View Full Version : An Open Challenge...
Darth Phantom
Dec 5th, 2000, 05:20:16 PM
to any Jedi.
Itala Marzullo
Dec 5th, 2000, 08:09:49 PM
I turned Jedi just a few mins ago...
*grins and stands ready*
Darth Phantom
Dec 5th, 2000, 08:44:37 PM
Well then I pitty you for you are a bigger fool then I had thought
:: Phantom steps from the shadows ::
shall we?
Itala Marzullo
Dec 5th, 2000, 09:00:23 PM
Itala takes off his glove...Phantom knowing what is coming is ready to dodge. Itala shoots a small blast of lightning and Phantom protects himself with his saber, at the same moment he looks down and realizes he is 10 feet up in the air...Itala concentrates hard enough and starts spinning him in mid air..when he is spinnin him fas enough Itala force leaps and scissor kicks his spinning neck...right there, as Phantom falls on his face, neck spinning, a loud groan of pain is heard as Itala lands on that same neck....Itala walks off it and kneels..searches through his clothes and destroys his bantha supply....Itala stands up and runs 40 feet away...he then force speeds and kicks Phantom's neck again, sending him flying and crashing against the same wall, a loud thud pleasures Itala's ears as he undusts himself gently and stands ready...
Darth Phantom
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:05:16 PM
:: Phantom laughs slightly to himself, thinking how stupid it was to under estmate Itala. Phantom sweeps Itala to the ground and rolls on top of him and punches him repeatedly in the face, slides to the side and get to his feet jumps in the air and lands on his cheat, gets of and kicks him in the ribs, Phantom walks a few feet away rubimg the back of his neck and awaiting Italas move ::
Sith Kat
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:16:42 PM
:: Kat watches the fight from a distance, extending her senses around her for hidden enemies ::
Itala Marzullo
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:19:52 PM
*Itala gets up rubbing his face and chest..and turns to DP's apprentices*Look at this fellas! *bows**Itala ignites his saber and force speeds to DP, he slashes right at his face as he blocks, Itala ignites the other blade and slashes to his left side, right side, DP blocks succesfuly as Itala then throws his saber at him, DP ducks and soon his face meets Itala's boot whole...his face turns and he spits blood as Itala grabs his head and knees it violenty, grips his hair and knees him again, then Itala combines the force and his physical strength to slam DP against the same wall, as DP bounces off it, Itala ax kicks his forehead, the back of his head cracks a bit of the concrete wall as his eyes roll up and he lands on his rear...Itala stretches and flips back*
Solis EnVerse
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:21:48 PM
** As Kat does so, she detects the presence of a Force user not too far from here. It's faint, but definitely that of one of the Light Side. **
Darth Phantom
Dec 6th, 2000, 01:08:27 AM
:: Phantom gets up slowly and spits out blood, cracks his neck and focused on his enemy, eyes glow red with hate. soon there after a thick and dense mist cascades over the battlefield, engulfing everything before it. as Itala looks around confused Phantom uses that and attacks as Itala trys to use the force to help him, he is met with a punch to the face and a knee to the face, Phantom grabs Itala by his hair and chops his throat as he gasps for air Phantom elbows him in the face, then kicks his knee, Phantom ignites his saber and strikes at Itala ::
Itala Marzullo
Dec 6th, 2000, 02:42:54 AM
*Itala calls his saber and blocks quickly, swings it violently knocking DP's saber off his hands and as DP turns to it to force call it, Itala grabs his feet and blasts him with electricity for about a minute..he sops and DP falls ons his back...Itala gets up and looks at his saber ready to kill him..but disignites it and puts it in his robes as he force lifts DP high in the air..concenrating hard...Itala groans a bit from his injuries as he force leaps again and connects a hook and another ax kicks to DP's back, he yells in pain and spits out more blood as Itala lands on his feet and he crashes face first...Itala rolls him over and puts his foot on his back, grabs both DP's arms and starts pulling and stomping hideously...DP screams in pain and rage as Itala lets go of his arm and kicks the back of his head some more, pulls his legs and using the force stretches them apart from each other, breaking some "middle" cartilage..Itala then force leaped again and dropped both his elbows on the top of DP's head, his chin bounces off the floor bustd open...Itala limps a litle back and stands ready**cough cough*Damn chops... *rubs his throat**looks at Ogre and waves after wiping the blood off his face and spitting out some blood*
Darth Phantom
Dec 6th, 2000, 03:14:12 AM
:: The Thick fog engulfs Phantom and when it is lifted Phantom is gone, but a voice rings out :: You have won this battle, but Beware for the next time we meet I will claim your life.
Itala Marzullo
Dec 6th, 2000, 03:50:45 AM
*undusts his hands and clothes and twitches a little*
Oye como va...que rico, bueno pa gozar...mulata...
*walks away*
Sith Kat
Dec 6th, 2000, 08:32:58 PM
:: disappears into the shadows ::
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