View Full Version : Between Devils and Angels(open rp)

Aisha Klan Klan
Feb 27th, 2001, 01:48:19 PM
::Aisha sits in a dimly lit bar on the rough side of the town of Courasant. Her face is half covered by the hood of her cloak as she quietly sips her drink and occasionally looks up as patrons walk through the bar's dismal doors. She takes another sip of her drink and grimaces slightly at its bitter taste:: (These bartenders can't mix a drink to save their lives, this drink is horrible) ::she thinks to herself and scowls as a few patrons try to look into the dark folds of her hood, curious as to why the woman is in a place like this:: (Lousy bar trash, always in search of a bounty, good luck trying to bring me in) ::scowls again as an overly drunk patron leers at her from across the bar before she turns away in derision. Aisha then feels the presence of someone behind her and glances over her shoulder::

Can I help you?-Aisha ::growls with an annoyed tone in her voice::

::A 7 foot man looms over her, smirking widely. Heavily scarred, his frame is filled out with bulging muscles and is and a large rifle can be seen over his shoulder:: Are you Aisha Klan Klan?-the stranger

That depends on who wants to know-Aisha ::says while baring her teeth in a threatening sneer::

I think you are her and I want the 1,000,000 credit price on your head-the stranger ::says while pulling out a blaster and putting it up to the back of her head::

I will only warn you once, back off now or otherwise I can't be held responsible for my actions-Aisha

Big talk from such a little lady, but I doubt you can back it up. There's no way I'll let you get away, the kind of money you're worth doesn't come around often, now get up and come along quietly.-the gun-toting stranger
::In less than an instant, the man finds his arm wrenched upward and the crushing pressure as Aisha tightens her grip on his wrist. He pushes back weakly until the pain becomes too much and drops his weapon. Picked up and hurled over Aisha’s head, the man is slammed down hard onto a bar table. The sound of wood cracking and the clatter of glass shattering echoes throughout the bar as the table breaks in half from the force of his impact with it. The dazed patrons look on in shock, not believing their eyes, what had just happened seemed impossible. Aisha glares murderously up at them before yelling:: Anyone else feel like pushing their luck today?!?!
::The patrons all look away quickly, seemingly now finding their drinks the most interesting thing in the world, while darting wary glances over their shoulders. Aisha smiles as she walks over to another table, stepping purposefully on the bounty seeker's groin along the way, earning a yelp of pain from him::

Aisha Klan Klan
Feb 27th, 2001, 01:49:46 PM
::But anyone who saw her at her job at the local repair shop would never guess who she really was. She smiled at even the most annoying of customers and her boss's constant nagging to get her work done. Her customers and her boss knew absolutely nothing of her past. All her boss saw when he looked at the Ctarl Ctarl woman was a confident worker that could fix anything, he didn't care at all as long as she got her work done. He knew nothing of her bounties, Aisha had lied to get hired and just acted like a normal woman her age, arousing no suspicion. Only the seekers of her bounties knew the truth of how she was and why she was so sought after. They knew about the thousands she had killed under contracts from unseen businessmen. The man that was now sprawled out on the floor had been lucky, several others who had done the same found their lives cut short as their throats were slit or their hearts were pierced by a dagger or sword that they never even saw coming. From just looking at her, no one would ever guess the truth. Her icy blue eyes, pleasant looking face, and dazzling smile gave no hint to the assassin she really was. But those same eyes and pretty face had looked down on many of her victims as they took their last breath. And those same hands that had expertly fixed demolished droids, had been soaked with blood countless times. That same woman now waited calmly in the bar, although not really expecting anyone. The bars were the place to look for possible employers for contract kills, the employers were always found there looking for capable warriors to handle their problems for them or to hire as their bodyguards against her fellow bounty hunters::

Aisha Klan Klan
Feb 27th, 2001, 05:13:53 PM
::As she orders another drink, she briefly scan the bar.:: (the blitzers, a couple of thieves, a few ppl looking to make a name for themselves) ::these kinds of ppl were typical for a bar like this, and Aisha had dealt with most of their types before. A few slightly caught her interest as she reconized two of them as fellow bounty hunters, but these two weren't worth the time or the effort of working with. Aisha sighs in boredom, the life she led now was rather dull. Sure, working at the repair shop paid the bills, but it lacked the fun of tracking and hunting down some outlaw. She often found her mind wandering at work and even though the bar was dingy and dark, it brought back memories of the old days which somewhat helped. She missed the days of tracking down a difficult outlaw and bring him in for a large reward, the thrill of the hunt always had an appeal to her.::

OOC: ::yawns in boredom:: feel to join in at any time, ppl, this rp is open to all.....

Ket Limelight
Feb 28th, 2001, 03:18:05 PM
Ket walked into the dingy looking bar. Dingy to his standards anyway. Ket was of a differant breed of Sith. The kind that killed for money. wether it be under contract or the people were wealthy. Money was a nesecity where he was from. The Outer Rim,Tatooine to be exact. He had a bounty on his head for about 700,000 Credits on Coruscant,killing innocent citizens savagely. He was never one to shy away from a planet just because he had a bounty on his head. He went and sat at a darkened table,his dark robes folding over as he sat,his hood up and covering his facial features. He ordered a beer from the server droid and took a look around,scouting for some unsuspecting soul to murder.

Aisha Klan Klan
Feb 28th, 2001, 03:20:58 PM
::Aisha looks up as KL comes in:: (Hmm, this one could prove to be interesting) ::she thinks to herself. But at the moment, Aisha wasn't interested in bothering him since she was looking for an employer and partners in crime could always be found later::
OOC:p ump...

Ket Limelight
Mar 2nd, 2001, 03:30:25 AM
OOC: lol...

Notcing Aisha out of the corner of his eye,he makes note of her presance. As he does of most everyone else. Sitting quietly,he kept a low profile as the bar patrons did there own little things.

Aisha Klan Klan
Mar 2nd, 2001, 04:10:33 PM
::Aisha yawns boredly before taking another sip of her drink while noticing KL watching her briefly out of the corner of his eye. She yawns again as she looks around the bar again, noting the strength levels and abilities of the ppl there for future reference::
OOC: bump...*curses writer's block yet again*