View Full Version : Meeting the Order
Admiral Taylor Millard
May 24th, 2001, 12:57:39 AM
(OOC Footnote: This is ship is NOT intended for Fleet Engagements)
"Captain Tomar, bring the ship around to Mark 22 and begin docking sequence," the tall admiral stated, perched upon his command chair.
"Aye Admiral," came the reply.
20 years in the Outer Rim waiting for Thrawn has come to this? Admiral Taylor Millard thought, his blue eyes staring at the stars on the view screen.
He had watched the Superior dock many times, mainly while piloting a TIE Fighter, but more recently as the commander of the Imperial Star Destroyer. He stared again at the stars, noting the various other Star Destroyers in the area around Corellia.
At least 3 fleets. The Empire has gotten bigger. While Thrawn wasn't successful years ago...atleast most of the power is still there. Maybe this Darth Viscera can bring the glory back. Maybe I can help... his thoughts trailed off as he leaned back in his chair.
For years, Taylor Millard had served the Empire. As a fighter pilot, he saw action in the Sepan Civil War as well as fighting the rogue Admirals Harkov and Zaarin. All three times he served the Empire well. We fought well. Following orders, doing our jobs. It worked for us.
"Orders Admiral?" Tomar asked.
"Yes Tomar. I want you to stay aboard the ship. Do not let anyone dock unless they know the code. I don't care if it's a reborn Palpatine, do NOT let anyone board. I will be in contact with you later on. Ask Jaranda to meet me in Docking Bay 4. We'll take a shuttle down." He turned towards the red cloaked figure next to him.
"Come Thomas, let us see if this Sith Order is worth joining or if we're better off fighting the New Republic on our own."
It's good to be home
Admiral Taylor Millard
May 25th, 2001, 01:18:28 AM
Millard walked down the corridor, the red cloaked figure following him.
"Are you sure it's wise to trust this Darth Viscera?" The Imperial Guardsman asked.
"Jaranda said he was on the level,"the admiral answered,"At least for now he is. From what she knows, he just surfaced and took over."
"Indeed, Thomas. Indeed."
Taylor paused at the end of one corridor, entering a room to his left. He opened a case, releasing the weapon inside. He let the weapon fall in his hands, checking the level of power cells, then slinging it onto his back.
He turned to Thomas, "You sufficiently armed?"
Thomas allowed his robes to part ever so slightly, allowing the tip of something to gleam in the room's dim light.
"I am always armed sufficiently."
"Good," the admiral bruskly said.
The two continued their journey down the corridors of the Star Destroyer. Occasional officers and personell greeted them with a salute and a quiet, "Admiral." Taylor returned the salutes with a nod of his head. He smiled to himself.
They continue their loyalty to me and the Empire. I wonder, if they would continue it given the circumstances we are in. Few haven't seen their families in years. Many, haven't even seen their families. Yet they continue to fight and continue to wait. If we are to act, the time is now. Maybe this Sith Order will be the solution.
He allowed his musing to continue as his journey through the Star Destroyer neared its end. His thoughts wandered to the events of the last 20 years. To how he got this command, and the hardships which followed. He remembered...
Admiral Taylor Millard
May 26th, 2001, 03:22:16 AM
...the eyes. Those red, glowing eyes. Never wavering or faultering. Millard suspected Thrawn frightened his Imperial Academy teachers by just staring at them.
Course just being a blue-skinned alien would freak out any of those teachers. I bet Thrawn taught them a couple of times
Admiral Millard remembered the day Thrawn left them to find the rest of the Imperial fleet. It was the day he was promoted to Admiral.
Thrawn stood there in all of his glory, his white Grand Admiral uniform ironed and pressed. His boots polished and his hair combed.
"I promote you," he stated in a small ceremony,"To serve the Empire better than you have before. You always had the skills as a pilot. Now...I have trained you in the skills of command. Use them wisely, you're supplies are limited. Find others and thrive."
Later on, Millard asked Thrawn why he was chosen to replace the departing admiral in command. Thrawn smiled, his eyes flashing, his gaze falling on a particular art piece in his hologallery.
"Admiral, do you know this piece?" Thrawn pointed out a painting containing a vast display of colors coming together to form a line before scattering into single blobs of paint.
"I believe so," the young admiral replied, "Corellian if I remember. Done by Aurelius Fimm I believe. He was called a renegade correct?"
"That is correct. It's good to see you have an appreciation for the arts."
"Well, not exactly an appreciation," Taylor stated, "More understanding. But I don't see why Fimm's piece is important to why I was promoted and not someone else."
Thrawn looked at Millard briefly then actually smiled. Then he continued," With Fimm, he didn't care what other thought about his work. But he meticulously planned what he painted. He made sure there was a point to it. In this one, he described the beginning and the end of a great empire. However, he doesn't say this one. The people of Corellia considered him and enemy of the Empire and killed him.
"You're confused aren't you?"
Millard nodded. "You see," Thrawn continued," Fim was talking about any empire, not just ours. If an empire becomes too large, people begin to think about their own personal gains and not what's best for the empire. Which brings me to you. You have constantly displayed you want what's best for the Empire. You follow orders, from both me and our cloaked friends. You have sacrificed loftier goals for the Emperor's gain. You are the direct opposite of the painting. And for that...I promoted you. You are ready for command. You're time is now."
Admiral Taylor Millard smiled.
"But," Grand Admiral Thrawn said, "Surround yourself in situations that will honor the Emperor's memory. Have people who you trust as your councilors. And, if you find yourself in a situation where surrender is not an option, figure your way out of it. Carefully."
"Now," Thrawn said as he stepped onto his shuttle, "Keep the Empire first. And remember, it's not the speed of the pilot. It's the skill."
Millard watched Thrawn leave in his shuttle for the last time. When he heard of Thrawn's death, he mourned.
Taylor heeded Thrawn's words and surrounded himself with those he trusted. One of them stood behind him as his thoughts cleared. One of the others stood before him waiting by the shuttle.
"Admiral, are we ready to head to the surface?" the red haired woman before him asked.
"We are, Jaranda. Let's see what this Sith Order can say to help our quest to return the Empire to its former glory."
The three boarded the shuttle and departed the Superior heading towards Corellia. And their future...
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 5th, 2001, 03:29:16 AM
"So why isn't Tomar with us?" the question came.
"Pardon?" Admiral Taylor Millard replied, his hands moving over the shuttle's controls directing it towards Corellia.
"Why did you leave Tomar on the ship? He normally comes with us on these types of missions," the red haired woman asked, her hands looking over a data card.
"For this reason Jaranda...he's not ready for this." Millard could literally feel the rage coming off of the woman as she shouted back.
"What the HELL do you mean 'HE's NOT ready?!?" Jaranda Piett's blue eyes drove into Taylor like lightsabers, "He's been your right hand man for 7 years now! He deserves to be on this mission! How many times has he been there for you? How many times has he saved your sorry life from extinction?" She cursed. This was not what she signed up all.
When Taylor Millard approached Jaranda about a position in his advisment staff, she originally declined. The daughter of an Imperial admiral, she normally didn't concern herself with military struggles (or the Empire). Instead, she preferred to keep track of politics and history, hoping for a diplomatic job instead of military. But when the admiral offered her the job as his chief diplomat she accepted on one condition: She remained a civilian. Millard agreed, but promptly required her training in fighter piloting and weapons use. She complied with his requirement, becoming quite apt in those skills. So developed, she assisted Millard and his associates with several missions, many have not yet learned.
But, Jaranda also became close with Captain Tomar, Millard's 2nd in command. So close, the two considered marriage quite often. Tomar and Jaranda had yet to inform the admiral, but Jaranda suspected Millard knew all ready. Which made her even more angry.
"Jaranda," Millard's voice cut her anger like a knife,"We need to compensate for the varience in temperature between space and the atmosphere of Correllia".
I know that, Jaranda cursed under her breath.
"As for leaving Tomar on the ship," Millard continued," Consider it a...tactical advantage. Were we to bring all of our command staff down to the planet, we wouldn't have anyone to command the Superior. Were a travesty to befall us, Tomar could escape and get the rest of our fleet here to rescue us."
"Which is highly unlikely," came the retort," There are atleast 3 full fleets out there. We have...what 6 Star Destroyers? How is that going to help us?"
"Quite simply, it's not the quantity, but the quality of the commander. There may be more, but remember, one mistake can change an outlook of a battle."
and we could be making it now
"Jaranda," Millard's voice became softer," I understand your displeasure. Personally, I'm not sure how this is going to work, if the Sith Order even wants us with them. must trust me. If we want the Empire to return to its former glory...and the New Republic destroyed...we must do it this way."
The shuttle, shuddered a bit as it began its descent into Corellian air space. Millard looked at the city of Coronet becoming clearer in the viewport.
"Just because I'm trusting you, doesn't mean I agree with you," Piett replied, her hands smoothing out her black tunic.
Millard smiled. This was what he wanted from Jaranda when he recruited her. A different opinion was always good, Thrawn had taught him. But, he also taught, be sure in your decisions, as well as logical.
"Unidentified shuttle," a voice crackled from the radio,"Please identify yourself. This is Control tower M3-O89. Please identify yourself."
Millard looked at Jaranda, then the quiet Thomas behind her," This is shuttle Rama. We request landing clearance.
"Doesn't hurt to not tell them where we're from. Oh, Thomas, you might want to remove your Imperial Royal Guard robes. Or atleast the mask part. Makes you a bit less conspicuious."
"Good idea,"Thomas said.
"Shuttle Rama," the voice returned, "You have authorization to land on Pad 132A. Please be advised you will be met upon arrival."
"I understand Tower Control. Good bye," Millard signed off.
Fifteen minutes later, the shuttle landed on Corellia.
"Well," Millard turned to his companions," Let up to meet this Sith Order. Or atleast whoever is meeting us. You have your gear?"
The others nodded. Admiral Taylor Millard, placing his commission hat on his head, led the way towards the exit of the shuttle. As he passed by a locker, he grabbed the weapons taken from the Superior. An Imperial Repeater Rifle...and a thermal detonator.
Admiral Jaranda thought, I hope you know what your doing...
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 9th, 2001, 03:20:34 AM
As the trio approached the exit of the shuttle, Millard turned to Thomas.
"Stay here, for now. Wait 15 minutes, then follow us."
Thomas' face looked confused. "Why? My job is to see to your safety. Jaranda is only armed with a blaster, and you a Repeater Rifle, with limited ammunition. If something were to happen to you while I was waiting. I doubt I could-"
"I understand that Thomas," the admiral interupted, "But, I need you to stay here. I have a funny feeling about this."
"Which," Jaranda commented, "Is why you have the Repeater rifle with you."
"Correct," came the short reply. "Consider this Thomas. We're going into a situation where we don't have all the information. We only have 2 names, The Sith Order and a Darth Viscera. While we know the Order exists, we don't know if this Viscera character does.
"I know you confirmed his existance, Jaranda. But still...I'm not sure if that's who we're going to meet." He began to move towards the exit again.
" want me to wait? What should I look for?" the Imperial Guardsman asked his dark eyes glaring at Millard.
"Wait about fifteen minutes. Watch for anything. Specifically for anyone who follows us from our contact party. I've got a tracking device on me so you can keep watch over us."
"Understood." Thomas walked back towards the cockpit.
The airid climate of Corellia made Jaranda wish she hadn't worn black. As she and Admiral Taylor Millard walked down the ramp to the spaceport below, Jaranda was suprised how unbusy it was. No other ships were parked next to their shuttle, nor did it appear any would. There were no squadrons of stormtroopers, or Imperial Officers waiting for their arrival.
Instead, one alien awaited them. A three eyed Gran, wearing a black jumpsuit and a brown satchel by his waist. Just above his left ribs, an Imperial insignia rested.
"Since when does The Sith Order employ Gran to be a welcoming party?" Jaranda asked Millard. Millard shook his head.
"I-I grreett, you, Admirrral Taylorr Milllarrrd," the Gran began, "We shalll meet the Orrddderr soon. My orrderrss arrre to take you too a cantina wherrre you shalllll meet them therrre."
"Why," Millard inquired his blue eyes narrowing, "Aren't we meeting them at their citadel. I assume it is still a place of gathering." He began to move closer to the Gran.
"The castllle in question, was destrrroyed a whillle ago. The Orrderr is in the prroccess of builllding a new one as we speak," the Gran hoarsely said. He motioned for the two to follow him.
Millard viewed the starport as he and Jaranda followed the nameless Gran to the cantina. Whatever emptiness was in the landing bay itself, disappeared at the gate. The open market was filled with creatures of all kinds. Sellers of goods flocked around the corridor, selling everything from food to what was left of Darth Vader's helmet (supposedly). Stormtroopers patrolled the area, their white uniforms clashing against all the citizens. Above him, tall construction robots built, what he assumed was, the new palace of The Sith Order.
The exterior of the street was the same as the starport. Many aliens and humans walked the streets together, with Imperial personell walking in between them. Several transports flew above the crowd, as well as some TIE Fighters. Millard looked over his shoulder. No one was following him so far.
The Gran led the two Imperials to a cantina named 'The Hub of the Galaxy'. In it, a band of Bith played an old tune. The bartender looked up from his bar, then back at his glass. Several other patrons waited as well.
"Come. Sit herrrre, "The Gran whispered indicating a table near the back. "You shallll meet the Orrrderr soon."
"Why don't you stay with us, "Millard said, moving closer to the Gran.
"No," came the reply, the low voice suddenly clear, 'I am not allowed here. Let me go please." The Gran moved towards the exit.
"Hey! Hey!" Jaranda yelled, but it was too late. The Gran had all ready disappeared into the throng of people outside the cantina.
"What do you want to do now Admiral?" The red head asked.
"Well, I suppose we wait then. FOr either this Darth Viscera, or another representative of the Order."
So the two waited...
//OOC: Okay guys, I'm at a stopping point in this story. I cant' write this alone. If someone wants to help with this one, feel free to. Thanks, all. I know you're reading it, I suppose you guys are waiting for a point to jump it. Well, here it is.
Live Wire
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:39:43 AM
*Mistress Live Wire was sitting in a dark corner of the cantina, her black hood pulled over her face. She was meeting a contact to arrange supply shipments to TSO when she saw a strange Gran leading a small group of people into the cantina. She took a sip of her drink and watched as the Gran ran off. She hadn't seen this particular one before but most of the people in this part of town were part of the underworld.
The man was dressed rather officially and was the first one who drew her attention. They seemed to be waiting someone and LW's curiosity got the best of her. She sent a gentle undetectable mind probe there way and the info she found make her raise her eyebrows in surprise. They were here looking to meet someone from TSO and she had no advance knowledge of anyone coming to meet them, especially not here!
She did a quick scan of the room and focused on three men talking at the bar and looking at the newcomers. It wasnt hard to see they were up to no good and probably associated with the Gran that had led them her.
LW wasted no time. Getting up she moved quickly through the bar over to the table. Leaving her face hidden by the hood she didnt bother introducing herself, letting the lightsaber strapped at her side to speak for itself.*
If I were you I wouldn't linger here long. Come with me quickly.
*Having said that she headed towards the door keeping her hand on the hilt of her saber*
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 11th, 2001, 03:01:16 AM
Millard raised his eyebrows inquizzitively. Here stood a strange woman, with a lightsaber telling them to move. He followed her gaze quickly and saw the men at the bar.
Leave it to a Gran... he thought.
He turned to Jaranda, "Let's go."
"But we're to wait for Thomas," she whispered.
"I've got a tracking device on me. He can find us."
Millard looked up at the woman and frowned. Her face was shielded by her hood. No time to lose He stood up.
"C'mon." He began to move across the cantina, his hand on his repeater rifle. As he, Jaranda, and the cloaked woman moved towards the exit, one of the men moved towards them.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked a blaster coming up into Taylor's face. Millard grinned and pulled his own repeater rifle.
"No blasters! No Blasters!" came a cry from the barkeep.
Millard felt another blaster touch his head, and saw they were surrounded by 6 men, 3 of them aliens. He grinned, and moved his hand for his thermal detonator.
"HEY! Hey, big men!" a voice screamed from the doorway.
Millard wasted no time in firing his repeater rifle....
Live Wire
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:48:22 PM
*LW turned and threw her hood away from her face as her long dark hair fell forward over her shoulders she ignited her saber. The yellow blade snapped to life with a hiss, the light reflecting off of her dark eyes. She heared someone swear as people scrambled out of the way. Two of the men wisely backed off and took out the back way running. The others we'rent that smart.
With one smooth stroke she cut down the man at the doorway as Millard shot one of the thugs surrounding him and his lady friend.
Another man turned toward her and shot his blaster at her. LW skillfully deflected the shot and force pushed the man into a wall. Her free hand crackled with energy as she sent blasts of lightning into him and only stopped when he slumped unconcious*
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:17:29 PM
Millard watched two of the men run for the back exit. He heard a scream and grinned.
Been wondering where Thomas was he thought, Now what about my other suprise
It came in the form of another burst of weapon's fire from the back.
Millard turned back to the aliens in front one him. One, a bug-eyed Rodian stood back.
"Oona whoota Millard," the Rodian snarled, his blaster coming up to aim.
"Taylor, DOWN!" Jaranda screamed her own blaster coming up. The admiral jumped to the left, hitting the floor and rolling. The Rodian, trying to figure out which one to hit, was cut down in a hail of blaster fire from Piett.
Taylor surveyed the bar. One man was in pieces from the strange woman's lightsaber. Another currently rested against the wall unconcious, burns covering his body. The Rodian lay dead on the ground.
There should be only one left he thought Where the hell is he? His combat senses flared as he felt the muzzle of a blaster at his side. Standing there was the Gran.
"I tolllld you, Millllarrrrd," The Gran snorted, "That you woulllld meeet the Sith Orrrderrr. Nowww, you willll meet yourrrr DEATH!"
Millard turned towards the Gran his eyes flashing. He concentrated. Remembering his training during his beginning service to the Emperor and to Thrawn. He remembered the headaches, the pain, and the sorrow. All friends of his.
He reached out his hand...and pushed
The Gran flew across the bar hitting a wall and landing next to the woman with the lightsaber. She cut him in two.
Millard, his hand to his head...hit the ground in pain. He heard several people rush over to him. Thomas and Tomar, his senses told him
"No! They're with us!" He heard Jaranda say as he was helped up.
He shook his head. Oww
Live Wire
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:39:50 PM
*When she saw the Gran fly across the bar she suspected she knew why they had requested to meet with the order, as well as why they were led astray. She left her lightsaber ignited as a precaution. She turned to the woman...*
Get him up quickly. There may be reinforcements and I can't gaurantee your safety here.
*With watchful eyes she ushered the group out of the door to her transport. As she stepped out of the cantina a few passersby stood back fearfully from her saber. It semed a saber in the face was the only way to deal with some people.
On the way to the transport a foolish old man tried to train his blaster on them. Without even turning her head she called his blaster too him. She turned slowly and advanced on him*
Foolish old man!
*she chopped the blaster in half, letting the pieces land at his feet. Fear was written all over his face and she took immense pleasure in it. His fear would be his lesson. Someone like him wasn't a threat just a mild annoyance so she walked away letting him tremble and realize how close he came to death.
Once they were in the transport she called ahead to TSO to let them know she would be bringning visitors. As she sped through the streets she turned back to them*
You're lucky. Normally I wouldnt have been there to help. There are plenty of people around here who would be overjoyed to take siths life. You have to watch yourself.
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 11th, 2001, 03:56:03 PM
Millard's head was still in pain. Then he heard Jaranda.
"We normally are cautious. I checked my sources three times and every single time they said talk to the Sith Order.
"Listen I don't care what you think! We made our choice and we're hear now. The least you can do-"
Millard heard plenty, "Enough!" He shook his head, ridding the rest of the cobwebs from his system. Looking across the transport, he saw the same cloaked woman who had assisted him earlier. Next to her, with a look of concern on her face, sat Jaranda. Taylor noticed a burn mark on her left arm, indicating she'd been hit in the battle. Captain Tomar, in civilian garb, sat next to Piett tending to her wounds.
"I see you made it down in time, Tomar," the admiral said, "Did you have any trouble?"
"Negative, the fighter set down outside the city. No one noticed. I did make sure to hide it nicely. I've got a squad guarding it too. When do you want me to return?"
"Not sure," Millard replied. He turned to the mysterious woman. This is it.
"My lady. I thank you for assisting me and my officers. I can only assume you are a member of the Sith Order. My name is Admiral Taylor Millard, commander of the ISD Superior and its escort. I was wondering if you could assist me even further. I would like to join the Sith Order. Who would I talk to my lady?"
Live Wire
Jun 12th, 2001, 01:47:42 AM
*LW was careful to keep her senses wasnt unheared of for transports to be attacked in this part of town.*
You assume correctly sir. I am Live Wire, sith Mistress of TSO. If you want to join TSO you would have to talk to one of the council members.
*She smiled inwardly as the man paused and asked where he would be able to find a council member*
It really is your lucky day. You happen to be looking at one. May I ask why you want to join TSO?
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 12th, 2001, 02:35:39 AM
Millard conisidered this, Why did he want to join The Sith Order? Was it that he was tired of seeing the Empire fail over and over again. Was it that he felt The Sith Order was the best place for his men to be? Was it, he thought TSO was the best chance he had of waging war against the Rebellion. He wasn't sure...but he considered everything...
He began, "My Lady," his tone was slow and deliberate, "I am an Imperial officer. I have served the Empire well, and continue to. I have watched the Empire go from a blossoming stronghold to the weak and pitiful batch of warlords it is today. My orders were to wait for Grand Admiral Thrawn's signal for my fleet to move in. It never happened. We spent years wondering what became of the grand admiral. Then, my collegues and I made a move on the Rebellion. We went to Coruscant and stole back the plans to the missile gunboat. While on Coruscant, we discovered Thrawn's death. We mourned, he was more than a mentor he was friend.
"I realized I had Force talents when I ran into a little bit of technology on Coruscant as well. I believe it is called a 'Force Detector'. It detects the level of Force an individual has. I scanned myself and discovered I had Force abilities. I kept this secret, now understanding why the Emperor's Secret Order had approached me early in my career," Millard ran his right hand over his left arm, as if he was tracing something.
"It made sense to me...the calmness in the cockpit while fighting. Most people would call this 'combat experience'. Yet there was more to it. I remember hurting an officer once. Tomar what was his name?"
Tomar replied, turning from Jaranda, "His name was Clark I believe."
"Ah yes," The admiral continued, "Clark. He attacked me, tried to take control of my ship. I dodged his attack, then felt as if I had hit some barrier in my mind. As if something was keeping me from using something I knew I had. I pushed harder, then felt an outward push happen. Clark flew against the bridge viewscreen and died in front of everyone..."
Millard paused looking at Live Wire. Her expression hadn't changed and Millard knew he hadn't answered her question.
Why did he want to join?
"I suppose, I want to join because I want to learn more about the Force and the people in my command need to be home. I detest imperfection, but I also know some of my people haven't seen their families. Their service to the Empire has been admirable. They have never questioned a decision and always followed orders.
"The Sith Order is the strongest amongst the ruling powers of this galaxy. Grand Admiral Thrawn once told me, to surround myself with people I trusted and who were loyal to whatever organization they were a part of. The Sith Order, in my opinion, is the best of the groups out there. They are a smaller group, who's members are all loyal to the cause. I did hear a bit of dissention was in the ranks of the Order, but my information tells me, the dissentors have been taken care of. Loyalty within an organization is is honor. Dishonorable members of any organization need to be taken care of. And from what my information says, the Sith Order provides the swiftest justice to betrayal.
"As I said before, I want to know more about the Force. The darkside beckons me. It calls me. My talents, as a pilot and a commander are second to none. My people would die for me. They are the best out there right now...better than any other non-Force user out there.
"I have been experiencing headaches recently as well. I know the barrier in my brain is causing this. I wish it be gone. I want to use the Force for the glory of the Order. All my rage at the death of Thrawn, all I want is the end of the New Republic. I believe I can bring its end soon. If you will let me join.
"And, I have the plans to the missile gunboat...and information regarding another type of technology that would crush the Rebel-I'm sorry, the New Republic and remove their scourge from existance.
"I will let you decide on whether or not you allow me in the Sith Order or not. If you do, I will serve you until I die in battle. If not, I will continue to fight the New Republic and bring their demise, even if it means my death."
Millard finished his speech and look at the Mistress Live Wire. This was what he thought about over and over again. His reasons for wanting to join the Sith Order. The thrill of battle. The headaches. Pain, sorrow, destruction...all friends of his.
Yet He thought, Something doesn't seem right
Live Wire
Jun 12th, 2001, 03:07:00 PM
*His desire came across sincere, and with the chain of events it was unlikely he was her with some dark plan. No one knew she was going to be at the bar so there was no way the little scene could have been staged for her benefit. She would take them to the rest of the council and let them have a look around TSO...or at least the construction site.*
We'll I'll see what we can do for you.
*Suddenly LW's danger sense went off. She pushed the transport pilot to the side and took the controls swerving just as the road in front of them exploded into flames. Someone had planted a proximity bomb on the route to TSO. The transport was thrown sideways and she barely missed colliding into a tree.
She tried to steer through the trees when a blaster bolt cracked the canopy of the transport. She swore again trying to control it at these speeds and trying to discern where danger lay. Another blaster hit the transport from behind sending them skidding out of control*
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:39:54 AM
Jaranda was flung to the ground as the explosion resonated the transport.
What the hell-?
As the ringing in her ears began to subside she realized the transport had stopped.
"Admiral, what is going on?" she screamed.
"Not sure," Millard's voice was calm, "From the sound of it. Our friends from the cantina want to play rough." He winced from pain in his right arm and checked the others. The transport pilot was unconcious, blood trickling from his head. Lady Live Wire was still at the controls of the transport but unmoving. Millard couldn't tell if her eyes were open or not. Thomas was down but not out, his arm at an odd angle with the rest of his body. Tomar was up and apparently the only person in the transport uninjured. Perfect.
"Tomar. Is the slave drive to the missile gunboat still working?"
Tomar looked at the admiral, "It should be. Unless the remote was damaged during the explosion. Let me check."
"You have 5 seconds Captain. Don't disappoint me."
Millard stepped to the cockpit of the transport. Live Wire was concious, but unmoving. He moved over to the co-pilots' seat and tested the controls. They worked fine. So did the repulsor engines.
I may be able to get us out of here, alive, Millard thought.
"Live Wire," he said, "My Lady, allow me to take the controls. Help is on the way. Are there any weapons aboard this ship?"
The ship shuddered again as the viewscreen was spattered with blaster fire. In front of the transport, were three beings. A Gran, a human, and a Verpine. Another blast hit the transport.
That wasn't a blaster bolt. Something else hit us
The blast came again. This time, the transport shook violantly. Millard checked the sensors. Behind, hovering above them were three other transports. And 2 Preybirds.
"Tomar, where the hell are those missile gunboats?"
"On their way, sir. Just a few more minutes."
"We dont' have a few more minutes, Captain," Millard yelled, "Either they're here, before those transports land. Or we're fried. Along with our Sith Order friend."
He shook Live Wire. No response. Her eyes were open but she didnt' respond.
Millard took control of the transport. He lurched the ship forward slowly towards the three men. Their blasters shook the ship to the core. Taylor checked the transport for onboard weapons.
Nothing too major on board. Ion cannons on the bow. One laser turrent, currently off line. And no working torpedo tubes. Great, I hope Tomar gets those gunboats here or we're toast
He checked the ship's radio. The signals were being jammed.
As Millard repositioned his body in the seat. Something was preventing him from being set just right. It was the thermal detonator. The thermal detonator that could kill the men outside and allow the transport the ability to move off the ground.
And maybe get the a shot or two off at the guys behind us. The ion cannons should provide us the ability to catch them off guard. If these guys are sloppy...their shields are off
"Tomar, I got an idea. Get up here."
"On my way, sir. The gunboats should be here in three minutes."
"Great. Tell me if you like this idea..."
Half a minute later, Admiral Millard was shaking Live Wire.
"My lady Live Wire? If you can hear me, I need your assistance. Captain Tomar is going to attempt to ambush the men outside by throwing a thermal detonator at them. I need you to put him in a Force 'grip' or something like that. I will keep the transport steady and hopefully, we'll be able to catch the ships off guard long enough to get us out of here, and the cavalry here. Can you do that?"
Live Wire
Jun 15th, 2001, 03:29:32 AM
*LW had hit her head against the control pannel when the transport came to its abrupt halt. She sat there stunned hearing the admirals voice unable to really move or comprehend what she was seeing. She felt something else hit the transports and slowly shook her head trying to snap out of it.
She felt the admiral shaking her and she snapped back into reality. She slowly realized what he was asking her to do. She wasnt sure what he had in mind but they had to do something and she didnt have too much confidence in their blasting their way out on foot.
Her head was clearing and she pulled out her blaster just in case she needed it. She was puting faith in this unknown admiral and his friends but as of now she didn't have much of a choice. She would be damned if she was going to be taken down by a group of pathetic Sith hating locals.
Tomar got to them and the Admiral started to explain his plan to them. It should be easy for her to get a hold of him even with her headache. As long as she didnt have to fight at the same time as she had a good grip on him then it would be fine*
I'll be able to manage that.
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 26th, 2001, 02:14:02 AM
Millard heard the Sith woman's terse reply and smiled.
"Good," he said, "Tomar, get ready....okay now!"
Captain Tomar raced for the exit of the transport, the thermal detonator in his right hand. As the doors open, he felt something grab him by the waist, holding him still.
Here goes nothing he thought, hurling the detonator. "Admiral! Fire in the hole! The Missileboats are on their way!" he yelled to the cockpit behind him.
Admiral Millard hit the transport's accelorater, increasing the distance between them and the falling thermal detonator. After counting to five, he swung the transport around as quickly as the engines would allow.
<font size="16">BOOM!</font >
The thermal detonator exploded admists the attackers on the ground, throwing them all away from the battle. As the Verpine fell through a window, losing conciousness on impact, his concussion rifle went off piercing one of the hovering Preybird's engines, destroying it. As the damaged fighter fell to earth, it collided with a transport, destroying it as well.
Millard, narrowing his eyes at the large explosion, brought his own transport's ion guns to bear on another transport.
Gotta fire before they get their shields up.
He let loose a salvo of Ion Gun fire, watching it connect with the nearest transport. Taylor watched the transport shudder then, like a drunken Gammorrian, it slowly started to move away from the battle. But the transport scraped against the side of a building, separating one engine from the hull. It fell to the Corellian Street, landing hard...but not exploding.
Millard fired another burst at the remaining Preybird, but the ion cannon bounced ineffectively against the shields.
Dammit! he thought, So close
Suddenly, the Preybird exploded in a brilliant explosion as a small, black spacecraft flew over head. It swung in a barrel roll, before shooting up towards the sky at top speed. Millard watched the Missile Gunboat fade from view, before settling the transport down on the dusty, debris laden street.
He turned to his passengers, his eyes showing pride.
"Good job,Captain. I'm glad we worked out a way to get you planet-side without anyone knowing."
"You planned this?" Jaranda's voice cut through the air like a knife, "You know Tomar was coming down, yet you didn't tell me?"
Millard moved towards the exit of the shuttle, slinging his Repeater Rifle to his hands.
"Yes, I did. In case anything were to occur, like this recent battle. I needed backup. Planet-side was more convenient, and thus I sent Tomar ahead, just before you arrived in the shuttle bay, to scout and hook up with Thomas."
He saw the angry look on Jaranda's face.
"Calm down Jaranda," he stated, stopping before her, "It wasn't a matter of not trusting you, it was a matter of making sure you were not subjegated to any mind scans."
The anger on her face faded briefly.
"Now," Millard said, opening the transport's exit door, "Let us go see who really attacked us."
He noticed the questioning look on the Sith standing next to him.
"My Lady, you certainly do not believe a local group could muster this many forces to attack us. No, this was certainly a trap, for perhaps both of us. I suggest we use caution and see who these attackers are."
He exited the transport Jaranda, Thomas, and Tomar following him.
Live Wire
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:18:09 PM
*LW had her senses on alert for any more attacks but didn't sense any pressing danger. However that didn't mean they were out of harms way*
I believe you are right. This was far more elaborate then any attacks we've had in the past. Apparently you've made some enemies either alone or by coming here.
*Her saber was in her right hand and a blaster in her left. This wasn't a time to be taking chances. Carefully she stepped out of the damaged transport walking beside the Admiral. Whoever attacked them was either brave or stupidly ignorant of the power TSO wielded. Either way it would be their downfall*
Lets do this quickly as I would like to get to the safety of the palace.
*The twisted wreck of the transport and the preybird was still burning and LW could still feel the heat coming from the fire. The Verpine lay unconcious surrounded by shards of broken glass*
Perhaps he can give us some answers.
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 27th, 2001, 02:49:33 AM
Millard strode towards building housing the unconcious Verpine.
"Tomar. Jaranda, watch the street. Should anyone even attempt to go near the transport or us, kill them."
As the admiral reached the door, he turned towards the Sith woman.
"Send a message to your Sith headquarters. Get them to send some type of troop deployment to arrest these attackers. Please."
Live Wire nodded and raised the comlink to her mouth.
Taylor pressed his ear to the wooden door then, with his repeater rifle levelled forward, splintered the door with a sharp kick. As the door fell from its hinges Millard, with Thomas close behind, leaped into the room.
The Verpine lay unconcious, the leg from a table protruding from his chest area. His concussion rifle lay next to his motionless left arm. Thomas quickly moved to kick the rifle away.
A sudden noise caused Millard to raise his weapon towards the door. There stood Lady Live Wire, with her hands clutching a snivelling human laying at her feet.
"Please, my lady," the human said. "I-I was only trying to get out of the way. I n-never mean t-to get in your w-way."
The Sith Master threw the human to the floor, raising her lightsaber as she did. Her eyes flashing, she brought the tip to the edge of the man's throat. She then slashed a cut on the man's cheek, causing it to bleed. As she began to give a warning about getting in The Sith Order's business, the Verpine began to stir.
Quickly, Thomas slammed his Force Pike into the Verpine's right shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Millard strode over to the Verpine, his repeater rifle pointing at the alien's head.
"Who sent you?"
Silence from the Verpine.
The Imperial Admiral's blue eyes flashed and he leaned over the dying alien. "I will ask again. Who sent you?"
A hiss was the reply.
Millard turned away from the Verpine in disgust. He stopped looking at Live Wire as she watched him.
"My lady," Taylor said, anger in his voice. "Can you convince him to be more...helpful?"
He walked away from the Verpine, as the Sith woman walked towards it.
Live Wire
Jul 4th, 2001, 08:50:03 PM
*LW walked over to the Verpine with an evil smile on her face. If he was intimidated he did a very good job of not showing it...but bravado only lasted so long.*
You know who I am don't you?
*He just stared back at her blankly refusing to acknowledge her question. Laughter was the last thing he was expecting so thats what she did. LW laughed in his face and crouched down to him.*
You're a serious one aren't you? What's your name?
*He seemed to think it over a minute and looked as if he decided that just giving her a name wasn't too objectionable*
"Yaast" he muttered under his breath.
Well Yaast, you want to tell me why you attacked me?
*He went silent again and LW backhanded him across the face* Don't make me ask you again!
*he snarled at her but glanced down at the hilt of the lightsaber LW still grasped in her other hand.*
"You sith scum! You pollute our planet with your presence. I only wish I had killed you."
*his bitter words didn't phase her but she could sense a deception. This was too big of a job for the pitiful insurrection of locals. However they made a nice scapegoat.*
Good story. You want to try the truth now?
*LW was about to show him how she interrogated prisoners of the Order when the Admirals associate Tomar walked in the verpine's expression changed. His eyes followed Tomar around the room so LW stood and walked over to him.*
What's that you're carrying?
*Tomar looked down at the jacket he carried in his arms*
"I found it outside abandoned."
*LW looked at the patch on the arm of the jacket. It bore some kind of insignia or label. She took it and carried it over to the verpine.*
Does this mean anything to you?
*The verpine stayed silent but his eyes told another story.*
Fine, we do this the hard way.
*LW tossed the jacket aside and ignited her saber. Using the tip of the blade she carved a slit into the side of his face. He flinched trying to get away but LW held him by the chin, her slender arms stronger then they appeared.*
You will tell me what I want to know.
*using the force LW stimulated the pain receptors in the verpines brain causing him to scream and twitch in horrible pain. After a few seconds of that he seemed more willing to cooperate*
"fine, I tell you!"
*LW kept her saber ignited in case he decided to be difficult again.*
"Im with the Saalarian Pirates. We're not after you! We just want your friend here."
*LW looked up at the admiral after backhanding the verpine again.*
You know these pirates?
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jul 6th, 2001, 09:31:47 PM
Millard stood over the Verpine as it lay on the floor of the house, Tomar's Force Pike in his right shoulder. The dryness of the house, was beginning to be replaced by the Verpine's blood spilling on the floor. Outside, Millard heard the sounds of stormtroopers as they began to fill among the crowd of people in the streets.
"The Saalarian Pirates?" Millard raised his eyebrow in question, "No I do not."
But there's something about this insignia I don't like at all.
His face twisted into a small, tight smile as he leaned forward, looking down on the Verpine.
"I find it interesting, Yaast. That the Saalarian Pirates have a Z on their insignia and not an 'S'. You want to explain that to us?"
Silence came from Yaast.
"Very well then. I shall explain it for you."
He showed the insignia to the Sith woman.
The insignia itself was nothing spectacular. A stylized 'Z' on a black background. Yet beind the red 'Z' was another insignia. An Imperial insignia, grey and unyielding.
Captain Tomar moved next to the Imperial admiral pulling him aside.
"It's on the inside of the transport as well. Also found it on a piece of wreckage. However, the Empire does not employ aliens. These guys could be telling the truth. Maybe they are pirates."
"Oh they most certainly are pirates Captain. But not the kind we normally see. Pirates normally attack ships and not ground based personall.
"Nor do they use such trickery to get us to come to Corellia and then attack us," He turned to Live Wire.
"More than likely, they were attempting to put a schism in The Sith Order as well. I was the primary target, however Lady Live Wire, I suspect you were an added bonus."
"I have seen this insignia before. Once, a long time ago. When I was a Captain, before I was transferred to Thrawn's command. There was an Imperial Admiral named Zakan. He attempted a military coup against the Emperor. He almost suceeded."
Millard smirked, "I, along with Lord Vader and several others, stopped him from kidnapping the Emperor. Grand Admiral Thrawn was given the order to track Zakan down and kill him. I was with Thrawn when we watched Zakan die, the Correllian Corvette he was on, destroying itself as it entered hyperspace.
"If you look at the word Saalarian, you can see the connection to Zakan. Zakan made his home on Saalaria. These pirates are from there. Obviously, they discovered my return and decided to attempt to hurt the Sith Order as well."
Millard turned away from the dying Verpine.
"Lady Live Wire, if it would please you, I would like to take the downed transport in my possession to investigate it, and see if we can discover the location of these 'pirates'."
To Tomar, Taylor said, "Contact Commander Drake and have him report to the surface to talk to the locals. I want to know if the pirates have a stronghold somewhere in this system. And, I want to learn why they tried to attack us here, and why now? Why not while we were on our way to Corellia. Certainly, Zakan's fleet is still there somewhere. Contact Drake and have him meet me on the Superior in 2 days.
"Take Thomas and Jaranda back to the ship and patch them up. I will report once the Sith Order has made their decision regarding my entrance. You are in command for now Captain. Do not disappoint me."
He turned back to Live Wire, "I trust you these decisions are satisfactory to you, my lady. Is there some place where I can clean my uniform up in preparation to meet the Sith Order? And, would like to assist in destroying these Saalarian Pirates?"
Live Wire
Jul 8th, 2001, 02:49:27 AM
*The fact that she hadn't been the primary target was still of little comfrot to LW. Seeing the verpine laying there nauseated LW and with one swift movement she decapitated him and turned back to the Admiral who raised an eyebrow at her actions. She just shrugged as if to say 'he was dying anyway'.*
That is satisfactory. TSO of course will be happy to assist you in this matter in anyway. We don't take kindly to being attacked even as a side target.
*The sound of the TSO troops arriving filled the air as LW's personal transport laded several meters away, piloted by one of her trusted assistants.*
Ahh the troops should be able to take care of the mess here.
*she motioned to her transport*
If you will. I will personally take you to TSO and we can both get cleaned up before you go before the council.
Admiral Taylor Millard
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:03:09 PM
Millard smiled a tight smile at Live Wire's words. Excellent. The chance for me to serve the Empire in a new fashion has arisen. Plus, in theory, I can remove these headaches that have been plaguing me.
"Tomar," he said, turning to the captain, "Report back to the ship, along with Jaranda. Get yourselves cleaned up and signal the rest of the fleet. Contact Bonhelious and make sure things are well. Signal me when Commander Drake reports as well."
Millard began to walk from the house towards the Sith Woman's transport.
"Admiral. Wait!" a voice came from behind me. Thomas, his Force Pike in his left hand, ran up to the Imperial Admiral. The bodyguard winced as his run slowed to a walk. Ignore the pain, focus on the duty Thomas' thoughts told him.
He spoke, "Taylor, it is my duty to remain with you. As your protector-"
Millard cut him off, "I'm afraid our Sith 'friends' would find it odd if I just waltzed in with a legion of bodyguards and demanded a spot in their ranks."
Although I'm not sure how smart it is for me to request membership in the Sith Order as it is. If this Darth Viscera is the person responsible... The blue eyes closed to slits, as Millard let his thoughts rule his mind.
"No," he spoke, "Go back to the Superior and await my signal. You will join me here in a few days. Once we have information on these Saalarian Pirates, we will strike and destroy them.
"I will not hear anymore complaints from you, Thomas. Go back to the ship and await my signal. It will be easier that way. I will resquest permission for you to come and continue your duties as my bodyguard. But, remain strong in your belief in the Empire," Millard clapped his hand on Thomas' left shoulder, "With the 'Tormentors' still out there. We need all the loyalty we can get."
Thomas looked like he was going to say something, then thought better. Turning around, he marched with Jaranda and Tomar towards the hanger where the shuttle Rama was docked. A few minutes later, Millard saw the shuttle enter the atmosphere as his 3 most trusted friends left his side.
The Imperial Admiral turned to Live Wire.
"My lady," he said, "I believe now would be a good time for us to go to The Sith Order."
Live Wire nodded in agreement, and they left on her personal transport.
********One Hour Later*********
Millard stood in the halls of The Sith Order's Chamber. Before him stood the doors to the DIscussion Chamber and the future.
His Imperial Uniform was polished and cleaned. His hat was cleaned as well and his body groomed and washed. His Imperial Repeater Rifle, slung over his should, was polished and gleaming. Millard reached for the doors and <A href= topic> *Opens the doors to the palace*</a>
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