View Full Version : Operation Forked Lightning - SA1

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 07:36:36 PM
:: Far out in the cold reaches of space, a solitary fighter, a recon Y-Wing blasts into hyperspace, having successfully done a flyby of Bespin. The data is now on it's way back to the NR::

Further out, the war fleet readies itself

Over on antoher gathering point, team two readies itself for it's task.

A stern General barks - "Set Mark! Fleet will set attack co-ordination and enter lightspeed at my signal!"

Five minutes later, a green light is given and the fleet is on it's way to give someone a very rude wake up call

Jan 10th, 2001, 07:47:40 PM

::A squadron of X-Wings exits from hyperspace::

Red leader: "Enemy activity is low. Nothing to report yet.."

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 10th, 2001, 07:50:33 PM
Onboard the flagship of taskforce two, a Jedi Master signalls for this operation to commence. The second fleet flees into hyperspace

Master Yoghurt
Jan 10th, 2001, 07:59:33 PM
**YT-1300 "Silver Falcon" flies trough hyperspace**

Inside the cabin, Master Yoghurt looked over the controls and the settings. The Navigation computer reported progress as planned.

An encrypted message is sent to the Flagship of fleet 2:
"I will rendezvous with you at jumpoint B"

Jan 10th, 2001, 08:02:39 PM
Standing with both his arms crossed behind his back, the Jedi known as Nupraptor looked out the transparisteel viewport of the Corellian Gunship, The Snark. The white streaks of Hyperspace slowly faded back to stars as the ship approached Bespin.

"Bags... I never was any good at this sort of stuff."

Ash Longbaugh
Jan 10th, 2001, 08:12:48 PM
::The alert Klaxon sounds, and the NR pilots scramble for their ships. Ash runs out, pulling his helmet on. The ship had left hyperspace, time to scramble fighters. Ash climbs up the ladder, into the cockpit of his X-Wing. The cockpit closes, as Ash slowly brings the fighter up.

"OK Nacho, lets go!"::

OOC: Nacho is Ash's R2 droid

Jan 10th, 2001, 08:20:51 PM
***Somewhere near Chad 3***

::A squad of X-wing exits hyperspace::

Green leader: "Scan for enemy units and structures in this sector and prepare to jump for hyperspace.."

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 10th, 2001, 08:23:34 PM
OOC : In case they are slow to take up, we're launching an attack on the RSO and another target. We will be looking for some way to have a land based sabre fight as well. General fleet and melee rules apply. You never know who we go after in this thread, stand by for some fun...

Sniper Tondry
Jan 10th, 2001, 08:28:08 PM
DT: (ooc) Well, I hope you're ready for a few surprises of ours. Particularly one or two of mine...


Chris Redfeild S T A R S
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:01:00 PM
ooc:: Hey Dt and Nuparator this would be my first Rp would it be cool if i kinda tag along with you two?

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:27:07 PM
OOC : Dont see why not

Hart Kenobi
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:30:02 PM
::A slightly smaller, compact X-Wing identified as the Catch-22 leaves hyperspace and aligns and positions itself with Ackbar's fleet.::

::Hart Kenobi adjusts his controls and waits for his orders.::
"Tweeeeep bloooooop?"
::Hart lifts his head::
"Naw R4, not yet. I'd like to keep it on manual. Just continue your check on our systems."
::Hart opens a transmission to the command ship::
"Rogue 15 checking in. Engines are go, weapons are go, visibility is good, currently raising shields. Awaiting futher instructions....."

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:35:09 PM
OOC: You want a land-based fight? On Bespin? Okay, I guess...just take a jump and hold your breath for a long time till you reach the core ;)

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:37:25 PM
OOC : Not necessarily Bespin. But somewhere would be nice - Gimme a hoy on AIM and we'll sort one out

Admiral Urza
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:15:52 PM

:: On board the Super Star Destroyer Acridian sat Admiral urza positioned in his commander seat. The Admiral looked on as the first of the two task force of <a href=http://www.geocities.com/adm_urza/sigmafleet.html>Sigma Fleet</a> formed up. He smelled fresh blood in the air and the possibility of war, this delighted him. TIE MK II Daggers formed up in pairs of two and roared across the massive fleet patrolling the area. Admiral Urza slowly rose to his feet and spoke to Colonel Rekesh in a god like voice.

"Set up comm links and prepare all ships for hyperspace, we are jumping towards Bespin ....", he said with confidence.

"Aye Sir"

With that said Rivo took his seat and prepared for the jump. Quickly the surrounding officers scampered about readying for hyperspace. With a quick flash of blue light the ships were gone.

The task force blasted into the system, slowing from hyperspace. The bay doors of the ships crept open and hundreds of TIE MK II Daggers stormed out patrolling the nearby area waiting for the attack. The larger capitol ships began to charge their super lasers. ::

Jace Darklighter
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:44:53 PM
A lone X-Wing emerged from hyperspace in the very heat of battle. The ships pannels began flashing with warning signals of every kind. Jace gripped the ship's control stick and jerked it to his left, pointing towards the newly arriving TIE MK II Daggers. The Jedi gasped at the luminous overbearing Super Star Destroyers in the distance. They were bigger then he imagined. He had heard many war stories involving the ferocious ships, but seeing them for the first time sent a shiver up his spine.

His throat ran dry as a greater number of various Star Destroyers came into view. He gazed into the darkness, squinting his eyes as he began to comprehend their full size.

He jammed his finger to his comlink, speaking to his R-2 unit.

"Looks like we are approaching the enemy. Forward all power to shields and prepare for evasive action."

His R-2 unit beeped a quick obedient reply. Jace opened a secure channel to his fellow Jedi and New Republic members.

"Sorry for showing up so late. I am here, ready to assist in any way."

The TIE MK II Daggers were approaching at an increasing rate and Jace opened his comlink to all channels, yelling in complete exitement.

"Yeeeeehhhaaawww! Bring it on, boys!"

EDIT: Changed to add some content that I overlooked. Sorry about that, Urza.

EDIT: I had to edit it again because my first sentence got cut off.

Jan 10th, 2001, 11:46:24 PM


Admiral Urza
Jan 11th, 2001, 12:01:14 AM
OOC: Jace, you refer to my fleet as one ship, you may want to look again. Just thought I would point that out.


:: The group of Daggers spotted the single X-Wing and swarmed upon the unsuspecting ship. Like wasp, the Daggers attacked the lone ship, firing upon the infant ship. Their ions cannons screamed as blast fired towards ship.

Back on the Acridian

Admiral Urza once again rose to his feet as the large ship spotted the on going battle. He grinned as he learned who his daggers were up against. The Rebel would fall without a doubt. ::

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 11th, 2001, 12:46:54 AM
:: Flagship of Fleet 2 comes out of lightspeed. The cargo vessel detatch and begin to break away, while the war fleet turns and goes to hyperspace again. A solitary ship, the personal craft of the Jedi Master joins the cargo carriers and they too depart for hyperspace::

Chris Redfeild S T A R S
Jan 11th, 2001, 01:05:14 AM
::In a borrowed X wing #13A Chris follow Dt and the supplie convoys::

Darth Havok
Jan 11th, 2001, 05:03:49 AM

It seemed to be a day just like any other, but was it?

A scout party of dual Y-4 transports scour through the asteroid belt Velser's Ring, on their regular mission; search and reconnaissance. Their month’s mission was nearly up, as a new shift was to be deployed and arrive in three days time. They were relaxed and looking forward to their upcoming leave; exchanging pleasantries, and their views on how they were going to spend their time off with one another. The captain of the pair of ship’s sits with his feet propped up on the console in front of him as he nurses his morning cup of joe. When suddenly the lieutenant at the sensor station is torn from his usual hypnotic state; staring at a blank screen every day where not a trace of anything is ever detected for even weeks at a time.

“Sir” he says loudly, clearing his throat afterwords.. “I’ve just detected a squadron of X-wings.. They just came out of hyperspace near Bespin.“ he says quickly as he begins scans on all surrounding areas..

The captain chokes in mid sip, and spills a third of the cup on his pants.. “Blasted…..” he says, angrily to himself. “Helm.. Move us back into the thicket of the belt, we must not be detected..” he says as he slams the cup down and rises to see a nice stain; looking as if he had done something quite childish.. Well the colors nearly match, he thinks as he feels the tenderness of the skin on his inner thigh slightly scathed from the heated liquid.

“Another sir.” The lieutenant blurts out…. “Corellian class, look to be a gunship sir..” he says in confirmation..

“Well, get us through this belt so we can get to hyperspace Helm, make sure to keep all systems running on low power, as it will raise our chances of not being detected if a larger ship comes out of hyperspace..” The captain orders, as he is still brushes his hand on his pants..

Several minutes later they reach a clearing in the belt, and began calculating their hyperspace jump through the isolated Ison Corridor; their only being so many ways you can go from Bespin.. Due to the near-impossibility of navigating through the dense mass of stars found in the Deep Core. A short time later they were ready and disappeared in a flash into the folds of hyperspace.. And came out hours later on the edge of the Deep Core and relayed the transmission with the pressing news of the Rebel’s presence.

Lord Havok hears the new, and deploys sigma fleet immediately. Still on the planet, on the balcony of his quarters he stares up into the blue-green sunlight and wonders.. Just what do they think their up to now.. As he orders for his shuttle to be prepared and orders that the majority of the <a href=http://www.geocities.com/adm_urza/rsomainfleet.htm>Delta Fleet</a> and some of the ships of his own person fleet be assembled at utmost priority..

Ash Longbaugh
Jan 11th, 2001, 07:22:28 PM
::Ash pulls up, and looks out at the fleet. Mighty impressive. His daydreaming is cut off by the sound of the Comm-link

Krayt 9, do you copy
Krayt 9 reporting in
You have new orders, I repeat, new orders
Yes sir
You are to go to the coordinates you have just recieved on your computer
But sir, that is...
Yes, it is. You have new orders. They have been fed in too
Affirmative sir
Good luck Krayt 9

Ash sighs, and hits the hyperspace control. I hate the name Krayt Squadron

Jedah Lynch
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:51:31 AM
*On the planet Byss Lynch walks into a large circular room where numerous panels were aligned, walking to one, he patches into the computer typing in commands. The screen in front of him flashes on as data is listed down the screen. Taking in the details, Lynch places his palm in his hand taping one finger upon the desk.*

Very bad strategy he muses to himself.Whoever planned this attack didnt do his work or was emotional burdened at the time.

*Getting up he connects a communication message to flight bay.*

Get my ship ready, have it put next to my renamed ASD the Aegis-Fang along with any additional craft.

*Slowly Lynch makes his way out, walking down the metal hallway he stops at a lift. Slowly the doors open and the Sith proceeds in letting the doors shut behind him leaving him alone with his thoughts as he continues his travel to the shuttle*

Jace Darklighter
Jan 12th, 2001, 07:31:46 PM
The glittering stars of space danced across his view as he hooked his X-Wing in a sudden dive, just barely missing an oncoming laser blast. Jace quickly glanced down on his navigational board, assessing the enemy closing in. Numerous Daggers stretched out before him as gripped his control stick. He thumbed it, sending out an array of laser fire onto the Daggers. The ships were fast and were easily avoiding the threat.

The Jedi clenched his teeth. Stretching out with the Force, he tried to focus. He felt the presence of the life-force, which surrounded him. The laser fire continued to rain down on his ship, but the Jedi maneuvered left and right to avoid the blasts. Jerking his stick, he did a barrol roll and came out behind three of the Daggers. Pressing the fire button firmly, laser bolts struck the Dagger's left wing, sending it soaring to its destruction.

The Corellian's X-Wing suddenly shook violently as a burst of energy rammed into his shields. His R-2 unit beeped wildly. Damage reports flew across the X-Wing's communication screen.

__________________________________________________<font size=1 color=red>



The Jedi continued to reach out with the Force, allowing it to guide his moves. Yet, a plummeting assault of laser fire never ceased. There seemed to be no where to go in the huddle of Daggers. Jace flew upward, allowing a few stray hits to miss entirely. His hands flew across his navigational board, keying in a input for hyperspace.

New Republic X-Wings swung into action, clearing out a path for Jace to get by. The Jedi opened another secure channel to the New Republic and his fellow Jedi and spoke hastily.

"I can't last much longer. I'm making the jump to hyperspace."

The X-Wing shuttered momentarily as it made its sudden jump into hyperspace. Star lines engulfed his view.

Dara Shadowtide
Jan 12th, 2001, 10:30:31 PM
On the RSO home planet Byss

:: On the main electrical platform of her ship, the Resilience, Dara Shadowtide performs some routine maintenance checks on the CR90 Corellian Corvette. While conducting diagnostics on the newly installed hyperdrive system, her protocol droid K-3PO scurries in to speak with her ::

K-3PO: "Mistress Dara. I have detected a military presence outside Bespin."

Dara: "Oh? And what kind of presence exactly?"

K-3PO: "I have the complete report on my console on the bridge my Lady, however it involves a squadron of X-Wings moving into position and a possible pending attack on the planet."

Dara: "We must go provide an assistance we can. Prepare the ship for takeoff. I will be on the bridge momentarily."

:: K-3PO leaves the platform to return to the bridge while Dara finishes up the scan of the hyperdrive. With everything in order, she departs the platform and makes her way to the bridge ::

Dara: "K-3PO, R2-Q2 and C2-R4 prepare for takeoff. We are heading to the planet Bespin to provide assistance in a possible military mission against the RSO. I want an up to date profile of the situation at hand and full power to the shields. We haven't seen any action for a while and I don't want to be caught off guard."

:: Dara takes her seat in the pilot's chair as the droid crew prepares the ship for takeoff. The ramp lifts closed as the engines hum to power. The repulsor lifts ease the ship up into the air as it ascends to space. Once the ship is clear from the orbit of Byss, Dara engages hyperspeed and the stars become streaks of light as they head toward Bespin. While en route, she reads all the transmissions from the communication logs of her ship ::

K-3PO: "Excuse me, Mistress Dara? There is extensive military deployment by the Empire on Dagobah."

Dara: "Yes, I am just reading that K-3PO. Master Ogre has the situation under control. We shall head there immediately after making sure that Bespin is not in any danger from the jedi."

K-3PO: "Very well, Mistress Dara. I shall continue to monitor both situations and provide you with up to date reports on each."

Dara: "Excellent work, K-3P0. Pull up the latest report on Bespin."

:: Dara rises from her chair and walks to the military console screen to study the droid's expert tactical analysis of the situation at hand ::

Jan 13th, 2001, 10:42:09 PM
[i]Piett was tired. Life was so slow lately, and he felt quite bloodthirsty. The realm of fleet combat was growing ever so tiresome, and for today, just for today, he was going to drop it. Instead, just moniter a few wings of starfighters, including the infamous Paladin Special Ops fighters that, if succesful, he may produce on a slightly wider scale.

He sat in the creased leather chair that had become his abode for the day, running his fingers softly and slowly down the side of the foggy glass at his side. He gingerly picked it up at the rim and lifted it to his lips, tipping it towards him ever so slightly. A steady trickle of drops fell, moistening his lips. Nothing compared to Royal Alderaanian Wine from the year fourteen, P.N.O. (Pre New Order.) He puckered his lips at the perfect balance of tart and sweet, absolutely relishing this masterpiece of wine. It was, on the comparitive scale of the physical and culinary arts, it equaled the Bust of Palpatine.

Nothing could have punctured so tasteful a moment.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 14th, 2001, 03:57:03 AM
Upon arriving in Aegis-Fangs shuttle bay the Sith Lord had several attendants waiting to keep him briefed of the situation upon Bespin and that of the sieged home world of Dagobah that at the moment seemed to be on the verge of being reduced to a pile of soot.

Chuckling to himself that it was doubtful anyone would be able to enjoy another one of Yogs famous root stew, the Sith entered the bridge.

"As of this moment with the power granted to me by Emperor Havok I'am taking command of Beta Fleet."

Sitting down in his chair he had images of Dragobahs continued annihlation played. Moving a hand over to a chess board that had its own podium firmly embedded onto the ships floor the Sith rearranges several pieces, removing two or three, taking one piece up with his hand he crushes it entirely letting the pieces fall from his dark glove to the ground.

"Bonus points go to the Empire for this attack, pity cant say the same for those foolish Jedi who sealed thier own planets doom by leaving it unguarded" he snickered.

"Helmsman, take us out and maintain a standard orbit over Byss until further orders. Communications keep a track of all outgoing and ingoing news, I want to stay informed on what is happening. If a pin so much as drops I want to know right away. Make sure all RSO survillence is on alert."

*Sitting back in his chair the Sith focuses upon the screen watching the unfolding battle grinning every time he saw another Jedi or republic ship go down in flames*


Darth Havok
Jan 14th, 2001, 09:45:46 PM
Havok was aboard the Black Diamond; his personal shuttle.. Pushing up through the atmosphere of Byss, approaching the Venomous, an <a href=http://www.geocities.com/lordjyanis/icc.html>Incisive Cruiser</a>, when he receives the news from the Merciless; an Imperial Class Star Destroyer that was on patrol of the outer edge of the Tapani Sector.

“Emperor havok” as the admiral comes over his comlink. “Yes, what is it?” - “I was just informed that Dagaboh was invaded only a few standard hours ago, by Sith Empire forces.. The invasion was a success. The civilian’s, Jedi and an unknown portion of their forces were able to evade the assault and escape through hyperspace, but the planet remains under siege for now. I also informed them of our current situation near Bespin; they said in response that they would send some forces to meet ours to investigate.. They are to meet you at point Iota.”

Havok grins wickedly, making a tight fist.

Ah, such a glorious day. he thinks, as he can almost visually imagine the carnage being administered upon the surface and structures of the Jedi planet that has housed their headquarters for countless years.. He remembers a time so long ago that he was in that exact position. Years ago, when he was apart of the Sith Empire, being forced to leave a place he had called home for so long; a place he felt he would always have…
I wish I would have known.. I would have enjoyed being there to return the favor.

After several moments of radio silence the admiral speaks again.. “Sir?”

Havok replies, having been lost in thought “Well admiral, you’ve been most informative. Now, down to pressing matters. Keep the Delta Fleet on yellow alert and patrolling the Tapani Sector, that is all.”

He changes to a communiqué and addresses Admiral Drake aboard the Event Horizon, location Fondor. “Admiral, I want all of the available Obsidian fleet craft in your area to prepare for a jump to hyperspace.. I’m feeding the coordinates to you now, and will be arriving there shortly myself. Havok out.”

As his shuttle docks with the Venomous, he tells the captain to inform Jedah Lynch of the situation if he already has not been. And to let him know that we will be proceeding to point Iota, and the choice of his accompanying us would be up to him.. The bay doors close, and the cruiser moves at top speed towards Fondor for it’s jump to hyperspace..

Jedah Lynch
Jan 15th, 2001, 01:02:58 AM
Aboard the Aegis-Fang a communications officer confers with that of the Venomous "Sir we have an incoming communication from Emperor Havok, he is heading to point Iota."

Lynch moves slightly in his seat twirling a chess piece between fingers starring in deep thought his eyes staring dead ahead at nothingness.


Lynch continued to twirl around the dark chess piece almost obvious to his surroundings, he heard no noise, no sound.

"Sir" came again the young mans voice.

"Set the Aegis-Fang to follow him ensign." finally came the reply.

"Yes sire, setting course now and igniating hyper space jump"

The Aegis-Fang began to head to its new coordinates blazing through space as it made its way to its destination, twisting the chess piece once more Lynch held his hand out over the board and lowered the piece onto a darken checkered patch.

Admiral Urza
Jan 15th, 2001, 07:13:02 PM
:: The Admiral, quite annoyed, tapped his fingers across the arm of the leather chair. He watched on as the foolish pilot defeated his Dagger's with ease. He thought of many ways to defeat this ignorant fool, how could such a obsolete ship defeat the most power and up to date ship in the universe? He called upon Colonel Dayark and whispered a few words to the officer.

"Call out for four squadrons of TIE Advanced Mark IV and another squadron of TIE MK III Daggers. The little Rebel will be out numbered and cannot escape. Not with that outdated ship at least."

Rivo smiled a bit and watched on waiting for upcoming blood shed. The Colonel bustled about calling in the order through out the comm link. Soon the TIE Advanced Mark IV blasted out of the Sovereign Star Destroyer Wrath Cycle racing through the black blanket of area known as Space. Their hulls gleamed a bright light as the nearby stars reflected off the metal panels.

The TIE Advanced Mark IVs screamed in firing upon the lone X-Wing. They rendezvoused with the TIE MK II Daggers accompanying them on the small skirmish. The fighter's ion cannons shrieked as each blast left the weapon. The green blasts of energy confronted the X-Wing ripping into the wings of the ship.

A delighted expression pranced across Urza's face as he stared aimlessly at the on going battle. But still a bit annoyed that this was all the action that was coming from the Jedi. He sought blood and craved the crimson liquid. So Urza took things in his hands, with a quick shout the Colonel returned and Urza once again spoke.

"Call in the 2nd Attack Force along with the <http://www.geocities.com/lordjyanis/iotaas.html>Iota Attack Squadron</a> commanded by Vice Admiral Desrei. It is time to give those Jedi some action!"

"Yes sir!"

The message was soon sent and the fleets would be arriving shortly.


Back on Byss awaited Sigma Fleet's 2nd Attack Force along with the Iota Squadron. The message came in and the commanding officers verified the Colonel with a positive reply. The small groups of ships soon formed up and prepared themselves for the jump towards Bespin. ::

Jan 16th, 2001, 02:49:47 AM
*As the X-wings approch Bespin they see 3 Frigates in orbit, apparently dirlect and with only enough power to keep them from falling into the gas giant. Meanwhile on board both Strike class cruser pilots scramble to their ships, eager to get a chance at fighting the New Republic prized fighters. In a few short minutes 24 Howlrunners and 10 TIE Advanced launch and await their enemies arrival.*