View Full Version : Saiya-jin Tournament: Kennon Chishio vs. KnyteWulf

Lady Knyte
Nov 8th, 2000, 04:44:09 PM
:: sits patiently atop a rock in her fighting wolf form, waiting for her opponent ::

Miryan no Trunks
Nov 8th, 2000, 04:57:07 PM
*From his place on a higher up Rock, MnT looks down at her with a look of curiosity*

Lady Knyte now?

*As she looks up, startled from not knowing he was there, he smiles*

It suits you.

*With that, he stands and flies off, not wishing to interfere with their battle*

Kennon Chishio
Nov 11th, 2000, 04:51:45 PM
sorry for the delay I forgot about the tournament with yours also going on

u may attack 1st

Lady Knyte
Nov 12th, 2000, 01:26:54 PM
(OoC: *LoL* ‘Sokay with me. =)

:: Knyte lowers her head and shifts her paws so that it appears as though she is about to pounce. Before Kennon can react, she sprints towards him with such speed that he cannot see her, and hits him in the shin with immense force, the spikes around her head scraping against the skin and filling him with inactive ki energy. As Kennon falls back, she grabs his ankle between her jaws and leaps into the air, ki energy flowing through her teeth as it pierced the skin and into his body before flinging him down. As he makes contact with the ground, the potential ki explodes, forming a large crater around his body and badly burning Kennon. Forming a wind 'cushion' beneath her to keep her afloat, she waited ... ::

Kennon Chishio
Nov 12th, 2000, 03:43:57 PM
*Sits up slowly due to the attack*
"Ah my leg"
*Hovers off the ground and then starts to fly.*
"That was just luck I won't let it happen again."
*Charges up for an attack*
"Galic Gun!!"
*Fires multiple blasts at LK just about each one hitting him.*
"Ha ha"
*Looks to see if she is still there in all the smoke*

Nov 13th, 2000, 03:00:58 PM
*watches from the sidelines, judging the match*

Lady Knyte
Nov 13th, 2000, 03:26:07 PM
(OoC: Shall we say five posts each?)

“You should really know better than to think that, Kennon-san. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Enraged, Kennon swiveled around at Knyte’s voice behind him, his hand instinctively powering up with ki energy. Knyte’s chest fur and sides were slightly charred from being hit by her opponent’s blasts, but she remained undaunted. She was a mistress of the wind and had formed a wind barrier to shield her body from the attacks, but not before being hit by two of the power bolts, although her matted fur acted somewhat as armor. Besides, she didn’t mind pain. She reveled in it - it was all the better for her endurance training.
Tilting her head to the side in amusement, the air around Kennon’s hand shaped itself into a tight bubble and, as he reached out to release the blast at her, it exploded within the confined space, burning his arm. As he grabbed his wrist, Knyte threw down her head so that her horns were level to his body and shot a lightning bolt from them at point blank range, badly burning Kennon while he was still distracted.

Kennon Chishio
Nov 13th, 2000, 07:37:41 PM
"AAHhh......ha ha ha!"
*Charges up*
"Juuichi beam!!!"
*His hands are cupped and fingers out. Suddenly energy appears in the center and on the finger tips. He fires the blast at LK hurting her. THen fires top speed toward her kicks her in the gut and does a front flip and kicks her in the back sending her to the ground.*
"Power Shot!!"
*Fires a powerful shot at her at full speed. Before she can tell what is going on the blast hits her.*
"Ha ha!"

Lady Knyte
Nov 17th, 2000, 03:36:47 PM
Knyte's claws raked through the ground as she skidded back and, braking with her back paws, she vigorously shook her head from side to side to regain her posture, eyeing Kennon warily, still airborne above her. Hunching her shoulders, she flattened her ears back, a blue myst swirling around her form.
Before Kennon could react, Knyte was once again afloat and rushing towards him at breakneck speed. She pounced on his back with much force, jumping off just as his body heavily impacted with the ground.
Scrambling back shakily to his feet, Kennon looked around at a surrounding dust cloud that seemed to be closing in at a speed that even his eyes couldn't follow. Taking hold of his confusion, Knyte fired a lightning bolt from her horns aimed first at his back, never ceasing her now near mechanical dash so that Kennon's entire form was burnt from every direction, Knyte using the debris kicked up in the process as a successful cover ...

Kennon Chishio
Nov 17th, 2000, 07:39:41 PM
*Rubs some dust out of his eye. Sits up and cracks his neck and back.*
"Ahh feels better."
*Looks around to find LK but can't find her.*
"Huh where is she."
*Looks to the right*
"....Ha ha there you are"
*Charges up*
"Juuichi Beam!!!!!!!"
*Fires 11 beams with the center being the strongest and also fires a huge blast at her*
*The Juuichi beam hits the target but she ends up dodging the huge blast*

Miryan no Trunks
Nov 18th, 2000, 07:27:46 AM
*laughs from the sidelines*

Juuichi beam.. Gee, how aptly named. ^_¬

Kennon Chishio
Nov 18th, 2000, 12:21:09 PM
I'm bad at naming moves

Lady Knyte
Nov 19th, 2000, 10:35:13 AM
(OoC: *LoL*!! I never really bother naming my attacks at all. ^^; Who’s gonna bother keeping track?!)

“Ruler number 1: Never leave yourself open to attack.”
Kennon narrowed his eyes, relaxing his defense slightly. He could see Knyte preparing to pounce, the fur of her chest and shoulder charred from one of his beams. However, as she lunged forward, he noticed how short-distanced it was. Amused by her apparent misjudgment, he powered his hands with ki energy and, sure enough, Knyte landed a considerable distance away from Kennon. Her front paws parallel to Kennon’s feet, they started glowing blue and, just as Knyte suddenly jumped up into the air once more, the ground below his feet started shaking, and Kennon lost his concentration on the forming blasts. He felt a wave of sheer cold slowly creeping up his legs, and an invisible band of air clasped around his shin and arms, the icy wind biting into his skin and making him fall to his knees.
“Rule number 2: Never take things for granted.”
Kennon temporarily immobilized, Knyte landed behind him this time and made a mad dash toward him as soon as her front paws touched the ground. As she neared him, she pushed her hind legs off the ground and somersaulted forward in the air, her spiked tail violently striking across his back and shoulders, the burning sting somewhat contradicting the cold in Kennon’s arms and legs. As her feet made contact with the ground again, she lightly hopped up and looked down upon her opponent from above.
“Rule number 3: Never forget, Knytey-chan loves her tail.”

Kennon Chishio
Nov 19th, 2000, 02:31:57 PM
*Gets up slowly and trys to form ki but can't due to the coldness.*
"man this sucks."
*Trys to warm up. Manages to warm up and runs toward LK and grabs her tail. He then spins her around and throws her into a near by tree. Puts his hands together and starts to say some thing as he charges the attack.*
"Kaaaa.....meeee......haaa.....meeee.....ahhh...... .haaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!"
*A huge beam heads toward Lk as she is still recovering for the throw. She stands up and shes the blast is coming staight toward her.*

Lady Knyte
Nov 22nd, 2000, 02:23:50 PM
(OoC: So sowwy for being so late, but my computer was vewy wudely taken away fwom me.)

Knyte’s eyes widened slightly as she coolly eyed the approaching blast, her face impassive, bracing herself. As Kennon’s ki attack closed in, she curled back her lips in a toothy grin.
“Ah … even more endurance training. How fun.”
Just as she jerked her head down, the ki blast hit her, head-on, and yet she remained unflinching. Her claws dug into the ground and her tail scraped against the bark of the tree behind her, but otherwise no damage was inflicted. She could sense Kennon’s frustration and, as he began powering up the blast, Knyte thrust her head up and shot an ice beam from her jaws into the kamehameha blast, traveling rapidly and shooting up Kennon’s arm like a thousand tiny needles, canceling out the force of his attack. Just as he grabbed his wrist … everything went blank.
He could no longer make out anything through the blinding light and instinctively raised his hands to shield himself, an eerily playful voice echoing in his mind.
I told you not to mess with my tail.
Almost at once, Kennon felt a sharp jab, but it was an immaterial pain, one that he couldn’t explain nor describe. Images of his childhood and the fate of his kin flooded through his mind, and with it came the excruciating pain, the pain and sense of vengeance that had driven him to joining the Sith. The more he saw, the more the hatred grew, till it was all too unbearable. Kennon fell to his knees, squeezing his eyes shut and letting out an agonized cry, all the while the strange light piercing into his heart and soul, fueling his growing rage. The Light was meant to be warm and loving, and yet this was not.
As the light faded into the darkness of the ordinary day, Kennon looked up. Knyte was perched atop a rock some distance much as when their battle had first started, motionless and appearing oblivious to his mental torment, slowly dissipating back to the farthest reaches of the shadows of his subconscious memory, leaving behind a far weakened warrior, both physically and emotionally scarred – for whatever the mind encounters, the body reacts to …

(OoC: Last post from me … sorry, would love to have made it more descriptive, but I’ve got an unfinished handbag here due for tomorrow that really needs, well, finishing. ^^;)

Nov 22nd, 2000, 02:48:27 PM
*continues watching*

Kennon Chishio
Nov 22nd, 2000, 04:31:43 PM
*Shakes his head to get sight back. After getting sight back he flys toward LK slowly. After getting 20 ft away he just stares at her. Then quickly fires huge fire balls at her each on hitting her. Then quickly flys toward her kicks her in the gut and punchs her in the back and then kicks her away.*
"Juuichi beam!!"
*Fires the 11 blasts but each on is 10x as strong as before. She runs out of the way only getting hit by one. She gets up flys at top speed at KC ramming a horn into his gut. KC on reachion kicks her in the gut and fires a blast in her face. He grabs her tail and throws her to the ground. KC powers down to normal Saiya-jin mode and lands on the ground. LK gets up and stands there.*

OOC: Ok final post

Nov 22nd, 2000, 04:52:24 PM
OOC: okay final posts are done so....well....it was a close battle but I'm going to have to say Knutewulf won(sorry Kennnon)......now if I can get my round over with, this should be done real soon.....

Lady Knyte
Nov 22nd, 2000, 04:53:40 PM
(Okies, Videl, judge away. =)

Nov 22nd, 2000, 04:59:07 PM
uh, LK, I already did, you won....well gtg..class...*Videl teleports out of forum*

Lady Knyte
Nov 22nd, 2000, 05:14:03 PM
(OoC: <eep!> Sowwy, posted at the same time. ^^;)

:: a blue myst washes over Knyte, and she changes to her humanoid form, bowing ::
It was a great match, Kennon-san. Honored to have fought against one of the leaders of the New Vegeta Army.
:: smiles and reaches out a hand ::

Kennon Chishio
Nov 22nd, 2000, 05:50:02 PM
*Enraged but holds back all the pain to use later in battles*
"Yes good battle"
*Shakes her hand/paw. Then flys toward his ship to train.*

Lady Knyte
Nov 22nd, 2000, 06:28:40 PM
:: nods and fades back to her home plane ::