View Full Version : Verse -vs- Figrin
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 08:05:21 PM
*Waits for the Jedi to take the field*
It is a good night for battle.
*takes a defence stance*
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 08:08:42 PM
Give me ten minutes or so....
Have to finish something....
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 08:20:02 PM
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 08:26:39 PM
*** Jedi Master Figrin D'an drops from the rafters, landing in a half-crouch position. The Jedi stands up completely and draws back his hood. ***
Let's go.
*** The Jedi waits, arms crossed, lightsaber still on his belt. ***
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 08:34:04 PM
Please dont mid if i attack first. I wish to move to the sencond round. Even with the odods I have now, i will strive to win.
::Verse's eyes glow and he races at Figrin. He blinding Garou speed so fast Figrin can see him. Extending his Garou claws he races around Figrin leaving him filled with gashes and cuts. Figrin spin kick verse into a wall but Verse flips around and pushes off the wall hitting Figrin in the face with his metal studded gautlets.::
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 08:42:03 PM
Figrin wipes away a trickle of blood from his mouth.
"Not bad."
Recovering quickly, Figrin leaps high into the air using the Force, quickly draws his lightsaber and ignites it and lands behind Verse. Slashing at a downward angle, Figrin puts a gash across the warriors back. As the Garou spins to face the Jedi, Figrin executes a spinning kick that sends Verse off of the stage, crashing into the first row of seats.
The Jedi parrys, waiting for Verse to recover.
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 08:50:47 PM
::getting up verse's force inhanced Garou healing heals the wound at a super human rate. Verse starts to change into his crinos form(see old sig later). He stands in his 10 foot tall wereolf form::
I will make this fast and painless as i can.
::Verse backhands Figrin across the room through 6 rows of seats. He huge Crinos Muscles making the Meatl gloves hit even stronger. Verse leaps in the air and laids stomping of Firgrins chest almost crushing it. Verse jumps back letting the jedi recover::
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 09:02:36 PM
Figrin cringes in pain, knowing at least a few of his ribs have been broken.
"I admit I've never fought a werewolf before. Most impressive."
Jumping to his feet, Figrin launches his dark blue lightsaber at the creature. Moving quickly, Verse jumps to avoid the deadly blade.
"Just as I hoped."
With a swipe of his arm, the Jedi Master unleashes a Force Shockwave attack that connects with the werewolf while in mid-air, sending him into the upper portion of the Opera House wall at the speed of sound.
With bone crushing force, Verse slams into the wall, leaving an imprint of his monstrous form. The wolf then falls to the floor, stunned. Figrin leaps into the air, recalls his lightsaber and begins to decend towards the fallen creature, lightsaber ready to impale the werewolf....
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 09:10:16 PM
::Clearing his head verse calls a small staff like devise. As he comes to his hand he hits a button and the devise grows five feet long. He then ignites it to show it is his Confederate Grey Light Scyther. bearly Blocking Figrin's attack Verse and Figrin starts attacking each other with the weapons, neather of them hitting the other. Throwing his Scythe high in the ait verse grabs the back of figrins head and slams it as hard as he can into his. Verse then kicks the dazed Jedi into the wall. Running at blinding speed Verse starts to wail on Firgrin with hundreds of weel placed punchs. All of them hitting there target fliping backward slicing Firgrin in the face with his Foot claw Verse catchs his light Scythe in mid-air. He then swings in ti a low arch straight for the center of the dazed firgrin's head::
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 09:20:39 PM
Still dazed from the deluge of punches, Figrin's Jedi danger sense instinctively makes him drop to a crouching postion to avoid the warrior's deadly scythe. Clearing his head quickly, Figrin executes a low round house kick that trips the wolf enough to leap over his head and land 20 feet away.
Concentrating with all his power, Figrin holds his lightsaber in front of his channeling the Force through his body. Suddenly, several of the seats in the auditorium are ripped up and fly towards Verse. One after another, the seats bombard the warrior. Blocking desperately with a series of power punches and kicks, the wolf is shocked to see the Jedi flying towards him full bore. Striking in a cross slashing motion, Figrin's lightsaber slices though the wolf's scythe, spliting it cleanly. The Jedi Master then grabs Verse and, using the Force to channel his strenght, connects with a powerful uppercut to his chin, sending him flying to the floor dazed...
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 09:28:13 PM
::walking dazed verse struggles to consintrate. Verse's Garou healing working at the max to heal him verse gets up. Remebering what Vengence once taught him. Shaking his head where the chairs hit him verse flips behide Firgrin increaseing his strenght and useing th force to channel his streght verse punchs Firgrin in the back as hard as he can. A loud crack can be heard through out the House. knocking the feet out from under Firgrin Verse steps on Firgrins back and grabs his arms. Verse the pulls firgrins arms back as hard as he can. verse keeps puuling bying time for his Garou body to heal::
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 09:40:53 PM
Wincing as the wolf tries to rip him apart, Figrin uses the Force to send a violent electrical charge through his body. The amperage passes directly into Verse, causing his muscles to spasm. The wolf releases Figrin and falls to the ground, howling in pain.
Pulling himself up to a standing postion, Figrin raises both hands into the air and concentrates, gathering as much strenght in the Force as possible. Then in a torrent, a gusting whirlwind forms central in the Opera House. Growing more powerful, the wind begins to rip apart the inards of the grand auditorium, sending wood planks and chunks of concrete and steel wipping about faster than the eye can detect. Verse in sucked into the storm, colliding with massive pieces of debris as he is thrown in an unending circle. Faster and faster the winds spin, until finally pushing upward towards the roof of the Opera House. Meeting at on central point, Verse is trapped inside literal tons of wreckage. Figrin drops his hands and this winds instantely vanish, sending the pile of debris smashing to the floor, cracking the surface beneath the seats. Somewhere in the rubble, Verse lies all but crushed to a pulp.
verse dawnstrider
May 11th, 2000, 09:50:42 PM
::Bearly able to move Verse starts to heal himself. when he is around 45% healed he calls out to Figrin::
I have a question Jedi? Where do you run when the earth is your enemy?!?!?!?
::verse extends his Garou claws and burrows under the ground. Exploding under Figrin's feet. As firgrins jumps away Verse lets loose the strongest punch he can in Figrin head sending him flying into a large puddle of water made by the storm. Verse uses the force to send hundreds of lightnigh bolts at Figrin send 100,000 volts of electrisity through his body. verse then summons all the energy he can and opens a hole under Figrin's feet sucking him, the water, and the lighting into a deep pit. verse watchs as Figrin frys and drowns at the same time. verse the starts to heal himself again::
Figrin D an
May 11th, 2000, 10:10:17 PM
Gasping for air and writhing in pain from the ligthning shock, Figrin draw within himself and, using a ancient method once taught by the long dead Jedi Master Vodo Siosk Baas, Figrin begins to absorb the electricity from the Garou's powerful attack. Concentrating the energy, Figrin uses it to blast himself free from the ground trying to surrounding him. Launching upward though the gaping hole in now in the Opera House, Figrin lands on the stage, still staggering from the wolf's attack.
Using his last reserve of strength, Figrin closes his eyes and begins to levitate. Rising to 20 meters above the stage, the Jedi Master begins to eminate a powerful white light that grows in intensity until the entire area is bathed in the brillliant power of the Light Side of the Force. Drawing his hands above his head, a ball of pure energy forms at the base of his palms. Growing to block the Jedi from view, the energy emits a blinding light. Turning towards the pile of rubble, Figrin brings his hands down and releases the energy. Intense radiating light streams from the Jedi's hands and the pile of debris dissolves into nothing, leaving only Verse to remain on the floor of the auditorium. The energy bombards the wolf, causing the warrior to shake violently. Every atom of his existence is blasted with the power of the Force, lifting the definition of pain to a new level. Figrin brings his arms apart, the energy stops and the Jedi falls to the floor, drained both physically and mentally. Verse remains on the floor of the Opera house, still breathing, but unmoving...
Darth Turbogeek
May 11th, 2000, 10:45:08 PM
Judging time.
Darth Turbogeek
May 11th, 2000, 11:12:06 PM
Oh boy. Another hard one.....
Figrin D'An wins this one.
Darth Turbogeek
May 11th, 2000, 11:12:32 PM
verse dawnstrider
May 12th, 2000, 07:57:09 PM
::Lets loose a howl of Victory for Figrin. verse then hols up Figrins hand::
He is the winner! And to him Honor!
May 12th, 2000, 10:06:16 PM
I am really going to enjoy training you Verse!!! You are awsome, great Figring, you once again do us proud.
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