View Full Version : DeathStar Part 3 "THE RETURN TO CORUSCANT" (RPG)

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Jul 2nd, 2000, 02:08:45 AM
Dyzm, Atreyu made a new Coruscant, since the old one was just recently destroyed... I'm assuming that this new planet is just that - a new planet - and none of the old buildings have been re-made, only the planet. Wonder what Coruscant looks like without any buildings, though... hmm...

Gav Mortis
Jul 2nd, 2000, 03:39:21 AM
*Construction continues under the command of Lord Gue on Coruscant; suddenly from behind a nearby hill The Demon emerges and as it does it fires a proton torpedoe and two concussion missiles at the group and their structure, a proton torpedo hits a shuttle rendering it useless and a concussion missile does likewise both taking out a large portion of Gue's men...the second concussion missile is directly on target for the structure in the process of being built and just before impact The Demon cloaks and begins a course away from the group heading for orbit*

Jul 2nd, 2000, 05:42:22 AM
OOC: I think it was meant that everything returned, to keep Coruscant interesting in the future

Lord Gue
Jul 2nd, 2000, 10:14:43 AM
OOC: I said there were no Caves bane, none

Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 2nd, 2000, 12:37:01 PM
(OOC: i also think it is just a new planet no citys or what not are there)

::Thrawn orders shield generators to be set up around the main re-building areas he also orders all fighters to sweap the planet to take out any hostile life::

::The Fleet is in full readyness aound the planet any craft that try to enter orbit will be destroyed::

DarkLord Darth Vader
Jul 2nd, 2000, 01:43:01 PM
:: Vader Takes his shuttle along with 5 sqauds of fighter down to the surface::

::Vader's shuttle lands and he meets up with gue.. ::

Vader: Gue The Emperor commands you to tell him what it is you are doing here?

Jul 2nd, 2000, 05:11:31 PM
::Fett looks at a small map readout on his ship, the chainsaw.
"Hmm, that landing pad could lead to a cannon. But how would I get there?"::

Jul 2nd, 2000, 05:20:41 PM
Huh... I guess you did mean no caves, then... sorry Gue, the first time I read that I didn't even think about "there are n caves" meaning "there are no caves"! So... forget my entire last post. *Shrugs* Oh yeah, and please don't call me Bane, that's confusing when there's a Darth Bane as well.

Lord Gue
Jul 2nd, 2000, 05:56:53 PM
OOC: Sorry, didnt spot my own typo.

DarkLord Darth Vader
Jul 2nd, 2000, 06:26:44 PM
Vader: TCB are not to use the imperials planet for anything..

you will either fall under the emperors command or be destroyed..

::Vader walks back to his shuttle and takes off to the deathstar3::

::Vader walks to the command center and opens a com to all ships::

Vader: all ships in the 4th fleet are not to aid gue with anything he has defied the emperor now he will pay with his life...

Lord Gue
Jul 2nd, 2000, 07:23:36 PM
[i]The Faith powers up all the way, main gun, secondry, everything. The Glory Lifts off the surface and joins its mothership in orbit.

Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 3rd, 2000, 02:00:26 AM
::Thranw opens a com to Gue and Vader::


Gue: Vader is trying to kill me...

Vader: Gue difeid the emperors command, he is an imperial member he must obey or die..

Thrawn: look right now is not the time to be killing off imperial generals, Gue just send a coded trans scrip of what your doing to vader

Gue: .....Sending......

Vader: *breathes* (had to)

Thrawn: look vader i think it would be best if you track down those cloaked ships..

Vader: as you wish...

::Vader sends a command to all ships after reciving the trans scrip to not attack gue, vader then gets ready to track down the cloaked ships::

Lord Gue
Jul 3rd, 2000, 02:04:11 PM
[i]Back on the planet the structure is completed and the soilders and constructors beginworking on other buildings of different shapes and sizes. One soilder opens a comm to Lord Gue...

Lady Razielle
Jul 4th, 2000, 04:43:12 PM
So okay I am really late. My apologies, what can I do guys and dolls...?

Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 4th, 2000, 06:47:48 PM
just stand there looking purdy ;)

Lord Gue
Jul 4th, 2000, 09:28:16 PM
[i]As Throne pulses with power, TCB troops and engineers quickly move around and uses the resources of the planet itself, start building a new -full sized (aka 40,000 KM)- TCB shipyard. As well as a TCB HQ....

Lady Razielle
Jul 5th, 2000, 10:31:38 AM
*Crosses her arms over her chest and gives Thrawn a stern look, trying not to laugh*

"Okay, I got it... Anything else...?"

*Bats her eyelashes to follow orders of Looking Purdy*

DarkLord Darth Vader
Jul 5th, 2000, 05:16:52 PM
::Troops have started uilding the first city on the northern teritorys, tie defenders are circling the area to take out any hostile life::

Lord Gue
Jul 5th, 2000, 05:54:46 PM
[i]Still having 10,000 KM of donougt ring space left to build in, TCB builds many living quarters, businesses, ect...

Jul 10th, 2000, 10:47:05 PM
Emperor, sir, i ask your permission to build a palace/home for myself here . . .

Dark Duke Nukem
Jul 10th, 2000, 11:21:44 PM
*The CB Fleet Flys In With Duke In Command, Sorry Thrawn We Are A Little Late*