View Full Version : Well now....
Darth Lynch
May 22nd, 2000, 02:59:15 PM
Doesn't someone want to fight a Sith?
Come on down Jedi scum, can't hide in your holes all day long.
General Scorpion
May 22nd, 2000, 03:03:41 PM
*Stays to watch..*
Itala Marzullo
May 22nd, 2000, 03:05:18 PM
May 22nd, 2000, 03:11:56 PM
Can't fight, gotta catch up on some work
Darth Lynch
May 22nd, 2000, 03:18:07 PM
Must be one around somewhere wanting a fight....the Jedi are always scurrying about...must I go through the republic cities cutting down all those who would get in my path before a Jedi dares to appear?!!
Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2000, 03:29:23 PM
::A cloaked small figure appears..::
It is disturbing how the Dark Side is spreading like a plaque..
Darth Lynch
May 22nd, 2000, 03:46:30 PM
Little green!
How nice for you to show up...
*Begins pacing around the Jedi*
It is not a plague, we are what you deny yourselves, we don't fight want makes us who we are. We use it to strengthen us, we bow to no one. And now little
Have at you!
*stopping in his tracks grabbing his lightsaber from his robes igniting it at one end the Sith leaps at the Jedi Master bringing his lightsaber crashing down upon the Jedi who turns lightsaber ignited to block. Striking time after time but being blocked the Sith warrior channels the power of the force sending a rock beside MY's feet up at Yoghurt's jaw momentary causing him to stagger back losing his concentration for a second enabling Lynch to strike MY's shoulder leaving a cut*
First blood mine!
But not the last....
Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2000, 04:26:57 PM
Well, well, well.. we shall see about that.. *puts a bacta bandage on his shoulder*
I deny the Dark Side because of what it denies you and everybody else in the Galaxy. It will consume and destroy you. A slave of Darkness you are.
::Yog walks slowly in an arc around the Sith, mind filled with calm and peace, evaluating his opponent.. as Lynch once again lunges at the Jedi, fueled by the threacherous Dark Side, Yog blocks foresee the move with the Force, avoiding it it with a quick spin. As he spins around the other way, Yog fakes fist strike at his face, bringing the Sith backwards and off Balance on one foot. Yog uses the opportunity to send the Force flying backward. As Darth Lynch falls, he lands on a pebble, scratching up his right shoulder.. reducing his right arms mobility slightly. Yog calmly awaits in a defensive posture, pacing around.::
Ethereal Ogre
May 22nd, 2000, 04:39:23 PM
:: watches Yog from the Ethereal plane. Contempt and vengence filling his thoughts ::
Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2000, 04:46:56 PM
Revenge may seem sweet at first, but has a bitter aftertaste.
Darth Lynch
May 22nd, 2000, 05:13:23 PM
*Putting his weight into it he moves his legs and back up so that he can roll backwards into a crouching position before standing directly up, moving his shoulder around slightly to see if it is bruised he cracks his knuckles grinning.*
I'am no ones slave, I bow to the wishes of no man or thing. I follow the darkside for it is power! It shall give me everything I need, it has lead me up to now where anyone else would have died without such guidance. The only thing I deny is you and your accursed Jedi!
*Holding his lightsaber outstretched letting it scrap along the ground he runs towards Yoghurt then outstretches his other hand out in front of him palm wide open as he force pushes the Jedi backwards. Leaping into the air turning as he does he lands behind MY giving him a kick to the head then leaps over him again sweeping Yoghurts feet out from beneath the Jedi. Leaping into the air for a third time letting go of his lightsaber so that it drops pointing downward he grabs it again coming fast down on the Jedi's position barely missing impaling the Jedi who rolls out of the way but is not fast enough to evade the open hand palm strike to the side of his head on his ear causing blood to spill out of it, leaving a ringing sound throughtout the Jedi masters skull*
Jedi Alpha
May 22nd, 2000, 05:31:14 PM
::Alpha appears in the rafters, ready to help Yogurt if needed::
Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2000, 05:48:14 PM
::Yog focuses to ignore the ringing sound in his head and clear his vision, and in the moment of onslaught from the vicious Sith, he flips to the side, and with the aid of the Force, roundhouse kicks Darth Lynch in the jaw: <font color=red>*crunch*</font>. The Sith´s head is thrown backward, making him offguard for legsweep.. <font color=red>*thump*</font>::
*As the Sith is down for a little while, Yog bends head from side to side to check for any bone fracture. Then clears his mind with the Force, as he begins to speak.*
"Yes, the Dark Side gives you powers.. for a prize. The utter consumation of your soul. It is a bad bargain. Are you ready for some excercise young misguided one?"
::Yog flips in front of Darth Lynch twirling saber from the lower left and higher right, which is blocked. But as the sabers clash for a second time, little Yog in a blur of speed reaches out with his left arm, not holding the saber, grabbing the Sith Warrior by his right leg.. and pulls! The Sith lose foothold, trips and falls. In the moment of falling, the Sith´s guard drops for a fraction of a second, leaving his left knee open to Yogs sword arm. The blade hits, leaving a small but visible cut..<font color=yellow>*fizzz*</font>. As the Sith lands with a <font color=red>*thump*</font>, Yog Force sommersault to the rafters for a defensive postion. Darth struggles to get up for a few seconds, due to his knee injury::
Now, observe the True Side of the Force!
::From the rafters, Yog closes eyes and starts reading the words of an ancient Jedi language. As Yog calls upon the Force, the air vibrates with heat in a humming sound and as a weird glow encompasses Yog´s body. The Jedi Master reach out the palms of his hands, forming a white beam of light toward the Sith´s eyes, blinding him with the Light side of the Force. As the energy of the blast reach every cell in the Sith´s body, the Darkness fades and the evil spirits howls when slowly drawed away from his body.. his anger and hate which fuels his actions blows away as gone with the wind.::
Admit it, that must feel better..
Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2000, 05:50:32 PM
*Nods to Alpha while in the rafters..*
Good to see you! :)
Jedi Alpha
May 22nd, 2000, 05:56:03 PM
You too...
::Alpha looks at Lynch::
Do me a favor and listen to Yog...He's right about the dark side claiming your soul for a prize...
Darth Lynch
May 22nd, 2000, 06:42:51 PM
*Rising to his feet his breathing heavy, his fist becomes clenched as his eyes begin to give off an almost eerie glow*
I will not be denied, nor will my rage!
*Standing back lightsaber in hand Lynch reaches out to the dark side summoning threads of pure darkness which head towards Yoghurt wrapping around him trapping him wihtin their boundries touching the strands of hate and rage the Jedi staggers from the intense cold it generates before realizing somthing is very wrong, his connection with the the Force is getting less stable, his focus becomes less clear as his strength is slowly sapped away from him. Wobbling the Jedi Master falls to his knees, the power of the darkside all around him taking away the light.*
*The darkness slowly envelops him letting the Jedi drop to the ground cold, weak feeling the force so very far away, reaching out with his hand Yoghurt screams in pain when the Sith stomps down upon them. Lifting the Jedi up by the the robes around his neck the Sith throws the Jedi Master into a wall then force speeds to him slaming his elbow into Yoghurts ribs followed by a roundhouse kick to the jaw that lifts the Jedi off the ground sending him crashing to the ground on his stomach, trying to rise he is pushed to the ground by the heel of the Sith's boot*
Now tell me....doesn't that feel better?
Bounty Hunter Aki
May 22nd, 2000, 06:55:39 PM
:: appears in the rafters behind Alpha ::
And I shall have my revenge...
:: slashes at Alpha with her sabre which sends him falling to the ground ::
Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2000, 07:12:54 PM
OOC: Not bad, Darth Lynch. However, I have to continue this most interesting fight a bit later. Something came up. Will post when I have the chance.
Darth Lynch
May 22nd, 2000, 07:14:45 PM
OOC: I know I said I would wait but a week is alittle too much. BTW make your own thread Aki.
Still game Yog?
Master Yoghurt
Jun 3rd, 2000, 03:36:12 PM
Ooof! :(
*Darth Lynch´s boot trapped Master Yoghurt to the floor. It was impossible for the Jedi to escape. The eyes of the Sith glowed with hate and contempt as he summoned hordes of evil spirits at the Jedi Master. The darkness was overhelming.. the flame of evil raged as a hurricane over Yog´s body, burning.. burning..*
::As Darth Lynch raises his saber to end the battle, Yog gathers all his strength to reach for a concealed object in his cloak.. pulling out a shiny talisman. It holds a crystal which pulsates in a bright white color. It is decorated with some weird symbols. Yog holds up the talisman up at the gruesome Sith who stands above him with all his might and terror. As Yog is about to collapse of exhaustion, the talisman explodes in a bright flash of light. The shockwave of the blast sends Lynch flying backward, crashing into a floor supporting pillar. The Sith lies at the stone column, knocked out by the shock for a while. Slowly, cracks spreads through the foundation..::
"This talisman protects me from evil. Dark Side of the Force it consumes, and turn into Light.."
::Yog puts the talisman over his neck, and does a hand gesture toward the pillar. A rumbling noise is heard, and as Lynch looks up, he sees the ceiling collapse, falling fast toward where he lies. Lynch tries to escape, but it is too late! Block after block of stone drops on the unfortunate Sith. Lynch gets slowly burried in concrete::
*As Yog regains strenght from the Light side of the Force, he realignes his jaw and checks his ribcage for wounds..*
OOC: Sorry for keeping you waiting. Have been busy lately.
Darth Lynch
Jun 3rd, 2000, 04:43:17 PM
*Yog checking his wounds is alerted to the rumbling of blocks and stone where Lynch is buried. Yog's Jedi sense warns him at once as many of the blocks are sent flying, smoke and dust fly up from the spot as the Jedi Master peers to see through the haze. Minutes pass as the dust starts to die down a vauge shape is seen moving slowly, Yog stares even harder as the shape begins to take forum and a glowing pairs of eyes is seen, eventually as the dust dies completely down Lynch is seen battered, bruised and more than alittle bloody but still breathing.*
A talisman...I didn't realize you Jedi used such things but you are hardly the only person..... I'm sure you know the ancient Sith have used such items before for many purposes...
*Reaching into his suit he pulls out a small item that shines darkly to reveal a item forged of darkness one of the old items of Sith past, A Sith Healing Talisman.*
It's not unlike your own Jedi healing ability really without all the sickening weakness that Jedi follow...goes along way to help reset nasty fractures and bruises. But back to buisness at hand...
*Force tosses several of the blocks at the Jedi who is still amazed at the Sith's recovery with the device. Dodging or jumping over various blocks Yog evades them all suddenly he turns around at the crackle of a lightsaber, Lynch nearby cuts through one of the columns that falls down towards the Jedi. Running out of it's way Yog looks up to see Lynch running force speed atop the fallen column before he jumps into the air and comes down with a foot extended which impacts the Jedi in the stomach. Putting another force speed kick in action to Yogs stomach he is sent in the air where Lynch catches him a mean left fist and a swipe of the lightsaber that catches the Jedi across the cheek*
Come on Jedi...
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