Rebel 69
Jun 13th, 2000, 01:19:15 PM
*Lasers come from no where and hits Augi's ship.*
Rebel: Wooohooo!!!!!!! I'm here everyone!!!!!!!
Augi: Who the hell is that!??!?!!?!!!??
Rebel: It's your worst nightmare!!! Get out of here, NOW!!!
Augi: Aim all guns at Rebel's ship!!! I want him gone!!!
Rebel: You gotta catch me first!!!
*Flies around, buying Fox some time. With nobody shooting at him, Fox starts repairing his ship. He starts it won't crank. He tries again....*
Fox: I really got my ship tore up!!!
*Fox crosses some more wires and...the ship starts up!*
Fox: Finally!!! Thanx Rebel.
Rebel: No prob. I just need to stop picking fights with people!!!
*Flies around the astroid a few times. Just when Augi thinks she has him, and her lasers are powered up, Rebel throws his ship into hyperspace and comes out 50 miles away from Augi (turned hyperspace off after 3 seconds).*
Rebel: I'll go back in a little while. My ship needs some work done to it.
SPECS FOR MY SHIP...THE FireStarter!!!
Correllian YT-2400
Craft: Correllian Engineering Corporation YT-2400 Transport
Type: Light Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 21 metres
Skill: Space Transports: YT2400
Crew: 2, skeleton: 1/+10
Crew Skill: Varies Wildly
Passengers: 4
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tonnes
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 125,000 (new), 45,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplyer: x1
Backup Hyperdrive: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 25/1D
Scan: 50/2D
Search: 75/2D+2
Focus: 2/3D
2 heavy double laser cannons:
Scale: starfighter
Fire Arc: turrets/ front only if unmanned
Crew: 1 each
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km Damage: 5D
Darth Phantom
Jun 13th, 2000, 01:22:27 PM
DP to Thrwan requesting premission to dock for repairs.
Rebel 69
Jun 13th, 2000, 01:28:20 PM
Sorry about my sig. I think I fixed it.
Jun 13th, 2000, 04:58:14 PM
She? She? you're gonna pay for that rebel boy
*Augi notices Ice's resurrected ship and is quick to send another onslaught of turboblasters. Ice's ship again spirals down to the asteroid and crashes*
Darth Phantom
Jun 13th, 2000, 05:22:23 PM
DP- Damn it cloak the ship pull out of weapons range and send a team out to fix the ships engine
second in command- yes sir
second in command- sir the ships engine isnt as bad as we had thought
DP- ok power up the secondary engines and prepare for attack. Put us behind rebel, power up the sheilds drop the claok and fire. attack pattern Delta I.
:: as the BOP gets behind rebel, the cloak is dropped and now rebel can see the huge ship zig zaging behind him and firing all weapons ::
SIC- primary engines are 75% complete
DP- good, stay on rebel
Rama Sha
Jun 13th, 2000, 07:16:07 PM
:: The lights in the Phoenix power down. ::
R6, whats going on.
:: R6 lets out several whistles. ::
Great no power......what about emergency power.
:: R6 whistles ::
How long?
:: R6 beeps ::
2 hours, thats it? Can you at least tell me if I got it?
:: R6 whistles ::
No huh.....great.
:: Rama unbuckles the safty harness. Rama steps out of the chair and floats into the air. ::
Ah great gravitys gone.
:: Rama pulls himself back to a closet in the ship and breaks out a space suite. Rama activates his magnetic boots and walks over to R6 and unhooks him from the Nav comp. ::
Ok R6 we got about 5 mins to get the engines on this thing working again, if we don't they rest of the Sith won't be able to help us and we will be sitting ducks.
:: Rama hooks space rockets on R6. ::
Remeber how to use these?
:: R6 whistles ::
Good, lets go.
Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2000, 07:32:32 PM
OOC: LL, did you ever launch of my ship before I jumped into hyperspace?
Jun 13th, 2000, 10:12:48 PM
:: i crawl over to my ship, and up the ramp slowly. As soon as i get inside, i see a figure outside approaching my ship. I call out to it, and it approaches and comes up the ramp ::
TC!!! you made it :: i manage to get out ::
:: I activate the ramp on my beckon call, and begin to take us out, as explosion rock the ship. Suddenly there is a huge explosion and all around the ship is a huge ball of flames. I manage to get into the pilots chair, and can hear TC being thrown around in the back. I increase the speed and make in into the atmospehre, but not without significant damage::
Rama Sha
Jun 13th, 2000, 10:16:26 PM
:: Rama opens the lower hatch and slips R6 out. Then Rama drops down through the hatch, and looks around. R6 flys up next to Rama. ::
Well looks like the main power line to the reactor has been damaged. Gonna haver to patch it and quick.
Jun 14th, 2000, 11:16:49 AM
* Augi swoops in towards Ice's crippled ship and sends two massive torpedos, delivering the final blow*
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 14th, 2000, 07:33:16 PM
Gue, yes I did. I went on a few strafing runs against the Bishop X and other New Republic ships.
Rama Sha
Jun 14th, 2000, 07:52:04 PM
:: R6 begins to wield on the main power connection. Rama catchs a light out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see a large blast on the surface. ::
Well thats it R6, its gone.
Rama Sha
Jun 15th, 2000, 03:18:46 PM
OOC: Well since no one else is gonna finsh this roleplay I will!
:: Rama watchs on and R6 makes the final weild. ::
Ok That should do it. Lets back inside were sitting ducks out here.
:: Rama pushes R6 in through the hatch, and then climbs in himself. ::
Rama Sha
Jun 16th, 2000, 01:01:49 AM
:: Rama removes his space helmet and takes the pilots seat. R6 rolls into the droid socket. ::
Ok Fire her up R6.
:: The light flicker then come on. Rama exaimes the readings in front of him. ::
Hmmmmmmmmm Hyperdrive must have been leaking, its down to 2%. But the engines work. R6 pull up starcharts for this sector. We gotta set down and fix the hyperdrive.
:: The Phoenix engines fire and races away from the scene. ::
Jun 16th, 2000, 03:51:05 AM
*Augi blasts the asteroid into minute pieces and watches Ice's ship float away in tiny chunks. He flies over and sees Rama trying to escape, he turns on his comlink*
Augi: Rama you gonna make it?
Darth Havok
Jun 16th, 2000, 04:08:27 AM
:: Ship stabilizes..::
Havok:(On HoloNet with LL) Not a moment to soon, I owe yea one! Keep the skies friendly, Havok out.
Rama Sha
Jun 16th, 2000, 03:48:42 PM
:; Rama voice cracks over the Commlink. ::
Well the hyperdrive is busted. Im gonna have to set down somewhere to make repairs. You better get everyone else outta here it could still be dangerous. Send me your hyperdrive corrdinates and I'll meet up with you as soon as I get this fixed. Oh and Augi...........look after Nuri for me will ya?
verse dawnstrider
Jun 16th, 2000, 09:48:01 PM
::Verse's memory starts to return fast. Verse remebers where his ship is parked and calls on a Garou arts. But to Verse's surprice nothing happened. Verse trys again but fails. The verse remebers Gaia's warning. When you become the Grim Reaper you will no longer be Garou. Verse runs to the ship as fast as he can.
Verse reachs his ship the Silverfang which he hid in the forest. Verse jumps in the ship and starts it up. The Silverfang shoots into space::
Verse- I have to save the kids. They may be Pivo's but I must save them. I remeber Her being on his ship. Maybe...
::Verse's Fingers fly across the keyboard sending a Message to both Sauraan's and Aya's ships.::
Verse- This is Verse Dawnstrider. Seeing that you HQ and home is destroyed I wish to make a deal. I will become a Prisioner of War if you will join me to comin' to my homeplanet to a Safe hold called Eden. It is a paradice the Garou made. The catch. Only I can open the entrace. It is your call. I am only inviting you. If any other Sith come they may come across some dangerous animals there. Only your 2 ships may come. I await your call.
::Verse's sits back and waits for a answer.::
Jun 17th, 2000, 07:56:49 AM
Augi: Ok sure thing Rama, Nuri will be fine.
*Augi veers the jackal, away from the action and heads away into space. At this moment something comes through the comlink, and Augi hears what seems to be Verse's voice.*
Augi: What the hell?
*Augi stares ahead for a few moments, and then calls back into the back of the ship*
Saurron, Rebecca, you may want to hear this
Darth Ogre
Jun 17th, 2000, 08:30:36 AM
:: opens a com link to Augi, whom he has been shadowing/escorting, since leaving the planet ::
Got room in your hangar for a small craft?
Jun 17th, 2000, 12:49:32 PM
Sure do,
*The hangar door opens*
Darth Ogre
Jun 17th, 2000, 01:10:06 PM
:: Ogre directs his YT-2400 into the hangar and lands the craft once inside. Its passengers, Kat, Daiquiri, Hera, and himself exit the craft. Ogre heads towards the bridge to get an update on the current situation, as technicians scurry about his craft, making sure that it is in tip top shape for another venture into space ::
Jun 17th, 2000, 02:17:28 PM
*Augi greets Ogre and his companians on the bridge*
Augi: Hey Ogre glad you made it. Rama has ordered us to clear out. We'll meet up with him at the rendezvous point
verse dawnstrider
Jun 17th, 2000, 06:27:02 PM
::Verse starts to pace his ship hoping he has made the right choice. But it is for the children and the Sith still hold a place in his heart. Verse shakes his head. What kills him is not hearing the answer. So much has happen to the former Garou. The gain of the Grim Reaper powers, but at the lose of his Garou. Atleast his ground assult did there job. Who would have though the Sith sealed the fate of their HQ by casting Verse out? That almost made Verse smile. Verse stares into the vast darkness of space.::
Verse- From wolf to Reaper. From bad to Good. But from good to what now? SO much on my mine. So much to think about....
::Verse sinks down in his chair and keeps waiting.::
Princess Rebecca
Jun 17th, 2000, 08:07:31 PM
::yells back to Augi:: what's goin on up there?
General Scorpion
Jun 17th, 2000, 11:07:26 PM
*The Devious shoots past an assault frigate into clear space.. Off to port is the Victory II Star Destroyer Impervious, coming up fast on a course to rendezvous with the Devious..
Scorpion jukes hard to port and the distance closes fast.. The Devious moves underneath the Star Destroyer's hangar bay.. Scorpion moves the shuttle up to the right, then down a bit to align with the Impervious, just in front of the bay.. He pulls back and very quickly docks..
The great ship lurches forward faster now towards the hyperjump point.. Scorpion steps out from a turbolift onto the bridge area....*
Jun 17th, 2000, 11:33:56 PM
:: A smalls craft enters the battle zone. It resembles a flying cube. But for its lumpy shape the damn thing was fast and it had a lot of firepower. A transmission was sent through all new republic and jedi channells::
"Made it!!! Brought some wookies with me to help with the tech stuff. Glad to see you've wrecked the sith hq mons!!!"
OCC: would someone mind briefing me on what's going on at the moment?
Jun 18th, 2000, 03:59:03 AM
Not a whole lot, most of the jedi have been blown to kingdom come, at the sith hq, Rama is in the process of destroying your fleet and.......I dunno, most of the sith ships are returning to the rendezvous point
Rebecca you had better listen to this message
*Plays Verse's message*
What do you think?
Rama Sha
Jun 18th, 2000, 04:02:02 AM
OOC:o k We self denotated our own HQ, Now we are trying to get outt here before anyone else attacks the escaping ships.
Got anything yet R6?
:: R6 lets out a low moan and a star chart appears on Rama's view screen. ::
What have we got. Kayran?
:: Rama ounchs a few keys bringing more info on the planet up. ::
And Imperial dump planet.........perfect.
verse dawnstrider
Jun 20th, 2000, 08:14:25 PM
::Verse paces his ship ans sends another message to Agui's ship::
Verse- I reapet my last message with this also. I will become a POW along with the deal. My ship is almost out of Fuel and I am hurt badly. I have lost my Garou powers and need help. Please respond...
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