View Full Version : Obi
Blade the chosen one
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:01:16 PM
get here and we can fight
Pimpin P
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:17:59 PM
I thought you were his apprentice. So wouldn't this be for the Jedi training grounds?
Blade the chosen one
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:19:53 PM
no he left the jedi
Pimpin P
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:22:54 PM
Ahh...he went to that Dark Jedi group....I have some business to take care of with them...know where I can reach them (OOC: Board URL)?
Blade the chosen one
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:37:07 PM
I don't know I was tryin to find that out aswell
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:40:22 PM
*Obi steps up to Blade*
You DARE talk to me in such a way? Obviously, only one person has figured me out...Fire
So, you want to fight? Well, I say, not now. I have some thinking to do.
If you want to fight, meet me right here tomorrow.
*With that, Obi walks off into the night*
Blade the chosen one
Nov 1st, 2000, 10:58:32 PM
okay fine tommarow
Nov 1st, 2000, 11:17:00 PM
Yes. Think. That's something I feel that you must do more of. Thinking. You musn't allow your emotions to control you. All those excuses you stated before: they weren't for our sake, but your own. Who are you really trying to convince, and who are you really decieving?
Hart Kenobi
Nov 1st, 2000, 11:58:20 PM
heheh. Sorry, I just found it kinda funny to hear people saying stuff like: "YOU WANNA PEICE OF ME, PUNK!!?? I'll WHOOP YOU................. tomorrow. I have to go somewhere right now."
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Nov 2nd, 2000, 12:32:03 AM
**Leia walks out, looking very seriously at Obi and Blade** Sadness falls over the Jedi Master's face**
Blade..please don't do this! This is not right. Obi has to make his own decisions. He needs time to think and be on his own on these matters. Also Blade...we do not attack but defend. Obi didn't do anything to you physically to warrant your reaction. Please call off this vendetta.
Obi...Please do not fight Blade. He was your padawan and is just upset over you leaving. You know this is not necessary to do this. I hope you find what you are looking for my friend. I will truly miss you. Please look into your heart and your soul, and do what is truthfully right for you. I leave you in friend.
**Leia walks off the BG quietly and heads back to GJO**
Kasperr Croose
Nov 2nd, 2000, 01:25:32 AM
~a voice is herd in Obiwans mind as Kasper speaks through the Force to him...
[i]dont listen to her Obi. Is that what Cal would want? they only want to seperate you from your love. Fight him, He shows no respect to you, Would you like Cal to be indanger when she sleeps? What would your life be like if he kills her just to get to you? Fight him Obi, and relincuish your destiny...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Nov 2nd, 2000, 01:36:05 AM
**Leia turns around and stares at Kasperr**
You are lying Kasperr and you know it.
Dont try using Cal to get to Obi.
You speak nothing but sith lies and trickery. Obi can see through you he is not blind. So..keep your comments to yourself...Kasperr.
Kasperr Croose
Nov 2nd, 2000, 01:48:42 AM
OOC-How on earth did you hear what I said to Obi? That was through the Force right? well I'll go along with it anyway..
~Kasper looks at Leia as her wicked mouth spirs once more. Kasper gives Leia a cold stare as she silences. He then turns his attention back to Obi as he speaks through the Force~
[i]see Obi. They think Cal is the one holding you back. Are you gonna stand for that? They should be bowing before you and yet they only want to make your desisions and call calls. What will happen when you grow old with Cal? they will try and destroy you Obi...
Nov 2nd, 2000, 05:50:08 PM
Leave Cal alone!! She did not do this! I am the one who did it. Cal is a good girl
*Takes a deep breath*
Blade, I will not fight you now. Not today, not tomorrow, or the day after that. I have much to think about...about my past, present, future, and my decision...
*Slowly walks away once more*
Kasperr Croose
Nov 2nd, 2000, 06:08:09 PM
[i]Yes Obi, Cal is a good girl! and they only wish to blame her for you leaving, how can you stand for that? she's a very good girl and they will use her to get to you Obi...destroy him while you have the chance...
Nov 2nd, 2000, 06:13:58 PM
*Grabs his head in pain, Kasperr only adding to his troubles, Obi falls to the ground*
SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!
*Closes his eyes tight, trying to gain control of himself that he seems to have lost*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Nov 2nd, 2000, 06:22:18 PM
**Leia turns around and sees Obi on the ground**She extends her hand and helps him up.**
It's ok Obi, I am here for you. Come with me..let's leave this place to talk.
Lance Casey
Nov 2nd, 2000, 06:29:03 PM
Casey walk's up behind Casper and presses a gun to the back of his head.
"You send another message to Obi and I'll blow your head off. Try anything funny and my frien Blade over there will blow you away. Any question's?"
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 06:51:02 PM
:: A hand grabs Lance Casey by the shoulder and pulls him away with authority. The suprised LC accidentally shoots, but the shot goes into the floor. LL throws the Jedi to the ground, and crosses his arms ::
Leave him be, Jedi.
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:26:48 PM
*Blade takes out his Steak shooter taps LL on his shoulder and fires it in to his shoulder shooting LL back right agaist the Wall don't mess with Lance
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:31:16 PM
*Looks up at Leia*
Why do you wish to help me? A man who has lied and betrayed you, one of his dearest friends...yet, you are here for me just like you always have been. Don't you see what I've done, Leia? Cal hates me now. The Jedi hate me now. I didn't mean those comments at the bar. I was trying to convince myself that something was wrong...not you. I didn't mean to hurt them....the dearest people in my life.
*Glances down at his lightsaber and a thought suddenly passes through as it did only one other time in his life...*
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:33:48 PM
*He then walks over to Obi and offers his hand*
Look Obi I am very sorry It just hurt what you said that it was dangerous to train me when I really looked up to you no matter how I showed it can you ever forgive me??
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:44:03 PM
*Looks into Blade's eyes*
It's not you who should be asking for forgiveness,'s me. All these times, I warned you about the Dark Side and emotions when it was I who needed that talk....and I think that maybe that's who I was talking to, Blade.
You will one day be a great simply need to learn control at times....just as I do. I have always allowed my emotions to play too much of a role. Always.
I'm sorry, Blade. I am so sorry for all was all a big mistake.
I guess you never realize how much something means to you until you lose it...and I know I don't want to lose Cal again as I once did....but I fear I already well as my true friends
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:48:24 PM
well then can I come with you on your jornys please I think there is much I can leearn from you
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:49:07 PM
:: LL works with his left arm, reaching up to his right shoulder and tugging at the stake lodged in him. With a deep grunt, LL jerks the stake free, his right hand twitching with the nerve response. A few ribbons of blood trickle down LL's arm as he holds the stake with his left hand, fist clenched on the silver spike with furious might. LL stares at the stake, a few veins beginning to become visible, bulging on his forehead. LL then looks up at Blade and Obi, the left side of his face going into a spasm from his facial tick. Suddenly, sparks begin to dance across the silver stake...growing larger into blue arcs as LL taps the Dark Side...its energy completely saturating him ::
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:52:53 PM
Blade, I would love to have you along, but to be perfectly honest, I don't know where my future lies. I wish things could be as they with the Jedi...but I know that is impossible, for they no longer see me as I once was...I have turned into a monster, Blade. I've lost everything that is dear to me....and I don't know how much longer my journeys shall continue.
A man who had everything lost it all in one night.
OOC-You might want to check out the bar if you haven' explains everything there
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:55:23 PM
No I refuse to let you go on your own and also I think we got trouble
*they both look over at LL* I say we take em
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Nov 2nd, 2000, 07:56:53 PM
**Looks at Obi and Blade and smiles**
I am so happy to see this guys, truly I am. Why do I want to help you Obi?!! You are my friend, I care about you very much..regardless of what you think. I do not turn my back on my friends, especially when they are hurting and confused. You ..Obi of all people should know that. *sigh* The jedi don't hate you Obi. Hate is a strong word and one we don't believe in that. You know that. Search your feelings Obi. The jedi are forgiving, it is just the way we are.
I am here for you I always have been. I will always listen and be there for you..after all you are my friend. Please let me help you..we can talk. But...I will not make you do this. Only if you want to.
SO what do you say, my friend?
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:00:28 PM
:: The hate energy that LL generates begins to overflow. The air superheats around him, causing an oscillating humming noise, as tracers of blue lightning spring from LL's body, contacting various objects across the room, and setting them on fire. LL's head begins to jerk erratically, as a loud scream builds up inside him. The floor that LL stands on catches fire, and a small circle of flame begins to burn around him ::
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:08:14 PM
You make to muck crap up
*with saying that Blade Jumps up calmly in to the circle of Flames Draws his Saber*
you like to hit Lance well no you pay
*blade swings his his saber so hard that he blows out the fire*
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:09:18 PM
Leia, I don't think they will forgive me this time...not after the things I said. I feel there's no turning back for me...only moving forward...and I don't know where I'm headed.
*Turns to Blade and nods. Obi then looks at LL and within the blink of an eye, ignites his lightsaber*
Let's do it
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:10:27 PM
I luv this side of you Obi
OOC:o bi I gtg for about 30 min you can like attack for me in your post
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:14:40 PM
OOC: Blade, could you do us all a favor and spend a few seconds before each post doing a little spellchecking. Its usually not a problem, but some of your posts are bordering on the near-incoherent. Thanks.
:: LL's entire body goes into a wave of convulsions, and the lightning storm around him intensifies slightly...strings of blue begin to snap at Blade's lightsaber, causing a slight pain in his hands from the upsurge. LL's breathing becomes erratic, and he starts to growl out something... ::
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:23:32 PM
OOC-I don't know if I'm going to be able to stick around long either :( Will be back ASAP!!
IC-*Having never fought LL before, Obi glares into his eyes, not sure what to expect. He stares down his opponent, awaiting his first move*
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:29:55 PM
:: Suddenly, LL snaps straight up, screaming loudly as he arches his back, as if his soul were escaping to space. His hands twitch and jerk, and he lets go of the silver stake, which clangs to the ground, slightly deformed from the heat and pressure. A bright flash surrounds LL, and begins to pulse. Between the pules, LL's normally black/gray hair begins to turn a golden color, and his deep brown eyes turn a faint turquoise. And as suddenly as it started, it was over. LL stood calm. He breathed in deeply...then exhaled, and a powerful force push was generated from him in every direction, throwing debris, Blade, and Obi back several meters. LL closed his eyes, an erratic bolt of electricity dancing across him every few seconds or so ::
Get out of here, both of you...or you are going to die.
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:36:31 PM
*stabs Blade in the shoulder with her three ki knives attack as he leaves* don't mess with LL while I'm around, yaro.....
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:41:59 PM
::Videl suddenly get a light fork in the shoulder, and turns to see Fett
"Don't FORKget about me!"::
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:45:30 PM
KUSO YARO!!*Videl flies forward and stabs RF in the stomach, and then slashes upward slashing RF from stomach to collarbone*
OOC: well gtg for today, I'll be back tommorrow night....ja ne, minna...*Videl teleports out of forum* *editted for the light fork thing*
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:52:03 PM
OOC: Light forks are throwing weapons
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:00:33 PM
Hopes down look I ain't leaving LL
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:11:38 PM
:: LL's face is blank ::
Then meet your destiny, stupid Padawan.
:: In Blade's eyes, the image of LL contorts and stretches. It seems as if he is in motion, and yet not. His body moves forward, but stays in the same place. However, as time passes, Blade realizes that this is merely an optical illusion. LL is definitely moving...but Blade cannot see the movements fully. They are too fast.
Blade blinks out of the thought as LL is suddenly directly in front of him. A blast of displaced air hits Blade full, as his clothes ripple with the gust.
Seemingly reborn with power, LL raises up his left arm. He opens the palm, and shows it to Blade, then turns it around, like a magician assuring the audience that there is nothing up his sleeve. Slowly, LL raises his left hand high above into a fist. Blade watches the events, and once again notices the same effect, as LL's hand seems to stretch in the visual spectrum. Before he can fully equate what was happening...LL's fist connects with Blade's face.
The blur stops...and Blade's world seems to fall apart as he is rocked off his feet straight back, the angle of LL's punch putting a spin on Blade's entire body as the Padawan spins across his verical axis, corkscrewing through the air, the very feeling temporarily knocked out of his body. Time seems to slow as the room spins around Blade in frightening ways....until he slams into a nearby wall.
LL looks at his extended fist for the first time, moving it around slowly, bemused at his own strength. ::
Lance Casey
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:24:55 PM
A plasma shot hit's LL in the back and he fall's forward. Lance is on the ground with one gun raised and smoking.
"Don't ever tough my friend again."
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:35:06 PM
:: LL regains his footing and stands up, smiling slightly. Lance Casey was stubborn, but he should have known that his plasma gun would be of little use against a Sith Master who could easily dissipate such a blast with a small Force Barrier. He turns around and looks at the Jedi lying on the ground. ::
Stay out of this, little one.
:: LL opens the palm of his left hand, and crafts a sphere out of the Force, which LL then contracts, pressurizing and heating the air trapped inside. As the sphere becomes smaller, the superheated air begins to burn a faint green glow as it becomes pressurized plasma. LL holds the sphere, now the size of a ping-pong ball, in his left hand ::
Be gone.
:: LL flings the sphere at Lance with a flick of his wrist. The Jedi tries to avoid it, but the Force Pressure Sphere hits him directly, the force constriction releasing upon impact, causing the pressurized plasma to violently expand, blowing Lance Casey 30 meters away in an ear-splitting crack with a blinding green flash. Lance's body tumbles over and over, coming to a stop on his stomach...clothes torn and smoldering. The Jedi was utterly knocked unconcious ::
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:43:19 PM
*Blade in extrem pain slowly gets to his feet with a Look of anger in his eyes he snarls as his fangs appears then he gts up*
It takes more then that to kill me
*he drives at him with the sword, then super speeds around him confusing him then dissapears LL cannot sense him due to the fact that he is Undead. The as LL serches Blade pops
from behind him then punches him in the head the takes his sword stabbing it into the calv right threw the leg*
I may be a Padawan in Rank but in my Heart lies a Jedi Master
Gav Mortis
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:48:08 PM
The ferocity and energy of the moment within the group generated enough of a comotion to disguise a rapidly approaching speeder bike. It carried a figure wearing long, black robes which were thrown about in the wind as he approached.
It wasn't until the roaring sound of the engines engulfed the group that Blade caught sight of a blur of speed that it collided with him. The bike clashed with the seemingly insignificant, fragile form of Blade, ripping him from his stance lifting him into the air, spewing blood which cascaded through the air after the bike handle bars had pummled his gut. Shortly after the speeder bike exploded against a large column of rock as the Jedi crashes to the ground.
By this time, Gav was aiding LL to a firm stance after the wound to his thigh and LL began dusting himself off. With a nod of acknowledgement, Gav moves off into the crowd, as he steps forward his hooded cloak falls to the ground and his lightsaber bearing hand is revealed.
He approaches Obiwan, standing several metres before him and without a word brings his lightsaber handle to shoulder hight and with a burst of energy followed by a low humming, a black blade erupts from the weapon. He stands, his eyes piercing the distraught Jedi's glances feeling his emotional conflict and turmoil; Gav remains silent with the single thought.
Actions speak louder than words
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:55:31 PM
:: LL winces slightly as he feels Blade's sword stab him in the leg. He looks down and notices that although the sword did pierce his leg, it did not strike along the centerline, but entered just under the dermal layers on the outside of the leg, piercing his skin in two places. Noticing Blade behind him, LL brings his left arm forward, then snaps it straight back in a wave-like motion, using the snap-force to increase the speed, and driving the back of his hand into Blade's sternum, causing the Padawan to wheeze quite audibly, and fall backwards. LL turns around to face him. ::
Don't make me make an example out of you, young one.
:: LL extends his left hand, and Blade's sword begins to hover in the air. LL turns the sword around and adjusts the angle so that the point is aimed directly at Blade. LL's hand grips into a fist, then he extends an index finger, and Blade's own sword begins to fly at him ::
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 09:57:24 PM
*again slowly the Vampire Hunter got up then with that he threw his s shaped knife at Gav's neck but Gav moved in time to just slice his shoulder almost cutting it off it was just hanging by a thread. Then I jumped at him bloody and all kicking him away from Obi*
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:00:47 PM
As Blade stands there not scared of it at all The sword stoped the look on LL's face was dumb founded then re directed it at LL making it stab into the sternum off LL
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:05:26 PM
*Looks at Gav*
Yes, they do
*Obi charges at Gav, somersaulting over him. As the Sith spins around, Obi slams his elbow into his opponent's jaw, causing him to stumble back a bit. Obi then awaits Gav's move*
And my actions shall prove what I am....a Jedi
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:11:37 PM
:: Blade's katana flew forward and stabbed at LL's sternum, but got no farther than breaking skin, as LL used the force to completely stop its momentum. Slowly, LL pushed the katana away from him, letting it hang in the air. ::
Let us not trifle with such toys.
:: LL opens his left hand again, generating yet another Force Pressure Sphere. The faint green light from the sphere serves as a backdrop as LL smiles. LL then nonchalantly flings the sphere towards Blade's katana, the shockwave obliterating the metal blade and causing a spray of shrapnel to shoot forward at Blade, jagged pieces piercing him in a dozen different places. As Blade manages with the small wounds, LL stretches his arms slightly, bringing the fingers of each hand together and popping the knuckles leisurely. LL then clasps his hands together, a faint glow visible from the cracks in between the fingers. Suddenly, LL begins the Renzouku Force Dan, by bringing his hands apart, each one throwing a small sphere of contained electric energy. LL begins to throw the spheres faster and faster, sending dozens of them hurtling at Blade ::
Gav Mortis
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:27:11 PM
Gav smirks at Obiwan's remark, a ribbon of blood trickles from his the side of his mouth, a sly look in his still, piercing eyes. He wipes the blood from his face and spits some more from out of his mouth and disigniting his weapon, never removing his stare.
"A Jedi who attacks eh?" his words are calm and devilish "Didn't take much to provoke you did it?"
Even before his sentance is finished, Obiwan is pushed by an invisable force from behind, stumbling, bending forward in an effort to gain balance he feel a sharp, thrusting pain force him down to his knee's as the hilt of Gav's saber collides with the back of his neck.
Gav raises his knee into Obiwan's chin completely vertically, knocking him back but as he comes back forward Gav draw's his lightsaber hilt back and swings it across, aiming for his face. However, the handle is caught by Obiwan whose reactions are of an increadible speed. For a moment, the two men don't know what to do until Gav takes a solid grip of the lightsaber handle, leaps up over the knelt Jedi landing behind him and never letting go of the hilt. Obiwans hand is twisted in an awkward position as he refuses to release his grip on the handle, whilst Gav ignites the blade right in front of Obiwan. He presses his knee into the Jedi's spine slowly forcing him forward, the dark, firey blade getting nearer to Obiwan's neck, it stat's to singe.
"All your time wasted on that whore of a woman. Shameful!"
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:28:08 PM
Blade then again not looking scared but acctually looking with a look of acceptance then calmly yet very fast shoots up in the air but not as a jump but as if he was flying as all the bolts has missed him he then Flew with his fist hurdling toward LL connecting on his nose then when he fell on the floor Blade force moved a rock right on top of LL cracking his Spine 10 times making unable to move
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:35:37 PM
OOC: I am ignoring the spine-breaking move.
:: LL falls to his feet from Blade's punch. Slowly, he gets up, and wipes the blood from his nose, without taking his eyes off Blade. The pain spikes sharply as LL wipes the blood, causing his left eye to wince slightly, but then the pain dies away. LL glances at the blood on his glove ::
That was a nice shot, Padawan.
:: LL presses an open-handed left hand against Blade's chest ::
However, it is now my turn.
:: LL sends Blade flying backwards as he generates a strong Force Push, causing the Padawan to lose control of his movements. Redoubling his efforts, LL once again generates a Renzouku Force Dan, sending the electric blasts flying all around Blade ::
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:42:58 PM
This time Blade just stood there and bent down and covered himeself with his jacket LL thought that this was nothing to help him but his face dropped when Blade arouse un harmed and laughing
oh no you did not think that would work did you
Blade then with some sort of power rebuilt his sword then mentally threw the sword in to LL's stomach this time going right threw his body
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 10:54:09 PM
OOC: Get a hint...if I ignored the spine-breaking for god-moding, then I'm not going to allow an impaling through my stomach, either. Abide by the rules, please. Not to mention...what is up with rebuilding a sword with your "some kind of mental power".
:: LL watches as Blade covers himself with his jacket as LL continues to use the Renzouku Force Dan. LL sees that his blasts are not hitting, and stops using them. Blade emerges from under his coat ::
Blade: oh no you did not think that would work did you
Actually, Padawan, you have played the fool here.
:: Blade looks around, to his left, to his right, above him, below him, in front of him, and behind him...and to his horror, notices that LL has PURPOSEFULLY missed Blade every single time, only to have the electricity spheres stop in mid air. Blade looks at LL ::
There was no way for you to anticipate it. You do not know my abilities, young one. This one is the Renzouku Implosion.
:: LL raises his left hand high in the air, palm outstretched. ::
There is nowhere to run from this one, nowhere to hide, and I doubt seriously if that jacket can stop all of these blasts at once.
It is time to accept the consequences of your actions, Blade.
Now die for me...
:: LL closes his left hand, and every single one of the 142 electric spheres flies toward Blade in unison, discharging on him at once from every direction....causing a blinding flash of light. When the light fades, Blade falls wearily to the floor, completely overwhelmed ::
Blade the chosen one
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:06:27 PM
LL walks over to Blade as he is on the floor Looks at him Blade seems to be out cold but then he speaks words.
You are a great fight LL I cowar to you
*as Blade says this he is fidling with a weapon in his pocket a click sound is made as the click sound is made a engines sounds as if it was reving up and getting closer.
LL ask what is that
You will find in 5 4 3 2 1
*as this happens Blades 69 charger
comes from behind LL hitting him in the back sending him 15 ft away Blade then gets up*
You ain't nothin but a damn fool you kow LL you think lightinig bolts can beat a half breed like me I real don't think so
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:16:59 PM
OOC: A. 1969 Dodge Charger?!?!
B. I never knew vampires were IMMUNE to lightning. I
never heard anything about vampires having such a
trait. Don't pull this out of your ass.
:: LL slowly crawls up to his knees, after being hit by the strange vehicle ::
Ah...that hurt.
:: Slowly...LL works his way to his feet. He breathes in sharply...noticing a broken rib. With his back turned to Blade, he unclips his lightsaber from his belt and turns it on. With his right hand, he beckons Blade ::
Come here.
:: Blade is pulled off his feet and thrown over LL's shoulder with the force. The padawan barely has time to activate his lightsaber before LL is upon him, hitting from every angle with a barrage of powerful lightsaber attacks. Blade braces right, blocks high, regroups, and is completely maxed out trying to stay his ground against LL's agility ::
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:17:35 PM
I come in, stepping from behind. My Force Pike whips out, slamming Blade to the floor. I reach dwon and drag his head up and force him into a kneeling position and with every bit of my 250 kg weight I leap up slamming a boot at the base of the calf. I hear the bone break and I leap again, smashing the other leg. As the pathetic Padawan howls in pain, I spear him with my Pike, through the shoulder. He's dizzy with pain, but he can still see me as I walk around, pulling the Pike out and facing him. Easily 60 centmeters taller, I tower over his pathetic firm and with all the arrogance I can muster, slam a boot into his teeth.
Now legless and toothless gromit. You try your tricks with me and I shall break your bones until you learn. The next blow will be through your skull.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:19:39 PM
:: LL immediately ceases his attack ::
Lord Venom, I did not know you would be here.
:: LL gives Venom a respectful bow ::
Lance Casey
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:22:30 PM
Casey has gotten up and made his way back to the fight. As venom is attacking Blade, Casey turn's him around and shoves what is left of his mechanical arm into Venom's sternum. Casey fall's to the ground at the sametime Venom does from blood loss and exhaustion.
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:23:05 PM
"No need to bow. What shall we do with this one? Put his head on the gate next to the colection we have?"
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:26:26 PM
"Ahhh, Lance Casey. Were you expecting your arm to be of use against my armour were you?"
I laugh quietly
"I very much doubt that, or do you think I wear this armour for fun, hmm?. Go run and play with your Jedi friends before I hurt you"
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:28:23 PM
:: LL watches Casey slump to the ground again ::
Well, that was all very anticlimactic.
:: LL turns back towards Venom ::
Lord Venom, what will the padawan Blade's final destiny be?
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:31:34 PM
" I suggest we leave these two to meditate on the lessons of today"
I step over Lance's body and tread on his hand, grinding the heel in
"While they recover in a bacta tank"
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:36:07 PM
:: LL's face twists in a sneer as he looks at the injured blade, his left hand stretched out towards the padawan. Massive arcs of lightning begin to build up in LL's body, concentrating in his fingertips, ready to deliver the coup d'etat. Using self restraint, LL clenches his fist, and allows the lightning to dissipate. He lowers his hand and turns to Venom. ::
Yes, my Lord.
:: LL walks away with Venom, his hair changing back to black and grey ::
Sith Kat
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:40:42 PM
OOC: coup d'etat??? :evil:
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:43:29 PM
It is the final, often fatal action to finish something, like a fight
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:43:44 PM
OOC: I'm not French. Sue me :lol:
Lance Casey
Nov 2nd, 2000, 11:45:59 PM
After the two sith have left, Casey begin's to get up and walk away. He see's his fallen comrade and know's he can not leave him here. With only one arm, Casey lift's Blade onto his back and begin's the journey back to GJO, bleeding and barely concious.
Kasperr Croose
Nov 3rd, 2000, 03:56:24 AM
~Kasper speaks in his mine~
[i]...foolish Jedi. LL should have killed you when he had the chance
Sage Hazzard
Nov 3rd, 2000, 05:03:04 AM
::Sage Hazzard appears suddenly, his cloak flowing behind him as he sprints toward the group. His facial expression says it all, it is one of pure horror as he sees his fellow Jedi bleeding badly::
Oh my..... Am I too late? Leia, Obi, Lance, Blade, are you alright?
::Sage sees Lance lending a hand to Blade::
I took a ship here at once when I felt a cry for help from you my Padawan. Please aid me in getting everyone onto the ship and into a Bacta Tank, fast!
Kasperr Croose
Nov 3rd, 2000, 05:14:07 AM
~as Kasper leaves to his SSD in space he boards his shuttle and the shuttle boards the SSD as it closses the hatchs and Kasper walks out to the control room~ 2 Ion Cannons to the sector serfuse of that planet and try to blow up that..
~Kasper points to Sage's ship as it apears on his control screan...
Darth Snoopy
Nov 3rd, 2000, 05:22:33 AM
Hello. Make I bow to you, Oh God?
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 3rd, 2000, 05:25:36 AM
OOC: you document where you got that SUPER STAR DESTROYER?
Darth Turbogeek
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:00:48 AM
He cant. Simple as that
Kasperr Croose
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:02:54 AM
OOC- When STONE died I did not realise where to put his fleet so I sold everything to Havok and Sean BUT I forgot 1 SSD and 2 more Strike Cruisers so I figured why waste a good thing! and I gave the SSD's to Kasper. Though that post above was a Joke and I did not plan on anyone taking it seriously :)
Darth Snoopy
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:06:20 PM
Oh what rot. You tried a God mode move and no-one's going to let you get away with it.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:49:57 PM
You mean to say that either:
A. You transferred the ships of one of your characters to another when you changed, which wouldn't go over well.
B. Stone (a Jedi) gave his ships to Kasperr (a Sith). Also, highly unorthodox.
Either provided no documentation on the fleet.
Miryan no Trunks
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:50:12 PM
Yeah Kasperr, what rot. What rot indeed. You OBVIOUSLY really expected that they'd let you kill their characters with an attack from an SSD. Obviously. How could ANYONE mistake that for a joke?
Miryan no Trunks
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:53:21 PM
*Waits for the people who won't realize the sarcasm in his post, to agree with him. Then he will laugh at them fullheartedly.*
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