Master Yoghurt
Jun 4th, 2000, 08:29:18 PM
Greetings fellow roleplayers!
In this roleplay, the Jedi and New Rebublic fleet with allied forces will attempt to invade and capture the Sith Empire Headquarters in a surprise attack. The Jedi also have numerous sub objectives which will be revealed during the battle. The setting takes place after the "Battle of Coruscant" (Imperials and Sith did well in that one) and unrelative to the "Deathstar" (still not finished) roleplays.
Any group in the roleplay may participate, and any roleplaying character may jump in at any point.
There are a few rules:
1. No killing or dismemberment.
2. Force based powers take presedense.
3. Equipment, ships and weapons should be related to or similar to what is found in the SW movies or EU literature. A good deal of creative freedom and but not to be used to an unfair advantage.
4. Actions which is considered "God Mode" may be ignored. Example: Defeating your opponent in one post or posting actions that can be categorised as unrealistic or highly unprobable.
5. 1-3 posts per character is allowed per day, depending on the response time of opponent (you should allways give opponent time to react).
6. Signatures should be used for the first post of each character, and then disabled for the rest of the roleplay to allow fast loading.
Some advise for the roleplayers to enhance the quality of the story:
* Try to describe where your character is, what he wears and what he carries.
* Be detailed in your descriptions of what your character thinks, feels and does.
* Description of how the character looks like, his background and what is important to him/her, adds flavor to the roleplay.
Is everything clear? Good. The games may now begin. To all the players:
Good luck!
***The Battle of Coruscant had caused heavy losses to the allied forces. The Sith of TSC and Imperials had also suffered heavy losses, but they had regained their strength fast. And meanwhile, an even greater threat had risen and threatened to terorize the galaxy: The Sith Empire. Despite turmoil in leadership, the Sith Empire had grown at a frightening rate, and The Greater Jedi Order was no longer the dominant group it used to be. Recruiting of new members and the forming of new alliances restrengthened the Order, but still.. still it was not enough to change the balance. During the rebuilding of Jedi Temple at Coruscant, the Jedi Council discussed how to deal with the situation. They had just analysed the data retrived after the quest for the Cala Stone. A group of Jedi had gathered around the Council Table to discuss the new situation. A projector started to casted text, describing the Sith Headquarters. The first screen hovered in the air..***
<font color=lime>
------------------------ACCESSING PAGE 1-------------------
Planet: unnamed
Climate: cold, rainy
Terrain: mountainous, scrub brush, some forest patches
Atmosphere: within standard tolerable limits
Gravity: within standard tolerable limits
- 4-8(?) heavy quad laser turrets
- 4+(?) heavy dual-repeating multi-directional laser mounts
- 1 high-power orbital range ion cannon
- high-yield proton torpedoes(?)
- proton torpedo launchers(?)
- stonesteel composite armour
- Local Area Shield System (L.A.S.S.) -currently not active
- advanced sensor package with early warning system
- combat droid garrison(?)
COMPUTING..----------------------------------- </font>
The hologram projector shoved screen after screen with details of the base. Some of the info was gathered as a result of an accidently unencrypted message on the Sith during a signal relased by accident of the Sith. Others were provided after recent reconnaisance raids. Spy droids had surveyed the planet taking satelite photos:
<font size=+2 color=lime face="LCD", "Verdana", "Arial">
<a href=>Image A</a>
<a href=>Image B</a>
It was first silent, then Boricua started to speak..
Boricua: In the name of Puerto Rico.. mon.. their defenses look vulnerable! Dudes, this is a good time for a surprise attack! (removes sunglasses in excitement)
Verse: Yes, I have to agree. Lets grab this chance and beat the crap out of them!
Yoghurt: A daring plan that sounds as. And attack? A Jedi use the Force for..
Alpha: Lets forget that sentimental crap and realize the potential of the situation! Me and Versey know the Headquarters well. We could lead an assault team into the headquarters.
Figrin: Are you sure this would work? Perhaps diplomacy..
Verse: Listen to Alphy! Lets surprise them!
Garik: It is definitely time for action. I grow bored!
Boricua: That is cool man. But we we need assistance of the New Rebublic. There is a chance General Scorpions fleet, The Imperials or the Crimson Bloods arrive. Who knows, perhaps even TSC.
Alpha: My fleet will assist..
Rmiao: I will join the airforces.
RHJediKnight: Ditto to what he said
DT: I am in. Will you join me Figrin?
Figrin: Definitely.
Leia: Well, you can count me and my sister Amazon in.
Reaperfett: Aye
*The rest of the Jedi nods.. it is decided*
Admiral Lando
Jun 4th, 2000, 08:32:42 PM
A few months later
Onboard the MC-90 "Freedom"
Admiral Lando paced back and forth across the bridge, waiting for General Azeem and Acbar to arrive.
Lando: General! Admiral!
Azeem: Lando!
Lando: It is good to see you again!
Azeem: What is the situation?
Acbar: We should be jumping out of hyperspace any minute now.
Azeem: Is everything ready?
Lando: Yes, every soldier and Jedi. We also sent a message to the Gungan Council, hopefully they will arrive to help us.
Azeem: Gungans? You must be joking!
Lando: No, the Gungans are powerfull wariors. Mesa like the Gungans.
Azeem: That is good, but are there any bad news?
Lando: Yes, Boricua suddenly had to leave for an undetermined period of time to teach Wookies about the ways of the Jedi. It is uncertain when he returns to join us.
Azeem: It is unfortunate that he is gone, but he will be back, I am sure of..
::The New Rebublic fleet and Dragon fleet enter from hyperspace at point blank::
Lando: Engage phase A - Operation Silent Thunder!
An officer at the bridge: "Yes sir!"
The New Rebublic Fleet:
Out in space:
* 5 Mon Calamari Cruisers, A wing and Y Wing fighters take position at possible entry points from hyperspace. Mines and gun turrets are deployed, in case of a surprise counter attack.
* The rest of the fleet is in standby position, ready for any surprise counter attack from hyperspace.
At the planet:
* 3 MC-90 Mon Calamari Cruisers are positioned in orbit of planet, releasing squadrons of fighters. 10 blockade runners are positioned in orbit to prevent any escape.
* 5 Nebula Class B frigates arrive at surface and start unloading troops, weapons, vehicles, ammo and supplies.
Jun 4th, 2000, 08:34:52 PM
Captain: Their shields are up!
Acbar: They have detected our presence! I told you to jump out of hyperspace at poin blank range of planet orbit!
Captain: Their sensors are tracking us!
Acbar: Bombard the area around the headquarters with electromagnetic bombs! That should knock out their communications arrays and radars. We might take out a defense system or two!
Captain: What about the shield generators?
Acbar: We will deploy our groundforces to deal with that situation! For now, start the bombing and release those fighters! I want full airsuperiority! Attack anti air defenses and their hangar!
Captain: Yes sir!
:: As the bombs hit the grounds right next to the shields with tremendous blasts, an electromagnetic shockwave spreads, knocking out sensitive equipment like radar and communications systems of the Sith Headquarters. The shields weapon systems are unaffected::
A few minutes later, fighters entered the atmosphere.. transports landed in distance from the Sith Headquarters and started deploying the ground forces...
Bounty Hunter Aki
Jun 4th, 2000, 08:40:45 PM
:: is lying on her bed in her inside of the Sith HQ is wearing her dark blue-purple body suit. She senses the odd shift in the force, puts down the book she was reading and looks out the window ::
Hum, the Jedi are near...
:: grabs her staff,her two lightsabres,and has Celes folloow her and goes to inform the other Sith ::
Lady Mara Jade
Jun 4th, 2000, 08:54:45 PM
It's nightfall at the Sith Headquarters. Her mind filled with the thoughts of recent events, Mara Jade emerges from underneath her small spacecraft. Her hands dirty with grease from tweaking with her engine in an effort to increase speed and performance. She looks around the empty hanger and sighs slightly, then walks silently to her room and begins to pack a small luggage bag. She hears several footsteps behind her and turns quickly only to see her pet bot standing in the doorway
"Waspinator not know why we go from this place. Waspinator likes it here." Says the bot, looking down at the floor and fidgeting with his hands. Mara walks toward him.
"We don't have to leave," She smiles, "I just want to. Don't worry...we'll be coming back soon. You could always stay here if you want."
The bot thinks about this for a moment. "No," He answers at last, "Waspinator go with fleshy bot on her ship. Waspinator see new things in space."
Mara smiles slightly then takes her pet by the hand and walks back to the hanger. They make their way into the ship and Mara sits in the pilot's seat. She then fires up the engine. After a few short minutes the hanger doors open and they blast off into the night sky.
Just as they clear the atmosphere Mara spots the fleet of ships...
Figrin D an
Jun 4th, 2000, 08:59:24 PM
Under the cover of the planetary bombardment, a single ship launches from the hanger bay of the fleet command ship. The Azure Starfire, personal ship of Jedi Master Figrin D'an, turns toward the planet, carrying two passengers, Figrin himself and Darth Turbogeek. Figrin engages the ship's cloaking device, masking them from the Sith detection grid. The ship speeds towards the planet surface, whipping through the outer atmosphere.
Figrin: DT, our gear is stowed in the cargo hold. Go get it ready, I'll bring us in for a landing.
DT nods and moves to the back of the ship.
Quickly dropping through the cloud cover, Figrin pilots the ship towards a small clearing approximately 2 kilometers from the Sith compound. Dropping the landing gear, the Azure Starfire touches down. Figrin shuts down the main systems, leaving auxilary powewr online to maintain the cloaking device. Figrin joins DT in the cargo hold. The two head down the ramp onto the planets surface.
DT: Looks like we weren't detected. Let's hope it stays that way.
Figrin: The fleet did a good job of providing a distraction. We're about 20 minutes from the complex on foot. Let's get moving.
DT: I'll head for the main housing area. Shouldn't be difficult to get into the outer portion of the compound.
Figrin: All of the scouting reports said security in that area wasn't too high. As soon as I get to the medical facility, I'll signal on the com link. Good luck, my friend.
DT: Same to you. May the Force be with us.
The two Jedi head off towards the Sith headquarters with great stealth.
verse dawnstrider
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:03:43 PM
::Verse looks at the Sith HQ and smiles. He then turns to his troops and issues them to attack (see Verse's Tale.)::
Master Yoghurt
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:11:44 PM
A highly customized YT-1300 corellian freighter, the "Silver Falcon" enters the atmosphere. The weapon systems lock on Mara´s ship; the Waspinator...
Here are the specs for the ship!
YT-1300 (MF) "Silver Falcon"
Designation: Multipurpose Transport/Freighter
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corp
Modified/Customized by: GSC Drive Yards
Size: 26.0 m
Crew: 2
Passengers: 8
DESCRIPTION: Similar to the legendary "Millenium Falcon", but even faster, more heavily armed and better shielded, it has incredible fighter and bomber cababilites. Without a doubt, the most advanced YT-1300 ever built - a flying miracle. According to rumours, there is a miniature, but fully working cloaking device inside..
SPECIALS: Engine nozzles capable of; wide angle thrust vectoring, reverse thrust, Y thrusting and side thrusting. Afterburners capability for ion engines. Liquid Nitrogen cooled exhaust ports and engine casings for IR-stealth. Hidden cargo holds for smuggling. Extendable telescopic robotic arm. Tractor Beam.
DROIDS: 1 Zero-G Utility Droid, 1 Emkay MK-09 maintenance/repair droid, 1 R2-D2 unit, 1 protocol droid.
Hyperdrive: Highly modified class .50 hyperdrive
Reactor: I-S3 ionized reactor
Main Engine: 4 custom designed ion engines
Cruise speed: 25 mgit
1,150 km in atmosphere
Top speed: Unknown (After Burner capability)
Acceleration: 27 MGLT/second
Maneuvrability Rating: 110 DPF
Titanium reinforced hull. Radar-Absorbent coating.
Hull Rating: 142 RU
Shields taken from Corellian Corvette..
Shield Rating: 400 SBD (!)
1 turbolaser
1 firelinked ion cannon
4 double blaster cannons
1 proximity mine layer (load: 4)
2 multipurpose torpedo launchers
(fires most rockets, torpedoes and bombs)
Standard Warhead Load: 16 (maximum 24)
12 chaff/flares
1 decoy beam
1 radar/IR jammer
1 holographic projector
1 target computer scrambler array
1 scanner blocker
Radar/IR warning receiver
High performance flight/tactical computer
Class A navigation and ship database
High bandwidth communication array - 24 bits encryption
Military grade decrypting unit
Military grade ship/sector sensor array
[Edit: Forgot my own signature rule!]
Xanatos Etanial
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:13:41 PM
::Xanatos walks down the hallways of Sith HQ and walks by a window. Glancing out he notices the shapes emerging from the sky... a battle fleet::
Oh... crap...
::Xanatos quickly runs back to his room and grabs his armor, throwing it on as he runs towards the HQ entrance preparing for the eminent ground attack::
Ayanami Rai
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:20:04 PM
::walks to the door of her room inside headquarters and sees Aki walking down the hall.::
Aki: They're here.
::Aya stands for a minute and watches Aki walk down the hall. She runs and quickly puts on her body gear and runs to the hanger to find Mara's ship gone. She pushes a few buttons on the side of her gear, and the hum of an engine is heard. Aya gets on the Pallas Athena and heads towards the outer atmosphere::
Jedi Alpha
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:20:18 PM
A signal comes through to the rest of the New Republic.
"Sorry I'm late...But here we come!" Yells Alpha over the comm. All at once a fleet, led by the <i:D ragon's Honor[/i] appearsa with the rest opf the fleets and launches fighters.
On the bridge of the Honor a lone figure dressed in black battle armor with two light-katanas and a dagger on his belt stands Alpha. He shouts out orders to the different fighter squads and goes down to the landing bay, to get into his personal fighter. As he hops into the @#%$pit Alpha communicates telepathically to Verse.
"Ok Verse. I'm gonna get hit on purpose and pretend I crashed...I'll meet you at our rondevous point. Bring some explosives..."
Alpha streaks out of the hanger bay and goes straight down to the Empire HQ. Alpha's fighter gets hit with a ion bolt, and starts breaking up in the air. Just before the fighter crashes Alpha jumps out and rolls to absorb the impact. Even though he broke his fall Alpha armor cracks in places. He uses the Force to make himself invisible to everyone and heads inside the Sith HQ.
Darth Dyzm
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:28:08 PM
:: In Space, 25 kilometers away from the closes Capital Ship, a giant asteriod slowly drifts. A Ship Comes Out of HyperSpace Right above the asteriod, and proceeds to land on it. On the Bridge of the Black Lighting, Dyzm Ki'Tasu watches the Attack on the Planet, He stands and walks to the living quarters, sliding into his Yuuzhan Vong Battle Armor, and Sticks his LS in to the Recharger::
(OCC) I will only tell you some specks of my ship.
Advance Sheild
6 Duel Proton Torpedo(12 torp tubes)
2 duel Heavy Rocket Lunchers(4 rocket tubes)
2 Space Bomb holds
Cloaking Device
2 Quad Lazers
Space Mine
And Has 4 Destroyer Droids On Board All the Time
Figrin D an
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:33:44 PM
Reaching the wall of the compound, Figrin pauses and scans the vicinity. Three guards stand near the base of the northwest guard tower, looking towards the far horizon. Figrin pulls out a small scanning device, pointing it at the wall. The screen on the device dsplays the compund layout just beyond the wall. Using the scanner, Figrin pinpoints a weak point in the wall. Reaching into his pack, the Jedi removes two blocks of polymer explosive. Figrin attaches the bricks to the wall and places an infrared detonation device to the explosive. Moving several meters from the wall, Figrin takes cover behind an outcropping of rocks. Figrin switches on his comlink.
Figrin: Explosive set. What's your status, DT?
DT: Bombs are planted, I'm starting to climb the turbolaser tower. ETA, 5 minutes.
Figrin: Confirmed, detonation in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Figrin hits the button on the remote. On both sides of the compund, explosions rock the outer walls, blasting holes into the main complex. The explosives contained bits of magnesium, which shot skyward upon the explosion, burning brightly as a signal to the ground forces.
Guards scurry about, trying to determine what has happened.
Figrin leaps from his hidding place and maneuvers towards the opening the wall, avoiding detection from the confused guards. Alarms blare as the entire compound is on full alert. The Jedi Master moves through the opening into the medical lab and begins to secure the area...
Xanatos Etanial
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:36:53 PM
::steps from the shadows behind Frigin::
Going somewhere Jedi? ::Draws his sword::
Not before you go through me first.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:41:10 PM
:: The Jedi leaps out of the turbolaser tower, Unseen wiuth the black cloak billowing He smiles as he hits the detonation button for the limpet mines
The pieces fall everywhere as DT moves into the shadows and his next taget::
Jedi Alpha
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:42:36 PM
After the explosion Alpha appears behind Figrin, making him jump.
"thanks for the little entrance...If you'll excuse me I've got some stuff to blow up..."
Alpha runs in and starts off to the generator room, looking for Verse on his way.
General Scorpion
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:44:59 PM
*A loud rumble of the bombardment was heard as Scorpion ran down the hallway, not bothering to tell anyone for everyone most likely already knew.. One of his larger task forces was on the other side of the planet and had just reported the attack.. A little late, Scorpion thought dryly.. The force was already beginning to orbit in defense formation.. Scorpion picked up his datapad to check what ships were there..
Flagship: Imperial III-class Star Destroyer Mammoth
Secondary Flagship: Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Glorious
Heavy Ships:
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Unstable
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Unstoppable
Victory II-class Star Destroyer Impervious
Dominator-class Star Destroyer Ill Fortune
Escort Ships:
3 Dreadnaughts
2 Nebulon-B2 Frigates
4 Strike Cruisers
2 Lancer Frigates
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:50:48 PM
:: Moving with all possible speed, DT mows down quards and moves for the comms towers. He gains the other areas and Force leaps to the structure. A brief sabre cut gains access and a tossed in bomb will take care of the rest.
He leaps away as the next bomb explodes, knocking out communications... now if the Force was with him, next the EMP device he carried in the shield room...::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 4th, 2000, 09:53:37 PM
:: Signals to the fleet
"Comms knocked out, Turbolasers knocked out a one corner... come get em!"::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:02:33 PM
::Dyzm Smiles as he decodes the Attacking Ship's Transmissions, he powers up the engines on the Black Lighting and Engages the Cloaking Device, he heads toward the planet::
At Last I will Get Whats Mine,
Jedi Alpha
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:02:50 PM
::Alpha senses his original Sith master but keeps going till he runs into a group of Sith wandering around. Alpha looks up and jumps into the air ducts just before the group sees him. Alpha makes his life force invisible to the Sith and crawls to the halfway point. After that Alpha jumps down from the ducts and hits the ground running. Alpha hits his commlink::
Dragon Fleet~target Scorpion's fleet first. Then go after the rest.
::After he said that Alpha shuts down his link and finally makes it to the door of the generators, and fires a plasma blast at the door, blowing it off it's henges::
This is almost too easy...Most of the Sith must be too distracted to boither to guard this place...
::Alpha walks into the room and places two high powered charges on the generator and sets it for 1 minute. Alpha begins to walk away, and then hits his comm to all Jedi frequencies::
Listen up guys! The charges are set. Get ready to take this place!
verse dawnstrider
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:04:07 PM
::Verse's troops pust through the hole DT's and Fig's Explosives made. Verse and his troops storm inside the HQ. The Sith guards ry to stop the group. But due to the fact of all the allies the Jedi have the Sith guards are badly outnumbered. The ground assult team pushes deeper intot he Sith base. Verse turn to his Second in Command.::
Verse- Take over. I have a job to do.
Second in Command- Yes, Sir.
::Verse Leaves his troops as they slaughter the Sith Guards. The Troops push deeper into the Sith Base destroying everything in there path. The Sith Guards start to fall one by one to the attack made by the ground team.::
::Verse runs down the Sith Hallway toward the Med Labs. A Sith Guard jumps out and verse sliced him inhalf with his Light Scythe. Verse looks at the guard and thinks to himself as he runs <may the force be with me>. Verse makes it to the Med Lab to see Fig and X fighting it out.::
Verse- Dude get rid of him fast. We have a job to do!
::Verse Makes his way to the Generater room to find Alpha. Verse doesnt stops running till e gets to the area to set his bomb. Verse sets all his bombs as fast as he can and runs to Alpha.::
Verse- Ok Dragon Lord. Lets Rock and Roll!!!!!
::Verse presses the button on his remote and the bombs explode. Alpha Does the same. The power starts to fade from the Sith HQ.::
Ayanami Rai
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:06:05 PM
::a distress signal is heard and Aya stops her ship and turns going back to headquarters:: I can't believe this is happeneing....::she lands it on a cliff, unseen by all and makes her way back to headquarters:: ::as she reaches headqaurters she stealthily approaches and sees a few Jedi's standing about. she reaches up behind one, twisting his neck quickly, and blasting the other. No sound is heard from either one, as she continues towards headquarters::
Darth Ogre
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:12:57 PM
:: stirred by all the sounds, coming from several miles away, Ogre retrieves his weapons, and exits his cave. He can see bright lights flashing on the horizon followed, a few seconds later, by the rumbling sound of huge explosions. He boards a small speeder outside the cave and engages the drive, heading full speed, through the thick fog covering the planet, towards the distant Sith HQ ::
Figrin D an
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:23:47 PM
Figrin: Just go Verse, I'll catch up to you and Alpha!
With his sword, Xanatos strikes at Figrin with his full strength. Figrin spins away from the blow brings his lightsaber around, slashing at the Sith. Xanatos quick reflexes allow him to jump back far enough to avoid the blow. Figrin reaches out with the Force to a hospital bed a few meters away. The bed flies toward Xanatos, hitting him on the right side of his body, knocking him off balance. Figrin uses the opportunity and swings out with a powerful backhanded punch to Xanatos' face, the uses a quick Force Push to fling the Sith into the nearby wall.
Figrin: Sorry I don't have time to play right now, perhaps another time....
Figrin turns and runs out of the medical wing, using Force Speed to accelerate himself down the hallway to join Verse and Alpha outside the generator room...
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:38:55 PM
**Obiwan loved the idea of a surprise attack on the Sith, but he had plans of his own. Dressed in black, with a strange visor around his head, and armed with his lightsaber, Obiwan carefully glides through the halls watching and waiting for the time to reveal himself. It has been long since Obiwan has been in a battle, and he is definitely ready. Some have said that Obiwan is not the same man they once knew. Only time can tell. You never know what space can do to a man when he is out for so long all alone. For now, he is patient, and awaits the time to begin his attack**
Bounty Hunter Dreyas
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:39:29 PM
::Suddenly, after the Jedi have begun entering the HQ, a small ship, composed of unknown matierial that has a small cannon on each side::
::The ship lands in the mountonous terrain, somewhere west of the HQ::
::The door slowly moves down, revealing a character dressed in the shadows::
::The character steps into the moon's light::
::The figure is very large, spanning 8 ft. into the sky::
::The figure is paritally dark green with one, enourmous eye::
::The figure is holding two large blasters, aiming them into the cold mist of the dark night::
::One of the arms turns on a flashlight that glows near the large droid::
Now for the light, guns, and purpose, to kill.
He He He...
::The droid begins running into the unknown terrain::
::As he runs, the ship's door slowly moves back up to close completely::
::A small figure seems to be sitting in the ship ::
(It's my dog waiting for me to return)
::A TV screen comes on in the small ship and the Tonys can be heard in the background::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:45:40 PM
*After Reaching the Planet, Dyzm Lands on a Cliff 2 miles away, using microbinoculars, he watches as People Move in and toward the base, he gets on his Swoop and flys toward the base, his cape bellowing out behind him*
Jun 4th, 2000, 10:57:34 PM
::Rmiao stands about his ship, a Mon Cal cruiser and prepares to attack::
Jun 4th, 2000, 11:05:59 PM
:: pulls my cloak around me, and gathers all my knives, and attaches my saber to my belt::
Finally a challenge worth answering. This will not be as easy as they think
::as i rush out of my room::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 4th, 2000, 11:11:51 PM
::At 1 mile away, Dyzm Decides to Camp out for the Night, he pitches the Tent and sits down meditating, waiting for tommarrow.
(OCC I have to go for Tonight, Cya)
Jun 4th, 2000, 11:19:58 PM
**Obiwan knows that the person he is after will be in the main area of the HQ...that is, if they are here at the moment. He makes his way up to a small group of sith warriors. They appear to be apprentices, and are surprised to see Obiwan. They know he is not a Sith, so they approach him, but his visor lens glows a ruby red and they back up a step. They turn their heads in curiousity, as Obiwan stands, carefully looking over them. Finally, a braver one moves in, with his saber drawn. Obiwan's visor glows once more and shoots out a beam. The untrained Sith is hit and falls to the ground in pain, dropping his saber immediately. The others look at their friend in horror, then at one another, and run off. Obiwan fires a few more shots, which causes them to drop to the floor immediately. Obiwan walks away, leaving the poor Sith lying unconscious. As Obiwan leaves, once again returning to the shadows, a slight smile crosses his face**
Jun 4th, 2000, 11:32:46 PM
::Nuriko opens the door to her small private weapons room, collects a couple of her whips and a blaster, secures them onto her belt opposite her saber, and runs off down the hallway to find some foolish Jedi to fight::
Jun 4th, 2000, 11:55:48 PM
::Leia's A-wing starts to pick up speed as it leaves the Mon Calamari ship. Clothed in a blue jumpsuit with her lightsaber at her side, she's prepared for whatever resistance the Sith might offer.::
::a signal starts to bleep on the A-wings console::
Communications Officer Aboard Mon Cal: Message for all small fighters. We are picking up enemy craft on our senors. They are located on the far side of the planet and seem to be making their way in this direction. Try and distract their fleet from this area for as long as possible. Reinforcments will be sent in shortly.
Leia: Roger that. I'm on my way.
::The small A-wing quickly picks up speed and heads in the direction of the enemy fleet::
::As she nears the fleet, she realizes the size of the enemy fleet::
Leia: Okay.... Don't panic..... ::takes a breath in and slowly lets in out::
::sirens begin to wail as tie-bombers are deployed and have gained a lock on her ship::
Admiral Lando
Jun 5th, 2000, 12:20:55 AM
On the bridge of the flagship of the New Repbublic fleet, the MC-90 "Freedom"...
Lando: Launch fighters at those gunturrets at Sith Headquarters! Bomb their flight hangar! Engage any enemy fighters! Fire at will!
OOC: I expect the Imperial Empire to appear sooner or later, so the New Rebublic have prepared a special fleet to welcome their fleet when they turn up..
The Fleet of the New Rebublic:
3 MC 90 Mon Calamari cruisers:
Flagship: The MC-90 "Freedom"
- "Liberty"
- "Hope"
5 standard Mon Calamari Cruisers:
Sunburst, Starstreak, Nova, Solarius, Helios
5 Nebulon class B frigates
5 blocade runners
2 assault frigates
2 medical frigates
1 dreadnought
Special reinforcements on the way: Prototype ship designs (will give more details when they arrive).
Here are the specs for the M-90´s!
Pic here: (
Length: Aprox. 2000 metres
Crew: Estimated 14,000 crew, 7,000 troops, 600 fighter personnel
Armament: 47 heavy turbolasers, 60 light turbolasers, 212 laser guns, 40 ion cannons, 6 proton torpedo launchers, 4 tractor beams
Speed: 22 mglt
Shields: Two MCC-D-60 heavy shields, and two MCC-B-30 backup generators
Armour: 58 inch maximum
Engines: 8 CSD LN fusion engines
Fighter Compliment: 4 X-Wing squadrons, 3 Y-Wing squadrons, 2 B-Wing squadrons, 6 A-Wing squadrons, 1 E-Wing, and 1 K-Wing squadron
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 5th, 2000, 01:04:15 AM
:: On the outskirts of the battle, LL's ship, the Oozaru II paces ::
Stats - Oozaru II:
Class: Saiyajin Interdictor Gun Scout
Length: 130 meters
Width: 25 meters
Decks: 3
Weight: 2800 tons
Power core: Kuat Drive Yards Interdictor-class Ion core with kiloampere transformer network
Coolant system: Republic SpaceWorks SD-34 Cryo-sheath.
Engines: 1 Kuat Drive Yards Interdictor-class main thrust ion engine, 4 Kuat Drive Yards turbo-siphoning plasma scramjets with 20 degree thrust vectoring ability, 16 Sienar Fleet Systems vectoring ion nozzles, 60 degree thrust vectoring capacity
Speed: .54 past light speed
Maneuverability rating: 9.8
Hull Armor: 4 inch durasteel alloy/polymer mesh with laser-resistant gloss
Communications: HoloNet fractal pulse emitter, 128 terracycles
Stealth: Passive sensor scattering network with refraction screen. Limited cloaking shield (5 minute span, 30 minute recharge)
Shields: 1 Kuat Drive Yards Interdictor-class shield generator
Weaponry: 2 Corellian Navy Quad laser cannon turrets, dorsal and ventral, with auto/manual option. Machine-belt Tibanna cartridge feeder.
Other options: Saiyajin Pod/Meditation chamber, Cryo-sleep/bacta rejuvination chamber, S.A.L.O. deployment spacelock, droid backup tactical controller unit.
Crew: 1
Room available: 8
:: LL patches through a holonet transmission to TSE headquarters. He awaits a response ::
Jun 5th, 2000, 02:05:00 AM
In the deepest bowels of the Sith HQ The Coven awakes to the comming of the night...:: Night time is our time...
Rising from their secret resting place the masters of the dark raise to defend their beloved Sith Empire
Saurron sends a transmision via mobile Holonet, while hurrying up the levels...The Sith HQ is under direct attack via orbit and ground assault, request all availible assistance...
Saurron..Weilds two light sai/ one double bladed lightsaber/ a Sith dagger on his belt/
Wears a tactial suit armed with a medium blaster/minimal sheilding against lightweapons, and is totaly uv proof.
Saurron heads for the generator his black cloak waving as he strides down the hallways to intercept the intruders... as the power begin to fade...he smiles welcoming the darkness.
Jun 5th, 2000, 02:18:09 AM
*Standing on the ledge of his ship the "Falling Star", Firebird1 watches the Jedi approch the Sith HQ.*
Firebird1: So this was their move....Well then they will pay for it...
*The Modified Imperial shuttle named the "Falling Star" dives toward the planet that the Sith HQ is on, looking llike it's namesake.*
Jun 5th, 2000, 03:07:32 AM
As Saurron makes his way up through the levels he begins to exterminate the scouts that were sent ahead..only the screams are heard as the ensuing carnage continues...
Pink noise is heard (shhhhhhht)There is ...there is something down here... speaking into the comlink...
AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!...blaster fire is heard
NA!!NA!!... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
As one of Verses troops wears his night vision looking for the unseen danger a head rolls toward him...he looks down, and his eyes widen horrified at the sight of his comrade at arms head hitting his feet...(THWUNK!!!) as he looks down mesmerized (splickths!!) the deadly spear hand of Saurron drives into his neck shooting blood in every direction covering the walls as his heart pumps... then the hand retracts into the darkness from whence it came...
Saurron continues the blood bath..impaling countless troops with his bare hands as he makes his way up to the generator being joined by his four remaining infinite troopers dressed in black stealth stormtrooper armor bearing the sign of infinity on their chest plate...
Saurron's troopers Non Player Characters :: Trained in the dark arts
telekinetic powers only/wield light sabers proficiently/also carry medium blasters and a full utility belt, detonators etc. Truly no match for a seasoned Jedi but more than one coupled with a Sith player character. These guys are tough and they can take a lot of damage.
Jun 5th, 2000, 05:29:59 AM
::Fett sits in the chainsaw, his modified YT-200, preparing himself for the battle ahead. He loads his two blastech pistols, and attaches them to his belt on the table. He then fills a pouch with food capsules, and another with medical supplies. Fett then gets out a tiny grapnel gun, and clips that to the back. He then gets out his trusty saber, and attaches that. Fett looks at the others. All 9 of them are just soldiers, no Jedi Knights like him. However, each was handpicked for this mission. A voice them comes from the @#%$pit. It was Nikit, Fett's Jawa friend.
"Brace for landing"
The entire ship shaked as the ship entered the planets atmosphere. Not one man flinched. They were ready for this. Suddenly the ship came to a halt. Fett strode tom the front of the group, and turned to face them.
"Okay ramblers, let's get rambling
The hatch opened and all 10 jumped to the ground. Fett threw himself against a wall, his black clothing making him harder to spot. He then gts out a comm-link, and begins to speak
"Okay Nikit, get out of here, there isn't much more you can do. Fett out"
The ships hatch then shut, and the ship lifted up. Fett then gets out one of his pistols, and starts to shout commands
"Follow me!"
All the men run to below a vent, and stand ready. Fett raises his grapnel, and fires it above the vent. It hits, meaning Fett could then gain access to the vent. The rest of Fett's men follow suit. The men then begin to crawl through::
Guido Anchovy
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:32:39 AM
:: is sleeping in the bar wakes up at all the noise and gets up to see ::
@#%$! Jedi......
:: grabs his sword and his lightsabre ::
:: runs to the HQ to handle some Jedi invaders ::
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:28:07 AM
Augi notices the fading power and instinctively dashes to the back up generator, when he gets there, he sees several of Verse's troops trying to break down the door. Augi ignites his saber and cuts through the feeble troops. Augi kicks away the remaining attackers. Augi turns on his intercom:
"Back needed now, I'm at the back up generator, if they get this one it'll be hard to keep the power up"
Augi stands in front of the door with his saber lighted waiting for re-enforcements
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:34:42 AM
:: A bouncing ball comes at Augi.
A ; What the...
The Thermal detonator explodes::
verse dawnstrider
Jun 5th, 2000, 09:28:35 AM
::Verse Sees his fellows warriors beside him and he nods. All three take off running toward there next arget. Verse's garou eyes seem to slow in the dark like a wolf's. Suddenly Verse stops and calls to his Comrades.::
Verse- Keep goin' I'll catch up. There is something I must do First.
::Verse makes his way to the dorms, and toward Pivo's kids. Before Verse died and was reborn as the flesh Grim Reaper, He was a Sith called Pivo. Having many of the sme feelings as Pivo, Verse is drawn to the 2 kids. Verse hears a noice and suddenly stops. A group pf Sith warriors attack him. The first wave jumped on his and Verse barly had time to ignite his Scythe. He began hacking then up. Heads rolled, arms rolled. And even some bodies that have been cut in half rolled.::
Verse- the God of Death Is here! Time for y'all to met the Grim Reaper!
::Verse kept fighting till the guards retreated. Verse couldnt let people know where he was though. Verse consitrated on a Garou Art. To fire wolves exploded from a near-by wall and destoryed the excaping Sith. Verse smiled. He made his way to the dorm. The first room were empty the looked to be Rama's/Nurkio and Aki's. Verse smiled and pulled out 2 bomb. He tossed one and each room and the exploded taking all the item in the room with them. Verse moved down the hallway doing this to each room till there was one left. Ami's room had not yet been touched. Verse tried to open it but the password for the lock had been changed. Verse Ignites his Scythe and sliced a chuch out the door. Verse starts to walk intot he room.::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:12:40 AM
::Dyzm Wakes, Gets on his Bike and Countinues toward the Fortess, he reaches it in little time and slowly walks int::
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:21:20 AM
Rmiao: power up weapons and fire at will
::Rmiao's Mon Cal opens fire on the L.A.S.S system scoring devastating blows across the shield system::
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:22:23 AM
**Obiwan still lurks in the shadows. Several troops pass by him and he hears them say something about the generator room**
Jedi Alpha
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:43:47 AM
::Alpha stops dead in his tracks, as he senses Saurron::
Show yourself you Vampire!
::Alpha ignites his light-katana and waits. When no one comes for a couple minutes Alpha runs off::
*looking at the returning power* Wtf is going on? Unless they installed a back up generator they...
::ALpha quickly hacks into the mainframe of the Sith Empire and calls up an updated map. After seeing that there's a new back-up generator Alpha hits his commlink and calls DT::
DT~I have one charge left. It's not enough to destroy the generator, do you have NE left? Oh well...looks like I get to destroy it by hand...
::Alpha runs through the halls, mowing down various Sith and slicing some of their heads off. As Alpha gets to the BU Generator, Alpha uses the force to throw one Sith into a wall, breaking his neck and then stabs the other Sith in the head::
Now to do what Verse's troops couldn't ....
::Alpha slices through the door and kicks it down. As he walks in he ducks under a slash from a Sith behind him and stabs him in the gut. Alpha makes his way to the generator itself and puts the charge on it. Sets it for a one minute countdown::
Ok...Let's see how much it blows away..
::Alpha creates a force sheild just as it explodes, and waits for the dust to clear. As it clears up Alpha sees the generator half-way blown to hell::
Finishing ti off should be easy...
::Alpha powers up a Plasma Star and fires it at what's left of the generator, destroying the rest of it. Alpha jumps into the air ducts and gets away before NEmore Sith get there. Flicks on his commlink, and watches the power shut off::
All Jedi~This is Alpha. I have distroyed all the generators...I hope...So all Jedi start storming this place!
Dae Jinn
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:51:20 AM
:: comes out of her room,dressed in her cat-suit, only to see a few jedi running by. she shrugs, and walks down the hall, oblivious to all the chaos around her ::
just another fun-fun day at sith HQ.....
:: yawns and stretches, punching out a jedi who ran into her fist ::....oops....heh.... i guess i should join the fun....
:: takes out her sabre, ignites it and begins slaughtering everything that comes by ::
Jun 5th, 2000, 12:07:06 PM
Oh well on to busness.
*The "Falling Star" lands in a hidden artifical cave that closes behind the ship, hiding it from sensors and other thecnology that could find it, Firebird1 then exits his ship and unloads his speeder.*
Speed: 200 MPH/300 MPH with turbo fuel
Armor Class: Low
Weapons: Rear mounted Grenade Launcher Front mounted Lightsaber Specialy designed for "Joust" like combat
*Firebird1 walks his speeder 5 miles away from the hidden location when he recives Augi's transmission.*
Firebird1: I'm on my way. K9 turn on what ever planetary defences we have left operational.
K9: Acknowledged
*6 Hidden turbolasers outside the Sith HQ activate, and begin to blast the Jedi from different angles. And 6 torpedo launchers raise out of the ground, lock on to the Enemy fleet above and begin to fire at them. The torpedos come out of the launcher, 3 spliting apart into two halfs, the other 3 staying intact, speeding toward their targets.*
*Firebird1 thinks to himself "We need to get those Generators online to get the shields back."*
Princess Rebecca
Jun 5th, 2000, 01:07:10 PM
::as Verse enters the room..a glowing figure appears:: Sorry...the children aren't here
{{this is Ami}}
Jun 5th, 2000, 01:32:46 PM
Augi dusts himself off from the violent explosion
"well at least it didn't blast down the door"
Augi enters the back up generator and gets it back online. The sound of powering up is heard throughout the hq
"Firebird the shields are up, but I don't know for how long"
Augi peers through the window to observe the jedi battle ships getting pummeled the hq defences
Jun 5th, 2000, 01:49:10 PM
::Rmiao launches a few extra proton torpedos at the generators to help Alpha make sure they stay down. A tangled mess of transparisteel and ferracrete, Rmiao continues firing on the other defense system blasting it apart piece by piece.::
Jun 5th, 2000, 01:57:31 PM
::Suddenly a vent in the ion cannon control tower smashes to the floor, and Fett dives out, firing both blastechs, which takes out two of the guards. Fett then dives to his feet and starts to fire again. He spins round, and takes out the two guards coming from behind. As Fett distracts the guards, the commandos also come out of the vent, guns blazing. Within moments, the control room is secure. Fett hits a button, locking the blast doors. 2 of the commandos go to control positions, while Fett goes to a map.
"Set fire coordinates to 90, 60, 40"
Slowly the cannon swivels round towards the main building
"90, 60, 40 cleared sir"
The ion cannon fires a blast, which hits the main building square on, iluminating it in energy. Fett grabs his comm-chip
"Fett to all, Fett to all. Target ionised. Power will be down for some time. Use it"
Fett then turns to the commandos
"You guys get out of here, I'll set the charges"
Doing as he says, all of the commandos run out the door. Fett gets a number of charges out of his backpack, and starts to place them. As Fett places one near a window, he sees a missile turret turning round.
Fett quickly draws a pistol and fires at the window, shattering it Then, as the missile is fired, dives out of the window. Fett hits the ground as the entire top of the tower explodes. Fett looks up and laughs
"Yippe-Ki-yay Muddy Funster"::
Jun 5th, 2000, 01:58:12 PM
*Climbs the ladder into the gunner room, he takes a seat behind large photon cannon and surveys the sky. Sighting Rmiao's ship Augi launches several torpedos that explodes it. In the distance Augi can make out Rmiao parachuting down, Augi aims the gunner at the parachute and balsts it out of the sky. As Rmiao falls to the ground Augi knocks off several other jedi ships*
Jun 5th, 2000, 02:24:07 PM
Saurron reaches the remains of the BU generators...
Jedi Alpha was here ... looking at the grate the floor then to the hole where Alpha must have escaped through...
Trooper:: we follow?
Saurron:: No...:: he pushes a few buttons on his wrist...
Three spheres fly into the room and head for the for the shaft...
Saurron :: We will know his location soon enough. :: smiles showing his fangs
The black and silver spheres fly into the shaft scanning for life forms in all phases. They reach an intersection and split off from each other tracking the communication that was sent and Alpha's own body heat
Saurron:: It won't be long now...they are traveling four times his speed they will reach him soon he was just here.::
Smiling again watching the display on his wrist....
Saurron:: Seal this vent we don't wan't him backtracking on us.
Darth Lynch
Jun 5th, 2000, 03:07:48 PM
*In the deepest part of Sith HQ a figure walks to a panel that slides from the wall revealing a computer console, sitting down he begins to punch several buttons and typing in commands. The screeen glows and changes color as the Sith smiles knowing the Jedi or the two pretenders do not have all the generators nor would they know where the others secretly are keeping power to the more vital areas of the base*
Trooper: Sir the Jedi are attacking full.
Sith: Of course do you think they would sit around in mud huts all day?
Trooper: No sir.
Sith: I admit it is a nice and organized plan but even the most are as good as it is executed, but the tricky part is....things you think you know you may not. The pretenders the Jedi have think they know everything...fools. They know nothing.
Trooper: I don't understand sir.
Sith: Nor do they.
*Within the palace where various bombs are hidden they suddenly begin to almost seemingly decay but if one could look closer they would see tiny nanobots totally dismantaling the explosives until nothing is left*
Sith: Now go and engage the Jedi
Trooper 2: But they are in already shouldn't we flee?!
*Reaching out with his lightsaber putting it to the second troopers face he ignites it sending the blade through the troopers skull and brain exiting the back of his head, the body in spasms as crimson pours out of his mouth the Sith deignites his lightsaber letting the body slump to the ground, the first trooper looking up*
Trooper: Yes sir! Engaging the Jedi sir!
*Half scared to death the trooper runs out gathering with others and begins their assualt upon Verses troops inflecting heavy causilites among the Garou's troops. Turning around letting the console sink back in the wall he breathes smashing the troopers skull under his boot a laugh suddenly echoing from his mouth*
Sith: Death....always the companion, how you shall feast today.
*Outside on various parts of the walls slots suddenly open up much to the surprise of the ground troops and begins to open fire on them cutting through many bodies tearing them apart*
Sith: What you think you may know is but an illusion, what you seek shall not be obtained this day.
*Walking out the door as the SitHQ lights suddenly flash red he smirks knowing the SithHQ defence grid is reactivated and the Jedi are in for much more than they bargained for*
Darth Phantom
Jun 5th, 2000, 03:52:07 PM
damn :: crowls out of bed due to a red alert runs to the bridge ::
second in command: UG sent us a transmission saying that the HQ is being attacked by the jedi what are your orders?
send a sub-space transmission to all ships that are sith or friends of the sith telling them to meet me here A.S.A.P.
Garik Loran
Jun 5th, 2000, 04:30:30 PM
The small house on Myrkyr was dark and very still. Garik Loran, the solitary Jedi, lay awake in his crude cot. Sleeplessness had plagues him for many weeks now. Every evening he stared throught the hole in the thatched roof and stared at the distant points of light above.
As dawn approached, the mists swirled in from the mountains. Garik lay thumbing his new toys absentmindedly. He had been hard at work over the last few months designing new weapons and tools. The design he held in his hand was not his own, but he had modified it until he felt it was. In his expansive travels he had come across a weapon called a darkstick. It was shaped like a boomerang with one half made of plasma energy like a lightsaber. Garik had liked the throwing weapon so much that he bought as many as he could find. He tinkered with the basic design to make a little safer for the user by adding a cutoff switch. The switch could only be activated by the thrower by means of a switch on the special made gauntlet Garik himself had designed.
Quite proud of his craftsmanship, Garik tossed the blade across the room several times. For a Jedi Knight making the blade return to his hand was simple. However, he chose not to call upon the force. He had trained himself to use it as the mysterious warriors had on the planet of its origin.
As he tossed his new toy about, the mists rose in the night. A strange thought came to him. He sank back on to the cot fully and hugged his knees toward him. A second sight came to him as he shut his eyes.
Who was coming to see him?
The ship did not look familiar?
Could this be trouble?
Jun 5th, 2000, 04:38:03 PM
::Just as Rmiao's Mon Cal is finishing reducing the Sith's L.A.S.S system to rubble, a slew of Proton Torpedos rips across his ship. He does not flinch, however, as he goes immediately into Force stasis and parachutes down. Unbeknownst to the Sith, Rmiao's x-wing, on autopilot breaks free from the wreckage as Luke Skywalker's did to escape Grand Admiral Thrawn. Though his chute is blown away, Rmiao manages to land safely undetected by the Sith. He guides in his x-wing safely and rests for a bit::
Rmiao: Well, we know the generators are down for good as is the LASS system.
Xanatos Etanial
Jun 5th, 2000, 04:49:00 PM
::Gets up after being trown into a wall by Frigin::
Time to pull out all the stops. ::Slowly walks to his chambers and goes inside, once there he opens a closet and reveals a large droid inside, a destroyer droid, he activates the droid::
Come Samson, we have Jedi to squash. ::Samson 1.0 nods in aggrement as x and Samson leave the room to search for the intruders::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 04:59:38 PM
:: With an nasty grin, DT moves towards the backup generators. DT plants the EMP pulse bomb and signals the Jedi for 1 kilometre to turn off electronics for 30 seconds. DT turns off all his electronics and witha Force punch, knocks the doors open, throws the EMP bomb in.
10 seconds latr, the EMP Pulse takes out ALL powered on electronics for 500 meters::
DT turns the comm link on
Darth Phantom
Jun 5th, 2000, 05:39:56 PM
as verses enters the room he sees a bright blue light when he reopens his eyes he sees Darth Phantom standing in front of him Phantom kicks him in the gut and pushes him out the door and locks it Phantom opens his com-lick to the PhantomII four to beam aboard as verses brakes down the door AMI and her children are beamed aboard the PhantomII
:: Darth Phantom turns to AMI ::
you and your children will be safe here
:: turns to second command ::
cloak us send a message to Lounge Lizard telling him to meet us here now
Princess Rebecca
Jun 5th, 2000, 05:48:37 PM
::smiles and hugs Phantom:: thank you so much.... ::runs and grabs Allison and Clarissa up into her arms:: your okay now...its okay...shh...
Darth Havok
Jun 5th, 2000, 06:26:36 PM
:: At the initial explosion of the Jedi’s entry havok rushes from his room, and down a few corridor heading through the map room and into a secret passageway. Leading into some catacombs deep within the Sith HQ, and heavily guarded I might add. He makes his way to a large elevator, as the explosion of the main generators go off, and rocks, tiles, panels, etc. Fall from the ceiling he evades the falling obstacles, and gets to the elevator, which leads deep into a vast maze of never ending catacombs and caves. The yellow lights begin to flash as he descends , signaling the low power. As the elevator comes to a stop he rushes into a tactical secret room him and his Master have been working on since his training began. The screens display all the rooms of HQ that are experiencing the low powered problems, some flashing red sensing the enemy intruders. Some yellow meaning much of the electronics that lie in those rooms are inoperable.
Havok: Damn!…….:: smiles wickedly:: Boy aren’t they gonna be surprised…
:: He moves to the tactical console and slams on a few buttons, one creating a large defector screen over the top of the Sith HQ, as the main balcony begins to reform, and turn into a large satilite dish type array deflecting the incoming ion cannons and bombs just to the outer rims of the HQ, as they explode and send debris and throwing piecies of scorched earth into the air. The second, releasing a toxic hallucinogenic gas through all the vents, and main hallways, and main generator room. The gas lingers quickly throughout the HQ, the other sith being immune seeing how they’ve been injecting this gas into there blood in small doses building up a very strong tolerance to the very deadly, very hallucinogenic gas..::
**Opens a encrypted line to his Master-**
Havok: Foxtrot, foxtrot this is eagle eye do you have a copy….(fuzz)
Lynch: That a roger eagle eye got ya loud and clear.
Havok: Plan X-omega initiated…..
Lynch: :: And snicker is herd over the com::
Havok: Thought you’d be pleased.
Lynch: Continue with the plan, and get your freaking butt up here….
Havok: Roger that…eagle eye out……(fuzz)
:: The gas begins to manipulate the Jedi’s minds making them believe that the other Jedi are Sith. They other Jedi in the building begin to turn on Fett as he turns and faces them with his blaster. Most of verse’s troop begin to ruthlessly slay each other like sick puppies. Fighting amongst themselves creating utter HAVOC…::
Havok ~ WoooHooo!!
::Fires up the some backup generator located in an undisclosed location, to return the power failure caused by the EMP pulse waves. Havok then looks back to the main sensor arrays seeing the incoming bombers and many ground forces moving quickly from the North, and East… He activates the Spider mine fields that surround the entire HQ, as they pop out of the ground chasing down, small squadrons of Jedi troops, and light armed vehicles blowing there victims in to pieces. Leaving them in a frenzy of confusion, and scattered about trying to regroup at there rally points, as many run around engulfed in flames, and sreaming bloody murder..::
:: Havok then activates the secret hanger bay located against a nearby cliff, as it de-cloaks the docking, and launch bays, multiple squadrons of tie fighter prototypes, and tie bombers scream out of them under the cover of the fog and begin to engage the nearby ships attacking the HQ, and the bomber laying waste to the troops still making there way to the outer rims of the HQ.. Recloaks the bays, and activates all the outer defenses of the HQ that have yet to be distroyed..::
Jun 5th, 2000, 06:38:57 PM
*Wakes up from his drunken rage*
Aww jusy when I was geting some sleep... Blasted Jedi!
*Gets into his ship The Spider's Trap and takes off to kill some Jedi*
Jun 5th, 2000, 06:45:26 PM
::Fett, seeing the Jawas attack, does the only thing he can do. Using an old technique, he knocks each out. Fett then rummages through their supplies, and pulls out the gasmasks, putting them on each of them::
OOC: Where did the Jawas come from?
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 06:50:36 PM
OOC : Phantom - @#%$ off with the teleport and knock off the Star Trek crap. The kids are still in the base.
Princess Rebecca
Jun 5th, 2000, 06:56:38 PM
uh...okay DT
::still standing in her room face to face with verse::
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:04:44 PM
Syruss walks into the room with Saurron and the four troopers.
Syruss:: There is a Garou Warrior in the HQ.
Saurron :: I know I have felt him, we will deal with him soon enough. The tracking droids are close to finding Jedi Alpha. When they do we will dispense with the little rat in the ventilation network quickly and move on.
Syruss :: He is after the children...
Saurron looks at him:: I see...:: Nods :: I see...
Syruss looks down at Saurron's wrist as a beeping begins and a little red light flashes.
:: Found him!!
OOC:: Due to RL situations I will be running Syruss in this rp thread normaly he is run by my real life brother in law but he is moving and getting set up in a new house.
Ayanami Rai
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:06:39 PM
::aya walks fast towards headquarters as it grows larger to her sight. She unbuckles her shock gun and sees nearby troops. In one hand, she ignites her saber and the other she holds onto her shock gun. She then walks up behind the Jedi troops and begins impailing and frying them. She continues to walk towards HQ and finally reaches the outer north side. She walks about, then slams her saber into the wall, and cuts a hole. Then with one strong kick, she forces the cut out piece as it slams into Jedi's standing inside, breaking their bones and crushing them with the wirhg tif the wall. She walks over it, hearing the crunch of them underneath her feet. As she jumps off, she turns and throws a small plasma bomb under it, blowing the piece of wall and the men underneath up. She continues to walk down the hall and hears a scrambling within the heating and cooling ducts. She stops and listens silently to the movement, and follows the sound. She then ignites her saber and slams it into the ceiling, catching the stealth person in the leg, She moves the saber in a circle, and a jedi falls to the ground. She looks down at him and laughs::
Oh hello Alpha!
::she kicks him in the face, rendering him unconcious and contacts Saurron::
Aya: Saurron, I have on of your old buddies here...
Saurron: ::laughs:: I'll be right there.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:07:31 PM
And while I'm at it, I'm detecting a creep in of God modes. So far, the Sith have got an unexpected and huge attack. Now how about we all deal with it, not some bloody OH, I use teleport, or oh, I poision everyone (not that Jedi CAN be affected by poison) nor I mow down millions of Jedi or Sith or guards or anyone.
When The Jedi Counci was destroyed in the lectronics taken out, we did not "Magically" resurrect everything. Unless the electronics are off TOTALLY, power removed, they are permantly distrupted. There is right now a highly entertaining situation and I'm not going to put up with God modes or impossibilities. It makes it a good deal more fun if people just accept the situation and deal AROUND it. That's what RPG is about, not waving your hand anfd making everything better.
Sorry, I just had to blow off for a second. Back to normal programming
General Scorpion
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:14:25 PM
*Leaning against a doorway, Scorpion activates his long-range wrist comlink and sensor system and looks at the small holos representing ships..
The Mammoth (Click Here For Pic And Specs (, accompanied by the Glorious, advance on the Dreadnaught and medical frigates relentlessly, pouring turbolaser fire down on them with horrifying ease.. The Strike Cruisers advance on the blockade runners and do the same.. The remaining ships converge fire on the M-90s from a safe distance while calling for reinforcements...
Switching the sensor off, he walks back to his room to get a few items..
Reaching his doorway a minute later, he walks in and presses a switch inside a small cupboard.. A tray slides out with a large, heavy sack.. Scorpion pockets the sack inside his cloak before pulling out a smaller tray with three cases.. Picking them up, he attaches them to his right thigh and walks down the hall, the Force telling him where the action is...*
Darth Dyzm
Jun 5th, 2000, 07:42:38 PM
::Dyzm Heads toward the Lowest Level of the HQ, toward the archives and the safe, were they keep the ancient sith artifacts::
Darth Havok
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:12:04 PM
OOC- My fault Fett, been having a bad week, was reading to fast.
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:22:33 PM
:: LL pilots the Oozaru II through a swarm of fighters, and begins to strafe the New Republic forces, using his speed and maneuverability to his advantage, weaving his supremely agile ship through the New Republic formations ::
I'm sorry...but I cannot allow this aggressive invasion. I must keep you in check.
:: The Oozaru II draws a bead on Leia1038's fighter, and begins to attack, targeting the engines ::
Darth Phantom
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:36:46 PM
OOC: DT shut the hell up
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 08:49:36 PM
OOC: No YOU shut up. I'm sick of hearing accusations of Jedi God modes and then the Sith doing the same - that is hypocracy. Either you play by the rules or you dont play. Did you NOT clearly read the rules of engagement?
IC : In the shadows and the sparking of electrical equipment, the dark figure of DT moves. The EMp bomb has done it's work.
Character - Turbogeek, Jedi Master. 6'0, 87 kilos.
Equipment - Wrist rokcets, two sabres at side. Blaster pistol and backup vibroknives. Wooden Bo stick strapped to back and hackpack with other tricks. Wearing armour and helmet. One frying pan.
Jun 5th, 2000, 09:00:06 PM
OOC ::Ignores Phantom's clearly rule-breaking posts and continues::
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 5th, 2000, 09:05:36 PM
:: Leia1038's A-wing flails out of control wildly as her starboard stabilizer is hit. The Oozaru II arches in a tight pattern, spraying two X-wings with a furious spray of fire. One X-wing splinters into fiery fragments, and the other begins to leak plasma from its engines. LL communicates via HoloNet with Darth Phantom ::
LL here. I'm running superiority missions right now. As soon as the landing waves are nullified, I will S.A.L.O. jump to your location. Keep the skies friendly. Lounge Lizard out.
Sith Kat
Jun 5th, 2000, 09:09:55 PM
:: Kat leaps from the shadows with force speed, taking Dyzm completely by suprise. She had been tracking him from the moment his ship landed, using her natural abilties as a hunter warrior and her training in the darkside to merge with the darkness, concealing herself from him. She pounces before he can reach for a weapon. The two go down, rolling end over end across the floor. Kat uses the momentum and launches Dyzm head first torwards a wall with her legs. She rolls backwards to her feet.
"So, the Jedi attack us and you decide to sneak into the Empire like a thief!"
:: ignites her sabre, attacking Dyzm viciously. forces an opening with the sabre and draws a long cut across Dyzm's jawline with her kris. blood flows freely from ear to chin ::
"You will not pass me, Ki'tasu!"
:: stands in Dyzm's way with weapons drawn ::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 09:26:12 PM
:: The small fires of electrical systems still spark as DT moves ahead. Now, where next?
Thinking quickly, he decides the best idea now is to hit at any control systems and create mamximum chaos and damage. Moving with speed he finds a set of stairs and begins to climb. Bending down a the fourth step, he pulls out a trip mine, connects the power and switches it on. Backing slowly up the stairs in case the proxinmity detectors pick him u, he moves out of range and then thorws a small coin into the detection field. The mine explodes, taking out the stairs below and bringing down a ceiling. DT runs to get out of the damage area::
Darth Lynch
Jun 5th, 2000, 09:50:28 PM
OOC: Actually DT if the Jedi can come in and start blowing up everything right and left, it would only make sense HQ would have alternate devices better protected and conseled for such an attack. Not like the Jedi even if they have people like Verse or Alpha on their side would know everything about the HQ for security reasons against such treason. Some equipment would be isolated or blocked/protected against EMP or similar attacks, and not all the generators would just be out in the open, some if not all would be deep within the base so unless the Jedi can avoid guards, security systems and the Sith who would sense a Jedi presence it seems rather miracelous that the Jedi could in one feel swoop take out every generator, and laser isn't it? Yeah, seems the God mode did creep in after all but long before what we pulled even if your "plan" was well executed, so if you going to take you better be prepared to give alittle. Just my thoughts on the matter. But I will say I do agree on the teleportation thing.
*Signaling to a squad of Sith and troops across the corridor from him, several troops with him they wait for approaching Jedi troops to come out far enough towards them, when in reach the Sith troops attack the Jedi troops in a cross fire. Letting the lesser Sith members and troops to handle these Jedi Lynch walks off to another position under siege.*
*Stopping for a second he thinks about the power being knocked offline and he pauses for the first time realizing what that means. Standing still he knows not all defences are technological, with the EMP wave disrupting various instruments he knows they are free. The legacy of Naga Sadow's lives thanks to Lynch's discovery of several artifacts and information capsules in a cavern during his transition from Jedah to Lynch months ago. Using DNA and genome recordings described Lynch produced several Massassi and then mixed them with the same beast Vader was able to control resulting in a wapred cross breed or warrior. The power system had kept them confined, but now they would be free and as part of their creation they were programmed to seek out and kill all Jedi, 25 in all the abominations seek out the Jedi not harming any of the Sith*
*Almost letting a twisted grin on his face Lynch begins to look around for a Jedi to combat*
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:16:40 PM
OOC - Exactly Lynch. It just pissed me off to just * wave a majic wand * and hey, an EMP bomb effects is reversed. Sure, If there are backups that were off at the time, that is correct they can be started. They need to be 500 meters in radius from ground zero (as I stated) and of course, even if backup systems are bought on line, they take time and there would be an immense amount of confusion, damage and fires anyway. * sigh * - I dont mond counters, but they do need to be a bit logical and going with what would be likely results of the EMP. Havok's counter just seemed absurd.
IC : Stalking the stairs, DT moves to the higher levels of the base, occasionally refering to the maop Verse had given him
Darth Ogre
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:30:51 PM
:: as Ogre gets nearer to the HQ, he senses the presence the presence of many force wielders, not of Sith origin. Including a couple of presences that he has become quite familiar with. Verse and Alpha, the two pretenders ::
They believe their knowledge of HQ will give them an advantage. Haa, they are fools, just as the other Jedi are for believing them to be nothing more than Sith, disguising themselves as Jedi.
:: Ogre stops his speeder, still a kilometer or two away, exits it and dons his black cloak. Seeing that the HQ is under heavy fire, he turns and walks away from his speeder, seemingly heading in the wrong direction, as the battle is the opposite way. Ogre arrives at a sheer cliff, surrounded by several trees. He withdraws a small item from his pouch, approaches the wall of the cliff and begins searching it for something. He smiles and waves the object in his hand over an area in the wall, and seemingly out of nowhere, the cliff face opens slightly. Ogre enters the opening, as it closes behind him, heading down the mysterious corridor, known only to trusted and high ranking Sith ::
<font color=green>
Battle Axe (non enchanted)
Green Sabre
Various small knives and blades on the harness to his Axe sling
A pouch containing assorted items. Thermal Detonators, flash grenades, medicines, and food supplements.</font>
Figrin D an
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:38:50 PM
OOC: Alright, we're getting off topic here. I think everyone is smart enough here to understand what is fare game and what isn't. I am completely open to the Sith HQ having redundant and backup systems as contingancy for such an attack. Personally, I think it makes things more interesting. However, let's keep it to a reasonable limit. Having a new backup generator pop up every five minutes is ridiculous. Also, let's keep this as "Star Wars" as possible. As was pointed out, transporter technology doesn't exist in the Star Wars universe, etc. I think everyone can use their brains a little to figure out what is reasonable and what isn't. Okay?
IC: Figrin reaches the main reactor room, only to find that Verse and Alpha have moved on to another part of the complex. The Jedi can hear the booming fire of turbolasers outside, articulated with an occasional shockwave from a proton torpedo blast. Knowing he is on his own for the moment, Figrin quickly considers his options. Checking his data pad, he looks at the scouting report map of the inner complex. His primary objective had been to break into the compound and aid the invasion by providing scouting reports and blasting through the outer wall. That now completed, he turned to his second job. If he could get to the main weapons storage area and destroy stockroom, the Sith equipment reserves would be seriously hindered. 'That might just be enough to give us the upper hand,' Figrin thought to himself.
Running towards the South, Figrin replaced the data pad a pocket on his cloak and entered a large open circular room, with multiple exits. Looking carefully, Figrin can see blaster fire to the east as a squad of Sith troops run by, chasing after a fast moving being. The Force told him it was Turbogeek, toying with the guards as he raced around the complex setting bombs and causing mayheim. Figrin smiled slightly and laughed to himself at the very thought. The Jedi began to move towards a large stair case to head up to the next floor, when he abruptly stopped, feeling a strong shift in the Force. Someone is near, identity masked by the Dark Side of the Force. Figrin removes his saber hilt from his belt. The presence grows stronger, closer... Figrin can sense it is coming from the third floor, down the stairs to the second. The Jedi Master leaps using a Force Jump up to the second balcony just as the being clears the stairs. Figrin faces the shadowed figure as it moves into the ambient light....
(OOC: Alright, I've set this up so that one of you Sith can face me one on one. This is a first come, first serve offer. Start your response by stepping out into the light and revealing who you are. Then the fun starts....)
Darth Dyzm
Jun 5th, 2000, 10:57:48 PM
Only Coming for what Mine,
::Knocks Kat Back with a Force Blast, and with LS in hand walks off, using force healing to patch up his jaw::
And I'm NOT sneaking in like some Thief, I have never snuck around the entire time I was here.
::Tosses a Stun Grenade over his Shoulder and it explodes at Kat's Feet, Paralyzing her::
Jun 5th, 2000, 11:27:26 PM
Bowdin runs down the hallway to see Phantom holding the children in his arms with Verse advancing on him as he moves away. Bowdin reaches Darth Phantom before Verse can and takes the babies from him take care of him nodding to Verse. I know a safe place a very safe place. Bowdin speeds down the hallway leaving Phantom and Ami to face Verse. Bowdin winds and turns down the halls passing the Sith as they rush to defend the HQ.
Still proceeding down the levels he runs into more scouts, Bowdin takes refuge in the shadows hoping the babies don't stir as they pass. Bowdin makes eye contact with them a causes them to fall asleep then proceeds to the best hiding place he can think of.
ooc:: news flash I Saurron am now also playing Bowdin
Jun 6th, 2000, 12:44:48 AM
:: Hera comes out from her rooms at the SE HQ, looking about trying to find which way will take her to where the battle is being fought-being a new member is infuriating as she doesnt yet know her way about.
She senses her Master Darth-Ogres presence but is unable to pinpoint the direction of his force-energy due to the fortress of rock and the unfamiliarity of her surroundings.
She ignites her saber and unholsters her blaster holding both in a comfortable confident grip...she can hear Lynch's commanding voice drifting faintly over to her from a distance, and so moves purposefully and warily in that direction........
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 6th, 2000, 02:01:21 AM
*Having heard the explosions and the sounds of close battle, she quickly changes clothing, from white dress to black shirt, pants and cloak. Quickly tucking her blonde hair up into a hat(reducing her visibility), she buckles on her utility belt, from which hangs her ls, blaster and two daggers. Hurriedly coiling her whip around her waist, she steps cautiously out into the hall and reaches out with the force, seeking the enemy. She stealthily moves down the corridor and hears quiet movements. Peeks quickly around the corner and sees DT setting a charge. She leans back against the wall and removes her cloak. The charge detonates and she hears DT running towards her. Taking a step forward at the last second and unclipping her saber, she whips her black cloak up and out allowing him to run headlong into it, blinding and binding him for a few precious seconds. She force throws him against the hallway wall, igniting her saber at the same time and lunges at him, driving her saber into his side. She withdraws it and with the force, tosses him back down the stairs he just destroyed. She jumps off to the floor below and goes off to search for either friend or foe, ignoring the fallen DT, leaving him lay where he fell*
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 6th, 2000, 02:16:24 AM
Jun 6th, 2000, 02:18:52 AM
*The 3 of the photon launchers fire another 3 full torpedos, but this time they vere back toward the ground. Soon 3 full torpedos crash into the major staging area of the Rebel/Jedi, causing heavy calusities and damaging almost every spacecraft in the vincinity. Causing communication breakdown for the Jedi on world and sealing all Jedi comm traffic off world unop.*
*As this happens Firebird1 thinks about his upcomming battle....*
Firebird1: Dang Gen's never stay up, oh well....ohh solders.
*Firebird1 sees some Rebel Troops and quickly drives past them, dropping some grenades, the troopers soon find themselves flying in all directions.*
Firebird1: No more time for games, almost at HQ. K9, the Jedi have set off an EMP blast turn some more turrets on. alot more.
K9: Acknowledged
*Firebird1 turns on his turbo engine and picks up speed, suddenly K9 alearts him about a particular problem.*
K9: Sir your brother MLurker is reportedly on the way.
Firebird1: How I thought he was working on some planet?
K9: He apparently has stolen a unknown Vessel and is heading toward our Location.
Firebird1: Send me a diagram of i..*Before Firebird1 can finish his sentence, he stops, and says one word.* Shasbot
*Firebird1 then senses some of the Jedi.*
Firebird1: Alpha...Pivo.... NO They will pay.
*Firebird1 then resumes his trip to the HQ at top speed, and he arrives.*
Firebird1: I welcome the Jedi to the first step of their Journy to the Darkside.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 6th, 2000, 03:21:38 AM
OOC : I smell a God mode. Jedi DO have danger sense
:: DT feels the wound was only a minor scratch as he managed to twist out of the way and using the Firce, leaps up and FORCE SPEEDS into the Sith that attacked him. With the Bo-stick, he swings into her exposed back, hrad enough to shatter the stick and savagely belting the Sith into the ground. A reversed handle collides with the Sith's skull. DT steps back and Force calls the broken piece into his hand.
The Jedi Master steps back, both pieces of stick in hand, ready to face the Sith::
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 6th, 2000, 04:44:31 AM
OOC: Yes they do have a sense of danger but didnt see that as anything different than Ive seen here before.....or any different than your reply, sorry. Seeing as how you were focused more on running from the explosion and then the cloak coming out of nowhere, thought it seemed likely that you were off guard for a moment.
IC: *stunned, she lays there a moment, then sommersaults to her feet, turning to face him. Keeping her eyes locked on his and intent on keeping him where he is, she reaches behind her back and pulls out a dagger. Calling on the force, she sends pieces of of the stairs flying at him, then moves towards him, saber and dagger at the ready*
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 6th, 2000, 06:09:25 AM
OOC : Cool as! Yeah, I know most do just try for a outright defeat straight away, but it's not right when Jedi and Sith do have quite good danger senses. Okay, lets have a decent fight then :)
IC : The Jedi Master ducks as the pieces fly into the armour on his back and he calls the Force to shiled the worst of the flying fragments. He stands up again, eyeing off the sith who seems to be armed with a dagger. an apprentice maybe. Moving forward he calms himself and then uses a rush of speed to move in. The Sith moves to counter and strike back, the Jedi blocks the dagger with one stick part and then smashes the Sith across the chest with the other. Both stiks fragment with the force of the blows. The Jedi Master leaps back, thorws away the stubs and draws one one of his sabres, a plain blue one
"Lets see how well you dance, Sith Lady"
The Master swoops in, sabre flashing::
General Scorpion
Jun 6th, 2000, 07:14:32 AM
*Seeing Figrin D'an, Scorpion takes another half step down the stairs before throwing back his hood and reaching into his cloak for the sack.. Pulling it out, he then unties it and pulls out a strange, medieval-like weapon.. The newly made chainwhip..
It is a 3 foot long titanium-cortosis ore solution chain about two inches thick.. The device has a small black handle at one end, and a jagged spearhead at the other.. The entire chain is covered in 0.5 inch spikes and can be easily whipped around someone's neck or limbs to cause great pain and suffering.. The spearhead allows the user to slash the victim from a distance safely... A small wrist pad can be used to turn on a generator in the handle.. The generator causes electricity to run up and down the chain.. The rubber handle protects the user..
Swinging it around like a ball and chain, Scorpion drops his cloak, so he won't get tangled up in the chain, and takes another step..*
Dae Jinn
Jun 6th, 2000, 09:23:57 AM
:: runs past Dt and Daiq, followed by several beaten and angry looking Jedi. turns suddenly and froce throws the jedis' into a wall, then disappears ::
Lord Fire Blade
Jun 6th, 2000, 09:33:09 AM
I come out of the crawl space, red cloak and armour dulled by the darkness.
I look about, seeing that someone had copied an attack on the Jedi Council I had doe. Well, it worked here too. Mildly impressed, I see two fighting figures. I walk up and then see Dae Jinn run past. I snap an arm out and grab her by the neck
"Stand and face the Jedi you gutless Sith!!!"
I grab the dissappearing Dae Jinn and thrust her back into battle.
"Now learn something from your betters and fight with honour!!"
Jedi Alpha
Jun 6th, 2000, 11:04:17 AM
::Alpha stirs after half an hour and looks up to see the Sith around him. Alpha tries lunging at them only to find they had tied his arms to the wall::
I suggest you guys let me go...Before I have to kill you...
::Alpha reaches out with the force and creates havok wiht all the loose bebris and tries throwing it at the Sith surrounding him::
Jun 6th, 2000, 11:06:31 AM
Saurron arrives where Aya has Alpha to see debis flying everywhere he dodges the flying mess and punches Alpha in the side of his head knocking him out cold..
Saurron smiles:: There is no time to waist. The main Jedi are moving quickly.::
__ Saurron motions for the troopers to take the young Padawan. Bound securely, three small boxes are attached to his back that allow a single trooper to merely push him down the hall as he hovers at waist height. Saurron pulls a long needle from his combat rig and injects Alpha throwing him into a comatose type state for a duration of time.
Saurron:: Make sure you relieve him of ALL his weapons!
All right let's take him down to the security level holding area. Everyone arm yourself. All sabers are drawn, and the group begins to move down the corridors to the lower levels where the holding cells are but the lack of main power and the sporadic power cell backups makes travel slow. Auxiliary stairs are used instead of lifts etc.
ooc:: This group contains Saurron, Syruss,Jedi Alpha knocked out drugged, the last four of Saurron's personal troopers, and Ayanami Rai if she decides to join our group. For now i will assume she is since she found Alpha.
ooc edit::Alpha you posted just before I did so I edited.
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 6th, 2000, 11:26:39 AM
:: LL continues running the superiority mission high in the planet's orbit...taking out as many New Republic fighters as he can. A red warning indicator flashes...he has a B-Wing on his six. The heavy attack fighter opens up, spraying the Oozaru II with a concentrated hail of laser and ion shots, wreaking havoc on LL's powerful but limited shields. LL is tempted to rout the shield power through the rear deflectors, but thinks twice when he sees a mon calamari cruiser cutting across his axis. He opens the Kuat scramjets to full, as well as the main ion drive, and charges headlong toward the cruiser. The B-Wing diverts all its shield power to engines in a mad dash to try and stay with the Oozaru II's blazing speed. LL smiles, the plan is working to his advantage. On the cruiser, LL can see the laser batteries blasting a salvo at him. Streaks of orange blaze past his sleek ship, and a few shots begin to glance off his shields. LL waits for the field of fire to become very intense...then engages his vectoring ion nozzles at the full sixty degree rotation, killing the main ion drive. The Oozaru II makes a nauseating corkscrew, throwing it way outside the field of fire, spiraling into awe-inspiring maneuvers. The volley of fire that the cruiser was directing on LL's ship now hits the closely-following B-wing. With its shields depleted for the extra speed, the New Republic fighter is torn to pieces. LL triumphantly speeds away. ::
Jun 6th, 2000, 11:38:04 AM
*Augi feels his way along the blackened corridors and sights the clashing Sabers of DT and DK*
I should lend a hand
*Augi knocks DT across the head with his fist and puts him in a choke hold while DK delivers crunching punches to his stomach*
Jedi Alpha
Jun 6th, 2000, 12:15:02 PM
::Alpha feels himself slipping into darkness::
{OOC: Ok Saurron...}
Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2000, 12:32:50 PM
Out in hyperspace Lord Gue reviews his plans with the other ship captains in the 4th fleet.
Ayanami Rai
Jun 6th, 2000, 03:25:16 PM
::walks with Saurron and the rest of the group, then as they come upon an intersection, she runs down the opposite Hall::
Aya: I'll Meet you later Saurron..::she yells behind her as she dissappears into the darkness::
::she runs down the hall then slows as she hears footsteps. She stops and listens to the heavy breathing and feet pounding against the floor. AS the person comes around the corner she ignites her saber, and grabs the person by the collar and slams them against the wall. she holds the saber up to their face::
Aya: DAMNIT Trinity. I thought you were a jedi.
Trinity: Nice to see you too.
::aya releases her:
Aya: Come on. I can use your help.
::they run down the hall in search of Jedi's::
verse dawnstrider
Jun 6th, 2000, 03:28:43 PM
::Verse looks at Ami and Phantom::
Verse- This is not over. My blood line lives on. The Garou trait is in the one called Allison. She will be Garou like me. And Garou are good cretures, she will turn on you when strong enough.
Ami- if yo say so Garou. Now hear what I have to say. Guards!
::Verse looks behind him and see tons of Sith guards walk into the hallway.::
Verse- I shall return. Gaia! Give me your strenght. Give me th epower to change Crinos one more time. My Grim reaper powers weaken my Garou ones. Just let me change one last Time!
::Verse's body begins to change. His normal 6'0 frame changs to a 10' one. Verse turns to the crinos form. The man-wolf. Slaping Phantom with his tail, Verse sends him across the room. Verse turns to the hallway full of Sith. He starts running at them. At the last second he jumps and ignites his Scythe. Useing his Garou wolf speed Verse jumps from one wall tot he next. He moves so fast his image is a blurr. When he reachs the end of the hallway he stops and looks at the Sith Guards. Each of the heads fall to the ground. Verse runs full speed to the main battle. When he reachs it his sees all his troops fighting each other. Verse watchs in horror. Then Verse makes his choice. Verse lets loose a loud ear piercing howl. All the Troops hold there ears and the effects of the gas were off.::
Verse- Run For it!!!!!
::All Verse's troops run out the Sith HQ. The Sith warrios close behide. The Sith cheer and stream. Then they troops get outside and run into the brush. The Verse's second assult team comes out the woods. thousands of Gungans and Soliders come out in battle tanks and with heavy guns. The troops open fire on the Sith and the Sith HQ.::
Verse- "The greatest thing that can happen to a a warrior is to Die. When a warrior dies he knows he gave his all and can be proud that he did. I have made my choice. Fools! Did you not think I had other plans. There are unactived bombs all over the place. ont he cielings, the hangers, and the foundation of the HQ!"
::Verse pulls out a remote and hits the button. All the bomb become active and explode. The fire of many bombs comes at Verse.::
Verse- Mission Accomplished....
::Verse is comsumed by the flames and turned almost completely to ash. Verse enters the spirit realm of the Garou.::
Verse- "Where am I?"
Voice- "In Garou Heaven"
Verse- "How?"
Voice- "You died"
Verse- "Who are you?"
Voice- "I am Gaia, the spirit of the Garou."
Verse- "What doyou want with me?"
Gaia- "You have boasted to be the Grim Reaper. Your powers faded because of that."
Verse- "And that means?"
Gaia- "You have become my Grim Reaper."
Verse- "But,...I'm dead"
Gaia- "That was to complete the proccess. You are the Grim Reaper now. You have your Garou powers but they will be much much harder to use."
Verse- "But,...I'm dead"
Gaia- "Not no more....."
::A hole open in time and space behide the Sith HQ in a cave. Verse's one time short brown hair has changed to Blond. And it is long and braided into on piece. His eyes are no longer brown. But are grey. Verse lays on ground. The trys and stands. Verse's mind is filled with thought of the past him. Verse falls to the ground passed out. Verse goes into a coma.::
OOC- Dudes, i got grounded big time. I will not be on for a while (like three weeks) so this should take me out the Role Play for a while but I did alot of damage. I havent disided who I will join now that I am the fully Grim Reaper. I'm goin' say Verse has no memory. Who ever finds me at the end of this Role Play is who I will join. It will make it fun. Till then.
Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2000, 03:53:14 PM
[/i]The fleet emerges from hyperspace and complete the plan without a hitch...[/i]
Jun 6th, 2000, 03:53:24 PM
**As Obiwan walks down into the darkened hallways, he sees DK mocking DT as Auriga holds him from behind. Obiwan slowly moves in and delivers a swift blow to Augi and then force pushes DK across the room into a wall**
"Thought you could maybe use a hand, my friend."
Jun 6th, 2000, 05:15:34 PM
::Leaving his Modified X-wing in a secure hiding spot, Rmiao stealthfully enters the Sith HQ::
Name: Rmiao
Rank: Jedi Master
Weapons: Light Blue colored lightsaber, several knives, and a satchel of small weapons
Equipment: Backup with two large objects and several small ones.
::Blending into his surroundings, Rmiao glides through the Sith cooridors unbeknownst to any any of the Sith. He sees the skirmish between his long time friends DT and Obiwan2 with Auriga and DK. Just as Obiwan2 sends DK and Auriga sprawling, Rmiao comes up and force stuns Auriga and DK before they can realize another Jedi has descended upon them. They're left paralyzed::
Rmiao: I don't like having my ship blown apart
::Auriga blinks::
::Rmiao sends another, stronger force stun into Auriga and DK leaving them paralyzed for a while longer. Taking out a sensor from his pack, Rmiao scans the area. The energy readings in the ceiling are enormous and he realizes that they have happened upon the primary energy conduit of the complex. This conduit is the heart of the entire electrical system as it is source from which all the minor conduits split off. 6 feet in diameter, it is the only conduit in the entire place that can transfer all the energy requirements of the place. Lighting his lightsaber, Rmiao breaks through the conduit with a single arcing slash and continues to do so for several meters. The lights flicker and panels all along the hall go dark.::
Rmiao: Generator or no generators, those systems are out for good.
DT: What about the backup generators?
Rmiao: It doesnt' matter, the other jedi have probably already taken them out already and even if they haven't, those backups won't be able to send anything to the shield emitters with these conduits down.
DT: There may be backup conduits
Rmiao: Not a problem, it'll take the Sith an hour just to do rerouting of some conduits. There aren't any other conduits large enough to do what this one did. The most they'll be able to do is get some of their systems back online.
::Rmiao sends a last Force stun into the helpless Sith and and splits off from Obiwan2 and DT to meet other secondary objectives. He gets back to his X-wing without being seen and flips through the communications bands planning his next move and monitoring what else is going on.::
::o pens transmission with fleet::
Rmiao: Shields are gone as is the screen over the main HQ, proceed with the attack.
Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2000, 05:49:08 PM
[i]The fleet makes globular circle around the planet. Ship targeting systems start to target New Republic ships in uter orbit, and jedi vessels on the planet....
Darth Dyzm
Jun 6th, 2000, 05:54:58 PM
::Dyzm Makes It Down to the Sub Level Basements,
he looks through all the Ancient Sith Artifacts, finally finding the Fabled Sith Amulet in a secret case under an Ancient Looking Computer::
Those Fools, they probably didnt even know this was here.
::He Lets the Force Flow Into it, but felt nothing in the crystal, knowing it was a Fake, he throws it to the Ground::
Another Freaking Dead end, unless...
::Dyzm Extends his Senses out and around, he feels a passage way under the floor, he pulls out his LS and Cuts through it. Dyzm Drops down to some old Catacombs::
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 6th, 2000, 06:01:32 PM
:: LL stalks low through the planetary orbit. Several landing craft appear on his screen. Sienar Fleet Systems Sigma class assault transports. Seven total. LL approaches with caution. The Sigmas have enough firepower to seriously damage the Oozaru II, but most of the arsenal is forward firing. LL approaches from 8 O'clock low, then pitches his ion vectoring nozzles upward at a 45 degree incline, using his thrust and bouncing off the atmosphere at the same time, gaining attack speed. LL pulles a scathing strafe at the New Republic craft trailing behind...overloading the shields and damaging the ion engines. The limping Sigma craft's trajectory slopes downward. Unless it can quickly repair itself, it will burn up in the atmosphere. LL veers off, narrowly avoiding a stream of furious defensive fire. As the Oozaru II moves to bank around for another run, LL is cornered by five X-wings making an escort run. Avoiding the ambush, LL turns his craft on a dime and runs the Oozaru II straight through the Sigma formations. Withering blaster fire criss-crosses his flight path, and LL's shields are battered hard, but he sucessfully avoids the X-wings, who have to veer around the landing crafts ::
Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2000, 06:41:44 PM
Detects LL on his sensors
Sith Kat
Jun 6th, 2000, 06:52:24 PM
:: Kat recovers from the effects of the stun grenade. She rises up into a crouch, and begins tracking Dyzm. Her eyes flash over yellow like the eyes of a cat, or some other animal. She scans the darkness, extending her senses as she follows his trail. Her sith creators had designed her to be the perfect hunter, an animal in human form. And she was also strong with the darkside.
'I can smell your blood, Ki'tasu.'
:: Her emotions run wild as she moves faster, hate, hunger, rage, coursing through her as closes in on the prey. Dyzm Ki'tasu, Itala's chosen one. He had committed a fatal mistake by not killing her. He would not get a second chance. She reaches the Sub Level Basements and drops into a crouch again. She stops and looks around. She spies a crystal on the ground and picks it up. She sniffs at it, detecting Dyzm's scent and casts it aside. A feral grin plays across her lips. She finds the passage cut by Dyzm and follows him into the catacombs, using the darkside to melt into the shadows again ::
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 6th, 2000, 07:02:48 PM
:: LL contacts Gue ::
Lord Gue, have your TIEs directly intercept the Sigmas from behind. I've got a jammed ion nozzle and can't keep up. We gotta keep those Sigmas out of the sky. Strafe close and fold away. Target engines only. We don't need em destroyed, just dead in the water. I'm requesting space in your flagship's landing bay. Emergency repair, STAT. If this nozzle keeps sticking, I won't be much use.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 6th, 2000, 07:07:13 PM
:: DT responds to the chokehold, using a drop break to to break loose Augi hold. Whipping around, the Stith etas a knuckle sandwich and a knee to the groin for his trouble::
Figrin D an
Jun 6th, 2000, 09:14:45 PM
*** Figrin stares at the Sith warrior as he emerges from the shadows. ***
"Scorpion," the Jedi says grimly. "So, the rumors of your return were true. I knew you wouldn't be able to stay on the outside forever."
*** Figrin pulls his lightsaber from beneath the folds of his cloak, holding it it in his right hand, emitter angled backward and slightly outward from the Jedi's body. Igniting the sabre, the dark blue blade snaps to life. Figrin brings his left hand up and holds it in a palm open blocking position about 2 feet from his chest.
Momentarily letting his mission lapse from his mind, Figrin prepares to defend himself from the Sith attack. ***
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 6th, 2000, 09:23:39 PM
*Feeling blood trickle where DT smacked her in the chest with the broken Bostick, she counters then parries each attack of his blade. She uses the force to sense the obstacles on the floor, careful of her footing. She gives ground under his assault, but is looking for the right opening......seeing it when he lifts his saber arm for another strike, she blocks with her own blade, then with a snap of her wrist sends her dagger flying lightning quick to seek out his heart*
OOC: My pc is running as slow as molasses right now. It took 25 min for me to load the first page alone, last night. I can spend 2 hrs sitting her at one time, so I'll post again as I can. Sorry.
Darth Dyzm
Jun 6th, 2000, 09:43:01 PM
::Dyzm Turns, Sensing someone or something behind him, he scans the darkness, Unafraid::
I know someone out there, leave me to my quest and you will not die.
::Dyzm looks back forward, and smiles, he senses hybrid creatures made by the darkside, he summons them awake, 3 large, 2 headed flying reptiles wake after generations of sleep and fly toward him::
There Is Something Following Me, Kill it.
Pay No heed to anyones commands but mine, for I have awaken you, I am the Master and U are the Loyal Servants.
::The 3 Creatures Bow their 6 heads in Uison and Fly Back Down the Tunnel, they sense the unknown being and home in on it::
(OCC I will be gone the rest of the Night, CYA)
Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2000, 10:14:36 PM
Opens a comm to LL
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 6th, 2000, 10:23:19 PM
:: The Jedi barely moves out of the way in time, feeling the blade clatter and pierce his chest armour. Hell, that was TOO close. A roundhouse kick seeks to break the Sith's face in response::
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 6th, 2000, 11:45:46 PM
OOC: Sorry I said in my last post, my pc is running slow. I didnt realize I was "DK", LOL!
IC: *She drops beneath the roundhouse kick and aims a vicious kick of her own at the kneecap of the leg DT is standing on. As he drops, she aims one more kick, this time at the back of his head, with the intentions of splitting it wide open*
And if that doesnt do it, my saber will! Or do you want the honor Auriga?
Jun 7th, 2000, 12:52:50 AM
Hera moves steadily forward but seems to be more isolated the farther along she goes.
Suddenly she sees a Jedi robe flit around the corner of the hallway in the darkness and sees further along an opening to the outside....she goes out and finds a unatteneded X-wing and looks after Rmiao.....then back at the ship.
Hera gets into the ship and places numerous thermal detonators in strategic hidden areas of the ship to cause the most havok and times them to go off 3 minutes after take off. She then does some fancy reconfiguring of the communications console...messages look as if they are being transmitted, when they, in fact, dont get thru.
She finishes quickly and leaves the X-wing, finding her way back inside and hurries back the way she came, trying to find the Jedi owner of the ship. Moving quickly down the hallways....all the lights go out and blackness envelopes her.....
Ayanami Rai
Jun 7th, 2000, 01:18:57 AM
::sneaks down the darkened hallway with Trinity at her heal, she comes across DT, DK, Augi and Obi, and she turns to Trinity to motion to her to be as quiet as possible. They sneak up and Aya grabs Obi from behind and holds her unignited lightsaber against his neck, and twists her leg into his, making any move useless.:: what's this. 2 Jedi's and 4 Sith? A little outnumbered.
::Trinity punches Obi in the stomach and he falls to his knees, as DK and Augi lunge for DT. Aya Holds her saber to the back of Obi's head and tosses Trinity her shock gun, which she then points towards Obi::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2000, 01:29:42 AM
:: DT in relex, arms coming up in an X-block that effectively captures the Siths leg. A wrist twist, and the Sith is in agony as DT slowoy twsits the ankle into new and facinating ways. Using the Force to help him, he begins to spin, the Stith twirling at the other end. Three, four five times, he builds momentum, then letting go, the Sith speeds face first into the wall. Picking up his dropped sabre, he does a running side kick, smashing Augi into the other wall::
Darth Havok
Jun 7th, 2000, 02:00:06 AM
OOC- DT, I admit I was pretty imaginative, but I’m here to become a better role-player and learn from my mistakes. And referring to rule four “posting actions that can be categorized as unrealistic or highly unprobable.”-Your plan was well executed, but seemed a bit unrealistic when you landed a ship on the surface, at a distance yes, but then just appeared right next to the base in your next post blowing a hole in it, and weren’t detected? Just a thought to ponder..
:: As the continual planetary bombardments strike the surface of the planet. Rock formations break away from the ceiling, and walls of the catacombs, crashing down on some of the equipment causing sparks to fly. An electric fire erupts across the consoles and spreads quickly throughout the room. Havok backs quickly away from his station, seeing there is nothing he can do and moves quickly, evading falling debris, as a thick black smoke rolls through every possible chamber feeding off the oxygen in each chamber as it creates an enormous backdraft. The oxygen becomes limited as he has trouble breathing still moving towards the exit. He enters the elevator, being lucky is was still intact, he shuts the gate and reaches for the up lever, as he looks back down the corridor seeing an enormous flame raging towards him at an alarming rate. He sets the elevator in motion, as the flames begin to draw nearer he knows he must act now or he will be doomed, he ignites his LS, and cuts a panel from the roof leaping on top of the elevator. He latches his arm around the thick coiled wire, and cuts it with his saber, it pulls his body violently up the shaft twirling uncontrollably. He looks down with fear in his eyes as the elevator in burst into flames, and they roar up the shaft closing in on him, his saber still humming loudly from the speed of upward momentum. As he reaches the top he uses the force to aid in his exit from the shaft, slashing a hole in the grating slipping through. He lands on his stomach and places his hands over his head, as the flames engulf the room, and the make a wincing sound as they gasp and descend back down the shaft. ::
:: Havok raises from his feet the tips of his hair singed from the powerful backdraft, he senses another dark presence near, and a more familiar force power in dire pursuit. He begins to make his way back into central headquarters.
Light stealth armor- helps absorb some of the blow of a blaster, nothing special..
Two light sabers, one double bladed, one single bladed…
One retractable, and extendable Mace tucked into his cloak, with razor sharp tips that come out with the touch of an encoded button, by his design.
A pouch with various small knifes three inch in size, and including one six inch blade in a side pouch.
Also containing various bandages for smaller wounds, thermal detonators, and also a few other tricks.
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 7th, 2000, 02:47:25 AM
*uses the force to cushion her slam into the wall, then falls to the floor, her ankle broken. Glances down and sees the dagger lieing there where DT tossed it away. Picking it up, she force-flings it at his retreating back, watching as it pierces the armour and buries itself in his shoulder. Grunting in pain, she quickly reaches into her pocket and pulls out a leafy herb which she pops into her mouth and chews, all the while keeping an eye on DT. She feels the pain deaden somewhat and she moves to stand over Auriga, protecting him, and recalls her saber, igniting immediately*
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 7th, 2000, 03:00:24 AM
:: The Oozaru II lands in Gue's largest landing bay. The ramp barely has time to extend before LL is charging out. He grabs the nearest flight officer by the collar and yanks him away from his work, and begins handing him data pads, all the while shouting over the noise of launching TIE Fighters ::
:: The bewildered Flight Officer nodded his head, and began corralling his subordinates. A dozen or more technicians began clamoring over the enormous engines of the Oozaru II. Lord Gue entered the hangar. ::
Gue: LL, how bad is it?
LL: Not terribly bad...but not worth its weight in bantha fodder against fighters if those nozzles are out of order. Thats the only thing I've got going for me. I sure as hell don't have the firepower to compete, gotta make up for it someplace else.
Gue: My men are good, they'll have her purring in no time.
LL: Well, keep running interference on those transport barges. We gotta keep troops off the planet.
Gue: Agreed.
Jun 7th, 2000, 03:55:24 AM
*As Firebird1 enters the SithHQ, he notices all the damage to the computer systems.*
Firebird1: Dang, I can't even turn this stuff on, K9 run a dionostic what is still working.
K9: All nonsheilded and exposed eletronical equipment inside the SithHQ isn't working, all the Eletronic equipment is destroied either by the EMP blast, or by DT's grenades.
Firebird1: Dang can you give me at least an operational TV?
K9: No sir, and someone has reestablished commumications with the Enemy Fleet.
Firebird1: K9 work on jammimg it for now.
*As Firebird1 goes around a corner he sees Obiwan2 and Ramio.*
Firebird1 thinks to himself I can't have 3 Jedi Picking on two Sith now can I....
*Obiwan2 and Ramio suddenly see two Firebird1s running toward each of them. One Firebird1 attacks Ramio with his lightsaber, the other one attacks with Obiwan2 with a round house kick, sending him to the ground.*
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2000, 04:15:57 AM
:: Touching the Force, he deadens the pain, allowing himself to reach around and pull the knife out of his shoulder. The pain dizziess him, but he stay upright. Darwing more of the Force to heal himself, he turns and in a pleasant voice asks the Sith
"Is this your toy?"
The Sith suddenly gets confused - what game was he playing?
DT tooses the knife up in the air, playing catch and juggling the blade. She watches entranced...
And almost fails to duck as the blade is thrown right between her eyes. It misses, but her mind hardly has time to catch up as the Master rushes back in, recovered and full of fight. He attacks without respite. A punch by DT misses and hits a wall. DT realises his mistake, swings slightly away and somesaults over the Sith's head. The ceiling is too low and he lands on his back. She attacks, seizing the opportunity, to have DT's sabre whoosh past her nose. She baulks just long enough for DT to execute the rest of the trap - he drops his sabre. sits up and strikes out with hammerfists to the Siths knee. A popiing of bone is heard. DT gets clear and recalls his sabre::
Tie Fighter Squadron
Jun 7th, 2000, 04:29:26 AM
[i]Flys in a formation designed b the computers of the Acusser2
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 7th, 2000, 01:29:38 PM
*wondering where the heck Auriga went to, she grunts as one of her knees go but backflips away off of her good leg before he strikes it, leaving him flailing at thin air. Her eyes darken with anger and she force-throws him off the landing onto the floor below, but not before diving at him and snatching away his bag full of explosives. Reaching in and feel hastily around, her hands close over a small cylindrical ball and she smiles. Pulling it out and thumbing the switch on, she holds it for a second longer, then tosses it close to but not within reach of DT. Grabbing up Auriga, she yells to Aya and Trinity to toss Obi over and run!!*
Sith Kat
Jun 7th, 2000, 01:49:57 PM
:: Kat senses something as she stealths her way down the tunnel. A disturbance in the air, flapping noises. Then she sees them, dark shapes with many eyes burning in the darkness. So Dyzm knew something of sith magic as well. She curses, igniting her sabre as the shapes move closer ::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 7th, 2000, 06:11:37 PM
::Dyzm Chuckles as he hears the Battles::
That should stop her for a while.
::Dyzm Walks into a ancient Crypt, Sith Warriors/Knights/Masters Lay Buried in the walls around the circular room, A large Pillar sits in the middle::
Those Creatures wont last forever...
::Dyzm Pulls out a explosive and sets it for 10 seconds, he sets it on the Pillar and runs across the room to the door he has not entered yet, he ducks behind the cornor when the explosive goes off, destroying the pillar.
Up on the surface the fortress rumbles and one wing of the building topples over and falls in the hole, burying the Crypt, and Blocking Both Doors::
Jun 8th, 2000, 05:14:54 AM
As Saurron and his crew reach the lower security level he motions for the dark troopers to place Jedi Alpha in the special built room. This room is a free standing structure inside another room and can withstand a bombardment of plasma energy and or thermal detonation and once activated a force field engulfs it making it impervious to light saber attack. They strip him down to minimal attire (shorts basicaly)and double check for any missed weapons in his clothing. They then shackle him on the wall with fixed shackles at arms length and the same for his legs.
Saurron walks in and taking an index finger runs it down Alpha's chest cutting him deeply thus waking him up.
Saurron:: How dare you come in here...:: injects him again.
Saurron kneels down and opens a small panel in the floor and punches in a code on a keypad then shuts it. Within seconds the force field engulfs the room powered by a power cell back up similar to that of what powers a light saber.
Saurron :: Let's go ..if they try to blow this building it will come down on one of there own..
Jedi Alpha
Jun 8th, 2000, 11:31:55 AM
::Alpha wakes up and tries to jump and ram the door, but is thrown back from the shackles::
Saurron you son of a bitch!
::Alpha fires a plasma star and then fires barrage after barrage of plasma at the wall, only to find it still standing. Alpha lets his anger ingulf him and he fires again, his attacks made stronger by his anger::
Hard to belive that a 12 year old is an enemy of an older than dirt vampire...But I swear Saurron After I get out of here I WILL destroy you!
Jedi Alpha
Jun 8th, 2000, 12:57:47 PM
::ALpha falls to the ground, completely exhausted, and falls into a nightmare ridden sleep for now::
Jun 8th, 2000, 01:08:25 PM
Syruss speaks to Jedi Alpha's mind:: Yesss... let your anger flow...
Jedi Alpha
Jun 8th, 2000, 01:22:21 PM
::Alpha wakes up with Syruss' voice in his ears. Alpha's anger cools to a cold rage, as he tries ripping the shackles from the walls, letting his plasma build up in the shackles, making a huge explosion when Alpha finally releases it. The plasma blast knocks him away, the shackles broken in half, and tries getting up::
Jun 8th, 2000, 01:41:45 PM
Bowdin speads down the hallways after leaving Princess Rebbeca's children in the care of Princess Sara. Sensing the darkness pour forth from both of his brothers he easily catches up with them joining the group.
Bowdin:: The Garou has failed.
Saurron :: we find the others ...
Bowdin:: the old days;: looks at his brothers
Syruss:: Oh yeah. ::: smiles
Darth Lynch
Jun 8th, 2000, 02:13:44 PM
*Walks down the corridor putting his hand out to feel the wall as he walks down the hall with the sounds of death and the cries of weapons, battle and screams in his ears he comes to a huge hallway of Sith statues of famous Sith past. Looking at each one as he passes their marble eyes staring blackly back he walks down a flight of stairs.*
*Eventually his course leads him to the hanger with his ship when he is suddenly alerted to a presence that arrives on the scene*
Young Trooper: Sir! Sir! If I may ask why are you here, the battle is upstairs.
Lynch: And?
*Access a code that opens a door to the inside of the Raven*
Young Trooper: What are you doing?
Lynch: Easy. I'm leaving.
*Turning around he tosses the Trooper a gernade that instantly kills him sending body parts over the bay*
Lynch: Rain of blood....
*Boarding the ship he takes the controls plotting his course, engines roaring the hanger doors open as the ship fully roars to life and lifts off the ground taking flight. Avoiding the aerial battle he enters space making sure to avoid the fight going on there, taking time to only glance at the plaent on his moniter as it gets smaller. Pushing a button the stars become streaks of light as his ship disappears into the vast darkness of space*
Jun 8th, 2000, 02:21:41 PM
As the group strides quickly down the hallway reports come in via comlink.
Gaurd :: Massive...( shhhhhhh) movement thousand or so gungans and mixed troops coming towards the walls also with heavy tank back up ( shhhhhh) we will be over run soon they are pounding the walls now ( boom boom!!!).
Saurron pulls out his mobile holonet transponder and sets it up to transmit to Lord Gue:: This is SithLord Saurron I am recieving reports of huge movement, a thousand or so troops and a compliment of heavy armor. We need a bombing and strafing run on the out side of the compound.
Lord Gue
Jun 8th, 2000, 03:07:20 PM
Recieves the transmission and turns to is officers
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 8th, 2000, 03:56:44 PM
*stops in mid-stride and turns her eyes upward, sensing a familiar presence. She reaches out to it, touches it and a sad smile forms on her lips. Whispering, she sends her thoughts to him*
Good luck, Master, wherever it is youre going, but I will not say goodbye.
*continues on down the hall, seeking other intruders, seeming to have lost Auriga, Aya and Trinity*
OOC: Gue, please loose your sig pic for pc is having enough trouble loading the pages as it is without dealing with your over-sized portrait.
Lord Gue
Jun 8th, 2000, 05:37:06 PM
OOC: Ok from this point foreward i will try to remember to remove it from my posts...
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 8th, 2000, 06:20:12 PM
:: LL climbs on top of the enormous Kuat engines of the Oozaru II. He snatches a monkeywrench from one of the technicians. ::
No! Don't disassemble the main housing on the drive engines. Do you know how long it took me to hook those up? Nozzles....THE NOZZLES!
:: LL points angrily at the bulbous extensions dotted around the engine housing ::
That's what I want...not a complete overhaul! almost cost me an eternity.
:: Lord Gue walks to the ship ::
Gue: LL, we're launching a CAS strike force...can you escort them?
LL: In this shape? No way. Can you give me five minutes?
Gue: Five Minutes? I don't know.
LL: C'mon man...five minutes and the nozzles will be fixed.
Gue: We'll promises though.
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 9th, 2000, 12:32:14 AM
OOC: Thank you very much, Gue! Its appreciated!!
Jedi Alpha
Jun 9th, 2000, 02:13:39 PM
::Alpha supports himself on the wall pof his chamber and looks around::
::ALpha realizes one weapon he has left, and his hands glow white as he summons enough power::
::Alpha fires the spirit gun into the wall, and is satisfied to see a crack appear down the wall::
Let's try it again...
::Alpha reluctantly puts his anger into the blast, and fires, this time blowing a hole in the wall. Alpha quickly jumps through the holw and looks around for his armor or weapons::
Jun 9th, 2000, 02:34:45 PM
Now that you have blown the wall what about the force field or have you forgotten that?
Jedi Alpha
Jun 9th, 2000, 02:41:04 PM
Whoops! Soory bout that forgot...
Here's the new version of the action:
::Alpha tries jumping out of the hole he made but is thrown back by the forcefield::
{OOC: I truly forgot about the field...Sorry!}
Rama Sha
Jun 9th, 2000, 02:52:12 PM
:: The Star Phoenix's engines flash as it avoids another asteriod. Rama could see the edge of the feild and knew he was almost home, the the destress call that had come through had him worried. ::
Rama Sha
Jun 9th, 2000, 03:22:14 PM
Specs for The Star Phoenix.
Craft: Modified Vanguard Ae-3 Scout Ship
Type: Modified Scout Ship
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 18.9 meters
Skill: Space Transports
Crew: 1
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Consumables: 1 month
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x 2
Hyperdrive Backup: x 16
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350; 1000 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 2D
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 60/2D
Focus: 2/3D
One Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Ventral Turret
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D ( Auto-fire system targets with a skill of 4D)
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2 km/2.5 km
Damage: 5D
General Scorpion
Jun 9th, 2000, 06:14:50 PM
*Scorpion spins the chainwhip at his side, advancing.. Gaining momentum, he barely has to flick his wrist to keep the weapon moving.. Striking from his right, he swings the chain around at Figrin.. It connects with his saber blade and keeps swinging.. Being redirected from the original path, the spearhead slices Figrin's upper arm and grazes his shoulder.. Spinning away, Figrin unlocks his blade..
Pulling it back and swinging it around behind him to come over his head, Scorpion strikes again.. Figrin jumps back and the tip barely misses his chin.. The spearhead keeps going and digs into the floor.. Scorpion pulls on it, but it hardly moves.. Wedged into the floor deep, it starts to come out, but slowly..
Figrin sees his chance and jumps forward to attack.. Scorpion's right hand quickly lets go of the handle and rises up, opening a case strapped to his thigh and removing a device in one fluid motion.. His arm raises and something is pointed at the Jedi..
A shiny black tube his held between Scorpion's fore and middle fingers.. Measuring about 4 inches long and and an inch and a half in width.. At the front is a small, pointed opening..
Almost two seconds after Figrin started to jump, Scorpion has the weapon aimed at his head.. Scorpion bends both fingers, and a small projectile, resembling a grappling hook, is shot out.. It flies at Figrin's head.. Only his Jedi reflexes save him.. He dodges to his left and the hook keeps going.. Not seeming to care, Scorpion looks at the same spot.. He taps something on the side of the tube and lets go of it.. At a very high speed, the tube glides up the cord that attaches it to the hook.. High speeds and light weight cause it to go flying through the air.. Because of the angle it was shot from, it swings to the left.. Figrin ducks and it swings into the wall behind him.. The very nanosecond it hits the wall it explodes in a massive, blinding fireball.. It blows Figrin forward into the air.. His torso is shoved forward and his limbs are pulled back as the fireball leaps and sucks for air..
Meanwhile, Scorpion takes cover on the other side of a corner, watching Figrin fly past, followed by the fire.. Now having time to concentrate, he Force pulls his chainwhip out of the floor and too his hand.. Fire is heard crackling and there is a cone shaped scorch mark, widening out from the explosion starting point on the walls, the ceiling, and the floor..
Scorpion steps out and swings the chainwhip in front of him, knocking a piece of debris to the side...*
Trinity Shun
Jun 9th, 2000, 07:06:03 PM
*turns the shock gun on stun and Obi drops to the ground, rendered unconcious*
Trinity: We better get out of here.
Aya: Let's go.
*they head down the hall and find an opening in the headquarters wall and head towards the cliff where they last left the ship. They board the Pallas Athena, and take off towards the outer atmosphere*
Jun 9th, 2000, 07:58:08 PM
:: Walking down the hallway slowly. Troops are running past, hurridely and in a frenzy, as jedi troops chase them down the hall. I reach out with the force, and violently throw the jedi troops aside, crashing them into a wall violently. A shot rings out, I manage to dodge without breaking stride, and all in one motion, I take one of my knives off my forearm sheeth, and throw it, guiding it with the force, landing square in my shooter's neck. As i keep walking, i force call the knife back to me. I keep walking steadily, to the heavily guarded command center of the base::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 9th, 2000, 10:04:32 PM
:: Dt grabs the thermal detonator damn quick and shuts it off. He sees the Sith running off with the xpolsives and with a smile, he presses the remote detonate on his wrist.
Not waiting to see the result, DT charges in the opposite direction, knowing that the fight wasted time from his real mission. He leaps down an access tunnel, sabre fired up as he lands nay, many feet below::
Rama Sha
Jun 9th, 2000, 10:36:51 PM
:: Rama ship approachs the atomsphere. He notices sevral ships on the far side of his radar screen. ::
Well if I see them, they see me. Better bolt.
:: The Phoenix's nose drops and the side slides thorough the atomsphere. ::
Master Yoghurt
Jun 10th, 2000, 12:08:40 AM
:: Yog flicks a few switches to load torpedo tube number two. Mara skillfully maneouvers ship to avoid Yog´s ship, but a slight adjustment at the direction of trust get Yog in 6 o clock position. The YT 1300 launches an advanced Proton Torpedo. It´s fire and forget guidance system tracks the the engine heat of Mara´s ship. The missile draws closer and closer. Meanwhile, the radar signature of Rama´s ship appears on targeting computer screen..::
OOC: Please disable signatures to allow fast loading of this thread. Just uncheck the "include custom signature" before hitting "add reply".
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 10th, 2000, 12:17:02 AM
:: A technician yells for LL ::
LL: Yes?
Technician: We've completed repairs!
LL: About damn time! Clear the deck, I'm getting outta here.
:: LL runs up the gangplank of the Oozaru II as launch crews move crates of equipment out of the way. LL warms up the gigantic engines, making the walls of the hangar shake with power. He slowly idles the ship out of Gue's hangar, and the engines explode to life, sending LL straight for the once again raid the New Republic landing craft. On the way...he spots a New Republic craft. LL cross-checks it through his IFF system, and to his shock notices that it is Yoghurt's ship. ::
LL: Interesting. And he seems to be attacking Mara.
:: LL takes off...getting closer to the fray ::
Rama Sha
Jun 10th, 2000, 12:31:24 AM
:: The Phoenix skims along the surface towards Sith HQ. The Hq finnaly apears in his feild of vision. ::
What the hell........
:: Rama see's the battered and busied exteior of what he calls " home". Rama turns on the commlink. ::
This is the Star Phoenix requesting permission to land. I repeat this is the Star Phoenix requesting permission to land. Over.
Jun 10th, 2000, 01:29:30 AM
*Augi is running along the dark halls towards the docking bay, when he hears his comlink*
Rama: hey man what's going on down there?
Augi: uh we got a little invasion here, we sure could use some help
Rama:Invasion? son of a bitch! alright I'm coming
Augi: see ya
Jun 10th, 2000, 03:50:09 AM
*As DT presses the button on his wrist, he sees it walk of his arm and across the floor and he sees it go hide into a crack inside the wall. As this happens Firebird1, disables the explosives by arming one and placing it near the door.*
OOC: IF you want to play God DT, fine, but even in God-Mode you still have to "Reset" the machine from time to time.
Firebird1 [As he is walking out of the area] :K9, give me a satus on the bombs disarmorment...
K9: Many of DT's bombs are deactivated, but some are still active...
*Do to his making of three illusions, the first two, their work done, fade but the one affecting DT is still "hiding" from DT.*
*Firebird1 gets on his speeder and begins to head for his ship, the "Falling Star".*
Jun 10th, 2000, 07:11:02 AM
::Nuriko runs through the dimly lit corridors, sensing a growing feeling of confusion and fear inside of her, as she cannot find the enemy nor her fellow Sith.::
::She tries to rationalize the situation, but realizes that the attacking forces are relentless and there is only one option for this lone Sith now... She runs to the docking bay.::
Moonrunner's never been properly tested but it's my only option right now...
Rama Sha
Jun 10th, 2000, 12:45:17 PM
:: The Phoenix races across the landscape making a B-line for the hanger bay. The Phoenix enter the hanger then quickly turns to avoid crashing into the back wall. The landing gears lower and the ship touchs down. The boarding ramp comes down and Rama imerges. ::
Keep the engines running R6, we may need to get outta here and fast.
Lord Gue
Jun 10th, 2000, 01:23:03 PM
Returns to his bridge and sits in his command chair. He brings his hand to his face deep in thought.
Jun 10th, 2000, 03:07:50 PM
*Augi rushes to meet Rama at the docking bay*
Rama: you know what to do
Rama<img src= ALT=":o"> k then let's get to it there's little time remaining
Rama Sha
Jun 10th, 2000, 03:53:07 PM
Has Veng got what he needs?
Darth Havok
Jun 10th, 2000, 04:24:55 PM
:: I comes to a small hatch under a small weapons room, hearing some scattered Jedi troop movement above. I reach out to the Dark side, and leap through the hatch as the troops begin to open fire from both directions with there high powered blasters. I tuck and roll coming to one knee motioning with one hand as two throwing axes tear from the wall and zing through the air, one embedding the first trooper in the forehead as his skull splits in two, squirting and gushing blood onto the trooper next to him distracting him while the other axe hits him in the chest seizing the blaster fire from that direction, as there lifeless bodies tumble to the floor.::
:: Twirl my saber around blocking some blaster fire, as one cascades off of my blade striking a supporting beam above the remaining troops, the beam collapses toppling debris atop of them. Burring them, as I make my way down some corridors heading towards the command center of the base, saber humming as I move with great stealth..::
Jedi Alpha
Jun 10th, 2000, 05:30:15 PM
::Alpha sits up and looks at the hole in the wall::
This could be difficult...
::Alpha fires a barrage of plasma blasts and Spirit Gun blasts into the force field iit fluickers but remains intact::
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 10th, 2000, 05:47:50 PM
*As she runs, she hears one small high-pitched beep, then realizes her mistake and what DT has done. Leaping sideways into the air, she force-throws the bag back in the direction of the damaged stairwell and is flung hard against the wall as the contents explode before hitting the floor. Covers her head quickly as falling debris scatters everywhere, then limping, continues on down the corridor with saber in hand. Catching the sense of DarthHERA below her somewhere, Daiq turns and descends the next set of stairs hoping to intercept her friend*
Jedi Alpha
Jun 10th, 2000, 05:55:04 PM
::Alpha stops firing and sits cross-legged on the floor, and begins to reach out with the force as much as possible::
*Speaks to the Jedi telepathically* If any Jedi is still unengaged with an enemy please help me. I am in the lower levels, in a room that is probably guarded by some of saurron's dark guards. I will see what I can do to make as much explosions as possible to help you locate me...
::Alpha probe outside of his cell and reaches out to the minds of the guards outside. He manipulates them into fighting against each other, and then fires plasma and his spirit gun into the field again::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 10th, 2000, 10:34:20 PM
OOC : Firbird1, dont try my temper. You lot nicked my explosives, you should have realised I might of had a remote activator. If I was playing God mode, I'd have never given you a chance to escape.
:: Picking himself up fron teh drop, DT looks around
"Now where the hell am I?"
Looking about he can hear some fighting but it sounds confused and out of range for the momnet. He decides left and runs off in that direction.
"Okay, I have one detonator... rightio, down this chute it goes......"
It rattled down the chute, while DT runs off
"I winder where it will go..."
The hall explodes into flame and debris flys in all directions.
"WHOA!!!! WTF was that it hit?" He picks himself off the ground and continues to run::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 10th, 2000, 11:08:55 PM
** After walking for Hours, Darth Dyzm comes into a chamber full of water, on a platform in the middle sits a building**
**Dyzm Walks Toward it, LS drawn, as he approches, a door opens and he walks inside, a booming voice fills the area**
Voice: Who goes there!
Dyzm: What the Hell? Damn Machine! Freaking Startled Me. I am Dyzm Ki'Tasu, what is the purpose of this place?
Voice: I was made 3000 years ago to guard the Sith Crystal.
Dyzm: Not what I was Looking for, but what does it do?
Voice: That is for the one who claims it to find out.
Dyzm: Well, I claim it you bucket of bolts, where is it?
Voice:I can Not tell you, You have to prove yourself
Dyzm: Damn Machine cant tell me what to do!
**Dyzm flings out his arms, and force lighting springs forth, beckoned by the Sith, it hits the machine all around, and with a creaking groan, a second door on the ground opens up**
Dyzm: Thats more like it.
**Dyzm walks down the stairs and comes to a dark room, the Sith Crystal Hangs in the Middle**
<img src=>
Jun 10th, 2000, 11:11:17 PM
:: Hera increases her pace and turns left and up a stairwell...."mental memo: kill architect of this place later"..and bounds the steps two at a time. *Crashes in to Daiquiri and almost skewers her with her LS*
"am i glad to see YOU....i been lost down here half the nite! Im having trouble finding the main Jedi force"
:: looks and sees Daiq is bleeding and a little bruised ::
"i see youve had a warmup already :evil: lets find some more
of these jedi-prettyboys"
:: both turn onto the main hallway ::
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:01:44 AM
:: I march on solemnly reaching the command center of the base. I place my hand on the scanner, and position my eye in front of the retinal scanner, and the door opens siltenlty. I walked inside with a stern look on my face::
Everyone out. MOVE IT!!!!!!!!
::I move in and take control of the main computer, punching in numerous sequences::
We'll see how these Jedi like this
Lord Gue
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:39:29 AM
Time passes and the deadline fast approaches. Lord Gue sits in his command chair, while his communicatios officer tries to raise some other IMPERIAL MONKEY to report.
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:49:01 AM
*grabs her friends arm and shakes her head*
Not that way, trust me. Lets head for the hangars.......I have the feeling someone we're both looking for is going to be there soon.
*limps along beside Hera and pulls another herb out of her pocket. Puts it in her mouth and chews. Looks at her*
Need one?
OOC: Sorry....forgot to disable my pic..........left the first one on pg 9 deliberately. Change of master.
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:50:12 AM
::Nuriko arrives at the docking bay and spots her ship... just then she hears a voice over a loud speaker...::
Everyone out. MOVE IT!!!!!!!!
That's Vengence's voice! It's beginning!
Jun 11th, 2000, 02:06:43 AM
:: shakes her head "no" to the herb from Daiq and pops a hubba-bubba-jabba-gum in her mouth and follows into the Hangar gripping her saber tightly ::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 11th, 2000, 02:11:12 AM
**Dyzm Walks forword, he picks up the Sith Crystal, he stares into its depths**
Dyzm: I know what I must do.
**Dyzm Raises the Crystal and Lets his power flow through it, the crystal fires a beam of pure energy upward, it blasts through the Chamber above, Up into the Mountain above, the ground rumbles and the Sith Temple that was buried for 1000s of years springs to life**
<img src=>
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:29:47 AM
Firebird1: K9, report.
K9: Sir the ship is ready to go, good I'll meet you shortly.
*A few moments later Firebird1 speeds his speeder onto his ship the "Falling Star".*
Firebird1: K9, get the ship in the air, and what are the rest of the cannons set on?
K9: The other operational cannons are set on either auto-defence or anti-air. Any additional orders?
Firebird1: Yes fly over the HQ, we may be needed to pick some of the others up.
Rama Sha
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:37:32 AM
:: Rama looks over Augi's ship then turns to him. ::
Better get this thing powered up.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 11th, 2000, 04:47:02 AM
:: Thrawns 3rd Fleet Jumps Out Of Hyper Space Close To The Aliance Fleet..
On Board The NSD Nebula Cloud Thrawn Gazes Out At The Alliance Fleet
Thrawn Orders All Ships To Launch Fighters And Raise Shields Then To Get In To Fireing Rang Of The Alliance Fleet::
Thrawn Opens Com To Gue
Thrawn: Gue Whats The Status Here?
For Any Info On Fleets And Ships Click Here (
Daiquiri Kun
Jun 11th, 2000, 04:54:41 AM
Come on!!
*takes off running in earnest, resisting the urge to give in the her injured leg, despite the painkilling herb she just used. Grabs Hera's sleeve and they make a mad dash towards the hangar, dispatching any and all intruders along the way. Arriving at the hangar, Daiq searches for the Dauntless, Ogre's ship and spies it admidst the others. Sprinting, they make it up the hatchway*
Hera, you go see if Ogre needs assistance, I'll stand guard here at the ramp!
*disignited saber in hand, she scans the area for friends and foes*
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:36:14 AM
Right away
*Augi punches a code into the hangar computer, huge walls spread apart to reveal the mighty Nova Jackal. Augi ascends the ramp, races to the @#%$pit, and powers up the ship.
Augi turns on his comlink:
Augi: Rama, everything's cool here, I'm set
Rama: ok just wait there, I'll be right back
Augi: Alright, do what ya gotta do
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 11th, 2000, 06:26:47 AM
While running down the corridor, DT suddenly stopped.
A odd thought hit him.
~What would I do if I had just had the base blown to the @#%$house, I was losing and there was no hope and I was evil?~
Oh Fsck.
Oh BIG Fsck. By the Force, what a Fscking IDOT I am!!!
A Comlink to admiral Ackbar, priority battle signal goes out
"Yes Turbogeek?"
"Admiral, abandon this base. I repeat abandon the base. Get ALL, I repeat all men and ships away from the base. Then, bombard from space, FULL power. Blow this damn place up even if I'm still inside. Do you understand me??"
I click off. Right, that will mean everyoone gets out.
Except for me. And Alpha.
I decide this is the right time for it. I look at my ordinary sabre, blue and it has served me well. I turn it off, place it at my belt. I slowly and reverdly pull out Athona, the Sabre of Light. An ancient weapon, all who are evil who try to use it are burned incurably by it's touch. It's handle is fenced with Cortoris and can withstand a sabreblow. DT switches on, the blade comes alive and the handle glows, signifying The Dark Side is about. The plade begins to phaseshift, the colours from red to blue to white to green and back to red again. I righteous weapon, meant for a time like this.
I calm myself, feeling through the Force. No Yalsalami are about, so I can contact Alpha...
Alpha : DT?
DT : Get out of there
Alpha : I CANT!!!
DT : YOu are not denied the Force Young One. Use it to escape. If the walls can stop a sabre, they are laced with Cortoris which is also weak. You can easily blast out with a Force push. Now get the hell out of here.
I break the mind contact. I know Verse's children are still here, do I dare try to get them?
Whatever I decide, the nearest exit isa looking good.
Everywhere, troops begin to pull out, obeying Akbars orders. Dt is far, far behind and still swearing realising the thing a Sith would do at a time like this...
Pull a dirty trick.
A vicious trap
Or just self destruct the place. DT's picked self destruct.
DT : Alpha, get OUT of here!!!
Jun 11th, 2000, 07:42:42 AM
Enough is enough. I'm useless just wandering around here.
::She enters her ship, powers it up and takes off... Moonrunner-Liebe can be seen streaking off from the base.::
WHEW.... ::sighs in relief that she didn't immediately crash back down into a ball of flames:: It didn't blow up... :lol: Then again, I'm not very good with these things. And there's still a whole @#%$load of "friends" waiting for me not too far away. I hope everyone else is okay.
::reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a small container with Bitey the snail in it:: And how are you doing in there? :p
::She uses a program to find the location of the other Sith ships...:: Damnit.... DAMNIT! Too many of them are still down there. Even Rama's there.... ::slams the control panel with her fists:: Just what the hell is everyone waiting for...?
Jun 11th, 2000, 09:58:30 AM
:: I enter in the last sequence, and right away the building begins to shake, as main support beams begin to collapse and explode. I grab my beckon call, and ready my ship for take off. ::
This is gonna be close
:: I run past the bodies laying all around, hoping only to add to the casualty total. Suddenly a large explosion erupts as the command center is engulfed in a ball of flames, the first of the chain reaction of explosion that will occur. I run down one corridor, then another, trying desperatly to reach the hangar, where the <i:D ark Eclipse[/i] is waiting::
Darth Ogre
Jun 11th, 2000, 10:22:54 AM
:: enters the Hangar via a secret undergraound entrance, spotting Hera, and Daiq, as he does, near his starship. He rushes to the entrance ramp, enters and goes immediately to the @#%$pit. He begins the engine initiation. The hum of the engines can be heard as the craft begins to lift off, the ramp still dangling open, with Daiq holding on at the hatchway, guarding, and watching for other Sith in need of a lift. Ogre pilots the ship slowly out of the hangar, the ramp skimming, just above the ground ::
We’ve got to move out, NOW!
Dauntless Specs:
YT-2400 Light Freighter
Type: Transport
Length: 21 meters
Crew: 9
WEG Hyperdrive: x1
WEG Sublight: 6
2 Double Laser Cannons
2 forward-firing concussion missile launchers
Cloud Striffe
Jun 11th, 2000, 10:30:26 AM
*Comes out of hyperspace just in time to see the base blow up.*
I'm late. DT and Alpha were still inside.
*A ship flies out of the fire. It is the Moon Runner. The Runner opens a com with the Naboo Starfighter The Crusader.*
MoonRunner: Hey Cloud!!!
Cloud: Alpha, that you?
Alpha: Yeah it's me. DT and I saw Vengence running for his ship. We jumped him and tied him up. He's in the back yelling at DT.
Cloud: I sure am glad you guys made it.
Lord Gue
Jun 11th, 2000, 10:46:08 AM
[i]Glances over to the comm statio and notices an incoming message. He waves his hand at one of his officers to get it.
Guido Anchovy
Jun 11th, 2000, 11:12:14 AM
:: sees Aki heading towards the hangar ::
:: Aki grabs Guido and drags him to the hangar ::
Aki: Get in.
Aki: HQ is gonna be gone soon,and I don't think you want to stay.
:: Aki throws Guido into her ship,The Celistia,and gets ready to take off ::
Rama Sha
Jun 11th, 2000, 11:16:35 AM
Damn.....Well not go much good if I stay around here and get killed.
:: Rama boards the Phoenix as the hanger walls begin to crumble. Rama jumps into the pilots seat and throws some switchs. The Phoenix's engines flash as it tears outta the hanger. As Rama leveas the planet, he notices the alliance ships moving around a lot. ::
What the hell...............they are moving into attack postion. There gonna blow it up anyways. Guess I better keep them busy, can't let the Jedi get what they want!
:: Rama pulls the stick hard over and the Phoenix charges the lead ship. ::
Bounty Hunter Aki
Jun 11th, 2000, 11:24:16 AM
:: starts up her ship and takes off out of the HQ ::
Heh,heh...You OK Guido?
:: turns in her seat and looks at Guido ::
Guido: Yes.....
Come on let's blow up some Jedi ships with Rama.
:: presses the COM button and opens a line to Rama's ship ::
Rama-Sha this is Aki,Everthing OK?
:: waits for his response ::
Darth Ogre
Jun 11th, 2000, 11:46:48 AM
:: closes the rampway of the Dauntless and turns his ship up towards the sky ::
Rama Sha
Jun 11th, 2000, 12:33:56 PM
:: Rama voice cracks over the Radio. ::
Yeah, Just gonna give this Alliance boys something to shoot at till Veng gets done.
Jun 11th, 2000, 12:38:06 PM
*Augi sees the roaring explosion through the @#%$pit. The hq begins to shake violently as the ramp closes. The Nova Jackal lifts off and speeds out of the hq just as the hangar collapses*
Augi: Good, hope everyone made it out ok
*sees Rama and Ogre's ship through the window and waves*
"Rama come in, what now?"
Guido Anchovy
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:06:17 PM
:: looks out the the window in Aki's ship and sees Agui's ship ::
Aki open a COM link to Augi's ship!
Aki: OK.
Master you OK?
:: hopes everyone got out of HQ alive ::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:12:23 PM
**Dyzm Walks into the Sith Temple, he turns around and could just make out the Sith Fortress**
Go ahead, Fight your little war. When all is done, I will have the power of the Temple.
**Walks into the temple**
**After awhile he makes it to the throne, he sits down on it, and immediantly, he feals the power inside. He is the Temple, the power is great, but sicking, he can sense a lightside presence living in the power of the Temple**
No! Its flawed! and MUST be destroyed!
**Finds his way into the main frame, and sets it to self destruct in 20 minutes**
Now to get back to my ship
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:47:01 PM
After collecting Princess Sara and Rebecca's two children the crew heads through the catacombs beneath the HQ. As the explosion rips the heart out of the building a low frequency rumble is heard far down below. The group moves very quickly down the dark passage ways not needing light to speed them. The ground shakes and parts of the ceiling fall as they race to safety.
__They reach the exit only to find the night sky lit with the yellowish glare of the burning HQ. The group exits the passage and immediatly sends a message to Auriga for pick up.While the lead trooper contacts the ship the others look at their burning home intensifying the hate they have for the jedi.
Group=Princess Sara,Saurron,Syruss,Bowdin,the last four of Saurron's dark troopers and the two babies of Princess Rebecca.
Jun 11th, 2000, 01:57:43 PM
Augi receives the message on the ship central computer
Augi: few, I was worried for a sec
Augi turns his ship around and tracks down the coordinates,
through his @#%$pit he sees the group waiving below. The Nova Jackal touches down below and Augi lowers the ramp. He greets his companions and takes the garrou children into a safe place with their mother.
Augi: Ok looks like we're set, hope you guys are all right. let's join Rama
Once again the Nova Jackal lifts off and speeds away through the atmosphere away from the burning hq
Jun 11th, 2000, 02:20:16 PM
*Firebird1's ship is still in a holding pattern above the Sith HQ as Firebird1 turns on his comm link.*
Firebird1 here, is anyone there, Roger me, Wilco me, anybody???
*Meanwhile the remaining cannons raise up from their hidden locations and begin to fire at the Rebel Allience fleet, creating confusion for the fleet commanders.*
Rama Sha
Jun 11th, 2000, 02:22:37 PM
:: The Phoenix zips ever closer to the lead ship ::
R6. Arm torpodeo 1 and 2. reroute power form the lasers to the shields, and pray to the maker.
:: R6 lets out a low whistle. ::
Figrin D an
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:07:19 PM
*** Figrin quickly gets to his feet after the hit from Scorpion. Reaching beneath his cloak, he pulls out two small capsule-likek devices. Throwing them at Scorpion, the exlpode a few feet in front of him, emitting an intense light burst, blinding the the Sith temporarily. Figrin simultaneously launches himself at Scorpion, landing a powerful flying kick the the Sith's chest, knocking him back into the wall, cracking the concrete wall. Bringing his sabre forward, Figrin prepares for a strike a fatal hit, when the floor underneath him begins to shake. His danger sense flashes. Quickly diving out of the way, a large piece of plaster ceiling crashed to the floor where the Jedi formerly stood. Figrin touches the Force, realizing that the complex is collapsing upon itself.
"If we stay here, Scorpion, we'll both die."
The Sith gets to his feet and looks around. The walls begin to break and crumble as Scorpion and Figrin struggle to maintain their balance.
Scorpion replies coldly, "I've never been afraid of death, Jedi. I've experienced worse than death..."
Figrin shakes his head, "I admire your bravery Scorpion, but it touches on insanity. We'll settle this later. I can see in the Force that we will meet again on the field of battle. It would be a shame if we were cheated out of our own fate because of belligerence."
Snarling slightly at the thought of what he considered a retreat, the Sith agreed. "Very well, Jedi, I shall see you again." With that Scorpion darts into the darkness, out of Figrin's view.
Figrin reels from another earth shattering quake beneath his feet. Leaping down to the main floor, the Jedi races back towards the infirmary where he first entered the compound. Sparks fly around him as electrical circuits are ripped apart. Massive parts of wall and ceiling crash around him. Dodging most of the fragments, some smaller pieces hit him, cutting his cloak and his face. Pushing the pain from his mind, the Jedi races into the medical labs using the Force to push debris out if his way. Seeing his way out, Figrin accelerates toward the opening, floors above him crashing down towards the first level. Pushing off with his legs, Figrin dives towards the hole, just tons of concrete and steel begin to reach the floor. The med lab is crushed under the incredible weight, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble. Picking himself up, Figrin dusts himself off and looks around. The Sith compouns still stands, but the Jedi knows that will not be the case in a few moments. Reaching into his cloak, Figrin pulls out a simple transceiver and touches a few buttons. Running out towards the outer defensive wall of the Sith headquarters, the Jedi looks back for only a moment to see turbolaser fire bombard the main building, shattering it's outer walls.
An engine roar engulfs the area as Figrin's ship, the Azure Starfire, arrives and hovers overhead. The main hatch opens and Figrin uses a Force jump to leap up to the platform.
Getting to the controls, Figrin pilots the ship in a circular pattern at the edge of the compound, looking for any other Jedi or New Rebublic forces that remain around the battle zone.
General Scorpion
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:09:50 PM
*Several minutes later..
A remote lowers the ramp on the XIP Shuttle Devious.. Scorpion runs up the ramp and sits in the pilot's seat.. Quickly, two buttons are pushed and the Devious rises from the ground, folding it's gears.. The ship shoots out the hangar towards the atmosphere.. Scorpion unfolds the wings and prepares for combat..
XIP Shuttle Devious Specs
Length: 15 meters
Designation: Multi-Purpose Assault Craft
Basic Appearance: A Missile Boat with four wings with a fin-like shape going up in the center towards the back..
Crew: (Standard: 2 pilots, 1 gunner, 1 assistant gunner) Can be operated by one person
Special Features: Four folding wings, SLAM system
Weapons: Four medium laser cannons (Located on wing tips), two medium ion cannons (Centered), Twin general purpose warhead launchers (One on each side of the "fin". Standard combined warhead amount: 24 Advanced/Regular Concussion Missiles or 12 Advanced/Regular Proton Torpedoes or 8 Heavy Proton Rockets or 6 Heavy Space Bombs)
Jedi Alpha
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:43:43 PM
::Alpha talks into the commlink to Striffe, ignoring his various wounds::
Alpha:I suggest you get out of here man...Like now...before the Sith...
::Alpha drops to the floor from a combination of exhaustion and blood loss, and slowly looses conciousness::
Striffe: Alpha? Alpha?!
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:51:37 PM
*Augi pulls the Jackal next to the Star Phoenix*
Augi: Ok Rama I've got most of the people on board, Scorpion and Vengence aren't too far off I think
Cloud Striffe
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:55:34 PM
I hope DT knows that Alpha isn't piloting. Maybe I can.......there!! I sounded an alarm on the MoonRunner. Maybe DT will go see what's happening. I love this hacking device in my ship!
OOC: Forget that my ship was a Naboo Starfighter. I have the specs for my new ship. It is like Boba Fett's Slave 1.
Specs For The Bishop X
Craft: Kuat Systems Engineering's Firespray-class
Type: Limited production sublight patrol and attack craft
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 21.5 metres
Skill: SpaceTransports: Firespray
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Expert
Passengers: 6 (prisoners)
Cargo Capacity: 40 metric tonnes
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplyer: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x8
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350; 1000 kmh
Hull: 4D+2
Shields: 2D+2
Passive: 35/0D
Scan: 60/1D
Search: 100/2D
Focus: 3/2D+1
Sensor mask: adds +2D to sensor difficulties to detect Bishop X greater than 50 units away.
Sensor Jamming: when activated, adds +3D to difficulty to identify Slave1, but -2D+2 to difficulty to detect ship.
2 Twin-Mounted Blaster Cannons:
Fire Arc: Turret
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 1-7/20/30
Atmospheric Range: 100-700/2/3km
Damage: 5D
Concussion Missile Tube Launcher:
Fire Arc: front
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/5/7
Atmospheric Range: 100-300/500/700
Damage: 4D
Ion Cannon:
Fire Arc: front
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/10/15
Atmospheric Range: 100-500/1/1.5km
Damage: 5D+2
Tractor Beam Projector:
Fire Arc: Turret
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-8/15/20
Atmospheric Range: 100-800/1.5/2km
Damage: 5D
Two Proton Torpedo Launchers:
Fire Arc: Turret
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmospheric Range: 100-500/1.5/3km
Damage: attaches homing beacon or S-thread tracker
Darth Havok
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:56:36 PM
:: Hears all the ships outside and engages force speed Through the darks battered hallways. Heading up a unstable stairwell, and down a long corridor towards the main balcony, as small explosions come from unknown places. Opens a com to Firebird*
Havok: Swing your ship around to the north side of HQ, and open the freak’in ramp, it’s getting harry in here.
Firebird: Roger that.
:: The Falling Star swoops around in front of the north side still relentlessly barraging the remaining rebel ships in the area..::
Firebird: Er…..In position
Havok: Got yeah, here I come
:: Gathers his thoughts, deigning his saber and pinning it to his belt, as he taps into the Dark side, somersaulting gathering great momentum through the hall, and at the last moment planting his feet on the tip of the balcony’s edge leaping into the air force aided. Noticing he’s not gonna make it, he pulls a small grappling hook from his side, firing it at the Fallen Star. “Clink” As the hook soars into the open ramp latching onto a main support. He raises through the air quickly, and enters the Fallen Star.::
Havok:: That was close, and you can close the ramp, unless there are more to coming…
Firebird: Roger that, get over and man some defensive counter measures…
Havok: I’m on my way…
Sith Kat
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:58:12 PM
:: An explosion rumbles above as Kat kills the last of Dyzm's creatures. Debris starts to fall, forcing her to turn back. She makes her way back up to the sub level basement as another explosion causes a part of the ceiling to come down. She breaks into a run, explosions bringing metal and stone crashing down around her as she reaches ground level ::
Darth Ogre
Jun 11th, 2000, 04:18:51 PM
:: just as he turns his ship upwards, Ogre feels a familiar presence. He quickly changes his trajectory, swooping back down, as he lowers the entrance ramp, a couple hundred yards from HQ ::
I hope she sees us, before the big one.
:: Kat dashes to the ship and boards, the entrance ramp raises and closes and Ogre once again turns towards the sky, heading for an escort position near the Nova Jackal::
Bounty Hunter Dreyas
Jun 11th, 2000, 04:47:21 PM
Haiku -
Are you the one who comes through
The one that ends all
And sends the others to fall?
Beats me! ::Runs from his ship, his feet kicking up alot of sand as he runs faster and faster toward the ship...
::He leaps for the edge of the Sith ship::
Bounty Hunter Dreyas
Jun 11th, 2000, 04:54:42 PM
::Fumbles for a little mine that was in his pocket earlier::
::Looks down to see a bunch of Ewoks jumping around singing the Ewok Celebration::
::drops a mine on them::
::looks for his dagger instead, he hears Sith Kat and Darth Orge talking inside the ship::
Orge - "What happened to you? You almost didn't make it!"
Kat - "I don't know....I needed to finish it!"
::Dreyas smiles at the ironic talk::
::Dreyas finds his dagger::
::He climbs around the ship to the side door::
Darth Havok
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:19:23 PM
:: Hops in a laser turret chair inside the Falling Star, rotates the turret, as ewok guts splatter all over the side window. "Eww" And spots the bounty hunter on Ogre's ship, Fires rapid blaster shots striking him from behind, and sending him plumiting to the ground..:::
Filthy BH....
Cloud Striffe
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:29:47 PM
OOC: If you shot Dreyas, then you would shoot holes all in Ogre's ship. That means that you just killed Ogre, Kat, and Dreyas.
*The remaining Ewoks jump into space and are picked up by the Bishop X.*
Cloud: How you doin' little buddies?
An Ewok: Great! Nice to see you Cloud.
*The Bishop X flies after Havok.*
Darth Havok
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:51:12 PM
:: The Dauntless turns and gets a lock on The Bishop X, firing 2 forward-firing concussion missiles, causing his shields to lose power rapidly, leaving him vulnerable, as it's laser turrets lock on other small fighters in the air.::
:: Opens Com to Bridge:~Havok:(to firebird) Concentrate some one of those Ion cannons on The BishopX, it's headed this way, but it's shields have been weakened.~..Er..Roger that, I'll see what I can do..
:: Havok Turns his Turret, and opens fire on the already weakened shields of the BishopX, as the Falling Star takes some evasive striking maneuvers, and counter measures...::
OOC-NO, not that easy to kill people dude. If you read it says it struck the BH from behind, not destroyed him, and the laser blasts wouldn't have penetrated the hull of Ogre's ship anyway...
Lord Gue
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:53:39 PM
Orders his 4th fleet to turn around to face the New Republic fleet.Says "Lets cover there escape people"
Cloud Striffe
Jun 11th, 2000, 06:05:33 PM
*Sees laser blasts heading his way. Does some fancy manuvering to dodge them.*
That the best you got?!
*Fires Ion Cannon, causing major damage to the Falling Star. Turns shields to full power.*
I need to keep my shields up. That was too close...
verse dawnstrider
Jun 11th, 2000, 06:49:58 PM
::Verse Wakes up from his a coma in te small cave.::
Who...who....who am I?
::Images fill verse's head. verse falls to the ground holding his head.::
No! No! that isnt me! I cant be the Grim Reaper! But...I..i am.
::Verse looks at his robe he is now wearing.::
What happened. I remeber bits of small things.. I remember being Pivo. But also Verse Dawnstrider.
::Verse looks at the Sith HQ in flames.::
What happened? Is that my home? I remeber that place. I remeber them. But is that my Home?
::Verse shakes his head and starts walking from the cave.::
Bounty Hunter Aki
Jun 11th, 2000, 07:13:28 PM
:: gets up ::
:: Guido quickly move into the seta thet Aki was siting in and takes the controls ::
I need to check somethin'.
:: walks into the cargo bay of the ship and finds an unexpected guest ::
Dae how the hell did you get inside my ship?
Jun 11th, 2000, 08:24:28 PM
To this i Say Doh........
Cloud Striffe
Jun 11th, 2000, 08:31:02 PM
OOC: Vengence, read page 10. You are tied up in your ship. DT and Alpha are in there. Alpha was piloting, but he went unconcious.
Darth Dyzm
Jun 11th, 2000, 09:09:24 PM
<font color=red><font size=8>Death Of the Planet</font></font>
**Dyzm makes it back to his ship and takes off**
Those Idiots, they had a gold mine of sith knowledge and weapons under there feet, and they never found it!
**Dyzm thinks about the Lightside Force he encountered in the Temple**
Jedi Must of Buried the temple,
**The Temple Explodes, the explosion starts a chain reaction that destroys the core of the planet, explosions countinues as the planet starts being ripped apart**
Jun 11th, 2000, 09:23:01 PM
Jun 11th, 2000, 09:25:27 PM
(This message was left blank)
Ice Fox
Jun 11th, 2000, 09:27:19 PM
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are gone. If you didn't know, I was Cloud Striffe. You Sith are a good as gone!!!!
Jun 11th, 2000, 09:27:20 PM
:: nods as Kat gets busy beside Ogre in
navigating the assult on the "BishopX". She, herself getting
to work to bandage Daiqs wounded leg. Sees out the
port side Havok's craft deeking for a better range on
the enemy ship ::
OOC: sorry about those previous EDITS, couldnt
remember the BishopX ship name and didnt realise
i posted the other ones. Doh.
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 11th, 2000, 10:46:04 PM
:: The Bishop X gains ground on Havoc, pummeling its shields with periodic blasts of weapons fire. A flash catches Havoc's eye ::
Havoc: What the hell is that?
Kat: Its another ship...its headed right for us....RIGHT FOR US!
Havoc: Dammit! BRACE BRACE BRACE!!!!!
:: The sith find something solid to hold if that would matter one bit. The sleek metallic ship thunders toward them with jaw-dropping momentum. Just as the vessel is about to hit, it screams by at full power, the space wake shuddering Havoc's ship quite powerfully, causing lights to dim for a moment. The sleek ship continues flying past Havoc's vessel, and thunders for the Bishop X. Cloud Striffe breaks into a panic as the vessel nearly collides with him. Once again, the strange ship flies overhead, but the pilot of the Oozaru II, LL, swivels his thrust nozzles to full flex, throwing the full-powered engine wash of his craft straight onto the shields of the Bishop X. LL's powerful engines do their work. The Bishop X flails out of control, its shield system overloaded from the shearing stress of the thrust. LL screams out of weapon's range, banking and weaving the entire time ::
LL: (On HoloNet to Havoc) That should buy you some time!
Jun 12th, 2000, 03:08:54 AM
Firebird1: Ok now I'm mad.
*Firebird1 nudges the "Falling Star" behind the Bishop X, and blasts it with the two front photon torpedo cannons that seem to appear out of the sides of the ship. One of the torpedos hit the enemy ship in the rear, causing major engine damage and a minor hull breach.*
Firebird1: That thing is still flying?? K9, set the frontal shields to full.
*Firebird1 then procceds to show the young Jedi a thing or two about Road rage. After matching speed and velocity of the enemy ship (OOC: That means that I am almost infront of him) Firebird1 bounces his ship off of the enemy's front, this catapolts the "Falling Star" into orbit, and the enemy ship thrashes around as it's entire aft section begins to crumple.*
*Firebird1 opens his comm link.*
Firebird1: Thank you LL and Havok. Oh and Havok, where is Vengence? And K9 get me a damage report!!
*K9 plugs into a small computer.*
K9: Shields-down but will be recharged and up again in 60 seconds. Engine failure but not in hyperspace motivator
, 60% thrust, but repairable with time in space dock.
Firebird1: Cool, Lets get to Augi's dreadnought.
*The "Falling Star's" shields come back online when they reach the Dreadnought that Darth Ogre's ship is in formation with and joins them.*
Jun 12th, 2000, 03:26:55 AM
*Augi eyes the spiraling Bishop out of the corner of his eye, and punches in directions in the Nova Jackal central computer. Through the back hull of the ship a photon cannon emerges and sends multiple blasts to the Bishop X. Augi watches as the Bishop X falls apart*
Lord Gue
Jun 12th, 2000, 04:24:04 AM
[i]Pulls through the allinace fleets with devestatingly fast assult on the very middle of there formation, as they slowly crumbl on the attack from both sides Lord Gue's forces meld with Thrawns forces in the battle
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 12th, 2000, 05:37:54 AM
::Thrawns NSD makes it way through the middle of the Alliance Fleet, while the rest of the 3rd fleet opens fire on all alliance ships and The 4th Fleet moves in to out flank the alliance ships, doing this the alliance ships scatter and loe formation in chaos::
Bounty Hunter Aki
Jun 12th, 2000, 08:26:56 AM
:: notices that the ship is moving the wrong way she heads to the @#%$pit ::
Guido what the hell are you doing?
Guido: Someone is still on the planet,and I know were he is so let's just pick him up.
Damn it! Ok but I'll fly and you go get him..
:: the ship re-enters the planet's atomsphere and hovers near the cave that Verse is in ::
Ok,is this were he is?
Guido: Yep,I can sense him.
:: Guido walks down the ramp and walks into the cave ::
Rama Sha
Jun 12th, 2000, 01:53:35 PM
:: Rama sees the comotion on his view screen, but knows he has to somehow keep this lead ship from opening fire or all would be lost. Rama nuges the phoenix in closer. A laser blast hits him rocking the ship but the shields hold. The space around him is lite up with laser fire. ::
I have to get closer......
Lord Gue
Jun 12th, 2000, 02:12:01 PM
[i]Groups his ships together in the center of the battle area. Activates the Gravity well, trapping all the ships in the area, in the area
Jun 12th, 2000, 03:22:43 PM
I'll cover you Rama
*The Nova Jackal pulls along side the Phoenix and begins blasting jedi ships with the Dreadnaught's turbolasers. Rama is able to maneuver through the tumult and keeps going.
Augi: Man it's rough out there, but don't worry I got your back
Augi keeps blasting at the capital ships while Rama penetrates deeper and deeper*
General Scorpion
Jun 12th, 2000, 03:36:43 PM
*The Devious screams out into the space battle, piloted by Scorpion.. A lone blockade runner turns a double turbolaser cannon to fire on it, but is met by cover fire from a strike cruiser opposite the Devious.. Ion blasts streak from the strike cruiser into the New Republic ship.. With bridge shields down, the blockade runner turns, but is met by more fire, this time from the strike cruiser's turbolasers..
Scorpion arms his warhead launchers, links them, and fires a single round of advanced torpedoes into the bridge.. A ball of fire erupts from the side, and the strike cruiser starts ripping the crippled ship to shreds..
The Devious darts about, avoiding lasers and turbolaser blasts.. Scorpion flips on the com, and awaits any specific orders..*
Jun 12th, 2000, 08:03:29 PM
ooc - as previously posted
:: Running through the hallways, everything is crashing down all around me. Using the force, i'm searching the base trying to find any sith that may be left in this doomed abode. Sensing none, I run faster through the hallways, tossing jedi troops aside, letting them die in oncoming explosion. The building rocks again with another explosion, and i approach a hallway that i need to access, completely in flames. The heat is unbearable. I approach slowly, then run through it, the flames licking at my clothes and hair burning me slightly. My eyes water cause of the smoke, and I am effectively blinded. Using the force I guid emy way throught he flames slowly, being burned as I pass through them. I collapse on the other side of them, the hangar in site, the Dark Eclipse waiting for me::
Darth Dyzm
Jun 12th, 2000, 08:46:27 PM
**The Black Lighting Flys toward the Ships surrounding the planet, he fires missles and torpedos at any Starfighter that got to close, he makes it through and enters hyperspace**
Ice Fox
Jun 12th, 2000, 10:17:32 PM
*Realizing that his ship has major damage, he looks for any where to land. He sees a huge astroid.*
That seems like good place to land. I have some shields and cannons in the storage department. I'll just turn on the shields around me and the Bishop, and shoot at a passing ship.
*Lands on the astroid, and runs to the storage dep. He gets some shields and sets them up outside. Go's back and gets some cannons. Turns on shields and powers up cannons.*
*Opens comm with Ackbar's ship.*
Fox: I have had major damage done to my ship, and need you to come get me. I am on a huge astroid about 2 miles from your current location.
Ackbar: OK. I'll get there when I get out of this mess. I have people shooting at me from everywhere!!!
Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2000, 12:26:25 AM
[i]Sends out a signal on a coded channel, and suddenly all ships in the 4th fleet suddenly disappear into hyperspace...
Rama Sha
Jun 13th, 2000, 12:41:55 AM
:: The Phoenix shakes vilonetly as it passes through the lead ships sheilds. then all is calm. The Phoenix skims the surface of the ship. Rama notices a engery build up inside the ship. ::
There power up the lasers.
:: Rama presses a button on the comlink. ::
" Augi get the Jackal away. I gotta take this ship out and I have to do it now. You need to get everyone away from this ship as soon as possible "
:: Rama pulls the stick, flying his ship down and across the belly of the ship and turns Phoenix back toward the front of the ship. ::
R6 I need you to rig those torpeodos with a 10 second delay.
Darth Phantom
Jun 13th, 2000, 01:26:59 AM
ICE FOOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXX you gutless worm how could you betray the sith for the cowardly jedi?
DP- commander load torpedo bays 1 through 6, charge the lasers and arm the EMP's and get ready to fire on my command.
commander- yes sir
DP- as soon as we uncloak lock on to If's sheild generators and fire at will
commander- yes sir
DP- rerout all power to front sheilds and prepare for attack
guy I was talking to- yes sir, front sheilds are holding
DP- uncloak and fire
:: the giant BOP uncloaks infront of the astroid that IF is on and fires at Ice Foxs sheild generators ::
Rama Sha
Jun 13th, 2000, 03:26:19 AM
R6, set those with a 1/3 fireing power. I want this to linger and give us time to get away.
:: The Phoenix shoots foward to right in front of the lead ship. ::
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 13th, 2000, 03:53:29 AM
::Thrawn's NSD punched a hole in the Alliances fleet, breaking the alliance fleet in to two seperate smaller fleets, as the 4th fleet jumps in to hyper space the 2nd fleet commanded by GuardPiett Jumps out, Pietts NSD along with the rest of the 2nd fleet makes it way tword the now broken up alliance fleet::
Jun 13th, 2000, 03:55:59 AM
Right away
*Augi turns the Jackal around and speeds his way out of there. He grabs his comlink and sends a message to the other Sith ships
"Everyone stay clear of the Jedi ships"
Rama Sha
Jun 13th, 2000, 04:50:46 AM
Fire 1 and 2.
:: Two torpedos launch outta of the phoenixs tubes. The seem to exit the tube and just sit still in space. Rama slams the throttle all the open and the Phoenix speeds away. The lead ships lasers begin to fire. Just as then the torpedo explode sending a shockwave towards the ship. The Phoenix lunges forward. Alarms start to sound all over. R6 lets out a frantic line of beeps and whistles. ::
I know!!!!
:: Rama struggles with the controls. ::
Jun 13th, 2000, 06:49:01 AM
*Augi makes it out of the chaos just in time to notice the crippled ship of Ice Fox make its way into a near by asteroid*
Augi: What the?
*Augi approaches the asteroid and begins bombarding it with maximum firepower. Pieces of asteroid are ripped apart*
Ice Fox
Jun 13th, 2000, 12:49:12 PM
*Shoots most of the torpedos launched at him. The ones he missed do minor damage to the shields.*
DAMMIT Phantom! If I wasn't thrown out of the Sith I wouldn't be a Jedi. Once I was thrown out, I realized that I couldn't kill anymore for pleasure. I am sorry for leaving you, but the choice was made for me by Lynch.
*Shoots Phantom's ship, making major damage to the engine. Phantom has to leave and dock on Thrawn's NSD.*
Jun 13th, 2000, 01:03:09 PM
*Continues blasting apart the asteroid with a shower of turbo lasers. Rotates the Jackal around the asteroid and starts blasting from that side. The asteroid slowly gets smaller and smaller*
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