightfall tomorrow. Leave him be, but keep sensors scanning that area, just to make sure he doesn't get up to anything fishy. Like we would be able to detect it anyways... Now, what of the status on the planet, Dantooine?"
Commander: "All operations are running smoothly. We have had no encounters with these so-called "nomadic tribes". Scouts have been sent out on speeder bikes as well as in AT-ATs. We have begun construction of our first base on the planets surface as well."
Darien: "Good... very good. Estimated time until all objectives are completed?"
Commander: "Approximately 2 - 4 days, Admiral Hyfe."
Darien: "Excellent. That is all, Commander."
Commander: "Very well, Admiral."
With that, Darien Hyfe taps a button on his comm unit, cutting the conversation off abruptly. He leans back in his chair, retrieving a small flask of whiskey from one of the drawers in his desk with his right hand. Taking a quick swig of the Corellian whiskey, he closes his eyes, putting the cap back on the flask and dropping it back into the proper drawer. Resting comfortably in his seat, his mind races with ideas, plans, and sinister objectives for the future, until he dozes off to sleep.
Rogue Flight Leader
Oct 17th, 2000, 10:49:36 PM
having been sent to recon the planet Dantooine for any imperial / sith activity. RFL. watches as the GMA fleet heads for the planet. scans are taken of all of the ships and RFL sets his Hyperdrive for a random jump point and exits the system......
Darien Hyfe
Oct 17th, 2000, 11:56:06 PM
Darien jerks awake. As he gazes around blurry-eyed, wondering what it was that awoke him, he bangs his shin on the corner of his desk sending a momentary jolt of pain through his leg. Blocking the pain out quickly, he mutters to himself.
Darien: "Damnit..."
Then he sees it, his comm unit is blinking red, and beeping. Darien quickly leans forward to tap the botton he always does to activate it, and he speaks into it in a hurried manner.
Darien: "What the hell is it, Commander? You better have good reason for disturbing me!"
Commander: "Uh yessir. The commander speaks in a very rushed voice, a hint of worry clearly evident. Sensors picked up a lone T-65 X-wing fighter sir. IFF readings confirm it to be Rogue Leader sir..."
Darien: "Hmmm... Well, that's not good now is it Commander?" There is ofcourse a hint of sarcasm in Dariens voice as he speaks into the comm unit.
Commander: "Uh, n.. no, sir. No it's not."
Darien: "Well, send a message to GMA 5th Fleet just incase. If Rogue leader plans on returning with reinforcements... he's going to have a rather big suprise on his hands. I'll figure out what ships to call back later. If Rogue does return, it won't be for some time... so I'm going back to sleep for awhile. 'Night Commander."
Commander: "What? Uh... um, ok. Goodnight, sir." The Commanders voice is now full of nervousness and confussion.
Gormul taps the comm unit off, and then leans back in his chair, closing his eyes as he prepares to drift off to sleep once more.
Oct 18th, 2000, 02:08:54 AM
*As Firebird1 nears his objective, he looks up at the sky, puzzled by a feeling of fear coming from a large part of the GMA fleet. Firebird1 sends K9 another message.*
Firebird1: Any problems?
K9: I don't know sir, the GMA has spotted a NR X-wing belonging to the Rouge Leader..
Firebird1: Well then we wil have guests then, I'll have to be quick.
*Firebird1 then turns to his objective, a small cave. Kun's training took place many centuries ago, but firebird1 was not going to look that deep into this planets past to find what he needed. Firebird1 concentrates on the Force, and begins to sift through the dirt and rocks at the caves entrence, untill he finds a small red holocron. The artifact glows at his touch, and Firebird1 puts it into a small pouch. Firebird1 then sends another message to K9.*
Firebird1: Let me know when they are awake...
*As Firebird1 leaves the cave entrence, he catches a fleeting glimpse of some cave art. Although highly prmitive, it tells a perticular story, one which Firebird1 takes to heart...*
Oct 18th, 2000, 09:38:16 PM
OOC: *bump*
Darien Hyfe
Oct 18th, 2000, 10:05:10 PM
OOC: Heh. Thanks man. I had nearly forgotten about this one... I'm gonna try to finish up here in the next few days, so I guess I should get things moving.
Dariens senses return to him slowly. Every so slowly, he opens his eyes, blinking the sleep away as he gazes around his dimly-lit quarters. On the ground by his desk lies an empty bottle of Corellian whiskey, and there is a throbbing sensation in his head. Jolting upwards quickly, he looks around his room more attentively now, and then he mumbles to himself...
Then the queeziness catches up to him from his sudden movement. His head begins pounding, and beads of sweat roll down his forehead. His skin is cold and clammy, and for some reason the room seems to be spinning, ever so slowly. Leaning back in his chair again, he kicks the empty bottle of Corellian whiskey across the room.
"Had a bit to much to drink I suppose..."
He then chuckles to himself for unknown reasons, reasons even unknown to himself. Clearing his mind completely, Darien concentrates on the Dark Side of the Force which flows constantly through his veigns like thick blood. He knows the Dark Side surrounds him. It is everywhere. He is only beginning to learn how to harness the true power of the Force by letting his anger and hatred flow. Tapping into the Force, he lets the power of the Dark Side consume him, calming his body and mind. Letting out a sigh, Darien gets to his feet very cautiously.
"Lights!" Darien shouts aloud, bringing the lights in the dimly lit room up to full.
Darien continues to mumble to himself...
"Well now... we can't have a drunken "High Admiral" on our hands can we now? The stress of war... I'll tell ya."
Pacing over to a mirror, Darien takes a long look at himself. His shortly trimmed dark brown hair looks moppy and unkept. Looking deep into his own dark blue orbs, Darien pounds a fist onto the table.
"Pull yourself together...!"
Grabbing his Sith cloak, Darien pulls the black garment around himself. Not quite used to the custom, Darien has taken a particular liking to being seen his his traditional all-black Sith cloak. 'Soon I will be a true Sith, soon...' A smile spreads across his face as he thinks of his master.
With that, Darien heads quickly out of his quarters and towards the command deck of the SSDIII - Intimidator for the reports he told Commander Essian he would be expecting.
Darien Hyfe
Oct 18th, 2000, 10:50:33 PM
OOC: BTW, sorry if that's a totally far off description of what it's like to have a hang over... I'm just a LITTLE bit under age you know... so I did my best. :lol:
Darth Viscera
Oct 18th, 2000, 11:51:27 PM
I thought it was a good description. although I'm under age too, and I've only been drunk twice, and never hungover.
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 19th, 2000, 12:08:21 AM
Yeah... well, I'm younger than you by a long shot, and I've only been drunk once, and never hung over. Let's just leave it at that.... :lol:
Darth Viscera
Oct 19th, 2000, 12:30:40 AM
dude, i'm only 17. you're not that much younger than me.
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 19th, 2000, 12:36:50 AM
14 here buddy... 14.
Darth Viscera
Oct 19th, 2000, 01:00:16 AM
k. dravis (kneel raduu) is 14. not that big of a diff.
Oct 19th, 2000, 01:12:43 AM
ooc: I'm 21 and thats about right..
*As Firebird1 makes his way back to his ship with his artifact, he senses that he is being followed. He stops and turns around and sees several savages jump out of nowhere. They seem to be human, but they appear to have been eaten away by something. Firebird1 soon puts two and two together and realizes why his prize was so easy to find. It seems that some tribesman had found the holocron, and been made shawman of this tribe. Since then he must of used the knoweldge to change his tribe into the fearsome beasts that are brfore Firebird1. Impressed by the Shawman's ability, Firebird1 speaks to the leader of this group.*
Take me to the one who did this too you
*The leader obeys and leads Firebird1 to the Shawman.*
Darien Hyfe
Oct 19th, 2000, 02:03:22 AM
Bridge of the Intimidator
High Admiral Darien Hyfe paces silently onto the bridge of the SSDIII Intimidator, the so-called "hang-over" seemingly under control now. His dark Sith cloak is pulled around him, the hood pulled up over his head, concealing the majority of his face in shadows. He stops by his command chair, near which Commander Lekaze awaits him. As Darien paced onto the bridge, the rest of the crew had snapped to attention, as is customary. Standing silently now by his command chair, Commander Lekaze extends his right hand which holds a data pad. Looking at the data pad, Darien casually says aloud:
Darien: "At ease, bridge crew."
Darien then takes the disk, and sets himself down into his control seat.
Commander: "I prepared that for you while you slept. It is a report for the progress on Turkana and Dantooine."
Darien: "Very well. I shall read it sometime. says Darien as he sets the data pad aside. Now tell me... has anything important happend?"
Commander: "Uh... everything is still going smoothly. Operations on both Turkana and Dantooine are moving along at the same pace. Bases Alpha and Beta have both been completed on both planets. The only thing at all interesting is that several scouts have reported sightings of savage-like humanoids. "Barbarians" is how some described them. Although they have not yet caused any trouble, we now know that they are there."
Darien: "Indeed. Tell scouts not to engage in any hostile attacks against these people. If they themselves are attacked, have them stun the creatures... and I will have one brought up for a skilled doctor to examine."
Commander: "Yes sir."
Darien: "Any news on our Sith friend down there, Lord Firebird?"
Commander: "None at all."
Darien: "Very well. That is all, commander."
Commander: "Yes sir." Commander Lekaze nods quickly, and then snaps around in a militaristic pivot, turning 180 degrees and then pacing swiftly off back to his post.
Darien sits in his command seat, enveloped by his Sith cloak which fits him loosely all over. His right hand is burried in his cloak, playing at the activator of his lightsaber. 'Just a few more days now...' Darien thinks to himself. He is rather excited about the completion of this mission. Not only because it will be another job well done, and a victory for the GMA, but because he is quite anxious to return to Visceras side, where he hopes to continue with his studies in the Dark Side of the Force.
Oct 20th, 2000, 07:37:43 PM
OOC: Great Now I forgot about this...
Oh and if the New Republic is going to get involved, this is a good time to join in.
*Firebird1 apporches the campsite that the tribesmen were leading him too. In the center of the site, there was the Shawman, standing there waiting for news of what was going on. Was this Sith a part of the invading fleet taking his planet, or was it something different. He then comes over to the leader of the group, he shouts a word at the tribal, but he does not move. The Shawman decides to talk to Firebird1, but as he views the Sith Lord, he senses the darkness within. He reacts in fear, picking up a stone, and throwing it with all it's might. The stone hits Firebird1 in the head, and begins to fall to the ground. The stone stops just as it trops to waist level. With a trickle of blood coming from the wound in his head, Firebird1 smiles evily. The stone returns to where it came from, with dangerous results, ramming itself through the Shawman's chest, killing him. Firebird1 then radios to the GMA fleet.*
The tribes will not be a problem anymore
*Firebird1 then orders the tribals to retreat from their positions back to their base camps.*
Darth Viscera
Oct 20th, 2000, 09:11:10 PM
OOC: Ah, so you were trying to help us all along? Did Darien or Gormul put you up to that? Anyways, thanks for the assist. You the man!
Oct 20th, 2000, 09:20:41 PM
OOC: No I just saw some banting about your group at another board. If you all need the help, I'll provide it however I can. However I am not here to support your invasion, I'm here to do some other stuff.
Darth Viscera
Oct 20th, 2000, 09:38:18 PM
Hmmm. Thank you very much in advance for any assistance rendered in the future. And can you tell me where this 'banting' was taking place? I shall have to step on their shoes, and spit on their noses! ahaha!
Darien Hyfe
Oct 20th, 2000, 10:11:11 PM
Bridge of the Intimidator
Darien Hyfe still sits in his command chair onboard the SSD Intimidator. His dark blue eyes stare evily out from the shadows produced by the dark hood which still shrouds his face. He sits deep in thought until he is suddenly interrupted by Commander Lekaze, just as he has been so many times before.
Commander: "Sir, comms reports a call coming in from the planet."
Darien: "Really? Well, go ahead... put it through."
Commander: "Right away sir."
Suddenly a voice is heard which echoes throughout the bridge. It is the voice of the Sith Lord, Firebird. The message is short and brings a brief smile to Dariens lips.
"The tribes will not be a problem anymore."
Dariens face quickly returns cold as new thoughts run through his head.
Darien: "Commander, were you aware that these "tribes" were previously a "problem"? Were you holding back information from me... or did you just not know about this? And correct me if I am mistaken... but, did we not tell Lord Firebird to refrain from intervention with matters that are now in the hands of the GMA before he proceeded to the planet?"
The Commander gulps.
Commander: "Sir, I can assure you I had no idea that these tribes were posing a threat. No reports stated anything of the sort. But, uh, yessir, you did ask Lord Firebird to stay out of GMA matters, sir."
Darien: "As I thought... I don't know what it is our Sith friend thinks he is doing down there, but if his interventions have ill results... I am NOT going to be particularly happy..."
Commander: "Yessir. I'm sure everything will be fine, sir. Not to worry. I'll take care of it."
Darien: "Good. Increase reports to one every 2 hours. I want to keep a close eye on this situatioin..."
Darien Hyfe
Oct 20th, 2000, 10:16:43 PM
Bridge of the Intimidator, 2 hours later
Commander: "Uh, sir?"
Darien: "What is it?"
Commander: "Um, the report has just come in... It doesn't look to good, sir."
Darien: "Oh? What is it that seems to be the matter?"
Commander: "Well... it says here that for unknown reasons, the nomadic tribe-people have begun to lash out, attacking GMA scouts without provocation. Apparantly we've lost 8 scouts, sir..."
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:06:00 PM
Wow, am I all alone here? I'm 15, and ive been hung over at least 3 times!
Oct 22nd, 2000, 09:42:42 PM
OOC: I've gotten drunk a few times
*Firebird1 radios up to the GMA fleet.*
Well these tribals have stopped their attack, go ahead and kill the rest of them.
Darien Hyfe
Oct 23rd, 2000, 02:14:03 PM
Bridge of the Intimidator
Commander: "Sir, another message from Lord Firebird has just come in."
Darien: "What is it this time?"
Commander: "Uh, he just says that the tribals have stopped their attacks and that we can kill them now..."
Darien: "Of course we can kill them now. We could have killed them any time. But that wasn't the bloody point, was it now?"
Commander: "Uh, no sir."
Darien: "No matter. Have the tribals indeed stopped their attacks?"
Commander: "Yessir, but theres no telling how long it will last."
Darien: "Of course not. It looks like we will just have to wipe them out now. Send out 2 dozen AT-ATs, and double the amount of scouts on the standard runs until every last one of the so-called "tribals" are eliminated."
Commander: "Yes sir."
Darien: "I'll be sending a message to Lord Viscera, filing him in with the latest events. I expect to have these tribals eliminated by 0900 tomorrow. When that is done, our conquest will be complete. There is nothing holding us back now."
Darien Hyfe
Oct 23rd, 2000, 06:02:37 PM
The next day, GMA 5th fleet jumps into hyperspace, leaving the conquered planet of Dantooine behind.
Oct 23rd, 2000, 07:51:06 PM
*On top of the old abandoned Rebel base, Firebird1 watches the GMA Fleet leave the system. *
That was too easy for them, in the future this little conquest will not be as easy.
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