View Full Version : Darth Dark Cloak
Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2000, 03:56:04 AM
You requested an audience with me?
Dec 1st, 2000, 08:18:07 AM
*DarthDarkCloak enters the room followed by his eight caracan knights. As they enter the doors close behind them and Cloak takes a seat in the chair in fron of LW.*Shall we begin Live Wire?
Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:03:26 PM
*LW stands alert and nods*
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:29:16 PM
*looks around the room*
Before we begin, I want all cameras disabled, I want the guards watching the door gone, and I want all telepathic communications ceased
Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:32:38 PM
*The conference chamber had no surveilence so there was no need to worry about cameras. LW instantly sends a message to the guards at the door to leave and she sensed their reluctant departure*
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:36:04 PM
*looks out of the window from his seat to see the shuttle tey came on landed on a pad there*
This is the room we last met in when we had that discussion about what could have been do you remember?
*smiles slightly knowing she would recall the situation*
Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:43:19 PM
*LW nodds*
Yes I remember.
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:45:44 PM
Yes It was my last good memory in TSO, but that is besides the point we are gonna discuss the terms of my resignition. Wat is it that TSO would want as a term of my resigation?
Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:51:39 PM
Simply an assurance that you wont share anything confidential that you learned durring your time with us. If it comes to attention that you have violated that agreement then expect retaliation.
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:56:51 PM
I see, that seems fair enough You have my word.
*Cloak removes his hood from his ead for the frst time in this meeting.*
Tell me what do you think about all of this? How do you feel on this subject? What do you think should have happened? I want to know this because your opinion weighs heavily to me, tis why I requested I meet with you.....
Live Wire
Dec 2nd, 2000, 12:04:30 AM
*LW pauses before answering*
I am not happy that it has come down to your leaving. Though I can understand your reasons. I know what its like to be under suspicion and not trusted. But then I also understand why you were placed under suspicion.
There was a better way to handle this but unfortunately that didn't happen. I can't turn back the clock and say lets deal with it in a more appropriate manner.
I wish I could convince you to stay. To work through this. But if you insist on leaving I will not stop you.
You have my humble appologies on behalf of the TSO council.
Dec 2nd, 2000, 12:09:42 AM
*With that Cloak begins tearing TSO insignia from his robes and places them on the desk and returns his hood*
I am sorry too, but I don't want this to happen again. It will be hard leaving the people that I have worked beside for so long. It will be hard to move on , but I must for my own personal glory. I am sure you understand.
Live Wire
Dec 2nd, 2000, 12:31:35 AM
While I may not agree with your decision I do understand.
*Live Wire lowers her head slightly*
You are welcome in these halls anytime. I hope I can still call you my friend.
Dec 2nd, 2000, 12:39:25 AM
* Cloak who had started to exit heres this gesture and turns walking back towards LW, but not without first nodding to his knights.*
One More thing Smething i want to give you......
*Cloak reaches into his pocket with his left hand and removes it balled into a fist and obviously clutching something within*
Come take a look at this
*Cloak motions for LW to move closer to see what he had for her*
Live Wire
Dec 2nd, 2000, 12:42:33 AM
*LW looks at DDC in curiosity and moves toward him*
what is it?
Dec 2nd, 2000, 12:58:54 AM
*as LW leans slightly to look at cloaks hand he smiles slightly and then with force enhanced strength give her a strong punch to her gut knocking the wind out of her and damaging ribs. As sshe gasps for air cloak opens his hand and a small ball begins to emit some gas into LWs face. as she gasps for air she can't help but to breathe it in and slowly fades as she blacks out the last thing she sees is cloak saying*
I'll take good care of you, Friend
*he pcks her up and throws her over his shoulders and the knights spring into action. Ruckus and Radon set bombs on the doorway and Maddwraperand Malosangre blow out the window of the room. Mystique contacts slash malone who is piloting the shuttle and he moves in and pulls the shuttle next to the window. within 25 seconds the knights along with cloak and the passed out LW are in the shuttle and headed for the interdictor cruiser waiting above. as the shuttle reaches a certain altitude Radon detonates the explosive and leaves the room and its wing of the palace in rubble. Cloak looks to his knights to give instructions.*
When we reach the hip I want her in the holding facility. Makesure she is watched at all times. Before you do though make sure you wrap up her side. She will need it when she wakes up. I will be on the bridge preparing for an immediate hyperspace jump. Now you have your orders.
*Cloak turns to look at the passed out LW laying on the seat next to him. He murmurs to himself.....*
I'm sorry it had to come to this. I am sorry.......
Dec 2nd, 2000, 01:20:47 AM
The pang of guilt hit Piett like a hammer. Live Wire had warned him that she would be conversing with DDC, and Piett had dispatched a wing of TIEs to secure her safety. However, they were not to arrive for another half hour. By then, it may be too late.
But now, he had sensed a groaning pain emitted from LW, and he knew that trouble had arisen. The fighters neared Correlia, but chances were great that Draco would be gone before he arrived.
He had not wanted to do so, but he knew he had to use TSO forces. Live Wire had commisioned him to control a number of these ships had the need arisen, and here it was. Piett's holographic image sprung up on the deck of a Sith Imperial Class Star Destroyer. The mouth of the hologram opened wide as it shouted. "Get a wing of TIE Intercepters around here. Have them cut off and possible hyperspace exits for that interdictor. Also, get a Sith Interdictor over here, and charge gravity wells, on the double!!"
A wing of TIE interceptors neared, blocking off hyperspace routes, as the Sith Interdictor neared while charging its gravity wells..
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 2nd, 2000, 01:49:42 AM
**Dyzm, On the Bridge of the SoSD Stormcloud Paces Back and Forth. Having felt the disturbance in the Force. He had left mid battle and departed Naboo at all Possible Speed. He had Delta Fleet take all the shortcuts possible. And He Still knew he was gonna get there at least a hour Late**
Dyzm:Is the Super Lazor Still Charged up from Naboo?
Crew Man: No Sir, Your Orders Wanted All Possible Speed, We Drained the Power for the Jump up to Hyperspace. I'm Sorry Sir...
Dyzm: It Dosent Matter Anyways... How Long Before we Come Out of Hyperspace.
Crew Man: Still a Hour Sir...
**Dyzm Continues his Pacing. It was Gonna be a Long Hour**
Dec 2nd, 2000, 02:42:34 AM
Gengar gets an uneasy feling about his master. he new that somthing was wrong. so he got to his ship and was ready to depart.
*Damn my fleet isn't ready yet, ohh well i don't need them*.
He flies out of TSO and jumps into hyperspace.
*Captain get a lock on DDC position*.
CAPTAIN: Yes sir..................we cannot locate his exact position sir.
*That's alright put us as close to them as possible and we'll follow them from there*.
CAPTAIN:Yes sir it will be about 30-55 minutes before we get colse to them.
*Don't worry master i'll save you from that bastard*.
Gengar stares out into the galaxy with his pet hades by his side.
The Lounge Lizard
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:03:31 AM
:: On board the SSD Stormcloud, Dyzm is interrupted by the double doors of the bridge sliding open. A man in close-fitting combat armor steps in ::
Dyzm: Lounge Lizard...its Li...
LL: I know. Apparently the deal with DDC has gone south. Do we have their position?
Dyzm: No, not as of yet. They went to hyperspace.
LL: Get tactical to scan for molecular vibration eddycurrents. I hyperspace jump would cause a local disruption and heat variance that would take some time to dissipate. We can have other ships in the area scan for the same, and triangulate the exact path of those currents. It should reveal the heading and course of Cloak's vessel once he escaped.
Dyzm: Our sensors aren't calibrated for picking up such minute signals.
:: LL scowled, biting down on his lower lip in thought ::
LL: The ones on the Oozaru II are. It won't be as precise as a triangulated reading, but we could use the sensors onboard to get a broad search area, which we could then throw our fleet in a search pattern around. We throw a net out into the ocean, and see if it catches a fish.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:17:12 AM
Dyzm: The Problem Is, this Fish Could Fight Back. Due to His Lock Down of All Ship Yards and Facilitys. I do not know how much Fire Power He Can Throw At us.
**Turns To Look Out of the View Port**
Dyzm: The Reports I have Gotten Shows that He was using a interdictor cruiser. He Is not One to Act On Impusle. And He knows that we will be after him.
**Dyzm Turns away from the Port and looks around the Bridge of his Command Ship, and its Crew**
Dyzm: This Is what I would Do if I was In his Place. I would Drop Out of Hyperspace at a pre-set point where his Fleet waits. He Powers the Grav Wells, and Pulls My Fleet From Hyperspace. Reading some Past reports, He was building or has finished a ESD. I dont want this to Be a Suicide Mission. You Know What I'm Talking about right?
The Lounge Lizard
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:22:29 AM
Then, we would more than likely be prudent to wait. By that time, we could configure the Stormcloud's sensor array to triangulate the precise location, and I could take the Oozaru II in on a reconaissance probe. If I approach at sublight speeds, my engines are still much faster than anything sublight that he can throw at me, not to mention my sensors are decent as well. I can stay as far away as I need to and still be able to probe him. I won't be able to fight, because I'm unarmed...but I should be able to get in close enough to paint a picture of what we're up against.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:26:48 AM
IF we are Up agaisnt anything...
This is Just the worst Case secerino. I'll Send Along a Wing of Advance Missle Boats. In Boost Mode they Should be able to stay up with you. They Have a Dozen Heavy Rockets each and alot of Advance Missiles, and should be able to fight off or scare off most capital Ships.
The Lounge Lizard
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:36:37 AM
Agreed. We will wait and configure the Stormcloud's sensor net, and then I will lead the recon probe to along the heading at normal speed, to conserve the missile boats' fuel and keep them from using overdrive. Once we reach the target and things get dicey, then we will throttle away if need be. How long can will it take to recalibrate the sensors?
Lord Dagger
Dec 2nd, 2000, 05:56:23 AM
:: The SSD Dominator drops out of hyperspace next to Dzym's ship and opens a comm ::
"What the hells happened!" the enraged Sith Lord shouts "Where is LW"
:: The Sith Lord calms down ::
"What would you like me to do?"
Live Wire
Dec 2nd, 2000, 06:09:26 AM
*Live Wire slowly regains conciousness and finds herself on a holding cell. As her eyes flutter open she tries to remember what happened. Then it came back to her. DDC.... Swearing LW got to her feet and cringed in pain. She looked down and saw her side bandaged. DDC had hit her good. The room swayed slightly and her vision blurred. Biting her lip she realized she was probably more injured then she could tell. Walking unsteadilly she surveyed her surroundings. Typical holding cell. She could sense the two guards outside of the door and a two more several feet away. In her current state she was no match for 4 sith. She didn't even have her lightsaber anymore. Not that she could expect DDC to be foolish enough to let her keep possession of her saber*
How the hell do I get myself into these messes?
*LW gingerly walked over to the small bunk against the wall and sat down to do a self inspection. Two cracked ribs, a couple others bruised. There was some internal bleeding which explained the dizzyness. Using the force LW concentrated on surpressing the pain and trying to stop the bleeding*
You'd think if he was going to abduct me he'd a least give me some medical attention.
*LW knew that TSO had probably already mobilized the fleets against DDC and she hoped they were working with Piett and his men. But she wasn't about to wait around to be rescued. She had to get out of here and to a shuttle somehow.*
Dec 2nd, 2000, 09:03:07 AM
*After the cruiser was well on it's way to Caraca Cloak exits the bridge to the holding chamber to see that LW has awaken. He enters a room that shares a two way mirrr with LWs cell, and speaks into a mic.*
Morning LiveWire, You are currently being held in a state of the art holding chamber. The walls are blast proof, sound proff and radiate anyforms of electricity they recieve. Outside the door are four Caracan Knights always watching the cell. Your weapons have been taken and you have been wrapped up to help with your injuries. You will be taken to Caraca,my homeworld. You will be held there until I decide what to do with you. TSO will be treated as the enem if they decide to engage and no mercy will be shown to them. I promise you Live Wire with your cooperation, this ordeal will be over soon and you will suffer no more pain.
*With that Cloak returns to the brdge and orders taskforces 7-9 readied to do their jobs.*
Lord Psychic
Dec 2nd, 2000, 02:06:36 PM
*Lord Psychic, circling the TSO base in his TIE Defender, suddenely feels a disturbance in the Force and gasps.*
*He suddenely gets a message ( =205.topic) from Cloak, as well does the rest of TSO."
*Lord Psychic jumps to hyperspace in the direction of Caraca without any thought, hoping he isn't too late.*
Dec 2nd, 2000, 02:27:23 PM
Gengars ship falls out of hyperspace and he sees many ships ahead of him.
*Well the others are here as well. i expected this. captain i see Dyzm'z ship, try to open a com link with him*.
CAPTAIN: I'll try link open you may speak freely sir.
*Good work. Dyzm this is gengar i've come to join the race, i don't have any ships to fight him with nore do i have guns or lazers on this ship as well. so while where in space the best i can do is ram him or take the blows of any lazer he throws at us. but once we reach land then i'll be able to deploy my troops to get his ship under our control. Gengar out*.
Gengar holds the comm link incase Dyzm replies back. he once again looks out the window and mutters something to himself.
*LW i won't let you down like i did my mother and naga. i will save you and thats a promise*.
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:00:05 PM
*The Cruiser nears Caraca ad Cloak orders that some of his newly finished Battle droids be deployed throughout the royal district and the city. Altough there is no fleet over the planet the defenses are at prime. No capital ships are getting anywhere close to the planet. Cloak has his shuttle prepared and LW is moved into it and locked in a smaller cell until they reach the palace. The knights suit up and put on their armor and trademark cloaks. They clasp their sabers to their belts and grab hand blasters. As the ship exits hyperspace near the planet the shuttle is dispatched and the cruiser quickly jumps again for an unknown destination. After receiving clearence from planetary defense the shuttle moves into the atmosphere and over the city. Below thousands upon thousands of battle droids and siege tanks re patroling the city. Cloaks shuttle touches down on the balcony outside of his quarters on a landing pad. As the hangar door opens and a small ramp falss into position Cloak walks out to 6 men saluting. One of which is the Director of planetary defenses. Cloak lets the men at ease and then turns to the director*
I want the defenses in the city doubled. I do not want them to land anywhere within this city Director
*The director acknoledges this order and exits. The knights exit the shuttle with Darth Ruckus and Darth Radon restraining LW.*
MaddWrapper I want you at the palace doors, Mystique I want you with Droid Malay just inside on the second floor. MaloSangre and Cyber are to be on the third floor in case anyone wants to come in through the third level Balcony. Ruckus and Radon are to be with me on the forth floor in the throne room as A last line of defense. You have your assignments now go do your jobs.
*They knights disperse, but Cloak exits towards the throne room. along with Radon and Ruckus who are still restraining LW.*
Dec 2nd, 2000, 03:22:17 PM
Looking around at the decks of the Sith Star Destroyer from his holographic form, Piett spotted hundreds scrambling around to their posts. Rookies, spat piett to himself. It figures that I would choos a ship full of rookies. He absentmindedly scratched the back of his head. Well, I'm sure Gav wouldn't settle for less the the best rookies around on his ships.. Still . .
"My lord, your Defenders have arrived."
"Excellent. I want them to strike at the Interdictor from behind. Knock out all engines!"
"My lord, they are being sent to intecept. ."
Lord Psychic
Dec 2nd, 2000, 04:51:59 PM
*Lord Psychic's ship exits hyperspace. Psy as quickly as possible, until he reaches the planet's surface. Not wanting to attract attention, Psychic lands his ship in the outskirts of the city which he feels LW and Cloak are in.*
*Lord Psy steps off his defender and ignites his saber.*
No mercy...
*Psy heads on till he sees the city, crowded with battle droids.*
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 2nd, 2000, 04:52:27 PM
**Dyzm had returned to Pacing Back And Forth across the Deck**
The Recalibration is Under way...
Dyzm Over Comm: Please, All TSO Sith, Meet Me In Stromcloud's War Room. We Need To Plan. ( .topic)
(OOC: The War Room is SSC)
Lady DeVille
Dec 2nd, 2000, 05:42:02 PM
*She exits the war room, and races along the passages of the Stormcloud to the hanger where her TIE Interceptor was waiting.*
Lord Dagger
Dec 3rd, 2000, 06:52:54 AM
:: The SSD Dominator arrives in system just behind the others and Dagger looks out of the foward screan ::
"Why don't we just level the place until he gives us LW back"
:: He asks himself, then opening the comm, asks Dzym ::
Darth Tholuem
Dec 3rd, 2000, 07:14:45 AM
OOC: She's back with us again Dagger ;)
Lord Dagger
Dec 4th, 2000, 03:58:19 PM
Typical, i'm always then last to know, at least someone told me :)
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 04:09:46 PM
:lol: No problem :)
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