View Full Version : Come forward Jedi....
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 17th, 2000, 10:24:26 AM
And face your demise.
::Xanatos stands cold and emotionless waiting::
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 17th, 2000, 06:38:48 PM
Sith Alpha
Jul 17th, 2000, 06:50:17 PM
::looks around::
Seems as if no one is taking the challenge...
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 17th, 2000, 06:52:00 PM
i know i posted that this morning and no one replied.
Fire Hazzard
Jul 17th, 2000, 07:52:58 PM
You're not worth the time Xan! :: Laughes :: Just kidding. I was going to accept, but I'm totally worn. I think I might be bad luck, because this is my SECOND master I've lost to the Sith! :: Sighs :: I shall find someone.
Sith Kat
Jul 17th, 2000, 08:02:51 PM
"Poor child. Perhaps you should embrace the truth as Alpha has. There is no light without shadow."
Jul 17th, 2000, 08:51:12 PM
:: looks to Xan ::
"Don't worry my friend, I have the same problem...."
Fire Hazzard
Jul 17th, 2000, 09:09:57 PM
Kat, are you suggesting I join the Sith also? :: Gulps ::
Darth Haze
Jul 17th, 2000, 09:12:48 PM
What is this a Sith gathering...hmmmm.Where did all the Jedi just go???
Jul 17th, 2000, 09:41:25 PM
OOC: okay can't help it.... "Where's my Qui-Gon Jinn, where's his shiny blade, where's my lonely Yoda? Where have all the Jedi gone?"
Sith Kat
Jul 17th, 2000, 09:43:40 PM
OOC - :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!
Goodnight all =^_^=
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 17th, 2000, 10:41:05 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
And You know Fire that isn't a bad idea...
the Jedi are dieing out... it's an obvious fact.
Jul 17th, 2000, 10:49:02 PM
" I agree with my Master and Xan. The Jedi are low in numbers and weak. You need to join something that can fulfill your needs and desires."
Darth Haze
Jul 17th, 2000, 10:51:42 PM
And Fire your to beautiful to be a Jedi join a team thats worth your talents........
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 17th, 2000, 11:03:24 PM
Join a group that appreciate your talents... who was the only one who took you up on your offer of a free lightsaber? ME, a Sith, the Jedi all said no.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:07:50 AM
:: DT looks over the fence and gives the Sith a big wet FORCE RASBERRY::
There can only be light. All else is but lies.
The Dark Side only leads to destruction - PERSONAL destruction for the weilder. In the end you will die as a Sith. Only the Jedi, the true ones in the Light can go on and know the true power of the Force
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:25:57 AM
What is light without dark? Both are yin and yang and when ones shall the other. It is an eternal battle that shall continue till there is no more
Sage Hazzard
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:29:02 AM
Sorry guys, but I don't think Fire will simply join a group because her Master went there, I sure as heck didn't.
Oh, and I took her up on her LS offer, she made me Truth.
OOC:X, I would have replied to this post and accept your challenge, but I have a new style now. And with the new style I don't accept broad challenges like this one. If you want to fight someone, and by that I mean me, go to my thread "In the Desert of Tattooine" and simply reply with a attack. This is how almost all my battles will be done, so please, someone reply. And if you can't find it, tell me, I'll bring it to the top for ya. :)
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:34:42 AM
:: Enters the room, trying to hold his laughter ::
You mistake on one thing. Us jedi have never relied on number, unlike all the sith groups (except TIE and RSO), it's quality for what we aim for. We give each of our padawans the personal training they deserve and we try not to enfasize only in battling, but also inthe study of the force. We do NOT offer instant power, nor a rank that in most cases means nothing. A fully train jedi knight can defeat most of the sith warriors here with relatively no problem. The Greater Jedi Order is the toughest group here, like it or not, to join. Only the strong of will stay. Many times in the past we have had ppl join and leave because they lack patience and they think power and respect can be earn in two weeks, or in 1 battle. Not true. This is the main reason why the Jedi have no internal conflict, or problems with other jedi groups, and believe me there are a ton of jedi groups over the net. this is the jedi way, this is the path I have chosen, the path of light, the tough path the one that will lead me to the complete control of the FORCE.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:54:42 AM
There is no Ying Yang, there is no Balance, to say Dark and Light must exist together is just a Dark Side lie, to hide the fact Light EXISTS without Dark, Dark is only defined by what Light is.
The Light Side can exist without Darkness.....
However Darkness cant.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:59:36 AM
Damn JB, well said....
Sage Hazzard
Jul 18th, 2000, 02:00:12 AM
Ah, pefectly put DT... For instance, take the Sun, a Man, and the Man's shadow. Take away the sun, the shadow dissapears, take away the shadow, the sun stays. Take away the shadow, the man lives, take away the sun, the man dies. It's quite simple. :)
Jul 18th, 2000, 02:06:43 AM
Have you ever been in a cave? Total darkness. You cannot see your own hand, right? Ligh the smallest candle. Not only can you see your hand, but the face of the person beside you. That is what the Light Side is about, it's about helping yourself and helping the one next to you, that one in this case is the GALAXY!
Thanx DT, I'm kinda inspired.
Jul 18th, 2000, 03:17:49 AM
OOC: whoa...people going Plato on us... :lol: but it is well put...
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 18th, 2000, 08:30:31 AM
::The Jedi look to see Xanatos powering up his arm cannon they jump out of the way just as a blast strikes the wall behind them destroying it::
Wrong as usual Jedi. Take away the sun and moon and stars... Black holes are still there, devouring all light and leaving nothing but darkness. A black hole starts as a bright star and becomes dark, just as many Sith have... a black hole doesn't need light... it destroys it. There is no yin yang you are right... the darkside shall exsist and the light shall die out, leaving ONLY darkness. So which Jedi here wishes to die first? For I'm the one about to extinquish your life. ::X's cold eyes can be seen behind the shadowed glass of his helmet::
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2000, 10:25:44 AM
:: DT raises a fist and with a massive Force powered strike, shatters Xanataos glass visor. The residual power smashes into Xanataos's face and hence snaps his head back. A leaping snap kick finishes off the move as DT kicks the Sith under the chin, sending the Sith backflipping away. Looking at his fist, he sees a glass shard in it, he pulls it out, feeling the pain, stilled with the Force. He allows the accelerated healing process of Force Healing to begin on the hand, with is already starting to bruise::
Wrong, Sith. Black Holes cant consume forever, they destroy and destroy until they themselves get consumed by their own energies. Then what remains can grow again. No matter how small, the Light shall ALWAYS survive
You are wrong. You need something to feed your lust for power off. You need to be like a leech, unable to survive execpt from sucking power from others. Your parasites, always unable to truly be Masters, always unable to really learn what the true nature of the Force is. You may become pwoerful in your own mind, but I know the fate that awaits you. You will simply be consumed by the Dark Side, betrayed by it when it has no further use for you.
Your Dark Side lies mean nothing to me, for only those who are truly in the Light can truly be luminous beings and truly be one with the Force.
:: The Jedi Knight watches without passion, with out anger, with only peace in his heart as the Sith gets up. He can feel the anger in this opponent, the Jedi ignites his sabre and extends his focus, priming himself with the Force, relying on it instead of clumsy weapons and coward armour::
What's the matter? Your not strong enough in the Force to face a Jedi without so-called armour? Are you so insecure about your abilities that you have to use something else to get speed, strength and agility? I need that not, I have the best armour of all and it's called The FORCE!! COWARD!!!
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 18th, 2000, 10:34:06 AM
::Xanatos stands up his eyes dark and emotionless, blood running down his face from the shattered glass. He slowly removes his armor and and stands in a tank top and jeans::
You asked for it, you receive. ::Releases a force shockwave that strikes DT in the chest sending him flying back. X Force speeds to Dt as he's in the air and flips behind him slamming his boots into DT's spine, X reaches up with his legs and wraps them around DT's head rolling forward he flips DT nearly taking his head off in the process, X leaps to his feet and ignites his saber::
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2000, 10:58:14 AM
Even your so called Sith code... it was ripped off from the Jedi code. Your lies mean nothing to me
ask and ye shall be hit....
:: As X leaps up, a Force Grab trips him up, and then he scuttles along the floor as DT uses the Foce to drag the Sith by the ankles. A wrist flick and the Force is commanded to turn X and he crashes head first into a wall. DT feels his back a bit as he walks across to the Sith who groggily getting up. The Jedi feels some pain, but not enough to stop his movement too badly.
X presents guard, hardly in time before the slam of DT's falling sabre blade gets dangerously close to his head, then swinging downwards to block the second blow to the knees. The Jedi moves into his work smootly, allowing the Sith to take the offensive slightly, allow ing the sith to force him backwards. The Jedi keeps stepping backwards, using his retreat to actually disguise and direct the fight in the direction he wants it to go in. He stops backing away, aims a powerful blow to X's chest, which is blocked. DT backs away, seems to stumble on a piece of debris on the wall, which X uses to attack... DT falls over and the Sith gets a face full of a brick that DT had thrown via the Force, the masonry flying over his head as he in reality ducked. More masonry and debris begins to fly from the wall X blasted, most missing but some finding it's mark. Dt gets up, points at one particularly large chunk and really gives it a fling through the Force. It hits X square on, knocking him backwards::
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 18th, 2000, 11:24:11 AM
::X gets to his feet and spit out some blood, clutching his chest::
Damn Jedi.
::X charges DT and ignites his saber quickly pushing DT to the side he kicks him in the bridge of his nose fracturing his skull as it breaks at the hit. A small piece of bone pushes through the skin as DT feels the blood run down his face. X spin kicks and brings a foot into DT's temple knocking him to the ground, DT stands up woozy from the sudden shock to the head. He tries to get his bearings but find that Xanatos has worked his way behind him, X grabs DT's head and pulls him into a swinging neckbreaker nearly pulling DT's head off. Dt hits the ground as X slams his knee down into DT's throat::
Sith Kat
Jul 18th, 2000, 11:38:03 AM
:: Kat rushes upon the battlefield, following up the attack with a volley of shuriken. she releases them with force speed, ravaging DT's back with deep wounds. ignites her sabre and circles just beyond his reach ::
Jul 18th, 2000, 02:10:02 PM
:: is hiding in the area watching the fight. She eyes DT and scans the area for others in case the come into the fight ::
Sith Kat
Jul 18th, 2000, 02:16:09 PM
:: speaks to Dalethria through the force ::
***** I did not teach you to hide!!! ATTACK!!! *****
Jul 18th, 2000, 02:28:25 PM
:: jerks back with her Master's thought and becomes angered
Sees DT start to get up, favoring his back and takes this opportunity to attack. She comes running in and places and an aimed kick to the back of his head and spins low to sweep his feet, knocking him down on his back...the shurikens dig even deeper into his flesh. Dale rolls back and ignites one sabre ::
Ayanami Rai
Jul 18th, 2000, 03:43:15 PM
*she walks up next to Dalethria and ignites her saber* I got yuor back..
*she turn, her back facing Dalethria's and she looks around, serachng for more of the jedi's::
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 18th, 2000, 03:53:30 PM
Come forth jedi...
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2000, 10:11:27 PM
:: DT gets up painfully from the unexpected multiple attack. He uses the force to pull the shuriken from his back, feeling each one rip out a small piece of flesh, fresh blood, fresh pain coursng down his back.::
Just be a sec X, I'll oblige you in a move or two.
:: DT turns to Sith Kat.
DT : Cowards who attack like that will die coward deaths.
Sith Kat yelps as DT grabs her cloak via the Force and drags her forward, she hardly has time to blockDT's sabre thrust to the head, using the Force DT oushes her off balance, she tries to rebalace but is also forced to defend herself at the same time as DT rips in with more sabre blows. Forceing her blade downwards exposes her face to a snap side kick that DT uses to smack her backwards. As she wobbles back, DT comes at her with a flying dragon stamp that hits her in the face again and she flys backwards, sprawling on the ground::
Jul 18th, 2000, 10:35:39 PM
:: catches her Master as kat is sent flying backwards and looks to DT and whispers in anger ::
"you will pay for that and forgetting about me."
:: puts Kat down and runs up to DT and kicks him hard in the side, sending him forward. Dale comes around with a sabre slash, but DT is ready and parrys that attack and pushes Dale back with his strength so he can stand straight. The two trade attacks and parrys until Dale looses ground and is force to move back as his blade comes way too close to her face. She pulls out her other sabre and ignites it. Using the force to aide in her attacking speed, Dale uses her sabres to contain DT's inbetween them and pulls him forward right into Dale's knee to his stomach. he looses his breath as he staggers forward and Dale elbows DT underneath the chin, snapping his head back ::
Jul 18th, 2000, 11:46:45 PM
::Nuriko, covered in her cloak, lurks on the battleground watching the battle and wondering to herself why doesn't she fight. A few words ring her in head... "No matter how small, the Light shall ALWAYS survive"::
::mutters to herself:: Who cares about survival?
::She continues to watch, her fingers along the handle of her saber, ready to attack if needed.::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 12:01:30 AM
::Sage runs onto the battlefield wearing a Jedi Uniform and Jedi Cloak. He quickly unties the cloak and it drops to the ground, he comes to a quick halt. He draws out his LS Peace, but doesn't ignite it::
Yo DT, need any help!!!
::Sage ignites Peace. He spins it around in infinity pattern. He then holds it in one hand and with the other he taunts the Sith with a under handed wave::
Come on Sith, if you want to fight, fight ME!!!
::Sage holds Peace with both hands. He tightens his grip::
Anybody got the guts to face me?
Jul 19th, 2000, 12:49:48 AM
::She quickly pulls out her whip, wraps it around Sage's neck and yanks back, throwing him against the ground. She then attaches the whip back to her belt, still gliding her fingers over her saber's handle.::
Jul 19th, 2000, 01:06:53 AM
*Firebird1 walks in looking for a fight*
So here is where the Jedi are...
*Firebird1 sees DT fighting several Sith, and Sage wrapped in Nuri's rope.*
Darth Haze
Jul 19th, 2000, 01:14:30 AM
I jump onto a tree this is awesome then sees fire..."oh hey dude."I then yell anybody need my help????"Then everybody looks at me....I guess not.
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 01:21:02 AM
::Sage gets up off the ground, he feels a little disoriented, but he's okay. He charges at Nuriko, LS draw, Nuriko quickly pulls hers out and ignites it. Sage slashes to Nuri's right, she blocks it. Sage slashes to Nuri's left, she blocks it, Sage pushes the LS farther left causing Nuri's arms to continue that way, Sage kicks her in the face. Sage blocks a swing from Nuri as she is stumbling back. Sage uses the Force to pull Nuri's ankles from behind, causing her to fall forward. Sage kicks her in the face as she's falling and her neck bends back as she hits the ground. Her nose bleeds, but it isn't broken. Sage steps on her head, the back, then he flips off her and lands. He turns around to see Nuri still laying on the ground. He waits for her to get up::
Jul 19th, 2000, 01:40:23 AM
::Nuriko quickly rolls towards Sage. He moves to the side. She finishes her roll in a crouch, hastily grabbing Sage's waist and shoving him back. Nuriko stands up from her crouch and kicks him in the face, making him stagger back. Sage orients himself and defends using his ls. She gets her ls and grins at him. Nuriko charges at him and their lightsabers clash... She moves the side and kicks him above his hip before moving in and uppercutting him. Sage falls back, rear first, onto the ground... his cheek cut. He looks at her... in her curled up fist that she struck him with she tucked away a small dagger protruding in between her fingers, which drips with some blood.::
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:58:35 AM
::Sage stumbles back awat from Nuri and is suddenly struck in the back of the head with a sharp blow. He turns slightly to once more be met with the back of X's foot, knocking him to the ground. X looks up at Nuriko and nods as he leas up and lunges down into Sage's chest digging his heels in he snaps several of Sage's ribs and turns sharply kicking Sage in the face before flipping to the ground snickering::
Jul 19th, 2000, 12:26:26 PM
:: for good measure, Dale comes in and flips in the air and lands a boot into Sage's ribs, just to snap a few more :evil: she then flips off and moves out of reach ::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 02:57:54 PM
OOC:*sarcasm*Wow, good to see you guys are fighting fair*sarcasm*. 3 on one eh? Okay...
IC:Sage gets up off the ground, he bends over in pain from his ribs. He bends over coughing, he looks back up with a determined look on his face. He takes out his other LS Truth and ignites it. He begins charging at X, Sage uses Force Push to push X from behind, causing him to stumble towards Sage. Sage brings the hilt of Truth up to hit X in the jaw, he then slashes Peace and his stomach causing a long gash. X stumbles back, Sage uses Force Push to knock X to the ground. He spins around and uses Force Push on both Nuri and Dalethria causing them to hit the ground. Sage flips away from X, the flip puts him at equal distance from all attackers::
All right. 3 Sith versus 1 Jedi, seems fair enough. Come on!
::Sage gets in a defensive stance holding both his LSs::
Sith Kat
Jul 19th, 2000, 03:20:52 PM
:: Kat flings off her cloak and sends it at DT via the force. It flies at him like a living shadow and envelops him before he can slash it. The material tightens against his face like a death mask as it begins to asphyxiate him. Kat follows up the attack on the blinded Jedi by unleashing another volley of shuriken that riddle his body and force slams him backwards against a jagged rock. She moves quickly behind Sage, taking him off his feet with a low sweep while he's distracted by her fellow sith ::
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:00:12 PM
So, Kat says this is what Rama wants. Well, I guess what Rama wants, Rama gets...
*Jumps out of the rafters and lands on Sage. Sage jumps up to meet Ice's foot. Sage falls down and all the other Sith jump on him like a pack of wolves.*
Sorry old buddy, but you chose the wrong side. Come to the Dark Side and we can help you...get put back together.:evil:
As for you Fire, why don't you try the Dark Side. Sage will be turned eventually, and don't you want to be with your brother? Come on girl...make the right choice.
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:02:32 PM
::Sage hits the ground but quickly spins around and sweeps Kat. Sage switches his LS to his left hand, and with his right hand he open hand punches Kat in the stomach as she begins falling back. The open hand punch sends Kat back more and she finally hits the ground. Sage stands up and holds the hilt on the LS with both hands. He then Force Push, well more like slides Kat along the ground, she stops next to X::
Alright. 4 against 1. Still fair.
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:08:15 PM
You have 2 choices Sage. One, join TSE. Tow, DIE!!! It's your choice. You are a good fighter, and TSE could use you. Don't think we need you, cuz we don't. But, we could help you.
Spectre 2001
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:17:25 PM
Spectre appears behind Ice Fox and kick's him in the back of the head.
"I couldn't stand his jabbering any longer"Spectre Takes out Vengence and ignites it and lands next to Sage"You need help Sage?"
4 on 2. Looks like the Sith are screwed.
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:25:01 PM
*Gets up and shakes his head.*
So it's that guy that came to TSE and started making challenges. I think my 3 friends can handle Sage. I'll take you myself!
*Ignites Death and runs at Spectra, swinging his LS and letting the Force guide him. He fakes to the left then swings to the right, hitting Spectre in the shoulder leaving a long gash.*
I guess you haven't had much training...
*De-ignites Death and uses the Force to steal Vengence. He sticks both LS's in his pocket and shoots a Force Fireball at Spectre.*
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:27:41 PM
OOC:Spectre, change your sig to say something like "Jedi Padawan to Sage Hazzard", because you are not "trained", you are still in training. :)
IC:Nope. I don't need help, but go ahead and help me. :)
Ice, sorry, but I'm not as weak in the mind as my former Master. You'll have to kill me.
::Sage grips his LS tighter. He looks at the 4 Sith::
Okay, now who's first? Me and my Padawan can take you all.
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 04:35:25 PM
*Shoots a Force Fireball at Sage, knocking him into the other 3 Sith. They all jump on him again.*
I think you do need help. And as far as your Padawan goes, I can take him. I think you need to go back to the Order and get more help than a new Padawan and an old Geek.
OOC: It's 2-4 cuz DT said he was going to bed about 3 hours ago. I know that's what you said, but I,just wanted to make it official for now.
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 19th, 2000, 05:26:17 PM
:::An arm grabs Sage's shoulder as another grasps one of his arms, a foot shooting forward and hooking the front of his leg, before taking it out from udner him, slamminh Sage face first into the ground for a forward Russian leg sweep.:::
"Somebody Say the words BRAWL FOR ALL?!?!"
::hops up, cackling insanely as he quickly floats upward using the force before dropping down, slamming his leg across the back of Sage's neck for a good ol' leg drop.::
::he lays on his back swinging his legs up and around to get himself to his feet.::
"Screw the Lightsabre!! Fists and legs for all!"
::Hops on over by X laughing madly, hence his name, "MAD MAN" MATTHIAS BLACK!::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 05:27:48 PM
(@#%$ I was under my Kero name....well just pretend I attacked udner this Name...Crap I gotta stop doing that..)
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 05:44:30 PM
Just go back to 1 name. That's what I did.
Jul 19th, 2000, 05:52:13 PM
::steps into the battle field area, he throws his cloak to the side, he takes the dual bladed saber handle off of his belt and ignites it, he looks to the jedi, his 2 crimson red blades glowing bright, he stands there waiting::
Geez....sage, acting a little dark sidish being so confident
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 06:49:07 PM
Enough is enough.
::A door is smashed in.. flying across toward Zasz, knocking him over. The room is quickly flooded with bright Light of the Force - blinding the Sith inside. The overwhelming impact throws them to the ground. The Sith lies to the ground, stunned from the shock as their their source of power from them. As the Light eats the shadows, the silhouette of the Jedi Master can be seen. He starts to chant in an ancient Jedi language. The darkness faints and as the Light side of the Force radiates through the walls, the Sith is paralyzed..::
Ah, pesky Sith you are.. critter control arrived has.
::Yog turns toward Sage, DT and Spectre as they are restrengthened and slowly start to heal..::
Are you allright?
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 06:53:41 PM
OOC: So, you finally decided to come post again. This is like your first post in 2 months here:lol:
*The 5 Sith stand together and unleash the Dark Side on Yog. He flies back through the door he came through and dark covers the arena once more.*
Stay out of this you pesky green midget:lol:
*Gets back in a defense stance in case Yog tries anything else.*
Sith Kat
Jul 19th, 2000, 06:57:45 PM
:: Kat springs to her feet and turns her Kris loose upon Yog. It screams forward with force speed and slices a deep cut across the side of his head. the kris spins in midair and rushes towards him again, leaving another wicked cut in his right side ::
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:01:15 PM
::X releases a force shockwave which collapses the doorway around Yog, burying him under debris::
Nasty little green midget. :lol:
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:07:25 PM
**force runs to Sith Kat with ignited saber, smacks it into Kat's hand which holds kat's kris, leaving her with a thirds degree burn causing her to drop it and scream in pain**
*with her other hand..Leia turns around and punches Kat in the mouth sending her on the floor*
That's for being disrespectful!
Sith Kat
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:08:24 PM
OOC - You really did sneak up on me with that post! I didn't see it. So...
:: force slams Leia Solo backwards into Sage Hazzard and leaps up again ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:08:40 PM
::does a little jukin' and jivin' getting many stares from jedi and fellow SIth::
::socks Sage in the jaw witha right, then a left, then follows it up with a few snap jabs.::
"TH-ey Do-n't Understand How we communicate..."
::Laughs madly, lunging forward and facing Behind Sage, he grabs one of his arms, stretching it out while hookign his other arm in front of Sage's other shoulder, putting one foot behind his legs, sweeping them out from under him and driving him face first into the ground before rolling away and cackling.::
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:11:41 PM
*Shoots a Force Fireball into Leia knocking her into Yog, who is trying to get out of the door.*
That's for being a Jedi:lol:
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:16:39 PM
::p uts his figners to his lips.;;
::Grabs Leia up as X get's behind him, crouching down adn wrapping his arms aroudn her legs, Hefting her up over his shoulder as X grabs her head, using the force to icnrease their speed of fall so her jaw is shattered on Etaniels shoulder armor.::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:20:58 PM
::See's Yoda's head sticking up from the rubble, tyhen get's an evil idea, walking to him.;:
::Turns, his Butt to Yoda's face, he slaps his back a few times, then wiggles hsi butt.;:
::hops back up, then falls over laughing his....ass....offf.::::
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:42:47 PM
OOC: His name is Yog, not Yoda
*Shoots a Force Fireball to every Jedi in the room. They all hit. The Jedi fly through the air and land in a big pile.*
X, shoot a cold fussion blast 1 good time:evil:
*X charges up his cold fussion cannon until it is fully charged. He then shoots the biggest blast he's ever shot and it knocks all the Jedi into a wall.*
This looks like another victory for TSE:D
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 07:46:48 PM
"Damn but I did GOOD!!!"
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:19:55 PM
::As the debris falls, Yog rips a plate from the wall to shield himself, deflecting the sharp and heavy objects away from his body. The Jedi slowly rises up.. wiping dust and wood shards away from him. He foresees Ice Fox sending the blast, and springs to the air to avoid it as he approaches the Sith..::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:26:01 PM
OOC:It's not good RPing to post extra attacks just because no Jedi are on-line. I mean, you guys posted like 3 attacks in a row each!
::Sage runs at Emerid. Emerid throws a right cross but Sage blocks it with his left arm. Sage hits Emerid in the mouth with the hilt of Peace. Emerid hits the ground. Sage spins around and sees Fox charging at him. Sage uses the Force to stops Fox's LS from swinging at Sage's left. Sage uses this time to dive in and hit Fox in the throat with his right elbow. Fox swings his LS at Sage but Sage blocks it with Peace. Fox throws a left cross but Sage ducks it, he jumps up and kicks Fox in the face, sending him to the ground. Sage spins around to face X. X fires his blaster at Sage, Sage uses his LS to bat the bolt back at X. The bolt hits X in the chest knocking him to the ground::
Yeah I'm okay Yog. How about you?
Ice Fox
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:30:31 PM
*Runs at Yog and spears him harder than Goldberg could. Yog falls down and springs back up to meet Fox's foot. The Jedi this time uses the Force to fly out of reach. Fox ignites Death and swings it at Yog. Yog doesn't have time to pull out his LS, so the blade hits him on the shoulder. The cut starts bleeding forcing Yog to grab his shoulder. Fox then shoots a Force Fireball at Yog, knocking him back to his friends.*
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:40:42 PM
::flips up from the ground, he looks to Yog, then Sage, he charges Sage and slices his right blade of his dual bladed saber into his chest::
::Sage brings his lightsaber up to block, but still gets cut by zasz's blade::
Darth Ogre
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:44:26 PM
:: apears from nowhere, directly behing Sage Hazzard. Ogre reaches out a hand, and with an evil look in his eye, laughs as he grabs the Jedi's shoulder. The laugh turns into a growl as Sage turns to see Ogre standing at nearly seven feet tall. Just as their eyes meet Sage feels the intense pain of the force lightening blast directed into his shoulder. The Jedi drops his saber and falls to his knees screaming in pain. Ogre quickly kicks
Sage in the chin and sends him flying across the room trailing blood from his mouth ::
Greetings Jedi. Time for you to perish at the hands of the Sith.
Sith Kat
Jul 19th, 2000, 08:54:30 PM
"Greetings, my Brother."
:: lays a boot across Sage's jaw while he's down and leaps away, closing with Leia Solo ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:01:09 PM
;::he hops up, spitting out a bit of blood, facing Sage.::
"Your ass is MINE!"
::he Swings his foot at Matthias, but he catches it, then rushes forward, wrappign his arms around Sage's waist and leg, before swinging backwards, flinging Sage backwards for a Belly to Belly Hooked Leg Suplex.::
::Hops back up as Does Sage, rushing him quickly.::
::He Jumps up, hooking Sage's head with his legs before backflipping, sending him flying into Yog For a Hurracanrana, leaving them botha tangled mess.::
::Eye's ogre, running towards him.;
"Scuse me as I get a bit o' a BOOST!"
::Jumps up, Landing on Ogre's shoulders before jumping once again, In a nice Swan Dive, he slams onto YOg and Sage for a nice modified Swanton Bomb, leaving them groaning in pain.:;:
::cracks his neck as he hoists himself up.::
"Thank ye kindly Mr. Ogre!"
Spectre 2001
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:05:06 PM
"I do not require my Lightsaber to defeat you" Spectre walks up to Ice fox, doging the force balls and grabs his head."Here is something I learned in the afterlife"Spectre interfazes with Ice's very soul, using the demons inside of him, driving Ice mad.Ice drops to the ground and Spectre bends over and picks up Vengence"I believe I will be taking this back" Spectre raises the lightsaber in the air and prepares to strike, but disappears before he can "Another time."
Sith Kat
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:07:45 PM
OOC - Remember what I told you about the rules, Matthias? Don't attack the same person again until they have had a chance to respond. It is unfair since no one can be here all the time. Attacking multiple opponents is fair game as long as you spread your posts out. Then wait and give the other people a chance to respond.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:08:48 PM
:::QU8ickly ducks behind something, dragging out a giant crate filled with various objects to be used as weapons, including a ladder or two.::
:then snaps his lightsabre i half.;
"Lightsabre? WHo needs a stinkin' lightsabre?"\
OOC-right sorry bout that....
Sage Hazzard
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:10:38 PM
OOC:I'm getting off for a while, this is my last post until tonight.
IC:Sage gets up off the ground. He uses the Force to bring the LS back into his hand. He grips it tight. Sage charges at Emerid. Sage fakes a overhead slash, Emerid slides to the right, Sage kicks him in the face. Causing him to hit the ground. Sage jumps on Emerid, bruising a few of his ribs, then flips of him. Sage runs at Ogre::
Ah, so we meet agian!
::Sage swings to Ogre's right, Ogre blocks it. Sage fakes a punch with his left hand to Ogre's right. Ogre falls for it and brings his LS over to cut Sage's hand off, Sage quickly pulls his hand back and hits Ogre on the left temple with the hilt of Peace. The causes Ogre to begin to stumble to his right, Sage kicks Ogre on the left sde of his neck causing him to hit the ground. Sage spins around to see Kat swinging to Sage's right. Sage blocks it and punches Kat in the face with his left hand. Kat tries to get one last swing in as she is falling back but Sage Force Pushes her back causing him to become out of reach. Kat hits the ground::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:13:42 PM
::groans, getting back up, picking up one of the fallen ladders.::
::crouches down, inching near Sage::
(This is for to explain his absence kay?)
:::uses the force to icnrease his swing, slamming the ladder hard enough up into Sage's jaw to send him flying, along with a few of his teeth and shatter a bit o' his jaw.::
"Wow that guy can hit hard..."
::rubs his ribs in pain.::
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:15:40 PM
::The impact of the Force Fireball sends Yog flying backward.. but he shields himself from the the blast with the Force as he falls. Then Ice Fox suddenly feels his feet are pulled as the Jedi Master grabs the Sith with the Force.. he is welcomed with a low leg, tripping him, sending him crashing into a wall. As the wallbricks fall over Ice Fox, Yog calms down and lays his hand on his shoulder to close the wound, healing in a state of trance..::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:19:06 PM
::::Grins, eyeing yogurt as he grabs him, putting him betweem to ladder legs, since he's in a trance and all.::
::Then starts SLAMMING THE LEGS DOWN ONTO HIM REPEATEDLY! Causing a bit of damage to his ribs and some internal organ damage I should think before backing off, leaving him between the ladder legs.::
Sith Kat
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:25:45 PM
OOC - last combat post of the night. be back tomorrow.
:: Kat shakes off the haze from Sage's attack and spies Yog trying to heal himself. tosses a Metsu Bishi (smoke bomb) at him and uses a force teke to make it burst, trapping him in a cloud of sulfur, lime, and sand. rolls forward and ignites the tip of the cloud with her sabre. rolls quickly in the other direction and disappears into the shadows as Yog burns ::
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:26:55 PM
::Enters the Battle::
OCC: anyone attacking me have patience, my internet is veeeeeeeeery slow tonight.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:28:04 PM
:: DT hisses in pain....
DT : Okay Sith Kat, you asked for this....
Sith Kat suddenly feels neausious, dizzyiness overcomes her. She weakens under the strange attack she has never been exposed to before, The waves of nauea bring her to her knees, making her too slow to react as DT walks over, pulling out the throwing stars and then smashing her with several punches. A brutal kick in the jaw and a axe kick to the bridge of the nose.::
OOC - And before you scream at me, it actually a valid ability, which can be seen on the Starwas official website. I have been studying it for a very , very long time and is almost impossible to master is is entrusted to only a handful of Jedi.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:29:33 PM
::VLimbs the ladder, eyeing the new Jedi before leaping off, Crushing the New one with a flying cross body from the ladder, crushing him to the ground.;:
::Then rolls off himself, holding his ribs.;
"DAMN that HURTS!"
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:32:28 PM
:::HOps up, still holding his ribs as he grasps the ladder, ducking behind DT, placing The ladder under his legs ontop of a kitchen sink/::
::Jumps off, landing on one end of the ladder to send the other part slamming up into DT"s groin with AMAZING force, proibably crushing them and sending him flying to the side.:
::looks at Kat.:
"You owe me one."
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:51:13 PM
::Yog wakes up from trance when the Metsu Bishi hits. He is trapped inside a cloud of sulfur, lime, and sand.. disorienting him for a while. He sense Sith Kat´s plan and Force Jumps toward Matt Black as the cloud ignites. The Jedi swings the butt of the lightsaber hilt sideays at Matt Black´s jaw upon landing, throwing the Sith of balance::
You need a dentist..
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:53:41 PM
::falls tot he ground, holding his jaw, but secretly grabbign a steel pipe;:
"ya...and you now need a Neuroligist..."
::Swings around, slamming the Pipe with such force into Yog's head that it knocks him flat, a large gash in his forehead bleeding profusely.:
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:58:02 PM
:: Taps Matt on the shoulder. When he turns he meets 4 knucles that shatter some teeth. After that Boricua grabs the ladder from him. Lifts it and traps the sith in one of the squares. Using Force enhanced muscles he begins spinning the ladder, until the sith pukes. After that Boricua throws the ladder, sending him crashing against sith Kat ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:02:59 PM
::Lays there a few moments, coughing up a bit of blood.::
"...Uggh...dun feel s' good...."
::Starts to stand, but falls to his knee's, grasping his ribs.::
::Mr. Boricu walks over, raising his lgihtsabre, as Matt eye's a metal weight that's under The Jedi, then to the nearby ladder that rests at an angle along the fallen crate::
::He rolls tot he side as the Sabre falls, gripping the weight as he runs to the ladder, hopping onto the fallen side adn throwing the weight onto the other, now catapulting towards Boricu, using the force to increase his speed to basically slam into Him as hard as he can, cracking his chest cavity as they slam into the ground.::
"Okay....that....was painful."
::lays back down, coughing up a bit o' blood.::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:05:37 PM
**runs up behind Emerid and smacks him with the butt of her saber, knocking him out**
Enough of the WCW stuff and you!
**quickly turns to Kat who's lying on the floor and proceeds to kick the sith in the mouth with her boot, but
then Leia senses a presence, IceFox is coming up behind her, she surprises the sith and flips over backwards and ignites her saber and stabs him in the back, he proceeds to fall on the floor on top of Kat** Runs to DT, JB, Yog and the rest of the jedi**
OOC: sorry I had to leave, geez you guys gave us multiple attacks. Not sure how long I will be on**
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:06:56 PM
::As Matt Black tries to slam the pipe a second time, Yog rolls to the side and ignites saber, holding the blade extended straight toward the pipe. The blade melts straight through the metal superheating it.. the Sith burns his hands as the metal reach a red glowing color. Yog uses the time gained to place his leg behind Black´s right and Force pushing him simultanously, sending him flying backward into some rubble and wood debris with a crash. Wood splinters fly, hitting him from every direction. Yog pulls up a Bacta bandage to stop his bleeding.. and calms down, focusing to clear his blurry vision..::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:09:25 PM
::sits up,. holding the back of his head.;:
::vision all blury and such, he see's the group of jedi.::
::quickly he rights the ladder, climbing up it quickyl, standing at the top wobbly.;:
;:He jumps off, doing a few turns in mid air as he lands on the group of Jedi, knocking them all down.::
::rolls aWAY from them, still holding his ribs.::
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:18:27 PM
::Starts sending chairs, crates and planks of wood at Matt Black with the aid of the Force.. he avoids them all, but not the 600 pound piano which drops on top of him with a loud bang.. :lol: ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:21:16 PM
::Crawls out form udner it, bloodiesd as hell.;
::Stands slowly, wobbling majorly.::
:::He picks up a plank of the piano, slamming it over Yog's head and pinning his arms to his side, knocking the bum out.::
:;Then falls over himself.:
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:21:37 PM
Saurron strides into the battle ....and Force speeds to Leia hitting her with an open palm attack to her midsection launching her backwards causing her to flail backwards to the ground... then looks to the other Jedi and ignites his saber...looking straight but keeping a watchfull eye on them.
Garik Loran
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:23:36 PM
Phasing in from atop a small hill, a watcher views the battle.
"One word Yog. Say one word and I'll be at your side. The great equalizer has arrived."
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:25:03 PM
::sits up, his face all mashed and bloody.;:
"...WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! I'VE BEEN GETTING MY ASS KICKED!!!....and dishing more than enough too..."
::decides to put his figners to his mouth, calling in....a certain....Flying....RAT!!!::
::then falls over.::
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:26:07 PM
A keeling scream is heard that sends the blood of Matt to ice... it is the scream of a thousand souls in Hell, it is the sound of a frozen dog going through a bandsaw,,, it echoes and melds, it twists with it's own horrific power...
Matt is lifted clear off the ground and hurls as his undies get entangled around his neck, the stench overpowering him.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:27:13 PM
**Sideswipes Emerid with another piano plank and decides to do it again**
Hmm..that felt good!
**ooops don't give into the hate**
**Takes the piano bench and force throws it on top of Emerid
Don't you know you're suppose to sit on the bench when you're playing! :lol:
**Rubs jaw--damn this will take awhile to heal**
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:31:22 PM
:::Flies psat the watcher, nearly knockign him over as he zips on by, holding a large bag.::
::Proceeds to Hover Over the Battlefield, pulling out Explosive devices.::
::Proceeds to drop a few explosives around Mr. TUrbo Seeker, sending him and Matthias flying.;:
...oh @#%$ I hit Matthias....AH WELL!!!
::flies behind Yoghurt, Plucking an explosive device and shoving it down his pants before flying back up, a loud boom is heard as Yoghurt goes flyin as well.;:
Maximum Boom, maximum but not deadly paiN!!
::ZIps over to Leai, Shoving a device down her Dress and having it explode.::
::Flies up, Doing a few cartwheels before zipping off.::
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:32:31 PM
::Yog gains consciousness again.. he picks up piano string and pulls it over Matt Black´s neck. The other end is tied to the a piano leg. Yog twists the piece of wood around and around, tightening the pull and making it difficult for Matt to breath.. ::
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:34:53 PM
Who lied to you???
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:35:16 PM
**Fell to the floor from the blow from Saurron** Gets up real slowly....***Ignites saber again**
Saurron OOC..I didn't see that sneaked that in on me.
**looks at Saurron...and force throws the piano bench off of Emerid flying in his direction**Cracks him in the head**
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:36:24 PM
Good to see you Garik.. would you take care of Saurron standing in the corner over there? He looks bored..
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:42:18 PM
**Regains her composure (I'm wearing Jedi Gear not a dress)**No bomb then*
*#Force runs to the Rat, leaps in mid air and comes down on his head, stomps on it and flips back out of harms way.*
Next time use your head Rat! can't it's bashed[/b]
Garik Loran
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:42:22 PM
Garik pulls out a modified blaster pistol. Kero the Golden Rat winces and darts erratically around the battle field. Garik gives a huge cheesy smile.
"No! No!"
"He he"
A smoking pigeon like Sith falls at Garik's feet.
"Got one!"
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:44:46 PM
:: Pulls out piece of cheese::
The rat cant resist and comes to grab the cheese, it runs off and the tiny bomb in the cheese explodes!!
:: A massive rat trap appears, snapping at the rat, he runs off in fear as the rat trap grows teeth and starts to drool as it chases the rat::
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:45:18 PM
OOC:: comes back it from turning his tri tip and partaking in an adult bevie
IC: Saurron falls to one knee on the ground and looks up eyes turning white with rage..
then...his attention is diverted by another presence... Garick!...the bringer of my old masters demise...
spins his saber..and motions for Garick to join him ignoring the others.
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:47:44 PM
::Yog Force Summon a giant cat.. the cat starts to chase the rat..::
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:00:43 PM
::Just stands around laughing his ass off!!::
hahahahaha...a rat!!!...hahahahahahahahah
It looks like the tables have been turn sith.
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:01:19 PM
::thinks that sage forgot my attack up there::
::he looks to DT, he charges, while charging he spins his dual bladed saber, he stops in front of DT, right when he stops, he drives his saber through his chest::
::he looks to Yog, he jumps at him, he lands to his side, he brings his left blade down into his chest::
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:09:19 PM
Cartwheels over to JB and performs a backround house to JB's face spinning him to the floor...
Then looks back to Garick and motions him again... It's time to pay...
Darth Haze
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:10:19 PM
I then enter the battle.I send a bunch of force darts at Boricus @ss.Now try laughing your @ss off at a fellow sith.
Master Yoghurt
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:13:51 PM
::Zasz is stunned to see as the blade goes through Yog, there is no resistance. As if.. thin air! When he realize his mistake it is allready too late. The ilusion disappear and he feels someone tapping on his right shoulder from behind.. it is Yog!::
Good night!
::As Zasz turns around, he feels a metal tube slamming his head, sending him smashing backward down to the ground.. his vision is first blury, then all turns black.. Yog sommersaul away and assumes a defensive stance, awaiting next attack::
OOC: Need some sleep. Will be back..
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:18:36 PM
**Force runs infront of JB with lite saber,proceeds deflects darts back to Darth Haze , the darts pierce him in the face** BOOM!
**Looks at Saurron from across the room, force runs to him leaps and kicks him in the privates, summersaults back to JB**
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:19:28 PM
Zasz, you now pay for your God move
:: Clutching at his chest, DT digs deep into the Force, revealing a new and horrible Force power he directs at Zasz.
Zasz screams as the agony of his body motions slow down. All the nerves, all the blood, his heart slow down. He collapses as the lack of blood cirulation makes him pass out for hours::
I'll allow you to live - but only this time scum
OOC - And yes, it's in the official starwars web site.
:: DT looks at his chest and allows the Force to begin healing him, he retreats to allow the porcess to be uninterupted, The Morichro also has taken a lot out of him, the super secret Jedi power only the truly trusted Jedi know of makes him weak for a while::
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:31:00 PM
Ok Leia... Saurron turns to her eyes glowing...
Saurron spins his sabers twin green blades then speeds to her and spins his own body bringing the lower of the two sabers blades upward. Leia blocks ...then Saurron forces the upper blade toward her face and she blocks again quickly raising her saber upward taking a step back to balance herself...Saurron lowers his eyebrowes and thrusts his arms foreward pushing her backwards. Saurron performs a spinning back kick and kicking her in the stomach causing her to double over.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:32:48 PM
:: DT retreats further out of the way and becomes a non combatant while he allows the injuries to heal::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:54:33 PM
::Bent over in some real pain..touches her hand across her stomach and starts force healing..this will take awhile Iwas hit pretty badly::
**Looks up at Saurron, eyes glaring at the vile sith. Calms her innerself calls on the force....sends a force blast to send him backwards, where he trips over Zasz and falls on him**
Garik Loran
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:58:44 PM
I am doubted?
The only people to doubt me are newbies. Everyone always wants to screw with the big guy to see if he as tough as he looks.
I'm tired of beating around the bush poetically.
Step up and get shut down.
I need a volunteer from the audience!
For my first trick, I'm going to perform an involuntary apendectomy starting at the tonsils.
Do we have any volunteers?
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:01:51 AM
Well I'm back...sorry I left.
Who was that one trying to hit my behind. You will pay fool.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:15:02 AM
**Taps JB on the shoulder**
That was Saurron who tried to roundhouse you. The rat tried to send some force darts to you, but I deflected
them back to him with my saber! ;)
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:15:57 AM
Come on some Sith must still be here.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:24:33 AM
:: a voice from the distace...
"they are scared. Now we have returned in force they prefer to run"
DT continues to allow the healing energies of the Force to do thier work... he slips into a healing trance to prompte their effect::
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:26:37 AM
Completely off the subjct but still in character, DT would you like to spar with me sometime?
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:33:43 AM
Trips on Zasz and back flips only to land on his feet.
Spins and turns to Garik...
Dignities his saber and stares at Garik with much hate in his blackened heart...
Saurron force speeds to Garik and rams the palm of his hand into his chest flinging him backward ...
edit= spelling Garik's name correctly
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:35:34 AM
While it is calm, I will do the same DT (heal). I got my stomach bashed and my jaw well..that was wonderful.
**Sits on floor meditates..let the force heal the wounds..such a slow process**
**Leia stops..senses a disturbance in the force**
Ignites saber.
(OOC...Sauroon didn't see you coming [post that is, it beat mine])
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:36:19 AM
OOC - After you deal with Saurron, I'll be delighted to. But how about we do it differently? I'll do it as Wolverine?
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:36:20 AM
:::Hes hops up, grinning as he bleeds.::
"I'm nto done yet!"
::Grabs Onto Leia's head, slamming it into the ladder a few tiems for the knockout, then turns to Turbogeek, grbabing him up by his shoulders so his gut is facing the air.;
::He spins a bit before dropping his head down onto the ladder, causing his head to split wide open.::
::He turns to Bocanu or whatever his name is, picking up the piano leg and smashes it into his nose, driving it deep into his own skull, before tearing Yoghurt off his back.;:
::He picks Up a sledge, slamming it into Yoghurts throtat, crushing his vocal cords and causing itnerla bleeding, but throws the guy away.::
::Holds up the sledge, bleding form the mouth.;:
::He turns to Garik, swinging the sledge directly into his head, causing it top split wide oipen..::
Darth Ogre
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:39:07 AM
:: gets up from the ground and charges Sage from behind. Sage feels Ogre's presence, but just a bit to late. As the Jedi turns Ogre embeds one of his tusks in his side just below his ribs. Ogre rips Sage's flesh as he pulls his tusk free then backhands him to the ground and stomps firmly on his throat, chokeing him. Ogre looks around the BG as Sage chokes and spots DT off in the distance in some kind of trance. Ogre sends a large boulder through the air towards the Jedi, as he continues to choke Sage out. ::
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:41:07 AM
Are you a moron!?
Two of the most powerful Jedi here in the middle of trying to converse and you attack me?
Garik runs forward and delivers a standing side kick to Saurron's chest followed by a jab kick to the knee. The momentum turns Saurron to the side, and Garik knife edge chops him in tthe chest and then brings his hand up an reorders Saurron's nose an inch higher on his face.
He then follows with several blunt strikes to the ribs, a hooking kidney punch, and a headbutt that splits the skin on the forehead of the Sith completely.
Garik looks down with a scowl.
Spell my name wrong again whelp.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:45:24 AM
@#%$ I posted I was a temporary non combatant.... that's annoying ....
*** Insert the very funny but overly messy effects a Force Enema has on Matt.**
Matt hits the ground after going into sub orbit from the pressure blast, he lands with a huge thud that brings a tree on top of his head::
Now leave me alone......
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:49:10 AM
Alright Emerid you want some too?
Garik grins as he licks the blood escaping from his scalp wound. He extends his hand palm outward and grabs the sledge hammer from this putird peice of filth.
(OOC what does a sledgehammer have to do with a Star Wars battle anyway?)
Garik grins and takes a huge bite out of the metal head of the hammer. He opens his mouth again as meatl shavings poured from his mouth. Needs salt.
You arrogant punk you think we developed our powers over the last year of hard work and training to be attacked by un upstart like you?
Garik closes in on him and roundhouse kicks at him. The feint worked and the vermin ducked. Garik came back around and dropped his heel on Emerid skull with an axe kick. Before Emerid could touch the ground Garik met his cheek with another spin kick.
Garik stood atop the fool and placed his boot on the young arrogant Sith. Think before you act against us. It just might save your life.
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:53:30 AM
(OOC: BS....please, making up a force attack right there? please, you jedi could not win a straight up saber battle without the force, and healing yourself? please, that reeks of moder worse than itala, you should at least have a healer heal you, and if you dont, your just about to die, god mode? how?)
(Last post for a while, doing some stuff, i may be back to boards in a few)
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:55:33 AM
:: DT senses danger tand instinctively moves as it flies past. DT resumes the healing trance::
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:57:58 AM
Zasz please don't show your lack of force knowledge so openly. If the guy needs to heal himself, it is in a Jedi's capabilities.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:59:43 AM
(OOC: Whooay..No brawling now. Force heal..we do it slowly, that make sense, no total healing happens. What
about you guys...all these force blasts and such (I admit
I've used one) but from what I see the sith used it heavily!)
IC: I'm still out of it from a bad knockout, so I think it's a good time for me to call it a night guys.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:04:45 AM
OOC- Your lack of knowledge is appaling Zasz. The attack on you I did? Found at The Force healing? Found at and in the movies and in the EU and in the comics...... and considering I have to do this slowly and withdraw from battle for a while, it's mor ethan fair
Darth Ogre
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:04:58 AM
:: the stone flies by the Jedi as he dodges it, but suddenly stops just a few feet in front of him. The Jedi looks up to see it hovering there, just in time to see the boulder explode, sending fragments of stone flying in into his face and eyes. Ogre lifts his foot from Sage's throat and starts walking towards the one known as DT ::
OOC: No rush DT. I undestand completely if you are too busy to respond quickly.
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:05:09 AM
Don't let that brew go to your head. And I sincerly appologize for spelling your charecters name wrong.
Saurron backflips from the ground landing on his feet. Shakes his head to clear the cobwebs.
Saurron speeds to Garik again only this time to his side with great speed he grabs his throat driving his nails deep and forces Garik over backwards only to have Garik land on Saurron's knee as he kneels bending him... testing his flexability as blood begins to drip down his neck..Saurron switches hands and placing his free hand under Garik's back Saurron rises and flips him away causing him to land on his back side.
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:06:00 AM
Goodnight Leia. I will post from school tomorrow when I have downtime. We will have some more fun with them then.
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:13:30 AM
Once again Garik rises to his feet after an attack gone wrong.
Perhaps you prefer straight up boxing. Garik crouches in low in mid guard postion. Saurron looks puzzled at the advance and strikes his own combat pose. Garik jukes in and back out drawing Saurron to send a hurried kick. He looses a succesion of rabbit punches in to Saurron's mid-section, knocking the wind from him. He sends another to Saurron's nose, further making him look like hamburger.
Garik backs up from his horribly battered opponent and watches him weave like a drunk. Garik takes two steps in and comes from beneath with an upper-cut from hell. With his nose and jaw shattered, Saurron drops like a stone.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:13:31 AM
Hee..I'm still here!
Actually, Good Night Garik, until we meet tomorrow!
OOC: Ok goodnight all! :) Now I'm gone!
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:18:25 AM
DT hurry with your trance so that we may show them why most sith are afraid of us.
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:29:30 AM
OOC: OMG! dang people, I leave for work and this happens :lol: well, me back!
:: as Garik focuses on Saurron, Dale comes in from the back and spin kicks the back of his head, turning him around and continues that motion to sweep his feet, sending him to the ground. While Garik is layed out, Dale pulls back her hand and punches him right in the stomach, assisted by the force, and rolls out of the way. she ignites one sabre and eyes the playing field ::
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:30:53 AM
:: Garik, I'm still trying deal with this lightsbare wound!!::
:: DT opens his eyes as the stone chip flurries die down. wnodering what in the Force now, he sees Darth Ogre coming at him. He continues to sit, breathing deeply to help the Force's healing power wash over him, to gain the ability to fight at his maximum.
Calming himself, he allows the Force to grow within him as he gets up. The chest wound will have to wait, but it was okay enough. He brings forth his sabre and waits::
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:31:21 AM
Saurron looks up from the ground ...another attack gone wrong? hmmmm...No I don't like boxing it sucks.
Saurron feigns the pain and rises staring at Garik intently.
Garik begins his common boxing techniques. Already having his moves down Saurron intercepts one of Garik's punches before he can retract and extends his arm hyperextending it...pivoting to the side Saurron unleashes another open hand hit and cleanly makes contact with Garik's ribs breaking three of them on the left side causing him great pain with ever breath, then wrenches his arm downward flipping him away like an old bag of garbage landing him once again on his back, dislocating his two of his lower discs making him reach around to his back in pain.
Saurron turns and takes a defensive stance...
edit(sp) error
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:35:44 AM
Ah yes! Another newbie I'll have to send to school.
As the female Sith surveys the battlefield, she is pounded over the skull with a double fisted blow. Never turn your back on me. Garik smashes Dale in the windpipe and then hauls her up to her feet by the face. He taps his elbow twice and delivers a nasty inside shot to her chin. As she spirals out of control to the ground like a rag doll, Garik leaps on top of her face to face.
Would you like to be responsible for convincing me to turn all my efforts against The Sith Empire? Go play with someone more your speed. You'll live longer that way.
Darth Ogre
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:40:06 AM
:: as he approaches the Jedi, anger boils within his black heart. The rage is evident in his eyes as he methodically makes his way across the littered battlefield. Lightening can be seen flowing from his feet to his head, small bolts of it shooting from the steel glare that he has fixated on the wounded DT. He gets within 5 meters and reaches for his saber while at the same time raising an arm and letting loose the bolt of force lightening, aimed right at the partially healed wound. He ignites his saber as the bolt searches for its mark ::
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:47:42 AM
Sure what the hell three at once.
Garik stands slowly. Garik focuses on the shape of his musculo-skeletal system and winces. This is going to hurt. With a one swift movement he raise his arms above his head setting his arm, ribs, and spine with loud sickening cracks. He uses his immense power of mind over body to ignore the pain and make it insignifigant as his Sith mistress had taught him to do so long ago.
Defensive stance eh? Your going to freaking need it. Garik jumps from where he is standing several feet away and moves straight through the air foot extended. As Saurron moves to block the kick, Garik spins at incredible speed and snaps his other foot around in to Saurron's ear. The Sith hears a hiss and sudden rush of pressure as three blood vessles erupt and his ear drum is busted. For the second time this evening he staggers like a drunk, trying to maintain balance. Garik advances and performs a dragon kick.
That funny feeling inside you cranium is blood filling your brain barrier. In 15 minutes your brain will actually drown and you will die. I suggest you seek aid from another.
(This will be my last post for the evening. I'm not feeling well. I'll check the posts tomorrow.)
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:52:23 AM
:: the pain races through her and even if she dies this day, she will not die a coward and leave.she says nothing in response to the jedi as she grins at Garik's face that is right by hers. Dale wraps her legs around his body and places her hands on his shoulders. With a fluid motion, dale pushes back on him, and using her legs as leverage, Dale rolls on top of him. She then proceeds to repeatedly beat him across his face with her fist. After she is through, Dale crouches on top of Garik, quickly knife hands him in the throat as she leaps off like a cat ::
OOC: posted this before I saw your attack to Saurron
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:04:27 AM
:: Dt's blade blazes as it intercepts the lightning, the Jedi also beginnig to walk forward, a grim look on his face as he does so. Sabre blazing with the intercepted energies, The two warriors meet and clash. DT immediatly attacks one handed, moving the blade at the far higher speed a single hand allows from twin handed. He forces Ogres blade upwards and then with a massive dragon kick, smashes Ogre's kneecap in.
DT : That's payback for last time we met, Sith scum. Now lets see how well you do with the same handicap.
Breathing deeply in to trigger the Force to stop the pain in his chest wound, the Jedi rushes Ogre again, this time attacking two handed. He parries a bit and once again forces an opening, to once again kick the same kneecap. He immediatly lashes out again, the kick this time to Ogre's face, sending the beast backwards. The Jedi returns to defensive stance, breathing heavily, realising that fast double kick tore open a muscle on his chest. The rest of this fight was going to hurt....::
Darth Ogre
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:14:03 AM
:: stumbles backwards from the kick to the face, stepping gingerly on his injured leg. He puts his open hand down to the wounded extremity and sets the floating kneecap back in place with a ear shattering howl and a look of pure hatred directed right at the Jedi. Ogre drops to the ground in a front roll, saber still ignited and at the ready in his right hand, He leaps up from the roll using his good leg and clashes blades with DT, forcing his blade to the side some as he rears his head back and quickly lashes it forward. DT tries to avoid the blow but is meet with a tusk in his cheek as he pulls his head backwards and away. DT falls to the ground, with blood running down his face as Ogre rolls backwards and stops in a crouched position wiping DT’s blood from the end of his tusk and samples its flavor ::
This day shall not be yours Jedi. The Sith are here to stay and you have lost your own self confidence. The day has come for you to taste my hatred of you pathetic followers of the light.
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:22:45 AM
Not quite that easy...
Saurron waivers around then holds his arms out to his side and calls to the dark side. The coldness that fills his body slows the blood to a crawl almost causing it to slush...not affecting his black dead heart Saurron speeds to Garik again making him retreat a step or two in defense but only to receive a gaping slash to the chest from Saurrons nails ...Saurron rotates on axis and slices Garik with both hands (formed in a spear hand) to the throat cutting through whatever protection is covering it peeling it away and leaving two horizontal gashes two inches apart. Blood runs down the front of his garb drenching it thoroughly.. You will die before I will, and I will watch you.
By the way...(walking wearily in pace with Garik as he steps backward trying to control the blood loss) did I mention that I have resurrected the real Mara Jade and what you Jedi have is just a mere facsimile... a copy of the original...only the real one, the origanal, has been purified with my blood, and made stronger
Saurron drops to one knee balancing himself and pulls his Sith talisman touching it to the side of his head speeding up the healing process.
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:25:04 AM
Dale send your aim to ...please i dont belive i have it in my list.
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:30:08 AM
OOC: sure it is on the way ^_^
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:35:05 AM
thank you
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:41:42 AM
(Yes DT, it may be real...but you dont go seeing me using no force moves to get out of a real Saber fight..good god, i would like a real saber fight actually for once, and lack of force knowledge appaling, you use the force to make up for the lack of saber knowledge..i use the force to jump, thats it)
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:47:14 AM
*Firebird1 enters the arena and sees the carnage.*
Now this is a battle!!!!
*Firebird1 powers up his Lightsaber and makes a run for the nearest Jedi.*
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:55:54 AM
OOC: AOL is kicking me off every five minutes, so I'll check this thread in the morning.
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:56:54 AM
Welcome firebird! long time no talk...I'm sure it will proceed tomorrow.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:35:58 AM
(Would someone like to explain to Zasz exactly how much I know about proper sword fighting before he puts the other foot in his mouth? Maybe if he didnt just turn up and try to stick sabres into people.... he wouldnt have got the short back and sides.)
:: DT touches his cheek, feeling the wetness of fresh blood. He thinks he's going to need a lot of time in a bacta tank after this..... The chest wound is jogged and he almost falls in pain, the grim detirmination to fight on keeps him on his feet. He wipes off the blood, flicking his hand and and allowing a few drops to hit the ground. He calms himself then readies to face Ogre.
The Jedi leaps up and closes the distance with the jump, engages Ogre at point blank one handed again. The sabres zip and howl as they clash, Dt' blade moving like it's possessed, flashing as it seekd to finish the Sith off. Ogre resonds, his greater natural powerforcing the Jedi back. DT brushes his belt with his hands and trips on a block of brick from one of the many wall explosions. Ogre moves swiftly to take advange, sabre raised to strike - the Jedi rolls into Ogre's legs, the faked fall giving Dt the opportunity to use the knife now in his hands. He stabs Ogre behond the same kneecap as he kicked before, the knife ripping through flesh and tendon. In the same motion, DT wraps his other arm around Ogre's ankles and using his body as a lever and a trip point H-E-A-V-E-S Ogre face first into the ground. The Jedi rolls away, gets up and comes at the fallen Ogre with sabre burning for Sith blood::
OOC - Final post tonight, damn good fight so far.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:38:09 AM
OOC - Saurron, if this fight doesn't continue I'll be sorely pissed. It's the best one for a long time. Night all
Darth Ogre
Jul 20th, 2000, 04:02:16 AM
:: Ogre rolls over as the Jedi rushes him, his face covered in the dirt and dust. One of his tusks jagged from being broken half off. In a smooth motion as he rolls he tosses a small round device into the air, just in front of him and it almost immediately explodes in a blinding light, which the Sith was prepared for, but not the charging Jedi.
In the brief moment of confusion, and with force speed and tec assistance, Ogre throws a green crystal dagger from his left hand and it screams through the air towards the, rushing Jedi’s chest. The blade lodges itself in the right shoulder of DT as Ogre uses the Force to twist it in the wound. A strange shattering sound is heard by the Jedi, as the hilt of the dagger falls to the ground, the blade having shattered inside it’s target. A smoking yellow liquid can be seen exiting the wound, followed with the horrible smell of burning flesh. ::
Better look out for that acid I had in there!
:: Ogre laughs as he makes his way to his feet, bearing the majority of his weight on his good leg and stands watching the Jedi’s pained expression as he screams in agony. A twisted smile crosses Ogre’s lips, and the red glow off his saber can be seen on his one intact tusk, as he feeds off of the joy of seeing the pain he is inflicting and receiving ::
OOC-I’m off for the night as well.
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:28:48 AM
OOC:Holy BLEEP!!!! This thread is huge!!! And it all started with a bunch of Sith whining about how Jedi are scared to fight. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Zasz, sorry man. We'll just say that I Force Pushed to the ground and then did that attack okay?
Alrighty, I'm back now. I got back on last night but had limited time.
IC:Sage finally stands up. He can now breath properly after the giant Sith's foot on his throat he thought he'd never breath normal. Sage sees the fight going on around him. He holds Peace tight looking for a opening::
OOC:I didn't know if any Sith were free. I didn't want to double team anybody. I kinda wanted Ogre for myself, we never did get to REALLY fight. But I guess DT has him handled.
Oh, Garik, you think 3 against 1 seems big. I was fighting 4 Sith by myself for a while there! Remember, I was the first one to jump in and help DT!.... I think.... :)
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:41:46 AM
OOC -- I know what you mean! This thread's a bloody monster now. :p
IC -- ::She jump-kicks Sage from behind into the floor and lands a safe distance away.:: Aw, I'm here for you, precious. :lol:
::Nuriko grins at him, her saber activated.::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:18:13 AM
OOC:I know!!!! When I got on this morning I thought about just not posting in this thread again. Because if I did, I'd have to read 3 pages of posts before I'd get a clue of what was happening! :D
You don't mind if I call you Nuri do ya? :)
IC:Sage gets up from the ground. He charges at Nuri, Sage slashes to her right, then left, then overhead, then right, the low. Then Sage flips back for he has no opening. He realises they are close to a wall. Sage runs up and flips over Nuri, he hits the wall and flips back, he spins in mid air and kicks her right side as she is turning, bruising, not breaking a few ribs. Sage hits the ground on his feet. Nuri jerks to her right from the kick, Sage elbows her with his left elbow in the right temple. He then ducks down and sweeps her with his right leg. As she's falling she tries to get one last swing in at Sage, Sage blocks it. Sage blocks it rather forcefully though and as she hits the ground the LS comes very close to her stomach. The heat from the LS actually burns the cloth and slightly burns her stomach. Sage flips back ready for Nuri, and aware of any Sith that attacks him from behind::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 10:49:49 AM
::sits up, shaking his head.:::
"WOW tghat hurts..."
::::rights the ladder, sacending it once more with broken ribs and such in hand.::
::Poitns down at sage, then makes a slow throat cutting motion.::
::Throws the Pipe down with amazing accuracy into Sage's head, kncoking him out and leaving him with a gash in his firehead, and probably a concussion...but if not.....::
::Jumps off the ladder, spinning in a nice arc before landing DIRECTLY on Sage's head, 269 pounds shattering his jaw and breaking his nose.::
::hops back up, backing away as he puts his hands up, spitting out a bit o' blood.::
"Just....BRING IT!"
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 10:52:25 AM
(Damn this IS a good fight!!)
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 10:58:49 AM
OOC:I get the impression you like wrestling. Am I right? ;) Just kidding man, that's cool with me. :)
IC:Sage gets up off the ground, his face bloody. He deactivates his LS and clips it to his belt. He puts his hands up, his fists next to his face, his elbows and forearms protecting his ribs, and his left foot forward. It's a basic boxing stance::
Bring it? 'kay.
::Sage walks up to Emerid. He throws a right cross, Emerid blocks it with his forearm. Sage ducks a right cross by Emerid and kicks Emerid in the right knee, pushing the knee back and breaking his right leg. Emerid bends over in pain and Sage leaps up from the ground hitting Emerid on the jaw with a uppercut. Emerid flies back and hits the ground::
Okay. Now it's your turn to "Bring it".
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:03:27 AM
OOC -- Nope, I don't mind being called Nuri. :)
IC -- ::gets back up to her feet. She can feel the toll being extracted on her body, but despite it, she simply grins at the Jedi. Her nose still bleeds slightly from one of Sage's previous attacks. She sees that he has now engaged Emerid.::
::Nuriko watches, studying him for a second, before she uses a force throw, flinging the Jedi back a distance and hard onto the ground.::
::Nuriko grabs her whip from her belt, wraps it around Sage's ankle and tugs him towards her roughly. Sage gets his saber and cuts himself free, but she jumps up and then right fist forward strikes down into the ground. Sage dodges the blow by rolling to the side. She hastily kicks him in the gut and then slams her heel into his face. Nuriko takes a long piece of the whip, wraps it around his neck and pulls, strangling the Jedi...::
Sith Kat
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:41:35 AM
OOC - I was originally going to roll a die to determine how many actions I would lose because of your attack, DT. Instead I'm continuing due to the sheer number of posts that have occured since my last action. Lots of things have happened so it's only fair to assume the effects have worn off by now.
:: pulls herself up, fighting off the dizziness as she scans the melee. jedi & sith fighting in a blur of motion. her eyes seek, and finally focus upon the battle between Ogre and DT ::
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:43:54 AM
OOC: I skipped 4 pages:lol:
*Looks around after Spectre disappeared and sees DT with a hole in his arm from the acid. He ignites both of his light sabers and runs at DT. He sees Ice running but doesn't have time to react. Each sword hits a shoulder and DT falls down, screaming in pain.*
I think DT is a bout dead. Ogre, finish him off. I'm going after Sage!
*Sage hears him and jumps to the rafters, away from everbody else. He knows Ice will follow him, but doesn't want to take the risk of everybody else attacking him. Sage ignites both of his light saber. He thinks for a minute and decides he can only use one at a time.*
So, you can't swing 2 light sabers at the same time eh? Well, I'll make it even.
*Ice looks like he is putting 1 LS up, but instead he sticks the handles together to make a double bladed LS.*
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:45:22 AM
OOC:'kay... Nuri. :D
IC::Sage Force Pushes Nuri back, she holds her grip though but she still goes back, the grip she retains causes Sage to go with her. She lands on her back and Sage is now on top of her. Sage grabs her right wrist with his left hand, and with his right hand Sage hits the outside of her elbow with a open hand punch/push. This causes Nuri's left arm to break and she loses her grib and grabs her broken arm with her un-boken arm. Sage staggers back and takes the whip off his neck, the burn marks from the whip can still be seen on his neck, he rubs his neck a bit. He senses Emerid running at him, Sage spins around and sure enough sees Emerid heading towards him. Sage lets Emerid slam into him but Sage grabs his arms and puts his feet on his chest. Sage rolls back and hits the ground, he extends he legs throwing Emerid flying forward. He crashes into Nuri and Nuri scream sin pain as he hits her broken arm. Emerid rolls over and rubs his head. he didn't expect that, and it hurt::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:49:54 AM
OOC:Fox, Nuri is chocking me, so I can't really move. Your move doesn't count okay? Well.... just did a move. Do you want your move to happen after my last move?
Garik Loran
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:51:06 AM
A violent tremor shakes the ground. Pebbles and small debris slide down the hills and foundations of buildings crack.
Garik sheds his ceremonial red and black armor. Modestly covered in a loin cloth he looks down at his wounds. The pain is intense, further focussing him on his goal.
Garik's eyes turn pale blue. A corona of light surrounds him. A scream splits the air as he drops to his knees. As his multiple Sith attackers watch in utter horror, Garik's body expanded. His muscles doubled in size and then again tripled. Rising above the fray carried by the force Garik presented himself to friends and foes alike.
Standing 11 feet tall and at an uncalculable weight, The dormant beast had awakened.
Behemoth is here.
Sith Kat
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:51:46 AM
OOC - Read ALL the posts, Fox. Nuri is strangling Sage with her whip. It's very important to know where everyone is/what they are doing before you declare an action in large fights like this.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:56:31 AM
**Leia gets up rubbing her head after the knockout from Emerid** Boy that was a long one**
**Looks around the room, eyes still a little blurry, notices what is going on**Wow this is still going huh!**
OOC: Seems like I missed some
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:58:04 AM
OOC: I'll just redo it since you are free now. Is my pic in my sig showing up? I can't see it.
*Sneeks up behind Sage and throws him up to the rafters. Sage ignites both LS's, but decides he can only use 1 at a time. He puts another away. Seeing this, Ice laughs under his breath. Sage thinks Ice is about to put a LS away, but instead he puts the handles together and it turns into a double bladed LS.*
Nice trick, huh...
*He fights the barely breathing Sage, and hen slips. He is about to fall, but Sage reaches out a hand to help him. Instead of taking the hand, he pulls Sage's legs out from under him and jumps back up. Sage slides out of the way less than a second before Ice swings his LS at him. Sage roles to far and falls off the rafters and lands beside Nuri, who is now VERY angry...
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:59:11 AM
::::he stands up, running towards the strangled Sage before jumping, DROPKICCKING his head, then hops up, looking at Garik.::
"I'll be right back to you Sage......"
::Looks at Garik, making a "bring it" Motion, he then runs at Matthias, whos tands there, waiting patiently.::
::As Son as Garik's in range, he drops down, hooking one of Garik's legs and arms, lifting him up wiht amazing leverage techniquies and drops back, slamming him into the broken piano for a Samoan Drop.::
::He hops back up, in a crouching position as he picks up a fallen pipe.:;
::as Garik gets up, running at him again, Matthias jumps, slamming his legs around Garik's midsectiona dn knocking him down before starting to bash his head with the pipe for a ....VARIATION....of the Lou THesz PRess.::
::SLams the pipe into his head repeatedly, splitting it wide open, breaking his nose and jaw, and giving him a black eye before rolling off him and turning back to Sage.::
"Nuri, let'em up. I wanna crack at'em."
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:03:32 PM
**Leia see's Emerid's moves, ignites saber runs after Emerid**
Take a crack out of this!
**proceeds to take saber and jab it up his butt*
**Flips back out of his way**
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:04:51 PM
::....Okay so Sage is NOT being held by Nuriko....::
::He waits as sage get's up before leaoping up, grasping Sage around the waist and slamming him back first to the ground, bruising a bit o' his spine I'd think, nipping on over to his head.::
::Kicks his arms in, motioning to his ELBOW PAD.....:::
::He takes it off, flinging it away before swinging his arm's left adn right, then running to the righ, then to the left, he lifts a leg up over the prone Sage before dropping his elbow into his gut for the PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!...Maybe bruising a rib I dunno:::
::hops back up, laughing.::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:22:09 PM
::Sage hurts bad but gathers his strength. Sage gets to his knees. Emerid is too busy laughing to notice Sage. Sage punches Emerid in the nuts with his right fist, now Emerid notices Sage, too late. Sage slams his left fist into Emerid's right hip, Emerid bends over in pain. Sage hits Emerid with his right elbow and connects with Emerid's jaw. Emerid stumbles back. Sage hops up and runs at Emerid. He leaps into the air and does a mid air round house kick, hitting Emerid in the jaw, shattering it. Emerid lands. Sage lands, Sage flips back::
OOC:I'll be on and off throughout the day. So if I don't post for a while just ignore me and fight the other people, if yuo want.
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:24:47 PM
::Nuriko hisses at her arm being broken... not because of the pain but at her own carelessness in handling Sage. She notices Kat, Ice Fox, and Matthias getting back into the fray and pulls back to a safer distance. Nuriko does a very ineffective force heal, just enough to stop any internal hemorrhaging...::
::Her arm hanging to her side, still broken, she surveys the fight, making sure none of the other Sith are in dire need of her interference.::
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:30:33 PM
OOC: geesh...I wake up now and find the craziness lol
:: flips back into the thread and parrys that attack from Leia to matt ::
"I might not like the jerk, but he's still an ally."
:: Dale circles around Leia's blade until she turns it at a sharp angle to force the blade down. She takes her hand and pulls it back and backhands Leia in the right cheek. The then cracks her opponents knee and then moves to her side as she kicks Leia out of the lock ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:44:38 PM
::Stands up, holding his side.::
::AS Sage rushes at him, he dives behind him, bending down as he hooks one of his legs and one of his arms, hefitn him up over his head. He drops him down, falling onto one knee so Sage's back slams into his knee for a Fireman's Carry Backbreaker.::
::he backs up as Sage writhes on the ground, his spien getting more bruised as Matthias climbs up the ladder.::
::He Jumps off, SPlashing down onto of Sage's gut, bruising HIS ribs as well as aggravating his own,:mad: :
::rolls off in pain.:
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:47:18 PM
Well, the bigger they are the harder they fall..
*Using the Force Firebird1 picks up a huge rock, and throws it at Garik's head. Garik sees it comming and catches it in his right hand, but unfortunally for him the rock expoldes in his hand imbeading shards of rock inside his hand. Firebird1 then throws his Lightsaber at the roof above Garik's head colasping it and burying Garik. Firebird1 calls his lightsaber back to him, and waits for his opponent to attack.*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 12:52:32 PM
**On the ground in some pain, Leia looks up at Dale. Quickly grabs Dale leg and trips her on the floor next to her, Dale loses her balance and falls. Dale struggles to get up, but Leia has her pinned to the floor (cat fight, :lol: ). Leia turns to Dale, and proceeds to give her a series of punches in the face. Dale tries to block Leia's punches, with some she is able..with others...oh well..she is bruised badly. Dale is semi-dazed now. Leia gets up, and kicks Dale in the chest with her good leg. Watches her opponent just lay there.**
**Ignites saber and backs away from Dale...looks like she won't be getting up awhile**
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:02:15 PM
*Firebird1 faces Leia.*
It's not...oh nevermind:lol:
*Firebird1 attacks Leia with his lightsaber, moving it in a L shaped pattern. Leai is able to block it with her own lightsaber, untill Firebird1 kicks it out of his hand. Firebird1 then does a roundhouse kick to Leia's head knocking her to the ground.*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:13:06 PM
**Leia lies on the ground,a little dazed, gets a whole of her senses..calls her saber with the force ignites it. Firebird sees what's
coming..but it's too late. Leia gives her saber a crescent swing up to Firebird..causing a burning slash across his chest. He screams in pain. Now with her good leg, Leia kicks the sith in the wound and watches him fall down.
Then she proceeds to slowly back away from this mess**
OOC: I have to go here later. Don't
over attack me now. ;)
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:14:48 PM
::while Madame Leia's back is turned, Mattias sneaks up behind her, Holding a steel pipe he used on Garik.::
::Quickly he leaps up, smashing it into the back of her head, knocking her down and out with a gash in the back of her head.::
Ayanami Rai
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:43:27 PM
OOC: GEEZ!! You're gone for like a day and this happens!!
IC: She walks to the battle ground and her eyes grow wide, seeing the immense fighting and the battle going on. She turns to see Nuri with a broken arm and runs up to her.*
Nuri..Are you ok? *she looks over, seeing everyone else engaged in a fight, and her eyes narrow as she ignites her saber and walks towards the warriors*
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:55:43 PM
:: dale focuses after those strikes to the face and looks around. she sees her opponent down as Matt cracked her over the head. An evil grin comes across her face as Dale takes her boot and sets it down on Leia's face and twists her foot fast, breaking the jedi's nose ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:14:14 PM
::stands up, holding ribs in pain.::
"Dammit I got broken ribs, Internal injuries, broken teeth, PROBABLY a concussion or two.....WHEN WILL THESE JEDI GO DOWN??!"
::thinks of using his Force Move, Explosive Force, but then realizes it'd probably KILL him.:::
;:p oints at Dale.:
"AND YOU OWE ME ONE FOR cracking Leia-down In th' head with a PIPE!!!"
"Mebbe a kiiiisssss?"
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:16:09 PM
OOC:I'm back..... for now. :)
IC:Sage lays on the ground. He feels the pain from his ribs and back, but he gathers enough strength to stand up. He unclips Peace from his belt, he ignites it and waits for a opening::
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:27:21 PM
OOC: cool Sage!
"Our battle is with the Jedi!!! Quick talking nonsense and focus you fool! You will leave yourself open for an attack!!" :: dale sees Sage get up and ignites her other sabre and crosses the purples blades in front of her, eyeing the Jedi.
She leaps forward in attack as Sage and her trade strikes and parrys in a flurry of motion. As Sage goes in for a strike, Dale goes in forward and parrys the blades so Sage's arms are extended to the side exposing his chest and face. Dale jumps forward and headbutts Sage in face sending him backwards. she follows up with a spin kick to his side, already damaging bruised ribs, and digs her heel in ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:37:24 PM
"Scuse me a moment Allana-a-dale!"
::Jumps hopping onto Dale's shoulders before jumping off, elbow extended as he slams it down onto Sage's Chest, cracking it even more.::
::he hops back up.::
"ONE more time!!!"
::Jumps, landing on Dale's shoulder again, his back facing Sage, but he leaps off, doing a nice Moonsault off Dale's shoulders back onto Sage FURTHER aggravating his internal injuries and such.::
::rolls off him in a crouching position.::
"Okay that was fun!"
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:41:04 PM
OOC: This will be my last post for about 2 hours.
*Looks from Garik under the rocks to Nuri with a broken arm and then to Dale and Firebird beating up Sage.*
I don't think I'm needed here any longer. Well, I'll hang around anyway.
*Uses Force Illusions and Sage sees about 10 Sith at 1 time. He then uses Force Telekinesses (or however you spell it) and breaks the ground under Garik, making him fall through the floor. Garik is still under all the rocks plus the new ones from the crash.*
I doubt that 11' dude will mess with us again.
*Walks over to Dale, who is waiting for Leia to get up.*
So, you still up for that date, or you goin out with Zasz?
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:48:13 PM
:: if the move was no so affective, Dale would have to her Matt. But the strange display of fighting does seem to do its job. Does not take her eyes off of her opponent when she answer Ice ::
:: Dale circles her opponent, eyeing her prey, waiting for the Jedi's impending attack. Matt does as well opposite of of her ::
Ayanami Rai
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:54:17 PM
*walks up to Sage and Dale, and stands next to Dale, her ignited saber in hand, and holds the blade inches away from Sage's throat. She looks at Dale and grins* I got ya covered.
Sith Kat
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:56:03 PM
:: glares at Fox in rage and disbelief. her voice echoes in his mind ::
*** Stupid, stupid little man!!! Garik Loran is a demi-god among the Jedi!!! He is not so easily beaten!!! ***
:: extends her senses around her as she moves, searching for Yog in the chaos ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:56:25 PM
::Crouches down, motioning for Sage to get up.:
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 02:58:27 PM
OOC:Might be getting off for a while. Just so ya know!
IC::Sage pushes the illusions out of his mind aided by the Force. Sage gets up from the ground, bruised and battered but still fighting. Sage draws out Truth and ignites it::
Hey Dale, you wanta fight with 2 LSs? So be it.
::Sage charges at Dale, at the last second he flips over her. Sage spins around and cuts Dale with Peace(in his right hand)in her side as he spins, Dale spins around and swings at Sage with her closest LS. Sage blocks the swing with Truth then ducks the other LS as she continues to spin. Sage sweeps Dale and she hits the ground. Sage looks up to see Emerid charging at him with a hugh metal pipe. He swings it at Sage but Sage cuts through it with Peace like butter. Emerid drops it and dives toward Sage trying to tackle him. Sage kicks him in the head before he can tackle Sage, Emerid flies back. Sage manages to slash Emerid's chest with Peace as he is falling back. He hits the ground. Sage uses Force Push to knock Fox into a wall::
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:01:32 PM
OOC:: I agree DT...I will be home later tonight after work to continue
IC:: Saurron looks on as Garik changes form ...becoming a huge mass of muscle...
Gritting his teeth he continues to heal his damaged blood vessels. The coldness rises as a vapor off of Saurrons body into the air as he heals...
Saurron looks up again and begins to rise to his feet still a little weary he grins at Garik showing his fangs to the monsterous being...
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:02:37 PM
OOC:I was writing my post when Rai posted hers. We'll say I pushed her back with a Force Push making her fall to the ground. Okay?
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:04:22 PM
:: dale extends her legs over her and flips her body back up to stand. she rushes Sage and body blocks him, sending him forward to where he pushed Aya. She twirls her sabre and brings it down to burn a nice gash into Sage's back thigh as she flips off of him ::
OOC: here is my edit to your edit LOL
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:06:27 PM
::Stands up, holding his chest.::
"ALright@! I'll show you a force move!!!"
::Holds up his hand, makigna crushing motion and then, suddenly, Sage's testicles start feeling like their in a vice, makign him fall to the ground and do the only thing he can do, SCREM IN AGONY AND GRAB HIS JEDI BALLS!!!::
::Increases the pressure until a loud *SPLRT* is heard, and Sage jumps up, screaming like a little girl.::
::he crouches down, using the force to increase his speed to that of a train as he slams shoulder first into Sage, wrapping his arms aroudn his waist, sending them both flying through the crate Matthias brought.::
::Rolls t the side after a skid landing, laughing.::
"The Force Testicular Claw adn the Force Spear! Moves of my OWN DESIGN!"
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 03:40:12 PM
*Jumps down with Saurron to see Garik get up out of the rocks. He sees Saurron, but misses Ice. Ice goes behind him and sticks his LS into Garik's back. Garik falls overin pain and Saurron jumps on him and sucks out some blood. Ice uses the Black Shroud to cover the arena with smoke and Garik cannot see. He then shoots a Force Fireball knocking him into a wall.*
*Uses a mind link to reach Kat and Dale...
Sorry if I made you mad. they weren't attacking. You 2 have got the worst attitudes. Well, I guess that's what keeps you 2 killin Jedi.
Closes link before Kat has time to cuss him out.*
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 04:27:26 PM
::Eyes a nearbu wireliss microphone, pickign it up while standing over the Prone Sage.::
"Jedi Council, this is "Mad Man" Matthias's Gift to you..."
::Puts the Microphone to his lips, singing to "SMackdown hotel".:
"WELL SINCE BLACK'S PARTNER LEFT'EM!....HE'S FOUND A NEW PLACE TO DWELL! IT'S DOWN AT THE END OF NURIKO DRIVE AT...THE SITH EMPIYARE! MATT FEELS so lonley...Matt's SO lonely baybe...matt feels so lonely....he could cry..."
::tosses the Micd down into Sage's head.::
Jul 20th, 2000, 04:29:56 PM
:: surprisingly Dale returns the link back to Ice ::
*this is the time for battle not talk...any laspe in focus could doom you and us all!*
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 04:58:27 PM
"Hmm...think i might need a bit more power..."
::RUns off past all the fighting, heading back to the Sith EMpire, apparently running..::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 20th, 2000, 05:03:31 PM
**Leia snaps out of it. Having some time to semi-heal, but the cut to the head still has to heal. She scans the room to see where everyone's at.
*Eyes Emerid**
*With LS in hand she uppercuts left to Emerid. He blocks w/a pipe in his hand. Leia fakes a swing right - Emerid tries to block the fake rt., but @ the same time Leia swings
left to severly burn Emerid's left arm - it starts to bleed heavily. With the same motion, Leia continues to take her swing down and slam Emerid w/the butt of her Saber. He's out for the count*
*Meantime ~ Dale saw this going on - Force Runs to behind Leia. Leia sense's Dale's presence as Leia continues to take her saber down from Emerid's head it continues in a downward motion, going towards the back of her, right into Dales' rt arm which holds her saber. All you hear is a loud scream as Dale drops her saber in mega pain from severe burns from Leia's saber.
**Leia then runs to her fellow jedi**
**OOC..had to keep this going. Sorry but I'll probably be away now for 4 hours...I know it's alot..SORRY...don't overattack me now! ;) **
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 05:14:37 PM
::Rolls behind the ladders, still holding a black trunk he ran in with.::
::within moments a blue blurr rushes form behin the ladder, grapsing Leia by the hair and proceeds to spin, lifting her off the ground.;:
::Keeps this going for about ten minutes before letting go, seein' her fly off into the crate he brought.:
::...Oh to hell look at the signature with the blue armor thing for his armor look.::
"Hye it still!"
Jul 20th, 2000, 05:17:20 PM
:: not is it a loud scream, but one filled with rage as the blade cuts through her leather jacket in her flesh. Dale rips off the hanging material and bandages her arm quickly as she tears off after Leia. She slides down to the ground when she gets close to the Jedi and trips her to the ground and Leia's face smashes into the ground ::
"Who said I was through?" :: looks around for any other attackers ::
OOC: okay to read a ton of posts tho.
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 05:17:57 PM
*Jumps up to the main arena to see Dale screaming and Matt almost unconscious. He ignites Death and runs at Leia. She is ready for the move, but the force of the swing knocks her down.*
You know you are about to die, don't you.
*Just as he is about to make the final swing to kill Leia, Yog hits Ice from behind.*
You little green midget!!!
*Chases Yog around the arena.*
OOC:I al ways post right after somebody! That makes me sick!
Jul 20th, 2000, 05:40:32 PM
::continues to watch the battle calmly, ignoring the pain in her arm::
Master Yoghurt
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:02:56 PM
Ah.. Sith Scum.. found Yog they have (chuckles). Heal wounds I did.
::Runs Force speeded.. around the area, chased by Ice Fox. He then suddenly turns, and with Force enhanced strength slams Ice Fox to the ground with a <font color=yellow>crash!</font> Pieces of concrete flies into the air of the impact. While Ice is down, Yog heads toward Sith Kat..::
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:16:51 PM
((Even though I hav'nt been trained I know a great deal of the force so I'm Gonna Fight))
::Recluse Silently Pulls out his lightsaber and helps Fight Sage::
::Recluse then Realeses a small Shockwave of force push only Detected by Sith, All of the Sith get pushed to their Feet::
::Recluse then Knocks Hazards LS out of his hand with a quick force push and it flys over to the wall and Shatters::
Okay... 3 against 2
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:18:11 PM
*Gets up from the Force Slam and sees Yog knock Kat down. Yog then sits on her chest and starts punching her in the face.*
Don't mess with girls.
*Shoots a Force Fireball knocking Yog into the wall on the other side of the arena.*
I'm tired of that little green midget. He always gets in my way!
Sith Kat
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:22:18 PM
"So eager to die, little gnome?"
:: rolls low to slash at him with her sabre, turning quickly as he leaps upwards and catches with with a force wind that slams him against the wall. rushes over to a brazier and kicks it over, the hot coals and embers spilling out onto the floor. she sucks them up into the force wind and unleashes it upon Yog as he plummets down again heavily, burning and blinding him ::
"Then you will!"
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:26:10 PM
:; while yog is down and blinded, Dale and runs up and brings her leg back at the right moment to kick it hard into the little jedi's gut as he is rolled back across the room. Dale moves out of the way of coals and calls her fallen sabre back to her ::
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:28:23 PM
::Recluse bows::
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:31:11 PM
*Jumps back down to the lower level and sees Garik starting to stir again.*
Why doesn't he be nice and die?!!?
*Snap kicks Garik, breaking his jaw. Garik falls over in pain as Ice sticks Death through his shoulder. Ice then kicks Garik in the back of the head, knocking him out AGAIN.*
Darth Haze
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:34:26 PM
I then see Yog......takes out hammer then Charges at Yog.I then smash at his head with my hammer.I then take my sabre and slice at his face.I then Use Force Nova and a Nova comes out of no where under Yog.he starts burning.I then give my hand out to Kat...oh wait this is you....I then take back my hand.
Sith Kat
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:35:04 PM
OOC - leaving now. be back later.
Master Yoghurt
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:48:19 PM
::Yog uses the Force to shields himself from the fire and soften the impact as he collides into the wall. The fire is deflected to the side, but the Jedi falls to the ground as he makes contact with the wall.. he then slowly rises up and calms his mind, letting the Force flow freely around his body..::
You judge me by my size do you? You should not, for my ally is the Force, and a powerfull ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we... You must feel the Force around you.. (gesturing) here, between table... those chars...the entire building! Yes, even between you and that heavy metal beam hovering over your head!
::Fox looks up..::
<font color=red>Clonk!</font>
::"This Sith has still much to learn", Yog thinks to himself as the Fox is knocked out and the echo is heard..::
<font size=-2>Clonk-clonk..</font>
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:53:08 PM
*Uses the Force to raise the beam off of him and throws it at Yog. Yog, who has more Force power, makes the beam fly way over his head, knocking out Mr Emerid :lol: .*
I'm not the only one who has Force abilities.
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:55:07 PM
*Suddenly Yog sees the metal beam rise from the ground and smash him in the face.*
Sorry I just could not resist...
*Firebird1 charges Yog with his lightsaber, slashing left and right. Yog blocks both attempts, but Firebird1 gets a shot in the center, and scars Yog's face. Firebird1 feels the pain inflected from his wounds.*
I'll have to grin and bear it for now.
*Using the pain from the wound, Firebird1 concentrates on the Dark Side of the Force.*
Master Yoghurt
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:58:38 PM
OOC: Connection is slow.. have patience please. Last move was reaction to Fox´s attack btw.
Jul 20th, 2000, 06:59:43 PM
:: and so does the jedi dale thinks to herself ::
she comes around as fox and yog are talking and bashes the hilt of her sabre onto yogs head and brings her other sabre around for a strike where yog, dazed, but through the force, sense her, and dodges out of the way.
she then sheathes one sabre as she quickly pulls off the chain weapon around her waist as she wraps in around the jedi neck and pulls hard ::
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:03:18 PM
OOC: So was my attack ignored?
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:32:37 PM
::ascends Firebird's shoulders quickly before dropping off, dropping a leg across Yoghurts head.::
Master Yoghurt
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:35:33 PM
::Yog foresee´s Sith Kat´s attack, and as the glowing hot pieces of coal flies toward him, he focus to heat his skin to lessen the temperature diference. He holds up his cloak to shield himself from the burning coal.. and uses the Force to deflect the flight pattern of the approaching coal pieces. Some of them redirect at nearby Sith as Dale and Haze. The smoke and hot ashes blind the Jedi Master temorarily.. so, he has to rely on his other senses and feel the surroundings with the Force from now on.. Yog senses Dale is approaching fast, and as she does, he grabs her arms, and swings her to the side in Akido/Judo style grip, using her to shield himself from remaning coal flying from all sides.. he then kicked into the gut and rolls across the room. As Darth Haze approaches with his hammer swinging high above his head, Yog ducks to the side, and the hammer burries into the floor.. debris fly at the Sith as it makes contact with concrete. When Darth Haze slash at Yog´s face.. absorbed by his hate and anger, Yog sense the move, and in the last second combined leaps and kicks Haze to gain backward momentum to sommersaults away from the Nova he forms with the Force.. Haze loses balance and falls victim to his own Force move..::
OOC: * Dale, do NOT attack twice before I have replied to your first attack. Or else I will begin to do the same, and you would not like me to.. hehe.. :)
* Firebird: No, it will not be ignored, but to not making this too confusing, I will try to reply in chronological order. First attacks replied to first. But dont worry, you are next.. line up please.. ;)
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:36:36 PM
I hate Youghurt...even with Strawberries!!!
*Firebird1 punches Yog in the face, then picks him up and places him in a nearby Trash can.*
Hay Emerid, what do you do with the Trash cans?
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:36:53 PM
*Rage arrives at the battle scene and sees Emerid knocked out*
heh.. as usual :p
*Rage scans the battle grounds looking for fellow TSE members*
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:44:11 PM
OOC: okay...I dont care still new gomen :) me be watching for it tho and now that i think about it...bbl. I got some other stuff needing done. hope to be back soon to see the craziness comense
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:52:24 PM
My gawd...... This fights becoming incredble!!
Give me a few mo while I work out what the hell is going on and I'll get back into again..... wait until I'm back in plz....
Darth Ogre
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:54:28 PM
:: continues to stare at DT as he watches the Jedi's flesh burn ::
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:55:12 PM
DT's gone, I'm in. who wants some?
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:01:32 PM
*Kicks Boricua in the head.*
I do...
*Swings his LS at the fallen Jedi, but Boricua quickly moves out of the way.*
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:01:46 PM
Fine I'll do it..
*Firebird1 places an armed thermal detenator in the trash can in Yog's hand, and kick's him toward JB.*
Heads up!!!
*The trash can knocks JB over and continues to roll...*
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:08:03 PM
:: Regaining his focus JB uses the Force to send the trash can high into the air. The homemade bomb explodes, making great fireworks. Fox and Firebird, shocked by the explosion loose their senses for a fraction of a sec. JB using force Speed tackles Firebird, carrying him, and keeps running to where Fox is. With then tackles Fox, giving another blow to Firebird. JB sommersaults backwards and ignites his LS ::
Ice Fox
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:09:39 PM
[delete me]
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:15:15 PM
*Firebird1 grabs JB's hand that carried him, twists it around, and breaks it. Flrebird1 then calls upon the Dark Side of the Force, and creates a tornado with hurricane winds, it picks up JB and crashes him to the ceiling. JB falls down, but being the agile Jedi he is, he lands on his feet with a cut on his head. Firebird1 slashes at JB's head, JB blocks it, but Firebird1 sweeps him to the ground and kicks his Lightsaber away.*
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:15:27 PM
*ignites Nightmare*
ohh.. I WANT IN!!!
*Rage looks around for his opening*
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