View Full Version : Big Bad Naga...
Dec 23rd, 2000, 07:17:53 PM
Cometh hither, Ith wannath kika doth assio
Big Bad Naga
Dec 23rd, 2000, 08:12:06 PM
Naga hears the call of the Jedi Master. he steps onto the battleground apparently smiling at Fett. Naga doesn't say a word as he moves colser to the Jedi. He stops 10 ft. away from Fett and ignites his violet saber. Naga runs at Fett with the dark side increasing his speed. he jumps over Fett and turns around. BBN kicks him to the floor and swings his saber at the Jedi.
Big Bad Naga
Dec 23rd, 2000, 08:57:33 PM
OOC: If this is some sort of attempt to gain your respect back because you lost against Dale, I will not fight you. Don't automatically assume you can beat me just because you're a jedi master.
Dec 23rd, 2000, 09:13:47 PM
OOC: Nothing to do with that. How can I lose repect form ONE fight? I seem to lose the lot!
Ill post in a mo, am busy
Big Bad Naga
Dec 23rd, 2000, 10:39:37 PM
OOC: Okay.
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:03:23 PM
OOC: OK, make your mind up time. It is 2AM, I need sleep. Here is my reply. YOu can do 2 things. You can decide you dont want to wait, and cancel this fight, or carry on, and wait for my reply. The choice is yours
::Fett drops hs head, avoiding the well aimed swing from BBN. Fett then kicks out with his feet and catches him in the stomach, knocking him backwards. Fett then gets to his feet, and ignites his saber::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:12:31 PM
Naga regains his composure. Fett's purple saber shone, as did Naga's. BBN points his saber at Fett and runs straight towards him. The two sabers meet in a brilliant clash. Naga pushes Fett back and directs his saber at Fett's arm. Fett blocks, but Naga quickly ducks and sweeps Fett off of his feet. BBN thrusts his saber towards Fett.
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:37:36 PM
::Fett dives sideward, in order to dodge BBN's attack. Jumping to his feet, Fett runs at BBN. At the last minute, Fett hits the floor, and slides feet-first into BBN, knocking him down::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:44:18 PM
Naga falls over Fett and rolls away. He turns around to block a saber attack from Fett. He jumps back and focuses. Naga extends an arm. His eyes turn a deeper shade of red. BBN uses his special move Force Blunt on Reaper Fett. This was Naga's time to attack he ran in and with his free hand, punched Fett to the floor. Naga used the Force and slid Fett across the room, smacking him against the wall hard. BBN submerged into the shadows.
Find me Fett, if you can.
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:52:41 PM
::Fett slowly gets up. He looks behind a pillar. Nope. He looks down a hole. Nope. Fett hates hide and seek. TIme to cheat.
Reaching out with the Force, Fett sees the world in a different way. Darkness does not affect his view. Fett runs at a dark corner, and executes a fly kick, knocking BBN to the floor
"Found you! DO I hide noe, or is it game over?"::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:07:43 AM
Naga rools over and stands up 10 ft. away from Fett.
Maybe, Game Over for you!
BBN jumps at him and attacks with his saber. Fett fends off the attack. Naga jumps back and slices a pillar. He directs it at Fett with the force. While Fett slashes the pillar to peices, BBN comes around with Force Speed and knees Fett in the back. Fett falls down. BBN kicks him over. Fett now faces the ceiling. Naga again attempts to bring his saber down, but this time, he flips it over and knocks Fett with the handle. BBN jumps back and closes his eyes letting the darkness consume him. Enpower him. Control him.
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:07:56 PM
::Fett rolls backwards, and reignites his saber. he runs at BBN, ans aims a sidewards swing at his head. BBN dodges this easily bu ducking. Fett then sends out a kick, which catches him on the chin, sending him backwards. Fett then stamps on his ribs, and steps back to a safe distance::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:16:24 PM
Naga quickly rolls back and feels the pain in his chest when he does. Naga felt his chin, which had a small bruise. BBN stands straight up and ignores his pains.
Now I will show just a fragment of the TRUE POWER of the Dark Side.
Naga closes his eyes. An aura of light erupts around him. His eyes turn a deeper shade of red when he opens his eyelids. Naga outstretches both his arms and crosses them. The aura around him fills every orifice of his body. This Force move was entitled Force Summon. It powered him up for battle. Naga's muscles expanded. He ran straight toward Fett, saber in hand. Only 1 foot away from Fett Naga turned around. His tail came with him and smacked Fett into the air. Before Fett hit the ground, Naga uppercut him hard. BBN jumped back, lightsaber ready into a defencive stance.
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:33:25 PM
::Fett slowly gets into a sitting position, and wipes away a small trail of blood originating from his mouth. He slowly stands, and picks up his saber. He extends a hand, and indicates to BBN to come on. He charges Fett, and at the last minute, Fett spins round, anddrops onto his hands. Fett then sends his legs outwards, donkey kicking BBN in the stomach. Fett then get back up, and roundhouse kicks BBN to the face, knocking him away::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:44:00 PM
Naga's rough skin on his stomach would protect him from most kicks, but this one took him by surprise. He rubbed his face amusingly and smiled. The Jedi Master didn't know the true power of the Dark Side. The Dark Side had no limitations, the Light Side blinded the Jedi. They did not understand this. Sapphire finally came to her senses and joined the Sith. They would all come over eventually. The Dark Side was the right path. Many had yet to learn that.
Big Bad Naga, Sith Knight, stood facing his enemy. A Jedi. He pitied their stupidity. Naga's saber shone brightly, but it had a cold sense to it. BBN ran at Fett twirling his saber everywhich way. He swung it at Fett's head, but it was easily blocked. Naga's leg came out and hit Fett in the side. BBN sweeped him off him feet and stepped on his ankle hearing a loud crack. Naga jumped back into a defencive stance.
Dec 24th, 2000, 01:03:50 PM
::Fett gets up, and looks down at his ankle. Badly bruised, but Fett doubted it was broken. Still, going to hinder his movement no end. Reaching out with the force, he could sense BBN's thoughts.
"I will never join the darkside. Sapphire and Leeloo don't know what they have done. They have been consumed by the quick and easy path. THat will never happen"
Fett slowly limps up to BBN, causing BBN to laugh. Fett smiles, as BBN get flung backwards into the wall, causing a crack to be heard::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 24th, 2000, 05:00:18 PM
Naga turns his body a little as he hits the wall. His shoulder hit the wall. Naga fell to the floor and quickly realized his shoulder bone had been shattered. Naga gets up and retrieves his fallen saber. He looks at Fett.
"If you will not join the darkside, you will die."
BBN puts his saber away and crosses his arms in an x formation. Suddenly his fingernails protrude and lengthen. Naga points at Fett and makes a cut-throat motion indicating that he was going to slit Fett's throat. Naga runs at Fett and jumps high over him. He ricochets off the wall and flies back at Fett. He tackles the Jedi over. Fett's saber rolls out of the way. Naga digs his claws into Fett's side. Blood starts to come out. BBN headbutts Fett and jumps back into a defencive stance.
Dec 24th, 2000, 05:26:05 PM
::Fett gets up, his vision blurred. He shakes his head, helping to make his view better. Fett reaches out with his arm, and closes his arms in concentration. Opening his eyes, he smiles and points behind BBN. He looks behind to see...........nothing. He looks round again, to be greeted by a few punches by Fett. Fett then steps away::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 24th, 2000, 05:37:37 PM
"How could I have fallen for that?" Naga silently curses himself.
BBN looks at Fett about 12 feet away. Naga spits out blood and clears his head. He stands there, looking at Fett. Enraged with the Jedi. The anger flows through his veins like thick vengeful blood. Naga walks straight toward Reaperfett. Only 4 feet away he stops. Naga focuses with the Force. He uses his more advanced Force Blunt on Fett. In Fett's eyes, he sees triple Naga's. All three step toward Fett. The one on the right quickly punches Fett in the face. The punch is followed by a kick to the gut. Naga spins around knocking Fett down with his tail. He jumps back into a defencive stance.
Dec 24th, 2000, 05:56:32 PM
::Fett jumps up, and stumbles towards BBN. The Sith flicks his tail at Fett, but Fett grabs it, and uses it to swing him onto the floor. Fett then stamps on BBN a few times, and steps away::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 24th, 2000, 06:08:24 PM
Naga lies on the floor for a few seconds gathering energy with the force. He clears his head and spits out a chipped tooth. As Fett walks away, Naga's tail grabs his legs and trips him. Fett falls to the ground hard. Naga quickly gets up and raises his foot over Fett's rib cage. Naga stamps it hard.
"Kiss my grits."
BBN's tail comes slashing down and starts to beat Fett. Naga grabs Fett with the force and throws him at a pillar. Fett hits the pillar and falls down. Naga jumps into a defencive stance.
EDIT: TTT again...
Dec 29th, 2000, 11:10:09 PM
::Fett rolls to his feet, holding his back. He extends his hand, and moves his fingers, indicating for BBN to 'come on then'. BBN charges, and at the last minute Fett grabs him, and throws him head first into the pillar. Fett then kicks him in the chest a few times, before walking away::
Big Bad Naga
Dec 29th, 2000, 11:30:53 PM
Naga slowly gets up and shakes his head. That pillar in the head wasn't exactly his idea of fun. Neither were those punches. Naga began his healing process. He slowly walked around for a bit, eyeing Fett silently. Suddenly he brought his saber to his chest and ignited the other side. Another lengthy purple blade erupted from the Dual Bladed Saber. He twirled it around getting used to the feel of the dual bladed saber.
BBN put all his concentration on the Dark Side. He pointed his saber at thye pillar and began to slash it numerous times, all in different places. Naga hacked at the pillar. He jumped back from it and de-ignited his saber. BBN raised his hands up high. With him came the pillar rubble. He directed them toward Fett running straight behind them. Many of the stones pelted Fett. Naga came behind and closelioned Fett to the floor. While Fett was falling, Naga kicked him in the back and ignited it saber pointing it straight at Fett's neck.
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:49:26 PM
::Fett rolled to the side, and sat up. The pillar rubble had taken its toll on Fett, causing multiple bruises. Fett reaches out with the force, and lifts some of the rubble at BBN, pinging of him. Fett uses the distraction well, sweeping BBN's legs from him, before scrambling away::
Big Bad Naga
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:00:18 AM
BBN's tail stops him from falling. His head had cleared of the confusion. He sprang back up and rubbed the sores those rocks had gave him. Naga raises a hand up and makes it into a fist. His middle finger pops up as he mocks Fett. BBN smiles at this. He takes off his robe revealing Cortosis Ore armor. A rock that was almost impenetrable to a lightsaber. Naga threw his black robe at Fett. He jumped into the shadows and disappeared.
He jumped out of the shadows and headbutt Fett. Fett managed to keep his balance until Naga sent him to the floor with a crucial roundhouse kick to the face. Naga jumped back into a defensive stance.
Jan 2nd, 2001, 11:41:03 PM
Fett rolls up, and dives at BBN, knocking him down. Fett the delivers a few punches into BBN's face, before moving away::
Big Bad Naga
Jan 3rd, 2001, 12:08:29 AM
Naga shakes his head. Those punches had given him another headache. Headaches made him angry. Very Angry. Naga stood up tall revealing his full height at 6'1". He punched his fists together. Naga could feel the rage deep inside of him. His mind exploded with anger and rage. He ran to Fett using the Dark Side to speed up. He punched Fett, hard in the nose. Naga twirled around, and with him came his leg in a roundhouse, knocking Fett to the floor. Naga stomped on Fett's shoulder hard. He jumped back and put his hand out in a choking motion. He was using Force Choke on Fett.
Jan 6th, 2001, 08:59:21 PM
::Fett feels the air getting pushed out of him, and instinctively leaps high into the air. Fett lands on BBN, and sends a few punchs into his face. Fett then gets up, and moves away::
Big Bad Naga
Jan 6th, 2001, 09:26:01 PM
Naga rolls back and stands up. He jumps high and lands in front of Fett. Naga's tail comes around and smacks Fett into a wall. He jumps at ReaperFett and punches him in the head twice. Naga kicks Fett in the gut and in the hip. This caused the Jedi to fall. BBN jumped back about 20 ft. He closed his eyes.
The aura around him turned red. Naga clasped both hands together. He gritted his teeth, and his white face turned red. Their surroundings strated to shake. Naga felt the power inside of him building. He was using his ultimate attack. "One Winged Angel". A silhouette of a wing appeared on the left side of his body for a second. Naga released all his power, as the walls and pillars came down.
ReaperFett's legs were under a pile of rubble. Naga fell to the floor. He was all worn out. He had gone all out in this battle. He crawled over to Fett and gave him a few Bacta packs to heal his blood wounds.
"You have fought very well Jedi. Our paths will cross again one day. You can count on it."
Naga retrieved his saber and clips it to his belt. He crawls away, letting the pain embrace him. For once, the pain felt good....
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