View Full Version : Evergreen Calling...
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 18th, 2000, 04:04:15 AM
::Rebel walks out of his ship onto the Endor landscape. He could hear the crunch of fallen branches and leaves under his feet as he walked. He could smell the fresh evergreen scent that abunded from the area::
What was that?
::Rebel turned around to see nothing. He suddenly felt a dark presence::
Show yourself sith.
Rules: Same as always, no god moding, dismembering, etc.
Any other jedi or sith can jump in as long as there is one of the other kind in, which means if you're a sith and want to fight you have to wait until another jedi appears, and vice versa.
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 18th, 2000, 07:10:19 AM
The jedi hears a hiss as a Lightsaber is ignited. A double bladed one at that. Jacen walks out from the shadows, and glares at the Jedi. "I showed myself.." With that, He jumps at the Jedi, spinning while in the air, bringing his leg around and kicking the Jedi in the face. He smiles slighty as he watches the Jedi stumble backwards.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 18th, 2000, 07:53:48 PM
::Rebel regains his composure and stands straight, looking towards the sith::
"Anxious are we?"
::With that said Rebel ignites his ls Heritage, it's blue blade striking upwards with a crackle. As it reached it's full length Rebel moved out his hand and made a come here motion::
"Let's do this."
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 18th, 2000, 08:09:59 PM
He smiles slightly. "Yes, Lets." Jacen runs at Rebel, striking his saber at Rebel's gut. Rebel easily blocks. As they both send strikes at each other, they both keep blocking. As there sabers clashed, they both held them there, and Jacen moved in, making both sabers nearly hit Rebel's face. He grins at Rebel, then kicks him hard in the gut, making him stumble backwards.
OOC: What do I call ya? Rebel?
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 19th, 2000, 05:03:46 AM
::Regains his composure and scans the area, searching for means of something to aid him::
"Yes that should do well."
::Rebel uses the force to send a well sized branch flying at Jacen, but the sith notices it and moves aside easily. As he does Rebel uses force speed to kick him into a nearby tree. Rebel stands ready as Jacen slides down the trunk with his head pounding::
OOC: Rebel is fine for me.
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 19th, 2000, 08:05:37 AM
Jacen feels his head pounding, but ignores it, not letting so small distract him. He quickly gets to his feet, and moves at Rebel with great speed. Rebel goes for a high-kick to Jacen's head. Jacen easily ducks down under the kick and yells.
"Lightning Screw Uppercut!"
Almost instantly, lightning like energy forms around his fist. He springs up, slamming his fist hard on Rebel's jaw, the energy exploding on contact, making his head snap back visciously, and also lifting him high into the air. As Rebel begins his drop, Jacen jumps at him, lifting his leg up high, and spinning, then dropping his leg into Rebel's gut, slamming him down harder into the ground. Rebel's head bounces off the ground, then slams back down into it.
OOC: Great. ^_^
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 19th, 2000, 04:29:10 PM
::Grimaces in pain as his head and jaw begin to throb. He uses the force to numb the pain. As he stands back up he notices Jacen charging. Rebel ducks as Jacen tries to jump kick him and flips Jacen into a nearby boulder. As Jacen smacks the boulder with a thud Rebel throws his ls into the air. It spins upward and cuts off some branches of a nearby tree. Just as Jacen opens his eyes from hitting the boulder the branches fall on him, pinning him down and making him drop his lightsaber. Using the force Rebel guides his ls back into his hand::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 19th, 2000, 06:34:01 PM
He shakes his head a bit, then stares at the large branch covering him. He turns his head to the side, noticing that Rebel is charging at him. Jacen uses the force to lift his saber up, ignite it and throwing it at Rebel. As the saber flies at Rebel, Jacen pulls his hands from under the branch, and places them on the bottom of it. "Yaah. HA!" He yells, as he thrusts his hands foreward, pushing the large branch into the air. He quickly gets up, and rolls to the side, Noticing that saber still going for Rebel.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 20th, 2000, 04:26:35 AM
::Notices the saber in an instant and flips over it. He uses the force to stop it, then sends it flying back towards Jacen. As the ls flies toward Jacen, Rebel force jumps off of a nearby tree at him. Jacen catches the saber right as Rebel slashes with his. It cuts into Jacen's shoulder before he can move out of the way. Rebel brings his ls back up but Jacen blocks. The blades connect with a crackle and a flash of light::
"Your anger is your weakness sith."
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 20th, 2000, 06:17:13 AM
As the blades connect, he raises up his foot, slamming it into Rebel's gut, sending him stumbling back.
"No, My anger powers me. The light blinds you from seeing the true power of the force. You Jedi wouldn't understand.."
He feels a warm liquid roll down his arm. He looks at it, and see's the blood rolling down. He grins, then turns back to Rebel. Jacen points his hand at Rebel, then closes it to a fist, and Rebel feels as if someone is choking him. Jacen then raises his up his hand, Rebel lifting up off the ground. Rebel has his hands gripped on his own throat, trying to stop the Force Grip. Jacen then pulls his arm backwards slightly, then thrusts it foreward, Rebel flying off into a tree, hitting his head hard on a part of the trunk. He grins slightly, his arm dropping to his side, his other arm having a grip on his saber.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 20th, 2000, 08:53:38 PM
::Rebel blinked his eyes. The pain of the hit had made him start to get dizzy. As he came to he used the force to help his head from pounding. With a deep breath Rebel stood up and held his lightsaber::
"You have been trained well, but not enough to overcome the light."
::With that said Rebel leaped at Jacen. As he did he swung his saber at Jacen's head while toggling his other saber on his belt. As Jacen parried the slash from his ls Rebel pulled out his other saber. With a spin and a bright flash of green light Rebel swung Providence, his other saber, at Jacen's right leg, slashing deeply through the skin. As Jacen falls to the ground in pain Rebel brings his sabers up and jumps into a defensive position::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 21st, 2000, 10:12:52 PM
Jacen speaks from the ground.
"I've been trained by a great master.. And she trained me enough to easily overcome the likes of you.."
With that, Jacen puts his hands down onto his right leg, where the wound is. "Ack.." He slowly gets to his feet, limping slightly. He hears a loud scream, then looks up, seeing Rebel coming down to strike him. He instantly raises his hand that's holding his saber, blocking Rebel's hit. As Rebel lands, Rebel thrusts his other saber foreward, and Jacen lifts his injured leg off the ground, putting pressure on his other leg, and spins to the side, just avoiding his saber. He instantly brings his saber down, slashing a deep cut into Rebel's right arm, making him drop the saber. Jacen jumps back, and gets into a defensive position, his injured leg paining, but he's trying to ignore the pain.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 22nd, 2000, 03:41:54 AM
::Let's out a grunt of pain. The cut nerves send signals to his brain over and over making the wound throb. Rebel uses the force to make the wound close and to help calm the nerves. With the wound closed but still open inside, Rebel picks up his saber and disignites it, clipping it back on his belt. As Rebel is finally able to begin he senses danger and sees a bright flash of light as Jacen's double saber is sent towards his head from behind. With a quick spin Rebel ducks and turns towards Jacen. He brings his saber up and cuts the sith's double bladed ls in half, one side falling to the ground disignited, the other still in Jacen's hand crackling with light. As the sith stands in shock Rebel stands back and gets ready::
OOC: Heard a battle scream? lol
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 22nd, 2000, 04:30:31 AM
OOC: I thought your saber was on your belt? Oh well!
IC: He looks down at the broken saber, then looks at the half in his hand, still working. He lifts his head up and stares at Rebel. He disignites the half that he has, and throws it to the ground.
"Now I have to make another one.." He mumbles.
He grins slightly, then runs at Rebel, his own leg still paining from the wound. Rebel goes for a high-kick for Jacen's head, and he see's this for when Rebel raises his leg. Jacen ducks down and yells.
"Lightning Screw Uppercut!!"
Lightning-like energy instantly forms around his right fist, and he springs himself into the air, his fist on a path with Rebel's chin. Just before his right fist hits Rebel's chin, he thrusts his left hand to the side, grabbing onto Rebel's lightsaber. His left hand thrusts up into Rebel's chin, the energy on his hand exploding on contact, snapping his head back visciously. This makes Rebel let go of his saber, Jacen taking a hold of it. Rebel flies into the air from the impact of the uppercut, as Jacen jumps back, holding Rebel's saber, and getting ready to defend Rebel's next move. If there is one.. , he thinks.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 22nd, 2000, 04:11:07 PM
OOC: I had both of my sabers out if you remember.
::Is falling into unconciousness from the blow. As he starts to black out he grasps hold of what energy he can find and comes to::
"Oh that was a great idea." he thinks as a load of pain overwhelms him.
::He concentrates and uses the force to help numb the pain, but it also takes some of the energy from his other wounds, which are now burning again. He feels his jaw, and finds a small crack::
"That was a mistake. I also believe that belongs to me." Rebel says while pointing towards his saber.
::Rebel pulls his ls Heritage off his belt again and ignites it. He notices the sith watching him with a glare::
"So your master is Dalethria? Pity, she could've been a promising jedi. Of course, the sith are those who are weak minded. I wouldn't expect you to see the truth so easily."
::As he said this Rebel watched Jacen's anger growing inside, with the aid of the dark side. As it reached a peak Jacen started to charge Rebel in a rage. Thinking fast, Rebel forced jumped out of the way, near a branch above. As before Jacen went for the uppercut but instead Rebel twisted out of the way, sending Jacen's fist into the tree branch above. With a crack a couple of Jacen's fingers broke, then part of his wrist, as the good sized branch broke in two. Rebel stood ready with his saber drawn, holding it with both his hands. His right arm was burning with pain, as was his jaw, but he took his mind off that by concentrating on the fight::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 22nd, 2000, 08:37:36 PM
OOC: Oh, Yeah, Oops. ^_^''
Jacen lands onto the ground, the other half of the branch landing behind him. He ignores what Rebel said and he turns around, facing Rebel. He raises up his left hand slightly, pointing Rebel's own saber at Rebel. While doing that, He is concentrating on his fingers and wrist, sending the force down into it to numb the pain. He brings up his right hand, and places it on the Lightsaber. Jacen smiles, as he begins to walk at Rebel slowly. He glares at the jedi, as a sudden burst of energy comes to his legs, making him move at Rebel at incredible speeds. Thanks to the help of the froce, that is. About 5 feet away from Rebel, Jacen jumps, bringing his saber down at the Jedi. Rebel easily blocks the blow, and Jacen lands just infront of him. He instantly brings his saber down, and thrusts it foreward, aiming for Rebel's stomach.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 22nd, 2000, 10:34:20 PM
::Jumps back, dodging the lightsaber, which only cuts a hole in part of his clothing. Rebel force pushes Jacen onto the ground and as Jacen gets back up he slashes at him, but Jacen blocks. Rebel continues his pointless attack and is blocked hit after hit. He slashes once more to the side, and is blocked, but he uses his left arm to force grip the unsuspecting Jacen by the collar. As Jacen looks forward Rebel smirks::
"Bye bye."
::Rebel force strength throws Jacen into a nearby tree, his back slamming against it with a loud thud, also causing his head to fall backwards with a crack. As Rebel gets ready to fight he watches Jacen's limp body slide off the tree, leaving a patch of blood where his head hit::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 22nd, 2000, 11:40:56 PM
Jacen slides down the tree, landing on the ground, and just sitting there, back and head up against the tree. His eyes are already closed from the impact. He begins to move his arm, moving it up to his head. He slowly opens his eyes, looking at the Jedi. The Jedi has a look of triumph over his face, as Jacen just glares. He takes his hand off his head, and points it at Rebel, as a very dark red glows around his hand. Jacen finds all the strength he can inside of him, and uses it to concentrate on Rebel. The unsuspecting jedi slowly begins to raise off the ground. Jacen continues to concentrate, the dark glow around his hand starting to brighten. The jedi continues to rise, getting higher and higher, and he softly mutters.
"Go to hell, Jedi.."
With that, the Jedi suddenly flies back at a tree, his back hitting it hard with a loud crack. He slides down the tree slightly, before he is pulled foreward from it, then thrown upwards. Rebel spins while in the air, his head facing down, seeing a large rock under it. Jacen, using the rest of the energy he could find, pulls his arm down. As soon as he does, the Jedi instantly stops going up, and falls at a great speed. A small smile comes to Jacen face, as the Jedi continues to fall. The jedi spins while in the air again, his back now facing the ground. Jacen's smiles slightly when Rebel hits, his whole body slamming into the ground hard, seeming to make a small imprint of where he landed. The Jedi hit the back of his head hard on the rock, making it bounce off it, then hit it again, with another large impact. Jacen's hand drops to the ground and coughs up a bit of blood, as his eyes slowly close.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 23rd, 2000, 04:40:44 PM
OOC: I'll give you that, but make sure you know you're an apprentice, and I'm not sure you would be able to do that yet.
::Rebel layed there on the large rock, blood from the back of his head coming down. The pain was tremendous from the hit, and all he could do was use the aid of the force to help numb it. His whole body ached from the force of the hit. Luckily he was able to generate a force shell around him, taking some of the damage. Slowly he pulled out a bacta packet and applied it to the back of his head. He glanced over at the motionless Jacen, who was also pretty damaged. Rebel focused on the force, he let it flow through him, let it move through his whole body. He slowly gained energy from it. After about five minutes of laying there he moved his right leg off of the rock, then his left. He stood up with difficulty and adjusted himself. Slowly he crept towards Jacen and stopped. He called his saber Jacen had taken from him and clipped it on his belt. As he stood there holding his other saber he watched the motionless Jacen, ready for an attack, or at least as ready as he could be from just getting up from such a blow::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 23rd, 2000, 08:22:57 PM
OOC: Erm.. Yesh.. I had to do something.. And it was just merely lifting you with the force.. Although.. Ah, Hell, Jes' keep going now, I 'spose..
IC: Jacen still just lays there, completely motionless. He is unconcious, But he's fighting to keep away from it. He brings up all the energy he can, but that's not much from his weakened state. With that energy, he slowly opens his eyes, and lifts his head up slightly, still having it leaning against the tree. Jacen looks around the battleground slowly, ignoring where Rebel is standing. He keeps scanning the area, looking for something. Jacen finds it - The broken side of the saber that works. He tries to ignite the saber with whatever energy he can muster up, but he's too weak, and just drops his head down again, eyes still open, but breathing heavily.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:58:10 PM
::Rebel blinked his eyes. The shock of the fall had started to subside. As he looked at the hurt sith he closed his eyes and called out to the force. A bright energy formed around him as he concentrated more, diving deeper into the force. The rocks around the two warriors began to lift off the ground. The bigger sized ones slowly crept off and hovered with the smaller ones. As Jacen struggled to lift his head up he saw this and started to get nervous. Sweat trickled down his brow, over dried blood. Suddenly the rocks began to move, slowly at first, but went faster, moving in a circle. They began traveling at an immense speed, swirling around Rebel like a tornado. They were going so fast that Jacen wasn't even able to see Rebel anymore through the spinning group of rocks. Rebel opened his eyes, and the rocks suddenly went hurtling at Jacen. The sith screamed out and shielded himself as they flew out at him, the rocks cutting and breaking. After the rocks settled down and stopped coming Jacen opened his eyes. He stared in awe as he didn't even have one single injury from it. He looked at Rebel, the sith in wonder.
"See that? I could've easily made those hit you, but I didn't. I have let you have your life. The dark side will only lead to your own death and destruction."
::Rebel disignited his saber and looked at the sith, awaiting a response::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:28:57 AM
"I only have two words to says: You're foolish.."
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 24th, 2000, 12:47:59 AM
::Throws some bacta packs at Jacen::
"I'll let you think about what you are doing. Should be a long time for thought."
::Starts walking off toward his ship::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 24th, 2000, 01:31:18 AM
Jacen watchs the bacta packs land just beside him, then watchs as the Jedi walks off. He can do nothing but sit there, because of his weakened state. He moves his hand to one of the bacta packs, picking it up and wrapping it around his leg. He lifts his head back up, to see where the Jedi was walking, but he isn't there. His head is still pounding. He puts both hands onto the ground, and pushes, trying to lift himself up. He slowly gets up onto his feet, then stands up straight, putting a hand on the tree, so he doesn't fall. He looks around, wondering how he's gonna get back to his ship like, and how he's even gonna FLY the ship.
Jedi Rebel X
Dec 24th, 2000, 02:21:54 AM
::Sets his ship to automated course and sits down in a chair, waiting to get back to GJO and start healing himself::
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 24th, 2000, 08:56:33 PM
He looks around the area, his vision being a bit blurred. He see's someone walking at him, and senses that it's a dark presence. He takes his hand off the tree, making him fall back down into a sitting position. He notices the person getting closer.
".. Ma .. Master?" He says, hoping it's her.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 25th, 2000, 04:02:39 AM
Dalethria watched the fight, never to get involved, but to witness her Disciples first battle against a Jedi. Her presence stayed cloaked so that Rebel didn't know that he had a shadow following his every move. She kept to the shadows and trees, eventually going high, jumping from branch to branch to get a better view and position to hide.
When Jacen fell, her eyes narrowed with hatred at the Jedi Knight. Once he left the area, she jumped down from her spot, the cloak around her billowing out as she fell down and landed aways from where Jacen layed.
Walking slowly to his position, Dalethria watched him stand on his own power. This caused her to grin and let her presence sweep the area so her Disciple knew that he wasn't alone any longer.
He looked up and saw that it was indeed his Master as she stood before him. Pulling down her black hood, her eyes pierced Jacen's as she stared straight into his heart, "You may have lost this battle, but that's all it was. One battle. There will be other's and I know your paths with Rebel with cross again."
Her eyes light up as a wicked grin comes across her face, "Vengeance is a beautiful tool." Then she became serious quickly, "Can you walk on your own power?"
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 25th, 2000, 06:49:17 AM
"..I think so.." With that, He puts his hands onto the ground, and pushes himself onto his feet again. He slowly straightens his body up, then slowly steps foreward, then takes another step, Making sure he wont fall. He slowly begins to walk, then stops. "..Yeah.. Not to fast.. though.."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 25th, 2000, 02:47:03 PM
Dalethria nods to her Apprentice and she slowly leads the way through the forest and back to his ship, ever alert in case any Jedi fools wish to surprise them. The hike back was uneventful and Dalethria's ship, The Koriolos, was waiting for it's pilot right next to Jacen's.
"As you can tell, I figured out what happened. Can you fly your ship? If not, let me know what your transponder code is and I can pilot it from my ship."
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 25th, 2000, 10:16:21 PM
"Erm.. I don't think I can.." He walks onto his ship for awhile, as if looking for something. A little while later, He comes back out, holding nothing, but stops infront of Dale and tells her the transponder code.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 26th, 2000, 02:44:27 AM
"Thank you. Get to your ship and signal me your ready to leave."
Dalethria walks to her ship and opens the ramp. Upon entering, she heads straight for the cockpit and quickly keys in the transponder code to her system before she sits down. She pulls her hood off and adjusts her cloak as Dalethria takes her place in the pilot's chair, waiting for Jacen.
Jacen Lockheart
Dec 26th, 2000, 04:36:23 AM
Jacen opens the ramp of his ship, walking straight for the cockpit, closing the ramp along the way. He opens the commlink to Dale's ship right away.
"I'm ready.." With that, he walks to his own little part of the ship, where a small bed is. He walks in there, and lays down, wanting to sleep the whole way back.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 26th, 2000, 04:46:27 AM
"Roger that."
Dalethria keys in a flight pattern to leave the planet. Jacen's ship follows right behind. She closes her eyes and let's her presence extend to Jacen, feeling that he is about to fall asleep. The best thing for him now is rest.
As soon as the ships break the atmosphere, they disappear in a streak, heading into hyperspace and heading home to The Empire.
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