View Full Version : The Hunter and the Jedi

Force Master Hunter
Feb 2nd, 2001, 06:27:25 AM
:: He sat there, the fool. He must of heard him, but the Jedi just sat there.

Finally, the Jedi answered my footfalls.

"I see... you came."

"Yes. I finally found you Turbogeek"

He barly reacts. "Callista. Finally she found the one thing that would have a hold on me."

" Ahh, yes,the girl. Lord Fire Blade was quite a fight. I actually broke into a sweat slaying that one. The girl is now quite safe, but for how long I cant say"

He seemed to droop. It must hurt. He had come all this way, done a feint and yet.... endded up like this. A prisoner. Out of Balance with the Force. And Callista had him back in his power. Turbogeek's only flaw - he cared too much. His wife. Lady Mara. Gina Jade. He cared too much. His weakness.

"So Hunter, what now?" he asked.

"I do as required."

He seemed to nod. A snarl on his voice. "Very well ... Hunter. Do your job"

From under the grey cloak, my hand reached down. And suddenly I kew. The Jedi was only waiting for this.

He came charging out of his seat, the binders on his wrists. His Force powers denied by the Yalsalmair, he still had astonishing speed and it was all I could do to bring my hand forth.


A flash. He staggered.


Another flash but he kept coming


He finally stopped, his voice keeling as the pain took over. He dropped to his knees.

He looked up.

"Promise ... you do... as ... you said..."



Force Master Hunter, bounty hunter, ex Sith, ex Jedi, ex damn near everything watched as the smoke curled from the face of the dead Jedi. He lowered the blaster then turned on his heel.

Yes, he would do as he promised.

The rain was coming down in buckets as he stepped out side. Bending down, he touched a wick with a lighter, then walked off, the rain splashing his boots.

A minute later, the hut blew apart in a hurricane of noise and light.

And The Hunter continued to walk on in the rain, gun still smoking in his hand. In his other hand was the strange sabre that he had taken from the Jedi, the instription "Athona" on it. A bolt of lightning lit the area and the Hunter kept walking. Walking.

The Jedi's road was over.

And his?

Well who knew. Certainly not him. But for now, he was what he always wanted to be.


Darth Viscera
Feb 2nd, 2001, 06:55:12 AM
OOC-But why?

Michael Cline
Feb 2nd, 2001, 10:35:28 AM
OOC: From the FAQ--

b) Maiming and Killing - this is related to God Moding. You are not allowed to ever kill or permenantly maim (cut off body parts) another character without their permission. Many roleplayers have spent a lot of time developing their characters and don't appreciate their character being killed or losing an arm by another roleplayer.

So let me ask, barring you actually being DT, did you have his permission?

Lord Dagger
Feb 2nd, 2001, 11:06:23 AM
Err Cline, i think that IS DT

Michael Cline
Feb 2nd, 2001, 12:45:31 PM
I was about 75% sure it was but wanted to make positively sure about it. Thats why I said, unless you are DT, in which case NM.

Fire Hazzard
Feb 2nd, 2001, 10:46:15 PM
OOC: I'm pretty sure DT is behind FMH..the writing style is alot similar.

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 2nd, 2001, 10:54:26 PM
OOC: Well there goes that cover.

Director Isard
Feb 2nd, 2001, 11:05:31 PM
That RP has been written with full knowledge of it by at least myself, and the fact that I didn't do anything to stop it from being written, or that none of the other Mods/Admins saw reason to intervene and do something about it should say enough in this case.

Force Master Hunter
Feb 3rd, 2001, 02:40:40 AM
The Hunter looked over the ship the Jedi had been so gracious to leave behind.

Nice craft. Well built, looked fast, lots of weapons.


And the picture of the cat ready to strike.... so appropriate for Hunter.

He used a code breaker to unlatch the hatch and clambered inside.

Force Master Hunter
Feb 3rd, 2001, 06:06:15 AM
The smell was what he noticed first. He closed the hatch tand there it was. Stale sweat. Fear.


The Jedi had been fearful? Now that was not expected. From all stories Turbogeek was as brave like few others. What would of made a Jedi be so scared, the lingering smells would give it away? Maybe some caution was needed.

He looked around and saw the craft was a 2 seater freighter. One room for sleeping and dining, one for controls. Nothing else. Kept in top condition, in fact many fitting looked new. The engine hatchways revealed a glistening motor, barely squeezed in.

Wow. This thing must move with a motivator of that size in it. In fact, it really was the perfect craft all round.

But the smell. He couldnt shake it as he got int the cockpit and begin to cycle up the engines.

What would make a Jedi fearful like that?

Maybe it was a good thing he would not be finding out. Surely this trap that had been set was not known? Wouldn't a Jedi not face death? Wasn't that the only thing one had to be scared of?

For the first time since pulling the trigger, he was feeling highly uncomfortable

Lord Fire Blade
Feb 3rd, 2001, 10:01:40 AM
The first thing his mind registered was the pain.

Waves and waves of painthat seemed roll on. He spat blood into the helmet as another roll of agony washed over him. What the hell had happened?

His mind traced events as it could when the pain ebbed. He knew he had that brat Gina Jade and was transporting her to a waiting shuttle, to be taken to the RSO. He knew the signal had been sent out, telling the Jedi what to do. He had complied and now they were supposed to kill the Jedi. But something had gone wrong.

He remembered walking. He set the girl down for a moment, then he had felt something in hte Force... danger.

He had turned.

The hooded grey cloaked figure was already aiming with the guns. He had smirked then, safe in knowing he had a sabre and a Forcw eilder with a sabre could defeat one puny gun toting assasin easily.

The first hammer blow had knocked him back a good metre. The second caught him in the chest, cracking his armour. The third shattered the composite plate and the fouth had gone though his lungs. Without him seeing. He had wobbled, staring in disbelief as the stranger had advanced and Fire Blade saw the weapons up close.

Projectile weapons. Guns that used bullets. Probably armour piercing. Sabres were useless unless you knew... and he hadn't. He touched his stomach, saw the blood on his fingers. And looked up into the barrel.... like a cave opening at this range, smoking.

"Who the hell are you?" he had grunted. "What the hell do you want?"

"Me? They call me Hunter. I want the girl. And you? Your dead."

The blast had hit him in the face and for a while he had known no more. Until now.

I should be dead

He stripped off his shattered helmet that must have saved his life..... yes, here it was. The bullet (Bullets!?! Who would have thought?!?) had gone in dead square for his forhead, yet had been deflected by the helmets internals, to cut his scalp, give him a broken skull by the feel of the huge headache... but not kill. But the stomach wounds... well it would matter not soon. There was some serious damage down there.


He must have been hallucinating. He could have sworn he heard a voice. He collapsed again and went into a coma.


The medical droid, an outlawed model had been directed at pain of shut down to go and tend to this human the grey cloaked Bounty Hunter had dragged in. Also to keep the treatment secret and the human hidden. The droid didnt know why and it guessed the cloaked one wouldn't say. Allthere was was the enormous gun and a deadly voice that broked no argument. Of course the droid would be paid.... but that didnt matter.

It hauled the sorry lump onto the table and set to work on the gaping abdomen wounds. Porjectile injuries. It had been tranted to fix them, but had never seen them. In this day of blasters and armour, who used... mere bullets?

The droid also thought one other thing was strange. what was that grey being doing with the young human girl? It struck it as odd a obvious outlaw would have a three year old with him. It was not for it's logic circuits to contemplate. It thought all non mechanicals were odd anyway.

It got to work.

Force Master Hunter
Feb 6th, 2001, 05:43:40 AM
He felt as if he was in a place of vacuum, unsure what to do and that was unusual for him. Here he was, a Bounty Hunter of not much repute had suddenly pulled off one of the biggest hits the Galaxy had known. And to top it off, capped a Ex Imperail Royal Guard, then stolen the Imperial’s mechandice as per orders.

And had walked into a situation vastly bigger than he was.

The mechandice was much different that what Hunter had been lead to believe and that wasn’t right. Hunter had a sense of honour that sometimes stopped him taking a few jobs, which had lead to a reputation of being with a conscious – not a good thing for a Bounty Hunter to have. Not entirely deserved though. Hunter had pulled off some highly ugly jobs that had involved civilian deaths but in the main he was a lot like Boba Fett – he would only take jobs that sat with his form of justice. He was the one who pulled the trigger and he was the one who was to sleep with that on him.

Still… he wasn’t told what this mercandice was and he was highly doubtful he would be here if he knew. And what the Jedi had told him, begging for his life… well.

Hunter sat back in the pilot seat, as the craft began to lift. 100,000 credit bought a lot of no questions asked. He was beginning to wish it hadn’t::

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Feb 22nd, 2001, 06:00:48 AM
Conciousness came back to her like a dim wave. Her eyes blinked at the unaccousomed light and her muscles felt tight and unforgving

Where the hell am I?

By the looks of the surrounding, that were alos getting less and less blurry by the second,she was in some sort of home. A good one too, which frankly just left her puzzled even more.

What was she doing here? Well, at least the couch was nice, but lying there wasn;t solving anthing. She waited until the worst of the dizzyness went, then swung her her feet to the floor, getting into a seating position.

Man, what ha she been drinking to feel this bad? And if she had not been drinking, then why not?!?! Something had to explain the aches and the rather nice dress she had on.

Okay, hold the holo. She didnt have any clothes like this. And this wasn't her place.

Ahh, there seemed to be a note on the couch. That would explain it, too much to drink and she went home with someone. Okay. She picked up the note and began to read.

And read again

And again.

It all came back to her.

"Oh by the Force Hunter, what the hell have you done?" she whisphered.

No one answered.

It gave her no comfort

Force Master Hunter
Feb 27th, 2001, 06:41:06 AM

Hunter leaned back in the seat of the ex-Jedi’s ship, beginning to tap in the co-ordinates for his next stop, the present location of the Jedi. He presently was on the planet of the Black Hand, a recent arrival to the power structure of the Sith, lead by one who called herself Delirion. Hunter was still fuming at the idiot Jeseth Cloak who had foolishly stepped where he was unwelcome, but apart from that, the visit had gone well. Delirion had been her paranoid and mysterious self, but had agreed to do as he had asked. Hunter’s lips curled into a half smile as he thought of Delirion’s reaction to the delivery, the mechanise he had been lumped with. He knew Delirion could be trusted and in some bizarre way, it was the best hiding place of all. Who would suspect?

The nav computer beeped just as he also got a ping from the comm. Unit, signifying a message. He ignored the former, touching a button on the latter to see what it was, what could be. The screen scrolled a text message from one known as Viscera, offering a bounty – a big one. Hunter paused to reply, saying he wanted more details of the task offered and the bounty. More than likely Hunter would take the job on offer, it posed less risk of it going horribly wrong like the Turbogeek / Fire Blade hit had. God, what had he walked into? The hits had gone well, but the theft of what Fire Blade had…. At least it was out of his hands now. Delirion could handle that little hot tuber for now and leave Hunter to pursue other avenues. Like, who had really put him up to his and why?

On his way to the planet of the Black Hand, Hunter had taken the liberty to drop in on a port near Fondor and then do some creative slicing of the New Republic’s computers, to find out some more on the situation the Jedi had been involved in, something that the files called “Dark Fury”. The more he read, the more alarmed he had become, understanding why this Callista was so keen to remove Turbogeek and Fire Blade. He had also read on this Venom and had worked out where that Dark Jedi fitted in.

And found out the incredible truth of the girl Lord Fire Blade had been transporting. Sure, Callista had told Hunter who the little girl was, but still…. It was one thing to be told secondhand. It was another to find out with total certainty.

Jina Jade, daughter of Lady Mara Jade and Darth Turbogeek? How in the hells did that happen? Weren’t they enemies or something like that? If it was true, no wonder when Hunter had called the Jedi and said he had Jina, the Jedi was prepared to drop everything and walk into a trap. The perfect bait. And the Jedi had taken it.

Now, Hunter needed more information. And he knew the best place to get it.

The ship roared as it took off, blasting for the location the Jedi.

In the back of his mind, his brief encounter with Jina Jade was nagging him. For a Force user, there was a way to tell how powerful you were in the Force. Hunter had felt the power of many Jedi and Sith. And now, he had felt Jina Jade in the Force. The sheer power of the child was mind boggling – in some ways, Hunter understood how Yoda would have felt, being in the presence of Anakin Skywalker. The power. The sheer danger in training. Hunter hoped Jina would die before anyone ever found her and made the same mistake as Obi-Wan Kenobi had done

Elieen Cross
Mar 3rd, 2001, 07:09:13 AM
She washed her face, looking at the face that stared back at her in the mirror.

Her eyes, dark brown looked bloodshot and tired. Her face seemed careworn and lined. It seemed to her that everything has gone blank, she had no real knowledge of what had gone on. She remembered clearly however everything up to the bomb. The fall. Then.... black. Nothing. Her name she remembered... a name however she knew was dangerous to go under.

She glanced over at the side of the mirror. A official looking document was inserted into the frame, left there she supposed so she would be able to see it.

On it was her face. A id tag. In the name of Elieen Cross. Human. New Republic Tech, level 4. Her alternative identity. Did she put it there? Maybe.

The note she had seen from the Hunter was also on the mirror. Oh. She remembered that. Seemed that she was having blank spots. Maybe she should see a medic droid?

Maybe she should just hit the alcohol again. Yes. That seemed like a much better idea. After she woke up with a stinker of a hangover, all this @#%$ would be gone and she would be back in her own hovel, ready for onther days data pushing in the pisshole of a centre for frieght. Yes. That seemed like the thing to do. Forget all this weirdness, forget about how something was nagging her, forget about the note.... which seemed to have gone. Even the mirror. She seemed to have been on the floor, with a bottle in her hand, back in the apartment she paid too many credits for, with the foulest taste in her mouth and a raging hangover.

Elieen staggered up and found the mirror. It had it's usual crack in it and the id card tah she put there, to help her recover from these drinking bouts she was seeming to have more and more off.

It read Elieen Cross, New Republic Tech. Just another face in the billons of beings of Coruscant. May as well be nameless for all that anyone cared.

Elieen Cross
Mar 4th, 2001, 03:34:03 AM
"..... Reports are coming in that the well known New Republic General, James T. Tohomahawk has been killed in an ambush near Sullust. Details are sketchy, but it appears Tohmahawk's ship was answering an SOS when they were attacked by unknown aliens..""

She looked up annoyed from her console. He hangover was better, but the holoviwer was turned up and the sound was pounding her brain.

"Alyee, turn that damn thing off!" she snapped at the dragon like being working near the door.

Alyee looked up and complied without further comment. Elieen groaned at another stab of pain and then bent down over her console again, cursing the useless being on the other side, who wanted to know when the senate was goign to be open for public viewing. Didn't this being realise Elieen didnt care and it wasn't her job anyway?

"Listen, I'm a tax data pusher, got it? Now if you dont quit bugging me, I'll find a way to tax the air you beathe!" With that she slammed the disconect button, threw off her headset and leaned back, gazing at the ceiling of the shithole she worked in.

What she wouldn't give to be done with this all and leave. Preferably somewhere with a bottle of whiskey and a decent book. Anywhere where the holoview didnt pester her with inane morons.

She sighed heavily and closed her eyes against the pain of the hangover.