View Full Version : Battle of Obra-Skai
Darth Viscera
Dec 2nd, 2000, 11:53:18 AM
The first and third GMA fleets exit hyperspace at Jedi-held Obra-Skai. Diktat Viscera opens a comm frequency to the planet.
"This is Interim Diktat Darth Viscera of the Galactic Military Alliance. Surrender your planet and prepare for occupation. Any forces found resisting will be summarily executed as per the Tarkin Doctrine."
The comm is shut off.
Fighters are launched from the hangars of the invading ships, and superlasers are charged. Landing barges are readied.
Dec 2nd, 2000, 07:49:22 PM
Thump Thump Thump
The steady paces of The Grand Admiral's footsteps echo across the unusually quite bridge of the ESD. The Grand Admiral paces back and forth with his hands folded behind his back.
Down in the Data Trenches, as the Grand Admiral preffered to call them, an Officer raised his head and broke the eerie silence.
My Lord, all attack vectors are ready. We await your Orders.
Understood. We will wait until we here from the Diktat.
The Grand Admiral turned away from the Young Officer and walked towards the command chair, a large leather chair that swivels in place to allow the Grand Admiral complete view of the Bridge.
Darth Viscera
Dec 2nd, 2000, 09:15:23 PM
"Captain, we're receiving a high priority newsfeed from one of our listening posts," came a voice from the crew pit.
"On speakers."
*The slightly garbled audio message began, playing to the captain of the Star Destroyer Ares, as well as the rest of the bridge crew.*
...Live Wire abducted -y S-th named Dar---loak. Be-ng held capti-e in s-stem, m-st likely Car-ca. Sit- ships en r-ute.
*The message cut off*
"Lieutenant, relay this message to Grand Admiral Darth Poreon, as well as Diktat Darth Viscera."
"Aye-aye, Captain."
15 minutes later-Nebula Star Destroyer Unification, AFA HQ.
*Darthporeon and Darth Viscera, as well as several other Commodores and Flag Captains of Alpha Attack Force, sat in a conference table, discussing the plan of action. The discussion was nearly concluded.*
"We are agreed then. Poreon, please order your fleet to standby to enter hyperspace. This mission takes precedence over all others."
Dec 2nd, 2000, 09:20:49 PM
Fleets 1 and 3, this Grand Admiral DarthPoreon, Be on Alert Status Red. Be prepared to Enter Hyperspace on a moments notice. Make sure all fighters are ready and superlasers charged. I will repeat, be Prepared to enter hyperspace on a moments notice. Cooridantes will be filtered through from My Flagship to all of you in a short time.
Darth Viscera
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:29:47 AM
"Belay that. The fight at Caraca is over. All ships: set your course for high orbit of Obra-Skai. Design for planetary bombardment. TIE Command: Launch all starfighters. Bombardment Gunners: Target military bases/assets only. We want to take this planet and its civilians. Prepare for a planetary assault."
Darth Viscera
Dec 3rd, 2000, 01:21:52 PM
No opposition. None at all, so far. Either the owners of this planet did not care for it all that much, or the inhabitants were suicidally peaceful. Viscera reached to his comlink.
"General Phantom, launch your invasion craft. You will have full starfighter support. Make use of your war droids, dark troopers, GMA battle tanks, and shadow droids. If you encounter any resistance, fire the city which you encountered it in, but don't reduce the entire planet to rubble. Aide Captain Fyron has set up a relay box for bombardment orders, so tune your comlink to the standard fleet encrypt frequency if you wish to raze something. Condition seems yellow. Expect minimal resistance, but we must be cautious. Call for aide if you emcounter something unexpected. Viscera out."
900,000 Ground troops-along with 50,000 war droids, secure in their bulky landing craft, left the fleet, descending towards Obra-Skai, as the lumbering ships stood watch for any surprise defense.
Phalanx Allger
Dec 3rd, 2000, 02:09:29 PM
Phalanx Allger, leader of Zeta Squadron, was flying a TIE Interceptor for the Cover Mission. He normally flew Missile Boats, but he and his squadmates could fly just about anything
"Zetas, keep your heads up. Don't stray too far from the main group. Form up in Pairs and fly a 2-2-6-2 formation."
Zeta Squadron, with Phalanx and his squadmate at the head of the formation, formed up at the head of the convoy. The Squad was incharge of the first 30 or so transporst heading towards the ground. Two of the Interceptors in the 6 section of the formation, broke off and flew to the back of their part of the convoy.
Caleb Orele
Dec 3rd, 2000, 06:25:57 PM
The TIE Paladins cut through hyperspace liek a knife through butter. Upon exit, they bursted into the area above Obra-Skai.
"Omega squadron, this is Orele. Break out of current arrowhead formation, guard your wings. Orele, out."[i]
The fighters spun to the port side, as was decided during hyperspace, and moved towards the convoy. After arriving at their destination, flew alongside the transports at the same sluggish pace. . .
Darth Viscera
Dec 19th, 2000, 04:29:55 PM
*The 2nd GMA Fleet enters hyperspace.*
Rask Divves
Jan 12th, 2001, 12:39:47 PM
2nd Lieutenant Sams Yessin glared at the rats scurrying around below his feet, as if that would scare them away. As an infantryman, you developed a passionate hatred for the rats that would infest a battle trench, especially on the godawful planet known as Obroa-Skai.
Sams looked up just in time to see another of the damned rebel concussion blaster shells shoot into the air with a howl that seemed to be born in hell. The shell reached a good height, probably 300 meters up, then began blinking red and orange, as its sensors looked for the target, so it could burn a hole through it. Unfortunately for Sams and his comrades, their targets were more often than not stormtroopers, just like him.
“Get back to the bunker! Rebs launched a concshell!” Sams hollered to his men, as he fell back, climbing down the hole that lead to the underground bomb shelter. They all followed him, again, and soon they were back in the bunker, waiting for this walk in hell to end.
“Get your helmets on! The minute the shelling stops, we need to get back up there. Set your audio sensors to plus five.” Plus five audio was enough to either deafen a man, or demoralize him, during a shelling like this, but it was necessary. You needed to know when the shelling stopped, because that usually meant the rebs were coming in. And if the rebs came in when you were still down in the bunker, and not manning the trenches like you were supposed to, there would be even more hell to pay. Rebel troops, once they got in your trenches, were even worse than the rats, if that was at all possible. They would either capture you, or they would have you shot, right then and there. The only to keep them back was to shoot them from the safety of the trenches, which Sams gladly did. Every last rebel son of a bitch could eat hard light from his blaster, as far as he was concerned.
The shelling stopped. All the troops in the bunker immediately ran like hell to get out, some falling over in the process. They had made it back to the trenches just in time. Sams looked out at the oncoming rebs, trying to figure how many there were.
“Three companies coming in! Someone wake up the flank!”
2 sets of three men ran out to the extreme left and right ends of the trench, hauling an E-59 with them. They were soon set up, and began raining enfilading fire down onto the rebels, while the main defenders knocked the center rebs back. The enfilade fire chewed up the rebel ranks, taking out a good bit of the rear section of the staggered formation. The rest of the entrenched imps held their defenses, and soon the rebels broke and ran back towards their trenches, leaving about half their number dying in no man’s land. Sams took that opportunity to finish them off. He managed to nail 4 rebs in the stomach, before the rest of the men in his unit killed them all.
This had been a long battle. After the fleets jumped in, dropped them down to this hell, then left, they had been without an overall commanding general. The rebels had cut off most of their supply lines and armor units, and all that the infantry had been left with was some hovermines, about a million blaster rifles, heavy blaster cannons, plenty of pistols, and some E-59s, thank the gods for them. So the imperials dug in, laying the hovermines around their positions. They were the only things which kept the rebs from swooping in on their Loronars and flanking them.
Sams scooped up one of the planks from a nearby firing step, laid it in the mud, placed one of his watersacks at the top of the plank, and tried to get some shuteye. It proved to be harder than he thought. What he wouldn’t give for some rations.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:30:51 PM
Khendon stood on the bridge of his command ship, the ISD3 Hawk’s Eye, and stared into the elongated blankness that is often called space. It was a standard mission to him, drop troops, make contact, hold for further orders, but he had a gut feeling this one of more importance.
As his fleet came out of orbit orders were relayed throughout the fleet in rapid succession. “Bring the Maelstrom, Valiant, Raze, Loyalist, and Firestorm near the planet, I want them to drop their load of troops and provide air superiority. We shall then drop our troops and I shall give further orders at that time.”
Khendon looked one, eyes staring at the cold screen in front of him, as the ships moved towards the planet.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:38:30 PM
“Launch, I repeat, launch all ground units, now!” Khendon said over the comm.
The five ships began dropping units to the planets surface; it was like a rain of arrows on a gem in the center of darker then black asphalt.
After several minutes of this image repeating Khendon contacted his ground force administrator, “have the units secure a landing zone for my troops, we shall break camp for the night, make everything secure.”
The rugged faced man on the comm. responded with a simple smile and nod to Khendon’s words and went about his business.
(Troops dropped: 40,000 – full complement of AT-ATs and AT-STs)
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:39:02 PM
Khendon stood and walked over to the view port looking at the planet, now enlarged, staring down at it. Lives had been spend down there, many more would be. Somewhere men were dying from sickness and famine, but he would change that.
Khendon made the access panel to the bridge opened. He walked down a hallway were he was greeted by a large elevator; he proceeded down it.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:40:02 PM
After several minutes Khendon made it. “Is the squadron ready?”
“Yes, Sir, they’re waiting for you.”
“Good, very good.”
Khendon walked up to an officer who pressed a button. He was then lowered into the cockpit. After several seconds of prepping his fighter along with his personal squadron launched, followed by wings of Scimitars from several different ships.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:40:24 PM
They were flying over the planet’s surface now, fast as bullets, the TIE Interceptors behind him couldn’t go as fast as his personal fighter but they were adequate.
Khendon’s squad came upon a mass of troops moving north towards the troops they needed to supply. Khendon and his pilots activated scanners and broke up into two man groups; they could cover more ground this way.
After several minutes Khendon noticed a column of troops under fire. “This is leader, two make another pass, cover me, I’m going in.”
Khendon flipped about and pushed on his ship’s stick, it swooped down cursing the air with screams as he increased speed. Khendon smiled and pushed a button unleashing shots of plasma down onto the bunker that was holding the resistance troops. As the blasts hit they released plasma all over the target melting through the walls of the structure and killing most of the men inside. He relished in this attack and pulled up, the first real combat he’d has for a long time.
He continued his monitoring.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:41:25 PM
After several minutes Khendon and his wingman came upon a fighter base, they took it out with the same ease that they showed on the bunker. The two masses of troops, Khendon’s and the original army on the planet, met… it was time to rejoice.
Objective one completed.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:45:18 PM
Khendon gazed onward as his formation continued to move, they must crush all resistance.
All over the planet troops attacked cities, military installations, and troops.
“Sir! Eye balls coming in fast, standard TIE/In’s, one squad of twelve fighters.”
“Order our squadron to close, time to party.”
Khendon pulled moved his ship to face the oncoming targets and smiled, they had no clue. He flipped a switch and fired, his two gattlings sprayed the target zone with fire taking out three of the enemy fighters. He flipped yet another switch linking his gattlings with the main plasma cannon and continued. Another three fighters fell by the time his squad intercepted.
Khendon moved away, he had to monitor the ground armies’ movements.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:45:47 PM
Khendon looked at reports, from all over the planet was being consumed by the empire’s mighty armor clad grips. He knew the demoralized, barren planet wouldn’t survive much longer; they had to submit to his superior forces and air superiority.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 07:46:24 PM
Khendon landed and went to sleep in his tent that night.
Once he woke he noticed the men around him drunk, in the night the planet’s inhabitance had submitted, it was over, two days of work, nothing more, he laughed to himself, what a great two days.
Objective two accomplished
Mission complete
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 29th, 2001, 10:44:57 PM
OOC: what the hell, the last time posts was less then a minute apart
for the storytelling forum that would be okay but this is the battleground.. you have to allow time for others to replie
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2001, 10:53:02 PM
(OOC: No one would have replied anyway. The planet has almost no defense if any. All I had to verse were NPCs, there were no enemies in the area. This is basically taking a NPC planet! If I knew people would attack, which none would have or will, I would have given a day-two days for them to respond, but this planet is worthless, so don't start with me.)
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 29th, 2001, 11:00:34 PM
OOC: i was waiting for this RP to get interesting before making a post, it was in NR space and had Nr stastions on the world. just because you think no one will reply doesnt mean it is so even with the current fleet rules it states you must allow time to reply
this thread is god-mode
James McKell
Jan 30th, 2001, 07:36:20 PM
OOC: Thrawn, this thread has been on for almost 2 Months. I think they've waited long enough.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Feb 5th, 2001, 10:04:15 AM
OOC: you can not post 10 times in a row not allowing anyone time to reply, that is against the basic rules of roleplaying
just because no NR/jedi forces posted in the first 5 posts of this thread doesnt mean you can wait several months then post 10 times in a row
read the SWFans FAQs
Pierce Tondry
Feb 5th, 2001, 12:21:14 PM
Thrawn: if you had this much interest in the planet, it seems to me you should have replied much sooner with some opposition. Why didn't you?
Darth Viscera
Feb 5th, 2001, 12:52:21 PM
Because he had no interest in maintaining the planet whatsoever.
oh bugger i just checked up.. we do own it
well im burnt out on the whole fleet battle crap so dont expect me to jump in
-Thrawn, 12/3/2000, 10:48am
Gotcha. I'll consider this your christmas present to Isard, as I'll probably give it to her once I take it. She seems to hold an interest in that planet.
-DV, 12/3/2000, 11:01am ( ?topicID=593.topic)
Grand Adm Thrawn
Feb 6th, 2001, 12:55:53 PM
OOC: 3 months ago i was burt out, i just got done doing several fleet RPs
that doesnt change the fact that posting 10 times in a row with out waiting for a reply is god mode
Darth Viscera
Feb 6th, 2001, 01:03:58 PM
Regardless, you specifically professed that you had no intention of attempting to hold the planet whatsoever, making that those 10 successive posts valid. You handed the planet over to us.
Sniper Tondry
Feb 6th, 2001, 01:16:22 PM
Hm... quite an interesting problem.
I may not be a Mod, but I have a solution to this problem if anyone is interested.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Feb 6th, 2001, 01:29:45 PM
OOC: dv two months ago i had no interest in doing another fleet RP and since you let the thread die told me neither did you
alot of time past over that time..
as you can see from my objecting to this godmode i am interested in defending this world
Call a mod/admin in to settle this
Dv has your group EVER tooken a planet or fought a battle with out useing MAJOR god mode? if so please link the thread i
would like to read it
Darth Viscera
Feb 6th, 2001, 02:12:27 PM
If you continue acting in an insulting fashion OOC towards the GMA members and, frankly, everyone in general, I will bring it up with the moderators.
Darth Viscera
Feb 6th, 2001, 02:13:07 PM
Tondry, what is your solution? I am interested in hearing it.
Gormul Hyfe
Feb 6th, 2001, 03:21:14 PM
Thrawn: ( ?topicID=2143.topic)
I wouldn't call that a "MAJOR god mode". Perhaps a bit shorter than you would have liked, but not a major god mode none the less.
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