View Full Version : *ahem*
Ayanami Rai
May 23rd, 2000, 06:48:11 PM
Ok, I think there needs to be a restatment of the rules for the battleground. Lately there has been a few people (that remain unnamed on my part) that have been pulling God mode crap, and I think something should be done. something along the lines of star wars related powers take precedence. OK?!? There has been too many people going off of the star wars line. Discussion should be held on this and action should be taken.
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 06:53:40 PM
I try to stay within the SW universe. But i notice that whenever myself or one of my gungans enter the BG, some of the sith suddenly have every power known to man. And i've had enough of people hacking my limbs of and trying to give me fatal injuries......rgp is losing its appeal.
Ayanami Rai
May 23rd, 2000, 06:56:02 PM
Sith..let me use this phrase again...*AHEM* I believe most jedi's have been pulling this crap.
May 23rd, 2000, 07:02:50 PM
MOST Jedi? There are few of us at the mo. Does Yog? Borucia? Me? Bear? Well?
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:09:11 PM
Well regardless of who it needs to stop
Ayanami Rai
May 23rd, 2000, 07:11:58 PM
look at some of your enwest recruits, my dear. I'm not saying ALL jedi, and I'm not saying sith don't do it too. Btut either way, it needs to stop. I clearly remember it being one of the rules. NO GOD MODES!
May 23rd, 2000, 07:14:20 PM
they are new, we can't expect them to be perfect. There are a lot of new Sith, they are the same. Everyone is like that at first. People learn
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:15:32 PM
I'll try to keep the Gungans in long as others don't go into God mode when fighting us.....we then we will have to retaliate
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 07:16:12 PM
The correct way to prevent this problem, is saying it is God mode and why it is. You then ignore the unfair move in the battle, and continue to beat the crap out of your opponent.
May 23rd, 2000, 07:17:09 PM
I think more people need to be how the best here fight. They will 'waste' posts. They wont neccesarilly win over that post, they will go for the story. I remember Ogres first fight, when he fought me. He spent a post trying to lift pebbles! It was great! Many do this, but not many well. The best for this are Ogre, Lynch and Yog of the top of my head. We need more to be like them
Pracid Trip
May 23rd, 2000, 07:19:01 PM
Considering I haven't NOT taking a brutal bashing the last few time I've fought; I don't think God Mode is a problem for me.....but I can't speak for the rest of the Hunters and I do agree with Ceel- RP is loosing its appeal. Too many people not enough knowledge..
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 07:21:28 PM
The trick is addressing excactly what you concider God mode or non-SW in the thread it happens. This way, the person in question will learn.
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:22:24 PM
This all about fun.......too many rules and you take the fun away....the same happens with to few rules.............RPG has become totally battle oriented and the story has suffered because of this..
Ayanami Rai
May 23rd, 2000, 07:24:14 PM
I think there should be a claer statement of what is allowed and what should be ignored. When new apprentices arrive, just be sure to state the rules clearly and specify. THAT's the way they learn
And GC, you have a point about the whole appeal of of RPG. I think a lot of people have taken the fun out if it being star wars, and made it into something else, of what I'm not sure.
Pracid Trip
May 23rd, 2000, 07:27:50 PM
I think SWFans.Net needs to show who's incharge around here or else we need to find some other website that actually knows how to run an RPG-
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:28:41 PM
I think its time to update the rules of the BG.
Any ideas?
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 07:32:47 PM
I agree with Ceel. Remember everyone, this is supposed to be fun. To "win" a fight is not necessarilly the most important thing. Quality of story telling and entertainment value is.
The rules should be clearer, but not overly detailed.
Pracid Trip
May 23rd, 2000, 07:36:08 PM
Ceel; I apreciate the drinking thread in my honor; but for some reason...when i try to post a reply it says "YOU ARE BLOCKED" :) Just UB me when u get a chance
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:41:36 PM
I think that every battle should start with a few of these things:
. Don't just start a thread saying "Do you want to fight?". You should include a setting,and a reason for the fight. Give some description of what is going on and actually create an atmosphere. Tell us what you sense or feel...ect.
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:45:34 PM
I remember unbanning you...........i'll go and check in out!
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 07:51:31 PM
Okay i think this did it...........your email adress somehow became banned........i think it will work now
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 07:53:46 PM
Well said General! That makes better quality roleplay. Be descriptive when battling. Describe what weapons you have, armour/clothes you wear, the excact location of the fight, how you arrived, your feelings/thoughts, precize descriptions of how you perform your moves etc.
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 07:55:27 PM
Keywords are atmosphere and realism.
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 08:00:52 PM
When i started The Gungan Council the posts where like that.......descriptive and entertaining.....but somewhere along the way things started to become less story oriented......i hope we can change that here!
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 08:08:58 PM
We have not had any real story based roleplay up for a couple of weeks. With story based, I mean such as the Kala Stone Roleplay, Son of Turbogeek episodes etc. In such threads, the focus is story rather than straight battle. We should have more of those.
verse dawnstrider
May 23rd, 2000, 08:15:30 PM
i think the Non SW powers was dirrected to me because of me useing Garou arts. I do seem to remember a few Sith (That will remain nameless) useing Vampyre powers and speed. But yes the God mood needs t o go. I am one of the first that need to work on it. I think we all need to work on it. I for one will cut ut some of my Garou arts.
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 08:16:38 PM
The tournament was the ultamate example of how not to do an RGP. All it was was fight fight fight........and nothing more.
verse dawnstrider
May 23rd, 2000, 08:25:23 PM
I like the roleplays myself. I thinkt hey are rather fun. They are the main reason i stay here. We need more of them.
Master Yoghurt
May 23rd, 2000, 08:30:17 PM
Personally, I have no problems with Garou, Vampyre or Dragon Balls moves as long as they are not used to unfair advantage (god mode), say toss a planet in your opponents direction. Many of the moves are thinkable in the SW universe even if not found in EU literature or in the movies. But it has to be in SW context: "Supernatural" powers should be related to the Force.
verse dawnstrider
May 23rd, 2000, 08:33:46 PM
I will work on that. I will make sure my garou arts a related to the force in a way. No god mode.
Darth Turbogeek
May 23rd, 2000, 08:40:49 PM
The Tournament was never meant to be a Roleplay. It's just an excuse to beat the @#%$ out of each other :)
Roleplay is something someone needs to be prepared to do and to be the person to police it.
Now, I am very concerned looking at the person who started this thread. Why? I'm pointing the finger back at you. And you Sith. Because YOU are the ones who take up God mode by far the worst! What about Videl1999? I utterly refused to fight her as she was the worst violator of the lot!!! Throwing mountains??
Now Pracid, shut up. We do NOT need some DM in hewre,the beauty of this place is that the PLAYERS decide the rules and the PLAYERS decide what to do. That is what is so great...
General, your opinions as ever are correct and too the point. My suggestion for an RPG is to start one, define the settings and run it. It's a lot of fun and I have done a few.
Also remember the smaller battles are part of the bigger picture here. Everything we do is part of the bigger story - how I play is a presume that everything here is part of one big RPG and my history shows it. The small battles are only a small part of a far bigger RPG I presume I am in everytime I set up in here. If everyone realised that too, that is how BG works
I do have a suggestion for God modes and maining.... call down the wrath of DT. When I am here (not very often anymore), I'll take note and make a point of wedgying the offender or beating the crap out of them with a frying pan
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 08:59:37 PM
Well i just started an RPG thread so have fun with it.
Darth Lynch
May 23rd, 2000, 09:13:43 PM
I think it's rather low to attack a person who can't even reply DT.
But you say the Sith are the worse? Okay how about Alpha. The kid uses Saijin powers, he can turn into pure energy, he has used both Jedi and Sith techniques and then he has about a dozen weapons or armor protection devices. Hell he can raise the dead for crying out loud! What is he? The second coming?! Currently HE is the worse offender of ANY group. He is pulling whatever it takes to win and much of it is non SW to the extreme, he tends to bend the rules as much as he wants, cutting up people or ripping them apart just to win.
If people used alittle more imagination in a fight they wouldn't need a bunch of non SW powers as a clutch to give them a win or be the big man/woman on the board. We don't need a DM if only people would use alittle more common sense when RPing here. Common sense and imagination, two of the better things people should use more often.
General Ceel
May 23rd, 2000, 09:18:41 PM
You are most wise.........for a sith
May 23rd, 2000, 09:19:13 PM
Well there has always been the battle crowd and the rpg crowd. I post on both types of threads, but I have never started an rpg story myself. I wrote one and I'm not sure where it is. But sure Ceel go for it, and if the first rpg does not go well, try again. Until everyone gets into it.
I know the sith empire does not like rpg. Take for example the son of turbogeek, or the attack on the jedi temple. They were jedi, and imperials except for some sith like firebird.
Darth Turbogeek
May 23rd, 2000, 09:25:48 PM
Maybe he is the worst offender at present, but he isnt the worst. Videl was as bad at times and other Sith in the past have been far worse. He will learn Lynch. He's young and needs some patience, but I've seen ones like him turn into RPG gold.
If you dont like what they do, ignore them or point out what you think is wrong. They soon get the message - either they shape up or ship out.
ummmm.... now where did I say I was going to pull a low act? I was making a tongue in cheek suggestion.
Darth Lynch
May 23rd, 2000, 09:43:43 PM
I meant it was low to attack Videl directly since she is currently gone due to a ban put on her net time by her parents. It seems unfair to directly single out one person or one side when there are obvious exampls of god modes on either side.
I do agree with everything else your saying DT. I can find no fault with your reasoning.
As for RPG threads like Son of TurboGeek I admit to being poor at such a thing, I can easily come up or do a good story it's just my intrest is not into such things so I have little desire to post in them. I enjoy the one on one or royal rumble format more, perhaps in due time I'll get into those RPG threads, should give it a shot at least.
Dae Jinn
May 23rd, 2000, 09:54:01 PM
as a newbie sith, i would just like to say that the rules ( at least to me) were made VERY clear by Ogre on how we can and can't battle and i quote:
"1. No killing. You can't just start a fight and kill someone, same goes for your opponent. If he does you can point out the rule and say it doesn't count then kick his butt for good measure to teach him a proper lesson in the process. You can hurt people but you can't cut off their hand or rip their limbs off but you can maim them and cut them as such.
2. No God mode or powers. This is SW and while you can have a special talent or skill you can't stray too far from SW. People will respect you and fight you more if you stay within the SW universe. However this is flexable to a degree."
i've found this ( the above ) is true, no-one likes it if you stray to far from SW and NO-ONE likes god-mode. Same with cutting off limbs...i've noticed in some of the threads that certain people ( no sith or gungan that i have seen ) cheat. it screws everyone up. i think we should make up rules that we can all agree on and post them on each message board.
on the story-telling side of it, i think the sith board is doing alright in that aspect. i do agree that people should describe the battle grounds, clothes, weapons, etc; in all the "training" threads i've been in, this has happened. it makes it much more easier and clearer when you're fighting.
Pracid Trip
May 24th, 2000, 12:21:31 AM
Hey; I respect DT as much as the next guy but who died and made him "god" for lack of a better term. I mean this guy preaches about all the ills of having a DM but insists on having some Police Like obligation over the board. I think someone needs to remember that they are just a player and that no matter how long they've been here; or how much respect they garner they are nothing more than a player-
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 12:57:57 AM
I am also new to the sith, But right now i hear everyone blaming "us" sith, for useing God like modes.For the short time i been here i seen more jedi use god like modes, Ex. like for today, i was in a battle with LL, and everything was going great, and half way through the fight he injects me with bacta, and says i got 5 minutes to live...
Come on!! what kind of jedi injects people with bacta,I have not once seen that in the movies or books.
I'm not saying all sith are not useing god mode,cause i'm sure theres alot of them that do.....
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 01:04:28 AM
I injected MYSELF with bacta. READ. Bacta heals, it doesn't kill. Remember, thats the stuff from Empire Strikes Back.
and for God's sake....I AM NOT A JEDI.
God mode, Mr. Crank, is recovering from seemingly-debilitating injuries with no rhyme or reason, such as a multiple compound hand fracture...
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 01:26:29 AM
After injecting me with that @#%$ you quote "I liberally give you five minutes to live."
And i didn't say it was a god mode fool...
by the way if your not a jedi or a sith what the hell are you....
Darth Turbogeek
May 24th, 2000, 01:26:41 AM
Pull your helmet out your butt Pracid. Did you not note I was being tounge in cheek, Hmmm?
Right now I see the Sith pointing fingers at Jedi but you are missing the point - SITH DO IT TOO. And have done it in greater numbers! Cease and esist with this its all the Jedi's fault for it @#%$ING well is NOT. Your throwing stones at glass houses if yyou stand there and just lay the blame on one or two Jedi. Or me. I can go back and list 6 Sith, yes and present ones who have done God mode before.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?! Or am I going to have to scream it in your ears???? This You said / Did not! is pissing me off.
We are ALL at fault - Jedi AND Sith and if you dont like that fact being said, Well dial 013 and find someone who cares, becuase I dont.
And yes LL is NOT Jedi. Just an example of this "lets blame the Jedi" or "lets blame the Sith" mentality runnig around.
If you dont like God modes, then I will give a method to do this... I always thought Videl1999 was in God mode. I chose to ignore her totally. Is that too hard to do? Videl isnt the only one I have ignored, nor have I let Jedi get away with it in the past either. LL and I had some disagreements over the Saiyan thing, while he was still Jedi. I didnt think it had a place here.
In other words, I dont play favorites. I'm telling it as it is.
Do I need to spell this out in words of two syllabals or less?
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 01:34:08 AM
May 24th, 2000, 02:13:20 AM
I'm not finding gos mode as bad as how bitchy everyone is getting.
The problem is, how far do you takes the rules? Remember the guy who came here with those rules which we could use? They sucked! Part of the fun is the freedom. How can you stop it, anyway? One mans god mode is another mans normal. Who is going to decide? I mean if we are going to get picky, there should be only two Sith, and half of the sigs in peoples sigs would need to be scrapped
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 02:17:27 AM
I never injected YOU....
...and I wouldn't make an OOC enemy of DT, you're new here, and its not a wise thing to walk into somebody's house and berate the family that owns the house.'re making Itala seem like a cordial, wise, and intelligent philosopher.
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 02:25:04 AM
lets just drop it,
where both making each other look like a fool
.An i am getting bored with it
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 02:27:27 AM
Heh...if you say so, Crank.
May 24th, 2000, 02:33:58 AM
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 02:36:09 AM
Yeah, it does have that comedic aspect, eh Reaperfett?
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 02:39:19 AM
just to let you know we will fight again,
oh yeah by the way it is just a game, its not your life
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 02:44:30 AM
Is that an oath of self-reassurement?
May 24th, 2000, 02:45:45 AM
sorry, laughing about the Italia comment
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 02:47:09 AM
yes it is
Darth Crank
May 24th, 2000, 02:48:09 AM
yes it is
((((((They need to get a chatroom for this board i'm sick of haveing to wait to get a reply)))))))))))
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 02:50:07 AM
:: Rubs magical crystal ball ::
I sense you are from a place called Talk City.
Darth Stone
May 24th, 2000, 02:58:58 AM
I must agree alot of Jedi and Sith use GOD MODE im not saying i have never used it. im not going to lie i have done the following send a shock wave around a planet and send 300,000,000 million volts electrisity to someone. All of those are God mode since 2 days ago i stoped using those things we have to stop this i say we have a warning if you get 2 warnings you should get kicked out
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 03:02:05 AM
I don't think measures THAT stringent are needed....a simple disregarding of a god mode attack will suffice.
Ayanami Rai
May 24th, 2000, 01:50:22 PM
Well looky here. Two VERY powerful people (Lynch and DT) are hitting low blows and pointing fingers. All I was trying to state is that there should be less God mod eused, and that there should either be a restatement of the rules, or someone do something about the people that don't follow those rules. Yes I do believe that both sides have used God mode at one point, but I don't think you should go around pointing fingers. Did I not mention that I kept the people nameless and did not point fingers. And DT, I think you need to pull your own hand out of your ass, and realize that not everyone is going to agree on everything. There's nothing wrong with the rules as they are, they just need to be made clear. And please stop pointing fingers at people that aren't even here to defend themselves. That's just chicken @#%$.
May 24th, 2000, 01:59:25 PM
You pointed your fingure at the Jedi!
Ayanami Rai
May 24th, 2000, 04:21:47 PM
no I believe what I was saying, is that there's been an excessive amount of God Mode used lately, between sith and Jedi alike, and it needs to either be cut down, or stopped all together.
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