View Full Version : New To Your Land! ^_^
xXHeavenly X
Jan 24th, 2001, 10:30:48 PM
:::walks in as her cloak flows freely behind her tiny frame and nods to all who looks at this "My name is Heavenly Mist X but all may call me Heaven....I am new to this land and i hope i will be welcomed in by most if not all..." she whispers softly she smiles and looks around slowly as she speaks "It seems quite pleasent here,I think i shall like it"thinks..... she needs to see more of this land as she vanishes into a fine mist in search for what this land has in store for her:::
Jan 24th, 2001, 10:46:57 PM
Greeting. As you can clearly see, I am Nupraptor, a member of the Greater Jedi Order. If you have any questions at all (In Character or Out of Character), feel free to ask me. :)
xXHeavenly X
Jan 24th, 2001, 10:51:43 PM
:::nods her head slowly as she looks at him and speaks "It seems i need to learn much of this land and i may need some help.....Thank you and it is a pleasure meeting you ^_^" looks around the land like a child wide eyed as she becomes lost in thought at all she truly need to learn ::::
unknown jedi
Jan 24th, 2001, 11:40:30 PM
xXHeavenly X
Jan 24th, 2001, 11:59:57 PM
<<blinks as she hears him she shifts her ice blue eyes to him and asked in a strange voice not quiet meaning to as her voice cracks some "B....B...But why do i need all that?" looks around with worry in her eyes thinking this place might not be right for her then thinks as a grin appears on her full red lips "I know how to fight ....No need to worry as she looks at at the man "I know i will leke it here as she places her hand on the hilt of her dagger ^_^ "::::
Kat Kariena
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:04:24 AM
*laughs* hello. Welcome.
unknown jedi
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:06:36 AM
i have no wish to fight...not yet anyway
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:11:45 AM
awwwwww <<thinks she is not going to have any fun yet as she pouts and walks away checking out the rest of the land>>
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:16:44 AM
<<smiles at Kat and waves a simple Hello as she then continues walking to where she has no clue but will find what she is searching for she is sure of it>>
Dragon dlayer
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:18:33 AM
what ya looking for?
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:28:30 AM
<<looks to Dlayer and thinks "Ummmmmmm Errrrrrrrr Ummmmmmm I don't know but it i find it i'll let you know" ^_~ she chuckles softly and continues on her way >>
Kat Kariena
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:33:28 AM
*laughs* Your a merry one aren't you?
Hart Kenobi
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:44:24 AM
Searching for something?
Please let it be me, please let it be me.
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:45:14 AM
<<smiles at Kat and giggles softly as she brushes her long blonde locks from her cheek tucking it behide her ear " Yes i am.....I hope it is ok cause if not i'm in some BIG trouble....smiles and wonders if she can find sleeping quarters for the night>>
Dragon dlayer
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:47:09 AM
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:53:28 AM
<<chuckles as she hears the mans words and beats he says that to all the new comers as she smiles warmly at him "Only kidding">>
Lord Gue
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:55:12 AM
"Well well, look who we have here"[i]Smiles
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 01:05:28 AM
<<stops in her tracks as she sees a face she knows and smiles " Hiyaz .....How are you?" she leans to his ear and whispers "I like this place " she looks around and sighs as she speaks once more "Where do i find some sleeping quarters around here?">>
Dragon dlayer
Jan 25th, 2001, 01:08:13 AM
you can try the gjo
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 01:18:37 AM
<<looks over at him and thinks as she looks around "Ummmmmm Where is it ?" she point to the left then right as she looks at him and spea;s softly "If you could just point me in the right direction i shall find it and PLEASE tell me they have food to i am starving" she says this as her stomach growls>>
Dragon dlayer
Jan 25th, 2001, 01:30:59 AM
<a href=>over there</a>
and there is a bar there
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 01:40:40 AM
<<knows he did not point and nods like she knows where he means "Oh there ....Well darnit i should have known that".....she picks up her bags and nods a "Thank You" to him and heads off to the left hoping it is the right way>>
Dragon dlayer
Jan 25th, 2001, 01:45:14 AM
oh sorry *points at the gjo*
Kat Kariena
Jan 25th, 2001, 02:47:33 AM
*laughs* cute Dragon.
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:25:24 AM
<<frowns slightly not knowing if he pointed to the left or right and continues her way left and yells back to him "Thank you"as she hopes she finds it soon for she is tired and very hungry>>
Lord Gue
Jan 25th, 2001, 08:36:23 AM
"Bah, you dont want to go to the GJO anyway"Puts an arm over her shoulder and walks with her"This way is the right way"Walks with her
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 09:15:14 AM
<<smiles as she see Lord Gue she hears his words and sighs with relief as she walks with him "Oh Lord can you do me a favor?"....she does not wait for his answer as she starts to take her heavy bags and start handing them to him "Woah those are heavy" she looks around with her piercing blue eyes and wonders where they are going for if she don't find food soon she is not going to be so merry....thinks as she walks "I wonder what they have to eat in this land...hopes it like a big juice steak and potatoes"licks her lips as she thinks about it her stomach growls louder as they walk>>
Lord Gue
Jan 25th, 2001, 10:00:02 AM
Lifts up the bags in his arms as he leads her on"These are my quarters, of course there's going to be food"[i]Laughs and continues
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 12:36:28 PM
<<walks beside him as she hears their footsteps and thinks it is very quiet around here knowing quiet is sometimes good but it can also mean the calm before the storm...She looks at Lord Gue and speaks softly "Is it always this quiet around here?"she looks around as they walk hoping his quarters are close by and hopes his house is full of food and someone to cook for she may be little but boy oh boy can she eat...she chuckles softly to herself and moves on>>
Lord Gue
Jan 25th, 2001, 02:51:39 PM
They approach a shuttle craft that has already been preped for launch"No, usually it is much noisier than this. My quarters are not on this planet, im quite afriad we must journey a bit farther to reach them..."[i]As he loads her luggage onto his shuttle he turns and looks at her
xXHeavenly X
Jan 25th, 2001, 03:17:11 PM
<<looks over at him and nods slowly as she looks over his shuttle she whispers "How long do we have to travel Lord?"hoping it is not a long time as she lifts the bottom of her cloak up and steps into the shuttle slowly she looks around then back to Lord as she waits for him to enter " I hope i am not intruding on you for if i am i could just go to that other place that kind man mentioned" she watches him load her bags in and stands sliently as she watches him she releases her hold on the bottom of the cloak feeling it fall over her legs slightly>>
Lord Gue
Jan 25th, 2001, 06:18:14 PM
"Oh, this is no problem, im going to need someone for this trip anyway...."He moves towards the cotrol panel, hiting a few buttons as the ships Nav system sets course for TGE shiyards. As the shuttle lifts off into space, he turns back towards her" indeed"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 04:40:36 AM
<<thinks as she hears his words and blinks softly "Help.....Help with what Lord?" she removes her cloak finding it quite warm in this shuttle and tosses it on her bags as she climbs over and sits in the chair beside him she looks out of the darkened space and then back to him "Do i sense trouble Lord?" she leans back in the chair and hopes so as she grins loving trouble>>
Lord Gue
Jan 26th, 2001, 08:46:02 AM
"Trouble? Oh yes, I do think there will be trouble"He turns and smiles at her"So tell me a little about yourself..."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 09:23:37 AM
<<grins at the word trouble as she looks over at him and speaks "There is not much to tell but what there is to tell i shall" she begins her story as she shifts her gaze out into the darkened space and speaks "I am from a land called Tyran....I am a very powerful woman there...But for one whom seeks no power it can become very stressful at times...I am the Queen of one of the biggest clans in that realm...But being Queen has many downfalls....I am hunted by many and friends with few for most just want to get close and kill me for they thought if they did so.... my empire would be theirs.... <<Laughs and shakes her head>> As they soon found out i am a wise woman and knew their plans and lets just say they stopped bothering me <<grins widely>>she leans back getting relaxed for this short trip as she looks over at him "I have more to tell but frist tell me about yourself....After all i don't want to be the one doing all the talking" she chuckles softly>>
Lord Gue
Jan 26th, 2001, 10:04:24 AM
He grins and begins to speak"I have no clue as to where I was born, and no idea who my parents were. I knew the people that raised me they have left this galaxy behind now, but they will be back someday, I might introduce you to them. As in the way of empires, i know it may sound like a resume but here goes.... I started off in TIE, under the charge of Grand Admiral thrawn, and more directly Shock Trooper. During this time I took over Hoth and built a base there for my own use. Over time I gained rank in TIE until I was an admiral, second in command of the empire, thats when I launched my first coup against Thrawn, siding with a Sith faction known as TSC. As my coup failed and was exiled from TIE, I joined TSC becoming its Fleet leader. Now TSC was run by Itala, you'll hear more about him sooner or later. Well, after a few campaigns against the Jedi and some fellow sith, I was exiled from TSC by Itala, just a short time before TSC disbannded I might add. Well, TIE re-accepted me again, this time as a general but with lower rank total. I worked for a short time in TIE again, this time re-attempting my coup with greater success, but still yet another faluire, But causing such a disruption in TIE to eventualy take it down. I went off to start a short lived alliance of groups, which collapsed about the same day, then a religous order, i felt holy, what can I say. Which also fell after a week. Then I formed The Galactic Empire. This empire conqured many planets and had a vast fleet, it was second to none, but alas other upstart empires bound ahead of it, and one day, it to fell."Sighs"But theres about the sum of my history, what about the rest of yours?"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 11:14:37 AM
<<lstens to him speak as she looks to him then around the shuttle she hears him finish and smiles "Wow you have had quite a past Lord" she tilts her head and looks at him "How old are you?' as she chuckles softly thinking he must be in his hundreds with a past such as his but knows he is mostly likely in his twenties by looks.... she begins speaking trying not to laugh as she bites her bottom lip feeling as if she is going to bust out laughing at the age thing seeing him raise his brow to her " Well not much more to tell Lord...."After many came after me i started training in fighting....I became very good at it...I use to take alot from people not meaning personal things either if you know what i mean....Its funny how many want to take what you fought so hard to get...Their are alot of Jealous people out in the world Lord" knows she is going on about the same thing and stops herself as she looks at him she stands and walks back to where her cloak lays as she shivers "Ummmm Lord turn the heat up please it is freezing it this shuttle ..."I guess what they say is true ....Space is indeed cold" she drapes the cloak over her shoulders and walks back to her seat "So when does the trouble start?" she says looking over at him..."Oh and by the way i don't know how to drive one of these thing so you handle that and if trouble come show me the weapons and i'll shoot like crazy...I might just get lucky and hit the target " she laughs softly">>
Lord Gue
Jan 26th, 2001, 02:50:04 PM
"I can sense that your wondering about my age, well, im actually 30, and as for the heat...."He turns and hits a button, sliding his fingers across the board"It should be warmer in here in about a minute. Yes....I might need to train you a little before we reach our destination, first off sit there in the copiolit seat..."[i]He indicates the seat next to him...
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 05:49:22 PM
<<Stands slowly from where she was sitting and moves to the chair he indicates and looks at the panel in front of her....she blinks as she then tilts her head and looks over at him blankly "What are all these buttons and switchs"she points at the panel in front of her and frowns slightly"We do not have anything like this in my land" she looks back at the panel and thinks and whipser just barely enough for him to hear her "Lord....I have never been on anything but a horse...In my land we did not even have cars....This here shuttle might be <<thinks of a word>>Hi-Tech for me.....But i shall try my best but i think you should handle the driving and i'll handle the weapons' she grins as she sits back feeling the heat on her and closes her ice blue eyes resting the back of her head on the chair as she relaxes she speaks softly "I am a fast learner and shall try my best" she smiles softly and slowly closes the cloak around here as she begins to warm up her stomach continues to growl and asks "Lord....Ummmmm is there something to eat on this ship?....After all you can expect a little one like me to fight without any food" she giggles softly>>
OoC: Is there anyway to make the pic alittle bigger then it is now?....It is alittle to small i think now
Lord Gue
Jan 26th, 2001, 08:58:38 PM
"Thats what I intend, but first you need to be trained in weapons systes. Of course you could always eat first..."Sees her grin at this as he moves to the back of the shuttle"What would you like?"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 09:32:48 PM
<<thinks as she watches him walking to the back " Ummmmmm Do you have Steak?....I mean a big juicy Steak and some potatoes"...Licks her lips slowly as her mouth waters hoping he says "Yes"as she stands and walks to where he is....She stand beside him and taps his shoulder with worry in her blue eyes as she looks at him "Lord shouldnt you be driving....I mean no one is driving it"looks over at the two empty seats and back to him "We are going to crash if no one is driving" she looks around nervously as she speaks softly "I don't want to die at my ripe old age of 23 ya know...but i do want to eat so i will cook if you point me to where everything is,and you can go back over there <<point to the drivers seat>>and drive this big thing Kay?" >>
Lord Gue
Jan 26th, 2001, 09:56:34 PM
"Well, actually its on auto-pilot, but if you want me to pilot myself, sure"[i]He walks back to the front of the shuttle, lightly brushing against her as he passes, and returns to his seat in the pilos chair
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 10:08:30 PM
<<feels him softly brush against her and smiles as she whispers "I am sorry for standing so close but i did not want to knock anything over or hit anything to make us spin out of control or anything' she blushes softly as she looks at him walking to his seat and frowns "Hey where is the food and stove or whatever you peeps cook on" she giggles softly as she then asks" Oh and what do you want to eat?" knows she can cook her butt off as she looks around wondering how she is going to cook this food and where the food is>>
Lord Gue
Jan 26th, 2001, 10:13:20 PM
He smiles back at her"Just ask that machine there for anything you need, it will go through the shuttles stores and bring them out"He glances at the machine"And im fie, I already ate before we left"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 26th, 2001, 11:55:50 PM
<<hears his words and blinks as she looks over to the machine and walks over to it as she looks for where she can speak as she hears him say he does not want anything to eat she pouts and thinks "Oh no you don't....I hate eatting alone" she think of what she wants to eat and leans over speaking in the thing hoping it already will be cooked"she whispers softly so he dont hear her "Ummmmm you little person in there i want to order some food and can you cook it to?....." she shifts her gaze over to Lord making sure he doesn't hear her then back to the machine "We want two of the biggest Steaks you have and some roasted potatoes....Two of the bigges Soda's you can find any kind will do and ummmmmmm for dessert we want ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " looks over at Lord again and grins as she orders the dessert "Two big huge banana splits with extra everything on top of it" she ends the order and waits for the food as she looks at Lord "How long will it take for the food to be ready as she walks over to him and stands beside him rubbing her belly "I am starving"??
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 12:04:10 AM
Glances down at her stomache, but immediaty looks back up to her face, mentaly repremanding himself for such a royal breach of etiquite"They should be ready very shortly, it doesnt usualy take that long at all, I do have a question though...why do you wear that helmet?"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 12:23:33 AM
<<sits down beside him as she hears his question and chuckles softly she reaches up placing her small hand on her helmet and looks over at him "I was brought up by Monk's in my homeland....I never saw my parents nor do i know anything of them.....The Monk's trained me in fighting for the Temple we lived in was always being attack<<sighs softly>> There was one man always after me for some reason or another he was a sharp shooter he was deadly with arrows and his trusty ole cross bow and or wrist flicks his name was and is Bulls Eye ....Well one day i wandered from the Temple and he sent his Pet Toraxe after me....A Toraxe is a small but very mean meat eater....I was smarter then the animal and hid as it can running by me i swung my blade and cut the head clean off its ugly body....I grabbed the head and ran back to the Temple for i was proud of my first kill ....I showed the Monk's and they then showed me how to make a helmat with the bones ....They added some leather and small blades as weapons i could use.....You see Bulls Eye always priched himself up in the trees and shot through the window aiming at our head but this helmat protected me from that"she looks over and giggles softly as she reaches over and knocks lightly on his helmet "So why do you were yours?">>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 12:43:49 AM
"Mine? I havent been asked that in years....Mines more momento now. I used to wear it becuase I was ashamed to show my face. Ashamed at the atrocity's commited by my orders over time. By my will entire populations have been killed, and by my hand alone some of the greatest works my never be written/built, so in shame I wore this helmet to cover my face from view, but now its nothing more that a reminder of the past, and what may come..."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 01:15:37 AM
<<sits back in her seat and nods slowly as he finsihed not quite knowing what to say....She looks back at the food machine "Hey Lord?....I think you need to fire those little men in there cause they are way to slow" she giggles softly and leans back almost ready to kick her tiny feet up but looks at the panel before her and changes her mind for she does not want to hit any buttons or switches she crosses her slender legs and leans back relaxing as she looks over at Lord and smiles "So what do you do is this land?">>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 01:25:48 AM
"Well, The Empire just doesnt appeal to me anymore. The way backstabing is promoted and team playing is frowned upon. Neh, I work for the greater good now, Not as the Light Jedi would think they do, I am a Shadow Jedi, I work to prevent conflict via a balance which must be kept by keeping the forces of light and the forces of darkness in proportion to one another. As this is wholly apearent not to make me any friends..."He smiles as he see's her laugh a little"...It educates others in the way of coexistance and peaceful relations, though I care no by what eans I accomplish this goal, as the ends justify my means"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 01:43:55 AM
<< "Hmmmmmm Lord it seems you have your hands full but i like your idea's and think you will do just fine " she smiles softly and rests her head on the back of the chair tiredly from her long trip she folds her hands and places them on her lap her ice blue eyes close slowly not meaning to fall asleep she says to herself "I just need to rest them for while till the food is done" she feels safe and warm in the company with Lord and slowly falls asleep having traveled through many worlds to get here as she wais for the food>>
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 01:44:27 AM
<< "Hmmmmmm Lord it seems you have your hands full but i like your idea's and think you will do just fine " she smiles softly and rests her head on the back of the chair tiredly from her long trip she folds her hands and places them on her lap her ice blue eyes close slowly not meaning to fall asleep she says to herself "I just need to rest them for while till the food is done" she feels safe and warm in the company with Lord and slowly falls asleep having traveled through many worlds to get here as she waits for the food>>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 01:50:56 AM
[i]He watches as she falls asleep, captured by her beauty. He never expected to find a woman like this in his journeys. She was almost perfect, every intake of breath she took was another second of pleasure to Gue to behold as he regained his senses and again scolded himself mentaly for his blatent disregard for this womans personal space and feelings. He turned back towards the food dispenser.....2 meals, he cracked a smile and glanced back over at her shaking his head. He stood up and set up a table to eat at as she slept further. When he finished he walked over to her chair and gently shook her
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 02:05:57 AM
<<not yet deeply asleep she feels him gently shake her and opens her eyes slowly tilting her head to look at him and jumps slightly"Is everything alright?" she rubs her eyes as she looks out into space and sees nothing then back to him "Are you alright?....Do you need help with anything?." she had forgotten about the food not even quite aware she had fallen asleep as she yawns softly>>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 02:09:30 AM
"Oh yes, everythings ok. But the foods ready, both of ours"[i]He gives her a sly look from the corner of his eye, he holds his hand out to help her up as she looks up at him
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 02:18:23 AM
<<thinks "Damn i wanted to get to it first" and smiles as she places her hand in his she uncrosses her legs and stands slowly with his help and grins at him "So you know what i ordered huh?" she laughs softly wondering how he got to the food she looks over at the table set and the whispers "Lord?....Did i fall asleep and if so how long was i asleep for"feeling quite foolish for she does not even know the answer she looks over to the Panel "Is it set on Auto Lord?" she looks up at him and smiles as she slowly walks to the table and squeezes his hand gently in hers "Lets eat Lord"
OoC: Why did the post before post twice....?
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 02:31:30 AM
Moves with her to her side of the table, pulling her chair out for her, letting her sit first, letting her hand slide out of his as he moves over to his side of the table"Yeah, you fell asleep, for how long I do not know.....I must have been dreaming too."He smiles at her hen gestures towards the food
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 02:48:30 AM
<<smiles as she sits down and looks over at all the food she reaches out and places his steak and poatoes in front of him and grins "I hope you are hungry"she then slides her plate in front of her and grabs a knife and fork in her hands as she looks over at him "Eat up Lord it seems we might need or strenght" she cuts a tiny piece of the steak and lifts the fork to her mouth placing the steak to her lips and in her mouth chewing it slowly "Mmmmm I almost forgot how food tastes' she continues eating as if each bite was her first and stops in between taking a sip of her soda...She looks over at him and smiles "The table looks beautiful Lord" she looks down at her half empty plate and thinks her eyes are bigger then her belly and thinks as she looks at the desserts and grins pushing the plate to the side and slides over the banana split in front of him and her "I have not had one of these in a very long time" she holds her spoon and digs in as she grins she looks up at Lord and when he is not looking she aims the spoon at him and flings some of the ice cream his way then looks away quckly and hums as she eats her ice cream with innocent eyes trying not to laugh as she sees him covered in ice cream she blinks "OoOoOoOo What did you do ?>>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 03:04:20 AM
He feels a big wet cold blob hit him in the side of the head.e quickly turns and looks at her, taking two fingers touching the stuff on his head, looking at it then tasting it"Hmmm, Ice cream wonder where this ca.....HEY! LOOK OVER THERE!"[i]He adamently points towards her bags, as she turns to look he grabs a spoon and gets her with some ice cream of his own and laughs
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 03:48:44 PM
<<turns to looks at her bags quickly as he screams and looks back to him once more as she sees the ice cream flying her way and ducks quickly she raises her hand up and catches the scoop in her hand as she grins and looks at him "Like i said Lord,I am a very Wise woman" she chuckles softly as the ice cream begin to melt and drip slowly down her hand as she walks over to him "I believe this is yours Lord" She brings her hand forth to his face and rubs the ice cream all over the warm skin of his face as she chuckles softly "OoOpS did i do that?" she grins as she licks the ice cream off her hand walking to her seat and sits down she leans back in her chair and laughs as she watches the ice cream drip of his face "I think Lord it was meant to eat not wear">>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 09:13:23 PM
He shakes his head side to side real fast, the melted ice cream flying partialy of his face slaping her across the face. He saw her get it on her and laughed"Well, well, now. Looks like were even"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 27th, 2001, 11:10:53 PM
<<feels the cold ice cream hit her warm skin "Hey You.....I heard of sharing but not like this" She laughs as she picks up a napkin and wipes off her face slowly as she looks at him and tosses the napkin his way seeing it land in front of him as she continues to laugh"Ummmm Lord you got alittle something on your face thats dripping everywhre" she grins and leans back watching him>>
Lord Gue
Jan 27th, 2001, 11:25:10 PM
"Me? Right...ok"[i]He smiles at her and wipes his face off. Lookig back towards the controls he glances back at her...
xXHeavenly X
Jan 28th, 2001, 02:08:05 AM
<<watches him and thinks as she waves her hand over the table slowly chanting to herself as all on the table dissappears she looks at him and smiles "I guess its time to get back to driving aye?" she stands slowly dusting off her black long cloak as she tis her head and looks at him "Are you coming Sir?"she winks at him and makes her way to her seat sitting down as she looks back at him "Hmmmmmm " she turns looking frontward as she leans back relaxing "The food was great Lord.....Those little guys in that machine really know how to cook">>
Lord Gue
Jan 28th, 2001, 02:23:31 AM
"well, actually there are no little men but rather..."See's the confusion in her eyes"Yes, those little men can cook. You were naping earlier hun, If your tired I dont want to disturb you..."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 28th, 2001, 03:28:41 AM
<<shakes her hed slowly "Naw you are not disturbing me Lord....If i am tried i can always fall asleep until the trouble come of course.....If we even get any" grins hoping they do as she rests from the long two days traveling she looks over at him and smiles "So Lord did you have enough to eat?">>
Lord Gue
Jan 28th, 2001, 03:38:18 AM
Thinks *I know something else I'd like* but mearly says"Oh yes, that was enough for me..."[i]He smiles at her again, admiring her beautiful fetures from head to toe
xXHeavenly X
Jan 28th, 2001, 03:50:53 AM
<<looks over at him and almost bursts out laughing as she read his thought not meaning to but it just happens sometimes on its own she bites down on her bottom lip as she looks away "Oh Lord i am happy you are full" she hums softly trying to stop her laughter that is just begging and teasing her inside to come out as she giggles softly to herself blushing slightly>>
Lord Gue
Jan 28th, 2001, 10:21:38 AM
realizes she read his mind actually blushes. He looks over at her, into her eyes."You know your a very beautiful woman...maybe we should get to the weapons systems now..."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 28th, 2001, 05:22:02 PM
<<blushes as she looks back into his eyes ....Her ice blue eyes seemingly piercing his soul as she nods a slight grin appears on her full lips at the sound of the word "Weapons"She stands slowly as she walks over to him looking down at his face and smiles "Shall we Lord?"she leans over and whispers softly in his ear "Why Thank You Lord..You Are Not To bad Yourself For A Old Man That Is" She giggles softly as she steps back some having no clue where the weapons are she waits for him so she can follow his lead>>
Lord Gue
Jan 29th, 2001, 12:47:10 AM
"Old man? Why, I should tell you im more fit than any other person around here!"[i]He laughs and smiles at her as he says that. He moves to the ships controls and activates the laser targeting systems and points her to the hair next to him
xXHeavenly X
Jan 29th, 2001, 01:14:15 AM
<<smiles at him as she tilt her head looking at him "So you say you are the fittest for the men your age huh?" she watches him stand and walks past her as she watchs him she thinks "Hmmmmm He is right" as she follow him her cheeks turn pink from blushing and smiles as she sits down at the seat next to him ....She looks over the panel and grins widely "You are ready to show me all Lord">>
Lord Gue
Jan 29th, 2001, 01:40:53 AM
Grins reading her thoughts, he slowly moves his hand over hers, oving it over the control board, looking into her eyes for a mnute, then breaking his spell and says"this is targeting and fire controll...."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 29th, 2001, 01:58:35 AM
<<feels his hand on hers as her lifts it gently and places it on the buttons....She runs her fingers over them as she looks back into his eyes then down at the panel as she whispers siftly "So all i have to do it hit these and they fire huh?" >>
Lord Gue
Jan 29th, 2001, 02:14:16 AM
looks at her cought up in his own emotions..."yeah, something like that"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 30th, 2001, 12:11:44 AM
<<smiles at him and looks to the buttons as her soft finger tips rub over them she ooks at him "So if these buttons are to fire"she thinks as she looks back to the panel in front of her as if she is looking for something but not seeing it as she tilts her head as a slightly confused look appears on her pale face "Hmmmmm Lord where is the aiming thingy?"she looks back at him as he sees she is quite confussed>>
Lord Gue
Jan 30th, 2001, 12:29:54 AM
"your covering it with the palm of your hand hun, look..."[i]He lifts her hand up gently showing her the tac display that was covered by her palm moments before
xXHeavenly X
Jan 30th, 2001, 03:28:11 PM
<<looks under her palm as he lifts it "That don't look like somthing to aim the weapons with"she looks blankly at it and thinks...."Ummmm Lord are you sure this is the aiming thingy cause it does not look like one and if it is what do you do to make it aim?" she looks down and sighs wishing she did not feel so out of touch here for in her land she is the one to teach everything now she is the one being tought...she looks up into his eyes and speaks softly "I am sorry Lord but i do not know much about machines">>
Lord Gue
Jan 30th, 2001, 04:12:12 PM
"Its no problem, at one time or another we all had to be tought. If you press this button here..."He illustrates by pushing a few buttons"Targeting will automaticaly select a ship out there and tell you all there is to know about it that sensors can tell you. By the way, Have i mentioned you have lovely eyes? Oh, and it should also tell you what alligence the ship is if it broadcasts it..."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 30th, 2001, 09:29:17 PM
<<watches him as he explains and touches the bottons almost as if she is taking mental notes trying to keep up with all that is so new to her and smiles as he tells her about her eyes as she sits back and looks into his "You know Lord many people in my land say you can tell alot about a person just by looking into their eyes..... for if you do for a long period of time..... you tend to see their soul.....I don't know if you have ever heard that.... but it is so very true" she smiles once again then shifts her attention back to the panel hoping she will not let him down>>
Lord Gue
Jan 30th, 2001, 09:40:26 PM
[i]He smiles at her, thinking of how innapropriate it is to fall for one's own padawan, but cant help but feel that he has...<?I>"This display also showers weapons charge, arments on missles, percent drainage on engines and current sheld strength..."
xXHeavenly X
Jan 30th, 2001, 09:48:16 PM
<<blinks as she hears his words trying her hardest to understand them as she nods slowly as if she knows what he is saying....she thinks to herself "Wow i do have so much to learn here ....even the language is so much more different as she looks down "Lord.....I am sorry but can you say that again so i may understand it just a bit better" she sighs feeling as if she is far from the smartest person in this land but know she needs to understand these weapons if they get into battle as she folds her hands and places them upon her lap>>
Sith Lord Ryyx
Jan 30th, 2001, 11:14:13 PM
Sorry about the delay in my greetings Heavenly. I am Lord Ryyx. If you need anything, just ask.
Sith Lord Ryyx
Jan 30th, 2001, 11:21:53 PM
There we go. Now my settings should be right.
xXHeavenly X
Jan 30th, 2001, 11:23:38 PM
Thank you very much Lord Ryyx and It is quite alright ^_^..
Lord Gue
Jan 31st, 2001, 12:52:55 AM
"Hmmm, ok, this here, tells you how strong, and how many shots ya got left. This here tells ya the same thing, but for a different weapon, follow so far?"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 31st, 2001, 03:13:26 AM
<<nods slowly as she watches him "Aye .....Yes Lord i am" she smiles softly as she sees his patience with her and watches intently wanting to learn everything he can from him>>
Lord Gue
Jan 31st, 2001, 08:47:47 AM
"please, call me Michael"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 31st, 2001, 11:14:05 AM
<<smiles "Very Well Michael it shall be">
Lord Gue
Jan 31st, 2001, 01:11:28 PM
presses a few buttons and three orbs luanch out of the ship and start to fly around it..."Ok, now i want you to destroy each one of those orbs"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 31st, 2001, 01:47:41 PM
<<nods as she leans over him she moves the tac to her first target the orb fatherest out as she presses the fire button watching the orb explode she does the same with the other two quickly as she looks at him "How was that?">>
Lord Gue
Jan 31st, 2001, 02:11:06 PM
"That was a good show, but you missed your targets if yousee, there still out there, you simply mistook the explosions to be what yo concieved them to be, not what they were, i suggest you try again, and with a little more concentration this time hun"
xXHeavenly X
Jan 31st, 2001, 06:07:21 PM
<<looks back at her target and frowns as she thinks "this is alot harder then she thought it would be"she stands from her seat as she looks down at Michael "May i sit there......It might be easier if i sit at the controls">>
Sith Lord Ryyx
Jan 31st, 2001, 11:10:47 PM
You are most welcome Heavenly. I look forward to seeing you in the chats again where we may get to know each other better.
OOC Gue if your IRL is Michael then hey so is mine
xXHeavenly X
Feb 1st, 2001, 11:29:17 AM
OoC:I shall be there soon Ryyx believe me ^_^....I had a great time the other night and thanks for telling me where it was...
Sith Lord Ryyx
Feb 1st, 2001, 11:57:44 AM
You are welcome again Heavenly
Lord Gue
Feb 1st, 2001, 05:17:15 PM
OOC: Yes mine is Michael *_*Gives you both a sidelong lookGonna make me jealus, lol
xXHeavenly X
Feb 4th, 2001, 05:39:12 PM
<<slides over in the control seat she looks over at Michael "I hope i get them" she looks back over at the orbs as they float in the darkened space and thinks as she moves the aiming "tac" she presses the fire button holding it down as she aims dead center at the first orb.....She closes her eyes as she pray's she hit it....As she opens her ice blue eyes and looks to where the orb was.....She sees it no longer there and smiles as she does the same with the other two.......She looks over her shoulder at Michael and smiles "Their gone and no longer around Michael" she takes her hands off the control panel and leans back in the chair as she thinks "Wow that was harder then i thought">>
Lord Gue
Feb 5th, 2001, 12:33:55 AM
[i]He smiles at her and places a hand on her shoulder as he talks<?I>"That was excelent for a first time use of the equipment, especialy since your so used to hand weapon combat. good job hun..."[i]He leas back in his seat as they pass by the floating wreakage and continue on their path
xXHeavenly X
Feb 5th, 2001, 04:27:31 AM
<<smiles as she looks at him "Thank you Michael" she looks back out over the panel and sees the wreakage...Her smile quickly fades as she follows it with her ice blue eyes as the ship she is on passes the wreakage..... she without looking reaches her hand out trying to get Michael's attention "Michael....Look........What hapeened out here?" she can't seem to take her eyes off of it no matter how hard she tries>>
Lord Gue
Feb 5th, 2001, 09:56:01 AM
"Oh, its nothing hun, Prolly just some wreakage of a ship that drifted off from some battle long ago. No concern of ours anymore"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 5th, 2001, 11:11:52 PM
<<follows the wreckage with her ice blue eyes as it then seems as it disappears is the blackened space...She sighs sadly wondering if everyone on that ship made it out alive....But after seeing the way the wreckage looked she knows that is impossible as she sits down and sighs sadly>>
Lord Gue
Feb 6th, 2001, 12:18:42 AM
"Dont worry hun, they probobaly died in battle, meaning they were fighting for what they believed in, their way of life, something to be honored and poud of, not sad"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 6th, 2001, 03:21:10 PM
<<listens to him as a frown appears on her lips....she tilts her head and looks over at him as she blinks softly ..."Michael.....A loss of one's life even if their fight for what they believe in is always sad....For someone in this world is grieving over the loss of their loved one they just lost" she reaches up and places her hand on her helmet lifting it slowly off her head,her long blonde curly hair falls over her shoulder and down her back....She leans back in her seat and places her helmet on her lap as she runs her finger through her hair slowly....Her ice blue eyes look ahead, out into the darkened space as she becomes lost in thought>>
Lord Gue
Feb 7th, 2001, 09:54:49 AM
"I seriously doubt that, they probobaly died in defense of Coruscant, which has been under attack so many times theres a good possibility that anyone they cared about or cared about them is already dead"
Sith Lord Ryyx
Feb 7th, 2001, 11:27:21 PM
To Be Forgotten Is Worse Than Death
Lord Gue
Feb 8th, 2001, 04:06:14 AM
OOC: you might wanna quit posting IC Rykk, or at least explain how you got on my ship uninvited
xXHeavenly X
Feb 8th, 2001, 01:54:33 PM
<<closes her eyes as she sits back resting her head on the top of the seat she is sitting in as she listens to him quietly "Maybe you are right Michael,but i still think it is sad" she rests as she waits for what is next to come.....She falls asleep rather quickly exhausted from her long travel and trip>>
Lord Gue
Feb 9th, 2001, 01:32:43 AM
[i]He watches her silently as the pass by the planet, faintly starting a orbital entrance
xXHeavenly X
Feb 12th, 2001, 10:19:40 AM
<<stirs in her sleep as she begins to have a nightmare that seems to visit her all the time....she mumbles softly in her sleep as she dreams of the man she loves "I have missed you too my love" she meets up with the love of her life with the rest of her she looks at him she smiles just feeling the safest she has felt in a very long time for this land has not been to kind to her and her and her team of top fighters have been put through the ringer....She points to the manor for the rest to go and try to rest as she stands outside in a loving embrace with the man she has always loved not ever wanting to leave his arms for she has felt like nothing could touch her.....They finally make it to the manor with the rest as she sits down on his throne tiredly.....Her team hears a loud noise as they jump up she sees Sin running ouside.....She grabs her weapons to follow making sure Sin would not be hurt as she knows now her and the team were followed.....She yells out to him "Sin wait " but he kept going to the graveyard where he heard the large explosion......" she stirs more in her sleep as she knows what comes next not ever wanting to see what happened that dark misty night again....her closed eyes begin to tear as she fights to control this dream,knowing she is dreaming for everytime she sleeps this night re-visits her all the time .....A tear falls down her pale cheek as she knows it will not be stopped and knows she must face what haunts her most>>
Lord Gue
Feb 12th, 2001, 10:29:14 PM
He had been meditating deeply on the tasks he had at hand and what he must do in the future when he heard a slight shuffling to his right, then he remembered his new companion and smiled. He turned to see if she was up or just adjusting her position, he saw an upset look on her face and heard her mummble something, he wasnt sure what, but suddenly a tear ran down her cheek and she started moving even more fretfully. He placed an arm on her shoulder and shook her slightly"Hun, you ok?"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 12th, 2001, 11:54:47 PM
<<tears streaming down her pale cheeks as she continues to dream she does not feel Michael shake her as she uses all her energy to stop what she is now about to wittness ......She runs to Sin's side and looks around as she spots the man who haunts her most and looks at Sin as she stands in front of him and whispers "He is here for me not you" she looks at Bulls-Eye and aims her Battle Axe as she feels Sin push her aside........She looks as the rest of her team make it to where Herself and Sin are....She stands quickly knowing now they can fight this unbeatable man......She sees Bulls-Eye leaps in front of her as she tries to stand he knocks her back down....As she hears his words echo in her ears "I want her......Give me her and i shall spare all of your lives"she stirs viciously in her sleep as she sees what happens next........"she jumps up and runs her fastest to Sin's side as she hears Sin's words "I will not hand the woman i love to you" she looks over at Bulls-Eye as her team closes in "It seems we battle now Bull"she speaks.......she looks over at her team and nods giving them the sign to fight as she sees Bull from the corner of her eyes raise his cross bow in the direction of Sin ........Bull knew Sin was the best fighter of us all and aimed at him first .....She jumped in front of Sin with speed as she looked at Bull"You want me take me"she felt Sin draw her away and to the back of him as Bull shot his arrow....She feels backwards as she jumped up trying to get to Sin before the arrow did ......She sees Sin fall to the ground hard as she rushes over to him on her hands and knees seeing the arrow right through his heart and screams "Noooooooooooooooooooooo" she looks at her team as she kneels in front of the man who has always protected her and loved her then shoots her gazes at Bull she yells to her team "Attack" as she feels for a pulse on Sin's wrist and feels nothing her sorrow turns to complete hate as she stands and faces the man who killed the only man she has ever loved and attacks him hard and fast knocking him to the ground as he looks up at her "So Heaven .....Tell me who he was.....So when i sleep at night .....I can sleep like a baby knowing how bad i have messed up your life"........His words echo in her head as she nods to her team to finish him off she sees Bull jump off and run into the woods.....She rushes over to Sin and kneels down beside him "Someone Please help me" she looks at her Team knowing they can't do nothing as she places her head on Sin's chest.....Crying the hardest she has ever cried in her life.....>>
Lord Gue
Feb 13th, 2001, 12:22:11 AM
He can see her dream has her shaken, if not totaly disturbed, he shakes her harder, trying to bring her out of whatever is cuasing her much grief"Hun, wake up! your having a bad dream!"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 13th, 2001, 12:38:57 AM
<<jumps up as she feels someone shake her and looks around with terrified eyes she feels her cheeks soaked with tears as she remembers the dream and looks at Michael as she wipes her damp cheeks dry" Are we there yet?" she looks down as her eyes still tear and cries softly as she covers her face with her hands "I am sorry Michael.....But we cant be strong all the time">>
Lord Gue
Feb 13th, 2001, 12:44:18 AM
"Yes, I know hun, i know"[i]He wipes a finger across her cheek, stoping a tear in its tracks ut not questioning her about it, noteing he wouldnt want to be if he were in her place
xXHeavenly X
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:59:25 PM
<<wipes her tears away quickly as she tries to control her emotions....She takes a deep breath as she looks over to him,her eyes blood shot red as the salty tears fill them "Are we almost there yet?'..
Lord Gue
Feb 14th, 2001, 12:05:29 AM
Sighs and looks over at her with a sidelong glance"Yeah, were bout there just a ittle farther"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:43:17 AM
<<hears his sighs and turns to face him as she wipes her eyes on last time "Michael.....What's wrong">>
Lord Gue
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:57:28 PM
Turns and looks her in the eye"Wrong? nothings wrong, dont worry bout me, im ok"
Sith Lord Ryyx
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:00:24 PM
OOC just wishing you both happy Valentines Day
xXHeavenly X
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:44:00 PM
OoC: Happy Valentine's Day Ryyx :)
Lord Gue
Feb 16th, 2001, 10:11:45 AM
OOC: LoL, little late here but, hope ya had a happy valentines day
xXHeavenly X
Feb 17th, 2001, 01:23:44 AM
<<knows something is bothering him but decides not to push it as she sits back some "Alright Michael">>
Lord Gue
Feb 17th, 2001, 02:10:32 AM
[i]He glanced over at her, happy to have her company on the journey at least, as he retuned to his controls, calabrating for final orbit over the planet
xXHeavenly X
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:56:08 PM
<<looks over at he takes the controls and smiles warmly at him "I guess this is where we land huh?"looks over at the big plant and sighs softly almost sad that this is the end of the trip as she gazes out the porthole lost in thought>>
Lord Gue
Feb 21st, 2001, 01:03:16 AM
"Oh,you think you can land this thing?"Scoots over"Be my guest"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 21st, 2001, 09:14:50 PM
<<blinks as she looks at him almost WideEyed...." I dont know how to fly this nevermind land it Michael">>
Lord Gue
Feb 22nd, 2001, 12:27:41 AM
"No, go ahead, take the controlls, yo should learn to land one of these things someday, now is as good a time as any"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 22nd, 2001, 02:37:55 AM
<<shy's back into her seat as she shakes her head "Michael i dont know nothing about ships,do you want to crash and die.....Cause i don't">>
Lord Gue
Feb 22nd, 2001, 03:05:24 AM
"Well, come on over here then, Ill show you how to do it"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 22nd, 2001, 03:30:10 AM
<<stands slowly then walks over to him as she looks down at the control panel "Michael i dont know about this">>
Lord Gue
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:11:06 AM
Looks up at her and smiles gently"Dont worry hun, im sure yo will get it, else we die, then im sure I wont care anymore"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:59:14 AM
<<looks up at the planet then back down at the control panel as she listens to him and blinks softly as she hears his words as she frowns "But i don't want us to die Michael"she slowly sits down beside him as she turns and looks into his eyes "How about i just watch?">>
Lord Gue
Feb 24th, 2001, 02:34:54 AM
Rolls his eyes, chuckling a bit, but still smiling at her..."Ok, but only if you hold my hand..."
xXHeavenly X
Feb 25th, 2001, 11:17:47 PM
<<looks down at his hand and slides her finger down into his hand as she lay's her fingers flat against his palm "Ok Michael, Lets land this thing">>
Lord Gue
Feb 26th, 2001, 03:17:25 AM
[i]Smiles and holds her hand in his as he hits the autopiolit button
xXHeavenly X
Feb 27th, 2001, 03:49:30 AM
<<leans back as she watches...her mind racing with her past as she reaches to her necklace with her free hand,brushing her finger tips along her old engagment ring as she looks down and sighs deeply as the same question keeps flooding her mind "Will i ever find anyone who will love me like Sinister?"she knows that answer as she waits to reach this new land>>
Lord Gue
Feb 27th, 2001, 07:15:16 PM
"You might wanna sit beside me hun, the landing will cuase a little shaking and all"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 27th, 2001, 09:55:56 PM
<<snaps out of her daze as she hears his voice and nods to him "Yes maybe you are right" she slowly sits down next to him as she nudges him over a bit and chuckles softly "Hey Share the seat will you" she smiles at him then looks out over to the planet>>
Lord Gue
Feb 28th, 2001, 12:56:24 AM
Wraps an arm over her shoulder holding her close to him as he grins at her"We got plenty of room here"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 28th, 2001, 01:48:09 PM
<<wiggles around in the seat "Hey your right"she giggles and looks at him "So are you going to land this or is Auto Pilot?">>
Lord Gue
Feb 28th, 2001, 02:56:05 PM
Leans over and kisses her cheek and smiles at her"Oh, i think autopiolit can handle everything"
xXHeavenly X
Feb 28th, 2001, 03:20:49 PM
<<blushes softly as she looks at him and smiles "So we just sit back together and watch as well as wait?">>
Lord Gue
Mar 3rd, 2001, 11:03:21 AM
"Yup, thats about it"[i]He smiles at her as her holds her close to him and kisses her on the cheek
xXHeavenly X
Mar 3rd, 2001, 11:09:12 AM
<<smiles as she leans against him and rests her head on his shoulder gently "How long will it take to land Michael?"....she sighs softly as she whispers softly almost to a point her can not hear "I am sorry to see this trip come to a end">>
Lord Gue
Mar 3rd, 2001, 11:31:06 AM
"About 30 min, maybe an hour"[i]He brings his hand up to the back of her head as he softly strokes his fingers through her hair
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