Jun 3rd, 2000, 06:27:28 PM
*As Thrawns 1st and 4th fleet pops out of hyperspace, one ship looms more sinister and dark than all the others. It is Piett's heavily upgraded world devastator . . and it feels hungry! As it charges up its AXIS superlaser on a weak setting, so do 3 of the ESDs. With a huge blinding flourish of raw power and evil, mon calamari is bored by the beams of light. With a shake, the mere thousands of mon cals and quarrish are shaken by the thunderous blasts. the fleet attacks the notorious mon calamari ship yards. as the shipyards crumble, the world devastator assends on mon calamari. it eats its way to the most ore-rich place on the planet-- a huge city. it consumes millions upon millions of credits worth of resources, and produces many many tie drones to protect itself. and it enters the city-- eating metal and blood alike.
Ice Fox
Jun 3rd, 2000, 07:03:34 PM
*watches Piett's ship at work.*
Not bad, but watch this!!!
*Bombs start falling from the ship onto the city, blowing up hundreds of buildings.*
I love this ship.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 3rd, 2000, 07:11:06 PM
::Thrawn Stands on the bridge of his NSD Nebla Cloud with a slight grin on his face as the Mon Calamari Ship Yards are Blown to bits.. Thrawn walks over to the Brigde officer and tells him to open a com to Raven000001::
Thrawn: Raven I want you to pull the 1st fleet back, I just want the 4th fleet, your ship, Ice Foxes, and my own to watch over the world devestator as it comsumes the planets resorces
Raven: Yes Sir i shaw do so shortly
Thrawn: Good
::Thrawn orders all ships to launch fighters and suport craft::
Jun 3rd, 2000, 07:15:17 PM
OOC: About World Devastators. Are they crewed? I know everything else but that
Ice Fox
Jun 3rd, 2000, 07:16:43 PM
*pulls away from the planet and flies next to Raven and Thrawn's ships.*
*opens com with Thrawn.*
Good plan you got here. We will be rich by destroying a planet.
*turns around to talk to bridge officer.*
Fox: Send out all of our fighters and support crafts.
Officer: Yes sir.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 3rd, 2000, 07:23:57 PM
yes i think they are
Jun 3rd, 2000, 07:30:57 PM
*turns to the com unit and opens a linked channel to Fleet 1*
All ships pull back and return to base
*fliks it off hearing replys of accnowledge and affirmative*
*turns to the flight officer*
launch all fighters and support craft including the newly installed Upgraded Missle Boats and TIE Defenders lets have some fun
*returns his gaze to the veiw screen and mentally opens a channel to Thrawn*
As ordered Sir
THRAWN: thank you Raven
*fliks it off and watches as Fleet 1 disappears into hyperspace*
Darth Dyzm
Jun 3rd, 2000, 09:27:29 PM
:: A Small Ship Drops Out of Hyperspace, It Heads toward the Polor Regions of Mon Calamari, Dyzm hails the fleet::
I have no quarrel with you, Imperials.
::Dyzm's Ship Lands on the Ice, Not far away a Secret Base Sits, he steps out into the icy wind, he cuts through the Wall and steps into the Base, he is followed by worker droids, A couple Minutes Later, he walks back out, 6 Dorids are carrying a larger object, the other 3 carry what look like new projectile weopon, after everything is on board, The Black Lighting Lifts off::
I claim this new Sheild Technology along with the experimental Su-torps for myself. I am Leaving, do not try to stop me.
Ice Fox
Jun 3rd, 2000, 09:32:43 PM
*Uses tractor beam to pull the Black Lighting into the Ice Hammer.*
What are you doing stealing the shields??? I will not let you leave until you hand them over.
Darth Dyzm
Jun 3rd, 2000, 11:27:34 PM
::The Black Lighting Sits In the Main Hanger Bay, Dyzm Walks out and Glares at Fox::
This Technology is MINE, anyway its designed for smaller ships, ur be lucky if you can cover a corvette with this sheild, the smaller the ship, the stronger the sheild is, But you have to have a big enough power source.
::Dyzm Draws his Lightsaber, but does not turn it on::
Jun 4th, 2000, 12:20:57 AM
*scencing a problem turns to the commander*
take over here until I return
*nods and forms a battle stance vanishing*
*appears in the shadows behind Dysm his armor nonreflective rendering him invisible*
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:33:14 AM
*As Piett in his Crimson Aromor stands on the new control bridge of his enormous World Devastator, he grins down at the red spots splatered all over the world devastator. He sets the factorys inside to make freighters-- the huge devastators cargo hold is already almost full. 12 hours later, he has a fleet of 20 large robotic freighters. They carry away all the metel, and quickly enter hyperspace.*
Bridge Officer: Sir, the city has been destroyed.
Piett: Good. Now submerge, and head for the largest quarrish city.
Bridge Officer: Yes, Sir!
*As the behemoth goes underwater, Piett sits back in a large, almost thronelike chair, and smiles evily.*
Jedi Alpha
Jun 4th, 2000, 01:33:24 PM
*a comm message goes over all the Imp's comm units*
Attention enemy fleets back off and you will not be destroyed...
::Alpha's Dragon Fleet pops out of Hyperspace, The Dragon's Honor and Dragons's Wrath powering up their co-axial superlasers, and aims them at the World Devastators and the rest of his fleet powers up their weapons and sheilds and launches fighters. The two flagships also launch their fighters. The Fleet engages the enemy fleets::
*Alpha flicks the comm on*
All ships launch the pods!
::Alpha ships launch pods down to the water. They break open revealing new heavily armed and very fast submersibles. They go after the devastator and begin harrasing it with plasma and photon blasts::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 4th, 2000, 05:45:45 PM
::Dyzm Feels a Disturbance in the Force, and senses someone behind him, but he Ignores him::
Fox, Let me go or you will Pay!
Jedi Alpha
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:25:12 PM
::Alpha's flagship pours all of its firepower on one VSD, utterly destroying it::
Ok...Now we go after the Chimera2...
::Alpha fleet turns its guns to Thrawns flagship::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:53:42 PM
::The Explosion of The Vic distracted everyone for just the second Dyzm needed. Dyzm Jumps up and flips backward, landing feet first on the Black Lighting's Boarding Ramp::
I Will get out of here my self,
::Dyzm Hits a hidden button on the bottom of his LS, and the Black Lighting Fires a Barrage of Torpedos in the unprotected inside wall of the SD,
the boarding ramp closes and a second barrage of Tropedos are fired, they rip through the bulkhead walls and drill toward the top of the ship, another barrage of Torps explode through the top of the SD, and the Black Lighting Lifts off through the hull of the crippled Ice Hammer, Dyzm makes it into the open and enters hyperspace.::
::Back On Board the Ice Hammer, Blast Doors start Closeing to prevent air loss::
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:08:48 PM
OOC:my flag ship is not the chimera2 i stated in my first pos what ship i am commanding and it is in my sig and we have no VSD's here click on my sig "the impieral empire" to see what ships are in the 4th fleet adn anyother fleet that shows up...
::Thrawn signals Raven's ship to begin to attack
Raven sends a signal in to hyper space... soon after The 1st fleet jumps out of hyper space at point blank range behind the dragon fleetout flanking them, the 1st fleet opens fire as soon as they exit hyper space sending the Dragon Fleet in to chaos.
Thrawn waches from his NSD Nebula Cloud as the Dragon Fleet breaks up and turns there flanke to Thrawns Ship, Thrawn gives the order to open fire, all wepons hit the Dragon Fleet, Thrawn Gives the order to Fire All Axis Super Lasers..
The Super Lasers hit the Dragon Fleet knocking out 6 capital ships and damageing 4 others
Thrawns Brigde Officer tell Thrawn that a message is comeing in from the 2nd fleet lead by Grand Admiral Lyle, the message states they will arive with in moments at a 90° angle above the Dragon Fleet, Thrawn nods to the bridge officer and signals Raven To laungh The Rest Of His Missle Boats..
Raven recives and lauches all remaining ships to take out the Dragon Fleets figthers... ::
Jun 5th, 2000, 12:05:01 AM
*'s eyes scan the area*
*watches as a ship blasts out of the Ice Hammer*
*instantly flips a comm channel open to his flight officer who is on the launch deck*
RAVEN: Flight I want u to prep my personal fighter for launch
FLIGHT: yes sir, what armorments do you want loaded and do u want me to fully charge the gravity well projectors??
RAVEN: Load 40 Advanced lock missles and 20 advanced lock and speed missles
yes plz power up the projectors
*cuts the comm off and opens up another channel to Nevar*
RAVEN: u there Nevar??
*thinks probably sleeping again*
NEVAR: yeah I'm here bro *says sleepily*
what u want??
RAVEN: *speaks calmly and cooly* I have a mission for you launch in my personal fighter and I'll breif you as the rest of your squad primes up
NEVAR: understood bro
RAVEN: *cuts the channel off thinking kids*
but he's the best pilot I've got *says quietly to himself*
*opens a channel to the Flight Officer again*
have 5 of the MB's return to the ship and refuel and rearm instantly upon arrival have 3 with space bombs and 2 with advanced torpedos as well as the usual 40 advanced missles
FLIGHT: understood Sir
RAVEN: *cuts the channel of again and looks at the tactical display*
*notes that the 2nd fleet has arrived and opened up on Dragon Fleet with all superlasers damaging every ship left and destroying a few more*
*looks at the fighters left*
hmm this is pathetic there r no enemy fighter left and every Missle Boat and TIE Defender is accounted for non damaged
*c's the six MB's launch and opens a channel*
RAVEN: Nevar about 15 minutes ago a ship blasted out of here
I am sending u its exact heading and course
I want you to intercept it and to stop it that is why u have my ship with the gravity well projectors
I want the ship brought back
if it resists destroy it
also destroy any ship that assits it if it attacks you
NEVAR: Yes Sir. but one thing bro while we're geting keyed up y did you pick me to lead this and not take this yourself
RAVEN: bro I am getting rusty at flying and u could probably now out fly me in every way
NEVAR: understood
RAVEN: have fun bro
NEVAR: that i will. that I will
RAVEN: *flicks the com off and sits down watching the six MB's engage their 4x hyperdrive enhancers and enter hyperspace*
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:46:38 AM
Piett smiles at the submersibles.
Piett: Head gunner-- charge and fire axis superlaser. nothing smaller than this devastator will stay in one peice frome THAT much heat
Gunner: Loading mechinism . . . .
Firing mechanism loaded."
Piett: You may fire at will.
Jedi Alpha
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:17:02 AM
::Alpha looks at his readouts and watches as ships wink off the board::
Weapons~fire our superlasers at the NSD!
::The Dragon's Honor powers up it 4 superlasers and fires them at the NSD. A couple of Thrawn's ships get in the way and are destroyed, letting one shot hit the NSD's engines::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:07:50 AM
(OCC Raven, U were in the main area, the hole in the Top of The Ice Hammer would suck out all the oxygen from most of the ship, you wouldnt have time to calmly think things through)
::Dyzm Drops Out if Hyperspace 15 minutes later, next to a large gas planet, and slowly aligns for his next drop. Then Out of Hyperspace, right above him, the six MB's appear::
AAaahhhh CRAP
::Dyzm Raises Sheilds, inverts, and dives toward the planet, dropping space mines and firing rear missiles. As he gets closer to the planet, The Black Lighting's Larger Mass is caught in the gravitational pull of the planet, adding alot of speed. He Started to pull away, until the MB's went into Boost Mode::
Idiots, they would die for this Technology,
:: Dyzm Pulls up Suddenly, Skimming the atmosphere of the planet, he flys into a sling maneuver, he flys inverted, letting the planet pull him closer and closer, and watching his speed climb, the MB's Try the Same Maneuver, one flys to low and is ripped apart by the contact with the Heavy then Air Atmosphere of the Gas Giant, another fly to high and is Flung out into space, he trys to make a sharp turn, but the Gravity Compensator on Board Blows and he is smashed into the side, and the ship goes out of control, before smashing into a asteroid, the last two come on strong, but without their boost on, Dyzm Pulls up and away from the planet, shooting him off, he fires a Ion Bomb Behind him, it hits the last 2 gunboat and knocked out all their electrical Circuitry,
Dyzm enters Hyperspace, leaving the Last 2 MB's Blind and Adrift with no hope of being saved::
(OCC: I know the Stats of Missile Boats Hell They where My Fav. In TIE Fighter, so dont go saying the stuff i did is unreal, most of it can be done in real life with present day technology, they already sling shoot stuff.
My Ship is also 3 times larger and can handle more pressure on it)
Jun 5th, 2000, 03:41:31 PM
*smiles evily as he watches Dyzm disappear into hyperspace again*
u never tell your whole plan
*flicks his comm system up on*
ESD RAVEN1 are u receiving
RAVEN1: affirmative go ahead Sir
NEVAR: ok he just jumped out power your Gravity Wells up, I am sending the quardinates of four downed MB's and one destroyed one
RAVEN1: understood Sir, will you be arriving before him??
NEVAR: I am not sure I am having a bit of engine trbl. I had a prblm with an asteroid butwas able to release a missle and divert course enough to make it look like I blew to Hell but only had minor damage
I should be there five min or so before him and have time to dock
RAVEN1: understood Sir, gravity wells r up and we have dispatched a recovery vehicle
NEVAR: good I shall be there shortly
*flicks the comm off and speaks under his breath*
I hope
*looks at his damage report*
damn Raven is going to be pissed
*looks out his screen to see a rescuse vehicle come out of hyperspace*
*opens a channel as he prepares to jump*
hello guys get them picked up and then return
RESCUE: understood sir
NEVAR: *cuts the channel off and hits the SLAM boosters punching the hyperdrive at the same time throwing it into a quad power jump*
*sits back for a min or so and then atches as the Gravity Wells on the ESD RAVEN1 pull him out*
*looks up at the beautiful ship*
*opens a channel*
NEVAR: as soon as he drops out I want him in a tractor beam
RAVEN1: understood Sir
NEVAR: when I get on board I'll take over
RAVEN1: alright Sir we're pulling you abooard now
NEVAR: *flicks the comm off as he feels the fighters being grabbed onto by a trator beam*
*watches as he is pullede into the hanger*
*hears a beep and looks at his ship detail screen seeing Dyzm being pulled out of Hyper and being hooked onto by a tractor beam*
*smiles as his craft enters the hold*
*feels a jolt but waits until the craft is locked into position and then sprints the the bridge*
COMMANDER: he's trying to break free Sir
NEVAR: has he set his engines to blow??
COMMANDER: we think so Sir
NEVAR: well keep him in a tractor and pointed towards us his ship is way to weak to break free of the tractor
keep the gravity wells up in case
COMMANDER: understood Sir
NEVAR: *nods to the commander and then moves off to his quarters*
Jun 5th, 2000, 06:47:05 PM
Alpha, one little problem you overlooked, tis a shame but . . .
:lol: :lol: :lol:
we killed it at one of dose new-fangled imp-erial contraption . . the death-star, somin like that . .
Darth Dyzm
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:01:15 PM
::Dyzm Looks out the bridge of the Black Lighting, he hits a switch, first scanning to make sure there is no homeing device tracking his ship::
Raven U fool, I have seriously damaged 1 SD,
destroyed a Missleboat, and for what? New Sheild Technology I have found, I never saw your name on that secret base, I Claimed it, but you leave me no choice...
::Dyzm Hits Another Button, and a Large peice of extra armor on the Black Lightings Hull detaches into the Tractor Beam, the tractor beam catchs the metal, leaving Dyzm Free, Dyzm Shunts all power from weopons to engines. He engages his cloaking Device, he flys out of range of the gravity wells and around a small moon, he enters hyperspace, making it back to Coruscant and Hour Later, He Flys the Black Lighting down and Lands in a Hidden hanger owned my TSC, after all that, he finally Uncloaks, and walks off, he immidently has Droids Install the New Sheild Generator and make copys of the New Su-Torps::
(OCC: The END, for me)
Lord Gue
Jun 5th, 2000, 11:57:48 PM
Sits in his command chair aboard his ship, The Accuser2
Jun 6th, 2000, 07:46:52 AM
Actually, gue, i HEAVILY upgraded mine.
Jedi Alpha
Jun 6th, 2000, 10:34:35 AM
Piett~You're talkin bout the Death Star Thread? I haven't even checked that one out since I quit the Imps...
Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2000, 11:25:43 AM
Sorry, im still catching up. I still remember arguing over wether we could fire axis lasers or not at the couracant fleet war. Let alone world devestators, and forget about me hearing anything of there upgrades....
Ice Fox
Jun 7th, 2000, 03:07:23 PM
*opens com with Thrawn.*
Fox: Sir, may I go after Dyzm??? I had an officer place a tracking device on his ship.
Thrawn: Yes, but come back asap.
Fox: I will.
*Closes com.*
*Flies to the secret hanger in wich lays the Black Lightning.*
So, Dyzm, you thought you got away. Well, guess what, you didn't!!!
*Turns on alarm for everyone in the ship to get in an escape pod and leave within the next 3 min.*
3 minutes later
*Flies into the hanger*
This is what you get, Dyzm!!!
*Flies into Dyzm's newly upgraded ship, destroying the Ice Hammer, the Black Lightning, and killing himself in the process.*
*As Fox burns in the flames, he says this one last thing.*
I always get revenge, even if it does mean killing myself...
Darth Dyzm
Jun 7th, 2000, 05:49:16 PM
::Dyzm Hears an Explosion In the Distance, and turns and sees the Ice Hammer Smash into the Decoy hanger, with the Fake Black Lighting::
OCC: Ice U are an Idiot, U said the Ice Hammer was a ISD, and I blew a Hole in the MIDDLE of it, making its structure weak and unable to stand the stresses of Hyperspace and Sublight Speed. I had my ship scanned to make sure NO One placed a Tracking Device on my Ship. I Was ALSO on Coruscant I also said I was Finished,
Only Cheap arsewipes Continue after the other person stops, you LOST this Match, I got away. And Now u dont got a ISD
Lord Icewing
Jun 7th, 2000, 08:17:18 PM
He killed his self, AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
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