View Full Version : The Kala Stone. (Roleplay)
Rama Sha
Jan 16th, 2000, 08:50:14 PM
::Rama makes his way across the hanger, toward the Star Phoniex. He throws his pack on to the freight elevator. He then exams the print out in his hands.:: -The planet Narnoon is one of the few 5 moon planets in the gaxaly, it also boast the highest mountain in the known gaxaly.- ::R6 approachs the Phoniex, and lets out a low whistle.:: Well guess we better go plug you in, looks like we are going to Narnoon.
Spadix From HPC
Jan 16th, 2000, 09:49:21 PM
*stumbles out of a portal* oops... man, now how am I gonna get back??*opens portal & steps through, then dispers.*
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 17th, 2000, 12:58:50 AM
::LL is seen flying high above in the Saiyan Interdictor Oozaru II::
Rama Sha
Jan 17th, 2000, 01:12:22 AM
::R6 rolls up and into the Astromech socket. Rama sits in the pilot seat:: Ok R6, power her up. ::the ship comes alive. The screens light up, and computer code starts to flow on the screens. Rama reachs up and flips a few switchs:: Bring up all information on Narnoon. ::The screen in front of Rama changes over to a profile of the planet. Rama begins to skim the document. One part of the proflie sticks out.:: -Tundra like conditons- Ehhhhhhhh.......that doesn't sound good. Ok, what about this mountain? -Mount Kille is the highest peak in the known gaxaly. The most famous feature of Mount Kille is the Ancient Temple ruins near the peak. No archaeological team has been able to reach the temple do to weather condintions. Pictures taken form orbit are availble for study.- Why can't thing ever be easy? Alright print thoses pics out for me.
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 17th, 2000, 01:47:05 AM
::LL's electronic eavesdropping devices upload the data that Rama is looking at.:: Hrmm...Narnoon. He's heading for the Temple. Why doesn't it suprise me at all. ::LL plots a course on his Astronav, and the Oozaru II zings into hyperdrive::
Jan 17th, 2000, 02:20:17 AM
::LL sends a signal to the Jedi temple, boricua answers the call:: boricua: "That Rama Sha is headed to the Temple at Narnoon? Nothing good can come out of this. Yes, follow him and keep us posted. I'll have the Ravenwing ready in case you need backup" ::Boricua contacts Obiwan2 and Master Yoghurt::
Lady Mara Jade
Jan 19th, 2000, 12:09:48 AM
::After contacting Obiwan and Yoghurt... Darth Boricua sits back in his seat and takes a deep breath, wondering what the Sith could possibly be up to this time. He begins to fidget with robes while pondering their next move. Suddenly an alarm goes off beside him...the disturbance is located outside Darth Turbogeek's quarters. He quickly switches to the viewing screen and turns it on. As the picture comes in he sees DT standing in front of his own door. DT shrugs his shoulders and waves. Boricua figures that DT must have forgotten to switch off his security, he chuckles to himself and sits back in his seat again. The Jedi Knight continues to monitor the communications when he hears a slight scuffle behind him...he swings his chair around and his eyes dart across the room. He reaches out with the force but can sense nothing, presently he sees the tail of a small creature run behind one of the large computers. He smiles slightly then stands up and walks across the room. All of a sudden the creature leaps out at him and latches onto his chest. "Ysalamiri!" He shouts in surprise as he reaches for his Lightsaber. He looks down only to find that it's not there. "Looking for this?" Boricua hears a voice ask behind him...he turns only to find Mara Jade standing in front of him. "How did you get in here?!" He demands. "How I always do," Answers Mara as she slices Boricua's Lightsaber in half with her own, "someone let me in." ::Boricua's eyes narrow as Mara raises her Lightsaber to his neck:: "This could actually be quite pleasant," Mara smiles, "just as long as you remember who's holding the deadly weapon." ::Mara thinks for a moment:: "You have a ship don't you?" ::Boricua nods his head:: "Take me to it." ::Boricua grumbles slightly then starts down the long hallway. The awkward couple makes their way to the hanger unnoticed as the halls of the Temple are nearly empty at this hour, and board the Afrodisiako:: "Plot a course for Narnoon please," says Mara as she places her arm around Boricua's shoulder and sits him down in the pilot seat. She puts her hand on the Ysalamiri's head and pets him gently. Boricua navigates the Afrodisiako skillfully and brings in out of the hanger. Once they kick in to Hyperdrive Mara takes a seat next to Boricua...still keeping the Lightsaber pinned to his neck:: "Contact the Lounge Lizard...tell him you've been ambushed and need his help."
Jan 19th, 2000, 09:59:53 AM
I LOVe oasis-there my favourite! SO I'am very exited becouse there new LP is coming in a few days(and months).I AM SO HAppy -i JUST SAW THERE FIRST VIDEO-CLIP from the new LP and it ROCKS....... QUEEN ROCKS, OASIS RULE !:))))))))))))))))))
Jan 20th, 2000, 12:03:31 AM
::Diamond steps into the control room of Rama Sha's ship, the Star Phoenix. Rama is busy checking the screens in front of him and muttering about freezing his @ss off on Narnoon, so consequently, he doesn't hear her enter. She notices a sheaf of papers streaming out of the print slot. Knowing that Rama is too busy to catch them, Diamond gathers them up and walks over to the copilot seat. She sits down and hands Rama the papers:: Here, thought these might be important. ::Rama looks over at Diamond, mildly shocked to see her sitting next to him. He takes the papers, rifles through them, then turns his attention back to the screens:: I figured you could use some company. Narnoon's quite a way's away. "Yeah, and it's cold as h~ll, too."
Jan 20th, 2000, 12:31:03 AM
::Boricua contacts LL as the sith demanded, he then tried to relax:: DB (to himself):"Before I was kidnapped I contacted Obi and Yoghurt, it will be a matter of time until they miss me and find that my ship is gone, they will soon realize the situation and follow us to Narnoon. Hopefully with a big group of jedi. If there was only a way I could tell LL what the sith are up to" Mara:"We have communication with LL, Speak!" Boricua:"Calm down, I will do as I'm told"
Rama Sha
Jan 20th, 2000, 12:33:22 AM
"Hope yoi packed your winter coat." ::A red light blinks on the Phoniexs control panel. Rama flips a switch and Mara appears on the main screen.:: Mara: You guys better get moving. Im drawing the Jedi away, but it won't take long before thet figure out what Im up too. ::Rama looks arcoss to Dia:: "You heard her. Strap yourself in. R6 Heat up the engines." ::A low hum can be heard and then a loud roar. The ship lifts a few feet off the ground and begins to turn towards the open hanger bay entrance. It then slowly creeps out, and heads straight up. The phoniex breaks orbit and picks up speed as it moves away from the planet.:: "Eternal life here we come." ::The Phoniex jumps into Hyperspace.::
Jan 20th, 2000, 02:31:22 AM
::Bromine strides swiftly through the Sith headquarters, checking systems and making adjustments. It's hard running a base virtually on my own! I sure hope no jedi try to take advantage of the situation and attack! ;) Of course, first you'd have to know where our HQ is, and probably you'd want to have an idea about what it looks like. Oh, well, guess I'm safe ri----- </font><font color="GREEN">------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION---------------------- Planet: unnamed Climate: cold, rainy Terrain: mountainous, scrub brush, some forest patches Atmosphere: within standard tolerable limits Gravity: within standard tolerable limits <A HREF=>SAT5: Sith HQ (2) (>SAT5:) Armament: - 4-8(?) heavy quad laser turrets - 4+(?) heavy dual-repeating multi-directional laser mounts - 1 high-power orbital range ion cannon - high-yield proton torpedoes(?) - proton torpedo launchers(?) * DATA INCOMPLETE * Defenses: - stonesteel composite armour - Local Area Shield System (L.A.S.S.) -currently not active - advanced sensor package with early warning system - combat droid garrison(?) * DATA INCOMPLETE * END TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------</FONT> ...What the....? Ah, stupid Hubble! Always poking around where it doesn't belong. ;)
Rama Sha
Jan 20th, 2000, 03:21:25 PM
::The phoniex exits hyperspace and dives toward the planet:: ::Rama turns to Dia:: "Try to find the nearsest settlement to the peak." ::Dia punchs several buttons on the console in front of her:: "There is one right at the foot of the mountain." "Well thats where we are headed then." ::The ship breaks through the atmosphere.::
Master Yoghurt
Jan 20th, 2000, 10:09:59 PM
*Yoghurt sat with a hydro spanner in his tiny green hand, in a engine pit near the reactor core of the YT-1300, tightening a bolt on the alluvial damper. The power coupling on the negative axis had been replaced. A shortcut and a resulting powerfailure in the middle of hyperspace, did not sound as Yog's idea of fun, so that replacement was necessary. There! The alluvial damper was firmly fastened.. ship was ready for space travel* Yoghurt climbed out of the engine pit and hurried to the comlink, contacting Boricua.. "Boricua, the ship is ready and we are set to go!" *No response* "Commander Boricua, this is Captain Yoghurt, commander of Ravenwing airforces reporting.. do you copy? *Still no reponse* "Commander Boricua, are you there?" *Silence* What had happened? Had they left without him allready? No, that was impossible.. no order to take off had been given yet. Yoghurt looked out of the cabin window of his ship. Hmmm.. Boricuas ship, the "Afrodisiako" was not in the temple hangar any longer... Yoghurt was getting worried...
Master Yoghurt
Jan 20th, 2000, 10:15:10 PM
:::closes eyes.. using the force.. images of the past, the present and the future flashes in mind.. friends.. senses something.. no!::: **wakes up from trance with realization what has happened!** Yoghurt darts up and yells at a hangar droid playing holo chess with a R2-unit: - Yoghurt: "Load all weapons, refuel and get ready for take off!" - Droid: "That does not compute! According to protocoll 234a.." - Yoghurt: "We are going to Narnoon!" - Droid: "But sir!" (allmost shortcuts) - Yoghurt: "Now!!!"
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 20th, 2000, 10:59:06 PM
::LL is in transit to Narnoon when a green indicator light flashes on his console. Incoming Transmission: From Jedi Boricua. LL finished eating his herb soub and patched the holonet reciever on. Jedi Boricua was sitting at his desk, his face like a statue.:: LL: Master Boricua, how may I help you? Boricua: Padawan Lizard, you are required on Coruscant at once, there has been an attack, and we are shorthanded to combat the attackers. ::LL noticed that Darth Boricua was blinking alot, almost as if he had something in his eyes, but he was blinking them both together in broken repetition:: LL: (concerned) Master, can you give me more information? Boricua: No, padawan, I cannot. All I can say is that your presence is requested at once. ::The transmission was starting to break up, which was very odd. Holonet communications had a reputation for remarkable clarity. LL scratched his head in puzzlement:: LL: Master, your communication is breaking up. I'm not sure exactly what's happen... ::The Oozaru II was rocked by a laser blast. The Holonet transmission ceased immediately. LL scrambled for his controls. He accessed the scanners and visuals. A large bubble-shaped black craft was swooping across his flight path, laser batteries pouring out a fearsome barrage. LL immediately recognized the distinctive ship....The Nal Hutta.:: LL: What the Hell? What are the Hutts doing coming after me? ::LL manned the nav controls, as the Oozaru II banked and dove around the firepower. The Saiyan Interdictor was very lightly armed with only defensive laser cannons...partly because LL preferred to settle his disputes man to man instead of in space. The Interdictor was, however, blessed with ungodly amounts of speed and maneuverability. LL throttled the engines, and the Oozaru II began to execute mind-boggling evasives, lurching out of the kill zone. As he was evading, LL activated Holonet to communicate with the Jedi Temple:: LL: Lounge Lizard to Boricua... ::Crackle:: LL: Lounge Lizard to Turbogeek... ::static:: LL: Lounge Lizard to any active Jedi... ::buzz:: ::Holonet was dead. The Hutts must have a poly-dimensional fractal holojammer...the only way they could pull a stunt like that.:: LL: Damn! ::All of a sudden the audio communications opened up, and a familiar voice was heard:: Jabba: Bosska ja nooba danji, ko meliana toob! LL: can go to Hell before I do that! ::Okay, LL the Hutts wanted him in their custody. Some fat-assed slugs were gonna die tonight. LL spun the Oozaru II on a dime, coming 180 degrees on the Nal Hutta. The Interdictor's engines blazed white-hot, as the sleek metallic-white craft bolted straight toward the Hutt flagship.:: ::Aboard the Nal Hutta, Jabba the Hutt licked his slimy mouth with delight. The Lounge Lizard had bought into his psychological mindgames. He knew that the battle-hardened warrior would carry armageddon to the four corners of the universe before he ever surrendered. What he didn't know was that the Nal Hutta was carrying a TEK-8 Quad Tractor Beam Emitter, the top of the line, capable of speed compensation dampening...which allowed it to snatch even very fast objects without harming them. The slovenly Hutt reached into a golden bowl and grabbed an eel, biting its head and slurping it into his mouth like a piece of spaghetti. With a disgusting belch, he raised his hand to his tactical officer, Klaatu.:: Jabba: Daa tubi cha kodo banka! Klaatu: Yes, Mighty Jabba. ::Before the orders could be carried out, the Oozaru II started a wicked strafing run, hammering the bridge of the Nal Hutta with rapid shots. The lights in Jabba's bridge dimmed, and a few panels began to spark. Jabba roared in anger at his shield operator, and pressed a button. The shield operator, Barada, was tossed out of his seat and into a trap door, to a large room under the bridge. He screamed in horror at the creature coming to meet him, a very large creature that resembled a hippopotamus, but at least three times larger. The gigantic monster rumbled toward him, scooped him up in his enormous mouth, bit him in half, and began to gnaw on the upper half of the hapless officer before swallowing his torso. Jabba laughed a mighty laugh, picked up an otter-like creature from a box and bit its head off, as he wrapped his fleshy tail around his frightened Twi'Lek dancing girl:: Jabba: Kos padana! ::The Nal Hutta's foremounted cargo pod opened, and a pale blue beam flowed from it, enveloping the Oozaru II. The Interdictor smoothly and rapidly reduced speed, following precise speed and trajectory into the cavernous maw of the cargo bay. LL cursed under his breath. Why did he even bother doing that. The Oozaru could have danced circles around the Nal Hutta...but he HAD to settle the score, didn't he? Well, it was time to make his appointment with the Mighty Jabba::
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 21st, 2000, 02:22:17 AM
::The Oozaru II touched down in the Nal Hutta's cargo bay. LL snatched his lightsaber in his hand and ran to the egress hatch. The door slid open, and then the Force went blank. There truly isn't a way to fully describe the feeling of losing touch with the Force, but a close one would be to numb your body with novacaine, put way-too-thick glasses on, stuff cotton in your ears, and increase your weight by a hundred pounds. It is quite humbling, and LL blinked hard when it happened. The door finished opening, and a complement of Gamorrean guards walked in, oinking with delight. Each of them had a backpack with a ysalamir in it.:: LL: Damn it. ::LL had lost the use of the Force, but not of his training. Even without his natural talents, he was one of the best martial artists in the galaxy, and still posed more of a threat emptyhanded than most men did with automatic blasters. The lead Gamorrean drooled a little as he grabbed at the neck of LL's shirt and pulled him forward. It was the last mistake that Gamorrean would ever make. In a flash, LL grabbed the pig-guard's hand, snapped it like a twig, pulled the broken hand towards him, and with the other hand, used a palm strike to jam the Gamorrean's snout into his brain. The guard fell to the deck with a thud, bleeding from his destroyed nose. The other guards squealed with alarm. One thrust his stun stick at LL, who dodged it, kicked it to the ground, and used the leverage of the kick to hop up on the guard's torso. He grabbed the Gamorrean's jowled jaw and the back of his head, and sprung off his torso, turning to kick another guard in the face. The turn broke the neck of the first guard, who also fell dead. Another guard tried to sneak from behind, but the Padawan used his flexibility to his advantage. He brought his right foot up in an extreme axe kick, smashing the guard on the forehead. The pig-creature stammered back in a daze, and LL brought the same leg back down, bent the knee, and used it to snap the Gamorrean's knee joint. The guard fell in sobbing squeals of agony. Another came to attack, charging with his stun stick at bear. LL grabbed the stick, pulled it forward, and used his prone right hand with fingers extended to finger-jab the guard in his throat, crushing the windpipe. Several other Gamorreans fell in the same manner, but LL could not stem the tide. The drooling pigs finally overwhelmed him, shocking him into unconciousness with their stun sticks. Ten Gamorreans died to kill a padawan with no force power.:: ::When the Lounge Lizard woke, he was seated in a chair on the Nal Hutta's bridge. An entourage of Gamorreans were huddled around the room's perimeter, ready to lend assistance to their master if needed. And of course...Jabba was seated high on his dais, gloating over his new-found prize:: Jabba: Panka nada chee ban tassa! Protocol droid: The Mighty Jabba says... LL: I KNOW what he said. I am fluent in Huttese. Protocol droid: Oh my, he is rude. LL: Jabba...I'm severely questioning your sanity in this matter. I don't take kindly to this type of treatment, to say the least. I'm on a special mission right now, and I DO NOT need setbacks. Let me go immediately, and nothing will come of this. However, if you refuse, then everyone of you will die today. Jabba: HO HO HO HO HO!! ::The disgusting Hutt yanked the chain on his Twi'Lek slave girl, who fell back against his blubbery stomach. A slimy hand stroked her lekku. Jabba barked a command to a lackey, and he brought a large thick plated metal box to the edge of his dais. LL interpreted in his head what Jabba said next.:: Jabba: Lounge Lizard, it appears a hefty price has been put on your head. So hefty, in fact, that I must supervise your capture myself. LL: I have many enemies, Jabba. You're going to have to be much more specific. Jabba: (to the guards and attendants) Leave us. ::The Gamorreans and others filed out of the room. LL immediately felt the force come back to him, as the ysalamir-weilding guards left. He smiled a wry little smile:: Jabba: HO HO HO HO HO! ::He opened the lid of the box, and removed a ysalamir.:: Jabba: As you can see, I have planned out every contingency. ::Jabba lifted the creature up and opened his gaping mouth. He shoved the ysalamir head-first into his mouth and began to gulp the rather large creature down, bit by bit. His slimy tongue pulled in the last bit, and the ysalamir was seen no more:: Jabba: Mmmm. The ysalamir are quite delicious, and as long as it is in my belly, you cannot dare pose me any harm. ::LL felt the force die away yet again:: LL: You underestimate me. ::With a burst of speed, LL sprang from the chair. He charged the fat slug and jumped for a flying kick...when all of a sudden Jabba unlashed his tail from around the Twi'Lek girl and swung it to LL, catching him and twining it around his entire body, suspending him in the air in front of Jabba. The Hutt began to constrict his tail around the Padawan with incredible strength:: Jabba: Lizard, you are a fool. I might be an obese slug, but I am a killer...and I do my deeds myself when I have to. I've crushed cattle for food with my tail before, so what do you think it would do to a small little creature such as yourself. Mara wants you alive, so you are going to be delivered alive. Do not make me change my mind. If I kill you, nobody will ever find out, because... ::The Hutt licked his chops evilly:: ...I always eat what I kill. ::LL's face was beet-red with the strain of the tail, and after several long moments, Jabba loosened his grip. The padawan dropped to his knees, gasping for air.:: ::The grotesque Hutt turned to his very frightened Twi'Lek slave girl:: Jabba: You were supposed to leave with the others! My conversation with this man was supposed to be CONFIDENTIAL!!! ::Jabba's rage at the girl was palpable, and the mortified girl slowly tried to distance herself from the Hutt. He caught her by her chain, and he slowly began to drag the terrified slave back to him. As Jabba talked, runny saliva dripped from his mouth, down his chin. As LL lay powerless on the floor, gasping for air, he realized what was about to happen, to his horror.:: Jabba: None of this conversation I have said must leave this room. I know I will not tell anyone, and the Padawan will soon be the property of the Lordess Mara Jade, so he will be silenced....but what about YOU? I cannot trust you...because what would happen if you were freed from your captivity? You would quickly tell everything you know! ::The Twi'Lek, Taynassa, was frantic with fear, almost about to pass out. She whimpered in her desperation:: Taynassa: ::The Hutt licked his chops again, and kept dragging Taynassa toward him. Once she was near him, he wrapped his huge tail around her and began to squeeze:: LL: (gasping) Jabba....don't! ::The Hutt laughed evilly as he constricted his prey. Taynassa began to turn blue, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. After a while longer, the girl was dead. Jabba promply took her corpse in his hands and began to eat her. Slowly he pulled her body into his cavernous mouth, swallowing her whole. It took fifteen minutes for her body to be swallowed, but Jabba finally raised his hand and pushed the girls one remaining foot through his lips. He yawned his mouth wide, closed it, gave one last large gulp, and Taynassa was gone. Jabba contentedly licked his lips...savoring his recent meal.:: LL: You are a MONSTER, Jabba! Jabba: (after a hideous belch) Yes, I am a monster, but you are the one in this monster's clutches. HO HO HO HO!! ::Jabba's tail wagged in his arrogance. LL took to his seat, and tried to meditate, to block out the horror::
Lady Mara Jade
Jan 21st, 2000, 09:39:21 PM
Mara looks over at Boricua then flips on the communications screen. After a few moments Rama Sha and Diamond appear. Mara smiles slightly, pleased to see that they are both doing well. "The Lounge Lizard has been taken care of," she tells them. Slightly surprised, Rama moves closer to the screen. "How did you manage that?" He asks. Mara pauses for a moment then answers. "Jabba came though for us." "Jabba huh?" Rama sits back in his seat folds his arms in front of his chest, "Hope you know what you're doing." Diamond glances at Rama then leans forward with an intense look on her face. "What about the jedi?" She asks, "What can we expect from them?" "The jedi will be occupied for quite some time," Mara answers, "Before Boricua and I left Coruscant he had contacted Master Yoghurt and Obiwan. I assume the jedi masters are quite concerned by this time. Yoghurt and Obiwan will probably follow us but I will have Boricua tell them what happened to The Lounge Lizard. After that Boricua and I will meet Jabba and his fleet, then wait for the jedi." With that Diamond says goodbye and they end the communication. Mara turns her attention toward Boricua. "Contact Coruscant please, and inform the other jedi that The Lounge Lizard has been captured by Jabba the Hutt. After you are finished head for Jabba's fleet."
Rama Sha
Jan 22nd, 2000, 05:44:15 PM
::Rama reclines in his chair:: Rama:Did you hear that? Our troubles are over. Now we can take our own time getting the first stone. Dia: I don't know I got an uneasy feeling about all of this. Rama: Your just parniod. Dia: I don't think the Jedi will just let us walk right up there and get it. They will undoubtly send someone to stop us. Rama: They got bigger fish to fry right now. ::Rama gets up out of the pilots seat and moves to the cargo hold of the ship. He begins to put on his artic gear. Dia follows him back and does the same.:: Dia: I just don't think we should be so c ocky about this. We should expect danger. Rama: Hey you know me........ ::Rama picks up a large blaster rifle:: Rama: Im a cautious guy.
Rama Sha
Jan 23rd, 2000, 07:18:45 PM
::Rama lowers the boarding ramp, and a gust of cold wind comes seeping in:: Rama: Whooooooooooaaaaaaaa.......Ok, thats kinda cold. ::Rama makes his way down the ramp, and scans the horizon. The snow is blinding:: Rama: I don't see anything! ::Dia comes down the ramp with a small scanner in her hands:: Dia: There are engery signatures that way, I imagine that is where the town is. Rama: Ok, but we are not going to get there on foot. ::Rama presses a button on the bottom of the Phoniex and the cargo elevator lowers. Sitting on the elevator is a modifed Speeder bike.:: Dia: Where did you get that? Rama: Had Bromine modify up one the other speeder bikes for Cold wheater condtions just before we left. ::Rama climbs on the bike:: Rama: Well? Get on. We don't have much time. ::Dia climbs on the speeder zips off toward the town.::
Jan 24th, 2000, 12:38:02 AM
::Back in the Afrodisiako:: Mara:"YOu! Call your jedi friends and tell them to meet you at Jabba's fleet. You've better not use the Force because I'll kill you" Boricua:"Yes I know! I'm setting communication as we speak" ::Boricua hated this, he had already lead LL to a deadly trap and he was determined not to lead Yoghurt, obiwan2 and the Ravenwing to the same fate. But without the Force there was no way of contacting Yoghurt, or was it?:: Boricua:"Hello?" ::Yoghurt's face appears on the screen:: Yoghurt:"OH thank the Force you are alright, we were worried sick once we found out your ship was gone" Boricua:"Yes I am very good. Sorry I left without informing all of you but I found out of something terrible. LL has been sent to a trap, Jabba the Hutt has him prisoner, and the information said that he was going to be sent to Mara herself. I need you and Obi to sent the Ravenwing to where Jabba's fleet is and rescue LL. I will send you the coordinates" ::Sending transmision:: Yohgurt:"Got them, I'll see you there" Boricua: "May the Force be with YOU" ::Transmission over:: Yoghurt: "Obiwan2. I need to talk to you inmediatly!" Obi2: "YES" Yoghurt: "I just contacted Jedi Boricua, he is doing fine. He has informed me that LL is being held hostage by Jabba the Hutt." Obi2: "Lounge Lizard! This is bad" Yoghurt: "You ain't heard nothing yet. As I spoke with Boricua he began using the secret codes we learned at the academy, remember?" Obiwan2: "Of course, blinking, moving your eyes in a certain direction. No jedi forget such things" Yoghurt: "Precisely. He told me that he was under Mara's custody and that she was sending us to a trap. Once we arrive at Jabba's fleet the place will be filled with sith and guards waiting for our arrival. He also gave me expecific orders to send only the ground force of the ravenwing to Jabba's fleet, they must carry armors and heavy weapons, and to send the air force to Narnoon where Rama Sha is planning of stealing some sort of stone at the temple on top of the mountain" Obiwan2: "Jabba, fleet, Temple, it. The Ravenwing will be ready in an hour" Yoghurt: "Good, see you in the main hangar in an hour" Obiwan2: "Roger, roger"
Rama Sha
Jan 24th, 2000, 04:18:10 AM
::Rama looked around the bar, Dia entered behind him.:: Rama: We are going to have to get to the top of the mountain some how. ::Rama glances over to the bartender. He approachs the bar, and leans against it.:: Rama: Im trying to get to the top of the mountain you know anyone who can help us. Bartender: I might. Rama: well could you might tell me. Bartender: For a price. Rama: How about for your life? Bartender: What? Rama: I let you live, if you tell me what I want to know. Bartender: Listen bub. I don't know who you think you are, but no one threatens me in my place. Rama: Oh really.... ::Rama begins to draw back his fist, but Dia stops him.:: Dia: We cant afford to get trouble with the local law when we are this close. Let me talk to him. ::Rama backs away from the bar, and Dia moves up and begins to talk with the Barkeep. Rama can't make out what they are saying. After a few mins Dia moves away from the bar and towards a table. Rama follows and takes a seat:: Dia: He says that there are mines up there and a hover train runs almost to the peak. We can stow away aboard the train and make our way up. Rama: What did you say to him? Dia: My secert. ::Rama rolls his eyes:: Rama: So how do the miners survie the tempature up there? Dia: The miners are Cogs, a native creature with limited intlegence. They do the mining for these ppl. Rama: Well looks like we got a train to catch.
Rama Sha
Jan 25th, 2000, 03:01:41 PM
::A hover train makes it way across the frozen ground. A speeder bike comes flying up behind it:: Dia: We missed it! Rama: Not yet we havn't. ::Rama Pulls the bike up next to the last car on the train:: Rama: JUMP!! ::Dia stands on the back of the bike and jumps to the car. Rama then pulls the bike behind the train and jumps ands barely grabs the hand rail. Dia pulls him up and over the rail, behind them the speeder bike is crashs and explodes:: Dia: Bromine is going to be pissed. Rama: Belive it or not this is the fun part.
Jabba the Hutt
Jan 25th, 2000, 06:07:57 PM
A comlink is established between the Afrodisiako and the Nal Hutta: ::Nal Hutta communications officer Rangool appears on screen. Bows to greet the Sith leader.. a faint smile is visible on Mara's lips. Rangool breaks the silence:: "Greetings, oh mighty Sith Lordess Lady Mara Jade. His exalted one and his mighty fleet are on its way with the cargo to be delivered. Fleet will arrive in a short while." Mara: Is the cargo.. undamaged? Rangool: Yes Mara: Good, make sure it keeps that way Rangool: As long as Jabba is paid a fair amount of money for his troubles, he.. Mara: As long as Jabba delivers "the cargo" to me unharmed, he will receive his bounty. We will await your fleet for rendezvous. The unsuspecting Jedi will have a surprise... **Transmission out** In Huttan translated: Jabba: Did you send the Holonet message? Rangool: Yes, Jabba Jabba: Good, hope Mara keeps her part of the deal.. ::The Nal Hutta moved out of Coruscant amosphere. In orbit, the rest of Jabba's fleet waited:: Now, nothing can prevent the Jedi from doom! I will be able to perform my businesses uninterupted in the future and I will be rich beyond imagination! HO-HO-HO-HO-HO! LL: No, you will never succeed.. Jabba: We shall see.. meanwhile, would you like some eels?
Master Yoghurt
Jan 25th, 2000, 06:25:48 PM
Yoghurt to a protocol droid: "What a piece of junk you are! You have still not analysed the data we picked up?" Droid: I am sorry Sir, but I have been busy charging up my batteries.. I really needed that and the oil bath.. ah, wonderfull.. Yog: Enough! You had your chances.. I have no time for this crap Droid: But, but, but Sir! ::turns off the droid:: The future of the galaxy is at stake.. we can not afford to fail! ::Opens a hololink to Darth Turbogeek:: (DT is polishing his frying pan with some cloth) *DT: Yoghurt! What is up? Don't tell me you want to loan my favorite pan for frying more bacon? I have spent the entire day cleaning up the burnt fat! *Yog: No, I am afraid this is far more serious.. *DT: Hmm.. and what might that be? *Yog: Could you check a transmission we picked up on a Sith channel a while ago? If the information is correct, this could be the Sith Headquarters we have been looking for! We have not found the planet it is on. If you could locate their base, perhaps you could go there with a team and catch them off guarde? *DT: I am terrible busy right now, but I will see what I can do! *Yog: Excellent. Meanwhile, I will go to Narnoon with Ravenwing Airforces to prevent Rama Sha and Diamond from whatever business they are up to. Obi will head for Jabba's and Mara's fleet to rescue LL and Boricua with his ground forces. *DT: Good, now let me finish my work.. ::DT continues polishing frying pan with calm::
Master Yoghurt
Jan 25th, 2000, 06:43:26 PM
::Yoghurt makes a final check of his ship.. all weapons and equipment loaded.. everything is ready:: Yog: "This is Green leader! Wingmen, launch your ships at my signal!" Darth Ace: "Green 1 standing by! Jik Poki: "Green 2 standing by!" Obiwan2: "This is blue leader.. we set for Jabba's fleet.. so long Yog!" Yog: "May the force be with you!" ::The Ravenwing ships engage engines with a thunder. They fly into the Coruscant sky at top speed, and as Gravity faints, the ships reach orbit.. the ships line up in formation. Inside the heavily modified YT-1300, Yoghurt plots the coordinates for Narnoon in the navigation computer:: Jump to light speed! ::The galaxy brightens and they move faster, almost as if crashing a barrier. Stars become streaks as the ships makes the jump to hyperspace::
Rama Sha
Jan 25th, 2000, 10:13:04 PM
::Rama peers over the ridge with hisMircobinoculars. He see's alrge gray beast walking on the hinds legs go in and out of a mine entrance.:: Rama:Well those must be the Cogs. Dia: The Barkeep said they can talk, just not very well. Rama: well I suggest we find one to question. ::Rama spots a strangler:: Rama: and thats one we want. ::As the Cog tries to catch up with the others, he gets hit from behind with a small rock. He quickly turns around.:: Cog: Who hit me?!?!? ::Rama peers out from behind the rock, and makes an unkind gesture. The now angered Cog charges him. A large thud can be heard from behind the rock as the Cog is knocked out.:: ::The Cog begiens to awake and can hear voices:: Dia: It smells so bad. Rama: Not to preatty either. Hey look he is awake. Cog: What Cog do here. Rama: We just want to ask you about the Temple up there. Cog: Cog was only in there once........i didn't take anything I swears. Rama: You have been in there? Cog: only once, promise Rama: How did you get in? Cog: through mine hole. Rama: Show us.
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 26th, 2000, 12:09:17 AM
::Nighttime. Everyone in the throneroom is asleep. LL is roused in his sleep by a familiar sensation...the Force was back. Jabba's ysalimir must have been digested. Excellent. LL stretched out with his feelings...searching for a familiar item:: HUMMMMMMM..... ::The Hutt woke up to the sound, and his eyes widened at what he saw. LL's lightsaber was extended inches from his face. LL had a smirk across his face. The Hutt stammered for a while:: LL: Now communications to the rest of the ship. ::Jabba reluctantly did so.:: LL: (over the Commlink) This is the Lounge Lizard. I have taken Jabba as my hostage. If your master and you for that matter are to remain must release ALL ysalimir on this ship out the nearest airlock, or I will destroy this ship. Jabba: How....we can quickly take back your Force powers. LL: Yes...(snickers)...yes you can. But, I wouldn't advise it. ::LL opens his right palm, as a vein bulges on his forehead:: LL: EEEIIIAAAAAAARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!! ::A white sphere of energy forms in his hand, which begins to crackle with power:: LL: You see Jabba, if ysalimir are brought near me, then I will lose my power to contain this energy sphere...and this would cause the entire ship to explode. Do I make myself clear? Jabba: Yes...very. LL: Then confirm my order. Dump them all out the airlock...or everyone here will die. ::Jabba took the comm:: Jabba: Paka do sanja denka, mee pu dolo banda!! ::A phalanx of Gammoreans burst from a turboshaft, and began charging LL with force pikes. LL smiled, and with a wild look in his eyes, punched straight through one, which exploded in a shower of red. He grabbed another by the face, and threw him through a bulkhead, causing a hull breach, and sucking EVERYONE except LL and the heavyset Jabba out the hole. A force field sealed the breach, and it was the two of them once again.:: LL: Do you want to live, or do you want to die? Jabba: Live...I want to live! LL: Here's what you must do then. Evacuate all areas from here to the cargo bay. If I see another living being, they will die, and I will throw this energy sphere at your ship as I leave, just in spite. So don't cross me! I want total privacy from here to my ship. When my vessel leaves, do not follow, or I will come back on board and destroy you all. Those are my conditions. Do you accept? Jabba: Y...yes. LL: Good. You aren't as stupid as you look. Now let me be on my way. ::Jabba opened the hatchway, and LL began his way to the cargo bay. Along his way, the Gamorreans who were guarding the Oozaru II didn't get Jabba's orders in time. LL smiled at them, and decapitated all of them with one flat-handed neck chop. An observer opened the comm with Jabba.:: Observer: Mighty Jabba...LL is escaping, our guards have been killed around his ship! Jabba: THOSE FOOLS!!!!!! Evacuate the ship immediately...HE'LL KILL US ALL!!!!!!! Observer: Y...yes of course, Mighty Jabba! ::Throngs of crew and guards made a mad dash for the nearest escape pods, of which there were too few. Mighty Jabba of course escaped via his space yacht. LL climbed aboard the gangway of his ship, and true to his word, he threw the energy sphere. As LL blasted off, the sphere sliced through bulkhead after bulkhead, blowing away entire sections of the Nal Hutta. The Oozaru II throttled away from the dying ship, as a blinding fireball consumed Jabba's flagship, taking most hands on deck with it.:: LL: Fools...they shouldn't have tried. Now, back to the communication with Boricua. ::LL played the transmission again, and picked up the coded message in his blinking:: LL: So...they're planning a trap. I must go to Narnoon immediately! ::The Oozaru II resumed its travels via hyperspace, while Jabba's yacht limped back to Tattoine::
Jan 26th, 2000, 01:12:33 AM
*Meanwhile on Narnoon, Videl who has been sitting in her spacepod in case she is needed, senses a ki coming towards the planet* Videl:"What the hell? That ki is familiar..Oh no...this is not good, I better tell Rama.." *Begins to track Rama's ki, and finds it, then teleports to where Rama and Dia are* Rama and Dia look surprized to see her, and she tells them about the ki she felt* Videl:"This is not good. LL is coming, and he isn't happy about what you are doing."
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:31:10 AM
::LL checks his ETA...and it is not good.:: LL: Damn it. Too slow, even for hyperdrive. Well, there IS one thing I can do. ::LL sets the Oozaru II on autopilot, to Narnoon's orbit, then the Saiyajin teleports to Narnoon, right in front of Rama, Diamond, and Videl. The three break off their conversation and stare at LL, who is DEFINITELY in a murky mood, perpetually scowling:: LL: Trying to throw a party without me? How rude. Well...? Don't you have anything to say, or perhaps I should BEAT IT OUT OF YOU! You tried to do the same to me! EEEEIIIAAARRRGGHHH!!!! ::LL fires a chi blast at Diamond, who is completely taken by suprise. The chi blast impales her, and she flies through a mountain, then onto a mound of rubble, twitching and burned. LL smirks at the two Saiyajins:: LL: Well Videl, privy me seeing YOU here. After all, I thought you were no Sith. Don't make this your won't like the outcome.
Rama Sha
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:41:53 AM
Wasn't expecting you so soon. ::Looks over at Videl.:: You got a choice to make, you want to leave I won't hold it against you. But I could use your help.
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:43:48 AM
I may not be a sith..but I'm not leaving...
Rama Sha
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:49:35 AM
Ok.... ITS SHOWTIME!!!!!!!!! ::A green glow engulfs Rama as he powers up::
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:51:25 AM
*Videl powers to SSJ4*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:56:14 AM
::thrawn dosent know whats happening cause he didnt wait for the thread to download he just went to reply so... hell be going now::
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 26th, 2000, 03:17:53 AM
Straight for the jugular, eh Videl...well that's fine by me! EEEIIIAAAGGHHHH!!!!!! TO KIEN...VIDELPAR!!!!! ::LL powers up to SSJ4 as well:: Its going to be interesting now. We've previously beaten each other to a stalemate. Now, what will we do. ::LL rushes to punch Videl, and as his fist connects with her abdomen, the fist releases a Chi blast the size of a house, shooting her miles away, through a mountain::
Jan 27th, 2000, 12:13:50 AM
::Back in the Afrodisiako. The ship reaches the randevouz point where Mara was supposed to meet Jabba the Hutt:: Mara:"No one here. Are you sure this is place" Boricua: "Positive" Mara: "The slob is going to pay for this, but not now. Set course for Narnoon. I am going to get some rest now. Contact your jedi friends and tell to come to Narnoon. I have a few surprises for them" ::Mara then left the room and went to her quarters:: Boricua: "This is my chance to contact Yoghurt" ::A green small figure appears on one monitor:: Yoghurt: "Commander Boricua! We are currently on course to where Jabba is suppose to be" Boricua: "Change of plans, Jabba did not keep his part of the deal, he is not here. Change your course to Narnoon and aid Obiwan2 and his forces" Yoghurt: "Sir, with all due respect. The Jedi HQ has intercepted a communication thought to be from the sith hidding place. I have talked with DT about it and I am asking for permission to attack it" Boricua: "hmmm, since most of the sith are currently searching for this stone, that means the temple is vulnerable to any attack. Yoghurt do me proud!" Master Yoghurt: "I will" Boricua: "may the force be with you"
Jan 27th, 2000, 12:40:55 PM
Back at sith hq auriga works on repairing the Nova Jackal, he tightens the last bolt " This should do it" He starts her up and a smile spreads across his face once he hears the familiar deep hum of the hyperdrive. Exhausted, he starts to go outside when an alarm is heard, Auriga turns swiftly on his heel and realizes what ths means. He goes to the ship's computer and his heart sinks once he sees several jedi ships moving into the sector "Looks like we're going to have company" he activates the intercom " Mara, attack is imminent I repeat attack is imminent do you copy?"
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 27th, 2000, 01:34:57 PM
::LL and Rama face off. The Sith Saiyajin goes SSJ, and the Jedi follows suit. The two stare at each other for a while...then LL extends a right hand. Slowly, Rama locks fingers with that hand, and the same with the other hand. A fiery gold aura begins to envelop them, as they grapple. LL's brow furrows and his eyes narrow to slits....:: Both: EEEEIIIIAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! ::The fire aura explodes with power, and a shockwave begins to uproot trees up to five acres away. The Saiyajins continue to grapple::
Rama Sha
Jan 27th, 2000, 02:39:27 PM
::Rama struugles to push LL Back:: Why don't you just come with me LL, it won't do you any good to get this stone. You will still need the other three. Come with me and we will find the stones and live forever!!!!
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 27th, 2000, 02:51:04 PM
::LL stared at Rama and laughed:: LL:What, didn't Videl tell you? I used the Dragonballs to wish for immortality! I don't need the stone...only to prevent you from having it. I want to ensure I maintain my monopoly on eternal life! HAHAHAHA!!!!! ::LL continues to grapple, and begins to gain the upper hand, as the fire aura sets the landscape ablaze::
Jan 27th, 2000, 06:57:43 PM
*Videl teleports behind LL, and elbows him in the back, LL falls to the ground...While he is unconsious, Videl brings out seven green balls with stars on them* "I have found another batch of Dragonballs, LL." *A large black dragon appears* "I wish for LL to be sent to the Dead Zone for one year, and that no one can wish for him to be let out." "Second I wish for his immortality to be taken away.." "And third, I wish for all his ki to be taken away and all weapons he may have such as another set of Dragonballs, lightsabers or sensu beans to be also taken away during the time he is locked in the Dead Zone." "For my fourth wish, he can not get out in any way, he must remain in the Dead Zone, if he tries to get out, he will be killed on the spot.." "For my last wish, he is never to be allowed to have immortality ever again." "Your wishes have been granted." *LL's ki fades and he is sucked into the Dead Zone, the portal closes, trapping him for one year.*
Rama Sha
Jan 27th, 2000, 07:35:21 PM
Rama: Why didn't you tell me he was immortal? ::Rama looks around, we have to hurry the other Jedi will be here soon. Rama Then looks up to where Dia landed:: Rama: Dia! ::Rama climbs up the side of the mountain and finds Dia, she is in a bad way:: Rama: Can you stand? Dia: No, both my legs are broke. Rama: Hold on we'll get you out of here. ::Rama pulls out a small box form his utlity belt and presses the button. In the distance the Phoniex's engines can be heard. Rama goes back to await it arival. He sees the Cog hiding behind a rock.:: Rama: Videl! Grab him, we need him to show us how he got in the temple. ::Upon hearing this the Cog begeins to run away, but is quickly caught.:: Videl: Where do you think you are going?
Jan 27th, 2000, 07:40:44 PM
*Videl yells over to Rama* "I thought you knew he was immortal...and if Dia needs to be healed, I can use the saiyajin healing on her, it works for everyone..."
Lady Mara Jade
Jan 27th, 2000, 07:49:18 PM
::Mara wakes up suddenly as the sound of her communicator sounds off:: "Yes, Augi... I read you. I will set a course for HQ, just be ready for us." ::Mara groggily stands up and walks back out into the c0ckpit. Her eyes narrow on Boricua. She then sits down next to him and punches in several coordinates. She smiles slightly:: "Take me home please."
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 27th, 2000, 08:20:22 PM
That was @#%$ anti-climactic as hell. ::Fortunately for LL, the dead zone he was wished to has a much more accelerated year span than the normal universe, and he is released in five minutes, although without his immortality:: LL: Damn them all. ::LL teleports back to the Oozaru II, and climbs into its rejuvenation tank, allowing the synthetic DNA to restore his maximum health, and his chi::
Jan 27th, 2000, 08:34:39 PM
LL, you are not out! The time period is not accelerated in the Dead Zone! Now stay there! You can not be out! Stop cheating! I let you get away with constant cheating before, but not this time!If don't play by the rules, then you shouldn't keep roleplaying! Go train Spadix or something! And you are not OUT!!!!!!!Stay in the Dead Zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Get back in there NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 27th, 2000, 09:08:17 PM
::Bromine works frantically in the main control room of the Sith HQ. Bromine: Auriga, run a systems check on all defensive guns. Pay extra attention to the orbital defense system. Auriga: I'm on it. What then? Bromine: Get every computer and droid we have busy on something. If they can't help, power them down. Same goes for all non-essential systems. I'm diverting every spare bit of energy we've got into reserve for the shield matrix. Right now we're going to hole up and try to withstand whatever they throw at us. Auriga: What are we waiting for? Bromine: Re-enforcements. As it stands, they can just stay up there in orbit and annoy us indefinitely. Once we get some more firepower up there, they'll be forced to land and make a ground assault. Auriga: And that will be to our advantage. Bromine: Exactly.
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 27th, 2000, 09:11:19 PM
:: From the darkness, a spectral figure seems to materialise. The figure is lit by only a ice-blue lightsabre, errie and diffuse. With purposeful footfalls he marches out. "Come Sith" the whispher sounds "Come and try to defeat me....."::
Master Yoghurt
Jan 27th, 2000, 10:15:10 PM
*Yoghurt received Boricua's orders and the Ravenwing ships jumped out of hyperspace with a roar!* Yog: This is green leader.. all ships hold postiton and wait for my order! ::Yoghurt discovers that he has entered a little known solar system. He then enters the YT-1300's main computer to calculate the possible broadcast positions of the Sith communication transmit.. hmmm.. it looks like the signal can not be traced any further.. I better check if any planets in this sector match the description..:: <font color=00FF00> **Searching solar system for planets..** >12 planets /Scan: planets with breathable atmosphere **Ship sensors analyzing.. please wait** Result: 1 planet found. View result y/n y Planet: unnamed Climate: cold, rainy Terrain: mountainous, scrub brush, some forest patches Atmosphere: within standard tolerable limits Gravity: within standard tolerable limits Further search? y/n n</font> Yog: This is Ravenwing green leader! Follow me! Jik Poki: Yes, little one.. er.. sir! Darth Ace: Aye aye Captain! *The Ravenwing ships engaged engines and set course for the small planet. As the ships got closer, Yog wondered if the whole situation was all a trap.. a few minutes later, the ships thundered into the planet's atmosphere.. soon they would start searching for the Sith HQ..*
Jabba the Hutt
Jan 27th, 2000, 10:19:59 PM
*Jabba was humping back his hideous large body toward his palace.. once again, his plans were stopped by the Jedi.. they were getting increasingly discomforting. In fact, he was beaten by one of those annoying Saiyajin's! The future of his ruthless criminal empire was uncertain and Mara would not be pleased of Jabba's lack of progress..* "You may have won the battle, LL. But you have not won the war!", the Huttan thought to himself. While Jabba pondered how large of a bounty he would put on LL, he muttered a few Huttan curses: Hoba tai goko mato blunku!! **A few hours later, he was picked up by some patrolling bounty hunters.. "Bring me back to the palace. I have new plans to hatch!"**
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 27th, 2000, 10:34:45 PM
::LL thinks about how Videl "escaped" the dead zone before...but he doesn't care about the double-standard technicalities." LL: Hrmm....well, I guess I'll just have to wait it out then.
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 27th, 2000, 10:39:22 PM
Actually LL, this is a Jedi roleplay.... Saiyan dead zones dont work against Jedi, nor do Dragonballs.... So who said you needed to wait this out?
Jan 27th, 2000, 10:47:38 PM
he is part Saiyajin, that's why the rules apply to him....
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 27th, 2000, 10:58:55 PM
:: Sigh:: I thought this was Jedi v's Sith thread RPG with Force powers only. Am I mistaken? :: DT closes off his sabre. The Sith have gone from here. He flips his hood off and begins to scan the area, deciding what next to do. Go after Jabba? Find the Sith? Deciding, he recovers his face with the hood and begins to walk in the direction of Jabba::
The Lounge Lizard
Jan 27th, 2000, 11:26:51 PM
No DT, I am a Saiyajin...therefore it applies. I consider DBZ and SW to be just an arms length apart, anyways.
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 28th, 2000, 12:40:13 AM
Fair enough... but be warned I will ignore it while RPG'ing
Jabba the Hutt
Jan 28th, 2000, 01:02:53 AM
::Jabba sleeps on his throne..:: (In Huttan translated) Bib Fortuna: Jabba.. Jabba: Who dares to disturb my beauty sleep! Bib: Allmighty Jabba, there are reports of Jedi approaching the palace. Jabba: *sigh* Not again. How can I sleep when.. who is this Jedi? Bib: It is Darth Turbogeek, your Awfullness Jabba: No! He is the worst one! Red alert! None shall enter the palace, you hear! NO ONE! Bib: Yes, Jabba! Jabba: If he turns up in the middle of the smuggler's negotiations, he could clutter up everything.. do not fail me! Bib: Of course not, your Evilness..
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 28th, 2000, 02:12:35 AM
:: The shadows hide the Jedi as he moves towards the Palace::
Rama Sha
Jan 28th, 2000, 03:23:37 AM
::Rama watchs as the Star Phoniex descends:: Rama: Videl, see what you can do about Dia's legs. Dia, as soon as you can radio Bromine and tell him whats happened. And you..... ::Rama grabs the Cog:: Rama:....... your gonna show me how you got into that temple. Cog: I'll show you......I will. ::Rama and the Cog head into the mine.:: Cog: Here it is. :: The Cog points to a hole in the wall of the mine. Rama pulls a flare out of his belt and lites it:: Rama : You stay here, if someone comes just yell. Cog: OK....I do, I do!!!!! ::Rama makes his way into a dark hallway. He slowly moves futher into the temple, when suddenly the floor gives out from under him:: Rama: Oh @#%$ ::Rama grabs for the edge and barely holds on, he them puls himself up. He turns and looks down the hole to see his flare among giant spikes sticking up.:: Rama: Great..........Traps......Just whati needed.
Jan 28th, 2000, 03:41:48 AM
*Begins to chant in Saiyajin, and Dia's legs are healed in seconds*
Jan 28th, 2000, 05:05:22 PM
Thanks so much, Videl. You truly are a lifesaver. But perhaps you'd better catch up to Rama. He may need your help. And tell him I'll follow as soon as possible. ::Videl nods and begins to follow the route Rama and the Cog took, and Di moves slowly back to the ship. Once there, she radios Bromine and gives him a brief synopsis of the fight between the saiyajin:: Rama and Videl are now one their way to the temple, and I'll soon be following.
Rama Sha
Jan 28th, 2000, 07:57:57 PM
:: Rama continues to move deeper into the Temple. Somehing catchs his eye ahead. I looks like a pile of bones. Thats odd Rama thinks to himself. As he approachs the bones he looks down at them, then he steps forward. He feels a small lever give way under his foot:: Rama: Ohhh NO! ::Rama jumps forward, as the two oppsesing walls smash together behind him. As the dust settles, Rama turns to see the walls returning to the normal places.:: Rama: Ok....Need to remember that on the way back.
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 29th, 2000, 11:57:47 AM
:: DT finally sees the Palace::
Rama Sha
Jan 29th, 2000, 11:36:25 PM
::Rama reachs the main chamber, on either side of him are 50ft statues, and in front of him is a pit spanning the width of the roon, and beyond that..........:: Rama: There it is. ::Sitting a pestal in front of him is the second piece of the Kala stone. Rama makes his way to the edge of the pit, he hears a strange clicking sound.:: Rama: What in the hell is that? ::Rama drops his flare to the bottom of the pitt. Thousands of scorpians line the bottom of the pitt:: Rama: Ohhhhhhhh........great.
Jan 30th, 2000, 03:06:32 AM
*Videl finally catches up with Rama, looks down* do remember you can fly, don't you?
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 30th, 2000, 09:32:04 PM
:: DT reaches the front door and then "knocks"::
Rama Sha
Feb 1st, 2000, 12:53:21 AM
::Rama turns to Videl:: Rama: Something odd about this place, seems to be repressing my power. But not to worry Im already working on a plan. ::Rama looks over to one of the stautes.:: Rama: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... Videl: What are you thinking. Rama: Im thinking we need a bridge. ::Rama takes a small rappling hook out of his belt and hooks it around the top of the statue. He then removes his lightsaber and activates it:: Rama: Stand back. ::Rama takes a few swipes out of the staute and then pulls hard on the rope. The statue begins to sway then fall foward.:: Rama: LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!
Rama Sha
Feb 4th, 2000, 05:26:10 PM
::The dust clears and the staute has fallen over the pit to make a make-shift bridge.:: Rama: Videl! you OK? Videl: Yeah ::Rama climbs up on the staute:: Rama: Be right back. ::Rama carefully walks across the bridge, and to the other side. He exaimes the floor that is covered in a werid design. Rama carefully walks up trying not to step on the designs. He then looks at the 2 part of the Kala stone, and examies the pedetal. Quickly Rama removes the stone.:: Rama: HA HA GOT IT!!!!!!! ::as Rama turns to leave, he accindenty steps on one of the designs. The whole island that the stone was on begins to shake and then sink.:: Rama: This isn't good! ::Rama runs for the brige, but before he can reach it, it falls into the pit. Rama notices he is getting closer to the scorpians:: Rama: This really isn't good!!!!!!! ::Rama franticly looks around. He looks to the other statue and takes out his grappling hook and fires it at the satute. He swings and hit the other pit wall hard.:: Rama: Hey Videl little help here! ::Videl pulls Rama up.:: Videl: You got it!! Rama: We got it! Now come on lets get out of here.
Feb 5th, 2000, 01:43:07 AM
::Obiwan finally arrives with the ground forces at the temple where Obiwan sees Darth Turbogeek. Radios Yog and Boricua:: The Ground Forces have arrived at the temple just as asked.
Rama Sha
Mar 30th, 2000, 06:39:54 AM
:: Rama makes his way out of the temple, but stops at the entrance to the mine. He looks around to see several Jedi moving around his ship::
Oh great! Now what am I suppose to do?
Master Yoghurt
Mar 30th, 2000, 08:59:11 PM
Release bombs!
::The YT-1300 "Silver Falcon" drops bombs on Sith Headquarters..::
As the the bombs repelled off, Yog cursed when he realized the Sith was alerted of his presence. The Sith Headquarters shields was up, and it seemed Yog had to approach the Sith HQ by ground assault
5 minutes later..
::The Silver Falcon finds a landing spot next to a hill 1.3 km NE of Sith Headquarters::
Mar 31st, 2000, 02:17:23 AM
dunno...I just came to help...but I think some sort of diversion would get them away from the ship......
The Lounge Lizard
Mar 31st, 2000, 03:47:21 AM
am I still in the "dead zone", or didn't we agree that they totally suck ass?
Mar 31st, 2000, 03:54:21 AM
hehe..yes you're still in the dead zone....
The Lounge Lizard
Mar 31st, 2000, 04:04:55 AM
::remembers covering this little paradox before::
Mar 31st, 2000, 04:35:10 AM
::Klaxons blare, and Bromine sprints to the control room. He checks scaners and discovers a ship has landed. He powers up the HQ defenses and heads out to the front yard.::
This should be a blast...
Darth Ogre
Mar 31st, 2000, 05:07:33 AM
-noticing the HQ defenses being activated, Darth Ogre prys himself up from his barstool and heads out to see what all the comotion is-
Master, what happening here? i sense the presence of good and justice!
Mar 31st, 2000, 05:13:00 AM
Jedi on the way, Ogre. Be on the alert!
Darth Ogre
Mar 31st, 2000, 05:17:45 AM
-Ogre checks his blaster, LS and Battle Axe-
they dare make an advance on Sith HQ!! the overwhelming Sith forces/numbers will easily crush them.
Mar 31st, 2000, 02:37:41 PM
Saurron appears next to Ogre:: Right you are mt friend, right you are..::
Darth Jedah
Mar 31st, 2000, 03:40:16 PM
Indeed he is.
*Holds his lightsaber*
Rama Sha
Mar 31st, 2000, 07:16:58 PM
Rama:A diverson.............Yeah! COG!!!!!!!!
:: Cog runs up from with in the mine. ::
Cog: I did just what you told me, no ppl came in.
:: Cog Looks out the mine entrance ::
:: Rama covers Cog's mouth. ::
Rama: I'll tell you but you have to be very quiet. these ppl are here to capture your ppl and take your jobs.
:: Cogs eyes grow wide. Rama takes his hand from over cog's mouth. ::
Cog : Why would they do that?
Rama: You ever heard of the Sith cog?
Cog: yes, very bad ppl!
Rama: Well look they have lightsabers. They are Sith!
Cog: Oh no!!!!!!!!!
Rama: But I know if you rally your ppl you can drive them out.
Cog: You right I know we can.
Rama: well you better hurry!
:: Cog runs off to find the rest of his ppl. Rama turns to Videl. ::
Rama: When they attack, we make a run for the ship.
Mar 31st, 2000, 07:43:20 PM
JEDAH LOOKS AT SAURRON ,SAURORN NODS...AND PULLS HIS SAI'S OUT:: Looks like its time to get some.::
Ayanami Rai
Mar 31st, 2000, 07:43:25 PM
::walks up and stands next to Bromine Ogre, and Jedah, looks around:: ohh.this oughta be fun. ::pulls our shock-gun and checks saber::
Rama Sha
Mar 31st, 2000, 10:53:03 PM
:: Rama grabs his commlink ::
Rama: R6 start powering up the phoniex, but don't start the engines yet it will make too much noise.
:: Whistles and beep crack threw Rama's commlink. Just then he notices a flow of Cogs starting to attack the Jedi. ::
Rama: Ok.....................NOW.
:: Rama grabs Videl by the arm and starts to drag her toward the Phoenix ::
Apr 3rd, 2000, 01:45:43 AM
*runs towards the Phoniex* hehe..good's a good thing the Cogs aren't smart, or they would have noticed we have lightsabers too.....
Rama Sha
Apr 3rd, 2000, 02:41:42 AM
Yeah I didn't figure he would.
:: Rama and Videl run aboard the Phoniex. He jumps down to the c o c k pit and starts to turning on the controls. ::
Better strap yourself in, I have a feeling this is gonna be a rough take off.
:: The Phoenix lifts off and slowly turns to face the open horizon. Just then Two Jedi jump in front of the Phoenix lightsabers lit. Rama reachs down and presses the accelator level full foward. The Ship blast foward and the jedi jump to either side of the ship, then it shoots straight up towards space. ::
Rama: Damn that was fun!!!!!!! Set course for home.
Videl: Rama I got a singnal comeing threw from HQ. Kinda of choppy.
Rama: Put it on my screen, I want to see it.
:: An image of Bromine appears on the screen. ::
Bromine: Sith HQ is under attack. I don't know how the Jedi found us but we are trying to hold then off the-----------
:: the tranmisson ends ::
Rama: What happened?
Videl: Don't know, but that was all of the message.
:: Rama reclines in his chair. ::
Videl : We better hurry if we are gonna help.
Rama: We arn't going to Sith HQ.
Videl: WHAT?!?!?!? Why not?
Rama: Its too dangerous, we have two parts of the Kala Stone and both Dia's legs are broken.
Videl: then were are we going?
Rama: My home..........
Apr 3rd, 2000, 02:58:45 AM
your home? are you sure it's safe to go there? from what I've heard it's a dangerous place.....
Rama Sha
Apr 3rd, 2000, 03:16:42 AM
Safer than HQ, Plus Castle Sha has been abandonded for almost 10 years now. Plus it should still have the equipment we need to pinpoint the location of the third stone, and maybe we can get Dia into a bacta tank there. Its the best idea I got.
Apr 3rd, 2000, 05:35:11 AM
As the Sith look down on their foe a transmission is recieved in Saurrons battle helm...
::This is bromine i have an enemy ship located 1.3km away here are the coordinates get there right away and destroy it!
Saurron:: Yes master bromine.::looks at Jedah we gotta fly lets go!
Lord Gue
Apr 3rd, 2000, 06:56:00 AM
::Recives a slight blip of activity on ong range sensors but otherwise continues on his course oblivious of whats going on::
Apr 3rd, 2000, 04:58:21 PM
*Aboard the "Falling Star"*
K9: Sir all transmissions from the Sith HQ have been cut off
Firebird1: Set a heading to HQ, I don't know what is going on here, but I intend to find out.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 3rd, 2000, 05:53:19 PM
1.3 km NE of Sith HQ
The landing platform of the Corellian Freighter YT-1300 Silver Falcon lowered with a humming sound. Out a stepped small green figure..
::retrieves binoculars::
"Impressive defenses.. getting inside difficult is.. but impossible it is not"
Yog touches a remote controll pad.. the robot arm unloads cargo.. out on the ramp hovers a small customized racing speeder equiped with advanced shield and electronic jammer system..
::loads warheads..and equipment::
2 minutes later..
Yog flicked the turbo overrider switch, hit the throttle all the way up, charging the engines at 150%. The exhaust nozles of the speeder burst out a roar and lighted up the area.. the ground was heated by flames and smoke.. all of a sudden, he was kicked back into the seat with great force. The wind howled as acceleration increased with exponential growth.. Sith HQ got closer very fast. No doubt, there would be a welcoming party waiting for him..
::hits some buttons on countermeasure panel..::
Jabba the Hutt
Apr 3rd, 2000, 05:56:08 PM
:: DT knocks the massive door of Jabba's palace::
A small hatch in the middle of the door opens and a spidery mechanical arm, with a large electronic eyeball on the end, pops out and inspects the Jedi Master
STRANGE VOICE: Tee chuta hhat yudd!
DT: Darthoa Turbogeeka toota odd mischka Jabba du Hutt
The eye looks up and down the mighty Jedi, there is a laugh then the eye zips back into the door. The hatch slams shut. The massive door starts to rise with a horrific metallic SCREECH...
Lord Gue
Apr 3rd, 2000, 06:44:27 PM
::Heads with the 4th fleet to Sith HQ::
Apr 3rd, 2000, 10:29:14 PM
Saurron and Jedah take flight, high up in the air Saurron sees a small craft racing toward the HQ
Saurron:: I'll head to the ship you detain the driver of that speeder! I'll catch up with you...
Ayanami Rai
Apr 3rd, 2000, 10:40:45 PM
::Aya runs to her ship The Pallas Athen and powers up:: C'mon BABY!! ::takes off::
Apr 4th, 2000, 12:28:06 AM
well I guess that will be the next place to go....but I hope the rest of the Sith can manage without our help.....
Lord Gue
Apr 4th, 2000, 04:14:43 PM
::Arives at the planet and starts orbit::
Rama Sha
Apr 4th, 2000, 05:47:10 PM
:: The Phoenix exits Hyperspace near Ord Mandell. He looks apone the planet ::
It not quite the planet I remember......
:: the Phoenix enters the atmosphere. ::
Apr 4th, 2000, 10:28:18 PM
As Saurron continues his direction of travel he sees the ship on the ground. He lands in a tree line near the ship then proceeds to check for any presence of Jedi or other rebels...
Rama Sha
Apr 6th, 2000, 05:55:19 PM
:: A thick layer of fog cover the ground of Ord Mandell, the ziping through the fog the Phoenix emerges. ::
Rama : I hope they didn't disable the landing beacon. I can't see anything on this. ::
Videl: I got it!
Rama: Ok lock us in on it.
:: The Ship pulls up slightly and then levels off. Then outta the fog appears a giant castle, the walls are begining to crumble and it looks deserted. ::
Rama: Home sweet home.
:: The Phoenix flys around the straight for the Landing bay in the side of the castle. The Phoenix touchs down and the boarding ramp drops. ::
Apr 7th, 2000, 12:43:31 AM this is your home...looks pretty deserted......
Rama Sha
Apr 7th, 2000, 03:19:38 AM
Yeah, but be alert there may be lotters around.
:: Rama draws his blaster and heads for the door to the hanger. He peeks around the corner. Then makes his way into the dark hallway.::
Apr 7th, 2000, 09:30:25 AM
Saurron speeds to the landing gear of the yt-1300 and begins pulling thermal detonators from his combat suit,dispersing them around the ship in vital places :: one for you... two for you... oh and we cant forget you..:: throwing some more into the cargo hold where the speeder obviously came out......
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 7th, 2000, 09:59:04 AM
:: DT enters Jabba's Palace::
Rama Sha
Apr 7th, 2000, 04:53:00 PM
:: Rama returns to the hanger. ::
Looks all clear on this level.
:: Rama goes inside the ship and returns with Dia in his arms. ::
We got to get her to medical.
Apr 8th, 2000, 02:08:45 AM
looters, ne?hehe...I'd like to see them try it....Dia doesn't look too good, we better find some place soon.....
Apr 8th, 2000, 02:16:15 AM
*The "Faling Star" arives in the orbit of the planet that the Sith HQ is on.*
K9: Sir, it seems that no communications are being transmitted, due to a busted antenna.
Firebird1: Can we land anywere near by.
K9: The shield is up, but I beleve we can land about 2 miles away without the Jedi ditecting us.
Firebird1: Aww that is no fun, we'll lets see what we can find here.
Rama Sha
Apr 8th, 2000, 02:56:24 AM
:: The door to medical slides open and Rama carries Dia in. He is followed by Videl ::
Get her in the Bacta tank while I get the rest of the gear from the ship.
Apr 8th, 2000, 03:02:41 AM
okay...*takes Dia and puts her in the bacta tank*
(I must be going now..and I won't be around tommorrow gathering...stupid relatives...)
Apr 10th, 2000, 04:15:25 AM
Saurron runs back to the tree line as he reaches it the ship explodes blowing the bottom of the hull to pieces and destroying the cargo hold.
Rama Sha
Apr 10th, 2000, 04:20:51 AM
:: As Rama is returning form the ship he hears a noise. He sets down his gear and pulls out his blaster. ::
:: there is no answer. He moves futher down the Hall. He catchs movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns to look but nothing is there. Just then he is hit in the back of the head and falls to the ground. Rama passes out. ::
Apr 10th, 2000, 01:54:13 PM
*VIdel senses the drop in Rama's ki, and teleports over to where he is. Once there she sees Rama knocked out and two large men standing over him. Videl silently walks up behind them, and slams their heads together, knocking them both out, then checks on Rama* Hmmm...well other than being knocked're basically fine...but I guess I'll take you back to where Dia is until you wake up....*Videl teleports Rama and herself back to the med lab*
Master Yoghurt
Apr 11th, 2000, 05:23:15 PM
1.3 km NE of Sith HQ
The lower hull of the YT-1300 exploded with a bright flash.. debris flew and the smell of melted metal filled the area. Thick black smoke spread quickly, lowering the visibility to none. The controll screens flickered as the tactical computer emerged from sleep mode...
<font color=lime size=2 face="Verdana", Arial>
Hull damage detected. Damage assessment commencing:
- Ion engines: 100% [operative]
- Hull: Structure integrity 60% [intact]
- Lower hull: 33% [critical damaged]
- Hyperdrive: System malfunction [inoperative]
Emergency procedure required
1. Engage fire extinguish procedures
2. Jetison cargo
3. Seal off lower hull
4. Launch R2 units for repair
5. Increase shield power
- Lower section: Airlocked. Closed.
- Cargo: Jetisoned
1. Protect the ship.
- Defensive withdraw. Engage...
Take off procedure inititated
As the cargo containers dropped, a metalic figure dropped on the ground. Engulfed in fire and smoke, it rised up and turned its head from right to left. Its eyes glowed red in the as it looked over the area with infrared vision.
Droid IG 88
Apr 11th, 2000, 05:25:52 PM
"I shall not be reprogrammed.. I exist.. must survive.. must eliminate any threat.."
::I scan the area for organic lifeforms::
Master Yoghurt
Apr 11th, 2000, 05:28:29 PM
Sith Headquarters
The heavy defenses of Sith Headquarters tracked the little green intruder who approached on a speeder in blistering tempo. Heat seeking missiles automatically fired. The missiles flied straight toward target, but strayed of course as flares was shot. Defense system tried to lock target, but was jammed by the speeder's electro magnetic pulse array. Cannons tracked the speeder and started firing, but the speed and maneouvrability made it a difficult target..
::Yog steers the speeder straight at Sith HQ.. swerving from side to side, using the Force to predict the blasts from guntowers.. flicks a few switches on controll panel to engage eject sequence. He is catapulted out of seat and lands with jetpack as the speeder crashes straight into Sith Headquarters at 100 mph. The warheads detonate upon colision resulting in great fireball, destroying the speeder completely, but blowing a hole in the wall surrounding Sith Headquarters::
::drops a few smoke grenades and runs toward hole in attempt to enter the building::
Rama Sha
Apr 11th, 2000, 06:42:10 PM
:: Rama slowly opens his eyes, Then quickly jumps to his feet Lightsaber drawn. He looks around the room and see's Videl sitting in a chair and Dia in the Bacta Tank. Rama falls back into the bed ::
OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! My head.
:: Rama rubs the back of his head. ::
What Happened? And did you get the two Kala stones outta the ship?
Apr 12th, 2000, 01:22:58 AM
well some of those looters you mention earlier snuck up on you, and hit you in the back off the head, I found you, and beat them up...and yes I have the stones, I thought it best to keep them nearby since I was the only one conscious.....
Rama Sha
Apr 12th, 2000, 02:54:51 AM
Ahhhhhh Ok. Well let me see that second Stone.
Darth Ogre
Apr 12th, 2000, 03:15:59 AM
:: Manning one of the turrets at Sith HQ, Ogre spots a speeder and begins firing on it, but is unable to get a lock. He notices a diminutive Jedi ejecting from the speeder. Senses the upcoming impact of the abandoned vehicle, and jumps clear of the turret. He is sent flying thru the air as the explosion occurs behind. Stunned, the last thing he sees is a large amount the assorted rubble, from the explosion, careening toward him. He blacks out upon impact, and is completely covered by the hot debris ::
Lord Gue
Apr 12th, 2000, 07:36:12 AM
Continues to hold orbit over the planet
Apr 12th, 2000, 11:44:24 AM
*hands Rama the second stone* so how many more of these do we have to find?
Rama Sha
Apr 12th, 2000, 05:27:09 PM
:: Rama examies the second stone. ::
Says the thrid stone is located on the planet were angels live on the moons. Deago!
This outer track is differnt then the other one. Its says: The Fountains powers are great, but can only be used once every 100,000 generations.
Apr 13th, 2000, 12:38:03 AM
*checks on Dia* well it looks like her legs will be healed soon...hmmmmmmmm, Deago...I don't think I've been there.....
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 03:58:09 AM
Neither have I. I have heard storys, and that is about all. I have also been analizing the stuff these stones are made of, and its not in any of the mineral catlogs. it is a very strange substance, but that could work to our advantage.
Lord Gue
Apr 13th, 2000, 07:30:18 AM
Recieves a communication
Apr 13th, 2000, 09:02:50 AM
Deago? What's at Deago? *Di looks around, trying to take in her surroundings* And where are we?
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 02:38:29 PM
Were in castle Sha on Ord Mandell, Sith HQ is under attack for the Jedi so we couldn't go back there. Glad to see you are awake.
The Third Kala stone is on Deago, but look.
:: Points to a broken edge of the stone.::
The exact location is gone.
Apr 13th, 2000, 02:42:29 PM
hmmm..that will make it a lot harder to find then....
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 02:56:52 PM
But you remember I said that it had a was made of a starange mineral? Well this mineral also gives off a small amount of radation.
:: Rama runs a small box that he had been tinkering with over the stone. The box beeps and whistles. ::
If I can extend the range of this, we well have no trouble finding the stones.
Apr 13th, 2000, 03:02:43 PM
hmmm...I see...
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 05:47:06 PM
Now for Deago.
:: Rama moves over to the comp and punchs a few buttons. A pic of Deago and its moons come up. ::
Thats it.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 13th, 2000, 09:34:22 PM
::Yog force speeds toward hole in the wall. He notices Darth Ogree lying on the ground unconscious. MY decides he have no time to stop and jumps in before the Ogree wakes up..::
Droid IG 88
Apr 13th, 2000, 09:49:54 PM
1.3 km NE of Sith HQ
::I keep scanning the area.. non chlorofyll based multicell organism detected.. no value.. mechanical lifeforms at 1.3 km distance..::
"Must survive.. must multiply.."
Makes his way toward Sith HQ
*The engines of the heavy damaged YT-1300 freighter Silver Falcon finally reached full throttle.. and the ship flew with course for safer location to land for repairs..*
Princess Ami
Apr 13th, 2000, 09:58:17 PM
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:22:55 PM
:: Rama prints out the info on Deago. Rama turns to Videl. ::
Start getting the things together............we are going home.
:: Rama makes his way out of the room and down to the hanger bay. He looks over what use to be the royal escourt ships. ::
:: Rama grabs a weilding mask and torch and makes his way to the old rusty ships. ::
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:24:47 PM
I can't tell you how glad I am to be alive to wake up. Thanks, both of you, for everything.
Okay, enough of the mushy stuff. When are we leaving for Deago?
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:33:18 PM
Damn Correlians can build a ship! An IG-88 bad news... :: Saurron uses the force to move the pile of debris left behind by the YT-1300...
As the IG-88 turns quickly and fires on the moving debris Saurron vamp speeds from the tree line igniting his Saber and impaling the droid burning a hole in it's chest destroying the weapons located there .....
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:37:42 PM
:: Rama lays a large cannon down next to the Phoenix. He lifts it up to the side of the hull::
Sorry about this baby.
:: Rama flips down his weilding mask, and begins to attach the cannon. ::
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:47:59 PM
::runs though a hallway in the Sith HQ with her saber ignited::
::thinks to herself Crap, have we already been breached?::
Lord Gue
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:51:03 PM
Arrives at a strange world and recieves orders for a blockade
Darth Jedah
Apr 13th, 2000, 10:53:54 PM
*In the distance Jedah looks at Saurron fighting the IG 88 droid, then jumps in the air taking flight via his wings as he nears the droid he takes out a plasma gernade and throws it at the droid knocking it to the ground. Landing Jedah takes out his lightsaber*
Let the battle be joined.
Darth Ogre
Apr 13th, 2000, 11:00:46 PM
:: Ogre awakens slowly, digging himself out of the rubble. Covered with open wounds, he arrises from the debris, and with rage in his voice says ::
:: He looks around the battle field and senses the presence of good, he decides to follow his instincts. With his axe in his hand, He leaps in the hole, in the HQ, after the tiny Jedi and yells ::
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2000, 11:04:46 PM
:: Rama rolls out from under his ship ::
There. Now lets test them out.
:: Rama takes the pilot seat in the phoenix and powers up the weapons consuel. He looks down the weapons list.::
Ah there they are.
:: The screen reads.::
Repeating Ion cannon: Active
Quad Photon Torpedo laucher: Active
Apr 13th, 2000, 11:52:54 PM
::Bromine gets up from the floor, realising he must have bumped his head on a door frame and knocked himself out. He gets up, ignites both lightsabres, and charges down the hall out into the front yard.::
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:15:47 AM
well the gear is all loaded, so we can leave at any time....
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:37:52 AM
With the saber still in the droid Saurron senses Jedah coming ...looking up :: no JEDAH! :: Saurron withdraws his saber and dives as the plasma grenade drops blowing the IG-88F to the ground.
Darth Jedah
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:55:43 AM
*Looks over at Saurron eyebrow raised*
Saurron this is not time to be playing on the ground, the enemy must be defeated.
*As the droid gets up Jedah deflects several shots he rolls up close to it striking it's arm with his lightsaber*
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:43:50 PM
*Firebird1's ship lands 2 miles away from the SithHQ.*
Firebird1: Get that new speeder out.
K9: Yes sir..
*Firebird1 watches as the cargo bay opens and a speed bike designed like the one used in TPM is unloaded by his trusty droid K9.*
Firebird1: K9, there are enemys about, keep this ship operational at any cost.
K9: Yes sir.
*Firebird1 gets on the speeder and begins his journy to the Sith HQ.*
Rama Sha
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:53:06 PM
:: Rama turns and sees Videl and Dia bordering. ::
Rama: Strap yourselfs in, im kinda in a hurry.
Dia: How long will it take us to get to Deago?
Rama: We're not going to Deago..........not yet at least.
Videl: What?!?!?!?!
Rama: We're going to HQ, the need us.
Apr 14th, 2000, 02:32:54 PM
Saurron vaults to his feet :: Yeah thanks for the news flash:: swings his saber at the droid chopping one of the hand held weapons in half.
Apr 15th, 2000, 12:05:35 AM
::suddenly, she sees a figure up ahead... it's Darth Ogre::
Ogre, did any Jedi make it inside the HQ!?
Darth Ogre
Apr 15th, 2000, 01:04:49 AM
:: face to face with Nuri, Ogre responds, ::
Yes, I did see one jump from the speeder, before it crashed, and I can feel his presence here within our walls.
:: points down the corridor ::
I think he is that way.
Rama Sha
Apr 15th, 2000, 01:14:04 AM
:: The Phoenix turns to face the night sky of Ord Mandell. The Engines suddlenly glow super bright as the Phoenix blast outta the hanger ::
HA HA!!!!
:: The Ship makes almost a 90 degree upward turn and blast outta the atomesphere. ::
Apr 15th, 2000, 01:50:18 AM
::looks towards the direction Ogre is pointing in::
And who was it?
Darth Ogre
Apr 15th, 2000, 09:09:32 AM
We must hurry! It appeared to be a very small, in stature, Jedi, but I didn't get a good enough look at him to tell you who he is.
:: grabs Nuri's arm briefly and pulls him in the direction he indicated earlier. letting go of her arm after they are on their way ::
Rama Sha
Apr 15th, 2000, 03:47:23 PM
:: Rama's Ship speeds away from the planet. Suddenly an alarm goes off.::
What the.......
:: A large ship appears on his radar. ::
Oh @#%$ its a new repbulic cruiser. R6 put all power to the shields.
:: The cruiser begins to open fire. ::
Rama Sha
Apr 16th, 2000, 06:44:10 PM
:: A blast rocks the ship ::
Rama: We can't take many more hits like that! You got the Hyperspace course plotted yet?
Videl: R6 is still working on it.
:: Again the ship is hit ::
Dia: I thought you said coming here was gonna be safer than going back to HQ!!!!
Rama: Well I didn't expect the republic to show up!
:: R6 lets out a whistle. ::
Videl: ok we got it!!!
Rama: Alright hang on.
:: the Phoenix flies right over the cruiser's communincation dish, then zips into hyperspace before the cruisers guns can bear on them. ::
Apr 16th, 2000, 07:48:28 PM
I can't believe we haven't found him yet. ::attempts to use the force to feel him out::
Feh... I can't feel a thing. That's what I get for letting up on my training.
Apr 17th, 2000, 03:00:46 PM
Saurron looks at the IG-88 droid it must have frozen up or something Jedah, besides we have more pressing matters at the HQ.
Saurron and Jedah take flight and head back to the HQ.
Rama Sha
Apr 17th, 2000, 05:45:48 PM
:: The Phoenix comes outta Hyperspace. ::
Whoa, looks like a town meeting here.
:: Points to the numerous blimps on his screen ::
Well guess we can't do this with style just have to dive in fast and hard..................We are on an express elevator to hell, going down!
Apr 18th, 2000, 12:21:36 PM
were in some real purdy @#%$ now man ! what are we supposed to do now?!! huh!? sorry had to throw that in :)
Darth Ogre
Apr 18th, 2000, 12:40:51 PM
:: searches the halls of the Sith HQ, for the presence of good, that can he can feel permeating halls ::
I will find you Jedi and I will SMASH! No one enters Sith HQ uninvited, and lives to speak of it.
Rama Sha
Apr 18th, 2000, 03:20:39 PM
" Game over man, Game over!" :lol:
:: The Phoenix swoops down and begins its final approach to Sith HQ. The Ship is hit with small arms fire from the IG-88 droid. ::
Don't worry ppl just small arms fire nothing that well get throught the shields.
:: Rama turns on his Commlink ::
Hey anyone still working the tower in there? I need you to open the hanger bay.
Apr 19th, 2000, 03:50:56 AM
ALRIGHT one more "Well at least you don't see them @#%$ing each other over for a percentage"
Rama Sha
Apr 19th, 2000, 05:23:08 PM
:lol: ................Oh why not. " Drop your lienen and start your grining."
:: Rama hears only stadic over the commlink. ::
Well great. Now what?
:: The Phoenix starts to circle HQ ::
Well I can't really see anything. Good thing I always have a backup plan.
:: the Phoenox shots off into the woods the surrond Sith Hq, and lands. ::
Apr 24th, 2000, 01:19:59 PM
*Videl teleports over to Sith HQ, and gets hit the back by one of the droid's shots* Why you little! *Videl ignites her saber, and begins to walks towards the droid. The droid puts up a ki shield and continues firing at Videl who blocks with her saber. Videl slashes at the ki shield with her saber but it has no effect, and she starts to power up a ki blast in her other hand, and puts the ki up to the shield. At first it seems to have no effect until Videl powers up the ki blast a little more, and cancels out the ki shield, Videl then slashes the droid in half with her saber* bakame droid.....*then heads into HQ to find the Jedi*
Apr 24th, 2000, 01:36:55 PM
As Jedah and Saurron head back for the HQ a ship comes straight for them ::
Saurron :: Uh....Jedah....
Jedah :: Yeah?
Saurron:: LOOK OUT!!!
The two airborn Sith split up just enough to let the speeding ship pass between them!
Saurron :: Looked like Rama's ship! Man that thing can move!
Apr 24th, 2000, 01:46:44 PM
hmmmm....I'm sensing that the Jedi is down that way, but that's a little far from where I am, so I'll set up a few ki walls to slow him down... *activates some invisible ki walls*
*As Yog wanders through the endless halls of Sith HQ, he runs into a solid object and falls flat on his back. He wakes up, looks confused and continues to wander the halls. After a few more mins of wandering, he hits another of Videl's ki walls, and is set on fire. Once he manages to put out the flames, he wanders in Videl's lightning ki wall, and is shocked until he's unconscious*
*Videl senses the drop in Yog's ki* Hehe...knocked him to go get him....*Runs down the halls in the direction of the Jedi*
Rama Sha
Apr 24th, 2000, 03:20:49 PM
Ok there is a ...........where did Videl go?
Oh well she can take care of herself.
:: Rama makes his way into Rama corner. And goes into the kicthen and open a small trap door and lowers himself down. He light a flare and begins to make his way into the Sith HQ ::
Apr 26th, 2000, 12:53:35 AM
*finds the Jedi facedown unconscious in the hallway, Videl picks him up with the force and uses the force to make the jedi follow floating behind her. Videl looks back and laughs when she notices the Jedi's head is scraping the ceiling but continues towards the prisioner calls of Sith HQ. Once at the cells, Videl throws the Jedi in and locks the door*bakame jedi......have fun trying to get out of there......
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