View Full Version : The Kuat Gambit
Lord Gue
Jan 9th, 2001, 04:27:20 PM
Aboard his control ship, The NSD - Viscera, named after the leader of GMA, He sat in his control chair gazing across the bridge crew and out the view ports. He looked over at his comm officers"Is the fleet ready?""Aye sir, our fleet is reporting full operational status, the other half has yet to check in""All goes well then, with the other half of our forces already in transit we will have them soon"[i]Breif sensor sweeps of the area detected the TGE ships only. The small fleet powered up its hyperdrives and prepared for a jump.....
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 9th, 2001, 08:13:26 PM
OOC: Kuat, largest ship yard in the galaxy. designed if a invading force evers trys to capture it, explosives in key areas would detonate, destorying the shipyards. The people are a very proud people and would rather die then turn over the ship yards. Has very interesting history
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:32:49 PM
*Tourment,aboard the ESD Omega looks down at a holo data pad containing the fading image of his Emporer and calls upon Eagels to bring him a different data pad,the one he was watching,when he arives T swithes with Eagels and flicks his new informent to ON.With that an image of the legendary Kuat Driveyards illumates T's face folowed shortly by his mission.....then rotating images of the vesels in his magnificent task force
closing the holovid T looks over to the still occupied Eagels then around at his personal regement of loyal deckhands and officers noticing the glare of determination in their eyes he gives a sigh of relief and awaits their arival at the Kuat system.........
General Eli
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:09:18 AM
The New Republic Task Force Repel drops out of hyperspace outside Kuat..
General Eli commander of this force orders the AC's to deploy there spheres out side the system to prevent hyper jumps.. The Task force goes onward towards Kuat as the AC's do their job..
All superlasers begin to charge
Task Force Repel
Darth Viscera
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:20:59 AM
*8 SSDs and 12 ASDs detach from a GMA Reserve fleet at Carida, setting course for Kuat. The attack was made under word that an entire New Republic sector fleet had been lured away. That sector fleet would be trapped and decimated if TGE were properly reinforced, as was the plan. There would be no more retreats for the Empire, not this day, or any other.*
Lord Gue
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:58:20 AM
OOC: The Time line is the same as the Attack on bespin thread, Attack on Borlieas thread, and I believe Hollowed Eve
Jan 11th, 2001, 05:08:03 PM
how could NR of possibly know of thiss attack no hostile ships have been to Kuat,this is stricktly confidential info,and gue told you ooc we were attckin....soooo?
IC:*as the minuets turn to hours T's realizes that the time is near and so does his crew.Manning of his MASSIVE fleet of Tie begins,low level crewmen scramble left and right in an effort to make them self's feel contributive making the veterans easily recognizable.*
Eagels:sir,drop point in 5.....4.....3....2......1
*with that the massive blur of stars sourounding each vessel quickly fades and slows into individual points of light.*
Tourment:are we far enough away!?
Eagels:ohh, plety far enough m'lord
Tourment:very good ready the jamming net's an begin to charge ALL weapons we might have a war on our hands .......
Weapons Director:Yes Sir!
Lord Gue
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:11:14 PM
[i]Gue's fleet leaps out of hyperspace in a shimmer of light, the space around it looking dull regardless. Approaching from behind Tourments forces the fleet remains tight to defend against attack from any possible vector. TIE's of their ships are held aboard but 10 Gunboats are launched and merge with Tourments TIE's
Darth Viscera
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:49:18 PM
*The 20 GMA warships exit hyperspace behind the NR fleet, and begin charging superlasers.*
"Any news regarding Emperor Arnheim's force, Ensign?" Flag Captain Vessahn called out.
"Sir, they are en route, and will arrive in this sector shortly."
Jan 12th, 2001, 05:54:46 PM
Flag Captain Noim stood with arms clasped behind his back on the newly commission TGC|Sith Eclipse Class Star Destroyer. He was staring at the streaking lines of Hyperspace.
Noim: Disengage Hyperdrive Now!
The lines quickly faded as the ship slowed down and reverted back to realspace.
Noim: Status!
Ensign: Sir, all ships reporting in fine!
Noim: Contact the Friendly Forces and notify them of our arrival just outside the scanning ranges.
OOC: Ships:
ESD 01
SoSD 02
ASD 03
ASD 04
ASD 05
ASD 06
SSD 07
SSD 08
SSD 09
Jan 13th, 2001, 12:09:24 AM
Weapons Officer:sir all Weaons charged and ready for attacks
Tourment:Very good,realese jammng net and proceed
Eagels:Sir shall we realese Fighters?
Tourment:yes do so immedeatly and contact all friendly vessels tell them the time is now upon us.......
*with that an emensly large flash of light is seen by all vessels aroud T's taskforce folowed by the mighty DeathStar joinng along in the assualt on the mighty Driveyard*
Jan 13th, 2001, 01:41:53 AM
Jan 13th, 2001, 12:03:07 PM
Lord Gue
Jan 13th, 2001, 12:23:15 PM
[i]Using old imperial codes Viscera -The Ship, not the Person- shuts down the destruction capabilitys of the shipyards, the fleet moves in system quickly, maintaining there formation...
Jan 13th, 2001, 07:39:09 PM
OOC:wtf you doin Thrawn just letting us take your vessels
*T's portion of the fleet slowly reaches its destination at Kuat bringing with it the distructive power known only to the empire,the deathstar.All tie begin to form into attack squadrons readying their weapons.With a wave of T's hand the thousands of tie spring into action takeing evasive manuvers directing all energy into Ion blasts targeting only one of the Nsd's,while on the other hand each vessel in T's fleet dissapears,hideing in the midsts of the battle.....*
Lord Gue
Jan 13th, 2001, 08:22:04 PM
OOC: just a note, the DS is not there
Jan 14th, 2001, 02:44:43 AM
*with the Thousands upon thousand upons thousands of ion blasts hitting the nsd the effects quickly become evident as with-in the first hour shields had fallen to an astonidhing 87%,now many hours later the ship was just within thier grasps it wouldonly be a matter of time,but time was something T was not interested in wasting......*
Tourment: Fire
*With that 6 Emense ion Cannons leave the DS and head strate for the nsd,the 2 largest aimed for the prapulsion and main core of the other Nsd an Esd ,the other 3 large blasts take out what was left of the sheilds on the NSD.the many tie which are left switch to there laser's and begin to attack shield genorators,once finished the move to the NSD........*
Gues a bitch
Lord Gue
Jan 14th, 2001, 02:58:02 AM
Lord Gue watched the events take place on his bridge aboard The Viscera, his face reflecting a harsh attitude about what just happened. He nodded to his comm officer and he opens a channel to all Imperial ships in the area"Toument, as of this moment you are under arrest as of my orders. The charges are as follows:Disrespect to authorityBlatent disregard of Ordersand generaly pissing me offCrew of Omega, arrest him now"[i]Tourment smirked as he knew his crew would never do anything to harm him, ufortunatly Gue had replaced his cew with a better forc for this mission before it all started and this was not the crew Torment was acustomed to. The bridge crew, all armed, raisd out of their seats leveling hand blasters at him, furious Tourment attempted to use his force powers to strike them away, but nothing happened, he even tried mind tricks but still nothing happened, soon he found out why when stormtroopers marched into the room equiped with yasilamari. He went to draw his LS but found it gone, a lowly ops officer snaking away with it, apperently without his connection to the force the officer had gotten it un-noticed. With the entire bridge full of weapos pointed at him, Tourment walked out with the troops, his hands in shackles, his medals torn off, his medalion bent in half. They marched him to the shuttle bay where a shuttle from Viscera -the ship- sat, he was forced to board it alone and as soon as the hatch closed he started floating, he had been put in an energy cage....
Jan 14th, 2001, 03:28:42 AM
*begins to dream of the empending revenge.............oh wait! thats not revenge thats Pizza.A large smile comes over T's face and he begins gong through the motions of eating pizza while the on looking guards watch in amazement*
Lord Gue
Jan 14th, 2001, 03:32:47 AM
Guard 1: "What the hell is he doin in there?"Guard 2: "I dont know but he looks way too happy"[i]Guard 1 hits a few buttons and Tourment is shocked at the machines half energy, throwing him into sub-consciousness
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 14th, 2001, 05:47:06 AM
OOC: a few notes
1. useing an old imperial code to disable the kuats self destrustion system will be ignored, mainly because it was never an imperial yard and 2ndly because all yards and ships were upgraded with self destrustion and drone systems
2. torment your post about the NSD is god-mode in one post you make about 10 hours pass? dont think so, and since the deathstar is not there i will just ignore the 1000 tie's
3. i need information as to what type and numbers of the ties out there
4. does the killing of torment mean you called off the attack?
i'll post a IC reply once these matters have been met, i know that torment isnt trained in fleet battle and that explains mos of the problems i dont want this thread to turn into the typical yelling god-mode at each other fleet thread
btw good job evading the abolishers gue, i was hoping you didnt know that piece of imperial knowlage
Darth Viscera
Jan 14th, 2001, 09:12:51 AM
*The GMA ships finished their trip back towards the reinforcing TGC|SC ships, and a comm channel was opened*
"This is Flag Captain Hal Vessahn of the Galactic Military Alliance, calling out to the commanding officer of the TGC|SC vessels. I suppose we should formulate a plan to mediate this little border skirmish, eh?"
Lord Gue
Jan 14th, 2001, 10:50:55 AM
OOC: Tourment wasnt killed, hes being jailed. The attack is stil going with about 3-4 hundred TIE's flying around
Jan 14th, 2001, 12:45:05 PM
Flag Captain Noim: Where shall we begin Flag Captain Hal?
Darth Viscera
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:02:10 PM
Flag Captain Vessahn: "My force will move to the left flank and engage there, while your force will continue straight towards their rear guard. We will communicate to the TGE fleet, and at the same time, their force will hit the rebels from the front."
Lord Gue
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:15:36 PM
[i]TGE fleet moves forewards. Its TIE's moving foreward engaging the enemy fleets fighters as the main ships stay out of firing range of the enemy fleet. The NSDand Wraith class vessel power there superlasers
Darth Viscera
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:22:07 PM
*At the same time, the GMA and TGC|SC ships accelerate, the GMA ships charge to the left flank of the rebel ships, while the TGC|SC ships continue in their maneuver: they seem to be rushing to meet the TGE ships, then, all at once, the fleets on all 3 sides open fire.*
Superlasers begin charging.
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:37:37 PM
OOC: i know im late but hey i just got back
1)ties from 4 eclips vessels & two executer would surly range into the thousands.....
2) seven hours past Irl witch is much longer IC..........plenty long enough.Plus very large ion blasts from 1 esd an OF an 2 executer...........u know shields are long gone along side other systems im sure
Lord Gue
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:58:46 PM
OOC: then quit wstin your time makin ooc posts
General Eli
Jan 14th, 2001, 02:25:32 PM
General Eli makes a quick disision... "ASD's break off and strike at all heavey command ships briges... VSD's and Of's focus ion fire on thier damn Alphas"
The ASD's respond imidetly breaking formation and heading off towards the heavy command ships while the VSD's and OF's break for the enemy Alphas
"Imperials move in and back up the fighters.. dont let anything get threw..."
The ISDs move off torwards poreons fleet grouping following 500 squads of TIE defenders
"I want 3 squads of TIE bombers and 3 squads of missle boats to take out that NSD's bridge! 12 TIE Phantoms and 24 TIE defencers back them up!"
Eli stands and walks to the command decks window...
"Gue made a fatal flaw comeing on this mission... soon Emperor Gue will be dead...."
"Helm! stand by to fire the super laser!"
Jan 14th, 2001, 04:51:52 PM
OOC:[aint got much else to do considerng my current situation]
ok,thats aload of way in hell does ANYTHING here go slower than irl.I mean realy thrawn think about it.A hyper. jump[which would normaly take hours upon hours]only takes 1-2-3 attops around here normaly,hich is wrong but if things went way slower like you say it would then have to take days at a ship building!!!! dont even get me started.NSD in 1 1/2months - 2 months !!!!!!!! it would take months----years to buld a ship like that.ISD's in one week????!!!!
cummon i could go on with examples for along time shoing how irl time is not nearly as long a IC time
7-hr. irl = less than 7-hr. IC________no way!!!
7-hr. irl = way moore than 7-hr. ic.....comeon i thought that was an understood fact here.
Jan 15th, 2001, 02:40:01 PM
lol,cant argue with that cuz i am a newb,u live u lern, but 7HR.!!!!!!!!!!!! i waited 7 hr thats gotta give me over an houror two time IC.....................surly if not for the mass of superlasers floating around here it would be an extremely rare occasion for a battle to end in 1-5 hours IC
Jan 16th, 2001, 01:47:34 PM
Suuuuuuuure it was gue,dont ya remember gue.You osted that right before you left........i know i remember you just be so distrot from your recent desicion you have for gotten...........hehehe :evil: :/
Christpher Gue
Jan 16th, 2001, 02:25:35 PM
OOC: As my last act here IC Im going to finish this thread, via my son, and Id appreciate it if a mod or Admin would delete that post that i didnt post myself up there.
Christpher Gue
Jan 16th, 2001, 03:06:48 PM
OOC: No, it just means the NSD's bridge is wrecked
General Eli
Jan 16th, 2001, 09:45:55 PM
The ASD's lock on to the 5 ESD's WSD, TCBD, SoSD, and NSD with charged superlasers...
Helm: "Alphas in place sir!"
Eli: "FIRE!"
After the order has been given the ASD's enleash the fire power of thier superlasers on the command ships briges..
Apon inpact the super structers of the command ships being to criple.. The effects vaporize the briges leaving the massive vessels a drift
The OF's and VSD's make there way threw the field of fighters and come up to the enemy Alphas..
The OF's and VSD's open fire targeting the Enemy Alphas super lasers..
The effects allow power fall out causeing the lasers to go dormat for a short time
The ISD's with major fighter escort move in tight and engage those enemy SSD's at point blank range..
The ISD's begin ion strikes on the enemy SSD's briges while the fighters go in for the attack
Laser McClarty
Jan 17th, 2001, 12:58:24 AM
On board the Heartless, in the GMA reserve fleet, Captain McClarty viewed the New Republic fleet's maneuver with excitement! Now they had committed to a major engagement and he deemed this was a good time to strike.
He programmed the droids of his dozen TIE Devils to perform the attack pattern A7. The precise maneuvers, high speed and maneuverability, and small size of these ships would make them impossible to counter at this range.
"Launch Squadron Theta," He spoke in the comm.
The tiny fighters buzzed out of the hangar and executed a rapid maneuver to charge at the nearest ISD, a dozen rapid-fire ion cannons raking the vessel repeatedly. Damage mounted on the ISD as it's fighter screen futiley attempted to target these elusive weapons.
Blue lightning played along the length of the ISD from blast after blast of ion fire. Weapons and hangars took continuous damage. The vessel would be ripe for torpedo shots as the shields failed.
Darth Viscera
Jan 17th, 2001, 08:48:10 AM
*The cloud of debris slowly started to fade, as the 9 heavy warships were effectively removed from the battle.*
"Damage report!" cried out Vessahn.
"Sir, 9 heavy command ships are adrift, including the Achilles. 12 Alpha-Class Star Destroyers have temporarily disabled primary weapons, which will be back online shortly."
"What superlasers do we have left?"
"6 of them, sir. 4 Alphas, one Eclipse, and one sovereign."
"Very well. Target the two enemy Nebulas, and four Alphas, and fire. Signal the disabled Alpha group to recharge as soon as possible, and fall back beyond the range of that enemy Eclipse."
*The six ships fired at the two Nebula-class vessels, and at four Alpha-class vessels, disabling them and rendering them adrift.*
*The 13 Super-Star Destroyers moved to point blank range to attack the ships which were harassing the ASDs, and began raining fire into their hulls, with the Victory star destroyers acting as a rear guard for the SSDs, and taking most of the fire from the enemy ISDs. The remaining Sovereign-Class Star Destroyer and Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer joined in, damaging the attacking ISDs, until several of their turbolasers and ion cannons were damaged.*
*The ASDs alone were able to hold their own, and their firepower was supplemented more than enough with the arrival of the SSDs. Those ships opened fire with salvo after salvo, damaging the gun turrets of the attacking Omni Frigates and Victory Star Destroyers.*
"We're not through yet! Signal the fleet accordingly, I want all 18 superlasers ready to fire soon!" called out Captain Vessahn.
*Targeting solutions were prepared, and superlasers were charged.*
Christpher Gue
Jan 17th, 2001, 10:00:47 AM
As the NSD's bridge was already down Christpher saw the beam fly straight through the structure that once was the bridge area, vaporizing every last trace of his fathers remains. Looking out of his window port of the pod he meanuvered it towards his fathers personal ship The Faith. It was sitting still amongst the backdrop of stars, but it could plainly be seen that the placed world devestator technology was quickly repairing its systems, and luckily enough its superlaser was intact, he hoped it would still work....
Lord Gue
Jan 17th, 2001, 03:19:03 PM
OOC: Well, you said it yourself before thrawn that a superlaser wouldnt break an NSD's shields, yet here you are, breaking an NSD's shields with a superlaser*EHEM*<H1>[c]GOD MODE
Gormul Hyfe
Jan 17th, 2001, 05:19:06 PM
OOC: Please don't yell. I have sensitive ears... err, eyes.
Laser McClarty
Jan 17th, 2001, 05:31:47 PM
The 12 TIE Devils of Theta squadron continued to swarm about the hapless ISD and savage it with their rapid-fire ion cannons. The downloaded attack pattern, A7, followed by their droid controllers was specifically designed for taking down weapons and shield generators of an ISD class vessel. The sheer volume of fire from its fighter escort occasionally destroyed one of the tiny spheres, but the lightning continued to play across the length of the ISD as the fighters slashed away at it unmercifully.
Captain McClarty, standing off near the Heartless in his command craft waited for the moment the shields of the bridge sector were taken down, and thumbed his comm.
"Now, Specter!"
A TIE Phantom decloaked near the bridge of the target ship, and launched her torpedoes directly into the unprotected transparisteel. McClarty watched with satisfaction as the weapons exploded inside the vessel, and smiled as the Phantom faded away again.
General Eli
Jan 17th, 2001, 05:50:49 PM
Eli's NSD has taken major damage leaving it a drift.. Shields down.. Engines dead... LifeSuport failing.. Eli comes to his feet and looks around seeing dead officers and friends all around him.. The enire command crew dead..
He knew he would be dead soon as well if he remained on the ship any longer...
Eli rushes to one of the Escape pods hoping he would make it in time..
<font size=5>Meanwhile...</font
ISD's are being driven back by fighters as the SSD's move in on the OF's and VSD's.. with the command ships down the New Republic task force was in chaos.. The OF's and VSD's break off there attacks on the ASD's and turn to face those SSD's..
The OF's and VSd's move in hard and strike at the SSD's bridges with heavy ion fire..
The ISD's call in more fighters..
the IFC's launch the remaining fighters.. over 600 new fighter squads begin to fly out to engage those TIE Devils and ASD's
NR Alphas pull up and away then come about to allie the rest of the task force on taking out those SSD's..
(please dont make a plan and execute it in one post.. and try to be realistc.. dont knock out a shps shields in one post.. give the enemy time to reply)
Laser McClarty
Jan 17th, 2001, 05:53:17 PM
OOC: This is a continuation of an attack first posted last night (1/16/01 10:58 PM). I specifically noted damage to shields in the previous post.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 17th, 2001, 06:05:01 PM
OOC: yeah you wiped out the shields in one post.. damage should be spanned out to at least 4 posts before posting the ships death
Laser McClarty
Jan 17th, 2001, 06:18:18 PM
OOC: I have been perhaps misled that ion cannon fire can penetrate shielding to damage a particular array of shield emitters, such as the ones that protect a bridge area. And as has been noted, damage to a bridge area is overcome by backup controls and is not a ship's death. This is fairly specific damage and I don't see it as destroying a ship in 2 posts rather than 4, but inflicting serious damage. I stand by the damage inflicted in two posts.
Jan 17th, 2001, 06:20:03 PM
thrawn/eli........ur post destroying the ESD's WSD....etc is not happening because they connot be locked onto.... if you read my post it is post # 15 an ASD mini superlaser ?
CMF Guard
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:11:12 PM
(This message was left blank)
Darth Viscera
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:13:07 PM
*The fleet falls back into a staggered formation, each ship complementing its neighbor in an effort to drive off the rebel ships. Three VSDs focus their guns on an already damaged ISD which has its bridge out. After intense firing, sections of the ISD's hull begin to light on fire below decks, and a torpedo cache explodes, taking out 30% of the ship's internal structure. The ship was nearing its end.
*The Imperial ASDs take shelter, with the other Imperial ships surrounding them, preventing rebel ships from getting close.*
*The SSDs turn their fire to the approaching OFs and VSDs, forcing them to keep their distance. Several of the rebel frigates and destroyers are damaged at this time.*
*The Sovereign and Eclipse destroyers, along with six Victory class star destroyers, break off from the main group, heading towards the enemy ASDs. They are able to get close enough, and fire several salvos of ion bolts at the ASD's superlasers, damaging them so they have to be recharged again.*
Vessahn: "Launch all available starfighters."
*The fighters engage each other.*
Christpher Gue
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:53:19 PM
Aboard the escape pod, Christopher uses the last of the pods fuel to dock with the TCBD. As the airlock opened he crawled out and stood in the spac alloted to him. The airlock behind him closed and a green light bathed the lock area as the inner doors opened. Greeting him on the other side was a contingent of troopers with blasters drawn and all targeted on him"Im Christopher you fools! Now get out of my way!"[i]Recognizing his authority as his fathers son, they step back, aligned with the wall as he walks down between them on his way to the bridge
General Eli
Jan 18th, 2001, 01:37:06 AM
Eli's escape pod had been launched from the NSD and is quickly recovered by the ESD.. the General heads for the bridge...
"Report" Eli barks as he steps onto the command deck
Helm: "Imperial ships have huddeled together.. they are so close our ISD's can't get to the ASD's.."
Eli: "and our ships?"
Helm: "Our ASD's OF's and VSD's are strikeing at the SSD's with heavy ion fire... the SSD's are focusing thier fire to the OF's and VSD's while a few other imperial ships are coming after our ASD's"
Eli: "Hmmm.. Have we done much damage to the SSD's shields?"
Helm: "the focal points your directed have been most helpfull.. almost all SSD bridges shields are fluttering.. the TIE's are swarming over the SSD like bees to honey... "
Eli: "Good.. signel rogue group to strike.. and target thier ESD with our superlaser.. we wont miss them this time..."
Helm: "Aye sir.."
The ESD locks its already charged superlaser onto the imperials ESD... with a flick of a switch the NR's ESD lets out a roar of power over flowing onto the imperial ESD.. the laser crashes onto the ESD's hull breaking the ship into large pieces apon inpact...
Over 20,000 TIEs keep on there ion fire causeing the SSD's bridge shields to flicker in and out...
(OOC: btw gue the TCBD hs been cripled, it can be towed away but other then that it is useless in this battle)
Ace Fighter Pilot
Jan 18th, 2001, 01:52:30 AM
Ace: "alright boys listen up were going in and were going in hot.. follw me in on this pass"
The fighter group rogue moves into postion to strike on 10 SSD's..
5000 TIEs move in on the exposed SSD bridge..
The fighters lock on to the two bridge shield genorators and fire heavy laser cannons..
With the SSD's shields fading in and out the overflowing TIE fireing inpacting onto the SSD's Bridge generators, they explode in a field of fire..
The bridge shields of the SSD fall but the fighters dont stop fireing.. soon the 10 SSD's bridges explode causeing a temperary disaray threw out the ship.. The SSd's begind to go a drift(like in ROTJ when the Executer lost its bridge and floated into the deathstar)
With the Imperial fleet being huddled so close together the SSD's crash into one another along with the other ships in the fleet.. With the fleet crashing into one another the Imperial ASD's are traped in the middle
(OOC: i would count that as about 16 ships gone if not the entire fleet..)
Christpher Gue
Jan 18th, 2001, 10:10:34 AM
OOC: No it isnt1. You only blasted through the bridge2. The shields of the TCBD would have taken alot of the damage as well, their about SSD in strength3. The bridge is quickly being rebuilt by pulling in matter from the surrounding space and turning it into useful materials, much like a world devestator, its in the design remember4. and if you remember the design of the ship from its last fight over coruscant against TSC, it has a punchture design were instead of a superlaser blast exploding against it, rather, it would plow a hole right through it, as it is a rather large flat cube5. And your lucky I accepted the shot at the bridge as, just as last time, you still dont know where the bridge is, the entire ship looks the same except for the dead center of it, becuase thats the focusing crystal for the superlaser
Darth Viscera
Jan 18th, 2001, 10:11:40 AM
*And magically, at the same time, gold bricks fly out of my ass and hit thrawn in the face*
You dummy, how many times have I told you that ships have auxiliary bridges?! All 13 of them would have been back in control within 40 seconds, and there would be none of this crashing bullshit. The Executor crashed into the Death Star because the DS' gravity pulled it in, and the SSD was traveling too close to the battle station. There aren't any magnets that draw ships together immediately after they lose a bridge, you moron. You must think that starship crews are composed of complete idiots if you think you can start a game of dominoes with their ships at your whim. Frankly, you don't know how close the ships were huddled together, and it would take far more precise calculations to destroy the entire fleet in that manner. SO STOP TRYING TO KILL 39 SHIPS IN ONE POST.
I'm acknowledging the ESD being destroyed, and the loss of the shield generator domes on 10 SSDs. I shouldn't even acknowledge that, but I don't feel like starting a whole mess of new OOC argument posts.
*The 16 ASDs fire their primary weapons at the Rebel fleet, disabling 1 ESD, 2 IFCs, 6 ASDs, and the 7 remaining ISDs, rendering them all adrift but salvagable.*
*The SSDs release the last of their starfighters, and the battle begins to turn. The 12,000 TIE Devils that have been launched, clearly outmatching all other starfighters present, begin damaging extensively the attacking starfighters, and force them to withdraw from the Imperial ships. The SSDs are able to hold their own, however, and their mighty hulls hold together.*
*The 6 VSDs and 1 SoSD dive into the column of VSDs, OFs, and ACs, and damage many enemy ships thanks to the might of the 15km behemoth.*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:07:30 PM
Darth Viscera
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:36:18 PM
I don't care how many posts you were building that up with. You can't be destroying more than a dozen ships in one post. I have put up with your god-moding long enough. Change it to something more reasonable, I'm not going to reply IC until you do.
Laser McClarty
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:50:43 PM
OOC: That's a good question. I saw Eli earlier launch 20,000 TIE fighters, I saw DV give the order to launch "all available starfighters", I saw my posts in command of a squadron of 12 TIE Devils from Heartless, I saw another pilot show up in command of 5000 fighters, but did not list where they were based from, I saw DV announce that part of his fighter screen is 12,000 TIE Devils that I'm assuming are part of his "all available starfighters". Just how many actual starfighters are in this battle?
On another note, I have been recruited by and gone thru training at GMA. I would like to see the posts dated previously of any Starfighter pilots in this thread, and their training posts.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:55:34 PM
OOC: you have no idea how to roleplay do you DV? my attack was fair, deal with it.. i even use diferent account to give this rpg a more indepth feel.
how ever your draging this thread into the craper.. all you know how to do is fire superlasers? how origanal
Gue i read your posts in the OOC forum and it looks like you will need TCBD for whatever your doing so go head and use it
Laser McClarty
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:57:47 PM
IC: Half of the TIE Devils that had performed so effectively in their attack on the ISD were vaped in a massive starfighter scramble around the large vessels. Thousands of fighters skittered about like a massive swarm of space wasps, energy flaring out and about the huge bulks of the capital ships.
"Specter, meet me by Hangar 2," McClarty signalled as he dove his Defender at top speed back to the Heartless. "Keep position outside cloaked, and prepare for mission plans."
Much as the Captain itched to join the dogfights blazing behind him, he had his orders regarding his next target. Signalling ahead, he had 6 more of the Devils earmarked for his missions ready and awaiting download of attack sequence A15 by the time he arrived outside the bay.
"OK. Launch them," he growled upon completion of the download to his remaining ships and the new ones.
The squadron streaked off towards an unsuspecting AC, and began rake the ship with their rapid-fire ion cannons.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 18th, 2001, 06:55:51 PM
Jan 19th, 2001, 12:15:19 AM
OOC: ok plz listen an when/if you do respond dont be harsh cuz the last thing i want is another argument as per the many many recent ones.
Ok, in the post i listed above, i sad "bla bla bla.........and the shpis dissapeared into the midsts of battle" or close to that.What happened when i said that was they went behind/inside the holo projecton from the holoship an behind the projectors they cant be seen/detected.i showed this again when the ion blasts were sent out of the "DS".But since that was nullified an as of now didnt happen the ships remaind fine but that is just some proof of were they went.They stayed there out of battle an hidden so all these sensless superlasers around couldnt destroy them. That is what im saying about JUST the ships that were in my task force. since not all ships targeted were in my taskforce some of them got hit but the ones that were undermy control wernt...........see what im sain now???? if u got problems question leave the unneeded smart-ass remarks out please[suposed to be fun],we should of talked this attack out before hand. would of been funner.
Darth Viscera
Jan 23rd, 2001, 07:12:19 PM
*Captain McClarty's squadron evacuates to Vessahn's flagship, and the flagship (an SSD) moves out of range of the Abolishers and enters hyperspace. The remaining TGE/GMA ships all self-destruct.*
Darth Viscera
Jan 25th, 2001, 06:50:22 AM
Why are you editing that stuff out?
General Eli
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:01:51 AM
Eli's ESD was a drift slowly regaining its systems... The General is on his way to the shuttle bay to depart to the Kuat DriveYards..
Eli: "Have the damaged vessels tracktord to the Yards for repair..."
Commander: "Yes sir... sir...?"
Eli: "Yes commander?"
Commander: "we have done a great deed today, we drove back TGCS, TGE, and the unbeatable GMA... Emperor Gue is DEAD! We have pulled off what the greatest forces in the galaxy could not"
Eli "..."
Commander: "We have had a great victory.. why do you seem as if we lost?"
Eli: "The death of my crew along with 1,000s of others.. Imperial and New Republic..."
Commander: "War always means death.."
Eli: "We won... we won but at what cost? Me and my crew were once imperials.. We defected to the New Republic with our commander.. Thrawn...
Commander: "You served under Thrawn?"
Eli: "..yes.. i was a captain of the ISD valkari, it was destroyed in the Coruscant war.. but by that time i was commanding a Command ship... I didn't want to give up command of my ship but Thrawn needed strong commanders on those command ships.. "
Commander: "I see.. Why did you defect? to the NR?"
Eli: "Duty and honor... but... I left my friends and family when i defected.. for all i know... i could have killed my them by now... where is the honor is that..."
Commander: "Don't think like that, i doubt anyone you knew was in that attack fleet.. your friends and family will be liberated someday, and you will find them all saf and alive..."
Eli: "..."
Eli paused for a few moments then a message over the com paged him to inform his his shuttle is waiting.
The General noded to the commander and headed for the shuttle bay.
Eli's shuttle reached the kuat yards safly
OOC: because i dont need arguing in this thread, im gonna finish out eli's story line
Draco Cystine
Jan 25th, 2001, 06:36:59 PM
Darth Viscera
Jan 25th, 2001, 06:47:21 PM
*Vessahn contacted the nearest CMF comm relay station*
"Allied Fleet annhialated at Kuat. Lord Gue presumed KIA."
Draco Cystine
Jan 25th, 2001, 06:57:49 PM
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:06:57 PM
OOC: cloak get that Bs about a DS out of this thread
the attack is over im trying to do some story line rpg now
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:47:15 PM
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:54:11 PM
1. Ds will be ignored
2. Ds will be ignored
3. explain
4. yeah i can
5. who said it was over? the thread will go on but mindless battle is over
6. Ds will be ignored
7. nope
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:09:31 PM
OOC: I don't know where you've been, but the DS was never destroyed. I noticed that at TSOs board you said something about GMA destroying the DS. How could GMA destroy something they considered a part of their fleet after Gue gave it to them. If anyone came close it was RSO, but if I'm not mistaken they crashed a ship into it's hull (nowhere near enough to destroy a DS). If I'm not mistaken, there was a long argument and the compromise was it sustained heavy damage. I repaired it to operation statis. Note: DS in ROTJ had a large chunk of hull missing and was still operational. The fact that you don't like TGEs RP for building the DS doesn't give you the right to ignore it. The rules say that you have to RP the thread, no you have to Rp a thread good enough for Thrawn. And because of the open nature of the thread, My attack will continue. Good Luck.........
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:19:23 PM
OOC: nope.., Nr follow new rules now, you read them
Ds destroyed..
Dv said it was destroyed till he had control of TGE..
I have better grounds to say my DS is still around
NR will ignore the actions Cloak takes in this thread.. Eli's story line RP will continue
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:27:59 PM
*wonders why thrawn is so sure the Ds was destroyed and why his rules seem to give the NR an unfair advantage over us other fleet RPers*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:34:29 PM
OOC: you may point out what you dislike about the rules when i bring them to SIN
The rules make things fair... you just dont like having your huge fleets and unstopable god moding super weapons taken away
TSO, TGE, and GMA seem to be behind the rules.. Itala loves the rules because it will free him up from all the fleet rp he hates..
TSE and RSO im not sure how they will react to them.. the rules are fair.. they are exactly what swfans needs to get fleet rp in the right direction
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