View Full Version : Test Flight (open RPG [Fighter based])
Sith Summoner
Jan 23rd, 2001, 03:13:29 AM
OOC: This is an open thread to anyone. Other Sith and Imps are welcome to participate in a friendly dogfight or Jedi/NR for a nice fighter battle. We welcome uneven odds within reason, 4-1 odds against us would be about the limit. Tech specs for the TIE Razor can be found here (
**The Wraith class cruiser Cyclone dropped out of hyperspace in a remote system. Sums was expecting little to no traffic in the area and that's the way he wanted it.
Sums had just finished zipping up his custom black flight suit and grabbed his helmet. Walking to the other side of the row of lockers he called out to his fellow test pilot and first apprentice, Renegade, who was suiting up also.**
I'll catch you outside. Oh and do try and keep up.
**With a smile and a nod Sums headed for the fighter bay. Hanging from he racks were TSE's latest fighters. The TIE Razor was his personal design as was the Wriath. Returning a crewman's salute, Sums walked over to his personal fighter and climbed in. Closing the hatch he put on his helmet and strapped it down.**
Cyclone control, this is Razor lead. I'm ready for departure. You have your orders.
"Roger lead. Have a good flight sir"
**The control officer opened the hatch under Sums' fighter and it was slowly lowered into the vastness of space.
Cyclone's orders where to make a series of hyperspace jumps to test the new hyperdrive systems for durability and recharge time, while Sums and Renegade tested out some of the Razor's systems.
Sums moved away from the cruiser and powered up his systems waiting for his wingman to join up.**
Darth Renegade
Jan 23rd, 2001, 03:34:19 AM
Renegade stands up, having just finished putting his flight suit on. He zippers it up. Grabbing his helmet he runs out to his Razor, trying to catch up with his master.
He jogs out of the dressing room and makes his way to his Razor. He climbs inside and sits at the familiar controls. His mind begins to drift away slowly as he begins to reminisce about the Dagobah battle and the way Alpha squadron performed. A smile comes across his face. Renegade gives his head a slight shake and puts his helmet on. The cockpit seals, and Renegade begins activating the systems on the Razor.
Uh Control, this is Razor 2. I'm good to go
He throttles up the Razor, and it begins to pick up speed. The fighter shoots out of the belly of the Cyclone. Renegade begins to power up his shields and his weapons, while visually scanning for Summs. He opens the comm to Summs
[i]Ahh there you are. On my way to meet you. Will rendez vous at these coordinates[i]
He transmits a set of coordinates that are not to far from Summs current position. He increases his speed and begins to perform basic rolls, getting reaquainted with the pitch and yaw of the Razor.
[i]Think you're gonna be able to keep up today?
Sith Summoner
Jan 23rd, 2001, 03:45:37 AM
**Sums received the coordinates and headed for them while chatting on the comm.**
Me keep up with you? Oh I don't think so. She's my baby Ren. I know her better than anyone.
**The pair met up and started moving towards an atmospheric planet with a ring of asteroids around it.**
You guys did good with them at Dagobah, but I want to get some optimal setting readings. Mainly full speed, full weaps charge, full shield charge and balanced. I'll take speed and weaps you take the other two. Make sure to record your top speed.
"Roger lead"
**The two split off and began their test runs. Sums found that the absolute top speed he could get out of the engines was 210 MGLT, and with weapons on full charge and no shields he got a speed of 173 MGLT. Banking to the left he headed back to meet with Ren, tweaking the controls to his personal settings on the way.**
Darth Renegade
Jan 23rd, 2001, 04:07:25 AM
His hands move deftly across the board. He first activates the in flight recorder. It begins recording all his instruments read outs. The dark warrior adjusts the settings. He first powers on all systems to full. The Razor flies efforlessly though space. The engines whine loudly, it's speed picking up until maxing out at 173MGLT. Renegade continues flying at that speed long enough for the recorder takes the appropriate readings. He resets the TIE's system's to their optimal settings. The Tie banks to the right, and begins flying straight. The ion engines almost scream in protest, their systems being maxed out. Renegade pushes the ship harder and harder, maxing out the reading. Finally the recorder gets the top speed of 150MGLT. Renegade backs off, and resets the systems again, to his personal settings.
Razor leader, all speed tests have been completed. Just because you're their father, doen'st mean you can outfly me
Renegade chuckles confidently, his brash fighter pilot attitude begining to take over once more. He readjusts the shield, balancing them evenly over the ship, and rearming the weapons. His speed gradually decreases. He banks to the left hard, trying the limits of the ship. The Razor responds beautifully though, as if under no added pressure at all. The smile on Renegade's face grows as he guides the Razor back into formation with Summs, taking his left flank
Phalanx Allger
Jan 23rd, 2001, 12:36:41 PM
OOC: It appears to be a more advanced version of the TIE Defender...
Flight Major Phalanx Allger and his fighter squadron, Zeta Squadron, were on shore leave for Three Weeks. The Squad had been down on the planet now for Two Weeks. Like all fighter jockeys, they were itching for action.
On the military comm line Allger always kept on, a message came out that the Cyclone had entered the system and dropped two fighters from its bay. The fighters were an unknown style. Phalanx walked over to his locker in his small appartment he rented for his leave, and put on his flight gear.
He left his appartment and walked over to the Imperial Garrison where his fighters were being stored.
"Flight Major Allger, what brings you to the Garrison? Your leave isn't over for another week."
"Yes, Captain, I know that. I have come to inspect those two fighters that appeared in space. Please, Ready my Missile Boat."
"Flight Major, I cannot authorize such an action"
"Captain, I am ordering you to do it."
The captain hurried off to tell the Technicians to begin prepping Phalanx Allger's Gamma Class XM-1 Missile Boat.
Sith Summoner
Jan 23rd, 2001, 05:58:15 PM
OOC: Their weapons and other systems would be more advanced than that of a Defender, but its look and shape is closer to that of the advanced. Haven't been able to get a good technical drawing of it done yet.
**Sums waited for Ren to form back on his wing before continuing towards the planet for some atmospheric tests.**
Ren, you couldn't out fly me in anything. And don't even think otherwise.
**To prove his point Sums brought the flight stick in his right hand full to the left while his left hand reset the settings in his cockpit. Shooting ahead he quickly put a fair amount of distance between him and Ren. Flying into the asteroid ring, Sums reset the settings again bringing his speed down and his shields and weapons up, he didn't want to be killed by an asteroid on this day. Weaving in and out of the asteroids he watched the scanners as Ren closed the gap. In a swift move Sums slipped behind a large asteroid and cut his engines. Seconds later the other TIE flew past and Sums put a missile lock on him.**
Bang, bang, your dead.
Cloud Selestor
Jan 23rd, 2001, 09:09:21 PM
Meanwhile a bit later, Cloud had got orders from to help Major Allger in his inspection. He was briefed on the current status of what was going on. He left his quarters immediately with his flight attire and headed to the Imperial Garrison. Cloud approached the docked ships a few minutes later and looked around with his flight uniform on. On Major Allger's request, he went down to the docked Gamma Class XM-1 Missle Boats. It was prepared just as the Major ordered. He narrowed his eyes and smirked as he was wanting some action for awhile. The Captain in charge of the preparations approached him.
Captain - "Are you here on the Major's orders Ensign?
He saluted in proper fasion and answered the Captain's question.
"Yes, I am to assist the Major in the inspection of those 2 fighters who have appeared in the system"
Captain - "Very well, your ship has been prepared as asked by the Major. You are Zeta 2 in the Zeta Squadron. Any questions?"
"No sir"
Captain - "Good, now proceed as ordered. Combat action over vacation....I hope I dont get in trouble for this, the major has some guts going out there with out authorization."
Cloud nodded to the Captain with a salute then approached his ship. A smile appeared over his face at the Captain's words. He got near the ship and run his hand across the shiny hull. Cloud got into the open cockpit as everything was ready to go. The cockpit shut as he began to check all the systems.
EDIT - Typos
Darth Renegade
Jan 24th, 2001, 01:37:00 AM
Renegade laughs in the comm confidently
Missle lock doens't mean automatic kill
With that Renegade sets the adjusts the shield settings, moving them to the the front, leaving his rear unprotected. He turns and flies directly at a smaller asteroid. He throttles up, making the Razor go as fast as it can. He approches the rock quickly. His hands move quickly but calmly across the console of the TIE. He sets the lasers for quad firing. Once in a VERY close proximity to it, he begins firing. Four lasers shoot out. A second later, another four. They all hit the asteroid dead center, causing it to explode. The various chunks of it bounce harmlessly off the forward shields. The TIE Razor flies through a small cloud of dust, which interferes with the missle lock. After flying through it, Renegade immediately throttles down to 1/3 engine power. He moves the shields to his rear. Summs shoots past him. Renegade's scope turns red and beeps loudly. He opens up the comm frequency to Summs
You hear that? That's the sound of your death
He laughs confidently, and speeds up a bit to catch up with his Master. Feeling cocky, he barrel rolls to the left, then he jerks the stick to the right, rolling it right back. He finally catches up to Summ, taking up a position right behind him
Malek Fenrir
Jan 24th, 2001, 02:38:15 AM
Malek trots over to the captain in the hangar. Carrying his helmet underneath his arm, he turns to him and salutes.
"Captain. My assistance was requested to inspect the 2 fighters that appeared in the system with major Allger. Sir!"
The Captain looks at Malek with a frown.
Captain:"You're late pilot"
"Sorry sir. With all do respect it was at short notice sir!"
The Captain nodded.
Captain: "Don't do it again. You know what'll happen next time. Do you understand you're breifing?"
"Yes Sir. I've understood and I'm ready to go."
Captain: "Very well. You'll be piloting a XM-1 Missile boat and you'll be Zeta 3 in Zeta squadron. Now hurry to your ship" The Captain points to it. "We take off in 1 minute.Go!"
"Aye Sir!"
He runs towards his ship putting his helmet on along the way. Jumping into the cockpit he quickly shuts the canopy of the missle boat and checks the systems. Malek looks over to Cloud and gives him the thumbs up. Malek doesn't know him, but of him. None the less they will have to work together to complete this mission.
Phalanx Allger
Jan 24th, 2001, 06:40:31 PM
Ok Zetas, form up on me.
The Missile Boats pass through the atmosphere of the planet and form up in a 3-Point Formation.
We are going to do a fly by first; Two, take scans of the Fighters. Three, get track the comm traffic. Throttle at 70%, keep shields at 130%
The Three Gamma Class XM-1 Missile Boats fly off at just under 100 MGLTs towards the asteroid field.
[i]Unidentified Fighters, this is Flight Major Phalanx Allger, leader of the Imperial Zeta Squadron. State your business here.
Sith Summoner
Jan 24th, 2001, 08:01:31 PM
Ya ya. I had you dead to rights and you know it.
**Ren's laughter could be heard over the comm. system**
Alright enough play for now. Lets head for that planet over there and do some atmospheric test.
**The two fighters broke from the asteroid belt just as the message came over the radio.**
Zeta Lead, this is Razor Lead. Good day Major. This is Sith Lord Summoner of The Sith Empire. We are here on a test flight. My records indicate that this system is rather vacant of space traffic. I prefer to do my testing without people thinking we are pirates. If you would like I can recall our ride and we can depart the system.
**Sums tapped the foot controls and his TIE performed a small twitch signaling Renegade to move up beside him. Once there Sums gives Ren a couple hand gestures indicating he switch his radio to the secure TSE channel. If the Gunboats even found the frequency all they would get was static.**
"Razor 2 secure" **Renegade called out when he switched over**
Razor Lead secure. **Sums' voice and demeanor changed from relaxed to completely military.** Two, set engines to 60% and shields up to 140%. We'll still have more speed then they will.
"Roger Lead"
Okay lets see what these boys want.
Cloud Selestor
Jan 24th, 2001, 11:52:29 PM
"Roger Zeta 1, proceeding ahead for scannner sweep. Zeta 2 out."
As the Major went ahead to ask identification of the fighters, Cloud looked out in front of him into the system. He narrowed his eyes onto the targeting computer, watching for any activity. He set his throttle to 70 percent and the shield recharge to 130 percent.
"Alright, lets see if we can do a fly by on this fighters."
As the Zeta squadron approached the two unidentified fighters, Cloud broke formation and headed to the side. His goal was to fly by and get a good scanner sweep of the fighters. His targeting computer and scanner sweep was activated. Making sure his weapons systems where in check, he approached the fighters and flew by to the left with his max speed capable currently. The scanner sweep loaded the neccessary information as Cloud looped around in a 360 spin and went back into the formation, along with Zeta 1 and 3.
"Major Allger, I have successfully scanned the two fighters and am sending the data to you as we speak."
The three fighters proceeded along their path, in a interception to the Razor's who were coming at full speed in their direction. Cloud got a smirk over his face as he looked out his cockpit to his wingmen then back ahead of him.
EDIT - Typos
Malek Fenrir
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:24:28 AM
With his sheild at 130% and his throttle at 70%, Malek makes his way past the Razor's. His hands busily running across the panel trying to track frequencies. His XM-1 Missile boat remaining steady he cautious moves through past them and joins the formation again as he was left a bit behind. His voice is heard cleary to the comm.
"Zeta 1 do you copy?"
Zeta1: "Go Ahead..."
"I'm not picking up any foreign frequencies. Should I make another sweep?"
He scratches his chin under his helmet as he waits for a reply.
Phalanx Allger
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:52:33 PM
Phalanx pulled up the information sent over from Zeta Two's scans. After reviewing it, he speaks up to his wingmates.
Lead: We've got some impressive fighters out there. Keep your eyes open. Make sure weapons are fully charged, keep payloads ready.
Three: Lead, I'm not picking up any foreign frequencies. Should I make another sweep?
Lead: Negative Three, Lets not give away ourselves more than we already have.
Phalanx switches his comm over to open frequencies, assuming that one of the Siths would be listening.
This is Flight Major Phalanx Allger again, prepare to be space debris.
Darth Renegade
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:47:21 PM
At the first appearance of the Zeta team, Renegade's demeanor goes from playful and competitive with his Master to very professional and serious. The presence of the missle boats in the system turned this test flight into a much more precarious situation. He continues following Summs, taking up the number 2 position in the formation. He begins speaking on the secure channel once again
Razor 1, I report that I've just been scanned. I wonder what these guys want? Not invading their space.
Renegade quickly sets the controls for the assigned settings from his Master, then he begins charging the weapons up just in case. Just as he finishes, he hears the Flight major's message come across the comm. Renegade continues flying in perfect formation with his leader.
[i] Ahh Razor 1, just received a message. Confrontation may be immenent. Do you copy that?
Sith Summoner
Jan 25th, 2001, 09:36:01 PM
Roger Two. Stay in position.
**Pushing his weapon system to full charge, Sums flipped back to the non-secure channel.**
Zeta Lead, this is Razor Lead. We are non-hostile, repeat non-hostile. We will depart this system immediately if that is your request.
**A sly grin came over Sums face under his oxygen mask.**
However...... If you'd care to a friendly duel I would be interested in seeing how my fighters do against yours.
**Sums waited for a response, hoping that he might get a chance to test the Razor's against a real opponent and not some drone.**
Phalanx Allger
Jan 30th, 2001, 09:37:36 PM
You are on Sith Lord
Phalanx swithced his comm unit over to a secure channel.
Malek, report back to the base. Lets make this a fair fight.
Two, pending agreement from the Sith, we will be engaged in a full battle. A kill will be counted when the opposing fighters' shields have been lowered to 20%. Keep our speed down at 90% and shields at 110% for right now.
He switches the comm unit back over to open lines.
Sith, this is Phalanx, For the fight, A kill will be counted when the opposing fighters' shields have been lowered to 20%. All weapons can be used.
Cloud Selestor
Jan 30th, 2001, 09:47:11 PM
Cloud switches frequencies over to the Major Phalanx Allger. There was some interference for a brief second before he spoke into it.
"Roger that Zeta leader, proceeding to engage. Shields 110 percent and throttle at 90."
As Malek headed back to the garrison, Cloud look out and smirked under his mask. He activated his target computer and weapons systems. Cloud was surprised that they wanted a duel of this sort. He hadnt experienced something like this before even though he had participated in dogfights in the past.
"Alright, all systems seem to be in order.
He noticed the Razor's ahead and awaited a response from them on the comm system. Moving around in his seat, Cloud was trying to maintain his concentration on the dogfight ahead. This is what he lived for, fighting at the edge. The simulations and training he did for practice was not the real combat fighting in space. Even though this was not to the death either, it was still damn close to the real thing. His past fighting in space raced across his mind, trying to regain somewhat of a experience factor he had. Cloud continued to look on from under his helmet at the space ahead.
Sith Summoner
Jan 31st, 2001, 12:18:22 AM
Zeta Lead terms are acceptable. Say pass by then a 2 click separation before turning to engage?
"Agreed Razor Lead."
Very well. Let's get it on. Two, go secure.
**Sums flipped over the comm. channel to the secure one, as the two Razor's flashed by the gunboats and headed for their two kilometer separation.**
Two, lets mix things up a little. You take Zeta Lead I'll take Two. You know the specs on these gunboats their shields are going to be better, we have the edge in speed and maneuverability, weapons are close but give them the edge. Make sure to stay out of warhead range. Keep it close and keep it fast.
**As they hit the 2 kilometer mark Sums banked back towards the gunboats, and started flicking switches to get the right settings.**
Games on.
Phalanx Allger
Feb 1st, 2001, 07:52:52 PM
Grav Compensator at 85%
Phalanx loved the thrill of fighter battle. He always kept his compensator at 85% to allow for a good feel of the space while still retaining his stomach.
Two, get ready!
Phalanx cuts all throtle and turns his gunboat 180 degrees. He reapplies the throtle and his gunboat speeds fowarda at over 100 MGLTs.
[i]Everything Phalanx did from that point on seemed to be in slow motion. His thumb moved from the yoke and tapped the red button at the top of the yoke three quick times.
Three red laser shots streaked out from the Gunboat's single laser cannon. The shots headed towards the lead Razor.
Phalanx moves his thumb over the small swivel dial on the yoke, switching his weapons.
Cloud Selestor
Feb 1st, 2001, 08:28:25 PM
The message from Major Allger came over the comm as he listened. As soon as the orders were given, Cloud grinned under his mask and switched frequencies to the Major. A interference came through first before he spoke.
"Roger Zeta leader, preparing to engage the second Razor."
Cloud pressed some buttons on his targeting system to activate it to his lock mode. He smirked at his targeting computer when it locked onto Razor two. Cloud proceeded to engage the ship, breaking off into his full speed with a barrel roll. Lowering his hand on the fire button, he switched to laser fire and unleashed a array of shots at the hull of the Razor. The shots narrowed in on Razor two with pinpoint accuracy as they both headed at each other. Cloud quickly switched his fire to missles while smirking. The Gunboat's sheilds were maxed out and ready to go.
Darth Renegade
Feb 4th, 2001, 10:51:11 PM
Laran's sensors go off, ringing loudly in the cockpit. He had a lock on him and he had to do something fast or he was going to be ending up floating home - at least he would be if this wasn't a game. Thinking quickly and doing something not recommended, he adjusts the shields moving them completely to the front. WIth his other hand, he turns the engines off and stops the ship, keeping only enough speed to turn it, so that he could face his opponent. With a smile, he looks out his view screen at the ship coming towards him rapidly.
Too easy
He hand calmly squeezes the trigger, firing off dual bursts of the low powered laser, registering hits on the shields of his opponent. He fires over and over, managing to squeeze off 3 rounds of lasers in all before the missle boat flies by him. He throttles up and resets the shields and begins his pursuit
Cloud Selestor
Feb 4th, 2001, 11:03:24 PM
His ship rattled as Renegade hit him with his lasers. His shileds still were mainty intact. The shots hit the hull but the shields were not badly damaged. Adjusting the shields again, Cloud looped around and went after the TIE Razor. Setting his targeting system and with full throttle capable without lowering the shield recharge rate, he attempted to lock on.
"Come on baby, just a little bit more this way and your going down."
As his ship came into the aim lock, Cloud unleashed a line of lasers onto him. The lasers streaked across right behind the Razor. Knowing the lasers were coming, the Razor barrel rolled to the right and went up.
Cloud followed him up and switched to his missles. Flying around making loops and spins, finally Cloud got a good lock on him. The sensors went off on him as Cloud smirked at the Razor. He closed his left eye then pressed the red button, letting loose a missle onto the Razor. It raced across space and closed in on Renegade fast as they went on.
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