View Full Version : One for the records (Naga)

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 01:26:21 AM
{setting: Dusk,Raining,open field......basic rules..no godmodeing,killing,maiming...ect.}

*dragon stood quietly the cold rain running down his body..He fianly was going to fight Big Bad Naga...."my biggest chalenge yet" he said to him self..., he then took out his Ls and waited for him to show...*

ooc: there i changed it to naga

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 08:01:11 PM
The harsh winds blew the blades of grass to one side. The rain pounded down on the earth, destroying ant hills and filling holes. Occasionaly, thunder would make a terrible striking sound. It was not a good day. Quite the opposite.

Dragon Dlayer could feel the dakr presence all around him. The presence seemed to spread throughout the area. As if it was making the storm worse.

Walking slowly up the hills, a dark figure could be seen. He was 40 feet away from dlayer's position. The figure was clad in black, and his face could not be seen. He silently walked, two red eyes peering out. He didn't slow or quicken his pace. He kept to it.

When the figure was only ten feet away from dlayer, he put both his hands on his hood. He pulled the hood back to reveal a white face with red eyes. The stuff only seen in nightmares. This being was called Naga. A dark Sith. Dlayer and Naga had met before in bars and such. Today Naga would teach dlayer a lesson about true Sith.

He reached down to his belt and unclipped a dual bladed lightsaber. Naga ignited one side with a snap-hiss. He looked straight at dlayer and growled.

"Jedi first, I insist."

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 08:14:01 PM
naw you can go first.....*Ignites his Ls and holds it up*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 08:20:12 PM
"Bad choice."

Naga grins evilly at Dlayer. He unties his overcloak and lets it fall to the floor. Beneath he was dressed in a black robe. His white face seemed to gleam in the darkness of the storm.

Naga takes a deep breath and gives into the Dark Side as he had done so many other times. He lets it embrace and control his actions.

The Sith leaps forward and brakes into a steadied run. Now only 4 feet away from dlayer, he lunges forward and slashes, using both hands to grip the saber. Dlayer blocked the attack with much ease, but he was taken aback a step from the force of the attack.

Naga feinted to the right, but then attacked left. With quick speed, the Padawan blocked again. There they both stood, locked in combat, until Naga's foot shot out and kicked him in the chin sending him to the floor. BBN jumped back and waited.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 08:55:29 PM
*dragon got up*

"Is that the best the most feared Naga has?"

*he ran at naga slashing, naga brought his blade up easly blocking the attack..Dragon slashed agen only to have the attack blocked once agen..he then jumped back, took out,aimed and began fireing his socom*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 09:11:21 PM
Naga walked toward dlayer, easily fending off the shots. His grin broadened with each step. Dlayer could not see Naga's face clearly for the Sith's saber was moving too fast and blocked everything behind it.

"Dlayer, those guns you love so dear will be your downfall."

Only a few feet away now, he lunged forward. With amazing speed, Naga ignited the other side of his saber and slashed the gun in half. Naga used his free hand and socked Dlayer in the nose, shattering the bone. The padawan was knocked back a bit.

"Feel the awesome power of the dark side."

Naga jabbed forward, but Dlayer's saber parried off the attack. Naga just laughed. He gathered the Force energy around and unleashed a purple force wave on dragon. He was knocked to the floor.

Naga trodded over and pointed his lightsaber at dlayer's face.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 09:23:30 PM
*dragon felt the blood from his nose run down his lips, he then looked up at naga and grined all of a sudden naga was hit in the head with one of the halfs of the gun, causing him to be knocked off balence..Dragon used this advantage to roll out from naga's Ls stand up and kick him in the face*

ooc: if you already dident know i used the force to have the gun half to hit you

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 09:32:44 PM
Before Dlayer's foot makes contact with his body, Naga grabs it firmly, dropping his saber and using both hands. He calls upon the Dark Side for strength and twists dlayer's leg. The Jedi released a shout of pain. Naga just smiled and kept twisting.

"Can you feel the pain? Does it make you angry young one?"

With one final twist, Naga breaks dlayer's leg. He lets go and picks up his saber. The Sith Knight backs up and waits for dlayer to attack.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 10:25:12 PM
*dragon used the force to help have the pain in his broken right leg less, he stood up depending now heavly on his left leg*

"Naw you have to try a little harder then that."

*dragon reaches behing his back and takes out his AR-34 and begens to to shoot single shoots at naga'a head**he knew this wouldent stop naga but atleast it gave him some time to make a plan*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 10:31:42 PM
Naga just stood there, flashing his saber everywhich way to avoid the lasers. At the same time, he was concentrating on the dark side for his next move. Naga's blazing red eyes narrowed. He sunk deeply into the Force.

Naga looked directly at dlayer's gun. The gun began to crumble until it was a compact sphere. Naga moved his hand toward the horizon. The compact gun was chucked off into the distance.

"Foolish Jedi."

Naga ran forward and drop kicked dlayer in the chest. He followed that with a roundhouse to the mouth. The Sith stretched out one hand and used Force choke on dlayer. The Jedi began to claw at his throat.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 10:51:44 PM
*dragon reached behind his back for his last gun...he then pulled out his paintball gun...he knew it wouldent do anything to naga but mabey he could get him to let go of his neck..he lifted the paintball gun with his right hand and fired at naga's face, naga was useing the force to choke dragon so he dident see the paintball come intill it was to late...naga lost the force grip on dragon..dragon fell to the ground..he then looked at naga's face and couldent help but laugh naga's face was now blue with paint*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:01:00 PM
Naga growls and wipes the paint off his white face. He blinks a couple of times and stares at dlayer. This was a very bad choice. Naga's anger could be seen, as small wisps of Force energy crackled around his body.


A Force Wind forms behind dlayer and knocks him off his feet. Naga walks up slowly and places his foot on the Jedi's face.

<font color=red>"Kiss my Grits"

<font color=white>Naga twists his foot to the left, hearing the padawan scream. He begins to scrape the padawan's face with the sole of his boot. Then Naga moves his foot to dlayer's stomach and stomps down on his ribcage, breaking it. Naga walks back a little, still holding his saber.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:22:11 PM
*dragon stood up this time just barely keeping his balence...the pain was enough to make someone kill them self...dragon was useing most of his force power to keep the pain down...but now he could feel the dark energy dragon was just able to keep the dark power from takeing over his body....but if bbn continued his assualt like he was...he knew that the dark power will find a way to relice itself...dragon dident want to know how*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:29:21 PM
Naga chuckles like mad. He could see the conflict within dlayer. The padawan was trying to block the dark thoughts. Naga just laughed at his insolence. He was foolish to resist something he couldn't beat. BBN clipped his saber to his belt.

"I can feel the hate inside of you. Give in, do not resist. Or else I will be forced to kill you."

Naga leaped at him, extending his claws on the way. He entered his claws in dlayer's hips on each side. Naga used his head and smashed it into dragon's face. Blood started to pour out from the side wounds.

"Feel the pain! Accept it!"

Naga released his clench and stood up. He grabbed dlayer by the neck and rose him off the ground.

"I will give you one chance to give up. Or else you will have to choose from the other choices."

Dragon dlayer
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:55:23 PM
*dragon said nothing*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 8th, 2001, 12:00:18 AM
Naga growls and lowers dlayer. He sinks his teeth into his shoulder and rips the muscles with his teeth. Naga bites as hard as he could manage.

When the Sith removed his mouth, it was full of blood. Dlayer was in sheer pain. Naga grabbed hold of dlayer's hand and crushed all the bones with a firm squeeze.


He grabs hold of the Jedi's hair and slams his face into his knee.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 8th, 2001, 12:09:45 AM
*with his free hand dragon reached in his vest and took out one of his throwing knifes he then jamed in in bbn's right arm,took it out then struck agen..each time he did this the knife was coverd in more and more blood*

Anakis Moreven
Mar 8th, 2001, 08:19:11 AM
"No Dlayer! Don't stab him in the arm! Stab him in the chest!!"

*Anakis drops from one of the trees.*

"2 against 1?"

Big Bad Naga
Mar 8th, 2001, 05:43:55 PM
Naga disregards the pain. He grabs dlayers arm (with his good arm) and twists it until it breaks. Naga uses the force to bend the dagger until it was useless. He takes dlayer's saber and pockets it.

"If you will not answer, you will DIE!"

He picks dlayer up with the Force and throws him into Anakis. Dragon smashes into the tree with incredible speed.

When he regains their composure, Naga is standing with his own saber ignited. His pose strikes fear into his heart. The blood from his arm drizzles down to the floor.

Maximus Raynor
Mar 8th, 2001, 06:43:06 PM
I'm too lazy to change my name. this is Anakis

Anakis gets off the ground, and ignites his saber. Feeling the force, He leaps at Naga, and force pushes him into the ground. He leans on Naga, pushing his knee into Naga's chest. Naga screams in pain, and Anakis uppercuts him, and naga's head lands on the ground with a thud as blood pours out. Anakis gets off naga's chest, and naga gets to his feet, seething with rage. Anakis backflips away as the Sith leaps at him.


Anakis lifts his saber, and parries the sith in midair, the force keeping him from falling over. Force kicks naga in the crotch as Naga is in midair. Naga lands on the ground in a split, and Anakis hears a sickening crunch.

Anakis Moreven
Mar 8th, 2001, 06:57:21 PM
*As naga gets to his feet, Anakis grabs Dragon, and uses force speed to escape to Serra's love and fly away. He blasts Naga with a laser on low, knocking him to the ground. Naga moans as the ship flys away.*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 8th, 2001, 07:28:47 PM
OOC: All posts by Anakis will be ignored. So Dlayer was thrown into a tree, not into Anakis.

IC: Naga quietly waits for dlayer to get up.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 8th, 2001, 08:16:50 PM
*Knowing the Sith had to be defeated the Jedi padawan tapped into the light once again, this time taking in all he could he stood up grinning. Soon it would all be over.*

*dragon took out all 9 of his throwing knifes he then threw them at naga with the force to make the aim perfect, still tapped into the force dragon used the force to run at bbn with increadible speed, he then grabed two of his knifes...one in each hand..He then jumped into the air, and landed behind naga...before he could do anything dragon jamed a knife into each of naga's sholder blades...dragon then took a small jump backwords..still enhanced from the force he leapt forward once again kicking the two blades in the siths back, he heard the Sith howl in pain as the blades dug deeper inro his flesh. The Padawan stept back awaiting the attack he knew would come soon.

Big Bad Naga
Mar 8th, 2001, 08:38:25 PM
Naga had managed to dodge the other knives. Now two were in his shoulder and two in his back. Naga tapped into the Force and watched all knives crumble. He fell to his knees in pain. Naga embraced the pain.

The thunder in the sky crackled like mad. The rain poured harder then ever, washing away the blood. Naga just kneeled there. The Dark energy flowing around him. He felt the power. Naga clenched his fists and began to scream. The power engulfed him. The darkness took control of his body. Blood started to pour from his nails that were dug into his hands.

Naga closed his eyes and continued to scream. The storm began to pick up. Thunder and lightning striking everywhere, rain pounding the ground. Suddenly, Naga unleashed it all. He had just used Force Destruction. The earth started to uproot, trees collapsed. Metal shards from weapons flew across the scape. Lightning demolished the ground. Naga had managed to create a superior Force Shield and protect himself.

Dragon dlayer on the other hand, was pelted with clumps of dirt and branches. The onslaught went on for about ten minutes until it ceased. Naga flicked his eyes open and looked around the barren landscape. The raining had stopped, and the sky was dark. There was dlayer, under a large trunk. He was stuck. Before Dlayer could attempt to escape, Naga jumped high. He landed on the branch, igniting both his and dlayer's saber. He criss crossed them and pointed them at each side of dragon's neck, as if to act like scissors.

"Your body is battered and broken. You cannot go anywhere. You are trapped like an animal. I will give you one last chance to escape."

Naga saw the paintball gun on dlayer's back. He used a mighty Force throw to hurl it out of reach. The rest of dlayer's weapons were buried deep underground.

"You feeling lucky?"

OOC: Just a side note, I did not create the storm. This setting was agreed on. And I did not use lightning in any way.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 8th, 2001, 10:11:42 PM
next time we meet ...i'll rip your arms off...*he grins then passes out from the extream pain he was in*

Big Bad Naga
Mar 8th, 2001, 10:41:40 PM
Naga de-ignites both sabers. He pockets them and gets up brushing the dirt off his cloak. The Sith looks at dlayer, laying there, asleep. It would be the perfect time to kill him. But Naga had honor. He would not kill a foe in their sleep unless instructed to by a higher power.

Naga looked at dlayer one last time and spun on his heel. He hoped that some other Sith would rid of dragon dlayer and soon. He was an obstacle in the path of Sith. Something that needed to be eradicated.

The raining had stopped, and the sun was beginning to show itself again. Naga knew that this signified his presence here was to be no more. And with that he walked off into the sunrise, planning to tend to his wounds.

Nichos Marr
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:18:49 PM
Nichos' YT-2400 landed not far from the damaged area. He had managed to make it past the storm in his ship. The hatch popped open and Nichos walked out. He surveyed the surrounding area.

"Holy s***. What in the worlds happened here?" He exclaimed.

Nichos closed his eyes and concentrated. He was searching for dlayer through the Force. At first, he felt nothing. Then he felt a small, almost dim life presence coming from under a pile of dirt and tree wreckage. Nichos ran over and looked for dragon.

"DRAGON?!?! Where are you?" Nichos cried.

A muffled shout came from under a tree trunk. The Padawan ran over and used the Force to levitate it. Underneath was a battered and bruised dragon dlayer. Nichos rushed over saying "Oh No" more then a few times. He picked dragon up and checked for a pulse. Dlayer was still alive, but badly bruised. He couldn't find dragon's saber anywhere, so he disregarded it. Nichos managed to wake dragon up, while carrying the damaged Jedi back to his ship.

"Dragon, who did this to you?" He asked.

Dragon dlayer
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:31:15 PM
*groan* naga............

Nichos Marr
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:00:29 AM
Nichos had heard rumors about this Naga. He had never met him though. The Padawan nodded slowly. "He must be a Sith," Nichos thought.

"We can talk later, right now I must get you to a medbay," Nichos told dragon.

The padawan managed to lie him on a cot in his frieghter. He strpeed dlayer in, and headed for GJO.