View Full Version : A Lone Krowe(closed)

Kanon Krowe
Feb 20th, 2001, 03:41:35 AM
Coordinates: 0,0,0
Sesswenna Sector</h3>

A solitary man inhabits a disolate rooftop. The building is clearly owned by a corperate conglomerate, but this man is no buisness exec. He looks over the sprawling city below him, a beehive of activity. The sky grows in pollution from the dense population below it.

His clothes, a White tanktop and a pair of Blue Jeans are soiled and stained in blood. Near the end of his pants lay dense mud deposits, but where did the mud come from? Clearly not in vicinity of this towering monument of a structure. He wears boots, witch could be considered Cowboy boots, if there are any in this day and age. These boots he wears are, strangly, void of any dirt or grim at all, nor is there any blood. They are spotless. Strange that a man would care more about his footwear then his clothes. His bare arms are somewhat muscular, but not overly. He cares about his body, but not enough to care for it constantly, he has more important matters to attend to. His hairs rustles in the cool midnight air as he sits in a flemsy chair made of cheap plastic and lord knows what else. A simple chair for a complex man. His body, not looking marvelous by any means, is not a fitting homage to his charactor and presence. If you are unlucky enough to cross his pass, you will quickly know this. He has been called many things. Evil, Demon, Horrific, Soul-less, all true in their own way. He has even been called a Sith. No, he is not that, he has no need to be that. He has often considered joining their flanks, but has never done it. He sees them as lesser beings and not fit to be in his presence. He has contemplated ruling them, but he has come to the conclusion that ruling a tribe of morons is trivial. He smokes something akin to a cigar, but it is more native to the galaxy, perhaps a Gliterstim. A smile washes over his face.

A security officer walks through the staircase door behind him. A middle aged man working the mid-night watch. He walks to the edge of the roof where the man sits. He swivels his head sideways to face him.

"Hey buddy, what're you doing up here?"

The sinister man ignores him but scoffs at his odasity. How dare he speak to me? The man suddenly dissipears, or at least to the eyes of the Officer. Soon the Officer has no memory of him at all, as it is wiped from his brain. He is still there however. Still sitting in his simple chair. He laughs at the simplicity of the human's mind, so easy to manipulate. The Officer reveals a carton of cigarettes, the reason for his "fresh air" stroll. After a few minutes he drops the cigarette and crushes it beneath his shoe. He turns to go back to his patrol of the building. Without a word spoken between them the Officer feels himself being turned around, clearly the work of the demonic presence on the rooftop, but unknowing to the Officer. With a few simple thoughts he is able to convince the man to do what he wishes, without a word spoken. The Officer steps onto the ledge. His legs unsteady and balancing himself. He looks down at the streets below, so many pedestrians, so many people. In the back of his mind he knows he's being controled. He knows he doesn't want to do this, but he has no choice. His will is not his own. The man, who only wanted a cigarette falls forward. The weight of his body and the gravity of the planet pull him down, plummeting to his ultimate death. His screams echo through the air as the evil demon of a man allows his thoughts back. The man can control his body now, but he doesn't have anywhere to go. He will die not knowing why or how. The sinister man laughs as the screams are silenced and the man surely hits the ground below. He goes back to his cigar, back to his thoughts....

Some would call him a madman. But one that is insane is not capable of such calculating thoughts. He has been offhandedly called by the men he let live, the God of War. He is no God. He is just a man. But he does posess the ability to turn men against one another, and on themselves. A Force user would say he posseses the Force. That he is a Dark Jedi, or perhaps a lowly Sith. But he does not care. He finds pleasure in watching the feeble being controled for his enjoyment. This is all that he knows, this is all that he cares for.

Kanon Krowe
Feb 21st, 2001, 01:55:07 AM
Kanon raises from his poor man's throne. He picks up the chair and easily tosses it over the side of the roof, having no farther use for it. He turns around and strolls toward the staircase leading to the top floor, a struggling advertising company's rental space.


Kanon pushes the glass door open. A cool gust of wind washes over him as the elements are exposed to his body. He walks out onto the sidewalk. He looks left to right. Where was it? Where was the body? He looked to the right once again, yet now he saw something. A DNA residue still layed there on the ground. A flake of skin, a strand of hair? The answer was irrelavent, his mind allowed him to see the DNA composition. It was the Guard's, the pattern of his DNA still fresh in his mind. He looked at a crowd of people waiting to get inside a new Night Club that was supposedly "hip". He knew nothing of the word. There. There he was. Not the guard but another man. While all the people stood facing the entrance he shifting through the crowd, working his way to the other side. He was seemingly trying to blend in. Was he running from him? Kanon picked up his heels and jogged over to the crowd. By now the man had gotten out of the crowd and slipped into a adjoining alleyway. The words "Pardon me." and "Excuse me." Kanon uttered several times as he wafted through the swarm of people. He reached the alleyway and turned down it. It was a dead end. But there was no sight of the man. He continued down the path looking for a clue of where he slithered off to.

Kanon Krowe
Feb 21st, 2001, 02:54:18 AM
Kanon worked his way down the alleyway. The puddles of rain water mixed with the grime orginating from the trash bins nearby left a residue on his boots. This displeased Kanon but he neglected to wipe it off. The shadows wrapped around Kanon like a blanket. When they dispersed he was wearing a well crafted suit in place of his tank top and jeans. His boots were replaced by dress shoes. He neared the end and a figure emerged from thin air as the Jedi uncloaked himself from the darkness.

"I know what you did, sir." Kanon stated.

Kanon leered in the shadowy fugures direction.

"I do not appreciate your intrusion into my affairs." Kanon added.

The silence of the man bothered Kanon.

"Clearify why you felt the need to disrupt the flow of my personal matters."

Warren Azalin
Feb 22nd, 2001, 11:35:16 PM
:: Warren turned to the figure in the shadows, letting his rain soaked robes flow behind him. The Jedi could feel a darkness in the him but not as dark as those he had met before. He knew the figure was no sith, but he sure was not a Jedi. He spoke to the man slowly letting the shadows surround them as they spoke alone ::

"You tried to kill a man, as a Jedi I could not let this man die. Now I ask you what did this man ever do to you ?"

Kanon Krowe
Feb 23rd, 2001, 01:17:09 AM
Kanon held back the power pouring through him. He felt the man was probing him, he did not want to give off his true power. He pondered the question. Was the answer too obvious? Or was the boy insane?

"He annoyed me. He was not worthy to be in my presence." Kanon stated with honesty.

Kanon thinks....

"What did this man ever do for you?" Kanon inquired.

Kanon searches the man's words again.....

"Jedi? What is a Jedi? I heard religious babble about them, but never have I layed eyes on one. Are you saying you are a Jedi?"

Kanon chuckled. Was this another follower of the Jedi religion? He met one on a Outer Rim planet, but had him disposed of shortly.

Warren Azalin
Feb 23rd, 2001, 03:02:47 AM
:: Warren tried probing the stranger but could feel nothing at all, the man was almost emotionless as he stood there. Something about this man made a chill run up the Jedi's spine, he couldn't tell what it was about this man but something was not right. He listened to what he had been saying as he looked at the stranger more closely, Who was this guy Warren thought. A small look of disgust came upon his lips as he heard the man speak about the Jedi and what he though, Warren would give this guy a piece of his mind as he looked on ::

"You tried to kill this man because he annoyed you, how can a person do such a thing. As for why I saved this man is because of who I am and what I do. I am a Jedi, There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; There is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force. The peace and justice of the Galaxy will be guarded, and all life in any form is and will be respected. For my ally is the Force, and I use its powers to serve and protect the innocent from evil. I seek goodness, and defend it from the Dark Side. I have dedicated my life to the Truth, I am the Light."

:: Warren felt a certain joy in him as he recited the Jedi code, what this man though was religious babble was Warren's life, his hope, his Destiny ::

"Now that you know what I am I ask this of you, who are you. What do you want here ?"

Kanon Krowe
Feb 23rd, 2001, 03:17:47 AM
Kanon looked at the... Jedi, a word he did not use often. Of all the religions he found traveling the Jedi, the Force was one of the less probable truth. Theism was more reasonable then this Force. After hearing the Jedi recited a... peom of sorts he thought what was next? Was he going to ask for tith? A humorous prospect.

"My name is Kanon Krowe. You may refer to me as Mr. Krowe, sir, or sire. Nothing else."

A stickler for manners was Kanon.

"I want an apoligy.... or you shall be punished accordingly."

Something in Kanon told him he would once again have blood on his clothes. Or perhaps this "Jedi" has more manners then he suspected?

Warren Azalin
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:36:12 PM
:: Warren gave the stranger a weird look, who was he and why did he think Warren would appoligize...and for what. He pondered what to do as the man stood there starting at him, he had become uncomfortable around this mans emotionless stares. Something about him was horribly wrong, Warren just couldn't figure out what though ::

"Well Mr. Krowe, I believe that is what you want to be called right. I see nothing to appoligize for, if anything you should appoligize to this man for trying to kill him."

Kanon Krowe
Mar 3rd, 2001, 03:44:27 AM
Mr. Krowe?! How did this Jedi know his name? And farther more how did he know to call him by his last name, and to address him as "Mr". This man's talents reached beyond his earlier expectations.

"Try? Try you say? He would be dead if not for your inconsiderant meddling."

Kanon plunged his hand into the inside of his coat. As he pulled out of his coat a sword materialised as if out of thin air in his hands. A regular sword was this, not one made of energy. Outside the ruff interior layed a thin layer of Cortoros Ore. The meterial was rare. Kanon took painstaking effort to find such an item. But he had found it. He let the sword lay to his side.

"Run child. Or apoligise for hopes I may let you live."

Warren Azalin
Mar 6th, 2001, 06:36:24 PM
:: As the sword appeared in the mans hands Warren only grinned, if the stranger seeked a fight he would have to wait till he had gotten the injured guard some medical attention ::

"If you want to get me so bad...then come get me."

:: Suddenly the darkened alley was filled with a flash of brightness as the Jedi illuminated the area in the strangers face, in the momentarily blindness he grabbed the guard and leapt to one of the nearby buildings. Running and leaping as fast as he could he tried to get the man away before the man known as Krowe decided to give chase ::

Kanon Krowe
Mar 8th, 2001, 02:27:11 AM
The odd man showed a lop sided grin as the sword dissipeared from his hands, going back to it's molecular structure.

There is a term that suits the next action well, "As a Crow flies". And how does a Crow fly? In a straight line of course. Kanon clawed his way to the top of the brick dead end. As he fell to the other side he saw the hazy image of Azalin wade through the darkness. His direction was away from Kanon, specificly to his right. Continueing on his Crowe like tread he walk to the end of the adjoining alleyway. Walking into the lamp light filled sidewalk. He stopped and turn right. He walked straight, as a Crow flies. His plan was to cut the man off from his destination.