View Full Version : All Good Things.......
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 03:35:22 AM
The meeting had not gone well. Not even close. I ventured out from the briefing room, taking the turbolift to my quarters. Upon getting there, I changed into a fresh uniform, the golden epaulets and brisk, white uniform gleaming against the light produced by the quarters' glowrods. I reached to my small closet, and found one of my dark robes, which I had often worn. I put the robe on, and fingered a nearby comlink to the 'on' position.
"Prepare my shuttle."
I switched the comlink off.
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 03:50:52 AM
I stepped into the shuttle <bold>Berman</bold>, and found my lightsaber, right where I had left it. I checked the readouts on the weapon quickly, and determined that its cells were full. I secured the hatch, then walked into the cabin of the small shuttle.
The controls still needed a bit of optimizing, but that was alright. I would have no more need for the vehicle soon. I switched on the repulsordrives, and the shuttle bobbed up, out of its parking spot on the flight deck. I shunted some power from the vertical power drive to the horizontal unit, and the shuttle glided forward. Once out the flight deck, I disengaged the repulsordrives, and engaged the sublights.
I swiveled my chair around, and punched several keys into the hyperdrive. I paused for a while, considering which system would be a nice place to visit.
"Hmm, Frih'Tan. Sounds like a nice enough place."
I entered the appropriate coordinates into the navicomputer, and the shuttle shot off into hyperspace.
Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:10:07 AM
[i]A political spy exits the flight deck and walks down a hall. She politly passes by a few wandering technicians until she reaches her quarters. As soon as the doors wiz shut she moves to her comm unit. Before she sends out her report she types a long encryption algorythim used by TGE, as well a redirecting her transmssion out of the secondary transmitters of the station as to pass by the securty checks of the main systems. As soon as shes done she sends her report directly to Gue himself, as this was what all Political Spies had been trained to do. Just before her message had been completed though a loud clanking sound was heard down the hallway. She cursed to herself softly as she shut down the Comm and erased all memory from the hard drive of her transmission. Soon the clanking stopped at her door and she stood to open it for what she expected to be a rutine inspection. But the doors opened without her authorization, a group of troopers barging in with laser rifles outstretched. She moved to question them about their weapons, but they promptly fired their rounds of laser ammunitions into her, shattering her skull under the blasts. As her dead body fell to the ground one troop remarked on the stupidity of TGE spys....
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:11:11 AM
The shuttle exited hyperspace at the Frih'Tan star, after a four hour trip through hyperspace. I was awakened by the beeping of a proximity alarm. Apparently, I had flown too close to the gravity well of Frih'Tan I.
The planets drifted by beautifully. All my years in space, and I had never once bothered to actually gaze out into space, to lose myself in the beauty of the stars, the nebulae, the clusters.
In a way, it was quite beautiful, despite the oblivion which the void of space represented.
"Oblivionic, yet.....not."
The void of space. It was as puzzling as anything could be. The entire galaxy was so beautiful, so full of ideas and escapades, adventures and possible losses. It just seemed a shame to give it all up.
"Ah, well. All good things must come to an end."
[i]The shuttle glided towards the Frih'Tan star, nearing closer and closer to the red giant.
I ran my hands across the console yet again, deactivating the shield emitters. The ship shuddered, as nuclear shockwaves from sunspots rammed themselves against the hull, tearing away the layers of poly-ablative armor.
"About five more minutes until the concussions tear through the hull, and then it'll all be over."
I thought to myself.
Soon, the frustration, the anxiety, the pleas, all of it would be gone, forever. And thank the heavens for that. At last, it was something to look forward to.
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:32:16 AM
Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:33:55 AM
As gue recieves the unfinnished report he skims through it, making note of Viscera's failures in the meeting. As he nears the end of the report he sees that Viscera was last seen exiting on a shuttle craft to a sector unknown to TGE, in formal wear no less. Gue thinks to himself and decides an uninvited visit to a sector unknown to even himself would not be smart without protection, He calls forth 1 TIE squad, 1 SD -The True-, 1 Hospital Ship, and 1 Frigate/Supply ship. Aboard The Faith he sets course towards the edge of the system to investigate what the man he loves could be up to. Knowing the outcome of the meeting, he knew it couldnt be good.....
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:37:22 AM
How could you? The last little bit of freedom I have left is the ability to decide when I can kill myself or not, and now you've revoked that???? You're gumming up my entire suicide thread!!!! OMG I am so going to kick your ass when I'm a poltergeist! You, my friend, had better prepare your ass for one hell of an intensive kicking, because I'm dying whether you like it or not! Your ass is grass, and I'm the weed wacker!
Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:50:12 AM
[i]As the euntorage of ships reaches the end of their hyperspace flight they prepare themselves for whatever might await on the other side of hyperspace....
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:58:15 AM
The hull had chips on it from the intensity of the red giant, but the shuttle kept going, as intrepid as it was. I ran my fingers across the console, shutting down life-support. It was time to pass peacefully into the night, to sleep. I had most definitely earned it.
OOC: I'm going to get myself dead one way or another. I suggest you don't become more involved. This has nothing to do with you.
Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:06:35 AM
[i]As the convoy left hyperspace they detected no hostile forces awaiting them on the other side as they thought they might. All that really read in the system was a colonization effort on the planets, no sign of the shuttle though. As the ships slowly entered system they scanned eagerly for V's shuttle, not detecting a sign of it anywhere in system. As they neared the sun for a swing around and out of system. Suddenly a brief life signal traced the sensor readouts. As the crews furiously tried to decipher the data Gue knew he had found his man and turned his small fleet sun-ward....
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:16:49 AM
There was not too much air remaining in the shuttle, and I found myself asphyxiating. I embraced my fate, and sat back, relaxing, attempting to avoid the constant pains eminating from my brain.
"Oh god, this hurts."
I thought to myself.
"I should have decided on the tetrachloride capsul."
I died right then and there. At last, I had found peace.
Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:27:43 AM
[i]As the life sign slowly slid away a tractor beam shot out across the distance and hooked onto the ship, pulling it into the hangerbay of the medical ship. As his ship is opened up the crew is suprised to see the body of the enemy leaders body, but orders were orders and they preped a med bed for him as they wheeled his body towards the medbay
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:35:42 AM
OOC: Dammit, I'm trying to die! You're making my suicide thread into a comedy!
I become revived, then reach into a pocket, take out a small capsul filled with a tetrachloride compound, then quickly toss the thing in my mouth. I quickly die again, this time for good.
Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:50:53 AM
[i]While V's shuttle had been tractored in, Gue shuttled over personaly. Watching over the medical staff in the upper half of the room, Gue see's V jump back into life rather quickly and sees him reach into his pocket. Too bad though that he knew what V was about to do and quickly took a sugar pill off a near by counter, switching it in V's hand using a combo of telekinesis and force powers to do it. as Viscera lay back Michael places him into a coma like stupor. As the medics hook life support systems up to him Gue enters the room and sits next to him. He reaches out, wiping a peice of hair away from Viscera's face, a tear falls away from his face, followed by another and another....
Darth Viscera
Nov 19th, 2000, 06:03:53 AM
Finding myself in a damn Medical Ship, I quickly cup my hands over my mouth and nose, and try to stop breathing. I also retract a knife from a hidden sheath under my uniform, and slit my own throat with it.
Nov 19th, 2000, 03:43:53 PM
OOC: Didn't see this coming. My fault, of course.
Gav Mortis
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:12:26 PM
OOC: Sorry to see Viscera go, however that's horrid and although it's roleplaying I think that youngsters shouldn't be subjected to this.
I think this RPG should be moved to another board, password protected, in future commit suicide elsewhere!
Nov 19th, 2000, 04:58:30 PM
ooc: Honestly, I think you took this way too far Viscera...
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:06:57 PM
OOC: Vaporeon report to Caraca and post in the city to recieve access to the royal Conference chamber
Gav Mortis
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:34:08 PM
OOC: In fact, could this thread be removed one way or another as soon as possible please? It sickens me to see it. For a public forum, in which kids read these things it's awful. This sort of thing puts a VERY NEGATIVE perspective on roleplaying.
I know it's rather harsh but i really think there should be a new rule here, that suicide is not allowed. I know it is a big restriction on roleplaying but we must take responsibility for what youngsters read.
Nov 19th, 2000, 05:37:20 PM
My $.02 on this
WTF, why would you want to kill your character in such a fashion? Idiot, I thought you were smarter then that.
Darth Turbogeek
Nov 19th, 2000, 09:38:01 PM
I have to agree with Gav. This doesnt seem to belong here
Damien Killcannon
Nov 19th, 2000, 10:56:11 PM
Why even do this? I would be glad to kill you, myself. At least then you don't look like a weak, pathetic fool.
Lady Vader
Nov 20th, 2000, 12:22:08 AM
*comes to stand next to Damien*
yes, that would be a nice exercise for you... though I think you deserve a better adversary...
Damien Killcannon
Nov 20th, 2000, 12:30:31 AM
Indeed. But I want to kill him, anyway.
Sane Karno
Nov 20th, 2000, 12:41:43 AM
Viscey Viscey Viscey, I understand you've got a lot of @#%$ going on with some of the other RPers here but mixing OOC with IC and killing yourself was not the right thing to do. It seems like you've worked hard for what you have and it sucks to see you waste it by offing your char. ~NOTICE TO ALL RPERS~ If you're going to off yourself.... go out with a bang, not just a little one line throat slashing, very OJesque. I suggest you pull some... "Oh that was just a dream" type thing and bring your char back, don't go out like that
Damien Killcannon
Nov 20th, 2000, 12:45:30 AM
With a bang? I think I have some explosive charges around here, somewhere...
Darth Viscera
Nov 20th, 2000, 01:26:05 AM
Why do you people care?
Damien Killcannon
Nov 20th, 2000, 01:35:10 AM
Care? I don't. I just want someone to kill, and you seem to want to be killed. Sounds good to me.
Darth Viscera
Nov 20th, 2000, 01:39:54 AM
Got any ideas?
Sane Karno
Nov 20th, 2000, 01:42:41 AM
Well I can't exactly tell you why I care Viscey but for some odd reason I do, I just don't think you should reconsider killing off your bitch ass char. Oh and if you want to check out some cool death scenes look at pretty much anything Max posts (Maximus Tyranus).
Darth Viscera
Nov 20th, 2000, 01:44:06 AM
It's not like I ran out of ideas. I just don't care anymore.
Sane Karno
Nov 20th, 2000, 02:05:04 AM
So you're telling me after all this work building up your fleet, working on SIN, and posting 100s of threads on SWFans and various other boards that you're just giving up? Well that's pretty damn gay and if you didn't care.... why the hell do you keep responding?
Darth Viscera
Nov 20th, 2000, 02:10:42 AM
Boredom. As for the SIN fleet thing, those ships stopped being mine when SIN joined the imperial nexus. Now, I just have to sit by and watch how it all turns out.
Damien Killcannon
Nov 20th, 2000, 02:13:08 AM
Any ideas? I'm open for suggestions. I suppose you don't want anything a quick as a ton of explosives.
Darth Viscera
Nov 20th, 2000, 02:18:02 AM
A duel, then.
Damien Killcannon
Nov 20th, 2000, 02:20:16 AM
Since JB seems to be gone for the night (I could be wrong, though), that seems acceptable. Post and I will reply.
Lady Vader
Nov 20th, 2000, 03:11:47 AM
*watches and waits*
Darth Viscera
Nov 25th, 2000, 04:07:32 PM
Suicide thread retracted. I dueled with Damien.
Gav Mortis
Nov 25th, 2000, 04:29:57 PM
~NOTICE TO ALL RPERS~ If you're going to off yourself.... go out with a bang, not just a little one line throat slashing, very OJesque.
-Sane Karno
This is a public forum in which youngsters post and take part, therefore I believe that is possibly one of the most immoral suggestions I've heard yet, no offense just stressing my opinion.
We must take responsibilty for what they read and I think making character suicides nice and detailed isn't the best way of going about it, talk about a bad influence.
In my opinion, character suicides being posted should be illegal here, roleplay it in a locked forum but not here, it's very negative, personally I felt sick to my stomach when I read Viscera's suicide, eb=ven though he has retracted it now.
Lady DeVille
Nov 25th, 2000, 05:05:10 PM
This thread should be deleted then. I agree with Gav.
Darth Viscera
Nov 25th, 2000, 05:20:52 PM
I agree with you both, and must apologize for your ill stomach, Gav. That was entirely my fault, as I was attempting to describe it in as much detail as I possibly could to stress the way I was feeling at the time this was written. Someone delete this thread?
Moderators? This would be a good time to speak out.
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