View Full Version : Alpha vs. UG Round II (non-tournament)
Jedi Alpha
May 13th, 2000, 02:35:27 PM
::alpha waits with his katana unsheathed::
Sith Kat
May 13th, 2000, 02:54:46 PM
:: watches Alpha ::
verse dawnstrider
May 13th, 2000, 09:10:55 PM
::steps from the shadows in his white pants, shoes, shirt and trentcoat.::
Good luck brother Alpha, not that you will need it.
:Ignites his Light Scythe::
I am the Grim Reaper and his name is on my list. His spirit will come to me at your hands. I can hear the song of death aready.
The Unknown Gamer
May 13th, 2000, 10:04:06 PM
*A shadow cover the battle field and a hooded figure comes out of the ground*
You ready Alpha? I just want to beat and go back to relaxing. Cuase I don't why I'm wating my time with you on this challenge. But, I guess this is good since not many battles have been showing up lately.
*UG ignites his Right Arm Saber*
So if were going to do this, let's do it!
*Runs at Alpha and grabs him by the neck with his left hand and throws him into the ground, face first. Ug jumps back 20 feet and stands in defense posture*
May 13th, 2000, 10:10:46 PM
::appears nearby:: I'm just here if UG gets hurt.To make sure no Jedi scum kill him.... :mad:
verse dawnstrider
May 13th, 2000, 10:31:14 PM
::p oints his Light Scythe at Keman:: Hard to do if we Jedi scum kill you also. Stay out this battle unless you want to hear my Death Song. And I promise it will ring in your ears forever.
Darth Dyzm
May 14th, 2000, 01:02:14 AM
Hey Verse, I thought your Light Scythe was Destroyed in the Tourney...
::sits back and looks on:;
May 14th, 2000, 01:25:13 AM
The tourney has nothing to do with the storyline of the forum. It just to see who the best fighter is, as simple as that.
Now carry on.
May 14th, 2000, 08:55:07 AM
::looks at the Sythce:: Psh,I'm just here to make sure UG is OK. ::thinks to self:: Dumbass jedi bastards.
The Unknown Gamer
May 14th, 2000, 10:11:50 AM
*UG looks in the corner of his eye to see Keman and then back to Alpha*
Listen, before we really get down to it, what setting do you want? Ogre and Yogurt had a Opera House. So you want a particaluar battle ground?
Jedi Alpha
May 14th, 2000, 03:16:23 PM
::Alpha gets up::
How bout an old deserted Space Station...Like Exis Station...
::alpha gets up and gives his armro a command. His helemt goes back (Like the Major's in the Lost in Space Movie...Only the helmet is black, and the helmet is going back not forward). Alpha funnels energy into his katana and a bright flash lghts the place up. As UG is blinded Alpha flip kicks UG into a wall and then blurs over and elbows him in the gut. Alpha waits till UG is doubled over then axe kicks UG in the jaw, knocking him back::
The Unknown Gamer
May 15th, 2000, 12:22:28 AM
*UG gets up and rubs his jaw*
Maybe you want to explain this Space Station to me Alpha.
*UG fakes a punch to Alpha face and kicks Alpha in the knee joint, popping it out of place. UG ignites his right saber and staps it through Alpha's right shoulder. UG then force pushes Alpha into the wall of the Space Station*
OOC-I know were fighting in this SS but, where? are we inside or outside?
Jedi Alpha
May 15th, 2000, 07:49:47 AM
::Alpha flips off of the wall and lands a kick to UG's temple::
Let's say we're fighting in the central area of the station, where the markets are mostly located...NE where else and there would be mostly industrial or residential area...(Exis Station was in the Jr. Jedi Knights Series of books....)
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 12:43:45 AM
*UG runs and Alpha and punches him into one of the stands of food*
There's no fun in this market! Time to change views!
*UG takes Alpha by the legsand spins him in a circle. UG let's go and Alpha flys of to the industrial area. Alpha slams into a toxic waste station and slams into a storage bin of toxic waste. Lucky, it doesn't break. Alpha is about to get up when UG is right in front of him*
I'm quite fast you know.
*UG vanishes and reappears atop a walkway over looking th storage bins*
Jedi Alpha
May 16th, 2000, 08:55:42 AM
::Alpha gets up and ignites his experimental light-axe::
I've noticed...but I'm faster...
::Alpha blurs around the room till he gets to UG and blurs behind him. Alpha swings the axe down, which UG blocks. Alpha snap kicks UG's knee, breaking it. As UG falls Alpha fires a plasma blast at UG. UG notices the plasma blast is double the strength of the last time they fought. Alpha watches as UG goes into the wall::
The Unknown Gamer
May 16th, 2000, 09:45:37 AM
*UG snaps his knee back in place and exits the wall he just fell in with blood running down his hood*
Your not the only one that has improved!
*UG glows blue-black and fires his Force Ball and it too his twice it's size! UG throws it and Alpha doges it easly. However, that was a distraction. UG went around and grabs Alpha from behind and sents him flying to the ground. UG slams his legs into Alpha's gut and Alpha spits out blood*
I wonder if your immune to toxic? Let's find out!
*UG glows blue-black again and fires his Force Cut at the storage bins. They are cut in half and toxic waste begins to spew toward both warriors. UG kicks Alpha in the face and jumps up to the wallway above the ground*
Jedi Alpha
May 16th, 2000, 06:23:00 PM
::Alpha gives a mental command to his armor, and it begins shifting to armor that is built to withstand toxic waste. Alpha's armor finishes its transformation just in time::
It won't work UG...
::Alpha summons up enough strength and begins firing plasma attacks. UG dodges them easily. As UG turns his attention back to Alpha, he finds that Alpha is gone. Alpha appears behind UG and grabs him by the throat. Alpha throws him against the wall and then uses the force to keep him in the waste for a couple seconds. Alpha waits for enough that UG swallows some of the waste and then throws him back onto the cat-walk. Alpha unsheaths his second katana and slams it into one of UG's shoulders. Alpha twists the blade and then steps on UG's throat to pull it out. Alpha jams the blade into his other shoulder, with obvious anger, and then uses the force to lift him up and Alpha crecent kicks UG into a far wall::
The Unknown Gamer
May 17th, 2000, 12:47:02 AM
*Gets up and ignores the pain in his shoulders*
Stupid Jedi. I'm a Wraith. Wraiths are immune to poison. Guess were both immune.
*UG uses the force to throw the remaining barrels that weren't cut from UG's attack. Alpha avoids them all. However, it was another distraction by UG. Alpha turns to UG to see him fully healed*
*UG jumps in the air and grabs Alpha off the catwalk. While their both in the air, UG slams a punch in Alpha stomach and throws him into the ceiling, breaking Alpha's nose. As Alpha falls back to the ground, UG backhands him, making him fall even faster to the ground. Alpha hits making dust fly everywhere*
Jedi Alpha
May 17th, 2000, 08:30:35 AM
::Alpha gets up and looks around::
Ok...but are you immune to vaccum? I doubt it...
::Alpha fires a new type of plasma that begins eating through every level of the hull. Alpha keeps UG distracted by making him avoid snap kicks and crecent kicks. UG grabs Alpha foot on the last crecent kick and throws him towards a wall. Alpha flips off of the wall and lands with a corkscrew to UG's chest. Alpha fires a normal blast of plasma at the weakened wall. Alpha quickly changes his armor to some that can withstand space. As the wall buckels it sucks UG and Alpha outside::
The Unknown Gamer
May 17th, 2000, 09:33:23 AM
*UG gets up to see that he's outside the space station with Alpha as well*
Thank god I had the Zero G shot last week! It came in handy this time!
*UG turns around to see Alpha and grabs him by the neck*
Shall we resume?
*UG kncoks Alpha back and UG ignites his Arm Sabers and Alpha does the same. UG and Alpha continue to clash Sabers. While doing so, they travel/fight all the way to the commerical down of the Space Station*
Wonder if the C ZOne is as bad as the I zone?
*UG pushes off Alpha with his feet and throws him into the commerical Dome. UG jumps in and seal the open pocket*
*Runs at Alpha*
Darth Phantom
May 17th, 2000, 12:51:54 PM
I am here to make sure non of the back-stabing jedi dont gang up on you
:: pulls a big game finger out of his robe thats says "GO UG" ::
anyone else want one? GO GAMER WOOOOOOOOW
Jedi Alpha
May 17th, 2000, 09:07:47 PM
::As Alpha and UG clash sabers again Alpha snap kicks UG into an iron beam factory. Alpha axe kicks UG in the jaw breaking it (just like last fight...) And then uses the force to throw some of the beams into UG, hitting him in the chest and gouging out a hole. As UG is doubled over Alpha double hammerfists UG in the throat, knocking his breath out::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 17th, 2000, 09:34:12 PM
::appears wearing a small fuku((sp?)) with her staff and lightsabre:: I'll buy one Phantom. ::p uys one of the big hands and starts cheering:: UG is the best better than the rest!
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 12:56:10 AM
*UG backhands Alpha, snaps his jaw back in, and looks at the hole in his chest*
You dump Jedi! Cloaks like these aren't cheap!
*UG's eyes go red and slams Alpha into a commerical buliding. Alpha goes flying into the lobby. UG grabs Alpha by the head and slams his nose into his knee breaking it. UG throws Alpha into the ceiling and Alpha goes flying to the roof. UG grbas him by the leg and tosses him down*
Just say quits! It will make your sufering better!
*UG picks up Alpha and throws him off the 50 story roof. Alpha slams into a container and bounces off it*
(His armoe must have taken the impact. No wonder he did't break into a thousand pieces!)
*UG jumps off the roof and floats to the shipping area were Alpha fell. UG looks in the corner of his eye to see Phantom and Aki holding up the signs. A slight smile goes on UG's face*
(Thanks you guys! I'll win this one for you!)
*UG stops smailing and returns to his stone faced looks and turns his attention back to Alpha*
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 08:46:59 AM
::As Alpha gets up a plasma boomerang hits UG upside the head, burning him some more::
I should tell you. I don't give up...
::Alpha looks around and sees a big container of molten titanium. Alpha raises his hand and it glows blue, paralyzing UG. Alpha fires a plasma blast at the container and watches as it spills over UG. Alpha waits till the molten metal clears and sees UG badly burned some more...Alpha picks him up and uppercuts him into a wall. Alpha's hands glow with plasma energy and rounchouse punches UG in the jaw burning where Alpha's hand made contact::
Spirit Gun!
::Alpha fires ythe spirit gun, hitting UG squarely in the chest and knocking him unconcious. Alpha jumps up and grabs UG. Alpha waits till he's 50 ft in the air and slams UG into the ground, hearng some of UG's bones break. Alpha throws him into another wall, and then throws him into his fellow Sith. Alpha powers up for his final attack::
::Alpha fires the plasma star and watches the big explosion that takes place after it hits UG's head::
Darth Turbogeek
May 18th, 2000, 08:56:30 AM
:: Dt moves out of the shaodws to watch fight::
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 08:58:59 AM
::Alpha falls to his knees after the explosion, thouroghly exhausted...::
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 09:07:56 AM
*As dust flys everywhere, Alpha thinks he has won. However, once the dust clears, Alpha is horrified to see UG standing with his wounds healed*
You understimate me Alpha. I've changed since our last battle. And I won't quit eiether until you submit defeat or until one of our Force leaders comes in here and stops us. Cause I ain't going out this time! Time to feel pain again Alpha!
*UG run/jumps at Alpha and slams him to the ground. UG falls down on Alpha's armor, cracking his ribs despate his armor on. UG then picks up Alpha and tosses him into another container that has heated lead. While Alpha is trying to get up, UG grabs his head and throws him to the roof of the container*
So you like to see people burn do you? Time you felt your own suffering!
*UG ribs off the container opening and picks up Alpha*
Try not to get a heatburn!
*UG throws Alpha into the heated lead. UG then flys up 100 feet*
Just incase Alpha survives this ordeal.
*UG begins to summon his Force Ball. And it's three times bigger then his normal size. UG releases his Force Ball and sends it toward the container of lead. It explodes in a swirl of fire, heat, and metal. After a minute of the flash, everything returns to color. UG flaots back down and looks and the damage he has done*
What a great explosion! I wonder if any Sith/Jedi battle has had this much power involved in it?
*UG hears a creak and ignites his Sabers and goes into defense stance*
That better not be Alpha! If it is, he's won't quit that's for sure. But, that's okay. I won't eiether.
*UG narrows his eyes toward the noise*
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 09:26:48 AM
::A pile of rubble explodes outward, revealing Alpha inside a force bubble::
I think we have had the most fireworks in this battle...
::Alpha uses his speed to confuse UG. As UG lunges at an after-image of Alpha, Alpha appears behind him and elbows him in the spine, breaking a couple vertebre (sp). As UG cries out in pain Alpha grabs him by the neck and begins choking him. When UG gets weaker Alpha throws him down a long corrider to the Residential section::
Let's try the R section...
::Alpha runs into the section and looks at UG. Alpha jump kicks UG into a wall, and then crecent kicks UG in the jaw, breaking it (yet again). Alpha rushes UG with both his sabers ignited and slashes at UG, which he blocks easily. Alpha uses the force to slam UG into a wall and then kicks him in the ribs, breaking them::
I won't stop this fight till you're just a corpse lying on the floor UG....
::Alpha knees UG in the gut and then upercuts him in the jaw causing him to fly back::
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 09:40:16 AM
*UG teleports out of the wall and behind Alpha. Alpha trys to back hand but, get's it cuahgt by UG's hand. UG begins to squeeze Alpha's hand, forcing him to drop to his knees. While Alpha is down, UG uses his other hand to snap his jaw in place (yet again)*
Like I said before Alpha!
*UG squeezes Alpha fist even harder almost making Alpha cry out in pain*
I won't quit until you eiether submit defeat or until eiether our leaders (TurboGeek or Rama Sha) or our Masters stop us!
*UG picks up Alpha by his fist and tosses him into the air. While in the air, UG throws hius fist towards Alpha and slams him into three houses. UG uses this time to heal his broken ribs and back. However, UG's still retains his cuts and bruises*
(Can't waste power on them. I've just have to bear with it!)
*UG walks through the broken houses that Alpha broke through to see Alpha laying in a pile of wood*
You know. It's rude to walk into other people houses without knocking!
*UG picks up Alpha and throw him out the window and into the next house across the street*
(That boy doesn'tknow when to just say quits)
*Walks out the house and closes the door only to see the house behind him collapse. UG shuggs and walks toward the house Alpha was just thrown in*
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 01:40:50 PM
::grabs Phantom and drags him towards the battle:: Come on! We got to make sure UG doesn't get too hurt.
Darth Phantom
May 18th, 2000, 02:41:16 PM
I shall kill alpha in my battle with him.
Jedi Alpha
May 18th, 2000, 06:09:39 PM
::Alpha draws the force around him and heals his major injuries::
You're right...I don't know when to call it quits...
::Alpha disappears just before UG walks up. UG looks around for Alpha but finds nothing. Just as UG is about to turn back he is hit with a kitchen sink::
Now I've used everything...EVEN the kitchen sink :lol:
::Alpha ducks a kicks by UG and catches one of his punches. Alpha takes the arm and breaks it. Alpha jumps up and snap kicks UG in the neck, robbing him of air. Alpha uses the force to get a peice of coiled rop and begins to choke UG from behind. Alpha waits till UG passes out and then throws him into the wall, making the wall collapse and sending UG into the vaccum. Alpha weilds a peice of metal onto the hole and heals up for the couple seconds he has free::
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 08:45:04 PM
*The slab of metal explodes in and the vaccum sucks Alpha outside, only to be greeted with a punch in the face, casuing him to fly back into the R zone. UG covers the hole in the wall and snaps his left arm back in place*
I guess we won't know who is the winner until all three zones are layed in rubble!
*UG runs at Alpha and grabs him, he then puts Alpha in front of him while running and they both go slamming into houses, one at a time. After 30 houses later, UG stops running and punches Alpha in the face again, blacking one of his eyes*
Remember, only until out Masters come in here and stop us is when I'll stop my attacks!
*UG picks up the badly broken Alpha and throws him into the R zone's park. UG flys over to the park and see's Alpha had made a depression in the park*
After this, that area will be where your headstone will be!
verse dawnstrider
May 18th, 2000, 09:13:09 PM
::Looks at Aki and Phantom::
I dont think so....
::Jumps in front of the 2 Sith. His huge solid muscle 6'0 frame looms over them.::
Now, now kids. We can have the fight be unfair for Alpha and UG.
::Spins kicks Aki aside and attacks Phantom::
I will deal with you in a sec Aki. Phantom's name is first on my Death list. You will have you turn with the Grim Reaper soon enough.
::Verse kicks Phantom in the chest knocking the wind out of wind. Then verse chops Him in the neck so that Phantom cant breath in. While the Sith gasps for air Verse ignites his Scythe and slice a deep gash on the right sode of phantoms face. The wound pours with blood and Verse punchs Phantom in the face with his metal studed guantlets breaking the Sith's nose. Verse grabs Phantom byt he head and rams it into his head openong the head wound even more. Verse tosses Phantoms in the air and punchs him in his back. As Phantom falls to the ground Verse stomps his back causeing more pain. Leaving Phantoms broken body Verse turns to Aki.::
"Now it is your turn darlin'. I will make this as quick as I can."
::Verse shifts into his Crinos form.( 10 foot tall man wolf) And rushs Aki. Aki jump in the air over Verse but The Jedi's tail grabs Aki and pulls her to him. Verse pens Aki in a courner and slashes her over and over ripping almost her apart. Verse takes his Scythe and slashes it down the right side of her face. The wound starts to bleed. Verse punchs Aki over and over breaking most of her bones. Tosses her limp body onto Phantoms.::
Now to send you on your way.
::Verse holds out his hand and flame covers the both the Sith. Verse watchs the bodys burn. Verse stops the flame so that the Sith will live. Verse Summons the earth spirits and to huge plant come from the ground and hold the almost dead Sith's in the Air for all to know what happens to those who plan to get in the middle of the battle.::
Sleep well till your fellow Sith come for you......
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 18th, 2000, 09:36:59 PM
::the plant starts to burn and Aki and Phanthom fall to the ground healed:: We weren't even fighting Verse,and you come here and attack us,when we are just watching. :p
The Unknown Gamer
May 18th, 2000, 10:05:44 PM
*UG turns a wandering eye to the Jedi who attack Phantom and Aki. UG's eyes go extreme crimson red*
Dump Jedi! Atacking when there off guard!
*UG turns to Verse and ueses his Force Cut on him. Verse gets blown out of the thread. UG jumps up to wear Phantom and Aki are*
Are you two okay?
*Both Phantom and Aki nod*
You got to be on guard even if your watching. THe Jedi's for some reason are attacking us even if were watching. So be careful next time!
*Jumps down and faces Alpha again*
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 19th, 2000, 07:25:31 AM
::looks at Phanthom:: I didn't even bring any of my weapons,and that silly Jedi though I was going to interfire? Ha! I'll only interfire when UG can battle no more.
Jedi Alpha
May 19th, 2000, 08:46:18 AM
Verse! don't interfere unless they actually DO attack...
::Alpha's armor reforms again into a heavy duty weapons suit::
Now we shall see...
::Alpha fires a small fusion blast at UG which he easily dodges. The blast hits a building in the I zone and destroys 3 square km of the zone. As UG looks suprised Alpha's hands glow red and he points them at UG. Fire erupts from Alpha's hands and swallows up UG, burning his entire body. After that Alpha hands glow black and he gestures to the ground::
You see...I studied the map of this place... we're on a graveyard...
::As Alpha gestures skeletons rise from the ground and attack UG. As UG destroys some of the skeletons he gets hit with one of Alpha's plasma blasts but it is quadruple it's normal size. The blast knocks UG into a wall, riping some of his flesh away too::
May 19th, 2000, 09:54:06 AM
skeletons? WTF? this really is God mode
The Unknown Gamer
May 19th, 2000, 11:53:40 AM
*UG destorys all the skeletons and slams ALpha dead in the face kncoknig him back 10 feet. UG heals himself quickly*
I thought this was a one on one match! Why are you brining in dead people? Are you afraid of losing to a Sith? Let's get one thing staright here Alpha, it's just you and me, and no one else! whether there dead or alive! Now can be proceed?
(Alpha- We might want to cut back on the powers thing. I think it's getting out of hand. And will you stop burning me? It's really getting on my nerves. I could have chopped you in half with my Force Cut but, I didn't want that part in. So minimize the burning part okay?
(Augi- This is more like a I quit match. Me and Alpha will continue to fight until one of us has enough or until our Masters or Leaders stop us!)
May 19th, 2000, 11:58:00 AM
oh ok, I can just predict alpha's next move: *uses the force to summon an elite force of martians. They arrive in their spaceships and swarm over UG* :)
The Unknown Gamer
May 19th, 2000, 12:02:09 PM
May I ask what this is all about?
May 19th, 2000, 02:27:11 PM
yeah it was a joke :)
Darth Dyzm
May 19th, 2000, 06:51:53 PM
:: Dyzm Drops out of Hyperspace in his new ship, the Black Lighting, sees the station and decideds to have some fun::
Hehehehe, No sheilds up yet.
::Dyzm Flys his ship in low and fast, destroying half the defenses with Cluster Missles, and space bombs, the station rocks with the explosions going off. His next pass destroys the hanger bay, and the power core of the station, one by one all the lights blink off as the Fire Hawk Circles the dead station, and the battles go on::
Jedi Alpha
May 19th, 2000, 08:27:39 PM
::Alpha gets up and looks at the lights wink off::
This should get intersting...
{OOC: OK....}
::Alpha ignites his sapphire lightsaber, bathing the room in a harsh blue gl0ow. Alpha sees UG ignite one of his wrist sabers and Alpha disiignites his saber. Alpha creeps around without making a sound and hits UG in the back of the head with the butt of his saber. Alpha ignites his saber and slashes down. UG blocks::
I wonder which of our leaders or masters will stop the fight first...
::Alpha kicks UG in the ribs and then slashes down again::
The Unknown Gamer
May 19th, 2000, 09:38:44 PM
Who knows Alpha!
*UG kicks off Alpha and side kicks him into a container. Alpha ignties his sabers and both UG and Alpha slam thbere sbaers together to created that crakle effect. While they are fighting, they sort of travel/fight to the shipping docks in the C zone. UG jumps off Alpha again and UG throws a punch at Alpha, which he grabs in his hand. However, UG turns off his right hand saber and backhands Alpha into a shipping container. UG reignites his right saber*
(I won't lose again to this boy! But, I wonder who will stop us? Out leaders? or our Masters?)
*UG runs toward the container that Alpha smashed into*
Jedi Alpha
May 20th, 2000, 03:56:13 PM
::Alpha rolls to the side and snap kicks UG into the container that he was running to::
Good question...(But I won't care which it is...)
::ALpha jumps away from a punch and then comes back with a hammerfist to UG's temple, knocking him unconcious for a couple minutes. Alpha throws him into a wall::
The Unknown Gamer
May 20th, 2000, 07:09:55 PM
*UG shakes off his unconciousness and see's AQlpha running and him. UG vanishes and appears behind Alpha. UG swings his right arm Saber and Alpha and cut's his armor and the side. UG and Alpha continue to clash sabers and finally locking them together*
Maybe.......Our masters don't want this to end.......if they did wanted it to end...........they would have stop this bout my now!.......I guess this is now an offical.........I quit match!...........But, I'll tell you now........boy........I'm not the one that's going to be..........lieing dead!
Astral Ogre
May 20th, 2000, 07:15:53 PM
:: watches on from the Astral plane ::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 20th, 2000, 09:22:07 PM
::is watching the fight:: I don't like this one bit... :(
Jedi Alpha
May 21st, 2000, 03:40:06 PM
::Alpha kicks UG in the groin and as UG is doubled over Alpha snap kicks him into a wall::
But if I go down I'll take you down with me...
::UG runs at Alpha, who sidesteps and snap kicks UG in the back, knocking him to the floor::
The Unknown Gamer
May 21st, 2000, 06:36:35 PM
*While on the floor, UG sweep kicks Alpha and elbows him in the gut, making Alpha lean upward and gasp for air. UG slams the back of his fist into Alpha's face and sends his head into the ground, making a small facture in theback of his head and knocking him unconcious. UG gets up and looks at Alpha*
(This could go on forever unless one of us submits defeat.......or more like it will go on until Alpha is defeated!)
*UG kicks Alpha and sends him flying into a wall 10 feet above and making him stuck in it*
And just for the fun of it.
*UG uses the foce to get Alpha out of the wall and sent him to the ground, snapping both is shoulders out of place*
Now for the final note!
*UG ignites his sabers and walks toward the unconcoius Alpha*
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 21st, 2000, 09:05:50 PM
:: is upset at how this battle going ::
UG be careful...
The Unknown Gamer
May 21st, 2000, 10:40:43 PM
*Continues to walk to Alpha*
I'm surprised that no one has ended this fight. Guess this is the drama's conclusion!
Jedi Alpha
May 22nd, 2000, 09:02:48 AM
::Alpha eyes glow black, as he wakes up, and everything that isn't bolted down, and some stuff that is comes in at UG, hitting him and forcing him to take his attention away from Alpha. Alpha uses the force to pop one of his shoulders back into place and then pops the other into place, hissing in pain as he does it. As UG is distracted Alpha force recalls his saber and slices off UG's fighting arm. Alpha sees UG trying to pick up the saber with his other hand and promptly slashes UG's saber in half::
Let's see you win this...
::Alpha ducks under a punch a stabs his saber through UG's chest, causing him to hit the ground. Alpha looks at UG's fallen body and then slices UG in half. Alpha shuts off his saber and turns to walk away::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 22nd, 2000, 09:08:07 AM
:: sees what happens and runs over to UG ::
:: throws a large Force ball at Alpha it sends him flying ::
UG are you OK?
Jedi Alpha
May 22nd, 2000, 09:15:30 AM
::Alpha gets up and looks at Aki::
This is what normally happens if I fight...I always kill, or at least come close to killing my opponent....Get used to it...I've just begun...
::Alpha slowly disappears, wiping blood away from his mouth as he does::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 22nd, 2000, 09:39:39 AM
:: looks at UG ::
I'll just take you to the Med Bay and you'll be alright.
:: starts to heal UG ::
The Unknown Gamer
May 22nd, 2000, 09:47:07 AM
*Coughs up blood*
How.....*cough**coug h* this to me?......cough.......this was a.........*cough*......I quit match.......*cough*......damn you Alpha!*cough*........cheater!... ......I'llget you for this!
*coughs up somemore blood*
Why?.........To lose again to this Jedi that is.......*cough*......only a boy!........Why?
*Looks up to Aki and holds her hand*
I'm.......sorry Aki.........I tryed........I'm sorry.
*UG goes unconcious*
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 22nd, 2000, 04:19:47 PM
:: looks at UG and smiles ::
It's OK UG,I'll take you back to the HQ and get you to the Med Bay,and you'll be alright.
:: picks up the unconious UG and takes him back to the Sith HQ ::
Jedi Alpha
May 22nd, 2000, 05:33:52 PM
::Aki and UG hear Alpha's voice::
If either of you would like to fight know where to find me...And UG~would you like to go for a round III?
Darth Havok
May 22nd, 2000, 06:09:09 PM
<blockquote type=cite><blockquote><hr>"Alpha looks at UG's fallen body and then slices UG in half."[/quote]</blockquote>
(Humm.. Looks like God Mode to me..?..And you gloat about you being around so long, when you have clearly broken the rules on these boards in the tournament, and now.)
Jedi Alpha
May 22nd, 2000, 06:22:50 PM
I don't normally gloat about being around longer...unless I'm extremely happy...
The Unknown Gamer
May 22nd, 2000, 09:07:45 PM
*Talks to Alpha via force cause he's in the MedBay*
Round 3? What proof do I have that you won't try to kill me? We never agreed on God Mode Alpha. If this was a tournament, you would have been disquafied! So what proof do I have that you won't pull another sudden death attack? Because I would be happy to fight you a third time but I want to be sure that you won't pull another death move on me!
Jedi Alpha
May 23rd, 2000, 08:12:48 AM
::Alpha smiles eviliy::
*thinks to himself* One of theres days I'm going to get killed with all the fighting I do...But until then...Let's see how many Sith they loose...
May 23rd, 2000, 08:56:08 AM
that's lose, not loose
May 23rd, 2000, 08:59:11 AM
alpha, play by the damn rules for once in your life, no God mode, short but simple
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