View Full Version : The Tatooine Objective

General Scorpion
Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:13:08 PM
The desert planet, lifeless after all these years. Hidden within were treasures and mystery, scum and treachery. Treasures were hard to find. Scum wasn't. Tatooine was a favorite spot for a smuggler on the run, a bounty hunter looking for work, a petty thief looking for a drink.

The New Republic Representatives Office stuck out like a sore thumb, it being the cleanest building in all of Mos Eisley. All of Tatooine, for that matter. The Representatives Office was simply a recruiting station, doubling as the governor's office, and the local New Republic troop barracks. Many wondered why the New Republic would bother placing a building on Tatooine, since many were content with their criminal lives, and didn't see the New Republic as a path to riches and fortune. It wasn't the idea of the New Republic, however, it was a little project thought up by the Jedi. In their eyes, some of the greatest Jedi known had been born or had resided on Tatooine for generations. They wanted to be sure that if another came along, they would find them quickly.

* * *

A modified Imperial Escort Carrier entered the system, carrying three AT Barges (2 AT-ATs each),two Assault Transports, six Skipray Blastboats, and twelve Assault Gunboats. Behind it sat support ships: four Y-4 Transports - carrying three AT-PTs each, two Bulk Transports - carrying 1440 troops (24 units of 60) each, and five Mark II Builder Shuttles - carrying prefabricated troop garrisons.

The task force headed straight for Tatooine, each ship coated with VACX to make the quick drop safer. The Rogue Sith Order Army was making its move. Each soldier had the standard armament: the XX-9 RA Blaster Rifle (http://www.geocities.com/lordjyanis/xx9.html), four concussion grenades, two tear gas bombs, and two pairs of stuncuffs. Their armor was similar to an Imperial stormtrooper's, but was black and was constructed with reinforced chestplates.

A tall male figure, clad in a black uniform and wearing an odd looking symbol above his left breast, marched along between the trooper ranks, lightstaff in hand, towards the exit ramp near the front of the lead Bulk Transport. The descent through the planet's atmosphere was completed with the ending of the low rumbling outside. The carrier had stayed in orbit, and through the viewports, soldiers along the sides could see the AT Barges finishing their drop through the atmosphere just behind them, flanked by the Y-4 Transports. The best landing site was spotted quickly, just along the outskirts of Mos Eisley.

Lord Gue
Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:34:24 PM
[i]A TGE representation party had been scowering around the area for some time, checking out prospective buildings to put up camp for the year they would be assigned there to pick up prospective recruits. Their party consisted of 5 regularly armed stormtroopers, and 2 political officers. Traveling around the area they had found 2 prospective places to set up shop for there office, each equadistant from the NR office, each of the 2 officials wanted 1 or the other. The troopers decided to have a look around town...

Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:35:55 PM
::The warning sirens blare out in the halls of the JJS, as the alert came of the intruders. The Fleet of the JJS began to mobilise...::

OOC: SHows how much I am noticed round here, noone knows where my shipyards are...

Lord Gue
Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:40:59 PM
OOC: Reaper, ya got MSN? I need ta contact youse

Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:49:33 PM
OOC: Nope, but just e-mail me at reaper22@btinternet.com, and I will get right on to it

Admiral Jyener
Nov 23rd, 2000, 08:10:15 PM
*The blue and white starlines faded out to a blanket of black and thousands of white specks. Directly in front of them appeared a planet, dark and tan. To the side were two nearby suns, twins, blazing away at the desolate planet.

Four Victory-class Star Destroyers and three bulk Dreadnaughts moved in closer towards the planet. Timing their jump just right, the group of starships were shadowed by the dark side of Tatooine, allowing them to sneak in without visual detection. As the large, dry sphere grew closer, shuttles and dropships launched from all seven capital ships at once. Each one filled to capacity with a mix of trained troops and All Terrian vehicles.

With the Victory Star Destroyers and Dreadnaughts moved further back into space, the second wave of troops now made their way to the outskirts of Mos Eisley. Landing one after the other, barges and dropships unloaded their garrisons of stormtroopers. Marching out of the Y-4 Tranports, AT-STs and AT-ATs moved into position.

The remains of the task force had arrived..

General Scorpion
Nov 24th, 2000, 07:58:48 PM
The holo-projector on the bridge of the lead Victory Star Destroyer comes to life. The blue face of General Scorpion hovers before the crew on the main bridge monitor.

"Admiral Jyener, well done.. Your arrival was well timed.. Send your troops back to the garrisons.. Move your All-Terrain vehicles to Area 26, Section 11 to meet with the twelve AT-PTs there.. Our AT-ATs will remain at the base to lead second wave.. Move to Mos Eisley and secure the perimeter, then move to the designated target.. I want that building captured intact.. No civilian casualties.. Our blastboats will rendezvous will you and the AT-PTs to cover your attack.. Good hunting, Admiral.."

* * *

Pistons whine as the great walls of the fort surrounding the garrisons are brought up and connected. The entire fort held five troop garrisons, a command center, a hospital, a landing pad, and a gigantic docking bay that held vehicles from the size of speeder bikes, to All-Terrain Armored Transports. Engineers were currently working on the two portable shield generators that had been sent down, and would be operational soon. The base was christened as Fort Joahns.

Off in the distance, the squadron of AT-PTs disappear behind a sand dune, heading to their meeting point.

Admiral Jyener
Nov 24th, 2000, 09:32:31 PM
*The holo-projection flickers off, leaving a sense of fear in the crewers' minds that had always heard of the man, but never saw him. The Admiral turns away from the projector and heads for one of the officers on the command deck. Glancing down at the rank patch over the officer's left breast pocket, the admiral comes to a stop before him.

"Lieutenant Commander, signal Starfighter Command to launch recon squadrons one and two.. Have them launch two Mark IV Advanced squadrons to escort the recon ships.. Notify the officer on duty at the moment that you recieved these orders directly from me, and they are to be carried out at once.."

*About twenty-five minutes later, a small stealth shuttle is launched from the hanger of the lead Victory Star Destoyer Dragon's Pride. Onboard the craft, Admiral Jyener issues commands throughout the task force behind him. Following orders, the seven vessels come in closer to orbit Tatooine, while still keeping themselves in the shadow of the planet. Meanwhile, two TIE Dagger Mk III squadrons make their way to the rims of the planetary system, two squadrons of Mk IV TIE Advanceds as escort, as they patrol the outer system for incoming hostile craft.

Burning through the dry, burning atmosphere, the shuttle Jyener had ridden set down at the Fort Joahns landing platform. All stormtrooper units had reported back at the garrisons, and all but one multiple All-Terrian vehicles had already set out across the terrian towards the rendezvous point. Jyener then moved quickly from the landed shuttle to the area where a lone AT-AT awaited his command. Final preperations were made, and his armored transport slowly crept towards the rendezvous point where the first attack wave waited.

Admiral Jyener
Nov 25th, 2000, 10:02:55 PM
*Thirty-eight All-Terrian vehicles stood in position at Area 26, Section 11. All twenty AT-ATs were split up into two lines of ten; ten in the lead and ten bringing up the rear. Six AT-STs were lined up directly behind the front AT-ATs, forming a forward wedge pattern. Behind the AT-STs, the twelve AT-PTs were formed up into two abreast lines of six.

"-Yes General.. The first wave is now at the rendezvous point.. We are beginning our approuch to Mos Eisley.."

*Jyener turned to the pilot sitting next to him in the small c0ckpit. The seated man turned to face him, now waiting for further orders. Standing behind him, and keeping his eyes on the sandy horizon ahead, the admiral nodded slightly. An odd noise was heard, and the small compartment rumbled. The metal plated limbs below them had started to move, and they were on their way to Mos Eisley, leading the rest of the wave.

They had crossed eleven kilometers of sand, and they were now arriving at the outside walls of Mos Eisley. Encountering no resistence, the thirty-eight All-Terrian vehicles began to move around the city walls and into position. Flanking the north side would be nine AT-ATs, and six AT-PTs. To the south side, nine AT-ATs and six AT-PTs began to move. On the east side, which seemed to be the main entrance, the remaining two AT-ATs and six AT-STs stood. Being in one of the two AT-ATs, Admiral Jyener flicked on the holo-projector in the front of the cabin. The static projection took the form of a dark figure.

"Sir, the first wave of the attack has arrived at the gates of Mos Eisley.. Our all-terrain vehicles are moving into postition as we speak.."

General Scorpion
Nov 27th, 2000, 07:01:22 PM
Communications officers at Fort Joahns continue to recieve transmissions from first wave, verifying their positions along the perimeter of Mos Eisley.

Deep within the complex, Scorpion rises before the image on the holo-projector before him, his conversation finished. He stands firmly and acknowledges his orders, "Yes, Master.."

The image flickers out, replaced by one of Admiral Jyener. Scorpion addresses him instantly, "Move into Mos Eisley immediately.. Destroy that building and everything within two hundred meters.. Leave the Jedi a nice hole to see from space, Admiral.."

Admiral Jyener
Nov 27th, 2000, 08:27:52 PM
*Jyener nods, and the transmission is ended. Glancing down at the instruments in the compartment of the AT-AT, he watches as a square on a radar starts to flicker red. Reaching over to the command console, he touches a button.

"North and South squads, you are to march into the city from your positions.. Destroy any defenses in your way only.. Notify me as soon as your groups have reached the targeted building, and wait for my arrival.."

Both commanders of each attack group reply, and Jyener keeps a stern watch on the timed chronometer in front of him. Reaching out with a hand once again, he taps a button similiar to the other.

"Omicron group, on my mark, we will begin our entry.. Keep all com systems open.."

After a short response from each officer of the one other AT-AT and six AT-STs, the admiral takes a mental note of the countdown. Knowing that the two large diversions should attract all military attention towards those parts of the city, the small Omicron force should easily get in with no problem.

* * *

*All nine AT-ATs poured laser fire onto the light walls, creating cracks and holes that stretched for at least 50 meters. AT-PTs moved in under the legs of the AT-ATs, and fired harshly at any foolish troops trying to hold off the oncoming forces. Laser turrets on top of the barricade of walls fired effortlessly at the heavily armored AT-ATs, causing minimal damage to the steel beasts.

And then the wall collapsed. The AT-ATs shifted their attention to the medium defenses placed on top of the wall furthur down, or wedged between flat structures on the ground. The AT-PTs charged ahead, and fired accordingly at any resisting ground forces-while making sure no civilian lives were taken. Now inside the Mos Eisley walls, the force made their way towards the targeted building, while making sure all defenses were neutralized.

* * *

*The pair of AT-ATs and half dozen AT-STs finally broke down the main gate, and entered the barren city. Ahead, four quad laser cannons rose from inside the cracks between buildings, and began to break lose a barrage of laser fire. The twin AT-ATs moved their heads to face the weapon defenses, and fired furiously at the mounds. The AT-STs below stood somewhat protected in between the legs of the AT-ATs and fired their weaker lasers at the surprise attackers. After two minutes of exchanging fire, two AT-STs had been shot down, but the lead force still continued on.

Finally regrouping at the targeted building, squads of stormtroopers unloaded from the 19 remaining AT-ATs, each carrying a backpack of some sorts. The legion of troops spread out among the many small roads surrounding the structure they had chose to rendezvous at. Splitting into groups of three, the troops moved from building to building, leaving civilians in panic, and shooting down any remaining enemy troops. After a good 45 minutes of planting explosives, every stormtrooper reported back to their carrier. The first wave, now down to nineteen AT-ATs, four AT-STs, and nine AT-PTs, marched back to the East wall, where Omicron force had made their entry point.

*Admiral Jyener looked at the device in his hand, and then back up through the slim viewport in the compartment of the AT-AT. With the simple hit of a switch, a fierce erruption was seen ahead, and eventually faded out to a cloud of dust and rubble. Placing the remote on the flat console in front of him, Jyener hit one of the many buttons. A small holo projector sprang to life, and a dark, blue figure appeared.

"General Scorpion.. Your hole has been dug.."

Admiral Urza
Nov 27th, 2000, 09:14:58 PM
:: The lights were dim and and flickered away their lives as the 20 recruits marched down the hallway of the Timbra Spaceport located on Timbra Ott. One of the new recruits was Rivo Urza a new member to rapidly growing Rogue Sith Order Army. He was dressed in the standard issued attire of black armor and plating. He was in the lead of the pack as they marched through the large building, he breathed hard as they grew closer to the landing pad. Once upon arrival of the designated destination Urza screeched hault.

The group stood still as as the Lamboda Cruiser flew in and began it's decent. The wind screamed and flustered around the group as the ship landed harshly against the concrete ground. The group started up their continous foot steps until they made their way to the passage way. With a quick snap the door slid open and the troops entered taking their places in the hanger. Urza stood calmy, his breathing became regular once again, but many thoughts ran through his mind. He did not know what to expect. What would happen to this bewildered soldier of war? He was use to space battle not ground but this would be a new experience for him.


The ship screeched through space hunting for its dry destination. Soon the Lambada Cruiser reached it place of rest for the time being. The ship began its decent through the atmosphere and let out a small sigh of relief as if it was glad to rest. The ship blew through the air it's engines blasting the sand up into the sky. Once upon the landing port the ship gracefully landed extending it's landing gears. The men rose to their feet and awaited permission to leave. The coom link opened up and thes hip doors once again drew open. The men hastily marched off the ship carrying the newly constructed rifles upon their shoulders. In a rectanglular formation the men walked through the new space port studying their new surroundings. They came upon an officer dressed in an average Imperial suite. Urza began to speak asking for direction to the recruiting office.

"This is recruit Rivo Urza we have just arrived from Timbra Ott and we need to find the recruiting office to obtain our rank and placing." the man said quickly

"Hmmmmm, ah I remember now. Yes we have been expecting you for quite some time now. I will take you to the building. Follow me please!" The man said kindly.

Both the group and the officer turned on their heals and headed down a corridor. The officer bowed and pointed his right arm towards a nearby door.

"Just go in, the recruiting officer will be with you!"

The group walked past the sensors automatically opening the doors. The troopers walked in and awaited orders from the officer on duty..... ::

General Scorpion
Nov 27th, 2000, 11:45:23 PM
The last items of the mission gear were tossed to Rivo Urza, including the rank insignia of a sergeant, who would be under the command of First Lieutenant Ruchard, 6th Regiment. He rushed over to the middle of the compound, where twenty-four regiments of RSO troops stood in formation beside a lone bulk transport while the last of the eight AT-PTs boarded the forward cargo hold.

The leader of this attack, General Scorpion, walked across the front of the formation, projecting his voice loud and clear, "We are going in as second wave.. Kill whatever first wave missed.. Keep your eyes sharp and your knives sharper! Do you get me?"

The entire group responded in unison, "Sir, yes Sir!"

The regiments curved right from formation and and ran up the ramps of the bulk transport. A pair of Assault Gunboats rose from behind them. The lookout tower shot a few pre-victory rounds northwards, and the ramps of the bulk transport rose up into the hull as the ship lifted off.

Admiral Jyener
Nov 28th, 2000, 12:04:55 AM
*Marching back into the 200 meter diameter clearing, AT-ATs, AT-STs, and AT-PTs formed a perimeter defense of the would be landing area. Coming to an abrubt halt, the All Terrain-Armored Transports unloaded their regiments of stormtroopers onto the scorched sand. Filing into rows, the white clad stormtroopers stood at attention near their assigned AT-AT. AT-STs and AT-PTs strolled up and down streets near the clearing, covering a path of 50 meters. Admiral Jyener made his way down the ramp of his AT-AT and moved ten meters out from where his AT-AT stood on the perimeter. The General was coming, and it was his duty to please him.

General Scorpion
Dec 1st, 2000, 04:50:48 PM
Dust swirled up high as the bulk transport settled onto the landing that was once a building. The forward ramp lowered, and the eight AT-PTs strolled out in formation. The port ramp lowered, revealing the twenty-four regiments of troops. The 6th and the 12th flanked the assortment of officers walking down the ramp, the last being General Scorpion.

He halted as he reached the bottom, within earshot of Admiral Jyener, "There has been a change of plans.. We are moving most of our forces to Byss, to prepare for a major assault on an enemy planet.. The 12th Regiment and the 42nd AT-PT Squad will remain in Mos Eisley.. Admiral Jyener, you are to leave behind eight regiments to defend Fort Joahns.. Move out.."

The 6th Regiment followed the group of Sith officers back up the ramp onto the bulk transport. With a hiss, the ramp forward and port ramps lifted into the hull, and the repulsorlifts carried the ship above the city, from which the landing gear raised and the ship flew into space.