View Full Version : The maw of Hell (Open RPG.)
Domini Leveresk
Jan 24th, 2001, 12:34:32 AM
OOC: I do not have any force talents whatsoever. I care not of numbers, I care not of your religion. (Sith, Jedi, etc.) This will be little more than a bit off a scrap.
A hooded figure steps into the middle of a steel platform. On every side, stretching twenty feet out, lay the circular metal platform, held up by four metal walkways.
The figure stood, silent, a black mesh hiding the features of whatever lay beneath. The leather cloak was flung off like an insect, and the mesh pulled tighter against his face, nearly melding with the skin due to the pressure and zeal of which held it in place.
Merely a few inches down, under the reletavly thin platform, lay the entrance to the maw of hell, known only as the Squall. The stained durasteel held countless stories of bravado, of courage, of deliverance of the soul to the afterlife.
Glancing at his figure's reflection in the shiny, yet red-streaked surface of the alloy, he issued a sigh. He was getting older, and not the most reknowed drugs in the galaxy could prevent that sort of illness.
That's what aging was, really. A disease. No, not just any disease. A virus. Unstoppable, as it had been for billions of years, since the dawn of time. Domini made a mental footnote: <font size=1> Discover cure for Aging.</font>
He was a man of many talents, though he often doubted his own skills. That was one of his greatest weaknesses, and his lack of prowess in self evaluation had cost him dearly on occasion.
He looked around, eyes a bit shifty. It had been some time since he had displayed his skill in such a manner, a show of brute force and raw muscle rather than a tedious and subtle battle of wits.
This would be a row to remember, that of Yichnorr. . .
Jan 24th, 2001, 01:29:27 AM
OOC: I am interested in watching this RP unfold, but do know that Yichnorr is under SIN control, I can see this is not a conquest thread so carry on........
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 24th, 2001, 10:15:45 AM
OOC: I'd like to participate in this RP with you, can you please private message me the details for it? Well, just let me know about it over aim if anything. Thanx. :)
Big Bad Naga
Jan 24th, 2001, 06:04:57 PM
Someone in the galaxy wanted Domini Leveresk. This someone had payed a lot of money to know the infromation on a certain man's whereabouts. The "certain man" had enemies and he knew it. He also knew that he would be traced the second he stepped in a civilized system.
Mice scurried across the wide empty warehouse. Two individuals stood inside conversing with each other.
Dark Figure1: "I believe you have my information?"
Dark Figure2: "Where is the money we discussed?"
The first Dark Figure held up a briefcase of credits so the other could see.
Dark Figure2: "Pleasure doing business with you."
The first Dark Figure took a datacard from the other's hand. he nods, something that could be seen in the darkness. The first Dark Figure slowly moves away and submerges into the shadows. He had received his information.
Domini Leveresk
Jan 24th, 2001, 10:44:44 PM
OOC: Gotcha Cloak.
Jes? I'll give you a buzz.
Domini tapped his ear, activating the miniature comm attached there. A voice sounded, a bit loudly for the small comm.
"Grenar? Quiet down a bit! This little thing can only take so much." He tapped the side of his ear, a bit of static sounding in the ears of the mon cal on the other end. "Ouch. Anywho, we got something in from our contact. The datadisks got transferred to Naga, as we feared."
"What?? Not good. Could you get me the stats on what was on it? I know we got some burned off, but. . ."
"Don't worry, kid. All of it got burned, with no chance of restabalizing it. Well, nearly all. We think there was a bit of stuff on your mission, though."
"Oh, dear. Anything about Yichnorr?"
"Not directly. But anyone can figure it out with a bit of decrypt."
"Good Go. . . I suppose this channel isn't closed. I'll be going, my friend."
"What others abandon, we protect."
"What others abandon, we protect," said Domini, nodding profusely. The comm channel cut off.
What others abandon. . .
Big Bad Naga
Jan 25th, 2001, 06:07:09 PM
His eyes raced across the datapad screen searching for the name of the planet. One word shone out more brightly then the others in his head. "Yichnorr".
Suddenly, the light flashed on the room. Naga winced a few times, waiting for his eyes to adjust. He stretched his arms and legs, yawning at the same time. Darth Phantom, his Master and friend had entered.
Darth Phantom: "Have you found it?"
Naga: "Yes, and I have made several copies of the datadisks. They happen to be on Yichnorr."
Phantom: "Yichnorr? Hmmm."
Naga: "That was my first response to it too. Prepare DF."
Phantom: "Do you think it is necessary to take all of DF?"
Naga: "It might be. We are bringing DF to that other place."
Phantom nodded and walked out of the room. Naga stretched once more and rose. He walked over to a sink and splashed some water on his face. He picked up the disks and grabbed his gear. Naga walked out.
Three Hours Later.
The whole Fleet had just entered Hyperspace heading straight for unknown and untold destinations.
Darth Phantom
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:48:43 PM
:: Phantom sits in his chair aboard The Hell Raiser, which is fully cloaked, Phantom switches on a comm to Naga ::
Hey, I'm right behind you. I got The Phantom Fleet on stand by if we need them
Domini Leveresk
Jan 25th, 2001, 11:28:39 PM
Domini walked around, analizing the lay of the land. All ferrocrete, for as far as the eye could see. He supposed rampant money wasting had been quite the problem of Palpatine. A planetwide slab of ferrocrete costed high in the ten billions, and for absolutely no use but about four square miles, dominated by a decadent training facility?
He supposed. How typical of the man. Well, they would aide Domini quite posotively.
He grinned as the transports landed. The sight of hundreds of transports, from Ithulian ore haulers to gamma transports, was a bit humbling, even to a man of Domini's stature. They glowed a pale red as they slipped through the atmosphere, flames burstings here and there like solar flares.
One by one, they spreaded. Many disappeared from view, hiding behind the horizon, landing in a near flawless grid around the planet, though weakening as it neared the opposite side of the planet. One by one, they dropped thier loads, as technichians and engineers exited the personae transports.
The cubical buildings were twenty meters long each, roughly eight meters tall and about ten wide. If a person tapped on one, they would hear a slighly hollow sound, though not entirely.
As several other hired ships appeared from above, the unloaded ones exited, heading back to their origin for another load or two.
Domini Leveresk
Jan 26th, 2001, 08:29:34 PM
"Sir? Sir? Sir, are you there?" the voice of a disgruntled employee sounded in Domini's ear as he lay back on a reclining chair in a new, tiny, and cramped building. Domini jumped slightly at the sound and tapped his ear. "Wha? What is it?" The voice of the man at the other end remained quiet for a second, thinking of some other, distant thing. "Oh. Well, sir, the last shipment's in and set up. Everything's in it's place."
"Excellent, manager. Doublecheck the placement grid. I want it all in order."
Big Bad Naga
Jan 27th, 2001, 12:20:42 AM
The small Lambda class shuttle with Naga and Phantom inisde landed in the Spaceport. As the ramp slowly opened, both Sith walked out. Darth Phantom looked at Naga and nodded. It was time to do what they came to the planet Yichnorr for.
A man fell down, eyes closed, face white. Darth Phantom released his grip on the man. Naga turned to him and opened his mouth.
Naga: "Did he talk?"
Phantom: "Yes...He said that a Domini had been at a tapcafe not far from here."
Naga: "It's our best lead, let's go."
The two Sith walked out of the room, paying no heed to the people looking at them wide-eyed.
One hour Later.
Naga: "Have you seen a man named Domini here?"
Bartender: "Yeah, he told me his name, pretty quiet guy. He said he was heading over to this new building."
The barkeep gave Naga a map of the city and pointed. Naga thanked him and motioned for Phantom.
Naga: "Master, we have a new lead let's go."
Darth Phantom
Jan 27th, 2001, 04:42:22 PM
:: Phantom grins, hoping there will be Carnage ahead ::
At last we shall reveal ourselves to the cowardly Dogs
:: Phantom and Naga walk towards the building on the map ::
Domini Leveresk
Jan 28th, 2001, 12:46:37 AM
Domini sipped coolly at a mug of Correlian Vintage. He despised force users, though he had his own flare of foresight.
He had analyzed the Red Eye quite a bit, and he had a premunition that they would commense with an attack. Grenar had sent extra personel for normal policing activities, but otherwise there were few military forces.
But he was utterly prepared. Little did the Red Eye know that he had enough on-planet firepower to take out as much as...
Well, that would be quite interesting.
"Planetary Defense official Gehriik, are our CMEs revved and ready?"
"You have no idea."
"Excellent. Send a pair of swoop scouts over to patrol the area. Have them bring the prototype staff and my suitcase, as well."
"Alright, Superviser. They'll be enroute."
A few minutes later, two swoop riders arrived, bearing a trunk and a staff. The staff was about two meters long and cylindrical. About four centimeters in diameter, three in the middle where it was to be grasped, it was of decent size. Domini threw the suitcase in a cupboard and plopped onto his bed, listening to the comms of the swoops...
Big Bad Naga
Jan 28th, 2001, 12:13:09 PM
Naga: "There it is."
They stared at the building that Domini was supposedly inside. It looked rather new, or refurbished. Naga could sense his presence.
Both Sith walked up to the building and unlocked the door. Naga stormed up the stairs, Phantom right behind him looking for anyone who might try to attack them from behind.
At the top of the stairs, Naga saw a door at the end of the hall. He figured it was a bedroom, though he could sense life in there.
Phantom went ahead and kicked the door open, both had a blaster in hand just in case...
OOC: Domini, we are not going to assualt the planet with ships in any way. I got kicked off of AIM when we were discussing it.
Domini Leveresk
Jan 28th, 2001, 05:03:26 PM
"Greetings, Sithspit. Welcome to my humble abode."
Domini stood, blaster in each hand, both leveled at one of the Red Eyes. Behind him was a staff, propped up against a table. Without wating a second, he pulled both triggers.
A shower of blue sparks hailed the duo. They grinned slightly at eachother, then felt quite faint as their eyelids drooped. "Hapan Gun of Control. I hear it brings in quite a profit on the blackmarket. Not that you scum would have anything to do with the blackmarket." Domini rolled his eyes. "Well, at least we know how hypnotists did the trick, eh fellows? Now, detatch your lightsabers from your belt. Throw them and your blasters down. Stat." The two did so. "Good. Gentlemen, we head to the Squal."
Domini picked up the staff, sticking one gun in his belt and throwing the other on a nearby desk as they headed out the door.
Darth Phantom
Jan 29th, 2001, 02:30:47 AM
:: Phantom starts walking out the door, Domini leading, Phantom puts his hands behind his back and force calls the two Lightsabers and continues to follow ::
Lord Dagger
Jan 29th, 2001, 01:50:03 PM
OOC/ Excuse me i couldn't help but notice that last post by Domini, if that doesn't class as God-Moding i don't know what does, in the space of one post you asalted and took over two other characters, now unless they agreed to this which i doubt, i sujest that you make some small edits, like giving them chance to actually do something before you jsut run everything yourself \IC
Big Bad Naga
Jan 29th, 2001, 01:55:25 PM
OOC: Damn straight!
Domini Leveresk
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:14:06 PM
OOC: It's only god mode depending on your intents. If I used this as an advantage to hurt them or have them walk off a cliff, it would. However, all I'm doing is shooing them out to the formal arena. Their consciousness will be restored. Their weapons returned.
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