View Full Version : The Zeus Project
Gav Mortis
Oct 17th, 2000, 07:21:48 PM
A lone shuttle was launched into the dark belly of space, it was swallowed into it's vastness and soon it's shining, white body blended in with all the stars around it.
It seemed to be heading towards a large oceanic planet which had a stunning blue aura glowing gently against the black canvas. Silently, the shuttle approached on a simple, sloping tradjectory.
On board the shuttle, there was a thin, clammy air and it's room was filled with the theraputic sounds of the engines low-pitched whining. Gav sat on a large, comfortable seat, dressed smartly, sipping at a small cup of hot tea under the shuttle's dim lighting. Finding it difficult to contain his joy, a grin crept up over his face and he chuckled to himself with mild pleasure.
"Good pilot; when will we land on Chad III?" he asked, anything to stop him from grinning so much; even conversation with the pilot!
"In about ten minutes sir and how are you today?" came a chirpy reply from the older, but nevertheless young man in front.
"Superb, for today; we change the Galaxy." he answered in a very bold and boastful tone. Of course, the pilot had no idea what he was talking about so just nodded silently.
- - - - - - - - -
Steam was hissing from either side of the shuttle as Gav walked down the ramp, still smiling and he leaned across and shook hands with Sergeant Major Banestone and Governor Blade, who are his co-partners in the Zeus Project.
"Gentlemen, let's make history." he concluded after a brief chat.
"Shall we?" added Banestone pleasantly.
"Lets." Garrett answered.
The three men walked out of the large hanger bay and into a wide passage, there was a fine aroma of freshness about the recently completed facility.
The three men entered a turbolift after allowing a voice and retinal scan, the doors slid shut and after about two maybe three minutes they arrived at their level; deep underground and the doors slid open.
There was carpet over the floor which they walked along, very untraditional but for this occassion, it deserved some proper treatment.
The absence of the harsh sound of boots thuding and clanging against a cold metal floor was a nice change and Gav relished the soft feel beneath his feet. On they went, twisting and turning down many corridoors, the walls lined with soldiers, saluting whilst standing to attention as they passed by.
As they made their way through the facility, the coorridoors seemded to get wider and wider, soon turning into large halls and their group grew bigger from three, to five, to ten, to twenty until eventually, there were about forty smartly dressed officers following the three Sith en route.
Finally, they came to a large hall, brightly lit and carpeted, there was at last a sense of sofistication for such a facility and Gav remembers visiting the establishment when it was still only in the first stages of it's construction and how much he despised it back then.
They walked along the corridoor, coming to a huge, shining blast door, by structure, at least three metres thick. The group slowly coming to a stop as Gav steeped up to the front of the door, Banestone to the left of it and garrett to the right.
"After" Gav said, turning first to Banestone then to Garrett, then back at the blast door.
After the count, three of them said their names into a voice scanner whilst the retinal scan took place simultaneously.
"Ok, we have five seconds!" announced Banestone as they each commenced on punching in their personal twenty digit code at an alarming speed with force aided precision.
Suddenly, there was a computer female voice which announced "ACCESS GRANTED!" upon which the doors opened revealing numerous other layers of doors and pannels which slid open in various directions until finally it revealed a large room, several balcony floors above and below made of glass, it shone with such immaculate quality and brilliance the sight was truely breath taking.
At the front of the room was an enormous screen on the wall, which suddenly sprung to life with color and digits soaring across the screen up and down.
Simultaneously, monitors on all the consoles spaced across the floors and various levels of the most modern technology. Again, the same voice was heard:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OOC: This may seem somewhat extravagant, but it is something that has been three months in the works, so sorry about the cheese! :)
Garrett Blade
Oct 24th, 2000, 12:51:25 PM
*Garrett walks over to the master control terminal and keys in his access code. The main view screen acknowledges his authority as it displays his welcome message*
<FONT SIZE="4">"Welcome Govenor Blade!"</FONT>
*Garrett then takes a seat in the leather chair and keys in a command. The screen immediately displays a complete blueprint schematic on the entire facility. He fiddles about for a few seconds with his personal terminal attatched to the seat and above his lap. The readout on the viewscreen zooms in to an engineering sector containing thousands of droids equal in height to, but slightly longer than, an R2 astromech droid. He switches to a camera outside the room, and sees an engineering officer who is standing next to a computer console, lazily. He activates the master tannoy system and brings a microphone up to his lips...*
Garrett Blade: "Liutenant! Activate the console command...initialize the miner droids on the double!!"
*The Engineering officer jerks his head back with shock*
*But before the officer even begins to type on the console Garrett presses a series of 23 buttons followed by a green button. The same female computer voice from before appeard from out of nowhere...*
<FONT SIZE="4" Color="blue">Code accepted. Droid program Alpha-Zeta-Gamma initialized</FONT>
*A bewildered liutenant looks up at the camera observing him*
<Garrett Blade:[/b] "Beat you to it Liutenant!! Thank you anyway. Report to the messhall - you are relieved. Take some time off - you look beat!"
*The grateful officer acknowledges the govenor with a nod of the head, and takes his leave...meanwhile the immense blast doors to the engineering storage sector slowly open with a mechanical noise. The darkness inside is replaces by numerous flurescent lights, highlighting the huge number of miner droids held within. Then, every single droid beeps to life as their motivators are activated simultaneously through the use of the preset launch program installed by Garrett himself. The droids begin to make their way out of the enormous storage room following a set route allowing them to navigate through each other so as to avoid any collisions. The process is executed with surgical precision and within minutes the room is empty. The droids are soon on their way to a large rocky wall deep inside Zeus Command, approximately 4 kilometres long and exactly 4 metres high. Each droid takes its position and within 25 minutes all 4000 droids are lined up facing the rocky wall. Simultaneously, 4000 Plasma Burrowing Jets roar to life as the miner droids begin to mine into the rock before them*
Garrett Blade: "Excellent! In approximately 1 weeks time the mining operation will be completed and we can begin phase 2 of Zeus Command! And in 3 weeks time Zeus Command will be fully operational! order of business!"
*Garrett keys in several buttons and displays Kashyyyk on the main viewscreen. A high security compound, held in place high above the tallest trees thanks to immense repulsorlift generators and docking clamps, is visible. Garrett presses another button which incidentally switches the vies to a close up of the facility. He once again talks into the master tannoy device...*
Garrett Blade: "General Darson......this is Govenor Blade!! You are clear to initiate the mind control operations on the wookies! Once completed...begin the grafting phase. Remember...2.5 billion armed with Modified Blaster rifles and concussion grenade launchers, 0.5 billion armed with modified E-Web Heavy Repeating blaster modules, 0.5 billion armed with Psi Blades and 1 billion armed with modified heavy blaster pistols and various assault weapons!
General Darson: "Affirmative sir! I shall commence priject as soon as the Wookie population are assembled in the grand hall! Darson out!"
*As Garrett stands up out of the command chair and makes his way back up to Gav and Banestone, the command centre is places on red alert automatically by the central computer, as its automatic threat detectors activate the prototype defense systems...*
<FONT SIZE="4">"Govenor Blade...there is an urgent matter which requires your attention. Please report to sub pen 003 immediately!"</FONT>
Garrett Blade
Oct 29th, 2000, 08:31:17 PM
*Garrett returns to the computer terminal and keys into the display screen - and looks at the blueprints for Zeus Control. He keys in a command sentence which orders all general workers and personnel to take specific routes through the complex - allowing Garrett to take a clear route to the sub pen. He runs out of the doors.....*
*And arrives minutes later at Sub Pen 003 to find it in upheaval!!! A swarm of gigantic sea creatures are attacking the pen!*
Garrett lade: "Gav...get down here this instant! We've got a big.........some big problems down here!!!!!"
Garrett Blade
Oct 30th, 2000, 06:57:41 AM
Gav Mortis
Nov 15th, 2000, 03:14:13 PM
Upon hearing the transmission, Gav, who had been configuring further command protocols to the main computer left his console and ran out of Zeus Control making his way towards Garrett's location. When he'd arrived at Sub Pen 003 after ascending some kilometres up through the sea bed via turbolift he could feel the floor tremor beneath him.
As soon as the doors of the turbolift opened he was greeted by a concerned Garrett, who lead him to a view screen so he could see their intruders. On the screen appeared a mass of seven enormous sea creatures, they were huge with thick, tough skin and large fins which along with their wide, elongated tails swung colliding with the exposed structure of the sub pen.
"Cetaceans. Looks like we have upset the neighbours; I thought the toxins wiped all sea life out. Report!" said Gav awaiting a reply impatiently.
"Sir, no damage has been done yet to the exposed structure however it may not be able to withstand much more before it begins to give way and several more are on their way." answered a well spoken young man who stepped forward towards Gav.
"Then let's take them out" concluded Garrett in a frustrated tone "We're missing the celebrations!"
With a chuckle at his friends comment Gav reached into his pocket and pulled out a device similar to a com-link, he pressed a button on it holding it up to his face.
The computers voice was heard in that specific corridoor and the others looked on in astonishment regardless of the trembling walls.
"Commence Electro-Surge Security System at Sub Pen 003, clearance code MORTIS-00210983-KAPPA-DELTA-BETA" he announced clearly into the com when almost immediately the computer replied:
Suddenly, there was a high pitched whine from above and there was a second, constant rumble throughout the facility as two huge ports opened not far from that block and from them emerged two enormous columns, roughly two hundred meters high and with a diameter of roughly forty meters. Whilst the towers emerged from the structure in the sea bed a blanket of a dull orange shielding appeared over a large surface of the sea bed including those exposed structures.
"Govenor Blade, the insulation shielding is activated" the young man declared turning his attention from a console to Garrett who confirmed with a nod, the next command.
The huge sea creatures turned their attention to the emerged columns and swam towards them but as they neared Gav watched the screen carefully and as they were right by the columns he activated them from the console before him.
Suddenly, the huge electrodes hummed with power and began to glow, first a dull orange, then yellow and finally a brilliant white, boiling the water around them. Suddenly, there was an increadible cracking sound as a huge bolt of electricity surged from one of the electrode tips to the other it lit up that area of ocean making the seabed below completely visable. The entire surface of the ocean had billions of tiny ripples on it and quiet yet intensely high-pitched hum came from it. Instantaneously, over the humming were the sudden screams of the sea creatures which were immediately silenced as their lifeless bodies fell to the sea bed, throwing sand up from beneath them.
"Now with that done, let's get back to work people" said Gav, turning away and headed back for Zeus Control but Garrett stayed and turned to the young officer.
"Wait there, I have an idea..."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Two weeks later and the loud sound of drilling had ended as the miner droids had finished their initial task and had moved on to drilling new chambers beneath the sea bed so that the base can expand whilst a task force of advancedly shielded miner droids began drilling a long, wide shaft towards the planets core, they wouldn't be back until in some weeks time.
"Is Chamber 516 under refurbishment yet?" asked Gav, roatating in an almost child-like manner on his chair, addressing one of the construction specialists.
"Yes sir, two days ago and will be ready to begin construction in six days." came a chirpy reply, the officer knowing his team is ahead of schedule by two days already.
"Excellent....excellent!" was Gav's only reply, his eyes could tell it all along with the smile that he wore with great pride.
Garrett Blade
Nov 19th, 2000, 07:09:59 PM
<FONT SIZE="4">Meanwhile.....</FONT>
*Garrett stood before the immense carcasses of two of the giant beasts which had attacked sub pen 003 two weeks ago. The creatures themselves were very dead and looked lifeless enough. Their dead bodies had already begun to decompose. Flies were already swarming around the two beasts of the deep. A number of other people in white coats stood to the sides and behind garrett. The two specimens were apparently a male and a female. As the group looked at the pair of sea creatures, two winches overhead began to stir slightly. They moved across the room and harnessed two large electrodes, roughly the same size as the creatures main body. As they did so, Garrett climbed on top of the male creature and ignited his lightsaber. He then began to slice open the belly of the beast. The innards slowly began to ooze out and fall onto the grey floor. When this was done, Garrett did the same for the female...*
Garrett Blade
Dec 9th, 2000, 11:47:05 PM
Garrett Blade
Dec 23rd, 2000, 11:24:04 PM
Dec 24th, 2000, 08:45:08 AM
OOC: My memory bytes. I'll post more later, as I'm only just now trying to get back into stuff and things. :)
IC: One of those would go down quite nicely right about now, *Says Banestone. The two make their way to the mess hall...*
Maybe if I get drunk enough I'll start musing aloud what the name of "Spaarti" originally might have come from. ;)
Lady DeVille
Dec 24th, 2000, 08:46:54 AM
ooc: pokes Banestone---use AIM, where are you? EDIT: n/m, i'm going to sleep. Merry Christmas! /ic:
Garrett Blade
Jan 3rd, 2001, 07:11:01 AM
*Thirty-six hours had passed and the 5 Gallofree Yards Medium Transports were just being loaded with the few remaining cloning vats ready to be transported to Kashyyyk. The specially modified Binary Load Lifters slowly but steadily made their way up the loading ramp and into the spaceframe of the ships. Usually, droids of this naturew would be incapable of carrying such a load, yet thanks to their heavily modified algorithms and sub-routines, plus the added benefits of better gyro-enhanced carapace legs and a reinforced hull, they were extremely efficient in their task. Once all 20,000 Cloning Cylinders were secured in place, the droids too entered to ships and shutdown after taking their positions near the entrance to the cargo bays for easy access - after al they would be needed to unload the cargo once the ships arrived at Kashyyyk since the Command Center there had no droids capable of unloading cargo...*
*Meanwhile, Garrett was overseeing the next construction stage, in the immense hanger deep below Zeus Control. He had just taken a break from the command post next to the hanger to send a sub-space message to Kashyyyk. All it was was a message alerting personnel of the arrival of the transports within the next few days. After the transmission had been sent, Garrett stepped out into the hanger for the thirty-seventh time this week. He immediately floated up to around about the centre of the spaceframe - which was now approximately 78% complete. The ship was already beginning to take shape. Garrett looked towards the rear of the hanger and could see in the storage area, glistening in the darkness from the fluorescent lighting, the gigantic power generators ready to be installed as soon as the spaceframe was completed. And to the right of the hanger was yet another storage area containing all the internal components such as weapon emplacements, circuitry - lots of it - shield generator backups, channelling equipment, auxiliary station equipment and a whole array of other essential resources. Garrett eventually found who he was looking for...a man who stood - or rather floated - around five foot 5 inches tall, wearing a black uniform and a visor around his eyes. Garrett tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to automatically turn around from his work...*
Lieutenant Idroeg al Egrof: "Ah...Commander Blade! I was hoping you would stop by today! I have something I have been wishing to talk to you about since last night. My men and I were previously discussing the matter of the alternative propulsion system for her..."
*The Lieutenant smiled as he tapped the spaceframe behind him...*
Lieutenant Idroeg al Egrof: It concerns the housing space AND control system emplacement for the..."
Garrett Blade: "Ah yes! Come with me Lieutenant. We shall discuss this privately, away from eavesdroppers who are unauthorized to hear such details! Step into my office!"
*And with that - the two men descended through the spaceframe back to the black glossy floor of the hanger and walked off to Garrett's office...*
Lady DeVille
Jan 3rd, 2001, 04:28:04 PM
*...and opened the door to find De'Ville sitting on Blade's desk, poring over blueprints. She looked over as the two men entered, the lieutenant gaping at her like a blowfish. She winked at the lieutenant, and slipped off the desk to walk to Blade.
She pulled him a little to the side, and spoke softly* Things are progressing as planned, are they not? I was just going over the plans... Impressive is all I can say.
*De'Ville walked to the door, patting the lieutenant's cheek as she passed him. As the door swished open she called over her shoulder to Blade* Keep me informed on our progress, right now I'm going to find Banestone and teach him some manners.. Oh, and if there's anyway I can assist, let me know.
Garrett Blade
Jan 13th, 2001, 02:07:13 PM
Huranus is looking a little big lately!
*Garrett turned to the Chief Engineer with a wide grin on his face, yet the Chief didn't seem to be in the same upbeat mood as of yet...*
Idroeg al Egrof: "Sir? Those phenomenon were reported as subsided over two weeks ago, since then the planet has returned to normal......"
*Suddenly, a lightbulb flicked on inside the young man's head. Immediately, the two men exploded into uproarous laughter as they watched Lady De'Ville enter the alpha turbolift to head back to level one. When they had stopped laughing, Garrett offered the Chief a seat, and he obliged, then sat down himself, though on his own chair of course! As he cleared the blueprints off his desk, which should not have been there in the first place, he switched on the console in front of him. Excellent! he said, as he noticed that the transports were just lifting off now with their cargo, six hours ahead of schedule. It was this kind of efficiency that Garrett prided himself on, and urged those under his command to take the same pride in. And as the results showed - it rubbed off very well*
*The transports were soon out of the atmosphere and had regrouped with the Escort group, an Eclipse Star Destroyer, 18 Imperial Star Destroyers and 20 Victory Star Destroyers - all curtesy of Omega fleet, soon to be renamed Felth Fleet. A few seconds later, the ships vanished into hyperspace en route to Kashyyyk. As they did, Garrett pressed a single button on the console, which sent a pre-selected message to Central command on Kashyyyk. Garrett deactivated the console and looked up at the Chief...*
"So! You wanted to speak with me about the....."
Idroeg al Egrof: "Yessir! It's nothing much, just about where we are going to put it. I'm still not sure, and do remember that you didn't state that in the plans!"
Thats because if anyone were to get hold of the plans, they would find out about it! Don't worry about where it is going, I shall handle that when the ship is finished!
Idroeg al Egrof: "Sir? How exactly are you going to do that?!"
That will be all Mr al Egrof! Do remember what i am capable of!
*The Chief engineer stood and nodded in acknowledgement, knowing that he was not refering to his destructive capabilities. He turned and opened the door, then turned again...*
Idroeg al Egrof: "Garrett.....if you're not too busy later on today...the other guys and me are thinking f having a game of holoball, but we're a man short. How 'bout it?"
*Garrett paused for a moment, then smiled at the Chief, and said in a voice almost exactly like that of the dead Emperor Palpatine...*
So be it! will die! Hahaha!
*The two men once again laughed heartily at the joke, and the Chief left to return to his work on the space frame, chuckling to himself as he went. Garrett himself was just about to leave when a beeping sound was heard, indicating a message. Garrett pressed a button on his wrist comlink...*
What is it?
Female voice: "Sir! I have an incoming transmission from Doctor Busher and Science Officer Crock"
Tranfer it to Zeus Command. I'll take it in there when I get there!
Female voice: "Very good sir!"
*Garrett closed the comlink and made his way to the alpha turbolift...*
Admiral Roebuck
Jan 21st, 2001, 05:37:32 PM
Sat comfortably at a control panel in Zeus Command, Roebuck was surveying strategical data of the known New Republic ships as his latest battle strategy relied on knowing every individual location on the ship which can exploit a great weakness; it was needless to say a far fetched plan and he had placed an order at Correlia for a compliment of some 1000 TIE Interceptors and they are expected to arrive within the next ten days.
The pilot's have been under intensive training for the last five weeks in simulators, they each must know exactly what they're doing. I hope it's made more progress this time...
"Commander Ta'Geth!" he called out with a booming voice and soon the officer was at his side.
"Yes sir?" the middle-aged man asked, standing smartly with profession.
"Commander, can you get me a report from General Darson on the progress of Operation Hive as soon as possible?"
"Straight away sir, I shall be no more than ten....fifteen minutes, excuse me." he confirmed and with that turned on one foot and strided out of the large control room.
Garrett Blade
Jan 26th, 2001, 12:44:38 PM
Zeus Control, Chad III, Northern Hemisphere
*Just as the transmission was receieved from Kashyyyk, the screen went static. The tranceiver was silent. Admiral Roebuck instantly stood up and took a step towards the main viewscreen...*
"Status report! NOW! I want to know what happened just then five minutes ago!"
"Sir, we've lost contact wish Kashyyyk, sir! All communications are dead and we are receiving no signal whatsoever!"
"Get me Blade!!!"
Chad III, Southern Hemisphere
*The Skimship was floating relatively calmly in the ocean. Garrett sat next to Dr Busher as she pointed out certain things on the systematic analysis screen before them...*
Dr. Busher: "As you can see Govenor Blade, they appear to have an incredibly accelerated metabolism. Their putrid bodies seem to have had a rather strange effect on their vitality and resistence levels. Notice the way they seem to be dormant even as we lay here, a possible threast to them, yet they do nothing rash. They appear to see us as no threat. Though wait and see what happens when....."
*As the young female doctor said this, a small turret emerged from the underside of the ship, revealing an experimental underwater capable laser emitter, still in its early stages. Nevertheless, it was more than sufficient for this demonstration. The laser recoiled three times as it fired a standard burst of energy towards a single creature...*
Dr. Busher: "There! You see that! Notice how the creatures carcass absorbed the blast! Their dead skin seems to be extremely impervious to laser damage. However, because their life now relies on darkside energy and our technology, they will be vulnerable to lightside power. However, the way things are going I doubt the Jedi will get close enough to..."
Garrett: "Don't worry Dr Busher! I have almost completed research for a new antigen that will make certain the Jedi will not be able to harm my pets! And you are right - should everything go as planned, they will not even get into the atmosphere of the planet."
*The rather attractive doctor interrupts the Govenor as she notices a change in behavior...*
Dr. Busher: "Look sir! They noticed the attack on their pod and appear to be intercepting our ship. it would be wise to..."
*Before she can finish, the comm starts beeping and a red light flashes. Garrett rises to his feet and takes the call...*
"Sir! Admiral Roebuck requests you return to Zeus Control immediately! It's a priority one alert sir! We've lost contact with Kashyyyk, source of error unknown as of yet sir!"
I'm already there ensign!
*Garrett spins round to the doctor, who has also stood up and come to his side...*
"How fast can we get back to Zeus Control on maximum power?!"
Dr. Busher: "In this vessel, an hour at best!"
"Not fast enough!...........I have an idea!"
*Garrett walks to the deck of the skimship and runs to the stern. he does not stop when he reaches the rail, but somersaults over and plummets 10 feet down and splashes into the water. Immediately, the Necrotaceans turn their attention to Garrett who seems helpless in the water. Yet they have never before encountered a master of darkness. One of them opens wide their jaws and engulfs Garrett whole. yet it's mouth simultaneously glows black and Garrett is stap out again. The other Necrotaceans see this, yet carry on to confront the hostile. The entire pod forms a perimeter around Garrett, who smiles at his pets' basic instincts. Then, they attack. Every single one of them advance at exactly the same time. When they are approximately three foot away from Garrett, he makes his move.*
*Garrett's hands glow black. The intensity of the darkness is blinding. Energy surges through garrett's body and crackles in the murkiness of the water. Oblivious to what is about to happen, the Necrotaceans remain where they are. Suddenly, Garrett emits a burst of darkness which radiates outwards in all directions. The creatures are thrown back several hundred metres through the watre, almost out of visual range had it not been for their immense size. Several minutes later the creatures for another perimeter around Garrett, yet he knows what is happening and does not ready another blast. They lay there. Motionless in the water - dead. Garrett can hear their breath, he could sense their thoughts. They have accepted him as their master - their keeper - their protector - their salvation - their commander.
*Garrett returns to the bridge of the skimship and assures Dr Busher that all is fine. Garrett orders the helmsman to plot a course back to Zeus Control. Once the vector is locked in the ship begins to head in the direction of Zeus Control. Suddenly, the ship rocks violently as the Necrotaceans take up flanking positions all around the enormous vessel. Yet the creatures themselves are roughly a third of its length. Their powerful tails propel the ship through the waters at incredible speeds. After only ten minutes of travelling, Zeus Control is in sight. Another minute or two later and the skimship is docked in subpen 003.*
*Garrett arrives at Zeus Control to be greeted by Admiral Roebuck...*
Blade! Glad you're here! What took you so long?!
Sorry sir! The natives were a little restless! Whats the situation?
We've lost all contact with Kashyyyk! I want you to get out there right now and assess the situation firsthand! I don't want anything to happen to our operation out there! If there are hostiles - eliminate them!
I'm already there!
*Garrett departs Central command and enters the test facility in sector twelve. He orders all personnel to leave immediately. They obey, and Garrett locks the door behind them. He presses a large red button on the main console, followed by several other buttons to either side of that. Red lights flash and klaxons sound as the floor opens up to reveal the experimental Infiltrator. The ship rises from the pit. As it does, an orb of light appears sevral metres infront of it. As Garrett climbs into the command seat, the orb grows larger and larger. Just as Garrett has powered up the ships sytems, the orb crackles to life and blasts open. Within the swirling vortex the planet Kashyyyk can be seen, though only the dark side is visible to allow Garrett to be undetected upon arrival should the worse become reality. Garrett leans back in his seat as he dares to engage the launch button. His fingertip barely touches the button when an unseen hand initiates the gate and the experimental Infiltrator is sent through the gate like a hawk taking flight through death. Once the ship is through, sensors are scrambled for a few seconds whilst the gate closes. Mere seconds later, sensors are back online, and Garrett starts his approach to the planet...
Garrett Blade
Jan 30th, 2001, 07:22:45 PM
Lady DeVille
Jan 30th, 2001, 08:18:13 PM
Sitting behind a desk at Treetop Horizon facilities, De'Ville heard the distress call, and leapt to her feet. "Garrett, what has happened to you now?"
She pulled her boot back on, and ran out to door, tossing the datapad she had been reviewing back at the tech who had given it to her. He caught it clumsily, and protested her departure. "My Lady, you have not approved the changes yet!"
"I trust your opinion, Travek, so do what you want. And," she called over her shoulder, "If I don't approve, I'll let you know." Bothering me with that when I should be helping defend the planet! She had half a mind to kill him right then, but there wasn't enough time.
The tech swallowed hard, and looked down at the datapad again as De'Ville ran out the doors.
She pulled a camo cloak over her clothes, and called for troops to meet her at the source of the call...a crash site down near the ground of Kashyyk. Around her the facility was buzzing with action, troopers running towards her, and TIEs taking off to join the battle in space.
She gathered up the troops she needed, and headed for the site.
Once there, De'Ville kept her saber drawn. It scared away creatures that were used to the darkness, and the ones it didn't scare it killed. She was surprised to find out that it was Garrett Blade's TIE Infiltrator, guess those modifications didn't help much after all..., and that he was still inside it.
Cutting through the hatch with her saber, she poked her head inside after the edges had cooled. "Will you be joining us Blade?"
Garrett Blade
Feb 1st, 2001, 04:51:42 PM
In a minute!.....
*...was the rather unexpected reply from Garrett as Lady De'Ville helped him out of the wrecked Experimental Infiltrator. As he dusted himself off he saw Lady De'Ville looking at him, slightly puzzled...*
"Blade! What could possibly be more important than..."
*As she said this, Garrett dived on De'Ville and forced her to the ground. As he lay on top of her he shielded their faces as three poisonous barbs shot overhead. One impaled the leather command chair to the Infiltrator, another punctured a supply crate on the ground, whilst the last one stuck itself deep into Garrett's leg. He was barely able to pull himself up using the Infiltrator for support. He stood unstably on his legs as the strong toxins began to trickle out of the smaller barbs that littered the surface of the large spine and spreaqd out into his blood and nervous sytem. He was barely able to arm the thermal detonator he now held in his hand and throw it towards the large dark area, several metres away from them, before he collapsed to the floor. Several seconds later, the explosion rocked almost every tree in the immediate area. Lady De'Ville helped Garrett back to his feet, supporting him on her shoulder. Life oozed from his leg and stained the dirt - though it was hard to see in the gloom just how bad the wound was. Garrett would have dropped into unconsciousness by now had he not been detoxifying the poisons as they entered his system. But the barb was huge - large enough to contain enough poison to kill a herd of rancors in a matter of minutes. As they made their way towards one of the large trees to allow Garrett to rest, he spoke in a weakened voice...*
"We need to get to the auxiliary test facility at Treetop Horizon...I there tha.....that ca....can........."
"Shhhh Garrett! Don't speak! I can take care of the poison. Don't be such a baby it won't be that bad for long....."
"Not for the toxins! For the ship. There may be a chance that I can reverse what happened. I need this ship so that I can make improvements. And the toxins bay be too strong for force powers to control anyway. Just get me to the test facility within the next two hours!
*Lady De'Ville turned to one of the troops accompanying her...*
"Trooper! How long until we can get back to base?"
"About thirty minutes Ma'am!"
"There you go Garrett! Plenty of time! Lets move it people!"
*As she said that, the troops made their way to the transport...only to be thrown away from it several metres as it errupted into flames.Somehow, pirates had managed to pilot their way down to the surface too. They were in very real danger of being picked off one by one by the pirate ships, or worse - they could end up as food for the natives. And without a transport to get them back to base...they might not get there in time to save Garrett...*
<HR> Zeus Control...........
*Premier Romanov paces back and forth in front of the main view screens on the wall above the array of consoles. He seemed very angry and impatient. He could sense that something was wrong, even though he was not force sensative. He stopped half way, and turned......*
"Admiral Roebuck! It has been far too long! If nothing has happened to Govenor Blade then we would have received word from him or General Darson at Treetop Horizon by now! Allow me to......"
*Admiral Roebuck spoke before he could finish...*
"That won't be neccessary as of yet Premier Romanov! I'm sure Garrett is capable of sending us a transmission whatever the situation at Kashyyyk!"
Admiral Roebuck! I must protest! My fleet is at full strength and ready to depart for Kashyyyk as we speak! With our advanced propulsion systems I can be at Kashyyyk within the next thirteen hours! If there are indeed any hostiles - which I am 99% sure there are - then they will not know what hit them! If we do not act now then there may not be much of a Kashyyyk left to defend!"
"Patience Premier! Give Garrett a little more time! I have faith in him! He'll take care of whatever has happened at'll see!"
"I hope so - Admiral...for your sake! The Govenor is not as forgiving as I!"
"What was that Premier???!!!"
"Nothing Comarade-Admiral! Just mindless jitter!"
"Very well then! Zeus!! Give the Premier an update on what has been happening here so far since he was promoted!"
Yes Admiral! Premier! Welcome to Zeus Command! I am Zeus! I am here to assist you in any way I can! I shall update you on the current state of the project! The spaceframe is finished! Our engineers completed work on it several months ago. Since then, we have installed all minor systems. Currently, installation is being carried out for tractor beams, auxiliary control stations, life support and auxiliary life support, as well as back-up shield arrays and subspace sensor equipment. It will be only a few more weeks before launch and........
What of the specially reserved space inside! Is that vacant.......or have your cronnie engineers forgotten!
No Premier. The reserved space requested by Govenor Blade is ready! However, Govenor Blade has not yet been notified, and will be upon his return! As for the rest of Zeus Command - all major and minor systems are online and operating at maximum efficiency, except for the power drains in sub levels twenty-nine through thirty-five...
"I take it those are the levels occupied by Blade's scientists and their laboratories and engineering bays?!"
Yes Premier! Govenor Blade assures us that these bays will not cause any inconvenience for much longer, and within the next few months we will be able to utilise them for other projects and facilities.
Excellent Zeus! EXCELLENT! Admiral! I would like a full, in-depth report on everything that has happened here so far before my promotion! I shall wait for it to be delivered to me at my personal quarters on deck one!
Of course Premier! I shall have someone gather it and bring it to you within the next three hours!
Thank you very much Admiral!
*As he said this, Premier Romanov left Zeus Control via the main security doors and made his way to his personal quarters, whilst Admiral Roebuck sat back down again and continued to moniter progress on The Zeus Project.....*
Admiral Roebuck
Feb 1st, 2001, 08:36:31 PM
Commander Ta'Geth had returned within fifteen minutes with a fully updated report, he walked up to the seated Admiral and handed him the report. The middle aged man read over it and lines formed on his brow as his eyes widened with interest.
"Seventy-two percent effeciency, after six weeks. Congratulations Commander; Operation Hive is making excellent progress!" he declared, evidently pleased.
"Thank you sir!" the proud younger man said.
"And the remaining twenty-eight percent?" the elder man immediatly enquired.
"We are focusing on the pilots who need to raise their standards of efficiency. They must know the flight pattern completely in order for this to work, as you know Admiral, precise piloting is a neccessity for this operation."
"Of course. Keep up the good work Commander. Dismissed." he said with a salute which was returned and the officer walked off.
General Darson
Feb 1st, 2001, 09:06:59 PM
Weeks had passed since the success of Operation Hive had been announced by Admiral Roebuck and Darson reflects on how exhilerating it was to see thousands of TIE Interceptors leave an MC-80 and finally, an MC-120 in flames, completely obliterated within mere minutes.
Some said that Gav Mortis was a dreamer, even I was skeptical at first but... he thinks to himself, pauses, then chuckles as he takes a glance around him ...but now it's...reality! Truely the most marvelous advance in military technology I can think of...almost unbelieveable.
He grins inwardly before turning to his wife who was sat at the dinner table in their personal quaters, he sighed with relief and smiled with gratitude at the weeks rest Admiral Roebuck had given him and sat down at the dinner table opposite his wife as he continued to devour the delicious meal she had prepared for him.
"It shalt be long now? she asked curiously.
"From what I hear, a matter of days." he scoffed, not even raising his head to answer the question but relishing every bite of his dinner.
She smiled, pleased at herself and her cooking. She stood, walked over to his side and crouched down; whispering into his ear, "Care to hold our own special celebration? You know where to find me."
At this he almost choked, and watched his wife head into the bedroom. He stood, picked up his plate and left it aside to be cleaned later and made his way into the bedroom.
Some time later:
Darson was awoken from his sleep to the sound of an immense rumbling, the whole room shook, he jumped out of bed and got dressed whilst his wife panicked hysterically, the floor quaked violently and he could not hear anything else.
It was time!
Knowing it would be pointless to try to tell his wife anythinmg over the noise he simply ran out into a corridoor filled with people half-dressed after also being woken up by the ungodly uproar, most people fell to the floor as the shaking made it very difficult to stand.
Finally, Darson made his way to the main turbolift and immediatly made his way down, deeper into the planet's crust, his ears pounded even as his palms pressed tight against them.
Five minutes had passed and he arrived at The Observatory, the doors slid open and he entered, immediately there was silence, the quaking had ended due to the appropriate conditioning of the enormous room, filled with almost one hundred executives; officers of the highest rank stood in silence as he took his place next to Admiral Roebuck and looked out of the screen.
Unaware of it, Darson mouth gaped open and his eyes widened and sparkled, but he fitted in fine with the others, who, like him were in sheer awe of the unmistakable view of undeniable magnitude. It was a sight at which Palpatine himself would have lost all dignity.
It was completed!
Lady DeVille
Feb 3rd, 2001, 08:31:38 AM
De'Ville was sitting at her desk on the Wookie planet when the message came. The pirates had been beaten back the day before, and her troops were taking a well deserved break. Music was filtering through her window as she opened the file on her computer.
Running the message through the decryption program, she drummed her fingers, barely able to control her anticipation. The statement of the message was simple:
She leaned back in her chair, and finished off her drink. It was a good time to be alive.
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