View Full Version : Above Gallinore. . .
Oct 21st, 2000, 03:34:54 PM
The jet black sheet of space was surrmounting, but if there was any place in the galaxy that it was ruffled the most by stars, it was the Hapes Cluster.
There had to be a thousand stars creating the wall of light around the Hapes Cluster. The people in the rich Hapan Constitorium were believed by the rest of the galaxy to spend their time bathing in mountains of credits, watching the galaxies powers shifting as often as they slept. The fables weren't true, though, at lest not entirely.
A lone child stood on the surface of Gallinore, gazing at the three defending Battle Dragons fly by, wondering how her mother was faring as the Captain of one. The five-hundred meter ships flew buy without a caution, on their daily parade. It was peridical, you know; every day at 4:30, or later (depending on the time zone), millions walked outside to watch the three ships buzz on by.
The little girl, Tanya was her name, watched with a monotonus glee that one would think would change after watching the same ritual day after day, year after year. But ever since her mother had been promoted up to Captain, it had meant so much more. As she watched the disk shaped object fly past, she giggled, but all of a sudden, a dark shroud seemed o consume the ships. Millions of voices cried out, and the pitch grew higher as they realized that the ship was a full 17.5 KM long. The Battle Dragons leapt from the shadow, and attempted to engage in combat with this behemouth, with this ship of ecpilptical size. With this. . Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer. . .
Darth Viscera
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:11:44 PM
A task force, commanded by Darth Viscera, drops into realspace. The task force consists of the following:
SSD3 Death's Hand
ISD3 Emanator
ISD3 Vengeance
ISD3 Paraplegiater
VSD3 Emasculator
VSD3 Iniquitor
The ships enter formation along with the Eclipse, and the three ISDs break formation for the battle dragons.
On board the Death's Hand
Darth Viscera-"If the Emanator, the Vengeance, and the Paraplegiator have trouble with the enemy, reinforce them with the Emasculator, and the Iniquitor.
Commscan Officer-"Aye, Sir."
Darth Viscera-"Signal Starfighter Command to launch all fighters. Have them head for the lead Battle Dragon. Signal Turbolaser Control to power up all weapons batteries."
Commscan Officer-"Relayed, sir."
Darth Viscera-"Helm, take us to Three Quarters power. Keep us in formation with Crystal Dragon.
Helm Officer-"Aye, Sir. Three Quarters Thrust."
The three Impstars close with the Battle Dragons, and the six opposing ships open fire, emerald shots lancing out from the ships, and spattering against green-colored ray shields.
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:22:00 PM
Hwoarang senses the cries of the planet. He knows if he's gonna do it, he has to do it quick. He sets 2 thermal detonators for 20 minutes and throws them in the engine room of the ESD.
"I hope I have time to get off before this place blows...."
Hwoarang hears footsteps. He quickly hides behind some supply boxes.
Man 1: "Why is he doing this?"
Man 2: "Admiral Piett knows no mercy! He would proably even kill us if we were down there."
Man 3: "I just hope everything goes as planned. We don't want Admirlal Piett mad."
Man 1: "You're right."
The 3 men walk away again. Hwoarang looks at his watch. He only has 18 minutes left. He climbs the ladder and runs down a corridor. Out of no where comes 2 destroyer droids. Hwoarang ignites his LS and cuts 1 into tiny pieces. But he wasn't quick enough for the other. The 2nd droid fired his lasers, which set off an alarm. Hwoarang quickly disposes of the droid, and runs, not knowing where he's going. He runs right into Piett, who is standing on the bridge yelling out orders to find the intruder and to attack the planet. Hwoarang springs back up and ignites his LS again. Piett follows.
Piett: "How stupid you are to come to the bridge. Even if you did get rid of me, you can't take on my 700 men!"
Hwoarang: "Well, at least the planet won't be blown up..."
Piett: "What do you mean?"
Hwoarang: "'s just that you won't be destroying anything with this ship again."
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:32:30 PM
On the Farside of Gallinore another small taskforce emerges from hyperspace. This taskforce includes:
ISD3 Recalcitrant
VSD3 421
VSD3 431
CGU Falcon
CGU Eagle
The Capital Ships engaged their sublight engines at full power for 7 Minutes. At that point, they lowered their shields to allow the fighter squads to be deployed. A total of 114 TIE Interceptors fly out in formation. They divert all power to speed and race off to the engagement. The CGUs and SDs slowly plow their way through the remainder of the way to the engagement.
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:36:58 PM
OOC: H, may i question how without a post you suddenly appeared on my ship?
Onboard the ESD Crystal Dragon, Captain Resachi raises an arm, and swiftly drops it. Over a hundred turbolasers lanced forth and obliterated hundreds of peaceful citizens.
On Gallinore, Tanya was crying. It was hard, hard for the little eight year old to contemplate the scheme at hand. All that she knew was that her mommy was going to fight some big ships. She glanced at her shiny pink shoes, and tripped over a rock. She flew forward, and landed superman style. A nasty scrape covered her chin. Tears streamed down her cheak. . .
Whoreang gazed into Piett's eyes, and Sean glanced back without care nor concern. He pushed a small button on his throne and spoke to a technichian.
"Tech, send four crews of mechanics and two bomb squads to the Engine Room. Meanwhile, switch to auxilary power, just in case."
"Yes sir, anything else?"
"No, but sacrifice some of out Turbolasers strength for added speed."
"And about you, H. What do you require?"
H glared at Piett, and Sean ignited his lightsaber. Several cortosis plated Dark Troopers enter, and prepare to fire on H.
Piett: "No, don't. just make sure he doesn't escape."
The Dark Troopers walk over to stand by each exit. An evil grin passes over Seans face, as he motions H nearer to him.
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:51:33 PM
OOC: I am after Itala, and I'm looking for his records and stuff. I thought that your ship (it's like the 2nd biggest ship here) would have some info. I was getting the stuff I needed and I saw that you were planning on blowing up this place, so I intervened. Hope ya don't mind.
Hwoarang steps nearer, not breaking eye contact. Piett's eyes start to water, and he blinks. Hwoarang isn't there anymore.
"Lookin for me?"
Piett turns around, and Hwoarang kicks him in the face. He then swings his LS at Piett, but the blow is blocked. Piett jumps high into the air, and tries to kick Hwoarang in the face. He misses, and Hwoarang grabs his foot and throws him down.
Darth Viscera
Oct 21st, 2000, 04:59:59 PM
The battle between the Impstars and the Battle Dragons rages. Four TIE Devastators, in flight formation, glide across the ovalish double-shape of a battle dragon, letting loose their deadly gravity bombs and proton torpedoes on the already-damaged ship. The gravity bombs slowly descend towards the Battle Dragon, at 10 MGLTs, and explode immediately upon contact. The warheads from the bombs completely blow out the upper section of the ship, and the lower section falls back towards Gallinore, tugged by the gravity of the planet, while on fire.
Darth Viscera-"Perhaps we have their attention now. Open a comm channel towards the lead Battle Dragon."
Commscan Officer-"Aye, Sir. Receiving Transmission..."
The full-size image of a woman appears on the Bridge, recreated by the ship's holoemitters.
Woman-"I am Satel Ta, Captain of the Pride of Gallinore. Why are you attacking us?"
Darth Viscera-"The Galactic Military Alliance and the New Imperium has made a forceful incursion into your space, Satel Ta. We require this planet for our own purposes. You have Ten minutes to surrender your vessel, and instruct your counterpart Captain to do the same. In ten minutes, if we have not received word that you wish to surrender to us, we will seize your two starships and integrate them into the Fleet. Any of your crew who wishes to make a hostile action against us will be summarily executed. Darth Viscera out."
The holoemitters flicker off.
Oct 21st, 2000, 05:02:05 PM
OOC: lol!! no offence, but you need to learn a bit more about RPing. You can't just appear on a ship.
Piett stands and rubs his back. He re-ignites his ls, and swings it downwards at H, who jumps back, barely missing the blade. Piett force-lifts a crate, and flings it at H. It knocks him back, and Piett nods to a Dark Trooper, who moves away from the entrance to an escape pod. Piett launches another crate at him, and another. Knocked back against the wall by the barrage, H groans in pain. Piett signals to the Dark Trooper, which opens the hatch to the pod. Piett levitates H and throws him into the pod. The DarkTrooper slams the dook shut and spins the lock. Piett runs to the controls and launches the escape pod, and presetting hyperspace coordinates for it. The Pod moves off and enters hyperspace for Coruscant. Piett sighs, and shakes his head.
Oct 21st, 2000, 05:18:41 PM
OOC: I've been RPGin here for a good while, bout 4 months.
Goes into deep concentration. He gets the thrusters reversed, but it will still take about an hour to get back, since it goes about 10 times slower backwards. H looks at his watch again. 20 seconds....15......10......5,4,3,2,1....
There is an explosion in the engine room. 1 of the thermal detonators had been found, and disintergrated [sp?], but the other wasn't found. The whole engine room is on fire, and Piett's "slaves" try to put out the fire.
Piett: "I told you to find the bombs!!!"
2nd in Command: "I'm sorry Admiral. But only one exploded. Just think what would have happened if they were both set off!"
Piett: "I like your style. There's just one problem with it...What I say GOES!!!"
The 2nd in Command starts to choke, and gasp for air. Piett is Force choking him.
Piett: "Next time do not 'back-talk' me!"
Oct 21st, 2000, 05:29:25 PM
Yada Yada.
Oct 21st, 2000, 06:42:09 PM
[i] The Star Destroyers engage their sublight engines and begin moving slowly. Lumbering along, they get into position to block possible hyperspace escape routes. The CGUs and TIEs continually sweep by and around the big blocky ships to protect it.
Jan 5th, 2001, 12:36:30 AM
With the sudden disappearance of the intruder, the ship moved on. Maintinence crews ran down and contained the damage, routing more power to the damaged area. Shields dropped slightly do to this small loss of power, but stayed at around 97%.
Piett let escape a small sigh at the end of that complication, and the ship lumbered on, nearing the planet and the cruisers in orbit. Then, the fighters burst out of their bays and screeched forward. All 50-odd squadrons of TIE Defenders slid through space swiftly at tehir prey. . .
Jan 5th, 2001, 12:49:29 AM
[i]Onward traveled the fighters, rapidly closing the distance between themselves and the trio of Battle Dragons. The thousands of pinprick lasers and ions burst forward, targeting, and missing, the support struts holding the two plates of the Battle Dragons together. Targeting and missing.
They increased thier speed, flying in and out of the struts as though they were pulling a long thread behind them, and sewing. at this close range, even the most diluted laser targeted well could knock out the controls of a strut, disabling it.
Each fighter was delivered orders from the ESD, dividing them into two groups. Thirty squadrons headed towards the surface, peacefully buzzing the planet, weapons idle, to show that they came with peaceful, though somewhat forceful, intentions.
The other twenty had the real action. One pilot, commander of his squad, carried out a precise schedule: deliver a shield-disabling punch to the strut with your ions, soften it up with the quadruple cannons, and finish it off with a proton torpedo. He notified his squadron, and they teh others, and soon enough, several hundred fighters were carrying out the same proceedure. The struts of one dragon collapsed when support from the other, now destroyed struts, dissapeared. The Hapan steel simply dould not put up with the pressure. One disabled, two to go..
Darth Viscera
Jan 5th, 2001, 03:14:37 AM
"Bring back Captain Ta," ordered Viscera.
"Aye, sir. Channel reopening."
*The image of the woman sprung up again.*
"You see, Captain, two of your hapan battle dragons are now disabled. If you do not surrender to us, your dragon will be destroyed for your insolence, and you will never see your family again. I'm assuming that you have a family, Satel is it?"
*Her fiery gaze pierced through Viscera as he spoke these words.*
"Yes. I have a family, and the gods will burn you for your actions this day."
"Oh, really, Satel? Well, I'm betting that you'll burn first.
*He turned to an officer*
"Lieutenant, fire."
*Several salvos shot out from the SSD, shattering the already-weakened shields over the bridge area. More shots followed, and soon the bridge was reduced to rubble. Needless to say, the image of Captain Satel Ka winked out during this attack.*
"Diktat, we're receiving another comm from the remaining Dragon. They're surrendering."
"Excellent. Contact Piett. Tell him that this system is now....pacified."
Jan 6th, 2001, 08:25:26 PM
<comm static>
Piett, Sir, pacification is complete. You may direct your ships into green security at your discretion.
Understood, Lt.
[i] The ESD moved forward, towards the planet. The fighters that had been attacking the Battle Dragon pulled out and docked back with the ESD. In their place, a convoy of troop and diplomatic transports swarmed forth and headed towards the planet, as the ESD moves into position to drop down the premanufactured garrisons.<i/>
Darth Viscera
Jan 7th, 2001, 12:18:05 AM
*A TIE Shuttlecraft disembarked from one of the SSDs, flying into the hangar bay of Crystal Dragon. Viscera stepped out of the shuttle once it had completed its landing cycle, and fingered his comlink on.*
"What next, Piett?"
Jan 7th, 2001, 07:25:54 PM
"Viscera, board the Battle Dragons. Disable planetary and ship communications, stat!"
The ESD neared closer, until it lay just beyond the atmosphere. The garrisons were jetted down, and the shuttles landed, releasing thousands of Stormtroopers. They paraded around, subduing any riots or uprisings. The garrisons landed, settling into the ground. Their doors slid open, releasing parties of engineers, mining droids, and technichians. The miners, human and droid, began searching for Gallinore gems as the technichians and engineers modifyed two of the garrisons into mining camps. Gallinore was SIN's!
Darth Viscera
Jan 7th, 2001, 10:51:35 PM
*GMA assault transports disembarked from their motherships, and boarded the remaining battle dragon. Within a few minutes, the battle dragon began transmitting a GMA transponder code. The GMA ships began to scramble all communications on the planet and in space.*
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