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View Full Version : Mara, I think it's about time you turned sith.

Itala Marzullo
Apr 27th, 2000, 09:24:27 AM
You told yourself you wanted to turn sith again, now it is the time, with only TG to highly represent the jedi thery shall perish quick.

Apr 27th, 2000, 11:19:05 AM
Shes out of the game Itala!:(

Itala Marzullo
Apr 27th, 2000, 04:29:52 PM
What? How so?

Apr 27th, 2000, 04:41:42 PM
Only TG to highly represent? What you smoking?

Itala Marzullo
Apr 27th, 2000, 06:19:28 PM
Highly? Well known everywhere, rpg celebrities...hey I forgot your name...

Apr 27th, 2000, 06:22:06 PM
erm, whatshisname, what about Borucia? or Yog? Anyway, who needs celebrities?

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 27th, 2000, 06:34:56 PM
How about you get a BIG dose of reality Itala. There's 40 more Jedi than just me, I AM NOT the Jedi Council singlehanded. That is a gross insult to my fellow Jedi.

Apr 27th, 2000, 06:50:35 PM
Think about it this way thingamegig

Steve Buscemi and Tim Roth- Great actors, not widely known

Keanu Reeves and Leonardo DiCaprio- terrible actors well

Lady Mara Jade
Apr 27th, 2000, 08:29:41 PM
You're right Itala. It is time I turned Sith.

I want to say that I'm sorry to all of the jedi. I know I told you that I hadn't planned on joining the Sith again, and I was being honest...but recent events have caused me to change my mind. I hope you can forgive me.

I am once again a member of the Sith Empire, Rama Sha is my Master.

Rama Sha
Apr 27th, 2000, 08:32:32 PM
:: Grins ::

Nice try Itala. But Once you in the Sith Empire, its for life.

I'll put you in my sig Mara...........welcome back.

Apr 27th, 2000, 08:39:07 PM
::Walks on with a clocked teenage boy to his right::

It seems I was wrong. I though Mara was staying Jedi.

::Turns to the clocked boy behide him::

Seems you were wrong this time Pivo.

Rama Sha
Apr 27th, 2000, 08:42:33 PM
:: Reachs into his belt and pulls out an object ::

Been keeping this for you.......thought you might need it.

<img src=http://www.geocities.com/rama_sha/Saber09.JPG width=500>

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 27th, 2000, 08:49:12 PM
I'm not concerned. TSE needs all the members it can get.

I think much has come clear to me

Lady Mara Jade
Apr 27th, 2000, 08:52:39 PM
::Mara takes her LS and clips it to her belt::


Rama Sha
Apr 27th, 2000, 08:58:29 PM
Yes.......all will be clear soon.*

*=Itala trademarked vague statement.

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 27th, 2000, 09:39:29 PM
Hmmmmmmm..... *

* - Itala trademark reply

Rama Sha
Apr 27th, 2000, 09:41:03 PM
:lol: !!!!!!!!!

Apr 28th, 2000, 04:44:03 AM
MasterDarthTurbogeek I'am here and ready to ROCK when you need me!:)

Apr 28th, 2000, 07:53:26 AM
:hands DA a guitar: welcome back mara!

Apr 28th, 2000, 11:21:18 AM
DA takes the guitar and breaks it up on auriga's head...auriga drops...that will teach you a lesson auriga!:) This is ROCK&ROLL!:)