View Full Version : Lynch vs. Jedi Alpha...Round II
Jedi Alpha
May 12th, 2000, 08:39:50 PM
::Alpha appears in the rafters and jumps down::
Prepare to loose...
{OOC: I'll be using my crystal katanas (they can withstand and block a lightsaber blade...) And I might use my amphistaff...}
Is neural armor ok? I don't really know if it is allowed or not...
Darth Lynch
May 12th, 2000, 09:08:33 PM
*Walks out of the shadows on the stage*
Not today......not to you at least, let the one with skill emerge the winner...
*Leaping at Alpha he ducks a vicious strike of the katanas elbowing the Jedi on the side of the head before placing a well placed kick across Alphas back*
OOC: Know about the blades/staff but as for this armor I don't know if that is SW material, better not risk it if it isn't especially if goes against the rules. So 1 hour battle in the opera house with each getting one last attack before being judged acording to the rules as set by DT.
Jedi Alpha
May 12th, 2000, 09:14:21 PM
I think that it's also 10 posts each if we aren't on at the same time...
::alpha gets up and tosses his helmet to the ground. Alpha uses the force to throw rafters at Lynch and while he is distracted blocking them Alpha fires Sith lightning into Lynch's chest, knocking him into a wall. Alpha flips over to Lynch and slashes downward with both his katanas. As Lynch blocks them Alpha axe kicks Lynch in the jaw::
Darth Lynch
May 12th, 2000, 09:23:59 PM
OOC: Agreed if you need to leave or I, then post it and we shall have at least 10 attacks to decide the victor.
*Alpha attempts another axe kick only to have his ankle grabbed by Lynch who twist it, Alpha jumps back in pain. Jumping to his feet Lynch sends parts of the rafters back at Alpha who immediately jumps out of the way but Lynch meets him in mid air with a spin kick knocking Alpha to the ground. Lynch lands in front of Alpha who leaps up with a kick to strike the Sith in the face, keeping his feet in place he bends fully backwards at the knees to the ground putting his hands out when they touch the ground and with the force push shoots himself back up head butting Alpha in the nose breaking it*
Jedi Alpha
May 12th, 2000, 09:31:30 PM
::Alpha hisses in pain and thinks he shoulda left his helmet on. Alpha steps back from Lynch. Lynch decides to push the advantage and jumps up for another spinning kick. Alpha ducks under and comes up with a roundhouse kick, knocking Lynch down. Alpha picks him up by the throat and throws him into the rafters, Lynch breaking any rafters he hits. As Lynch hits the ground Alpha fires more lightning, and smiles as Lynch doubles over in pain::
{OOC: This might be my last post...My parents are about to kick me off in a couple minutes...}
Darth Lynch
May 12th, 2000, 09:36:32 PM
*Gazing up at the Jedi Lynch throws his ignited lightsaber up at the tied sandbags sending one crashing down upon Alpha knocking him flat on his back. Force calling his lightsaber back to him Lynch grabs the stunned Alpha headbutting him three more times to the face futher breaking the cartridge in his nose. The pain causing Alpha to awaken with the image of a lightsaber striking down across his forearm*
OOC: Just post when you get back if your kicked. BTW since when could you use lightning? That's only for the highest ranking Sith and you are a Jedi.
Jedi Alpha
May 12th, 2000, 09:44:40 PM
{OOC: Ok...This is my LAST post for tonight...and I've been using lightning since I was part of TSC originally...GS taught me that...}
::alpha growls in pain and recalls his one of his katanas and slashes visciously leaving Lynch with very little time to NEthing but block. Alpha fakes out to the left and then drives his katana into Lynch's right shoulder, not stopping until his hilt hits the shoulder, leaving the blade sticking out over half a meter::
I will win this...
::Alpha kicks Lynch away and as he hits the ground Alpha twists the blade and listens to Lynch scream. Alpha puts his foot on Lynch's throat and starts crushing his windpipe. Takes the katana out of his shoulder and slashes Lynch's saber hilt in two. Alpha plunges the blade into Lynch's other shoulder::
May 12th, 2000, 09:50:39 PM
Agree, no lighting from a jedi.
but we must invent something jedi-only, perhaps levitation or meditation...hmmmmmm.
Ok 7 post more you have (i think) and let me see more originality and new moves from both.
Darth Lynch
May 12th, 2000, 09:55:13 PM
*Grinning at this disply the Jedi uses that can only be tapped by the dark side Lynch flips his lower torso up wrapping his legs up around Alphas neck choking him then slams him down against the ground. Standing up Lynch takes out the katana impaled in his shoulder tossing it to the side. With his lightsaber cut at the hilt holding one piece each in his hands both still ignited he cuts down at alpha cutting him in the knee then strikes down at it with an fist making the wound worse causing blood to spill out.*
You will not win this time traitior.
*Alpha attempts to get up but his knee buckles under him, Lynch runs up to him with force speed sabers spinning in each hand giving Alpha a kick in the stomach sending him through the air crashing into the rolls of seats landing across two seats, looking up he sees Lynch coming down placing a fist into his stomach with such force the seats under Alpha collapse from the pressure of the blow, Alpha rolls on the ground coughing up blood.*
Jedi Alpha
May 13th, 2000, 02:18:13 PM
::alpha's amphistaff slithers into his hand and Alpha uses it to stand up on. Alpha coughs blood into Lynch's eyes, blinding him::
So I'm a traitor...? For that alone you deserve to die...
::Alpha ducks under a wild slash from Lynch and slashes Lynch's knees, forcing him down. Alpha drop kicks Lynch and then throws him into a wall::
Darth Lynch
May 13th, 2000, 03:18:27 PM
I deserve to die for a great many reasons but yours are irrelevant in the greater scheme of things and thus you shall be cast into the void.
*Hitting the wall he immediately propels forward back at Alpha ducking the amphistaff and countering with a uppercut upon Alpha. Grabbing Alphas left arm wrapping his arm around it placing the hand at the elbow and the other at the shoulder Lynch pushes hard making a snapping sound very audioable from Alphas arm causing him to scream out in pain. The Jedi with his other hand tries to hit Lynch who immediately ducks letting go of the arm quickly spinning behind Alpha where he puts him in a headlock before bending him backwards enough to place several knees to Alphas spinal cord in rapid succession.*
Jedi Alpha
May 14th, 2000, 03:23:07 PM
::Alpha falls to the ground and reflexivly taps into the dark side again and uses the force to throw Lynch into thw wall, making a couple ribs break. Alpha flips up using the force to propel him and ignites his saber. Alpha lands by Lynch and slices one of Lynch's hands off::
Darth Lynch
May 14th, 2000, 04:21:01 PM
OOC: Alpha besides the no killing factor I don't believe we're allowed to cut off limbs in this tournment so until I have a ruling on that I'm going to ignore it and count it as a cut on my arm or hand. BTW your a Jedi you can't tap into the dark side, make up your mind on what you want, your either a Jedi or Sith you can't be both and access each of their respective powers on your whim. It's one or the other. So choose one and stick with it.
*Grabbing Alphas hand he flips him into the wall getting himself some distance, ripping some cloth off his robes he wraps it around the cut still feeling the bruised ribs. Alpha comes in letting his anger getting the better of him as he does Lynch throws one of his lightsabers at the ceiling, just as Alpha is about to strike a chandelier comes crashing down giving the Jedi a blow across the head and right shoulder severely hurting each part and giving him a nasty cut on the forehead from which blood begins to run down his face.*
*Exploding in anger yet still very much hurting from the chandlier attack Alpha strikes with staff and katanna which Lynch blocks with his one good lightsaber. Using the force he pulls the seats from their bolts hurling them towards the Jedi who is bashed by them and cut by the flying metal bits. Jumping up on the stage Alpha follows his eyes almost mad, as he comes to the middle of the stage Lynch reaches out with the force then strikes down on the stage with his lightsaber thrusting it into a device that releases a trap door on which Alpha is standing sending him falling down to a lower level filled with doors to rooms and a huge hallway. Lynch summons his second half of the lightsaber to him and jumps down landing upon Alphas chest knocking the air out of him and further making him cough up blood, Lynch rolls away taking a croching defensive position waiting for the next attack*
Jedi Alpha
May 14th, 2000, 04:39:13 PM
::Alpha uses the force and begins throwing everything that's not bolted down, plus some that is, at Lynch distarcting him for a second. Alpha looks up and then his hand goes to his belt and pulls out a thermal detonator. Alpha activates it and throws it at the ceiling. Lynch never noticed the TD being thrown and as it explodes, some of the roof collapses onto Lynch. Alpha makes a force bubble to block most fo the debris that comes his way.Alpha uses the force to float and summons back his saber. Alpha uses the debris to smash both parts of the saber further, making them unusable::
{OOC: I'll ask DT about it...}
Darth Lynch
May 14th, 2000, 05:05:57 PM
*Breaking free of the rubble he force throws several bits of it at Alpha so he can get in a better position to judge the battles current status. Looking at the pile he flips over some debris reaching out grabbing a handle pulling it free from the debris. Alpha is stunned to see it's one of his own katanna blades that Lynch had tossed aside earlier in the battle, turning around at his prey giving the Jedi a smirk Lynch runs down the hallway with Alpha in close pursuit. Lynch runs in a room closing a steel door behind him, Alpha a few minutes later sends that door flying from it's hinges. Looking around he sees they've entered the boiler room.*
*Walking to the edge of the metal stairwell construct he is on gazing around the large room when a pair of legs come up wrapping around his neck tossing him over the high stairwell to the cold cement below. Lynch hanging from the metal stairs drops down giving Alpha a good kick in the face when he gets up but does not stop to finish him. Groggy the Jedi Padawan gets up and renews the chase noticing the room is getting hotter, he stops in front of an open furnace the heat making him sweat. Turning around he receives a glass frame shot to the head knocking him down the shards of glass falling all around him. Once again Lynch turns and runs much to Alphas bweilderment that comes to realization when a gauge near the furnace begins to make a loud whistle noise, getting up and running in terror he knows Lynch has off set the pressure and the massive furnace is about to explode getting to the hallway seeing Lynch force jump back up the hole they had both came down from he looks back at the boiler room door into the darkkness hearing the groaning noise of metal and brick before feeling the pain of flying debris when the furnace explodes demolishing the room it is sending flames throughout the lower level of the opera house. The flames begin to come nearer to Alpha as the smoke flows into the lower hallway*
Jedi Alpha
May 15th, 2000, 08:05:45 AM
::Alpha looks at the flames and looks around::
*thinks* I wonder if my armor could stand the heat of that...but even if I could it wouldn't make a difference...I guess I'll just have to try...
::Alpha has another idea and makes a force sheild around himself and walks the fires and follows Lynch. Alpha speeds up his pace and as he gets behind Lynch, Alpha takes out one of his last two TDs and arms it. Alpha puts it behind Lynch and as it explodes Lynch is badly injured by that and hitting the wall::
I think we are destroying most of the Opera House...
::Alpha kicks Lynch in the ribs, breaking two::
Darth Lynch
May 15th, 2000, 01:15:16 PM
*Coughs up some blood wondering if he has any ribs not yet broken or badly bruised turning around he slices the top of Alphas shoulder with the katanna following with a spin kick to the Jedi's jaw knocking him aside for the moment. The smoke and fire continues to sweep through the lower levels of the opera house slowly but surely destroying all. Not paying attention to Alpha Lynch recieves a kick for his diverted attention but on the next kick Lynch blocks dropping down to his knees bringing up his fist hitting Alpha smack dab in the old jewels sending him down to the floor gasping for breath*
*Grabbing a seat that was already unbolted from earlier he hits Alpha with it over the head, Alpha stunned looks up with Lynch grabbing him by the throat tossing him through the air into the seats. Running towards him Lynch jumps into the air with the katanna in his hand Alpha barely manages to miss the blade that slices a seat in half. The Sith Warrior puts the tip of his boot under the fallen part of the seat while staring into the Jedi's eyes and kicks it upwards hitting him in the face knocking some blood from his nose. Lynch leaping forward slahes outward with the katanna across the stomach of Alphas armor leaving a huge crack in it that soon has bits of blood sipping out of it but not overall a fatal strike. Alpha brings up his staff to stop the next strike of his own blade but Lynch instead moves to the side giving the Jedi a open hand strike to the side of his head knocking the Jedi against some chairs that are the only thing manageing to keep him up*
Jedi Alpha
May 15th, 2000, 06:56:18 PM
::Alpha begins drawing the force around him, beginning to heal himself::
It's a good thing we don't have to pay for the damage we cause in here...
::As Alpha feels his strength returning he reaches out with the force and yanks the katana out of Lynch's hand. Because Lynch held it so tight, when the katana jumped out of his hand it breaks his arm::
...Because if we had to it'd cost a fortune...
::Alpha takes out a small vibro blade and throws it at Lynch while he is distracted. The blade stabs Lynch in theb gut::
Darth Lynch
May 15th, 2000, 08:39:28 PM
*Looks down at the blade in his stomach*
*Ripping it out as the blood seeps out he throws it back at Alpha who dodges it effortlessly*
And oh yeah...I don't pay for anything, I take it.
*Grabbing his broken arm with his good hand he straightens it then with a quick push resets it gritting his teeth as he does so. The ground some feet aways give out and collapses with fire shooting up and smoke starting to fill the room causing both warriors to cough. Grabbings a seat that is partly on fire he hits Alpha with it on the face. Before force calling the katanna back to him in time to block Alphas staff.*
The flames begin to fill the floor as Alpha and Lynch parry and strike with their weapons neither getting a solid hit. Alpha runs to a door leading up as he climbs the stairs he attempts to block each of Lynch's attacks. Mangaing to jump and flip over Alpha he gives the Jedi a punch to the face stunning him. Then runs further up the steps but letting Alpha catch up go give him a kick to the face knocking him back into the wall.*
*Exiting through another door they are now on the floor with various rooms used to store equipement in. *Grabbing a cloak off a mannequin Lynch throws it over Alpha giving Lynch time to kick him in the wall before force throwing a heavy loaded truck into Alpha crushing him against the wall.*
Jedi Alpha
May 15th, 2000, 10:33:01 PM
::Alpha flips over the truck::
Good point...
::Alpha flips over to one wall and flips off it, landing with a side snap kick to Lynch';s neck. Alpha throws Lynch down towards the flames but he grabs onto a plank. Alpha walks over to him::
You look like you could use some help...
::Alpha grabs Lynch by the arm and then throws him into the far wall. Alpha goes to an even higher room, and sees some of the other combatents running from the flames that are engulfing the Opera House. As Lynch follows Alpha Alpha takes out his last TD and sets it for a two second countdown. Alpha throws it at Lynch and it explodes as it hits, knocking Lynch farther to the flames. Alpha looks up and ignites his saber. Alpha slices down wreckage into the doorframe, blocking Lynch's way aweay from the flames. Alpha disignites his saber and clips it to his belt. The amphistaff slithers to his arm, ready to stiffen again if ready::
I hope my katana survives those flames...
Darth Lynch
May 15th, 2000, 11:09:11 PM
OOC: This is my tenth/final attack, you get one more after this.
*The wreckage blocking the doorframe is shoot outward at Alpha who gets hit by random pieces, there standing in the door frame, burnt, scorched, and covered in smoke is Lynch with an annoyed look on face.*
That wasn't very nice for a Jedi....
*Pulling out the katanna from his belt he force calls a piece of flaming wood from behind him tossing it into the area setting it on fire. Grinning he and Alpha rush at each other, Lynch holding the katanna out pointed to the side and Alpha with the staff in his hands ready to strike at a downward angle. The staff and katanna collid as each put preassure into the move trying to keep the other off balance. Using the force Lynch gathers some of the smoke and sends it in Alpha face blinding him and causing him to choke badly. This gives Lynch time to strike thrusting the katanna against Alphas ribs as he turns around enabling him to strike downward also on Alphas back leaving two serious cuts.*
*Alpha staggers the smoke, wounds and overall battle taking it's toll. Lynch grabs the Jedi's skull and rams it into the wall spilling blood over it. Alpha turns over leaning against the wall in time to recieve a straight kick to the throat making him drop his staff that Lynch promptly kicks down the stairs into the flames that edge ever closer. Grabbing the Jedi by the hair looking into his eyes Lynch gives a evil smirk as he brings his knee to the Jedi's jaw knocking loose two teeth tossing him into the opposite wall. Running up to Alpha the Sith Warrior swings the katanna upward catching the Jedi Padawan on the chest cutting deep into his shoulder. Alpha in great pain using the force knocks the katanna from Lynchs hands into the flames below. Grabbing the Jedi again by the hair the Sith gives Alpha an annoyed sneer bending his elbow back his fist tightly clunched then with lightning like reflexes strikes Alpha directly in the face sending blood all over. Lynch steps back catching his breath waiting to see if the Jedi has any fight left*
Jedi Alpha
May 16th, 2000, 09:05:10 AM
::Alpha slowly disappears, and Lynch, thinking he has won, lets his guard down. Suddenly Lynch feels a sharp pain in his spine, paralyzing him from the neck down. Lynch manages to look down and sees Alpha lightsaber, set to dagger length, sticking out out his gut. Alpha pulls it out and uses the force to throw Lynch into the fire. Lynchs goes through it, and becomes badly burned. Alpha puts his saber back to normal length and then puts the lightsaber closer and closer to Lynch's skin. Alpha's blade makes contact with the skin and Alpha smiles as Lynch screams. Alpha uses the force to throw Lynch back into the flames, but uses the force to also keep him there. As Lynch is stuck in the flames burning Alpha falls to the ground and begins to loose conciousness::
May 16th, 2000, 10:06:11 PM
::Enters with a crew of firefighters and medics::
You guys are going to need a lot of bacta after this one.
Ok, the judgement. I rule Darth Lynch the winner of this match. You both fought great and it was a pleasure reading the tread. Congratulations.
Darth Lynch
May 16th, 2000, 10:11:10 PM
Bacta? Just put me in the corner with a bottle of wine and I'll be ok.
Alpha it was a good fight, you did good.
Darth Turbogeek
May 17th, 2000, 06:54:58 AM
Agreed with Boricua I do. Darth Lynch wins the fight....
Well done to you both!!!
Jedi Alpha
May 17th, 2000, 08:21:22 AM
Lynch you did awsome...Congrats...
Darth Turbogeek
May 17th, 2000, 08:45:59 AM
I rather like your new quote
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