View Full Version : The desert of Tatoonie. (Aki's challange)
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 23rd, 2000, 08:24:42 PM
:: stands in the desert waiting for Darth Stone to show up ::
verse dawnstrider
May 23rd, 2000, 08:27:15 PM
::Walks ont he battle ground.::
Good fight to you Aki. May this fight bring the best fighter Victory. I wish you luck.
::Verse's eyes glow and vines bust from the ground and Make a seat for him. Verse sits on his seat.::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 23rd, 2000, 08:36:15 PM
:: looks at Verse ::
Hm,I must tell you this,the battle shall have no weapons,or force attacks....Hand-to-Hand combat,where I shine.
:: goes to the pile of bags lying behind her and pulls out a small canteen and takes a drink from it ::
If your little friend Stone doesn't show I shall have to say he is afraid of me.
verse dawnstrider
May 23rd, 2000, 08:38:28 PM
Hand-to-hand eh? That is what I like. I had to train to use my Scythe. All garou are trained in hand to hand. It is the best. I wish you luck again. And Stone will be here.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 23rd, 2000, 08:41:33 PM
:: tosses Verse a canteen ::
You might need this if this battle goes on longer than expected.
:: goes back to waiting for Stone ::
verse dawnstrider
May 23rd, 2000, 08:52:45 PM
::catchs it.::
OOC: I out for the night. Later....
May 23rd, 2000, 09:15:31 PM
I don't think Stone is here at night...which sucks 'cause the guy has impresed me.
Dae Jinn
May 23rd, 2000, 09:24:40 PM
:: walks up and sits beside Verse and JB ::
mind if i join you boys? this looks like it's going to be good, if stone ever shows....
** if he's not about at night, he can post in the day **
Darth Havok
May 23rd, 2000, 10:20:12 PM
*Can be seen in the distance, right in the seting sun, standing with his arms crossed, keeping an eye on his apprentice. As the wind blows through the desart, making small whirlwinds, as his hair sways in the wind, and vultures circle above.*
The Unknown Gamer
May 24th, 2000, 12:49:28 AM
*Appears next to Havok with his hood pulled odwn to avoid the sand blowing in the wind*
Camr to watch the bout. I wonder if my brother will accept? Since this is just hand-to-hand, Stone might not trake it since I've noticed that he is dependent on his Force moves. Maybe he won't accept. But, that is yet to be seen.
*Looks at Aki and waits for Stone to arrive*
Darth Stone
May 24th, 2000, 02:05:11 AM
(OOC:Sorry too everyone my time is different i was at school)
Aki i do accept your challenge hand to hand i may not be good at hand to hand combat but i belive im good enough to beat you. "May the best fighter win"
Ready when you are
The Lounge Lizard
May 24th, 2000, 02:19:38 AM
Hand to hand?
:: LL watches intently as his expert trade is played out ::
Darth Stone
May 24th, 2000, 04:33:27 AM
(Well Aki im not going to be hear tonight so i think i will attack first OK)
* Stone sees aki sitting down *
Lets get this over with
* Aki stands up *
* Stone jumps over to aki putting her in a Choke hold. 80 sec. later.Aki is turning purple *
* Stone lets her go but holding her right hand stone twist it. In a clock wise motion. Aki starts to scream *
* AHHHHHHH!!! Stone lets go just in time before her wrist breaks *
* Stone lifts Aki up throwing her into a sand dune *
* As aki gets up stone tackles her to the ground and throws a elbow to her stomach taking the breath out of her *
* Stone then lets aki get up. As she holds her stomach stone throws a round house kick to her face. Aki's nose starts to bleed *
Well better clean your face
* Stone grabs a water cantin and drinks a little water and throws some on Aki's face washing the blood away *
* Stone sees aki getting up he fly kicks her in the Dust *
* A 10 foot long snake trys to bite aki but is killed when Stone tears it apart *
I want Aki to lose to me not a snake
* Stone starts to pumble her ( Punching her repeatly ) stone stops only to smash Aki's body in the sand *
* Stone sees all the Jedi and Sith around *
Now i dont want anybody interfearingn i think Aki thinks the same to bad shes indaspose right now
* Stone power bombs her to the ground *
* He then lifts up aki and choke slams her 6 times *
I dident think anyone could live through that
* Stone upper cuts Aki *
* As stone gets ready to slam her back he stops and slams her face in a palm tree knocking her uncontios *
* As stone gets up he whips the sweat of his face *
Well time for a drink of water. Aki thanx for this challenge it's busting my skills i thought i would be not so good at a hand to hand battle
* Stone puts Aki in the Walls of jerico *
verse dawnstrider
May 24th, 2000, 07:15:55 AM
i refuse to read that. It way way to long. A little zgod like. I thought we were all trying to not do that now.....
Darth Stone
May 24th, 2000, 07:29:59 AM
(ooc:Yes this is a long reply but i might not be hear tommorrow so i figured i would post up something long so we could ffinnish the match pretty fast but i dont see the God thing in here but i will not write as much next time)
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 24th, 2000, 07:37:06 AM
((For one thing you are not supposed to write half the battle in one post!))
:: quickly gets up behind Stone and trips him,grabs Stone by his hair and starts slamming his face into her knee ::
1,2,3,4,5...Heh,had enough yet?
:: stops slamming Stone's face into her knee and kicks him in the stomache ::
Darth Stone
May 24th, 2000, 07:51:11 AM
Have enough yet you say? Im just getting warmed up
* Stone gets up holding his stomach he takes 3 Breaths of air *
* Stone gets ready to fight again *
* He jumps over to Aki and SLAMS her stomach and she falls on her knees. Stone kicks her face and she flys back *
Well i think the question is have you had enough?
* Stone takes this time to meditate 5 min *
Well thats it i belive this match will end soon
* Stone gets up in Defence position *
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 24th, 2000, 08:01:07 AM
:: gets up and cracks her knuckles ::
I guess you don't know alot do you?
:: runs up to Stone and kicks sand in his face blinding him ::
I didn't say no use of enviroment.
:: kicks him in the groin ((I'm not gonna say balls that's just rude))then grabs his hair again and slams his face into her knee until she hears his nose break ::
I wounder why you hate me so much Stone? Maybe after this battle you might tell me...
:: let's go of Stone's hair and tosses him into a sand dune ::
Darth Stone
May 24th, 2000, 08:17:21 AM
* Stone washes the blood from his noses with water*
So Aki you want to play like that
* Stone tears a palm tree from its rutes *
Well tell me what you think of this
* Stone throws the tree at Aki it lands on her crushing 7 ribs *
* Stone Gets ready to break Aki's nose *
* Stone punches Aki's nose 10 times till it bleeds Stone now gets a Rock and slams Aki's nose breaking it *
Now you have a taste of your own medicen
* Stone gets that dead snake and starts to whip Aki with half of the snake *
(Aki i really dont hate you i just think we got off on the wrong foot)
The Unknown Gamer
May 24th, 2000, 09:29:39 AM
*UG watches the fight and thinks*
(Since when are palm tree's found on Tattoine? This is suppose to be a full blown desert planet with no plant life what so ever. Guess Stone needs to brush up on his settings. And snakes are not even on Tattoine! At most will be those giant worms (I forgot the name of them. It's the one that lives in that pit)! Wonder if I should jump in but, that would make Aki look weak. So then I have no choice then to watch this drama unfold).
*UG pulls his hood down even more to avoid the blowing sand*
Dae Jinn
May 24th, 2000, 01:38:30 PM
::gets up and goes to stand with Havok and UG, getting in close to Havok so she can shield herself from the sand with his cloak ::
this doesn't seem right...stone gets to many hits in...i know aki can do better than that.
Sith Kat
May 24th, 2000, 04:09:38 PM
OOC - Stone, try cutting it down to only a few actions and let the other person respond before you post again. This is a message board, not a chat room or video game, so things don't move here in real time. It's unfair to assume otherwise because not everyone can be on at the same time.
It's like a bunch of people writing a story, all the posts will flow together when others come by to read it.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 24th, 2000, 04:51:26 PM
OOC-Preach on Kat! Preach on!
:: quickly gets up her breathing is labored from the fighting ::
*huff,puff* Too bad you could've been a great Sith.
:: stands up and glares at Stone,he is surprised that she is still standing as she walks up to him and kicks him in the shin ::
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 24th, 2000, 10:01:35 PM
Most people would wonder why I choose the Tatoonie deserts.
:: kicks Stone over a dune and he slides down the other side ::
That is why.
:: points to the large worm (ACK! I don't even know there names!) that Stone is moving ever closer to ::
And you can't use the force,give up now or die young Jedi.
:: stands at the top of the dune waiting for Stone's answear ::
Darth Stone
May 25th, 2000, 02:17:02 AM
(OOC: Brother a while ago you said what trees are in a desert did you ever think about oasid The only green spots in the desert)
* Stone sees the worms he grabs the palm tree he threw on Aki and jams it strait threw the giant worms Body killing it *
Well if want to play like that
Aki ok i will surren
* Aki goes next to stone. Stone grabs a hand full of sand and throws it in aki's eyes blinding her *
I will never surrender to ANY S I T H
* Stone slams her back bone. . . *
May 25th, 2000, 02:25:46 AM
hey stone, nice seeing you in action.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 25th, 2000, 07:47:12 AM
:: rubs her eyes ::
I guess the rules have changed.
:: Pulls out a small knife and slashes Stone in the face giving him a nice little wound ::
Darth Havok
May 25th, 2000, 08:01:59 AM
*Wraps his cloak around Dae, as another whirlwind of dust comes from the desert floor. Almost blinding as is twirls around them and proceeds down an embankment in the direction of the battle at hand.*
Darth Stone
May 25th, 2000, 08:45:37 AM
So weapons are allowed now and force attacks you have not the slightest chance to beat me now.
Thanx JB its been a while sence ive herd from you
* Stone egnites his Blue Blazing light saber *
* Stone powers up with Force Beam and Force disk *
*Stone fires a force disk but aki moves away but it still cuts her are giving her a "nice little cut *
Now tell me where do you want my force beam to hit :lol:
* Stone fires a force beam to aki sholder *
* Stone gets ready to use the lightsaber stone strikes...
( Yoda: Dont let your anger get to you )
* Stone disegnits his LS and fly kicks Aki down to a 100 foot sand dume *
. . .
Dae Jinn
May 25th, 2000, 10:37:01 AM
:: snuggles up to Havok ::
thanks, luv.
seems this match is getting more interesting...
The Unknown Gamer
May 25th, 2000, 02:08:33 PM
*Looks at Dae*
I still say Aki should have had this fight on Endor or Naboo. Deserts are not a thing.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 25th, 2000, 04:25:44 PM
:: glares at the ground near Stone's feet ::
Most people would question my choice again but now you'll see.
:: Stone notices the ground underneathe him has changed into quicksand as he slips deeper into the ground Aki walks back up the dune ::
I won't kill you yet,I haven't had enough fun.
Darth Stone
May 25th, 2000, 07:54:07 PM
( OOC: Remember you said weopons and force attacks are OK now )
I CANT . . .
* Stone uses force blast to blast the Quick Sand away *
* He jumps out from the quick sand that is left. And aki looks amazed but still eager to fight.
* Stone see's what she is doing *
* Stone egnites his light saber standing in defence position *
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 25th, 2000, 09:51:18 PM
:: quickly Force calls her Lightsabre to her hand and ignites it ::
Then again I guess you do want to die.
:: Runs at Stone slashing with her sabre,he dodges the slash only to get stabbed in the hand by her knife ::
Darth Havok
May 25th, 2000, 10:37:19 PM
*Places his arm around Dae, as the wind picks up even more. blowing dust all around them.*
Interesting indeed...
Dae Jinn
May 25th, 2000, 11:02:27 PM
even more interesting is something stone said to me...i'll tell you back home.
:: smiles at UG ::
Aki'll be fine.
Darth Stone
May 26th, 2000, 03:23:21 AM
* Stone gets up as he is holding his wound *
Well dont think i will die so soon
* Stone force push's Aki to the ground and takes his light saber and slashes aki's arms and legs. Stone then powers up with Force beam and Force disk *
* Stone first fires a force beam at aki's stomach putting a hole in her the Stone uses Force disk to cut aki's Light saber in half *
* Stone clips his light saber to his cloak and see's a sand tornato getting closer *
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 26th, 2000, 06:37:18 AM
:: stands up partly healed ::
Another reason I picked the desert,at least at this particular moment.
:: as sand tornado gets closer to the battle field ::
Let's just say I don't mind getting a little sandy.
:: Force calls her staff and leg sweeps Stone who falls down the side of a sand dune ::
Darth Stone
May 26th, 2000, 11:21:01 AM
* Stone gets up and uses Force Wind blowing the tornato away *
Well i am getting tired of your nature tricks why dont you uses the power in you. . . OH i forgot you have no real power
* Stone climbs out of the sand dume and ignites his light saber *
* Slashing aki all around her body *
* aKI USES her staff but it is cut to pieces by Stone's light saber *
Darth Wolf
May 26th, 2000, 12:36:04 PM
So this is the JEDI/SITH battleground?
Dae Jinn
May 26th, 2000, 01:07:54 PM
:: looks out from under havoks' cloak ::
yes, darling, now shhh...or you'll miss all the fun.
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 26th, 2000, 04:00:14 PM
(( Ignoring Stone's idoitic reply to point out my staff is enchanted and the Tornado is nautural and that when he fell down the dune it put him inside the tornado ))
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