View Full Version : The Conquest
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:26:56 PM
::Itala walks in the battlegrund and sticks a TSC flag on the ground:::
:::ignites his lightsaber and stands ready:::
Try to take it off, you won't be able to this time...
Jedi Alpha
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:33:13 PM
::alpha unsheaths his katana and energy surrounds the blade::
Let's go...
::Alpha starts off the fight with a snap kick which Itala blocks and then slashes downward::
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:33:48 PM
It's time...
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:36:57 PM
*General Ceel enters with the gungan army*
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:41:06 PM
*Fox enters with a hell of a lot of TDs & ignites his saber* Bring it on!!!!!
OOC: I might not be on the net a lot today, but I'll battle as much as possible.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:42:42 PM
*Ignites Saber*
Bring it on...
The Sith will retake what is rightfully theirs... and crush all that oppose them or think or say otherwise... Mwahahahaha! :lol: :evil:
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:45:48 PM
*Walks into battlegorund, stands alongside fellow Sith and ignites his lightsaber*
Shall we?
Jedi Alpha
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:48:40 PM
So which of you Sith would like to die first?
::Alpha smiles coldly and motions with his energy katana::
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:50:50 PM
No Sith will die... only their enemies!
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:51:32 PM
*Ceel orders the main shield activated and the catapults armed.The Kaddu Patrolmen mount their Kaddu and wait for orders along side the infantry men.*
Jedi Alpha
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:55:15 PM
::Alpha ignites his black bladed saber and looks around waiting for a Sith to attack::
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:57:11 PM
Yaaaaawn...well they say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. (ignites LS)
EDIT: I only do this 'cause I want Itala...
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:58:15 PM
"Alpha, my army is standing by incase things get out of hand."
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:59:49 PM
Well are we gonna stand here all today staring at each other, or what?
Jedi Alpha
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:01:39 PM
Thank you Ceel...I'll send in my army to help...
::Alpha hits a button on his wrist-link, summoning his Dragon Fleet's army. In less then 10 minutes AT-ATs, Chicken Walkers, AT-PTs, and hundreds of soldiers join up with the Gungan army::
Let's go sith...
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:03:16 PM
Arent's AT-PTs and Chicken Walkers the same thing, Alpha?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:03:23 PM
Bane's sports land speeder is seen in a whir of red lensed sunglasses and his signature white tux, Bane steps out, hey.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:06:59 PM
TSC has 25 members. How, may I ask, are we suposed to beat a leagon of Jedi and two armies?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:07:05 PM
seeing the gungans, Bane makes his own transmittion, Bane's TIE/h is on its way ready to massacre the gungans.
Garrett Blade
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:08:46 PM
*Joins TSC members, awaiting orders*
Say the word Lord Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:16:41 PM
Alpha, I count 6 or 7 sith and 2 jedi. NO SWEAT! Let's take them ourselves, put your army on hold.
Ceel thank you for coming, please hold your troops for a while...
Darth Bane 2
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:25:15 PM
The jedi are trying to be intimidating. Bane is more than ready he picks up a stone which he throws and hits General Ceel on the head. The rotund general falls off his kaddu and has to be picked up by no less than 12 gungans! during this time, Bane's camera is rolling which will broadcast this embarassing footage all across the galaxy via Bane's media pets.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:28:09 PM
Itala, say the word... These Jedi are dieing to die...
Rama Sha
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:28:43 PM
A flag doesn't mean you own anything Itala. The Fat lady ain't sung yet.
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:29:30 PM
:: What Bane did not know was at the same time he was having fun with the gungan leader JB had forced moved a 500 pound boulder on top of his head...SPLAT!....::
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:35:13 PM
Enough of this! We are fighting back for what is ours! Itala, please SAY THE WORD
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:35:56 PM
*Picks himself up and dusts off*
"stinky sith"
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:36:04 PM
Lets keep it serious here, Darth Bane I ask you to put the camera away, we await the order Itala...just say it.
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:38:56 PM
"Jedi, we're ready when you are"
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:43:40 PM
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 02:56:01 PM
Everyone: edit out your signatures on all of your msgs!!! Itala can't post because of them!
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 03:40:23 PM
::::Itala slashes down alph'as shoulder and sweeps him, then pics him up and spears Boricua's guts with Alpha's head:::
:::as they're both down Itala force pics the fat Gungan and throws him on both of them::::
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 03:46:22 PM
*Still on the ground,turns and looks to itala*
"All Gungans attack"
*Itala is crushed in a stampede of Kaddu*
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 03:53:13 PM
:::Itala grinz and swings his saber so fast it procts his frontal area and kills some Gungans in the process:::
You'll need more than little bubbles to take me down...
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:02:23 PM
::Sage runs up, and stands next to Ceel::
I'll try and help out the best I can!
::Sage lifts Ceel up and puts him back on his feet::
You okay General?
::Sage jumps over to Itala, when in air Sage activates his armor and LS Peace. Sage grabs Itala by the back of the throat and flips him up and back, Sage puts up a Force Wall right behind Itala, Itala hits is hard. As he's falling to the ground Sage jumps up and kicks him in the chest the throat then jaw working his way up, basiclly running up Itala. When he gets to the top of Itala Sage flips off of the Force Wall and lands safly on the ground. Itala is laying face up on the ground and blood comes from his mouth::
OOC:I'll be on and off through out the day. I'll try and post as much as possible.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:08:45 PM
::flips up back and tastes his own blood::::
:::Itala then ignites the other end of his saber and swings towards sage, Sage ducks but meets itala's knee, then his craneum meets Itala's elbow and his knee once again, then rabs his neck and twists his body slamming him to the floor:::
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:10:01 PM
:: By simply using the Force JB directs Alpha to a safe landing besides him. Then with his LS ignited approaches Itala ::
Everyone else keep out, it's Itala and me...
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:10:25 PM
*A noise is heard as a speeder rides onto the battleground, turning Itala is knocked aside as a figure jumps off and stomps down on the Siths back pusing Italas face into the dirt and leaps off igniting his lightsaber.*
Add another Sith to the mix....*grins*
TSC wanted to fight the Empire or take it over will @#%$ the TSC they got us to deal with.
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:12:27 PM
"So you like your own Blood Itala. Well here is some more"
*Pulls a knife from his boot and pins Itala's hand against a tree.He drops his saber to the ground.........*
*Blood runs down Itala's hand*
"Drink that"
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:12:49 PM
*Using the force Mortis activates one of the Gungan Catapults, as a huge energy ball is hurled into the air Mortis guids it and it collides with General Ceel, JB and SH*
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:15:13 PM
I'm going to take out those AT-ATs and AT-PTs!
I never expected to use this...
You're very lucky. Well I guess with all those armies of AT-ATs and AT-PTs...
*Psychic hits a few buttons on a small pannel on his wrist, and a huge droid about 10 feet tall comes down from flying from the sky. The droid was armed with two quad laser cannons as hands and a concussion missle launcher atop it's head, and the strongest shield and body plating a droid is capable of having.*
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... IG-88 X! I was originally going to sick this baby on IG-88 after he nearly killed me, but now, I have programed it for a new purpose... TOO DESTROY THE JEDI AND GUNGANS!
*Droid starts firing its two quad laser cannons at the AT-PTs and AT-ATs, destroying several of them every second*
I wasn't planning on ever using this...
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:19:28 PM
"awe dats sum purty robot usa got"
*a hail of catapult fire rains down on the machine*
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:19:45 PM
::flips up again and looks at Lynch:::You truly are deplorable...::Itala takes his robes off and roundhouses Lynch, as he blocks Itala uses his free hand to force push him inside a Gungan Boomer Container and locks him there:::This is about the death of the jedi, go have some candy lynch, and learn a lesson.::grins at Boricua::My fellow sith, take care of the rest, Boricua will get his wish granted.:::force speeds towards JB and headbutts him knocking out histeeth, as his head leans back h ax kicks him in the throat and pulls his legs to slam him right onto a steel rock::::
Darth Havok
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:22:54 PM
This is pathetic…. A Flag…:: laughs..::
:: Enters the grounds from an undisclosed way of transport my saber at the ready to prove the unworthiness of this action by a much weaker opponents..::
You will never dominate these grounds you fools..
Did you plan this....*smirks
:: I lunge at Lord Psychic from his side as he finishes putting the commands on his wrist panel, my saber hums right towards his head in a veridical fashion, surprised by these actions he crouches to avoid just in to save his neck, for now. I whip my saber back and down, to be blocked by his, but he is met with a kick to the side of his head, the tip of my boot striking the side of his head, right next to his ear. His head throbs, and his vision distorted form his watering eyes at his head connects with the ground. I leap avoiding a low slash he dishes out, and move quickly into a defensive position a short distance away, both ends of my blades twirling.::
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:22:59 PM
*Sweep kicks Itala to the ground and stomps his face once for good measure looking down at him grinning*
Deplorable? You got absolutely no idea...
*Kicks Itala in the ribs*
JB if you want the worm you can have him since he wishes to fight you. I'll take down one of his lesser lackeys.
General Scorpion
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:27:36 PM
*Steps up*
Each lackey more ignorant than the last.. How will you ever choose, Lynch..?
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:28:05 PM
:: Looks at the two new sith from the rogue group that have arrived ::
Well Itala, you've now done it. And yes Lynch I want him for myself.
:: JB sticks his LS into the same steel rock to which he was thrown. The hot steel begins to melt the rock and turns it super hot (like Qui Gon trying to enter the bridge in the Trade Federation battleship). Then using the Force he lifts it and sends it flying at Itala ::
General Ceel
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:28:58 PM
*Exits the BG*
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:29:16 PM
(see? I locked him in a container and he misteriously sweeped me right after)
Grr...I refuse to fight a sith, but you will just ignore it...that's what i call's Jedi vs. Sith, don't you care about the fall of the ancient sith?
:::gets up and force pushes Lynch right onto havok's saber:::
Damn it...I cannot believe how these fols will ruin the sith cause...
get up JB, fight me!
Darth Ogre
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:29:17 PM
:: enters the area ::
They know not what it means to be warriors, only how to cast insults.
:: ignites his saber ::
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:30:33 PM
*While Havok is that short distance away, Lord Psychic Force jumps onto IG-88 X, who starts to sprint away from the Jedi*
I have no time for fools like you... as soon as I'm done with these AT-ATs and AT-PTs, you're next! :evil:
*IG-88 X jumps ontop of an AT-AT and starts firing at the Gungans while Lord Psychic goes into the AT-ATs @#%$pit and takes control of the maching.*
That's it! No more mister nice guy!
*Starts shooting the AT-AT's laser at the other AT-ATs and AT-PTs. Between IG-88 X and the AT-AT Lord Psychic is controlling firing at the other AT-ATs and AT-PTs, withing minutes only Lord Psychic's AT-AT hasn't been destroyed.*
Mwahahahahaha! :evil:
DLOTS Exar Kun
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:32:47 PM
*Exar Kun arrives behind the Gungan army...he throws a thermal detonator into the centre of the army and force speeds his way to the rest of the Sith*
I've been waiting a long time for this...
*As a huge explosion occurs within the Gungan Army, taking out 3 catapults, 22 Gungan warriors and 15 Kaddu's; Kun hurls a bolt of lightning at Sage Hazzard hurling him meters into the air, and as he falls to the ground Kun sets the grass on fire with his black-bladed saber, Hazzard falls into the flames and screams in pain*
Marshmallows anyone?
Darth Havok
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:35:07 PM
MMMmmm.. Marshmallows .. *drools..
:: deignites saber in time to save his fellow Sith, and force pushes Lynch back towards Itala, and moves on Lord Psychic..::
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:37:07 PM
:::uses all his might to stop the molten rock right before it hits him and sends it back, while force speeding to him and tackling him...JB falls back and the rock approaches him:::
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:39:50 PM
::shoots lightning at Lynch's flying body and force pushes him right between some Gungans:::
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:40:17 PM
*Recovers from the lighting and rolls forward jumping up kicking Itala in the head and follows up with another punch to the stomach, igniting his lightsaber he strikes at Italas knee causing him to lean on the other*
Try that again Itala and you I shall take care of.
And very good question General. They all look same to me.
Where's little Bane.....
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:43:12 PM
*Destroyes remaining AT-PTs and AT-AT's*
Mwahahahaha! :evil:
Now the elimination of the Gungans shall begin!
*The AT-AT and IG-88 X start violently firing on the Gungans*
Die! Die! Mwahahahahha! :lol: :evil:
OOC: Havok, you do realize I'm a Sith, right?
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:45:53 PM
:::Itala look at his knee and then looks at Lynch, turns to Boricua:::
:::Itala hears no reply and stands up:::
Lynch, do not ruin this, this is about the death of your beloved jedi, not Sith between Sith, have you been hurt by Exar's words that much that made you attack me?
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:48:34 PM
:: JB, still on the ground, sees the giant rock approach him and rolls back. The huge thing hits the ground an a lound thunder is heard on the BG. The contrast of temperature between the soil and the rock make it solidify once again as the lava begins to cool down. JB begins to run, he steps in the rock and pushes from it using Force Jump. He begins to gain altitude and ignites his LS. As he goes down he extends both of his legs and hits Itala on the back of the head sending him down. Half a second after Itala's nose is in the floor both of JB's feet land on top of him and using him as a trampolin he sommersaults foward and lands, LS ignited, in a defensive stance ::
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:49:42 PM
*Mortis runs at havok, aims an attack at his head with his LS, then to his left leg, both were blocked. He then raises his LS upwards hitting Havok squarely in the chin with his lightsaber. Whilst Havok was stunned Mortis spins and kicks him in the chest, he then sweeps Havok to the ground and leaps back a few yards*
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:52:10 PM
Hurt by his words?
Oh know this is about much more than that! TSC wants glory. You want to be the dominat power. Things have changed but I will not let you have that. My reasons are my own as are my own goals. But the RSO will show you what Sith means.
As for the Jedi, I care not what they think. And by no means will I help them. They are our enemies. That will never ever change.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:53:35 PM
:::Itala twists his own arms and reahces JB's feet, then he slams him so hard he bruies him in the ground and flips back up, he then takes out his blaster and fires at some Gungans as he then force poulls some rocks to crush JB...he piles them up and keep firing at the Gungans::::
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:58:43 PM
You planned on acepting some attacks?
:: Using his LS JB blocks all the shots sent to the gungans. He then goes after Itala ::
Take out your sword.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:01:15 PM
*Lord. Psychic talks into a loud speaker on the walker*
You, Lynch, are a disgrace to the Sith. TSC is not how you discribe it at all. I AM SICK OF SEEING Sith vs Sith! JUST SICK OF IT! You dwelve in the ways that made our fore masters destroy each other!
*Takes walker over to where the Sith vs Sith battle is taking place, and commands IG-88 X to attack Lynch, while Lord Psychic manually attacks him with the walker*
You're not a Sith. You're just one who uses the Dark Side. You don't deserve the powers of the Force, let alone the Dark Side!
IG-88 X: The view is clear. Destroy! Destroy!
*Lynch barely misses the shots*
Darth Havok
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:03:52 PM
Not you again…*smirks, and brushes his hand across his chin*
I clinch both of my fists, and howl in furious anger, lunging them forward force throwing Gav high into the air and crashing into a nearby structure.. While he is busy, and moving back towards me, probably as pissed as ever. I go to one knee, reaching deep into my hateful emotions at will.::
:: I close my eyes, looking deep within myself, and delves into the darkness of my own sprit and dredges up feelings of hatred, anger, greed, pain, and rage that linger in the shadowed of my subconscious. Using the Dark side as a power source, I expels these vile emotions in waves of darkside energy that radiate outward in an expanding spheres. It radiates and pulsates, the large powerful dark force is felt by all, and catches Lord Psychic by total surprise as dark waves begin to flow through the air targeting his new creation. It is met with a sustaining blow, suffering immediate confusion, from this unknown power source tearing it’s systems from the internal programming, attacking its rechargeable cells, and primary functions. Rendering it useless in the heat of battle. I come to my feet with my saber in hand, and turn to see Gav coming from the structure, the pure darkness within me still purging my thoughts and feelings ready for any attack....::
You want some of this, you misguided sith..come and get it..
DLOTS Exar Kun
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:04:22 PM
Is there anyone left for me to fight?
You know RSO, you really have no business being here unless you want to kill Jedi...but so far you are just being an inconvenience!
*Kun uses the force and pulls Lynch, Havok and Ogre into the air...then he hurls them at each other, upon impact Ogre's LS is embedded into Lynch's stomach and Havok's LS is embedded into Ogres right leg*
Now for a Jedi...
IG88 war droid
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:05:10 PM
*begins firing at IG88X from behind, seriously damaging one of the droids legs and causing it to sway in its stance*
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:07:25 PM
Realiy check Lynch: You are helping the jedi by atacking me.
Yes JB, i was on the ground while i pulled your legs...
:::reignites both blades of his saber and slashes at his crotch vertically and bends over to do a reversed ax kick right on his forehad, then spin kicks him and side slashes at his shoulder, burning him:::
Darth Havok
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:09:47 PM
:: ignores Ezar Kuns God Mode.::
Darth Stone
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:12:34 PM
** Stone enters the battle ground **
Ahh! I thought this will be a challenge
** Stone takes off his cloak. and Ignites his lightsaber **
OK I thought Itala could do better. By the way Itala after we win this battle I want a 1 on 1 battle with YOU.
** Stone heads strait for Itala and Force shocks him **
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:12:44 PM
*IG-88 X partly repairs its left leg*
IG-88 X: The view is clear. Destroy! Destroy!
*IG-88 X and the AT-AT both turn and start firing at IG-88 war droid*
Lord Psychic: Nobody messes with my droid an gets away with it!
*The AT-AT and IG-88 X shoots a concussion missleat IG88 war droid, almost totally destroying it.*
Lord Psychic: That ought to hold him for a while
*Resumes course and target*
Lord Psychic: Lord Itala, keep fighting with JB. I'll take care of Lynch. One of my goals in life is to totally stop Sith vs Sith.
*The AT-AT and IG-88 X violentely fire at Lynch*
You're pathetic...
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:13:46 PM
Force moving huge objects (like your bellies and behinds) is not god mode, Yoda could lift an x-wing.
DLOTS Exar Kun
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:14:15 PM
OOC: The ability to pick up 3 people, God mode?
I wouldn't of thought so, is this true Itala?
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:16:35 PM
But you where face down on the ground, kinda of impossible...oh well I wont complain.
:: Sensing the cells from his shoulder skin burn Boricua goes for his attack. Reajusting the grip on his weapon JB swings and upper diagonal slash, blocked by Itala. He then rolls to the right and swings horizontally, this time cutting him in the gut ::
IG88 war droid
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:17:03 PM
*destroys the cuncussion missle as it is fired from IG88X, almost destroying it*
Darth Havok
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:20:11 PM
OOC- Embedding our own sabers in each other is the improbability..
Jedi Alpha
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:21:10 PM
::Alpha summons the force and jumps, grabbing a hold of the giant robot and pulols himself up, getting to the top and begins slicing the droid apart::
I'll just be doing this until that coward, Bane shows up so I can kill him...
::Alpha spies a fuel pipline and slices at it::
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:21:16 PM
HELLO! IG-88 X only fired one missle, and it hit you, IG-88 war droid!
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:25:21 PM
*Get's out of AT-ATs cocpit and attacks Alpha*
Die Alpha! Oh wait, no body is controlling the AT-AT! Oh no!
*AT-AT trips and falls ontop the Gungan army, destroying almost the entire army.*
*IG-88 X and Lord Psychic jump off just in time*
I wonder where Alpha got to...
Jedi Alpha
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:26:55 PM
::alpha lands, his bio-tech wings folding and charges at Psy::
Let's see how easy I can kill you...
::alpha slices downward, which Psy blocks then comes up with a axe kick::
{OOC:Gotta get off for the day...}
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:30:14 PM
OOC:It is falling in God mode for an apprentice. Yoda was a master he is a newbie who needs to be trained.
You don't know our goals or reasons do don't pretend to Itala, you see but you are blind.
*Moves to Exar Kun kneeing him in the gut bringing his elbow to the new ones face breaking his nose. Putting his leg behind his ankle he makes Kun fall on his back, Lynch looks down at him*
And Exar Kun you know little about anything here. Learn first or you'll only getting in the way. Knowledge is an ally. Your without it.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:32:43 PM
That's strange Alpha, becuase in my other battle with you, I killed you!
*Force jumps ontop of IG-88 X, who flyies off*
*Suddenely Alpha finds himself getting sprayed with bolts of laser*
*IG-88 X and Lord Psychic exit the battlegrounds for repairs*
I'll be back, and Lynch, you're going to be dead when I come back! You too Alpha! Mwahahaha! :evil:
DLOTS Exar Kun
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:33:22 PM
OOC: I want this to be my last OOC message in this thread; if i hurl the three of you at each other it is possible your lightsabers may go into each other.
IC: Now someone make a move, I wanna smash skulls here.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:39:33 PM
::groans and grabs JB's saber when it was almost deep enough to reach an organ...then with the force...Itala turns the saber 180 degrees and stabs JB's own gut, then back punches him and uses his won saber to slash at his chest:::
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:41:24 PM
And everyone forgets me... Where is a Jedi I can kill? A gunagn will do also..
OOC: I'll be on & off as well...
Malcor Ragno
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:42:29 PM
"Ah... the feeling of battle, my hands will bring blood upon thee" As Malcor admires and contemplates the scenery of battle. Caos, Confusion, and Death were the feeling felt y this blood craving Sith. ::Ignites lightsaber, as the blue blade ignites Malcor adapts a defensive stance::
::Walking towards fwllow sith, maintaining a locked jaw as he analizes the battle he says: "Master, It is an honor to battle at your side, we shall be victorious" Showing a small smirck, and an image of those who know it when they see it... a sadistical grin::
OOC: someone... please explain to me! :)
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:46:02 PM
*Psychic comes back flying ontop of IG-88 X, now fully repaired*
*Psychic spots what's left of the Gungan army and Alpha's troops, and very little is left*
*IG-88 X shoots rapidly its 2 quad laser cannons and almost totally wipes what's left of the armies out*
Must... destroy.. armies!!! :evil:
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:46:53 PM
OCC: ***you cannot kill someone without their consent***
JB- "@#%$, another dip in the bacta pool after this one"
:: Now saberless Boricua requires to use some of the tricks he had learned in his carrer. Since Itala had now two LS he had a good offense, but his defense was down. JB tries to throw a few punches but his or Itala's LS always get on the way. Kicks...the same result. Boricua remembered something he learned from his current padawan, Nupraptor. He faked one last punched and force jump. Sommersaulting over Itala and as he landed he leg sweeped the confused sith. He falled down. JB then move some battle debris on top of him and stood on his right hand, making him release his LS ::
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:49:27 PM
Take out Stone, Malcor, you haven't trained yet but you can *hands him a saber* practice by killing some jedi and gungans, I'll watch your back.
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:52:49 PM
Someone told me there were Sith attacking.
They were wrong, I see only little wannabes.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:54:56 PM
*Lord Psychic, still ontop of the flying IG-88 X, views the surronding, smiling evily*
The armies are almost completely gone, there are only two Jedi left, there's just two rogue Sith, and yet, the Sith are in full force. Just keep this up guys... we're winning. :D :evil:
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:56:18 PM
Wrong @#%$. Come get me you TSC tossers
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:57:52 PM
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that there was a... well whatever you are around.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 05:58:06 PM
OOC: I know, I didn't stab you deep :lol:
:::he grunts and wipes away the blood and then takes out his stunner, fires at KB and he falls to the ground immobilized:::
::Itala then grabs his sbaer and burns TSC right in JB's chest, ad s he does this he starts stomping on JB's face, crushing it, bruising him, he then slashes at J's frontal area, scarring him for life everywhere and then pics him up, he lets his body fall and knees it, a crunching sound is heard as Itala stands ready:::
OOC: I slashed you carefuly btw, you're not dead, just in REAL need of bacta...
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:00:26 PM
*Mortis leaps over venoms head, spins and as venom turns round kicks him in the side of the face, followed by a back-knuckle to the temple...Mortis siezes venom by the neck and as he does powerful electric charges surge through venoms body, after Venoms shocking experience Mortis follows with a head butt knocking him back and immediately taking an overhead swipe with his saber at venoms head*
By the way you are a rogue aren't ya?
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:03:56 PM
*Looks around from atop his droid*
Hey I just realized something.
Is there any females battling out there?
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:08:12 PM
:::cleans his hands and stands ready for JB:::
Yes...keep it coming...
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:09:11 PM
::walks in to the battle saber ignited::
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:09:45 PM
Gav suddenly feels the agony of voltage through his groin. My hand fly to block the attack, my sabre leaps to my hand and with the Force backing me, smash Gav's sabre away. A brutal kick to the throat sends him choking backwards and another Force backed kick to the knee dislocates it.
I come forward and allow my sabre to deignite, smash Gav in the face with jabs, a roundhouse to the chin and a spinning back kick to the face sends him groundwards. I reignite the sabre and swung at his hips
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:14:01 PM
OOC:Sorry I haven't been here, I was gone for a while.
IC:Sage's burns are not serious because of the armor he wears, but of course it hurts quite a bit. Sage looks around and notices that Sith from the rouge group are fighting TSC, he diceds not to attack the rouge group because at this point they are no threat to him because they are busy with TSC. Sage decides to take out Gav. Sage jumps in the air and kicks Gav in the back of the neck, sending him to the ground. Sage looks at Venom::
I'll take care of Gav. You get some of the other Sith. After this battle we can fight each other if you wish, but now we must work together.
::Sage grabs Gav by the ankles and spins him around, he then releases him, gav flies through the air with great speed. Sage puts up a Force Wall and Gav slams into it, dislocating his shoulder::
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:15:50 PM
*Looks around for his worst enemy*
D***, I wanted to kick McSneer's a**!
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:17:02 PM
Sorry, began writing this message before yours was posted so it was void and my duel with you shall continue...shortly.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:19:20 PM
OOC:What about my attack? Your on the floor with a dislocated shoulder. Read it again.
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:26:41 PM
Venom spins and gets up, and grabs Gav by the throat. Gav turns, I squeeze powerfully, kneeing the Sith in the groin all the time. allow an explosion of fury to overtake me, kneeing at extreme speed, choking the Sith. He passes out, airless and tryiong to scrwam in pain. I allow the unconcious Sith to drop, then I slam a boot into his face, shattering the face bones
"Thats for the kidneys"
I stalk off, ready for the next one
verse dawnstrider
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:28:42 PM
::Runs on the battle field letting loose a Rebel yell::
The God of Death is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::Ignites his Light Scythe::
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:34:33 PM
:::he spits on the passed out JB and turns to VS:::
Let me get the apprentice now.
:::Itala jumps up high and fall kicks him/her on the chest, crushing some ribs and sending him flying and crashing against a wall, then runs to her and uppercuts him with the handle of his saber:::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:37:21 PM
:: DT walks into where he hears noises with a hot cuppa tea in his hands. He opens the door and to his surprise, he sees fighting people everywhere. He sips his tea, watching the spectacle::
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:37:21 PM
Venom, I'm ignoring your attack, it is void as i withdrawn my attack from you because Sage is online now!
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:39:36 PM
Smilies evily*
One Jedi down...
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:41:05 PM
I pull out a blaster and shoot down the flying droid
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:44:53 PM
OOC:o kay Gav, let's fight then.
IC:Sage takes out his other LS Justice, he waits for Gav to get up.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:45:09 PM
Learn to read, Venom. And get a life too. I ignore that last attack as well.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:49:53 PM
:: Thinks this new Venom person is really pissing people off::
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:51:53 PM
Shoots down the flying droid again
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:53:19 PM
He is. I dunno what this guy's problem is. Nobody likes him.
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:57:16 PM
He's an alright person once you get to know him.
Anyone who kicks TSC ass is.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 06:59:04 PM
You, my fiend (SPELLED CORRECTLY; fiend not friend), are another story...
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:02:20 PM
So the TSC think I have a problem.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:05:38 PM
Not realy
:::kicks verse as he/she is on the floor:::
Geek, give me one last fight...come on...screw your retirement...
Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:06:27 PM
*Mortis regains himself after attacks from numerous opponents(quite remarkable isn't it?) and ignites his saber. He runs up a nearby tree(We are outside aren't we?) and leaps from it punching Sage in the face as he passed, he rolls as he lands turning to face the stunned sage, whom he sweeps to the floor and buries his elbow in his ribs hearing his sternum crack. He then presses his knee down on the wrist with which sage is holding his LS and presses his LS against Sages neck, the imense heat burning at sages throat and Mortis now ready for the kill*
It's time to finish what we started, die Jedi, die!
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:07:52 PM
We're friends now?
Awww isn't that nice....maybe we should got to a ball game.
How about we go out for some beers.
Hey Venom look I made a friend from TSC!
Maybe we should gut him, get him stuffed and place him over the mantle place, it's history in the making.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:09:18 PM
I'd help Itala, but then he'd just say "I shoot down the droid*. Pathetic.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:12:53 PM
What the hell is Lynch talking about?
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:16:18 PM
I think he mistook "fiend" for "friend" in my other post.
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:26:32 PM
*Thinks everyone forgot about this*
Darth Lynch
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:28:32 PM
How about that.
Your right. I did. Then again if TSC can make a thousand mistakes I'm entitled to one.
Being called a fiend...thanks for the compliment.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:38:17 PM
Interesting I must say. I'm getting tempted.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:44:38 PM
::::Heats up Turbo's drinks and burns his hands::::
Fight me Tubbygeek...
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:48:17 PM
Hmmm, warm tea. Just the way I like it
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:48:50 PM
Man, I've had it. Venom, Lynch, and all you other rouges, you pathetic little idiots who just show up here and start defying TSC. You probably know nothing about it. We aren't "true" Sith. Nobody is. Do you really see guys uses force destruction in supermarkets? Umm... no. If you have some mental problem, then go ahead and say that you're "true" Sith. You're just pathetic little wimps the way I look at; a bunch of Sith wannabes. Sith don't treat each other with the disrespect that you do. You call yourselves "true" Sith, when you're really not Sith at all. Ha ha. That's cute. And your description of TSC is very false. Well I just consider you "pests", and I shall no longer pay any attention to you. Psychic out.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:07:21 PM
OOC: Psychic, they're just roleplaying dude, calm down, I actualy laugh at pretty much everything we post, I don't think they take it as seriously as the Jedi Academy freaks...
Lord Psychic
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:08:40 PM
Sorry; I've been having a rough day. But don't you think they're over doing it a little?
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:16:31 PM
::Sage slash Gav's face with his other LS (I have 2 remember?)Gav screams in pain, that cut is going to scar for sure. It would have cut right through Gav's face if Gav had not started to muve away, so it only cut the side of his face::
Gav:Ahhhhh!!!! You will die Jedi!!!!!
::Gav dives at Sage withb great anger. Sage puts up a Force Wall, Gav slams into it and breaks his nose. Gav is stumbling back and Sage kicks him in the face, farther hurting his nose, Gav flys into the tree and breaks it in half::
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:36:42 PM
*cloak enters the messy scene, looks around at the carnage, and smiles*
did i miss anything?
OOC: JB it was the second time you didn't respond during a battle of ours. what happened? did you see you were outmatched?
*gav hits tree*
:: cloak force runs for sage ignites his saber and extends it to his right he slashes strong through his chest and stops behind him. he then kicks sage in the back of his right leg bending him slightly to his right. then in a swift diagonal cut cloak slashes at his neck ::
take that
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:37:55 PM
So, are we having fun yet?
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:44:09 PM
::Sage uses Force Block to block the slash. Sage kicks DDC's right knee in, breaking his leg. Sage hits DDC with the hilt of Peace in the jaw breaking 2 bottom teeth. Sage then creates a small Force Wall near the floor, very small. As DDC is stumbling back he trips over and hits the ground hard, blood comes from the back of DDC's head::
OOC:I'm getting off-line for a while. Fight someone else if ya want. See ya tonight!
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:44:14 PM
::waits for JB as he cleans the blood off his robes:::
Jun 25th, 2000, 08:53:36 PM
well sage is gone now and he cant play i pulled my swift saber and i scared him away let him go there are more jedi still theres still a couple left for me to kill well i'm bored now i aint havin no fun so i'll take challenges come on anyone?
*cloak uses force strength to reset his leg,spits his teeth out of his mouth and laughs *
ehh rotten any way.......
* cloak feels a sudden coolness in the back of his head reacesback and returns his hand covered in his blod. he looks at his saber glow as his aggression grows and he lets out a small grin *
OOC: greetings my lord
Jun 25th, 2000, 09:22:29 PM
OC: Sorry I left, this freacking piece of @#%$ that I have for a computer did not wanted to connect so I went outside to play some ball (The sunlight was hurting me!!! ;) ) But now I'm back.
:: boricua wakes up from the trance ::
Figrin D an
Jun 25th, 2000, 09:36:29 PM
*** The Azure Starfire arcs low over the battlefield and slows. The main hatch opens and a lone Jedi jumps from the ship, falling downward towards a group of Sith troops. The ship speeds away on autopilot, leaving a deafing roar in it'e wake. A single Sith troop in a group of six looks upward barely in time to see the Jedi's boot smash into his face, knocking him out cold. Flipping and landing a few feet away, Figrin spins, his lightsaber already ignited. The other troops try to react but are caught off guard. Jabbing his saber forward, Figrin spears the nearest fighter in the stomach. Pulling his blade out of the warrior's body, Figrin spins in one swift motion and slashes across the chest of a third troop. Both fall the ground, motionless. Leaping his left, Figrin pummels a fourth fighter with a powerful kick to the chest, cracking the warrior's sternum and sending him backward into. Bringing his saber up again, Figrin slashes and cleaves the blaster held by the fifth Sith troop and uses a Force Push to knock the fighter into the sixth member of the group, sending both of them to the ground. Walking over to the fighters as they try to get to their feet, Figrin grabs the two by their helmets, lifts them to their feet and bashes their heads together. The two Sith troops fall back to the ground, unconscious.
Figrin brings his saber to a guard position and looks around. Finished with one group, the Jedi Master runs toward the main battle to aid his fellow Jedi. ***
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 09:54:18 PM
:::force pushes JB as he wakes up and sends him crushing against the wall, reignites and roundhouses JB:::
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:01:30 PM
:: The groggy JB goes for his weapon. Kicks Itala sending him to the other side of the bg and starts slapping himself to wake up ::
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:07:46 PM
::Runs in to the aide of his Master, tapping a button on his wrist to activate his Chosetec armor, making sure he has the helmet on. He stops at JB's side::
"Master, I have come to help you."
JB: "I can handle myself, my young Padawan. Stick around and I'm sure you'll find a foe for yourself."
::Pulls his LS from his side and ignites it, sending it to it's darker purple hue. I spin it around in a circle before gripping it tightly::
"Time to test my mettle against a true opponent..."
Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:20:05 PM
OOC:I'm back. So let's finish what we started...
IC:Sage leaps up and kicks DDC's face, breaking his nose. Sage then kicks DDC in the throat as Sage is landing. DDC grabs his throat and opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out. DDC's can not talk anymore::
Good, maybe that'll shut you up.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 25th, 2000, 11:35:07 PM
:::gets up and swings his saber violently at JB but he manages to duck it, the saber hits the wall and sparkles come out and burn part of JB's face:::
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 25th, 2000, 11:57:12 PM
:: LL enters the BG ::
Well, it seems everyone decided to get active in the BG over the weekend.
Rogues, open communications immediately.
:: LL scouts for an opportunity ::
Jun 26th, 2000, 03:03:26 AM
*One last Gungan shield is up, near the center of the battlefield... a dully reflective egg-shaped craft quickly appears and grows larger as it nears, identifying itself as Banestone's distinctive vessel The Shell. It slows down immensly as it passes through the bubble-like Gungan shielding, then accelerating as it smashes into the side of the stupid beast with the shield-projecting technology on it's back, killing it instantly and collapsing the shield. A hatchway opens from The Shell's side, and a ramp unfolds as Banestone strides off of his ship... the ramp folds back up, leaving no trace of any seam or crack*
I have come as fast as I could, Master Itala... I unfortunately overestimated my chances of arriving at a reasonable time. :)
*Sees a strange Jedi standing near Boricua (it's Nupraptor), and runs a quick bioscan on the unfamiliar being*
Hmm... how interesting, another cyborg. Wonder how he got that way... I simply must have a *chat* with him.
*Banestone lopes towards the newcomer, extending his lightclaws as he approaches him*
Jun 26th, 2000, 04:03:06 AM
::Notices the not-too-firendly Sith approaching him and double checks that his armor is still on::
JB: "looks like an advesary approachs, young one."
"Indeed, it looks that way."
::gets a wicked grin on his face and calls out::
"Can I help you, kind sir?"
Jun 26th, 2000, 04:17:05 AM
::Just outside of the planet's gravity well, the Phoenix Hawk drops out of hyperspace. Taking a sensor reading on the surface below, RH realizes he's late yet again. He boosts extra power to his engines and lands in a remote area close to the battle. Descending from the Hawk's ramp, RH quickly makes his way to the fighting. Unhooking his lightsaber from his belt, RH ignites the silver energy blade and enters the melée, his dark grey Jedi robes flowing behind him. He quickly scans the carnage, searching for an unoccupied TSCer or a fellow Jedi in trouble.::
OOC: Sorry I'm late, had a bunch of crap to do today...
Jun 26th, 2000, 07:15:32 AM
*Cloak Smiles and runs for sage drives his knee into his gut bending him over and hammer kicks him oon his back cracking his verebrea sage feels a cool sensation run through his body and he helplessly falls to the ground he is paralyzed. cloak walks over to the helpless fool ignites his saber and with a swift slash cuts his legs off at the thighs. sage feels a sharp pressure in his thigh as cloaks smiles and throws his legs in front of his face for him to see. cloak waks to lord itala's side*
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 26th, 2000, 08:22:15 AM
Forum rules state no God mode and no maimings. Cutting legs off is a maiming. Edit your attack
Jedi Alpha
Jun 26th, 2000, 09:36:33 AM
Let's go Psy!
::Alpha powers up for two attacks::
::Alpha fires bothof the attacks, both hitting one of the leg joints on Psy's robot and disabling it. Alpha jumps up and starts slicing stuff apart again::
Jun 26th, 2000, 10:22:23 AM
Need help My Sith lord?
Lord Psychic
Jun 26th, 2000, 10:33:53 AM
Get out of here, IG-88 X!
*IG-88 X flies away for repairs*
*Psychic jumps of of the robot and ignites his saber*
So Alpha... we meet again. And this time, I'll kill you without Bane's help!
*Takes out medium blaster and holds it in the other hand*
*As lightsabers clash, Psychic shoots his medium blaster. The bolt is deflected my Alpha's saber, and bounces right back to Psychic, barely missing*
Aw, let's just make it a saber battle.
*Sabers clash*
Jun 26th, 2000, 10:35:01 AM
**uses dark powers 2 heal all sith** hahahaha
Ezekiel Rage
Jun 26th, 2000, 10:45:46 AM
heh heh..
looks like it's the Sith Council members verses the Jedi..
Jun 26th, 2000, 11:07:02 AM
hello fellow sith
Sage Hazzard
Jun 26th, 2000, 12:39:31 PM
OOC:Hey! What the heck am I supposed to do now?! Was that attack valid? No way. So, what do I do?
Darth Roul
Jun 26th, 2000, 12:45:39 PM
::Flies in on his speeder bike andshoots at some gungan warriers killing them::
::Gets off and ignites his black saber::
Am I too late?
An unkown sith:nope
Roul: alright then.
::waits for A jedi::
Roul:welcome my apprentice
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 26th, 2000, 04:15:41 PM
Newbie...yes, you. Get over here. Your ass is mine!
:: LL adjusts the cuffs on his Gi, and drops into a front stance. He opens his mouth and the earth shakes with a reverberating scream ::
:: LL's force power flows through him, searing the air around him, sparks of energy crackling around his teeth and eyes ::
Darth Lynch
Jun 26th, 2000, 04:20:33 PM
*Opens up contact through the RCN (Rogues Communication Network)
I'm here LL.
*Looks in the distance*
Someones definitely in trouble.
Jun 26th, 2000, 05:48:10 PM
((Since when is healing a Dark Side power? Oh, and Sage... assume he missed and he thought he chopped off your legs))
Darth Roul
Jun 26th, 2000, 07:28:07 PM
ya talking to me LL?
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 26th, 2000, 07:31:31 PM
Healing isnt a Dark Side power, or not one they are good at.
Sage, ignore the attack at get to it again
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 26th, 2000, 07:35:31 PM
Are you a newbie? No.
Jun 26th, 2000, 08:19:16 PM
OOC ok i take back the leg cutting thig. hehehe i paralyzed him so i figured it was a good thing to do hehehe.
* cloak looks at the helpless jedi and laughs. he lifts his saber high and slashes strongly at his waist *
Jun 26th, 2000, 08:23:47 PM
*Banestone notices Nupraptor noticing that he had noticed him... eh, or something like that. He smirks at the Jedi*
Yes, I suppose that you can...
*Strides closer*
...could you, by any chance...
*Closer... Nupraptor is getting tense and unhooks (dunno how it's attached, so I'm just assuming it hooks) his lightsaber in preparation*
...tell me if you've ever danced with the devil by light of the pale blue moon?
*Confused, Nupraptor shakes his head with a "you idiot" expression on his face*
No? Oh well, it sounded good in that HoloNet movie...
*Banestone suddenly punches forwards with his lightclaws, extending his left arm all the way but the slender lightclaw blades stop short of Nupraptor by a good 5 feet... then the cyborg Jedi sees/senses a blur of motion as Banestone swiftly pulls his lightsaber from it's holding place in his robotic left arm, igniting and slashing horizontally at the Jedi with it's dark red blade*
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 26th, 2000, 08:48:27 PM
"Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight"
--The Joker.
Jun 26th, 2000, 10:01:28 PM
::A confusing move indeed. But not one I can't handle. I bring my LS to guard and hold it there::
"In a twisted way, I like you Sith. At least you're not as stagnant as the majority of the others."
::I put the palm of my left hand onto his chest and force push him away, grinning::
'Mark the darkness which moves
Mark the Shadow of the moon
Mark the angel fallen which dies
Mark the clanless who run'
"It looks like a time of reckoning, Sith. And time to make your peace."
::With force speed, I run over to him and grab him by his shirt (or whatever he's wearing) and then throw him into the nearest wall as hard as I can. I use the Force to lift one of the larger chunks of debris laying around and fling it at him::
Sage Hazzard
Jun 26th, 2000, 11:23:28 PM
OOC:What about paralizing? Is that legal? It's basicly the same as cutting off my legs!
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 27th, 2000, 02:00:29 AM
No it's not.
Sage Hazzard
Jun 27th, 2000, 02:04:16 AM
OOC:Then what the heck do I do?! BTW, I also need your judgement in Gue's thread, he might have used a God Move too.
I'm going to bed now, I look forward to your reply.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 27th, 2000, 04:33:30 AM
Hmmm, ignore it and move on. Otherwise, maybe I should find where I left my sabre.....
Jun 27th, 2000, 06:28:54 AM
OOC: ok i'll take it all back you go sage. if you get hammer kicked in the back you will get paralyzed though.
* cloak steps back and stands ready *
Gav Mortis
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:24:11 AM
OOC: Once again, slowly but surely this "huge" battle is turning into an OOC arguement, lets stop that...
IC:*Mortis continues to walk around the battlefield searching for an opponent*
Sage Hazzard
Jun 27th, 2000, 12:11:49 PM
::Sage jumps up and ignites both his LSs, Peace and Justice. Sage swings high with Peace and low with Justice, DDC blocks both. Sage then swings low with both LS and as DDC goes to block it Sage headbutts him. Sage does a flying kick and hits DDC in the chest, knocking him back even more. Sage uses Force Push and DDC falls to the ground::
OOC:No hard feelings.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 27th, 2000, 12:24:32 PM
::Looks over the battle field and see's Gav, Thrawn Force leap 5 Feet from Gav then Hard Force Throws Gav back, Gav falls back and hits the ground, Thrawn grins and walks towrd the fallen Gav, Gav quickly stands with his ignites saber and slashes at Thrawn as he comes close, Thrawn arcs his saber to block then binds gavs saver to the left, Thrawn the his free arm force punches Gav hard to the ribs, Gav takes the blow and stumbles back and counters with a roundhouse, Thrawn ducks the roundhouse and sweap Gav to the floor, Gav hits the floor hard then in one qiuck mostion thrawn axe kicks gavs chest knocking the air out of him, Thrawn rolls from Gav and stands....::
Jun 27th, 2000, 03:59:00 PM
Lounge Lizard: Yeah, that's what it's from, hehe... I'm pretty sure it was "light of the pale blue moon", though. Although, could be I'm just mixing up two different phrases with the word "moon" in it... who knows!
EVERYONE: For darkness' sakes, stop posting your signatures after the first time you use it in this thread! How many times does it have to be said?! ...Heh, thank you.
Nupraptor: Hehe, I've never actually decided what it is Banestone wears all the time... I agree that he should at least be wearing a shirt though, lol! Ok, this OOC stuff is taking up to much space in my post now, must stop! :)
*Banestone hurls himself backwards into a roll to avoid the chunk of debris, then straightens up and charges into Nupraptor, knocking the Jedi's lightsaber aside with his own and then ramming his shoulder into the Jedi's sternum, knocking him onto the ground*
'Alive without breath
Cold as death
Always thirsting, never drinking
Clad in mail, never clinking'
I have no peace, foolish Jedi. Chaos is the only stable thing in the pathways of my life, my only joy... I would tell you to make peace for your own life first, only no doubt you think you have already. Perhaps so... I've never been able to understand how most Jedi can stay calm and serene, no matter what happens... well, no matter. Speech is worth little.
*As Banestone uses the Force to fling some more battlefield debris back at Nupraptor, the Jedi merely Force pushes back and then easily dodges the slow-moving pieces. Banestone tries another distanced attack - focusing some hatred he uses the Dark Side to block all air molecules from entering the cyborg Jedi's throat and lungs... Force Choke.*
Boba Fett The Hunter
Jun 27th, 2000, 04:29:35 PM
::Boba Walks In::
::Come On Sith::
::Boba Radios Crimson Brood Base::
::Crimson Brood We'll Be Here in A sec.::
::Boba Joins The Gungan Army With Crimson Brood::
The Lounge Lizard
Jun 27th, 2000, 06:49:24 PM
Banestone...mine's the correct quote. I have a poster on my wall :)
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:24:34 PM
OOC: Darn, now I can't start by retorting with a quote of my own :P
::Although he breathes far more slowly than normal humans, Nupraptor does indeed breathe. Seeing as how he is too far away to reach his lightsabre (which would be of little use, anyway) it seems his hand is forced.::
"Uhh... ugg"
::Struggling for air, I unstrap the rifle from my back and wildly let off a burt of fire from the gun. Banestone manages to twist out of the way of most of the shots, but ones of them does manage to graze the side of his head, disrupting his concentration enough to allow me to break free. The threat over with, I return my pulse rifle to it's spot on my back and call my LS over to my hand::
"You're right about at least one thing Sith: talk is cheap."
::I bring myself down to one knee on the ground::
Banestone: "Giving up so soon?"
::I raise my fist and punch the ground as hard as I can, creating a hole down to the next level. I dive in the hole and dissapear for a few moments. Banestone looks arround, anticipating my planned surprise, but is caught off-gaurd as I come up between his legs, grabbing him and flying up into the air::
"Say goodnight to the Sandman..."
::With this, I turn downward, accelerating our fall and propelling Banestine straight into the ground::
Jun 27th, 2000, 08:25:54 PM
LL: Well then, it's settled... heh heh.
*Banestone wildly strikes one of Nupraptor's hands with his lightclaws near the end of their fall, twisting his body backwards and to the side right before he hits the ground... the effect of this is that Nupraptor's hold on him is disturbed, and both beings hit the ground - hard - with an equal amount of force. Banestone rolls away from the Jedi and stumbles to his feet, popping a few joints back into place without a single grimace. Nupraptor springs up right away as well, and recalls his lightsaber with the Force*
The Sandman and I... are not on speaking terms with each other, you could say.
*Red eyes blazing with dark fury, Banestone hurls a bolt of destruction at Nupraptor to buy enough time to check on the blast to his head... the Jedi nimbly avoids the incarnation of Dark Side energy, and again Force throws rocks and assorted other battlefield junk at Banestone. The Sith's internal sensors and Force sense tell him that one head rod was severed, but the damage is fortunately inconsequential. Ignoring his other pains, he strikes with lightclaws and lightsaber to smash the rubble being tossed at him to smaller bits of rubble that couldn't hurt a vornskyr*
Jun 27th, 2000, 09:37:41 PM
::checks his hand and noticed a shallow gash in his armor from Banestone's lightclaws::
"Interesting toys of yours. Please tell me now: would you like to be buried with them?"
::With force speed, I dash at banestone. Sensing my apporach, he gets into a defensive stance, ready for a full frontal assualt. Thus, he's surprised when I do a flip right over his head, landing behind him. I extend my leg and sweep it around, knocking out his legs from under him. I swing my fist at him, but he quickly rolls to one side, avoiding my punch and the large crater left in it's wake::
Jun 28th, 2000, 03:20:20 AM
*As he rolls, Banestone plants his hands in front of himself (lightclaws and saber deactivated) and pivots on them, gripping one of Nupraptor's legs with his own and wrenching it so the Jedi is twisted off-balance*
But of course, you can bury me... over your dead body! And I insist upon being buried alive, as well.
*As Nupraptor stumbles, Banestone flings his unlit lightsaber with all his unnatural strength at his head... the off-balance Jedi swings with his own lightsaber at it but misses, and the lightsaber strikes him hilt-first in the forehead, tearing a gash into it with the cruel razor-sharp teeth found at that end of the lightsaber. Force calling it back, Nupraptor is surprised to realize that Banestone also ripped his rifle off of his back with the Force. He leaps for it as it floats along but is met by a durasteel foot to the neck instead as Banestone grabs the weapon and lights his saber*
Come on now, Jedi... you could fight me more adequately if you'd give in to your feelings of destruction and anger, you know... *I* wouldn't hold that against you...
*Laughs mockingly, igniting only one lightclaw and flipping Nupraptor off with it*
Jun 28th, 2000, 06:21:13 AM
* cloak stands and runs towards sage ignites his saber and extends it to hi right . he then runs towards sages rght baseball slides past him to avoid the saber flying his way stands and with a force enhanced swift slash he slashes at his back *
OOC: no problem
Gav Mortis
Jun 28th, 2000, 06:34:55 AM
OOC: Sorry I hadn't replied sooner Thrawn, didn't see your post their!
*Gav breathes deeply to regain his awareness of his surroundings...his head stops spinning and his eyes his vision focuses he makes out Thrawns figure smirking sadistically. Gav flips himself up and as he does throws a double mule kick aimed at Thrawns stomach, Thrawn sidesteps the atack gracefully and takes a swipe at gav with his LS...Gav with his back turned senses the attack and blocks it. He then spins round sweeping Thrawns feet from under him, flipping Thrawn into a rotational motion in the Thrawn is upside down Gav lands a force charged sidekick into his chest sending Thrawn a few meters away giving Gav a chance to regain his ready stance*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 28th, 2000, 07:09:20 AM
::Thrawn flys back hiting the ground with a roll, slighly dazed Thrawn shakes his head and stands to see Gav in a fighting stance,
Thrawn quickly looks around the battle field...
Thrawn looks back to Gav and Charges, Thrawn sences a sharp dodge and attack at his back as he charges by, Thrawn force jumps up over Gav and lands 3 feet behind him then reverse force kicks Gavs side makeing him wince and stumble back,
Gav quickly recovers and spin slashes at thrawns mid, Thrawn brings his saber in and down to block the attack then pushes hard off on his saber sending Gavs away from Thrawns mid out to the left, Thrawn then brings his saber to Gavs left thigh, Gav leaps back geting his thigh slightly cut::
Lord Psychic
Jun 28th, 2000, 09:28:46 AM
*Kicks the unconcious Alpha*
I guess he was to scared to battle me...
Gav Mortis
Jun 28th, 2000, 12:34:00 PM
*Mortis falls to one knee as he feels his right thigh stinging from the lightsaber burn, he looks up and sees Thrawn approaching. Mortis hurls his lightsaber at Thrawn but Thrawn ducks and it singes his hair. Strangely though thre lightsaber carries on it's current course, using the force Mortis guides the lightsaber in a circle around the two fighters, it's tip touching the blades of grass as it passes thus creating a "private" arena surrounded by fire. Mortis grins as the lightsaber returns to his hand*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 29th, 2000, 05:27:43 AM
::Thrawn looks at the ring of fire and grins, Thrawn steps forth and Slashes at Gavs right shoulder, Gav takes one step back and leans to his left while bringing his saber up to his right to block, Thrawn pulls off on his saber and swings at Gav's left side, Gav releases his right hand from the saber and acrs his blade inward from right to left bending his left elbow down makeing his blade hit thrawns blade blocking the attack, Thrawn pulls off and spins around strikeing hard to Gav's right side, Gav arcs his blade from his left side to the right blocking the attack then gribs his saber handle with both hands and binds thrawns saber up and over to gav's left side, Thrawn kicks Gavs right cut thigh, Gav feels anger and pain and strikes hard at thrawns right shoulder, Thrawn steps back to his left and brings his saber up with both hands to his right then pivits off his right foot leting go of his saber with his right hand keeping his saber in a blocking spot with his left hand, spins around with his left foot and brings it into the back of Gav's right knee makeing Gav turn to face his left and drop to his right knee, Gav from the groud swings at Thrawns right leg and Thrwn jumps up over the attack kicking Gav in his head while he dose so, Gav rolls with the kick and comes to stand 5 feet from Thrawn, Thrawn Grins at Gav and raises his right hand and Force Lighting spews out onto Gavs Body, Gav Crys out in pain droping his saber and the volts fly through him, Gav reaces ut with the force and throws a neer by stone at thrawns head, Thrawn is distracted from the hit and stops the force lighting, Angered and annoyed Thrawn walks in Rage to the now standing and saber holding Gav, Thrawn swings at Gavs right side where gav blocks and thrawn raises his right hand to gavs chest where he force pushes Gav back in to the flames...::
Gav Mortis
Jun 29th, 2000, 09:33:36 AM
*As Gav is hurled towards the flames he uses his own telekinetic ability on himself; as his back touches the flames he pushes himself STRONGLY away from the flames, however he is dazed from the push seeming like a powerful blow to his head and manages to shoulder tackle Thrawn as he reaches him. Thrawn attempts to hold Gav down and as he does his arms catch fire from Gavs burning robes. As both land on the floor Gav rolls out the flmaes on the floor he has minor burns to his back. When he turns round he sees Thrawn had put out the flames on his arms and was standing ready. Gav stands thinking for a moment his eyes soon widen as he runs towards Thrawn, he ignites his saber and takes a swip at his head from the left; blocked, then from the right; blocked and then to his left leg from the right; blocked...gav changes his attack plan...he spins and connects a heel kick to Thrawn's jaw, knocking him back. With Thrawn dazed Gav takes advantage...he folds his lightsaber high above his head and takes a vertical slash aiming for thrawns head, Thrawn lifts his LS up to block it, however before the LS's make contact Gav deactivates his allowing his swipe to pass through Thrawns blade, he then reignites it however misses the head and cuts a shallow wound right down Thrawns chest*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 29th, 2000, 10:09:02 AM
::Thrawn leaps back and crys out in anger as the left side of his chest is cut open, Thrawn glares at Gav and quickly strikes at left thigh, Gav brings his saber to his left to block, Thrawn his cut now bleeding and swelling headbut Gav then pulls his saber back while Gav is recoiling from the headbut Thrawn spin slashes a Gavs right thigh, Gav slightly stuned reacts but is to slow to fully block, Thrawns Saber once again hits gavs right thigh this time cuting deap then pushes away as Gav reacts, Thrawn leaps back from Gav then charges his saber being held with his left hand, Thrawn arcs his saber from below up into Gavs groin, Gav whincing in pain from the damage to his right thigh Brings his saber hard down to block the attack, Thrawn with his right hand unclips the lock on his blaster then pulls off with his saber and spins back, Gav comes at Thrawn and strikes at his right shoulder, Thrawn swings his saber with his left hand up to his right to block then binds Gavs saber down to the floor and revrse kicks Gav in his chest with his left leg, as gav stumbles back Thrawn pulls his blaster up to be ready for a quick grab then steps forward and over head strikes at Gavs head, Gav brings his saber up to block then kicks thrawn in his shin, Thrawn gets kicks and swings his saber out to his right then in to his left at Gavs right side, Gav arcs his saber in to his right blocking and gets hit in the head by a stone thrawn force threw, while gav is annoyed thrawn quickly draws his blaster with his right hand and shoots Gav in his gut, Gav falls back from the blow and screams, Thrawn puts his blaster back and walks to Gav, Gav stands and blocks an strike to his left side then is thown back with the force, Thrawn charges and the fallen Gav and jumps down thrusting his saber in Gavs left shoulder, Gav Crys out in pain, Thrawn with anger in his eyes pulls his saber out of Gavs shoulder and leaps back, Gavs stands weak and hurt loking at thrawn with hate in his eyes.. Thrawn runs at Gav strikes at his right houlder then quickly spins around to strike his left side, Gav blocks from right to left and counters at thrawns head, Thrawn ducks and sweaps, Gav jumps up and kicks with his right leg at thrawns head, Thrawn brings his saber up into gavs right leg's thigh then pulls it out, Gav falls to the ground where thrawn lays as his right thigh is badly damaged, Thrawn rolls away and stands...::
Gav Mortis
Jun 29th, 2000, 03:40:26 PM
*Gav fights the pain as he lays and uses dark energies to reuce the extent of the injury in his right thigh, he is now able to stand, Thrawn starts approaching and as he does the blaster clipped to his belt swings, Gav uses the force to push the blaster trigger firing a deep wound in Thrawns right thigh. Thrawn falls to his knees and yells due to the excrutaiting pain, Gav walks over unstabley to the incapacitated Thrawn, when he is close he lifts a knee up hard hitting Thrawn squarley in the nose and covers his knee in blood, he follows the attack with a back fist from his left hand, a fierce blow to the temple from his right hand and with it's momentum he spins and lands the heel of his left foot on Thrawns chin knocking him to the floor. As Gav stands triumphantly over his opponent, Thrawn flicks his heel behind him and sweeps Gav up off his feet; he hits the ground head first and is momenterily stunned as his head spins wildly and his eyes become hazey. thrawn begins his struggle to his feet inches away from Gav...*
Boba Fett The Hunter
Jun 29th, 2000, 10:23:43 PM
::Crimson Brood Arrives::
::Boba Puts CB Flag In Ground::
::Lets Go Sith::
::Boba Orders His Army To Go Fight::
::They Go Join The Gungans Fighting The Sith::
::Boba And General Ceel Watch For A Sec.::
::Then Go After The Leader Of TSC:: (forgot His name)
::Since All The Other TSC members are Busy::
::Boba Pulls Out Dr200::
::Boba Goes After Leader Of TSC::
::General Ceel Notices That Only The Leader OF TSC Is Guarding The Flag::
::Boba Goes After LOTSC:: (leader of the sith council
::While Ceel Goes After The Flag::
::Boba Laughs At The LOTSC::
::No One To Protect U::
::ALL other Sith Are Trying Fighting Off TGC::
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 30th, 2000, 07:04:26 AM
::Thrawn rolls away from Gav and stands winceing from the pain of his thigh, Thrawn looks at the now standing Gav then comes at him, Thrawn swings his saber hiting gavs then parries to the left of gav and fiercly lands a kick to Gavs knee breaking it, Gav falls to the ground and thrawn quickly thrusts his saber in the screaming gav's gut explanding the blaster wound, Thrawn pulls his saber out of gavs battered body and calls apon the force to list heavy rock, The rock flys a the fallen gav,gav rolls out of the way of the rock then grabs his gut in pain, Thrawn leaps to gav stomping on his arm wich holds his saber the stomp came with great force breaking the forarm also makeing gav drop his saber, Thrawn holds his saber at Gavs face moments from ending his life.....::
Gav Mortis
Jun 30th, 2000, 07:55:28 AM
*As Gav feels the lightsabers blade right by his skin, slowly burning it...he has seconds or less to figure out away how to save his own life...he delves deep within himself and searches for the anger, the rage, he saw his parents skulls smashed against his pillow at night as he tried to sleep...he found that place and as he opened his eyes their surface had turned black with rage as if he had no eyes at all. The eyes burned right through Thrawn's being...this was no longer about a Sith wanting revenge, his hatred had been eradicated, he was mow seething with evil, there is no compassion in life, no love...just sheer evil, he could feel his power growing within as he looked on the futile attempts of Thrawn brought the LS to Gavs face Gav spit blood into his face, the blood was then set alight and Thrawn cried out in pain, he was however determined to end the Siths life and even as he burned the LS was getting nearer...Mortis could feel Thrawns thoughts and emotions...his hate,anger, he fed off them and with them he delved deep into Thrawns mind, he was now in control of Thrawn, very soon he would lose control and he would be with the force he threw Thrawn away from him and as Thrawn was in flight, Mortis commanded him to impale his own lightsaber into his chest...*
*Thrawn cried out as Gav was forced out of his mind, he could now feel, the full effects of his burning face and the lightsaber impaled straight through his own he fell to the floor Gav, no longer in his evil rage attempts to resuce the injuries in his arm, leg and chest...*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 30th, 2000, 08:53:27 AM
::Thrawn hits the ground and disignites his saber, Thrawn coughs up blood and rolls on to his back, Thrawn's sight fades in and out as the lose of blood came up in him, Thrawn needs to close his wounds or soon die...
Thrawn slumps over and holds his hand to his chest, He trys to call apon the force and feels to strong, From Thrawns hands lighting expeles into his own chest closeing the wound, Thrawn crys out in pain and focuses the force to attempt to heal his wounds...
Thrawn walks to Gav and Gav lays there in a pool of his own blood gav griping his gut with his unbroken arm gav knows he can not standor give up much more of a fight, Thrawn with blood driping from his forhead glares at Gav, Thrawn feels and power growing with in him he lifts his hands and begins to force choke Gav..
Gav drained from takeing over thrawns actions strugles on the ground attemting to break thrawns hold on him then with out warning a explostion gose off between the two sending thrawn flying back and loseing his grip on gav, Gav lays on the ground skin stained black from being closer to the explostion Gav sliping in and out of awarness, Gav over exusted passes out...
Thrawn sands dazed and confused looks about with his blured vision for his openet, Thrawn calls apon the force to guid him and he feels where Gav is.. Thrawn feels Gavs pain and hate... Thrawn steps close to Gav, Thrawn looks sypothy in his eyes at Gav following a fool of a leader who on his best day couldnt beat thrawn on his worst day, Thrawn could end Gavs life but he sees Gav to be a true Sith only miss guided by his leader... Thrawn will spare Gavs life now.. but he feels if Gav continues to follow itala there pathes will cross again and he will not be so mercyfull... Thrawn walks of the battleground...::
Gav Mortis
Jun 30th, 2000, 01:30:58 PM
*Gav remains still, curled up on the grass, as he uses the powers of the Dark Side to reduce his injuries he ignites his light saber and burns his wounded gut sealed with a cry of pain...he resumes to be still on the floor...*
Jun 30th, 2000, 03:33:57 PM
*As Nupraptor tries to rally himself for another attack, Banestone stands protectively over Gav and watches silently as the intriging Imperial/Sith Thrawn stalks wearily off of the battlefield. Noticing the "group" of the Crimson Brood (only "Boba Fett" the hunter, though), Banestone levels his newly-acquired rifle in their direction and squeezes the trigger, not really caring if he hits them or not*
Hmm... better take off that Mandalorian helmet, boy. Apparently you're neither worthy of it nor able to see clearly through the visor... Lord Mortis and I are standing between you, the fat Gungan there, and your goals (Master Itala and the Sith Council flag). Snorts softly Oh yeah, and we haven't been fighting Gungans on this battleground for some time... these are Jedi, not frogs.
Boba Fett The Hunter
Jun 30th, 2000, 08:56:26 PM
::Acctually there 18 of crimson brood::
::Are U jedi or sith::
::Cause sith are as ugly as gungan::
Apr 20th, 2002, 10:56:08 PM
Are we ever going to finish this? ;)
Master Yoghurt
Apr 20th, 2002, 11:28:39 PM
Hehe.. why not.
:: ignites lightsaber, scanning for Sith..::
Live Wire
Apr 21st, 2002, 12:21:58 AM
*jumps out of the shadows*
lol talk about resurrecting an oldie
Apr 21st, 2002, 12:43:08 AM
:: Pushing himself off the ground with one hand, still clutching the hilt of his lightsabre in the other, Nupraptor forced himself to stand - albeit, awkwardly. His legs trembled, threatening to give out under the pressure of his own weight. Yet, through sheer force of will, he managed to stand his ground.
He coughed, hacking up a curiously coloured mixture of phelgm and blood onto the ground and, in a hoarse voice, yelled as loud as he could. ::
"Come back here, Sith-ling! Don't think I'm done with you yet!"
:: Numbly, he pressed the button on the side of his favored lightsabre, it's purple blade springing back to life with a snap-hiss that was already becoming so familiar. Padawan or not, Nupraptor refused to accept defeat. ::
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