View Full Version : Any sith want to rumble
Obi Wan Kenobi III
May 22nd, 2000, 09:46:35 PM
The Unknown Gamer
May 22nd, 2000, 09:59:38 PM
I'll take the match. Since your the one that issue this match, what setting do you want? The deserts of Tattoine? The swamps of Naboo? The Gundan City? The Federation Station? Just name any setting you want and we can proceed.
Darth Havok
May 22nd, 2000, 10:02:40 PM
*Lurks in the shadows, watching closely from a distance.*
May 22nd, 2000, 10:17:42 PM
::Appears behind the new jedi padawan::
I'm here to make sure no sith takes adavantage of OBi.
Obi Wan Kenobi III
May 22nd, 2000, 10:22:53 PM
Obi Wan Kenobi III
May 22nd, 2000, 10:27:57 PM
The Unknown Gamer
May 23rd, 2000, 01:29:36 AM
Actally, I'll start it of though.
*UG and Obi Wan III appear on the trade federation station's walkway*
I'll wait until you are ready to begin.
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 01:31:31 AM
* out from the shadows... Darth Crank appears*
watching and waiting for the one right moment..
to take out any jedi who steps in the way of the darkside
waiting.... and waiting For the jedi to make a mistake
No Mercy Shell Be Tolerated
Darth Stone
May 23rd, 2000, 03:03:07 AM
* Stone Lands His "The Silver wing" ship on the loading dock *
* Stone appers in the walk way *
Im here to make sure you sith dont get involved
Obi Wan watch your back these sith will strike at any moment. But also keep your mind on the match
Remember this :
Peace over anger
Honor over hate
Strength over fear
Remember that and you will win them
" May the Force be with you"
The Lounge Lizard
May 23rd, 2000, 03:09:36 AM
Crank, Stone, stay out of this.
Darth Stone
May 23rd, 2000, 04:51:33 AM
TRUE to hear but i will stay and watch this Battle proceed. Crank i wish to Battle you after im done with Aki and Mara Jade... You know what never mind i will battle you there will be a forum with your name on it i will meet you there. Obi the Force is strong in you. You will defeat UG i must leave now. May the Force be with you
* Stone gets in his ship and flys of to the jedi VS. Sith battle ground *
The Unknown Gamer
May 23rd, 2000, 08:27:31 AM
Are you ready yet Obi Wan 3? This suspense is quite killer!
Jedi Alpha
May 23rd, 2000, 08:41:26 AM
::alpha appears in the rafters, unarmed::
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 02:03:05 PM
*Darth CrANK pops up from the shadow*
runs over to Obi Wan, kicks him in the head.
I shell start the fight...
*Darth Crank ignites his double blade light saber)
{and for Obi Wan to get up}
*Darth Crank also looks around making sure no othe jedi jump in from behind*
May 23rd, 2000, 02:11:34 PM
ahhhhhh ... there you are JediBoricua ... did not know you give up soooo easily ... do you want to still fight or forfeit?
The Unknown Gamer
May 23rd, 2000, 02:18:23 PM
*UG folds his arms and stares coldly at Crank*
What the hell Crank? I accepted his match, not you. I'm just waiting for him to respond.
Dae Jinn
May 23rd, 2000, 02:21:52 PM
:: sits in the rafters to watch the battle, a few rafters across from alpha ::
c'mon UG! just don't hurt his face! :lol:
:: looks at alpha :: hey, jedi, wot's up?
here to cheer on your boy?
The Lounge Lizard
May 23rd, 2000, 02:40:14 PM
:: LL runs to Crank, spins on a heel, and snap kicks Crank just behind the knee, sending his center of gravity back and down. LL plants his left leg, spins away, and snaps back toward Crank, sending him crashing to the floor with a spinning hammer blow to his clavicle, breaking it cleanly. LL toes Crank's lightsaber, and with a slight kick up, sends the TSC rookie's saber into the air, and into LL's hands. ::
Thanks, buddy. Now remember...STAY THE HELL OUT OF THIS ONE.
There are alot of people here to mess with, and I'm not the one you want to start out on the bad foot with.
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 04:57:17 PM
* Darth Crank jump back onto his feet*
Then does a force punch on LL so hard that he gos flying into a rock and hits his head, which knocks him out cold..
*Darth Crank glares at him, with a little smile*
* Darth Crank then uses the force to grab his lightsaber of the ground, puts it up to LL neck...*
you are No match for me jedi...
Now go run home to your master....
and tell him what happen to you, tell him you almost got killed by a Sith, tell him you almost got kill by Darth Crank
I will deal with you later..
** LL runs away**
**Darth Crank, fades into the shadow...laughing**
Obi Wan Kenobi III
May 23rd, 2000, 05:35:25 PM
The Lounge Lizard
May 23rd, 2000, 05:35:40 PM
:: LL hops to his feet, shaking his head slightly. ::
Crank, did your mother do any sumo wrestling when she was pregnant? You're obviously more than a few geese short of a gaggle. First off, ask the natives. I'm no Jedi. Used to be, sure...but not anymore. Ask the natives again, and they'll tell you that your life insurance as of now is going to be pretty damn expensive...cause I don't forgive, and I sure as hell don't forget. You aren't going to walk away from this....especially with that little TSC tag on your forehead.
:: Walks to Crank...the sith pulls his lightsaber out, but LL catches Crank by the wrist, bends at the waist, and dislocates Crank's jaw with a high angle piking mule kick. LL re-chambers his leg, and sends a kick to Crank's midsection, knocking the air out of the Sith like the stuffing out of a ragdoll. LL drops his leg down, and while holding Crank's wrist still...does a forward tuck roll, using Crank's pressure point to send him crashing to the ground. ::
Listen boy....THAT is how you do things around here.
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 06:03:15 PM
*Darth Crank gets up*
hahahahah, is tha all you got little man
*Darth crank, knees LL in the face (lots of blood start to roll down LL face).Darth Crank uses the force to throw large rocks at LL hitting him in parts of the body.....
breaking a few bones in is chest.*LL slowly gets up,his face covered with blood,his nose broken* He then trys to punch Darth Crank but Darth Crank counters the punch and breaks his arm.
*LL just standing there, half dead*
**Darth crank then starts to run in fast speed toward LL(LL eyes get wide open)Then Darth Crank starts to punch and punch over and over again on LL face..
*LL falls to the ground, you barely can see LL face, its covered with so much blood*
Plz... don't kill me, plz i beg don't kill me.
*Darth Crank then drags LL to a tree and ties him up to it,
He then takes LL lightsaber an throws it into the lake.(so that LL can't burn the ropes to get free..
**LL is tie tightly to the tree there is no way he can get free**
** Darth Crank walks up to LL, andspits in his face..Then he ignites his lightsaber...and slowl starts to put the saber up to his neck, putting little burns on LL neck...**
(LL starts to cry,and cry and cry..Then he findly passes out)
* Darth Crank waits for Obi Wan to return, then Crank is going to kill him*
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 06:07:20 PM
unknown gamer you want to help with this fight, you can fight obi wan if you want?????
he not much of a challege, for me
The Lounge Lizard
May 23rd, 2000, 06:27:42 PM
OOC (its not kosher to perform everyone's actions in your turn, dude. I know your a newbie...trying to help you out)
:: LL goes into deep concentration, sealing his wounds and mending his bones with waves of force energy. He looks at the ropes with a smile, and tears out of them like wet spaghetti :: amateur!
:: LL goes into Crane. Crank attacks, and LL gracefully uses the Sith understudy's energy against him, letting Crank's saber glide past, LL snaps at Crank's hand with a Crane's Beak, shattering his knuckles in a bloody compound fracture. Crank drops his saber and cradles his useless hand ::
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 06:44:30 PM
<<<<My Bad>>>>
*Crank looks at his hand, then looks at LL*
*Cranks laughs,you think that hurts me, he then snaps his knuckles in place, and then he trips LL sending him into the ground.
*Crank hops back onto his feet, like nothing happen, then grabs LL and lifts him into the air and then drops him on his knee breaking LL back bone.....
**Crank then does a 20 foot jump into the air, landing on LL head......
Obi Wan Kenobi III
May 23rd, 2000, 06:58:05 PM
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 08:48:10 PM
your day is coming litte one,
you shell be my nextto kill...
but for right now Unknown Gamer has a challege for you???
i'll let him rough you up.....
Obi Wann when it is our time to do battle you well know,
you well you fall to your death.....
your jedi skill are no match for me i will rip you up, into pieces....
go do battle with UGamer, he challege you first....if he did not i would have kill you already....foolish one
Darth Dyzm
May 23rd, 2000, 09:34:55 PM
::Stands in the shadows watching everyone and thing::
Crank, do as i do, watch them, learn their weakness, then attack.
I am still learning...
Darth Crank
May 23rd, 2000, 10:41:29 PM
thanks for the help
The Lounge Lizard
May 23rd, 2000, 11:50:48 PM
:: as Crank walks away, LL reaches under his armor, and pulls out a pouch of bacta and a needle. LL injects the bacta into the small of his back, healing his paralysis. LL flips to his feet. He strides to Crank, who has his back turned. LL forms his left hand into the Den Mok position, and with a lightning thrust, strikes at Crank's sternum. Crank meets the strike with a cross-hand block, but not quite in time. LL's momentum slowly carries his hand forward, finger getting perilously close to Crank's sternum ::
Its too late, now its only can try to resist, but you will only prolong your fate.
:: LL's finger inches closer to Crank's chest. The sith howls with fury, maxing himself out, but LL's straight-axis force is too much. The finger touches Crank's sternum. Veins bulge on Crank's forehead, and he bites his lip in pain. The sound of tearing flesh is heard as LL breaks skin. Crank blinks hard, and struggles against the strike yet again, but to no avail. A wet snap echoes through the BG as Crank's sternum is broken. A moment later, and Crank begins convulsing and breathing irregularly. LL press kicks Crank away with a sneer, and the Sith newbie falls to the ground, shaking and gasping. ::
It seems you have gone into arrest. I would call some of your friends to get you medical attention, and quickly. I liberally give you five minutes to live. Call them, quickly.
:: LL walks away, laughing ::
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 12:05:07 AM
* Darth Crank, then pulls out a needle it looks to be anti bacta then injects it into himself, a couple of seconds later he jumps to his feet*
*At this moment LL is walking back to his ship*
*Darth Crank **ignites is light saber, and very slowly jumps LL from behind*
*LL is surprise*
*just then Darth Crank Swings his lightlaber, towards LLhead, with one cutt LL head go's flying off
*blood is every where, LL body is just layig there,his head is about 40 ft away*
*LL is Dead by the hands of Darth Crank
*Darth Crank juimps onto his star ship and flys off,living LL to get eated by wild animals
The Unknown Gamer
May 24th, 2000, 12:09:22 AM
About time youshowed up Obi Wan 3! This waiting is dump! And to make up for lost times, I'll startiy off first!
*UG runs at Obi Wan 3 and knees him in the gut. UG then slams OWK3 into the ground with both fist, making his face go into the floor. UG picks up OWK3 out of the ground and holds him by his robes*
Hope your as good as a fighter as you seem to be!
*UG tosses OWK3 into the air and slams him into the ship's wall*
OOC- Just so anyone forgot, the setting is on the Trade Federation Station)
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 12:10:06 AM
Dammit boy...if you don't know the rules...DON'T PLAY THE GAME!
(Crank's attack is ignored)
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 12:17:26 AM
I WiN!!!!
You Lost!!!
Game Over!!
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 12:24:49 AM didn't win at all.
Read the rules before you fight, boyo.
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