Gav Mortis
Dec 5th, 2000, 02:59:42 PM
The small planet known has Dagobah has always had it's own abstract form of peace from the instanitities of the Galaxy, it has been known to calm the most turbulant spirit with it's crisp air; damp, rich terrain and gentle streams which pass through the deserted forests that thrive throughout the planet. For milennia, this planet has gone untouched by the clumsy fingers of scientists and mechanics allowing a completely natural outward appearance which is needless to say odd in itself, but perhaps this peculiarality isn't all it seemed to be.
In the vast ocean of energy created by all life has been growing, it's volume increasing at a tremendous rate as life thrives. However this means that it is much more difficult to detect any alterations in this energy and what once were waves of increadible strength and velocity are now mere ripples, having a far less affect on the ocean that is the Force. Therefore when an overwhelming surge of light energy passes through the Force, it should not go ignored.
The soothing silence was randomly interupted by various sounds from the native wildlife carrying out their everyday business, squaks and croaks echoed throughout thick forests consisting of tall, spiney trees. The calls of the wild often grew into a chorus of unseen creatures in unisen as though having an in depth conversation of some sort. Eventually, they would all lose interest and continue about their business.
Once again, silence settled on the marshy wetlands and all went still; that was until from the dull skies above a whine came into hearing, the strength of this sound gave the impression that it's origin was no where near, yet. Moments had past, the sound grew but not significantly, whatever it was, it seemed to be heading for the planets surface, repetitive paterns emerged in the movement of many small, fury creatures scurrying about over the ground manouvering through broken branches and decaying shrubs.
Suddenly, a large, black vessel emerged through the dense, grey cloud and the once muffled whine became a powerful roar as it slowly descends to the planets surface. The ship dissapears behind the bushy canopies of some of the larger trees, lowering into a clearing, the whining sound of tired engines fills the air. View of the ship and surrounding forest are is distorted and refracted by the immense heat eminating from the dim-glowing hull and the course grasses below it are scorched as the powerful landing clamps make contact with the ground.
Soon, the enigines begin to settle and the whining begins to die away, powerful jets of steam erupt from the underside of the craft as a clunk is heard from within it's structure. Immediately, a large hatch opens at what seems to be the vessels rear, it slowly lowers and with a clang hits the ground forming a rather conventional ramp.
Within a short moment, a figure emerges and makes it's way down the ramp immediately followed by a second figure; both dressed in flowing, black robes. The first figure stands a few inches above the second and of a very powerful build, his voice can barely be heard as he seems to be giving instructions to the smaller figure. The sight of the two was rather ominous and both were shrouded in an almost dark mysteriousness, their faces hidden under large hoods which came down to their brow, the rest of their faces were concealed in shadow as they negotiated their next course of action, but were they as unprepared as they seemed?
"Now my young apprentice, today we shall face our own trials, it is part of your training to prove primarily your loyalty and willingness to what you believe and secondly, to gain the title you most deserve."
The smaller figure replies in a quakey, yet determined voice, not as calm and direct as that of the other.
"Master, what do you mean by our trials? Do you have training too?"
Behind the shadows of the heavy hodd, the larger person smirks and replies in a fashion too vague for his company.
"I felt a call here and know there is a greater meaning to this than that of training. It's significance is as of yet, elusive but with the neccessary searching, I will discover my own trials of justification."
The smaller of the two groans with disapproval, and his hands begin to wave in frustration as he speaks.
"That does not help me to understand! So what do we do from here?"
The first figure reveals from within his robing a scroll of sorts and unravels it revealing a map, aged with time but still in a condition worthy to serve it's purpose. After a moment of careful study, he rolls it back up and slips it away, concealed within his garments. He turns and begins to walk away from the smaller figure slowly.
"Come! We have much to do!"
"Much to do? You still haven't told me what needs to be done? Why do I get the feeling I am being left in the dark...Master...?"
The second figure jogs to his masters side as he calls very uncertain of what lies before him, both figures disappear into the thick fog as the voices become silent; leaving the surroundings back to their original peaceful state.
In the vast ocean of energy created by all life has been growing, it's volume increasing at a tremendous rate as life thrives. However this means that it is much more difficult to detect any alterations in this energy and what once were waves of increadible strength and velocity are now mere ripples, having a far less affect on the ocean that is the Force. Therefore when an overwhelming surge of light energy passes through the Force, it should not go ignored.
The soothing silence was randomly interupted by various sounds from the native wildlife carrying out their everyday business, squaks and croaks echoed throughout thick forests consisting of tall, spiney trees. The calls of the wild often grew into a chorus of unseen creatures in unisen as though having an in depth conversation of some sort. Eventually, they would all lose interest and continue about their business.
Once again, silence settled on the marshy wetlands and all went still; that was until from the dull skies above a whine came into hearing, the strength of this sound gave the impression that it's origin was no where near, yet. Moments had past, the sound grew but not significantly, whatever it was, it seemed to be heading for the planets surface, repetitive paterns emerged in the movement of many small, fury creatures scurrying about over the ground manouvering through broken branches and decaying shrubs.
Suddenly, a large, black vessel emerged through the dense, grey cloud and the once muffled whine became a powerful roar as it slowly descends to the planets surface. The ship dissapears behind the bushy canopies of some of the larger trees, lowering into a clearing, the whining sound of tired engines fills the air. View of the ship and surrounding forest are is distorted and refracted by the immense heat eminating from the dim-glowing hull and the course grasses below it are scorched as the powerful landing clamps make contact with the ground.
Soon, the enigines begin to settle and the whining begins to die away, powerful jets of steam erupt from the underside of the craft as a clunk is heard from within it's structure. Immediately, a large hatch opens at what seems to be the vessels rear, it slowly lowers and with a clang hits the ground forming a rather conventional ramp.
Within a short moment, a figure emerges and makes it's way down the ramp immediately followed by a second figure; both dressed in flowing, black robes. The first figure stands a few inches above the second and of a very powerful build, his voice can barely be heard as he seems to be giving instructions to the smaller figure. The sight of the two was rather ominous and both were shrouded in an almost dark mysteriousness, their faces hidden under large hoods which came down to their brow, the rest of their faces were concealed in shadow as they negotiated their next course of action, but were they as unprepared as they seemed?
"Now my young apprentice, today we shall face our own trials, it is part of your training to prove primarily your loyalty and willingness to what you believe and secondly, to gain the title you most deserve."
The smaller figure replies in a quakey, yet determined voice, not as calm and direct as that of the other.
"Master, what do you mean by our trials? Do you have training too?"
Behind the shadows of the heavy hodd, the larger person smirks and replies in a fashion too vague for his company.
"I felt a call here and know there is a greater meaning to this than that of training. It's significance is as of yet, elusive but with the neccessary searching, I will discover my own trials of justification."
The smaller of the two groans with disapproval, and his hands begin to wave in frustration as he speaks.
"That does not help me to understand! So what do we do from here?"
The first figure reveals from within his robing a scroll of sorts and unravels it revealing a map, aged with time but still in a condition worthy to serve it's purpose. After a moment of careful study, he rolls it back up and slips it away, concealed within his garments. He turns and begins to walk away from the smaller figure slowly.
"Come! We have much to do!"
"Much to do? You still haven't told me what needs to be done? Why do I get the feeling I am being left in the dark...Master...?"
The second figure jogs to his masters side as he calls very uncertain of what lies before him, both figures disappear into the thick fog as the voices become silent; leaving the surroundings back to their original peaceful state.