View Full Version : Jedi vs. Sith WAR
May 15th, 2000, 10:42:37 PM
Ok you filthy fiends of and your dirty teeth have been running this BG for too long now. It is time for hte jedi to show you who is the respect in the galaxy. One, two, three sith I don't care come and fight me, NOW. And this time I won't wait for you to hit me first.
Any other group that wants to join do so, but choose a team and stick to it.
::ignites his LS::
Jedi Alpha
May 15th, 2000, 10:47:37 PM
::Alpha appears in the rafters and jumps down::
I'm with you JB...
::alpha ignites his triple phased lightsaber. Alpha gives a mental command to his armor, and his helemt slides over his face, and a blade goes on each knuckle::
Lez go...
May 15th, 2000, 10:56:19 PM
You want some. Come get it, I'm no gonig anywhere's.......
May 15th, 2000, 11:00:31 PM
::Boricua tackles Venge. He lands on top of him and traps him with his two legs. JB punches him in the face repeatedly::
General Ceel
May 15th, 2000, 11:05:23 PM
*The Gungan Army pours in*
"Wesa ready to do oursen part.(translation:: we're ready to kick some sithass)"
May 15th, 2000, 11:05:31 PM
:: laughs: Is that the best you can do??
:: I wrap my legs around your shoulders pulling you down, as I plant a vicious elbow into your nose, which lands with a sickening thud. I roll backwards and await your other Jedi coward::
May 15th, 2000, 11:08:28 PM
::As venge turns, Boricua grabs his left arm by the wrist. He twist it twice, then kicks Vengeance in the side of his chest right under the pit::
May 15th, 2000, 11:12:40 PM
::Looks at Ceel::
Welcome friend, feel free to get rid of the vermine of the galaxy
May 15th, 2000, 11:13:54 PM
:: smiles:: And now the Gungans have come to play. Let's go.....I haven't had an easy slaughter lately
::As i force jump out of this kick, landing an uppercut on JB's jaw, which knocks him on his back. I turn to face the gungan, spinning and landing a roundhouse kick to his face, tiwsting him sideways, as i follow through with a slash from my lightsaber, grazing him across his gut::
Now where's Alpha
Darth Turbogeek
May 15th, 2000, 11:16:01 PM
:: A massive kick sends Vengance backwards::
Good day. Pity it will be you last.
:: DT ignites sabre::
May 15th, 2000, 11:20:13 PM
:: smiles:: another one to add to the party. It's a shame you'llnever have another hot chocolate in Rama's anymore DT
:: I rise to me feet, and force pull DT towards me, only to meet him with another elbow to his head, knocking him grogilly aside, as I spin with a kick to his back, knocking him down, I turn to face JB, who should be rising.::
::laughs:: The pathetic jedi.......
May 15th, 2000, 11:27:09 PM
::Boricua looks at the sith. He notices some blood running from his nose. JB forces Jumps, kicking the sith on the face. IN the same movement he grabs his neck with both hands and slams him to the floor::
May 15th, 2000, 11:27:26 PM
Have the cowardly Jedi quit already? Is one Sith, standing alone enough to petrify the hearts of the championsof the universe?? ::chuckles::
May 15th, 2000, 11:29:36 PM
:: I look up at you, and swing my feet around, kicking yours out, as you fall flat on your back, I force call a large rock which lands on your chest with a crack, as you feel your ris crack::
(which brings up a point?? what's the setting)
May 15th, 2000, 11:43:16 PM
You can accept an attack for a change.
::Boricua notices the rock comming his way and he Force pushes it. Vengeance sthrengens his hold on the rock and Boricua does the same. It becomes a power struggle: two force users against each other, a massive boulder floating in the middle of them. boricua, uses a trick Yoghurt once told him. *"eel, don't think" were his words. Boricua relaxes, he lets all of the tension of the fight drain from his body. The rocks gets closer to Vengeance...too close...SPLAT!::
May 15th, 2000, 11:51:30 PM
:: gets hit with the rock, and stmbles backwards, as i wipe the trace of blood which has begun to trickle from my lips::
Not bad
:: I use my force speed to run at JB, igniting my saber, as I slash rapidly with my hatred and rage increasing with each blow. None of my blows get through,a s each is parried neatly. My frustration is rising. I swing again, one hand on my saber, towards your head, putting as much of the force that i can muster into the attack, but once again you block it, using both hands to keep the blade from your head. I reach out with myother hand and touch your chest, shooting lightning into you knockig you back, as i turn to face the others, trying desperately to catch my breath::
Darth Turbogeek
May 15th, 2000, 11:57:29 PM
:: DT finishes sneaking up on Vengance and Daks him.
As the embaraased Sith squeaks to pull up his pants, DT swings a vicious toe kinck into Vengance's jaw, a triple punch to the ribs then a bear strike that rips the Siths cheek wide open::
May 15th, 2000, 11:58:16 PM
:: Boricua's skeleton flashed as every lighting shock entered his body. He laid on a corner trying to expell the dark energy from his system. He meditates and begins to levitate. AS the sith awaits for the other opponents, Boricua extends his hand and shoots a beam of white light, which blinds hte sith. He then begins to spin in the air, and makes his body a torpedo. He hits the sith with both legs on the chest. Vengenace body creates a 3 foot deep hole on the ground::
The Lounge Lizard
May 16th, 2000, 12:01:45 AM
:: LL strides to the battle, watching through brooding eyes ::
May 16th, 2000, 12:03:30 AM
:: I rise slowly to my feel, my body aching all over, as i use the force to push pin against a tree, and pin him there, i fall to one knee, as my hand moves to my bootknife, and i look up at DT wiping my blood uselessly from my face, as more pours out to cover it again::
Come on Jedi, show me what you really have. I know you can do more than this
:: I rise slowly, and grogilly, as I run at DT using the force to guide me, holding my saber in one hand,with the blade facing downwards. I swing at his face only to have the blow parried easily. I then thrust the knife between DT's ribs, and step back to enjoys the agony on his face, as i fall to one knee again, awaiting patiently, using the force to keep me concsious::
May 16th, 2000, 12:11:35 AM
OK, fixed
May 16th, 2000, 12:11:52 AM
:: JB sommersaults and takes a defensive position beside a rock. He rests while DT does his assault now::
OCC: Dt is very busy at work, if he does not reply soon icq me Venge so I can fight, I"m doing an ethic homework as we speak.
May 16th, 2000, 12:31:18 AM
:: Boricua taps into the light side of the force. He can feel the living force in his cells, he is one with nature, with the sky, the sun, with his weapon. He looked at the sith warrior, he was doing exceptionally good against two jedi masters. It was time to teach him a lesson. Boricua slowly approach the sith, both had their LS ready. JB went first with a swing for the kness, Venge jumps and kicks Bor in the chin. He uses the impulse from the kick to sommersault back, hitting the sith with both legs in the process. This time Vengeance slash diagonally and his blade met that of Boricua's near his waist. Boricua takes his blade from under Venge's and with an overhead loop hits the sith in the left shoulder, some tendon and bone are showing from the burn. Boricua then jab him in the chin and kick him in the nuts. He spins once again this time leftward and does a left right cut in the gut of his opponent. Blood squirts all over the place::
Now sith you have seen what the true power of a jedi is...But I must say farewell....But be weary for we will see each other soon.
OCC-gotta guy dude, great fight. Let's continue tomorrow 'K?
May 16th, 2000, 12:38:39 AM
:: i close my eyes, the pain burning throughout my body, as i'm using all my power with the force to try to remain concious, although my vision is blurring::
:: I fall to one knee, my saber falling to the ground, I look up, coughing up blood, struggling to speak::
This is not done, Jedi. Not by a longshot
:: I slump to the ground as my efforts are in vain, and i black out, my blood pouring out::
May 16th, 2000, 12:42:27 AM
*teleports onto the battlefield and notices Veng* you guys can't go into a fight without getting hurt, can you? *Videl chants in Saiyajin and heals Veng's wounds*
The Lounge Lizard
May 16th, 2000, 12:46:15 AM
Stopping by for a fight, Videl? It must be awfully important, because I know you have to be seriously committed to fight.
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 12:51:40 AM
*Runs toward Videl and Vengence with Sabers ignited*
@#%$! Those damn Jedi's are tag teaming now!
*Looks at Vengence*
You still alive Veng?
May 16th, 2000, 12:56:13 AM
LL, I'm only here to help a fellow Sith, the battle is over and the Jedi is gone.....*Videl teleports out of thread*
OOC: For some reason, LL your sig messes up my computer, why I have no idea why, but it calls it an illegel operation and shuts the window basically it won't let me back into the thread...took me 16 times to get back here so could edit this.......
The Lounge Lizard
May 16th, 2000, 12:59:38 AM
thats odd....
Darth Turbogeek
May 16th, 2000, 01:24:05 AM
:: DT pulls the knife out of his side.
DT raises his lightsabre, ready for the next Sith::
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 01:37:14 AM
So you Jedi like to gang up do you?
*UG reginites his Arm Sabers and just stares at TurboGeek and he does the same. Wind blows by making UG's cloak flutter with it*
This gnaging up of yours Jedi just shows that you need numbers to defeat us Sith! It also shows your all nothing but, cowards!
*UG goes into defense posture*
And don't think you have saftly in numbers. THat doesn't work with a Sith!
Astral Ogre
May 16th, 2000, 01:48:06 AM
:: floating high above the battle field, The Astral projection of Darth Ogre, looks on ::
Darth Turbogeek
May 16th, 2000, 02:04:40 AM
You want ganging up? You Sith tried to take me on, 6 verses just little ol' me. I defeated them all. Stop you whining and CATCH!!!!
:: Dt FORCE THROWs a computer screen into UG's face::
May 16th, 2000, 08:06:15 AM
::A blast of water shatters the computer screen before it even hits UG. Keman appears nearby:: Silly JEDI. Throwing things like a 2 year old. ::gets his lightsabre ready:: I say the good JEDI is a dead one.
Darth Turbogeek
May 16th, 2000, 08:26:55 AM
Actually the only death will be your pride.
:: DT waves a hand and the air becomes alive with Force thrown objects, cannoning into the Sith and smashing the stunned Sith to the deck::
You may want to rephrase your words Keman. The only Sith who thinks they can kill me is a fool. Once you learn how to be a Sith, you will understand why.
:: DT picked the Sith up by the hair, then sinks a knee into his groin. As the Sith keels over, Dt launches palm heel strike, and then steps back and swings both fists onto the Siths ears, popping the earbones excessively painfully. The Jedi grabs hold of the siths nose, twists. Also grabs the hair and then leaps up and SLAMS the Siths head into the deck::
You Sith named this war.
Jedi Alpha
May 16th, 2000, 08:49:14 AM
::A plasma blast hits every Sith in the back ,knocking them down::
OOC: I had to be offline for last night...sorry bout that...
::Alpha waits till UG tries getting up and snap kicks him in the nose, breaking it. Alpha uses the force to throw UG threw the wall::
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 09:54:28 AM
*UG snaps his nose back in place and jumps out of the wall and at Alpha. UG slugs him one and dislocates his jaw*
You Jedi's are nothing but, viruses that need to be taken out and we Sith are the cure!
*UG roundhouses Alpha in the face and blackens Alpha's left eye. UG then grabs Alpha and throws him into the other wall*
(@#%$. I can't help Keman with Alpha here. Got to put a end to this and help out Keman. But then again, Keman and me combined might not stop Tubrogeek. That guys a JediMaster and were just Disciples! But, no matter! No harm ever came from trying. Good luck Keman! May we both make it out of this alive!)
*UG runs into the broken wall after Alpha*
May 16th, 2000, 01:04:57 PM
::Fett walks in
"Come get some"
Xanatos Etanial
May 16th, 2000, 01:13:21 PM
::Running in behind Reaper, X baseball slides knocking the Jedi off of his feet. X rolls forward and does a handstand flipping back onto his feet he turns and draws his sword looking towards Reaper::
Be careful what you ask for Jedi.
::Readies himself defensively::
May 16th, 2000, 01:24:03 PM
OOC: The sword can deflect lightsabers, yes?
::Fett ignites his saber, and turns to face X. He runs towards X, and slides towards him, going through his legs. As he goes through, he grabs X's legs, knocking X head first into the ground. Fett then stamps on X's spine::
May 16th, 2000, 01:24:36 PM
::Cloak walks in as a spectator slightly interested::
<img src=>
lets take a look shall we.........
Ayanami Rai
May 16th, 2000, 01:41:50 PM
::walks up behind Fett and hits him open palmed in the back of the neck, knocking him suddenly forward startling him::
Xanatos Etanial
May 16th, 2000, 01:48:30 PM
((OOC-Yes it can it was enchanted by a powerful Warlock, my armor is also enchanted that's why it can stand up to a lightsaber and attacks better than normal Knight's armor))
::As Fett stamps on X's back X spins breakdance fassion and knocks throws him off balance. He grabs Fett's legs and uses him to pull himself up dropping Fett at the same time. Leaping forward he lands dropping his knees into Fett's chest, quickly he rolls away and waits for Fett to get up. As Reaper gets up X charges him, Fett moves to the side avoiding him, but X drops his leg down and trips him, Fett lands on his face. Xanatos stands up and grins slyly::
This is gonna be fun, eh Jedi?
May 16th, 2000, 02:47:18 PM
OOC- OK, just checking. I need to know, so I don't slice it up
::Rai leaps up onto his feet, and elbows Rai into the face. He then turns to X, and ignites his saber. The two comatants cross blades, and fight for a long time. This continues until Fett Spins round X, and hits X full on in the back with his saber blade. Luckily for X, his armour absorbs most of the blow, which causes X to drop to the floor::
Lord Gue
May 16th, 2000, 03:23:35 PM
Runs in and attacks one of the sith. As Lord Gue ignites his lightsaber the sith kicks him in the nuts. Stuned, Lord Gue falls to his knees, when the sith delivers a fierce blow to the back of his head, which dents his helmet and knocks it off, as well as kockin him out. The sith then cuts Lord Gues arms and legs from his body, ten disembowls him on the spot! as a last act, the sith spits in Lord Gues face, just before decapitating him....
May 16th, 2000, 03:29:53 PM
err, ok
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 03:56:14 PM
*UG continues to look for Alpha who went through a wall*
Darth Lynch
May 16th, 2000, 04:00:14 PM
*Walks onto the field of battle taking survery then rushes down to Fett elbowing him in the jaw following with a spin kick and sweep knocking Fett down, as the Jedi looks up the Sith stomps his foot down upon his chest grinning*
May 16th, 2000, 04:07:50 PM
3? Not again!
::Fett rolls back onto his feet, and faces Lynch. He picks up his saber, and throws it to Lynch's feet.
"Let's make this interesting- Hand to hand!
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 04:17:12 PM
*Walks out of the wall*
Can't find Alpha. Need a new enemy!
*UG walks up to Reaper and taps him on the shoulder. Reaper turns around and gets uppercutted in the face*
That felt good. :lol:
Darth Lynch
May 16th, 2000, 04:26:58 PM
Fine with me.
*Deignites his lightsaber putting it back in his belt while walking up to the Jedi giving him a solid hit to the head with his fist.*
A warrior can fight without this tools.
*Grabbing the Jedi by the neck he tosses him against a wall before rushing him giving a lean spin kick to the face and a jab to the ribs, using the force he sends several bricks pummeling into Reapers face*
Xanatos Etanial
May 16th, 2000, 04:38:59 PM
::Xanatos gets to his feet and steps between Lynch and Fett::
No. ::Looks at Fett with anger::
He's mine.
::With a devestating roundhouse cracks his foot into Fett's jaw throwing him back and to the ground::
I want to become a Sith warrior, and to do so I must defeat a Jedi. Sorry to say Fett, but you're available now.
::Running forward he kicks Fett in his side causing him to roll over as he does X leans down and places his knee into Fett's spine and grabs his arms and legs pulling him back into the hold, the pressure bearing against Fett's spine is intense::
I will be a warrior!!!!!!
May 16th, 2000, 05:21:34 PM
::Fett jumps back to his feet, and sweeps UG's legs. Fett then jumps back, and uses the force to pull it back to him.
"4? Ya wanna form an orderly queue?"::
May 16th, 2000, 05:26:12 PM
No way X I'll become a Warrior before you. ::goes too Fett and does a spining heel kick to his face. Fett falls to the ground::
Xanatos Etanial
May 16th, 2000, 05:28:51 PM
::Pushes Keman away, and reaches down and grabs Fett by the throat strangling him::
Not if I kill him!!
::Places his knee into Fett's gut and thrusts forward, pounds Fett's head against the ground::
May 16th, 2000, 05:43:19 PM
::Fett gets out of the hold, and kicks X to the ground. He then sweeps Keman's legs. Fett then leaves::
OOC: It is 10.35, I have to go. Have fun killing each other, or playing with Gue's carcass over there
Xanatos Etanial
May 16th, 2000, 05:46:19 PM
Well farewell then you pathetic Jedi! j/k
::Waits for another Jedi to show up so he can fight::
Sith Kat
May 16th, 2000, 06:07:01 PM
:: Picks up Lord Gue's helmet, looks at Xanatos ::
Xanatos Etanial
May 16th, 2000, 06:08:27 PM
Sith Kat
May 16th, 2000, 06:11:55 PM
"It's begun."
:: exits with Gue's helmet ::
Darth Dyzm
May 16th, 2000, 07:03:13 PM
<font size=5>PARTYS OVER!!!</font>
::Tosses a Thermal Detenator and Yasalamari into the room::
For those who do not know it, a Yasalamari is a small creature the has the ability to stop all force powers around a small area...
Jedi Alpha
May 16th, 2000, 07:10:28 PM
::Alpha appears behind UG. Before UG notices Alpha behind him Alpha jams his dagger into UG's spinal cord, paralyzing him. Alpha kicks UG into a beam and then his hands glow as he powers up for one of his attacks::
I'll see you in hell UG...
::UG fires a Force Ball which Alpha dodges. Alpha fires the energy blast but it circles back and hits Alpha dead in the chest! Alpha begins to evaporate in a blinding flash of light. As the light clears a ball of energy floats where Alpha was::
*echoey voice* I forgot I could do this...
::alpha's new energy form fires a choas sphere at UG. UG is caught in the shoulder by the sphere and is thrown back by the explosion. UG ignites his wrist sabers Alpha hits UG in the arm, burning his arm. UG slams his saber into Alpha but Alpha absorbs the lightsaber's energy, finally burning it out. Alpha slams into UG's face, burning it badly. As UG goes down Alpha turns back into his normal self, but his armor now has golden trim instead of black because of the energy Alpha unleashed. Alpha grabs UG and beats on him mercilessly::
May 16th, 2000, 07:13:03 PM
yeah, but can it withstand the blast of the thermal you threw in?
Darth Dyzm
May 16th, 2000, 07:29:03 PM
No, but that thermal(5 mins left) will wipe out that this entire thread, I know what your thinking, I'll sheild myself with the force before the blast hits me, and after the Yasalamari is killed, well if you look closely the cage has a sonic blast that can knock people uncounsious, it goes off 5 seconds before the blast. The sonic blast will only knock out humans and humonid things.
It also has a been rigged, if you touch it, it goes off.
<font size=8>Long Live TSC</font>
May 16th, 2000, 07:56:24 PM
Well actually ysalamari are banned from this battleground (I created the thread so I make the rules) and you can really go to hell.
:: Boricua nods to all the force users in the room and looks at Dyzm. Every sith and jedi get together, Boricua grabs the termal detonator, DT wedgys the Dyzm, Bor throws the bomb at Reaper and he puts it inside Dyzm underpants. toghether the sith and the jedi kick the big "bad ass" on his butt and send him flying. A mass explosion lit up the sky::
Now were where we?
Darth Dyzm
May 16th, 2000, 08:04:14 PM
:: Lands his ship and walks out just in time to see the explosion::
HEY you killed my clone u PUNKS.
:: Dyzm jumps up and snap kicks Boricua in the Jaw, sending him head over heels, before Boricua hits the ground, Dyzm uses force speed and strenght to side kick Boricua through the wall::
Never kill my clones with out permission!!!
::Walks to his ship and leaves::
May 16th, 2000, 08:14:47 PM
Cute, very cute...
::Boricua force jumps and lands on top of the now airbone ship. He ignites his LS, cuts a hole and throws a detonator. The ship goes down, for some reason boricua remembers the battle of Hoth. He jumps from the ship and uses the Force not to hurt himself from the landing. JB then searches for Dyzm in the debris of the crash::
So are you planning to stay or run like the sith you are?
May 16th, 2000, 08:33:49 PM
::notices UG getting beaten by Alpha:: Grrrr.. ::force jumps onto Alpha's back and starts beating the everliving crap outta him:: No one beats UG up but a SITH!
May 16th, 2000, 09:17:31 PM
:: staggers in holding my wounds::
I never once complained about being double teamed, let that be known. I instigated it. and if a fight is what you want again tonite, i'llbe more than happy to oblige
The Unknown Gamer
May 17th, 2000, 01:40:36 AM
*UG is dropped to the ground by Alpha who is getting the crap kicked out of him by Keman*
(Sorry Keman. But, Alpha got me good. Can't help you on this one. Arrrrrrrrrr)
*UG's begin to fall*
(Keman. Don't understimate Alpha. He's stornger then he looks!)
*UG goes unconscienous*
Darth Phantom
May 17th, 2000, 02:08:34 AM
:: Fog covers the battle feild as it clears a dark figure is standing beside UG he picks him up and fog recovers the feild when it clears UG and the dark figure are gone then a booming voice rings out ::
Jedi Alpha
May 17th, 2000, 08:47:17 AM
::Alpha notices someone beating on his armor. Alpha creates a plasma aura and extends it past Keman, giving him a shock. As Keman is a little distracted Alpha pushes Keman into the aura and keeps him there till he gets weaker and weaker. Alpha finally snap kicks Keman in the jaw through the aura. The aura dissapates and Alpha throws two plasma stars into Keman's chest, burning him badly::
A pittiful little sith you are Keman...
The Unknown Gamer
May 17th, 2000, 09:40:35 AM
*UG tlaking via mind*
(Damn that Alpha! Giving me these burns and @#%$! If I ever get healed, he's going to pay dearly for this!)
Darth Turbogeek
May 17th, 2000, 10:08:26 AM
That will be $1.24 I believe. Bill payable to UG to cover the bandaid costs
May 17th, 2000, 03:58:22 PM
::still on the ground hurting from Alpha's last attack:: Bastard JEDI!!! ::falls unconious::
Sith Kat
May 17th, 2000, 04:15:55 PM
:: Kat appears. walks over to Keman and picks him up. looks at Alpha for a moment, then carries Keman back to The Sith Empire ::
Darth Dyzm
May 17th, 2000, 06:00:33 PM
::Dyzm Sits in the middle of the debris of his fighter, by absorbing the blast of the thermal, his power grows, so does his anger, He pulls in the force, animals die as Dyzm savagly yanks away their life force. Dyzm Unleashes the enegry, the air ignites from the heat, and choas fire blasts out of the debris at Boricua at near sonic speeds::
::Boricua, hearing the blast, drops to the ground in reflex as the Choas Fires flys over head, distracted by the fire, he does not sense Dyzm until his blade stabs through Boricua's Shoulder, pinning him to the ground::
<font size=4> JEDI SCUM!!! YOU OWE ME A NEW SHIP!!!</font>
May 17th, 2000, 08:21:49 PM
*Firebird1 walks into the arena, sees the battle commence, and awaits fot it to begin again.
OOC: I'm getting on the Internet at weird times, so I'll post a responce to any attack later tonight.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 17th, 2000, 08:30:04 PM
::appears behind Alpha,hits him in the head with her staff and caves in his helmet:: Argh. ::As Alpha is trying to remove his crushed helmet Aki moves with lighting quick speed and smacks him into wall:: Silly little faker. ::leaves thread::
May 17th, 2000, 09:22:59 PM
::alpha gives his armor a mental command and his helmet slides back::
Lesse...that's two Sith I've beaten in the same thread...
::alpha looks at DD and forms a Choas Orb. Alpha throws it at DD, catching his full in the back, and knocking him to the far wall. As DD gets up Alpha blurs over and uppercuts him. Alpha disappears::
May 17th, 2000, 11:24:42 PM
:: JB screams in pain as DD's LS pierces through his shoulder. DD is recuperating from Alpha's last blow and he is heading this way. JB blocks the pain with the force and stands up. He force jumps. Force missile. Boricua's body begins to get speed, both fist first, he hits DD with lighting speed on his stomach. The sith spits blood::
And sir, you owe me a battle!!!
:: JB kicks the fallen dark lord on the head::
Darth Lynch
May 17th, 2000, 11:32:11 PM
*Grabs Alpha by the back of the neck and slams him face first into a boulder*
Not that I care for any TSC member but the Sith Empire members are a different song.
*As Alpha turns around Lynch strikes him across the chest with his lightsaber then jumps back spinning in the air taking a small plasma gernade from his cloak tossing it at Alpha's feet. When it explodes Alpha is sent through the air landing upon a stump badly burned*
Darth Dyzm
May 17th, 2000, 11:33:45 PM
::Staggers to his feet spitting blood::
I owe you only one thing, a quick death
::Holds his lightsaber with the blade facing down::
I only have 1 question, what would you like on you tombstone
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 07:51:48 AM
::looks at Dyzm:: Cheese and peperoni. :lol: ! ((Sorry I came back just for that!)) ::leaves Thread::
Darth Turbogeek
May 18th, 2000, 08:16:13 AM
:: Pops into thread and belts Aki with a huge leg of ham::
What, are you chicken Sanders?!?!
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 08:46:41 AM
*TurboGeek gets hit in the face by someone. He looks up to see UG standing there. TurboGeek spits out of tooth*
You got alot of nerve to hit someone who isn't ready to fight and then call them chicken! Your the one who is not just a chicken but, a coward as well! popping into this thread and attacking Aki while she is off guard! And you Jedi call yourself the keepers of the Light Side? TG, prepare to suffer dearly for hurting my friend!
*UG runs up to TG and kicks him square in the jaw, dislocating it and making him fly into the air. UG grabs his legs and throws him to the ground and then throws him to the otherside of the wall. And just for adding pain, UG uses his Force cut to bring down the rafters on top of TurboGeek. UG breaths excaustly*
Are you (gasp) okay Aki? (gasp)
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 08:56:32 AM
::Alpha gets up and looks at UG::
Ah...I see you got healed...bad for you...but I'll let DT kill you this time...
::Alpha looks at Lynch and flips up and triple kicks him into a wall::
Darth Turbogeek
May 18th, 2000, 09:18:57 AM
:: DT uses the Force to catch the rafters before they crush him... with no apparent effort, they are lifted and set down::
YOU call me a @#%$ing COWARD???? That stupid brat Aki is FAR more of a @#%$ing coward! She runs in and then runs out! You think I'm going to respect one like that?!?! She stepped in and attacked, then left like the coward she is. At least your joining to stand and fight, not turn yellow and run
:: DT resets jaw... OWWW!!! Your going to pay for that.....
DT concentrates and squeezes UG's body like a vice with the Force... while he is trapped, DT picks up a largish piece of wood, moves to UG and smashes him in the stomach. Whoe UG bends over in pain, DT reverses the club and smashes it into UG's head::
May 18th, 2000, 09:29:28 AM
relax she's new
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 09:35:21 AM
I bet she is...
Darth Turbogeek
May 18th, 2000, 09:40:26 AM
I wonder.
May 18th, 2000, 09:47:06 AM
common give her a break, I'm willing to bet even the all powerful DT wasn't on the ball his first time out
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 09:53:22 AM
*UG rubs his head real quick and uppercuts the distracted TurboGeek*
Your going to wish you never said that Tubro!
*UG punches Turbo in the face, breaking his nose. UG knee's Turbo in the chest and breaks three of his ribs. And to the anti, UG kicks Tubro in the knee joint, popping the leg out of place*
And who are you to judge Aki? I bet she can whop your ass just as much as I could! Just remember that looks aren't everything. Or as the saying goes, never judge a book by it's cover! For I can sense Aki's potenial and it is quite strong! But, enough of that! Where was I? Oh yeah! I was kicking your @$$!
*UG pushes off Tubro's chest giving him more pain in his chest*
Xanatos Etanial
May 18th, 2000, 11:10:33 AM
::X waits in the shoadows and sneaks behind DT bending to one knee he punches up delivering a low blow to DT's groin. Turbogeek screams and falls over sideways. Xanatos grins and draws his sword::
You see being a bad guy has some major advantages. ::Presses the sword into DT's neck::
Let's finish him UG.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 04:57:34 PM
Yeesh can't have any fun can I? ::goes over to UG:: Are you OK? ::glares at DT:: You little scum sucking Jedi! ::Takes her staff and smacks DT so hard that he flys right through 5 walls:: Grrrr. ::looks at UG and smiles:: That was fun.
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 06:13:04 PM
::Aki is hit in the back by a plasma blast. As she is getting up Alpha jump kicks X ionto the wall::
I'm bored bored BORED!
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 06:31:05 PM
THAT WAS MY FAVORITE FUKU! ::uses her attack called World shaking which blast Alpha out of this Thread::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 06:51:07 PM
::walks over to UG:: Let's go get a drink UG.
May 18th, 2000, 06:51:59 PM
:: Boricu hits UG in the neck with a flying kick. AS he came down he draw his red LS. Sommersaulting to hit X with the handle of the weapon on his head, freeing DT on the proccess::
::Looks at the new girl::
I know you think battling is fun, but can you take the responsibility of deciding whether a person dies or lives. Can you accept the destruction of inoccent people. You don't seem fit to this yet and I must teach you a lesson.
(OCC-Aki you are playing god-mode and that is not allowed)
::JB faces Aki. She does an horizontal swing with her staff, JB counters with his own weapon breaking the stick in two. Since Aki is new at this she gets confused for a fraction of a second and Boricua stamps a kick on her gut, sending her flying against the stumbling UG and X::
Darth Dyzm
May 18th, 2000, 07:01:23 PM
::Dyzm side kicks Boricua in the back::
Be nice Jedi,
::Holds his lightsaber at the ready, and draws the force arround him into a sheild::
You STILL owe me a new ship
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 07:06:06 PM
::gets up very pissed:: Grrrrr..... You seem to have forgotten that my staff is enchanted. ::Walks out of the thread very angry:: You aren't worth my time JB.
May 18th, 2000, 07:10:00 PM
Once again you leaving proves my point...Now dyzm
::Boricua starts hitting the shield as rapid speed. Every blow time the LS hits the power of the shield gets weaker. JB also was battling with pure energy. Once the shield was gone JB punched the sith in the head, kneel him in the groin and tackled him. ONce in the floor JB punched him repeatedly::
Darth Dyzm
May 18th, 2000, 07:17:52 PM
::Yanks Boricua off and smashes him into the ceiling with the force, Boricua fall back and hits the ground hard, Dyzm pick him up::
Punk, U will pay for my ship
::Boricua throws a punch at Dyzm, but Dyzm had already started to move, he grabs Boricua's arm in mid swing, twists it around up againts Boricua's back and shoves Boricua face first in to the wall::
verse dawnstrider
May 18th, 2000, 07:57:17 PM
::Jumps from his ship "The Sliverfang" and lands on the battlefield. Spins out a mechanical Staff, hit s a button and it ignites to it's true form. A Light Scythe.::
The Grim Reaper is here. Lets get started.
OOC: Sorry I havent been here the past few days. Marching Band stuff. I havent had the strength to get one. i went to bed at 6:00 eastern time last night. But I am back now.
Darth Turbogeek
May 18th, 2000, 08:45:38 PM
:: DT ignites his sabre and presses it at Xantaos's groin::
You going to have speaking problems boyo if you dont remove that sword
:: As Xanatos's attention is diverted, DT smashes the Sith away with a Force blow. Calm and relaxed, DT pops his hip joint back in, the Force blocks the pain. Strolling over to the Sith, he picks the Sith up with the Force and forces him into an extriciating splits. Calling a large piece of wood to his hand, DT puts his sabre away and smaks Xanataos across the ears. A reversed swing at Xanataos' solar plexus makes the Sith throw up and have breathing troubles., Stepping back, DT lines up Xanataos' head and smaks him neatly over the fence for six.
DT turns on UG and presses the lightside around the evil Sith screams as the fire that is the Lightside is reamed through his bones::
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 10:20:10 PM
(Can't let the lightside get me! I'll never become a Jedi!)
*UG concentartes a summons the DarkSide into him and beats the Lightside out of UG. Tubro gets knocked back at this. UG stands up and is extrmely pissed*
*UG throws Tubro into the air and slams his face with both of his feet, sending Tubro into the gorund 10 feet under. UG drops down on Verse and kicks him into the hull of his ship, making a major dent in it. UG runs at JB and slams his fist into his face, making JB skid across the room and into a reinforced steel door*
That's for all the pain you Jedi's have given me!
(Aki, I'd be glad to have that drink with you but, I have to finish this to the end. I can't back out now! I know you'll understand*
Darth Turbogeek
May 18th, 2000, 10:58:43 PM
BTW, your worng. The Lightside attack I used would not have made you Jedi. It just cuts you off form the Dark Side
:: DT roars, rips up the reinforced door with the Force and slams it onto UG's head::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 19th, 2000, 07:07:25 AM
::talks to JB with the force::
"The only reson I left was because I didn't feel like wasting my time fighting you seeing that you have your hands full with DD. And I'm aware of the God-mode rules and on my valor,(and I still have some of that)I will not do that again"
::Stops talking to JB with the force::
The Unknown Gamer
May 19th, 2000, 07:53:33 AM
*UG rubs his head from the impact of the steel door*
Ah! But, if you vut off the Dark Side from me, then I would have turned good and became a Jedi! So in lamen's terms, you were trying to turn me good! And I don't like that!
*UG sweep kicks Turbo off his feet and grabs the steel door and slams it on him. UG picks it up to see Turbo had made an impression in the ground*
Darth Dyzm
May 19th, 2000, 06:39:48 PM
:: Throws JB to the ground and places his hand on head, as Dyzm probes JB's mind, he also shuts it off, sending JB into a thoughtless sleep,::
Nighty Night Knight,
You wont be getting out of that one so eaisly,
::Walks out of the Thread leaving a sleeping JB in the midst of a battle::
I'll send the bill for my new ship to you
Jedi Alpha
May 19th, 2000, 08:56:31 PM
::Alpha runs to JB and slides to a stop and kneels over him::
I know what happened...It's a lot like what Saurron did to me in my final battle as TSCALpha...
::Alpha looks around and fires a plasma blast into UG's back ,knocking him into a wall. Alpha flips over and uppercuts him into DT::
Hey DT! Catch!
::Alpha turns his attention back to JB. Alpha thinks about how he should try healing JB...::
*thinks to himself* I don't know what to do...Looks like there's only one thing to do...
::Alpha hits a button on his wrist communicator and waits till a small shuttle blows a hole in the cieling and opens its hatch. Alpha puts JB on the hatch and as it closes it heads for the Jedi Temple::
That should get him there safley...
::Alpha jumps into the rafters and waits for another Sith to enter the fray::
Darth Dyzm
May 19th, 2000, 09:15:21 PM
::Jumps through the hole the shuttle made and lands on the rafters across from Alpha, dust swirls around him and his cape flaps in the breeze coming through the hole.
Dyzm sayz nothing but holds his lightsaber to his side::
Jedi Alpha
May 19th, 2000, 09:22:26 PM
::Alpha ignites his saber, casting a black glow across the room::
Let's go...
::Alpha jumps up and slashes at DD. As DD blocks the slash Alpha kicks DD in the knee, knocking him down::
Darth Havok
May 19th, 2000, 09:31:08 PM
*Enters the methodically brutal battle area, seeing the so-called grim reaper. Motion with his hands. *
Come meet your doom traitor!
*Ignites his LS, senses at full, keeping in mind of all the Jedi on battlefield.*
OOC-- DT my apprentice is new, and has just been made aware of the rules of these boards. So chill out, and have some hot chocolate or something? She will come around..
The Unknown Gamer
May 19th, 2000, 09:45:54 PM
*UG is about to fly into DT's fist*
(Got to do this fast!)
*UG,which is traveling at a high speed, slams his hands into the ground and pushes himself off the ground, flipping over DT. As UG filps, he kicks DT in the back with both feet and sents UG flying into the air. UG lands next to Havok*
Glad you could join us. I'm having a hard time fighting the leader here! Just watch that Death Song of Verse's! It's quite painful.
*Jumps back to TubroGeek*
May 19th, 2000, 11:12:01 PM
:: Wakes up in the jedi temple inside a bacta tank. He takes out the tubbing from his throat and comes to surface. He force calls a robe and dries himself::
Meddroid: "Good morning fine sir. You have been given a sith trick and we have treated you with...
JB-"Yeah I know the drill. How is Alpha and DT"
Meddroid: "Still battling sir"
JB-"Call command to prep my ship"
Meddroid: "But sir you are not well yet"
JB-"Just do it"
:: JB ran to his quarters to get ready::
Darth Dyzm
May 20th, 2000, 01:01:14 AM
::Falls from his feet, but manages to stay on the rafters, he raises his hand and a ball of flys at Alpha, Alpha sensing the distubance ducks and the ball of fire flys inches over him, and burnes the rafter support and all the rafters shake as it collapses::
Annoying rafters!
::Rolls off the rafters and looks up at Alpha::
We have to finish this tomarrow, my body needs sleep.
May 20th, 2000, 03:57:59 PM
::The Afrodisiko reaches the BG. Boricua sets his ship to do a high orbit around the planet. Grabs a smaller transport from his docking bay and heads to the battleground, where he could see DD's fire ball::
Jedi Alpha
May 20th, 2000, 04:02:31 PM
::Alpha looks at the burned rafters::
What the...
::Alpha forms a chaos sphere at DD, which he easily dodges. As DD is off balance Alpha snap kicks him through a rafter::
Darth Dyzm
May 20th, 2000, 11:39:51 PM
Very Good, Alpha, You are returning to the dark side, first eating Gungans then using Chaos as a weapon. Death and Destruction are a major part of Chaos.
::A force blast knocks Alpha off his feet, and another sends him sliding across the ground.
A ripple in the force makes Dyzm look upward, he sees the transport, he hits a button on his comlink, and Dyzm's Own ship, Black Lighting, takes off and fires a spread of 20 missiles and Torpedos, the transports shields buckle after the first 5 hits, the rest of the warheads slam into through the armor and detonate inside the ship::
A ship for a ship, he's lucky that his main ship is still in Orbit.
::Dyzm Hits the Comlink again, and the Black Lighting Flys off and Cloaks::
May 21st, 2000, 02:08:07 AM
::Good thing JB had the emergency exit feature on his landing transport. JB hit the buckle as the first torpedo hit the hull of his ship. He also sent out a few torpedoes of his own, not at the attacking ship but at DD. This distracted him and he made a safe landin. His LS now on he went after Dyzm::
Here, here sithy, poppa Boricua wont hurt you...ok I will.
The Unknown Gamer
May 21st, 2000, 07:12:52 AM
What's up Jedi?
*UG gives JB a roundhouse kick and while JB is flying, UG uppercuts him into the air. UG then grabs JB's leg and slams him into the ground four times. UG jumps back 10 feet*
I want to show my brother what will happen when he chalenges me! He will regret it! :evil:
Darth Dyzm
May 21st, 2000, 12:26:54 PM
::Holds his Lightsaber, Blade down, while he waits for Alpha to recover::
On second thought...
:: Dyzm starts a twister in the middle of the thread, Dyzm then walks into the twister, he makes it to the eye of the storm, he then expands this calm center into a fighting arena, Debries and other things are picked up by the twister,
Dzym Waits::
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