View Full Version : Jedi Padawan Akrabbim wanders and trains
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:16:08 AM
Akrabbim sits in the middle of the forest, practicing his telekinesis. He begins with three of his shuriken, making them all hover, then all spin, faster and faster. He adds the fourth, then, with difficulty, the fifth. He has all of them spinning in front of him, slowly circling each other. He had wanted to train apart from the Academy for a while, to remove himself from the distractions therein. As he is becoming more accustomed to the feel of the Force, he notes something is... not right. He slows his shuriken and replaces them inside his tunic. He begins searching the Force, trying to note the cause of the sensation. He feels something... something which seems to be a darkening in the Force. Something not right. He climbs to his feet, saber in hand but not ignited. He Force jumps into a nearby tree to take note of the surroundings.
*whispering to himself* I wonder who causes this darkenss? This should not be...
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:32:27 AM
What is it you sense that disturbs your training, young Padawan?
:: Akrabbim turns to see a figure walking through a patch of dense foliage. Though not a towering figure, the man is solidly-built, and carries with him an imposing countenance. The warrior was clad in a black polymer body armor, with a white armor shell covering the torso. As Akrabbim watches the man approach, he begins to have a faint recognition. ::
Saphire Dragoness Azalin
Feb 13th, 2001, 06:02:30 AM
::The apprentice walks to notice jedi and sighs. She seemed to see jedi everywhere today and had frankly had enough. The next jedi she sees would certainly get a piece of her annoyance. She nodded at the man causing the darkness.
She looked and thought for a moment then shook her head. This was no time for fighting, she had things to do. She would have fun later, maybe even with this obvious padawan::
::Saphire dissapeared into the glorious shadows softly and silently, leaving behind a feel of darkness::
OOC: that was a future challenge *grin*
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:20:29 PM
OOC: Azalin, consider the challenge accepted. :)
Akrabbim drops from his tree perch and approaches cautiously. His saber is not yet ignited, but it is ready. He checks quickly to see that his shuriken are readily available, and addresses this new arrival.
The disturbance, it seems, is you. What do you want with me? I seek no fight with you.
Akrabbim reaches out with the Force, and notes the great shadow of darkness this being seems to produce. However, he percieves a small light, much like that of a candle, buried deep within. Though the Darkness assails it on every side, it is not snuffed out.
Though you are strong in the Dark side, and much stronger than I, I sense there is still Light within you. Where did you go astray? Do you not realize that the Light can never be overcome? Why did you turn to darkness?
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:39:01 PM
:: Anbira smiles wanly ::
Your insight serves you well, young Padawan, but that part of me never truly existed. It was only wishful thinking. The universe is far too cruel for the truth to lie in such naivety.
:: Anbira's eyes narrowed ::
And what of you? Surely you see it as well. You have the same look in your eye that I have. The look of a man who has lost everything.
How deep did the wound cut? What was taken from you? Surely then you must know that you cannot simply turn the other cheek. If you believe as the Jedi wish for you to believe, you will end up dead, just like those who believed the lie before.
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:11:38 PM
Untrue. I know that you have the Light within you. The Light is more powerful than you can imagine. The Darkness holds promises of power, but by its very nature, it blinds you to the truth. When is the last time you knew the truth? When was the last time you were not suspicious? Do you not long for that again? Your rage can make you strong, but peace overcomes all.
Akrabbim's eyes take on a far off look as he remembers his home.
Yes, you are right in thinking that I have lost everything. Everything I had was on my homeworld. It is lost to me now, and I can never return. But you mistake the nature of my wound. Where my old life was taken away, my new life is more fulfilling by far. I once was shrouded in the darkness, but now, I am in the Light. What greater joy can there be than to revel in the Light of goodness? I count everything I once had as dust compared to what I now posess. And since you have asked of my wounds, allow me to ask you of yours. What made you turn aside? What was taken from you? I know your hurt is great, but do you not wish for healing? The pain can pass if you allow it. Do not give in to the hate and fear. Embrace the Light, and be free.
Lady Vader
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:09:51 AM
*a small chuckle is heard high above in the tree's folliage... Akrabim looks up to find a cat-like woman perched on a branch just above and to the right of Anbira*
LV: Tell me, young one, why it is you persist in the Light after such suffering?
*she shifted slightly on the branch*
LV: I for one have never known goodness or the Light... I have all my life been a creature of Darkness. You spoke that the Light would reveal truth, yet if I turned, I would be lying to myself in who I am and always will be. So, in essence, the Light isn't truth, only another path in life.
*she narrowed her eyes*
LV: Be careful of what you call truth, Padawan.
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:29:37 AM
Akrabbim looks up at the second person and addresses her.
I persist in the Light because it offers healing and peace instead of continual strife. I call the Light side the truth because it revels who a person is. The Dark side merely obscures what is real. For instance, when I left my home for the final time, both sides of the Force tugged at me. But here is the difference: the Light showed me the truth. The Light offered to cleanse my pain by accepting the truth of what happened. The Dark merely wanted me to cover my anguish with rage and hatred. I assume the same is true with this gentleman here. Turns toward the male Am I not correct? Have you ever truly dealt with your demons? Or are you simply filled with too much hate to even think about it? Turns back to the female And as for you, if you were to turn to the Light, the only person lying would be you. If you lie to yourself, the Light is not to blame. The Light does not lie. It is the revealer of falsehood.
Lady Vader
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:35:29 AM
*LV looked at the young Jedi*
LV: Never the less, the Light would not satisfy me, therefore it would be a wasted time on my part. I'm quite comfortable in the shadows where I have been brought up.
*she stretched on the branch, which was, ironically, in the shadows*
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 14th, 2001, 03:29:52 AM
Have I ever faced my demons?
I face them every day, when I look myself in the mirror.
My demon is the war that wages inside of me. My war. When I came to the Jedi, I came because I was long-tired of fighting this war. For too many years, I have been the instrument of war, used by those who wanted only to tear the galaxy apart. When I went to the Jedi, I thought much like you did...that the light - the truth, would liberate me.
What I saw was that even those who championed for peace could not attain it. A kind word to a wicked man is a waste of breath. Thus, the Jedi could never, and can never reach this peace that we all want.
My hate lies with the reason of my inception. I despise War. Short-sighted men with short-sighted goals who rally others to slaughter themselves in exchange for nothing.
To lose everything you have so that some may have land, money, or power? This is the institution that bears the ire of my rage. It is the institution that not even the Jedi could destroy.
I can empathize with your desires, but I know you are going about it all wrong. It took me many years to know this. You preach to me, but what you say is nothing next to what I have tried to believe my entire life.
So, what will I do with this rage? This...destructive anger? What does it matter that I will destroy myself in the end? I am dead already. But what I will change the face of the Universe forever. Not for money, not for land, and not for power...but for peace.
Know this, Jedi...if any in my sight bear arms for any other reason, I will destroy them. Including those who seek such things in the wrong direction.
Lady Vader
Feb 14th, 2001, 03:47:08 AM
*LV blinked several times, staring at Anbira... her heart just about jumped in her chest hearing his words... she'd never heard him speak like this before... as it was, she had to hold onto the branch a bit tighter to keep from falling... he had spoken so truthfully, and straight from what he believed...needless to say, she was speachless*
Feb 14th, 2001, 03:28:05 PM
I have seen pain like yours before. I have even experienced it, to a lesser degree. But you must realize, as much as you desire the fighting to end, even if you succeed in your plan, you will lose. If you do destroy all who persist in fighting you, you will have won nothing but tyranny. There will be no peace ANYWHERE... mearly fear. You cannot give peace by force. True peace comes to a person individually, no matter what the circumstances around them. You can have that peace, but your methods will never lead you there. Should you succeed, you will only find lonliness. Let me help you... please... come back to the Light... I know it is in you.
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2001, 01:35:16 AM
*LV swiveled her head back slowly to face the young Jedi... with a soft snarl, she lept from the branch, landing noislessly to the ground and walked to stand just ahead and to the side of Anbira, glaring at the Jedi*
LV: Do me a favor? Why don't you go play with a remote or something? Your preaching is grating my ears...
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 15th, 2001, 01:52:27 AM
:: Anbira's eyes stare solemnly towards the ground ::
There is only so much that words and rhetoric can gain for your cause. It is the final failure of the Jedi. They are cursed to know what the galaxy needs, but cannot find the means to achieve their goals.
:: A familiar snap-hiss can be heard, as Anbira's face is bathed in yellow light. Slowly, he looks up at Akrabbim. ::
If you continue your blind existence, you are nothing but a hinderance to me. Tyranny or not, I will bring about peace...if I am the last man alive in the galaxy.
The time of half-measures is over. Akrabbim, where do you stand?
Feb 15th, 2001, 02:25:24 AM
Addresses Lady Vader
You call this preaching... it is easy to dismiss as that, is it not? But it is more... much more. The Light is life! This is not the teaching of the Academy, or rhetoric, or mere words. It is the truth. The beliefs of one have no effect on the nature of truth. Truth is truth. And the truth of the matter is, your plans are doomed to fail. They cannot succeed.
Addresses Anbira
There will always be darkness in this universe. But the Light will always be there to combat it. And in the end, the Light will overcome.
Akrabbim ignites his brilliantly white lightsaber
Where do I stand, Anbira? I stand in the Light. I know I cannot stop you alone. I may never be able to. But I will fight you, if that is necessary. It is worth my life to slow your course. But know this... you may defeat me, but you will never win this war.
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2001, 03:20:57 AM
*LV automatically unsheathes her claws with a metalic scrape at the same moment Anbira ignited his lightsaber... she eyes Akrabbim with blood thirsty glee*
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:05:32 AM
Akrabbim's eyes go wide as he realizes he is hopelessly outclassed. He has to buy some time. Maybe if he catches one of them off guard, he can buy a few seconds... he continues looking fearful, and suddenly casts Force Blindness at Lady Vader with a good deal of his strength. In the same split second, while she is still in shock from losing her sight, he throws one of his shuriken at her right arm, guiding it with the Force. It doesn't disable her, but then again, it was never meant to. It serves its purpose of simply making her have one hurt arm, keeping her out of the fight for a few more seconds. He turns to face Anbira, taking a completely defensive stance. He knew that to survive this fight, he must do nothing but defend and make his escape as quickly as possible.
I will fight you if I must, but you know that it is not necessary. If you want peace, don't fight me now!
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:13:49 AM
*LV swiveled at the last moment, only getting grazed by the shuriken, but it was enough to kindle her anger to a full furry*
*she was still slightly blinded by the move Akrabbim had used on her, but that didn't stop her from sensing him through the Force*
LV: Impudent Jedi!
*despite her injured arm, LV leaps, landing squarely on Arabbim's chest, knocking him over hard to the ground... using him as a spring board, she flips and lands behind him, double bladed lightsaber already ignited and seperated to make two blades*
LV: I'm going to have fun dicing you...
*she advances on Akrabbim*
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:19:59 AM
Akrabbim gets up quickly, recalling the shuriken to him. He turns where the two Sith are on either side of him and starts backing up, hoping to at least get them both on one side of him.
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:28:19 AM
:: Anbira straightens his body, and slowly lowers an open right hand towards the ground. The leaves on the forest floor rustle audibly as the Sith Master deftly uses Force Push to suspend his body four inches in the air. While not a significant height, the levitation was adequate enough to enhance the fighter's speed immensely.
Anbira's sharp eyes lock directly on Akrabbim, and with the acceleration of a gunshot...he advances on him. A yellow haze streaks forward as the Sith's vanguard, as Anbira drives a simple but powerful overhanded slice upon the Padawan. ::
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:34:48 AM
:: A snake-like branch shoots out from a nook in between some roots of a large tree, catching the cat-like Sith and knocking her to the ground. The branch then proceeds to wrap itself like a large tenticle around the Sith's slender figure. The Sith wriggles, but the branch is large and thick. ::
:: A figure wrapped in a long, hooded cloak emerges from behind a knott of brambles and trees, the material of the cloak blending with that of the foliage. It almost appears as though the firgure itself is a part of the forest, belonging there, yet being seperate at the same time. ::
:: The figure removes her hood. ::
AB: It would be wise of you, Sith, to pick on someone your own strength.
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:40:29 AM
Akrabbim barely registers the movement, eyes widening in shock at the speed of his opponent. He does the only thing he can think of and pulls his saber up in front of him, doing whatever he can to keep from being killed. Fortunately, he gets the lightsaber up in time to avoid being killed. Unfortunately, Anbira's momemtum knocked him into the ground HARD, dazing him and laying him flat. He knew that if he did not get up soon, he was dead...
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:49:33 AM
:: AB saw Akrabbim fall, and momentarily left the cat-like Sith to fight the vine entrapping her. She didn't move from her spot, but rather lifted a hand. The ground under Akrabbim rose quite quickly, making him roll to the side and onto his feet before another attack from the other Sith could be implemented. ::
Feb 15th, 2001, 04:50:58 AM
As soon as the Padawan's feet touch the ground, he sprints as fast as his Force Speed will allow him to his Master's side. Perhaps his imminent death had been averted after all...
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:01:27 AM
*LV snarled viciously, and with a horrific swipe of her six inch claws, she came free of the vine entangling her... she stood, and called her lightsaber back to her, snapping both peices together and hooking it back to her belt*
LV: So, you like vines and branches? How do you like this, Jedi-weed!
*suddenly LV whipped out her electro-whip and caught Akrabbim on the ankles, shocking him and dropping him to the ground with a numb leg... she did the same to AB*
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:02:03 AM
:: Anbira stares at the red-headed newcomer. He recognized the face, although it had been quite a long time since he had encountered her ::
Amazon you teach this whelp?
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:11:53 AM
:: At the last moment, AB sent a rock towards the angry tip of the whip, and deflected it back to it's owner. She watched as the cat-like Sith simmered. ::
AB: You're toys will not work on me, Sith.
:: She looked at the other Sith who had just addressed her. ::
AB: Yes, he is my Padawan.
:: The forest seemed to come alive around them. The trees began to move in ways that trees did not move. The ground seemed to shiver. Even the boulders began to shift in their resting places. AB's very body seemed to team with the life surrounding them. ::
AB: You are not in your element here. I suggest this be finished and all move on their way.
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:24:24 AM
[i]Akrabbim seizes the chance and slips away from the battle. Once he is several hundred yards away from the battle, he jumps high into a tree and concentrates. He first speaks to his Master, telling her that he will return to the Academy as soon as is possible. He then makes himself invisible, both physically and to the Force. He sits perfectly still, allowing his Illusion to be at it's strongest. As long as he stays completely immobile, he is very hard to detect, even to masters. However, he cannot use any Force powers except Illusion, nor can he make any offensive manuver. He waits until everything passes over for his journey home.
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:28:22 AM
:: Adapting to the shaking forest, Anbira increased the cushion of levitation between himself and the ground, rising to a foot over the ground. He watched the forest pulse with life under AB's control, his left eye twitching slightly. ::
I prefer to make my own element.
:: Anbira extended an open hand towards the Jedi. As he did, an insurge of air caused her to lean forward slightly. The gust of wind was a prelude, as Anbira began to use the force to compress a large quantity of air in front of him. The resulting vacuum caused a cool breeze to whip past everyone, throwing leaves and other debris into the air. As the Sith Master concentrated, a slight wafting effect became visible in front of him, as the pressure of the air trapped within his force bubble began to increase tremendously. ::
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:28:27 AM
*LV narrows her eyes, seraching for the young Jedi, using her Force sensitivity and animal insticnts to track him, but she does not sense him... she smiles menacingly and turns to AB*
LV: Nice lil trick there you taught him.
*her smile widens*
LV: Maybe we can use that trick on you... permanently!
*she lunges for the Jedi*
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:32:04 AM
:: She cocked her head to one side, smiling. Before the either Sith could attack or reach her, the ground opened up wide and swallowed her. The movement continued in the forest, but AB was no where to be found. ::
Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 15th, 2001, 05:42:28 AM
:: Anbira scowled at the Jedi's crafty trick ::
Damn you, only prolong the inevitable.
:: As Anbira spoke, the super-pressurized air sphere continued to be compressed in upon itself by the force. At a diameter of about a meter, the gas began to glow a faint green, as its matter state began to convert to an extremely hot plasma. Anbira continued to squeeze the sphere in upon itself, as he turned to Lady Vader ::
LV, they have evaded us for now. Let us depart. We will face them again.
Lady Vader
Feb 15th, 2001, 06:15:40 AM
*LV stood there, still staring at the spot where the Jedi had been swallowed whole... as she stood there, the forest around her seemed to settle again, as if speaking AB had left the premesis*
*she wrinkled her nose and scowled, taking a steril strip of cloth from her utility belt and wrapping it around the small wound on her arm, which had already begun to heal... then she looked up at Anbira*
LV: Yes, *she looked at the spot again where the ground had opened up* we will meet them again.
*turning towards Anbira, she began walking in his direction*
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