View Full Version : Sanis tries his hand at a target range...

Sanis Prent
Dec 7th, 2000, 01:49:56 PM
(As Sanis hops out of his rented landspeeder, he walks up to the fairly utilitarian building with the words "ZANTRO'S TARGET RANGE" written on the front in block lettering. Sanis opens the door, and steps into an office literally covered on every wall from floor to ceiling with blaster rifles. A rather grizzled-looking man with grey hair was hunched over a counter in the corner of the office, watching Sanis with a suspicious glance. Sanis walked up to the counter.)

Sanis: Hi, I wanna buy a rifle.

(The man looked up at Sanis, scowled a little, and straightened up, looking Sanis in the eye)

Zantro: What kind?

(Sanis smiled sheepishly and laughed nervously as he looked around, his hands tucked in his pockets)

Sanis: Well, I don't know...I've never really done this before. What's a good one? Do they do different things?

(Sanis smiled innocently, and Zantro gave him a very dumbfounded look, as he signed deeply, and muttered under his breath)

Zantro: Great krasst...another tourist.

Sanis Prent
Dec 7th, 2000, 11:33:17 PM
(Sanis points to one of the longer ones)

Hey, uh...how about that one? Is that one any good?

(Zantro stares at Sanis for a few seconds, making him feel a little uneasy, and then walks over to the wall where Sanis pointed, removing a long-barreled grey weapon)

Zantro: This model is a Korsegni BR-34 Fieldman's blaster rifle. It chambers 50 cc's of pressurized Tibanna, and can fire at a cyclic rate of up to ten shots per second. The spread coefficient is tightened due to the rifle's elongated barrel, and recoil suppressor.

(Zantro holds it up to where Sanis can see. Sanis' eyes widen, and he lets out a low whistle)

Sanis: Wow....is that good?

Sanis Prent
Dec 9th, 2000, 09:25:13 PM
(Zantro takes the rifle away from Sanis rather quickly, putting it back up on the wall. He walks around, and finds a rather unimpressive-looking black rifle. From behind the counter, Zantro throws it to Sanis)

Zantro: No offense, bud...but I think you'd better start small. Thats a Huron 66 EndurBlast Rifle. Its cheap, and easy for a newbie such as yourself to get a hang of.

Sanis: Hmmm....well, how much is it?

Zantro: 120 credits.

Sanis: Ah, well sure, I suppose I can do that.

(Sanis walks to the register, popping down the required amount of credits)

Zantro: The range is outside and to your left. It costs 20 credits to practice for a 30 minute session. You wanna get started. You sure look like you could use some practice.

(Sanis hefts the rifle, putting the stock against his shoulder and leveling off against an imaginary target. Smiling, he lowers the gun, and looks back up at Zantro)

Sanis: Sure! I wanna learn how to pop stuff long-distance style!

Zantro: Alright...I'll open up Range 12 for you. Heh...who knows, maybe you'll get good enough with that thing to join GMA's sniper corps or something.

Sanis: You think so?

Zantro: (mock enthusiasm) Sure you can...

Sanis: Great! Thanks Mister!

(Sanis takes his new rifle and goes out to the range. Zantro leans against the wall, rolling his eyes)

Zantro: What a fragging idiot! I'm suprised he knows which end of the gun shoots!

OOC: Um, guys....you do realize that my RP's are OPEN, don't you?

Sniper Tondry
Dec 9th, 2000, 10:12:22 PM
(ooc) *ROFLs.* Realize yes- it's the inclination to participate in anything that seems pointless at first glance that's holding people back.

BTW, Dale finally got around to telling me she'd like me to be in this thing, which is why I haven't posted earlier.

(ic) After Sanis has entered the range, Pierce steps out from behind a gun rack. "Is the idiot gone?" he asks.

"Yeah, he's in the back," Zantro chuckles, jerking a thumb over his shoulder at the partly closed door. "I got your special order request in. Let me show it to you."

Pierce follows the owner into the 'business' room behind the counter, leaving his rifle standing upright by the door.

Dec 9th, 2000, 10:22:11 PM
Imp walks into the room and notices a rifle at the door , wondering who might have left such a piece of equipment just laying around, he looks from side to side, snatches it up and heads back out the door.

Dec 9th, 2000, 10:38:27 PM
Much in the way that every person's soul has it's dark corners, so does every room... or was it the other way around? Either way, they both were true. And in the dark corner of this room stood a lone Jedi, observing someone he had been keeping an eye on for a while now.

Ash Longbaugh
Dec 9th, 2000, 10:39:33 PM
::Ash is in range 11, using his own weapons. A series of target coome flying in front of him. Pulling out both his pistols, Ash takes everyone out, until both guns are empty. He then pulls out a sawn-off weapon, firing it in one hand, and reloading by <a href=http://www.halflife.net/opera/media/Spin.avi>spinning it one handed</a>.

The round ends. 100%. An Imperial observer turns to him

"You should sign up, you're a good shot!"
"Not likely" Ash replies
"I said oh"

Ash then walks out, brushing past someone as he goes. Sure I recognise him...::

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 9th, 2000, 10:44:34 PM
:: At the range::

The Jedi sights down the crosshairs and then glances up at the target, a good halk kilometre away. a regular shadowed outline that seemed to be a speck at this distance. He looked through the scope again and the figure jumped into much larger relief, with the bulleye right where the heart would be.

He let out a breath and mentally commanded his heart to slow - even a heartbeat at the wrong time would send a shot a good inch off target, turning a hit into a miss.

Gently he caressed the trigger, waiting for the right moment to pull back, to allow the blaster rifle, it's longer barrel balanced against a low slung tripod, the Jedi himself flat on his front.

It would be easier to use the Force, but that wasnt the point here. To use the Force would be cheating. This.... this was different. This was for the challenge of hitting one's target, to see the bolt strike home where one intended. To feel the kickback, to guide the payload to it's destination.

the crosshairs were centred. His body motionless, time seemed to stand still as the trigger was dragged backward ever so slowly....


The rifle bucked as the power blast streaked out. It blurred and smacked into the practice target, the bolt smashing into the target and burnign a hole right through.

The Jedi relaxed and looked through the scope. The target was swingin slightly on it's restraints but still he could see clearly he had missed the bullseye by 10 centimetres.

Still, not bad. He had only taken sniping up not long ago as a sport and he was learning. ::

Sanis Prent
Dec 10th, 2000, 04:08:44 AM
(As Imp is leaving out the back of the Target range building, a blaster shot hits the ground just beside his feet, kicking up a spattering of dirt and debris, scorching the ground and causing a slight smell of ozone to waft through the air. Imp stops in his tracks, and turns slowly, to see a red dot hovering on his chest. From behind a tree, Sanis walks out, blaster rifle still well trained on Imp. He slowly takes a few steps toward him)

Please place the rifle down on the ground slowly, and take five slow steps backwards, keeping your hands visible. I'm not nearly as new to this as I let on. Just do what I say quickly, and nobody gets hurt. Nothing personal, but I've got business to take care of.

Dec 10th, 2000, 08:42:07 AM
Imp faces Sanis, one hand holding the rifle, and the other hidden within one of his pockets. His expression is one of calmness even though he has just been threatened with his life and even surprised by the first blaster shot.

“I’m not nearly as susceptible to your threats as you seem to think either.”

Imp pulls his hand from his pocket slowly and turns his hand over to show Sanis what he holds in it, as Sanis walks closer. Within his palm sits a dark black sphere, quite obviously a thermal detonator, Imp’s thumb rests just on the top of the activation switch.

“You might be able to shoot me down here and now, but my dying reflex will be to activate this detonator, which I happen to have set for a blast delay time of only 2 seconds. I doubt that either you or I or any of our belongings will make it out of the blast radius in time. So, what do you say? I go about my business, and you go about yours, just as if we never had any issues or this conversation?”

Ash Longbaugh
Dec 10th, 2000, 08:17:14 PM
::As Ash walks to the exit, he sees a couple of stormtroopers, talking to a man. Ash Sighs in frustration. It was the Imperial man who had been watching. He points at Ash, causing both of the troopers to walk towards Ash.

"You there, stop!" One of them says
"Me?" Ash replies
"Yeah, you. We have been told that you speak of the Imperial might in inproper ways. Say it aint so"
"No, it's true. The Empire is a big pile of poo doo"

As Ash says this, the trooper pulls up his rifle. Ash instinctively puls up his shotgun, and aims it at the man. The second trooper raises his rifle, causing Ash to pull out a pistol, and aim it at him. Ash smiles.

"Ooh, looks like we have a little Mexican standoff here" He says
"Put the guns down, you are outnumbered"
"And you are out classed"

The Imperial watcher then walks up, pistol in hand.

"Drop it"

Ash sighs, and throws both weapons to the ground, then throwing down his holstered pistol. He then raises his hands slightly. The watcher laughs.

"Excellent. Now, the penalty for treason is, death" He says
"Oh well, I always wanted to not die for a fair while. Of course, I could do THIS"

Ash flicks his right arm, sending a small pistol to come out of his sleeve. Ash fires this pistol at both the troopers, sending them down. Ash then drops the pistol, and uses his foot to flick the shotgun into his hand, before pointing it at the watcher.

"Party's over"

Ash fires the rifle, sending him flying. He then picks up all the weapons, and begins to head out the exit again, albeit at a quicker pace.

Just like old times...

Sanis Prent
Dec 12th, 2000, 12:14:39 PM
(Sweat beaded on Sanis' forehead, as he saw the thermal detonator)

Uh...okay, alright psycho boy...lets think rationally. You'd frag yourself, me, and anybody else around here for a blaster rifle?

Look, lets think this over. I'm sure we can come to a compromise.

(Sanis keeps the blaster pointed at Imp, but lowers it slightly, taking the stock off his shoulder)

Dec 12th, 2000, 04:12:32 PM
"The way I see it, your pointing that blaster at me like that, along with your threats, I am already dead if I don't comply with your wishes, so I have nothing to lose, just thought I'd make this a no win situation for you as well."

Imp's thumb twitched slightly and ran small circles around the activation switch.

"This here rifle is now my property, you want it, your going to have to make the deal a little sweeter than death."

Lady Vader
Dec 12th, 2000, 04:56:26 PM
*across the way, in a near by and very thick tree, LV watched the proceeding between Sanis and Imp... then her eyes set on the very expensive and highly illegal blaster rifle*

*she smiled*

LV: My kind of weapon.

*she looks around and doesn't see very many passerbys, let alone any paying close attention to the confrontation*

*she looks back at the duo at the same moment Imp pulls out a thermal detonator... she continues watching, enhancing her hearing senses and hearing him say "...death switch..."... Clever. He dies, and everyone around him goes also. Sweet irony. Threatened by death, then threatens death with death.*

*but a thermal detonator didn't stop LV from making her next move... concentrating on the Force, she raised her hand, "feeling" the thermal detonator in her mind, it's creases, its dead mans switch... keeping it depressed with the Force, she YANKED it from Imps hand and sent it flying towards the tree... both men whirled in time to see the black sphere disapear in the thick branches and leaves*

*LV caught the thermal detonator easily and kept the button depressed, looking over the device, searching for the manual deativation of the dead mans switch... with a satisfied grin, she found the small recess near the seam of the detonator and pulled a small lever... the thermal detonators lights blinked twice rapidly and died... with the detonator disabled, she cracked it open and tore out the detonation device and explosive... closing the husk of the thermal detonator, she let it fall... it landed with a dull thud as both men continued to watch the tree in confusion*

*LV crawled slowly and silently, not letting a branch sway, and deftly jumped to the next tree, easily hidden from the two men... she continued these manuevers until she was a good ways away and in a thick crowd of people*

*she smiled and tucked the explosive away... she needed Sanis alive and having him threatened wasn't an option at the moment... until he was done with his mission for her, he would remain alive... after that, she didn't care... though he was a good go-between*

*she turned into an alley and deftly climbed the building adjacent to it... now on the roof, she peered down towards the tree where the two men were... in the shadows, she could not be seen*

*LV smiled lost in her thoughts... Sanis need not know who intervened. All he need know is that not finishing his business for me will bring dire conciquences.*

Dec 12th, 2000, 05:03:00 PM
As they both watched the detonator fly through the air, Imp raised the rifle in his hands and aimed it at Sanis, beginning to back away.

"Looks like were still in a stand off here."

Sanis Prent
Dec 13th, 2000, 11:30:49 AM
(Sanis raised the rifle again, and stayed still, as the two men were at a standoff)

Alright...lets try and keep this as non-violent as possible, friend. Now, just let me know...how much is that rifle worth to you? I'm sure we can both arrive at a reasonable number.

Dec 13th, 2000, 04:18:46 PM
His grip on the weapon still strong and true, as he aims it at Sanis’ head, Imp looks at the rifle in his hands through the corner of his eye and thinks to himself that a number sounds like it may be a reasonable way out of this dire situation. He had come here empty handed, found this slightly beat up yet well maintained weapon, stolen it, and then been threatened with his life. The possibility of getting out of this with a nice stack of credits interested him much more than the alternative of dying or having to kill this man. His full attention returned to Sanis and he responded.

“I could be made to part with it for 20,000 credits…..no less!”

His finger remained poised over the trigger, as he remained wary of any trickery from this unusual character who seemed oddly interested in this rifle. It sure couldn’t have belonged to him, for his demands and willingness to come to a compromise did not display any sign of one who wanted his own property back.

EDIT: changed rifle characterization to fit its actual appearnace and dropped the price, just a bit. :p

Sniper Tondry
Dec 13th, 2000, 04:48:23 PM
(ooc) Just stating a few things here here. As much as I love the characterization of Tondry's rifle, :) it is in fact, a bit beat up and old. Pierce maintains it well, and does all necessary repairs to it himself, but it is not the current top-of-the-line product. He got it after saving some Imperial units during the original Rebellion (meaning the one during the SW movies) by sniping the enemy Rebel commanders involved in a battle on Coyn in the Elrood sector. His comrades-in-arms bought it for him in thanks for saving their lives, so it has more value to Pierce as something he owns than it would to a pawnbroker.

This has been "History of a Sniper Rifle". Tune in next time for "Technical Information of Sniper Rifles" on your local PBS station.


Sanis Prent
Dec 13th, 2000, 11:53:04 PM
(Sanis scowled. Twenty thousand. The guy went right for the credit pouch, didn't he? Sanis kept the rifle pointed straight at Imp, while he used his free hand to fish around in his jacket)

I've got 18 grand on me. That's all. Its pretty close to 20 thousand. What do you say?

Dec 14th, 2000, 12:01:58 AM
He raised an eyebrow, at the offer he received and considered it for a moment as his hands tensed some on the rifle, seeing Sanis’ hand moving into his jacket. He relaxed slowly figuring, no hoping that he was only searching for the credits to seal this deal. He considers his options a moment longer and says.

“I’ll take 15,000 and that rifle of yours.”

Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2000, 12:27:55 AM
(Sanis thinks about it for a few seconds, then slowly takes his hand out of his pocket. He holds the contents of his hand up high, so the man can see what he has...3 5,000 credit chits. Without taking his gun sight off the man in front of him, Sanis bends down slowly to the ground, placing the chits at his feet)

Alright, remove the Tibanna cartridge from the rifle, and place it on the ground.

Dec 14th, 2000, 12:32:07 AM
His eyes grow larger as he sees the credit chits placed on the ground. He felt himself becoming eager to get this over with, but wasn't about to throw caution to the wind too quickly.

"Only if you do the same, simultaneously."

He placed a hand on the cartridge and awaited Sanis' response, still aiming the rifle in his direction.

Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2000, 12:44:12 AM
(Sanis' eyes narrowed, as his hand slid to the base of the rifle's clip)

Lets count together...on three.


Dec 14th, 2000, 12:46:36 AM
His fingers curled around the magazine.


Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2000, 12:52:57 AM

(Sanis slowly tugs the Tibanna cartride from his rifle, and places the rifle on the ground. He turns and throws the tibanna cartridge a good distance away)

Dec 14th, 2000, 12:56:51 AM
Imp pulls the magazine from the rifle, tosses it to the side several meters, into a thicket of long grass, and places the rifle on the ground. He puts one leg out to the side and begins stepping around in a circular motion, moving towards what he had bargained for, not taking his eyes off of Sanis.

Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2000, 01:08:50 AM
(Sanis did the same, walking toward his prize, while keeping his distance from the man, and not taking his eyes off of him. He reached where the rifle lay, and bent down, picking it up. He stood up, still staring at his newfound business associate)

I guess this is where we say goodbye.

(Sanis reaches in his jacket pocket slowly, and wraps his hands around a remote control device of some sort. He fingers a large button on it and presses the button)

Dec 14th, 2000, 01:15:48 AM
Imp picked up the credit chits, quickly examined them for their authenticity, then he picked up the rifle.


He smiled at the man, gave him a small salute, raising a hand to his forehead, then stepped back into the trees from where Sanis had earlier appeared, and disappeared from sight.

Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2000, 01:18:27 AM
(Sanis examined the rifle quickly and carefully, making sure everything was as it should be. As he did this, the speeder which he was loaned responded to the remote, driving quickly up to his location. Pulling out his blaster pistol, and looking around carefully, Sanis hopped in the speeder, heading off to a ship on the far outskirts of the settlement)

Dec 14th, 2000, 01:31:29 AM
He slung the rifle over his shoulder and quickly became lost in the sea of people as he entered the streets of the settlement. His thoughts were filled with elation as the rush of adrenaline flowing through him from almost being killed began to subside. He considered the day’s events with a smile of satisfaction on his face.

I walk into a gun shop broke and empty handed, then out with a fairly decent weapon, and then it got even better. I ended up 15,000 credits richer and got a much newer looking rifle, even if it does look to be not as highly valuable as the first, I certainly can’t complain.

He arrives at a small makeshift spaceport and steps onto a planetary transport, handing the attendee his boarding pass. The attendee’s eyes grow large at seeing the weapon slung over Imp’s shoulder, but then he relaxes as he notices the weapon isn’t loaded. The attendee quickly runs a small hand held device over Imp and determines that he isn’t carrying any munitions for the rifle and lets him pass. Imp heads for his passenger compartment and closes the door behind after entering.

Sanis Prent
Dec 14th, 2000, 01:36:19 AM
(Sanis quickly reaches the settlement outskirts, hopping out of the speeder and walking next to a blocky-looking craft. He climbs aboard, firing up the systems. The freighter gains altitude, and begins to leave the planet's orbit. Sanis checks the area quickly, looking for any nearby authorities. Satisfied that he is indeed alone, he engages the hyperdrive, setting off on the preset coordinates that he had programmed before leaving the craft. With a flash, the freighter jumped into hyperspace, heading towards its destination.)

Dec 14th, 2000, 01:40:31 AM
The planetary transport now loaded with its compliment of people, closed its access doors, and lifted from the ground slowly, as its repulsorlifts carried it into the air. Moving away from the settlement, it pointed skyward and the sublight drives engaged, sending it into space. Once out of the planet’s gravitational pull, the hyperdrive sequence initiated and the craft blinked out of sight, heading on its course.

Sniper Tondry
Dec 14th, 2000, 07:59:13 PM
"So you like the flechette toxin pistol?" Zantro's voice was anxious.

Pierce Tondry nodded. "It's interesting, I'll give it that. Perhaps ISB SpecSec could use a version of this. I'll see about initiating a testing program."

"Great." Zantro nodded. "That and the stolen experimental Xerrol cartridges will be 5000 credits."

Tondry nodded again, putting the weapon and six cartridges into a carrying bag. The two of them left the room, Zantro going first, Pierce following.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, Tondry stopped. "Where's my rifle?" he asked. "I left it right here."

Zantro froze. "You sure?" he asked.

Pierce fixed him with a level gaze. "All right, all right," Zantro put up his hands in a placating gesture. "Let's look at the security records, just to check."

The two of them returned to the room they'd been in before, where Zantro activated a dormant computer screen. He pressed a button and the past ten minutes began to replay themselves. "That guy stole it," Pierce pointed as the man walked out of the store with his rifle. "What the hell is he doing, taking my rifle out of a store full of guns?"

Zantro's eyes peered at the tape and he replayed it again. "Get me a data core with this info on it," Pierce ordered him. "I'm sure Intel can place this guy. Doesn't matter where he goes or what he does- he'll leave a trail."

Zantro worked the controls and downloaded the info. Pierce took it and put it into the carrying bag. "Now, I need to go investigate the surrounding area. See if the bastitch left any clues."

"What about my money?" Zantro called as Pierce walked out of the back room.

Pierce slowly turned around and fixed the man with a hard look. Zantro cringed, as though he'd been pinned against the wall behind him. "You're lucky I'm just leaving," Pierce said coldly. "I suggest you see about getting a better security system."

Lady Vader
Dec 15th, 2000, 06:12:22 AM
*LV sensed, more than saw what transpired between both men... finally, they emerged from behind the trees, one going one way and the other going the opposite*

*she looked curiously at Sanis as she noticed he had gotten the prize he had been after, and saw that the other man was walking away into the throng of ppl palming some credit chits and a new rifle*

*she smiled and shook her head, slightly intrigued as to why Sanis would give up money and a new rifle for what look to be an old model, and a slightly beat up one at that*

*but it was not her business to worry about that now... she turned around and climbed back down the way she had come and walked back towards the shooting range*

*as she walked into the building, another man walked out, looking slightly peeved... both accidently bumped shoulders*

Man: Excuse me, ma'am.

*LV continued to watch the man as he disapeared into the crowd... she'd seen his face before, but was having trouble putting a name to the face... she shrugged... it would come to her eventually*

*she walked into the building's counter and waited for the owner to come from the back room... he appeared and smiled when he saw he had a costumer*

Owner: Hello, miss. Zantro here at your service.

*LV raised and eyebrow then reached into her cloak and pulled out the highly explosive, yet deactivated charge from the detonator*

LV: Perhaps you can tell me where I could sell this.

*Zantro looked at it quizically and then picked it up, eyeing a number engraved on it's black side*

Zantro: This is from a high grade thermal detonator. But where's the rest of it?

LV: I don't know. But I know that charge is worth something on it's own.

Zantro: Well, first off, it's almost impossible to take out a charge from a thermal detonator without it blowing up in your face. And, secondly, what the hell kind of use would I have for this?

*LV shrugged*

LV: You're the gun maker. Think of something.

*Zantro fell silent for awhile, turned the small charge in his hand... then his face lit up and he smiled broadly*

Zantro: You said you were looking for a place to sell this? Well, I'd like to buy it from you. What's your price?

*LV smiled*

LV: 7,000 credits.

*Zantro rubbed his chin*

Zantro: 7 grand, huh? Well, with it's full casing it's probably worth 8 or 9, so how bout I give you 5?

*LV smiled, but it held no warmth or merriment in it... and something in that smile made Zantro step back involuntarily*

LV: Don't think I can be duped that easily. I know that charge is from a high grade thermal detonator, easily worth 10, 000 credits. The husk of a thermal detonator is hardly a cost, and the detonation switch and wiring cost some, but the charge is quite the price in that sum of 10, 000. So, I am actually being generous in asking 7, 000 for it. And that, my friend, is my final offer.

*Zantro twitched slightly when LV said "friend"... something in the way she said it*

Zantro: Alright, lady. You got yourself a deal.

*he handed her a chit carrying 7,000 credits on it... LV smiled*

LV: A pleasure doing business with you.

*she left the shooting range and walked a few blocks down to a deserted park... she raised her left wrist and punched a sequence into it's small control display... ahead of her, her Infiltrator, The Cat's Claw, materialized seemingly out of know where as she deactivated it's cloaking device... she hadn't wanted anyone, and certainly not Sanis, to know that she had been here*

*quickly, she boarded her ship and reactivated the cloaking device, disapearing from visual and sensor displays... she took off towards deep space and for destinations only known to her*

Sniper Tondry
Dec 15th, 2000, 04:13:44 PM
"Now, doesn't this look familiar," Pierce muttered to himself, bending down in the grass outside the range to gaze at the ground.

Oddly enough, lying in front of him was the blaster cartridge from his rifle.

Pierce bent over and picked the cartridge up with a pair of repair pliars and set it into a plastic bag of the type used to package spare blaster packs that he'd produced from his carryall. He then stood up and spotted Lady Vader leaving the range.

From his concealed point in the tall grass, Pierce watched Lady Vader leave the area. Intel agents never forgot a face if they could help it, and he'd run across Lady Vader a few times in the past. That she should be here was interesting, and perhaps not pure coincidence.

Pierce continued around back, watching the ground for any more dropped items. When the range's "backyard" came into view, he stopped.

The grass was bent and the dirt disturbed with fresh footprints. A black mark was on the ground in the middle of the clearing. Perhaps most importantly, there was the smell of blaster ozone in the air, along with the slightly tangy scent that the high-energy chargers in some newer model blaster rifles produced.

Apparently, there'd been some sort of scuffle.

His eyes coolly took in the scene before him, including the distinct types of footprints, as well as the distances between them. Unfortunately, Pierce had no camera on him, so he instead examined each type of footprint, committing it to memory. Perhaps he could get an Intel sketch artist to draw them out later on.

After making sure that he could fully visualize each footprint, Pierce continued to comb the area. The only other thing his search efforts produced was another blaster cartridge, which he also bagged up like the first.

Pierce felt his mood lighten slightly as he headed back to his ship. Once Analysis had done their work, particularly on whatever DNA or fingerprints might still be preserved on those cartridges, he might get some answers.

Answers such as who had been stupid enough to steal something from him, and where he might lie in wait for them.

Lady Vader
Dec 15th, 2000, 10:54:53 PM
*silently orbiting a small asteroid just on the rim of the system, LV's ship remained cloaked and from prying eyes*

*inside, LV took off her wrist gauntlet and hooked it up to her ships computer... she was still curious about the rifle Sanis had taken, and she had some small shots of it from the miniture cam in her gauntlet*

*while the computer did it's work of identifying the weapon, and possible past owners, she got up and walked to the small galley to get herself a warm cup of coffeene... she sipped it, and walked back tot he computer terminal*

*a small green light flashed as the computer neared it's analysis... she sipped her drink again, and in the middle of her sip, the computer let out a small insistant beeping... it was done with the analysis*

*LV set the mug down and sat at the terminal, reading the information there... the weapon was indeed old, but very well suited in it's task... Tibanna gas cartridge... sniper scope... not a bad weapon... then her eye caught on previous owners*

*it wasn't so much the short list that caught her eye, but the name and face that appeared down at the end*

*she sat back in her chair and smiled to herself*

Well, well. Intel does have a nice taste for guns. And it seems Sniper Pierce Tondry is no exception.

*she thought about it, and knew without a doubt that hed recognized her... Intel agents had an annoying nack for remembering names and faces*

*she pondered on why he would give up the rifle... or perhaps the rifle had been stolen?... in either case, he'd looked peeved and she remembered the roiling anger eminating from him as he'd left the shooting range... he also seemed annoyed, violated almost... conclusion would have to think it had been stolen*

*well, no matter... it didn't involve her, so she didn't worry about it*

*and yet, she knew it would involve Sanis... she shook her head... how was it possible for one lone man to get tangle in all sorts of situations at once?... it was a wonder he was still alive*

*she picked her drink up and sipped it again*