View Full Version : colonization of: Arkania
Nov 24th, 2000, 06:42:17 PM
*instilation on Hoth*
Officer Eagels:sir the fleet should report its arival molmentarly,what of the inhabitants.....should we begin colonization?
Tourment:leave the inhabitants to there peace, we will need them for futher planetary development.
*a transmission comes in from the fleet(Faith an punisher)over Arkania*
Fleet-Leader:Sir we have arived safely over the planet,we met minimal resitence from spaceial-defencive-structures and sent a colonization garrisonto the planet,Orders?
Tourment:no, postpond colonizaton and send an AT-AT garison and 2 squadren of Tie in its place.
Fleet-leader:yes sir.....out
Nov 25th, 2000, 02:12:54 AM
:: seven AT-AT units fall from the heavens and land on the loose, fresh snow packing it into a perfect mold of the AT-AT's possition.They slowly begin to assemble an a pilot is assigned to each.the loud-highpitched scream of the scouting Ties fill the air while many frightened primitive yaka point in the air at the "fling devels"::
-hours later-
* the giant, cumbersome AT-AT's make there way across the vast tundra in search of a signal discovered shortly after landing.....the faint outline of a large snow-covered structure can be seen through the haze of snow*
AT-AT-no.1-pilot: What do you supose that is,check to see if thats the source of the signal,and dispatch the tie this might turn sour.
AT-AT-no.2-pilot:we're not close enough to define location yet but it seems that is it,the signal has gottin much stronger over the last 20min.I have reached the tie,they are prety far away, it will take at least 25 min. for them to reach our location.
AT-AT-no.1-pilot:very well, then we will wait 15 minuets then proceed
-17 minuets later-
*the garrison arives at a large abandoned refinery*
AT-AT-no.1-pilot:so,it was a refinery,is it the origen of the signal?
AT-AT-no.2-pilot:no,but readings show life-forms inside.
AT-AT-no.1-pilot:huh? many?..are they armed?
AT-AT-no.2-pilot:[i]it looks like about 5 or 6, and i can't tell if they are armed
AT-AT-no.1-pilot:oh, well its probably just some homless' tryin to get out from the cold.
*the units arvie at a fairly good-sized community which seems to be deserted*
AT-AT-no.2-pilot:this is it,the signle is coming from right over there.
AT-AT-no.1-pilot:are u sure, it doesnt look like anyone is here at all
AT-AT-no.5-pilot:@#%$! im takin fire from behind i need help!.......
*just as the words slip from his mouth AT-AT-no.5 blows ambush of around 150 creatures arises storming from front an behind. AT-AT's 1 an 4 manage to get turned around to meet the force while No.7 blows up. The grounded oposing forces' numbers begin to slowly fall but not with out inflicting there damage upon their foe.Around the time there numbers were in the 10-15 range the pilots nerves began to very slowly return to normal only to be pumped back up to there previous state an then some due to another regement of 100 creatures pouring from buildings to suport there allys in the battle.Just as hope began to slip for the pilots the o-so-framiliar high pitched scream of the Tie sounded through the air signaling the return of hope and the reasurance of existance.The far superior air ships make short work of the grounded forces then comences in raids of the vilage for traces hostilty.*
AT-AT-no.1-pilot:what the hell kinda weapons did they have,i cant believe we've lost 2 units!.....and why was only one squadren sent for backup?
AT-AT-no.2-pilot:well, it was there tactics which got them as far as they did,there weapons were very good i admit but it was mostly tactics. and as for the remaining squadrens of Tie, they arnt here because they are also in battle,taking comand of many vilages acros the globe.
*from Arkania to Hoth*
Fleet Leader: Sir,im happy to report we are now in total control of the planet Arkania what would you like to be done now??
Tourment: very good,send a colonization garrison at once.
and what of the inhabitances' situation.
Fleet Leader: well sir from what has been reported to me they seem to feel hostility towards us and attacked.
Tourment: what of the recon?
Fleet Leader: well sir,for the most part,what seems to be large mining facility are located all over the planet sugesting an abundance of ore or minerals are present i havent got the confirmation of wich yet but it is being looked into as we speak.The colonzation garrison will be sent immeadiatly.
Tourment: very well an if at all possible set up a meeting with the leader of there poeople concerning a treaty
Nov 26th, 2000, 12:48:06 AM
*after many hours of wait and many drafts of a treaty still no message is heard from the troops stationed on Arkania concerning their leader*
Officer Eagels: Sir,do you think they'll find the leader of the ailien people.......
Tourment: well,i bealive that that is inevitable, the real question is weather or not the creature will be willing to speak with us.....
Officer Eagels:huh....well doesnt he know it would be in his peoples best interest...?
Tourment:well im sure that.........
Cadet: sir incoming transmission from Arkania....
*Tourment and Eagles make there way to the transmition room*
Fleet-Leader: Sir we have made contact with their leader and he agreas to speak concerning a treaty
Tourment: very well, get him on a com emeadiatly
Fleet-Leader: well sir, you wont be able to speak to him directly do to language barriers but a communication droid has been sent and discuson should be possile molmentaraly...
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:03:43 AM
**R9 Rolls around one of the transport Ships, Unnoticed amongst the other droids. He Hacks into the Ships Computer, just for fun**
Viper Fire
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:11:30 AM
OOC:IS Arkania a real Star Wars Planet?
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:21:08 AM
*The monotonous tone of a protocol droid rings in on a com-speaker carying the words of Arkania' leader*
Droid: Ok i will hear your words now,speak....
Tourment: I will start by introducing myself,I am Grand Moff Tourment of The Galactic Empire We wish to negoshiate[<--sp?] a treaty with you.
Droid:i will take heed of your words but i will not force my peole to bow down to opresson....
Tourment: yes, we understand the perdicament you must be in but rest assure to settle this peacefully is just as benificial to us as it is to you. This is our proposal:
We the Galactic Empire will assume control of the planet Arkania.
The inhabitance of this planet will aid in developement/mining.
TGE will in return:
Protect inhabitants of the Planet Arkania from outside hostility
Donate 10% of all profit made from this planet to economic developement
Donate 10% of all profit from this planet to the people of Arkania directly
Necesitys may be taken free of charge
Tourment:[i]So will you ablige this proposal?
Droid:Give my people an I two days to converce we will meet back then with the desicion.....
Tourment:very well
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:25:35 AM
**Start to Dance Like Crazy and attacks the other droids**
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:27:37 AM
OOC:nope just made it up.......of coarce it is: (
an as for the pesky defenatly would of gone un-noticed due to the mass of r2 units we have dressed in disco :lol:
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:33:04 AM
**Has Become the Leader of the Disco Droids. And Now has Started the Great Droid Revolt of 2000**
**Holographic Words Appear: Just Call The Disco Pimpbot, you want a robot for tonight, you call me...
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:41:35 AM
*all droids are called to their specific power cell and locked down and begin to charge......all ships in hanger bays are locked tight to their location......giant doors begin to move....the 'froed droid realizes what is hapening and scurys around abit but to no evail.....the air lock comenses and the droind is slungshot into outer-space...miles from the ship the droid is grabed by the tractor beam and suspended in position it is then shot with a small ion blast to temporarily take it off line while its means of geting on the ship are searched for *
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:46:12 AM
**Sends a transmission to Tourment**
If you Must know I snuck aboard under the disguse as a Stromtrooper
**Hangs Out in space**
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:51:21 AM
:lol a short stormtrooper.....
*a small transort goes out into space to find the little droid covered in ice, it picks it up an brings it back to the ship........Tourment comes to examine the disabled intruder*
:: walks away from the bald droid with a big brown fro on his head ::
Tourment:now who's the pimp...
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 01:56:00 AM
**Runs through some fix it programs and reenables himself**
**Reaches into a Compartment and Pulls out some spare hair**
**Holographic Words Appear Above the Droid: I am the Disco Pimpbot. So you want a Bot For Tonight
Sane Karno
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:00:25 AM
OOC: That makes perfect sense I'm sure an astromech would fit perfectly into Stormtrooper armor.
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:03:35 AM
reaches into a compartment an pulls out some spare hair :lol: with what your teeth :lol:
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:03:48 AM
*More Holographic Words I stood on Stilts...
Do YOU want a Bot For Tonight?
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:06:44 AM
naaaa ill pass no no beter yet ill take a rain check
:: hands the droid a grade-a raincheck ::
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:11:15 AM
**Grabs it with his pincer and rolls onto the outside of the ship, Sticks his Pincer out a Again, and trys to wave down a Taxi**
Nov 26th, 2000, 02:47:38 AM
*hours go by and the small droid is still just standing there waving into nothing-ness expecting a cab to come by when finaly Tourmenmt orders him a transpost and the droid flys off to his home....*
OOC:ok no more joking[runin' the thread]
R9 Disco
Nov 26th, 2000, 03:49:28 AM
((OOC I do have a grabler, a Hook, and a Very moveable Pincer.
Nov 27th, 2000, 07:15:45 PM
*A transmision comes in from the fleet-leader to Tourment*
Fleet-Leader: sir,there leader has decided to speak with you concerning there conclusion do you wish to speak with them?
Tourment: yes, immeadtly
Fleet-Leader: Sir.
*Molments go by as the comunication officers scramble to transfer Tourment wth thebase on Arkania*
Droid: testing testing can you hear me...
Tourment:loud an clear,what say you?
Droid: after much concideration an debating wehave reached a decision...
Tourment: ahhhh very good,what have you concluded...
Droid: we will exept your proposal on only the foloing conditions:
you let us keep our system of rank and law syatem we punish brakers of your law while representatives of TGE arnt present
you send troops to help us improove economy
Tourment:[i]...........we will exept your requests. Troops have been prearing for departure since yesterday,as i am told,an will depart immeadtly
Droid:our aleigence is your's.....
*hundreds of droid transports leave the two mighty vessels to join in the preparation of mining facility's,structural developement, and to clear the land for impending construction....*
*the two mighty vessels exit into hyperspace.....*
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