View Full Version : The Swoop Bike Raid
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:04:26 PM
As the usual events in the battleground take place, Sith are fighting Jedi in the woods when out of nowhere many hooded riders arrive...the evil energy is felt as the one known as Itala Marzullo pulls his hood back and speeds right at the Jedi, ready for sick and violent battle
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:06:29 PM
*Fox pulls up next to Itala with his sabe ignited* Let's hit 'em good & hard people....
OOC: I am gonna be off the net for a while so save some Jedi for me..
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:08:14 PM
::Fett sees in the corner of his eye a group of bikes, ready to battle.
"Should be fun..."::
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:18:17 PM
Itala smirks as he ignites his saber and speeds to Fett, slashes and Feet's Jedi reflexes help him duck barely on time...
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:27:43 PM
::Fett continues on his roll, and watches Italia fly by. Fett then has to dodge a number of other Sith flying by. Fett then jumps into the air, and spin kicks a Sith. He survives, but is thrown off his bike. Fett mounts the bike, and chases in pursuit
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:31:54 PM
looks back and sees RF speeding behind him...Itala turns to the bike's direction and widens his eyes as he dodges a tree, then another and turns around to fire at RF's bike
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:35:43 PM
::As Fett flies towards Italia, he sees him turn around. Fett carries on until laser fire flies at Fett. Fett avoids most, but one glances off the bike. Fett spins the bike round to face Italia, and stops the bike. Italia does similarily, and both combatants look at one another
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:41:14 PM
As they both look at each other, Itala takes out his comm. link and calls for Fox, then Itala seeing his bike is in perfect condition reignites his saber and speeds towards Fett, as the bike approaches Itala force jumps ahead of the bike and right onto Fett's head to slash it down...
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:53:47 PM
*Fox speed twoards Fett's bike & sees Itala's bike sitting there Fox fires a tow cable & approaches Fett's bike* I've got your bike Itala.
*Itala uses the butt of his saber to hit Reaper Fett on the head & force jumps onto his bike*
Itala: Thanks
Fox609: Any time..
*Fox takes this opratunity to hit the side of Fett's bike. It almost hits a tree*
"Damn I missed."
*Fox slows his bike & gets behind Fett & fires a few shots of the bikes laser one hitting near an engine*
"Missed that one too."
*Fox speeds up to see what Itala is doing*
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:59:10 PM
Fett stops the bike, and gets off to await the Sith
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:02:59 PM
*Fox speeds past Fett* *Gets on com to Itala*
Ha haha he just got off.. his mistake.. I am gonna let one of the others take care of him..
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:05:37 PM
::Fett unhooks a thermal detonater, and throws it. By using the force, this detonater starts to follow Fox::
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:06:56 PM
OOC: I was trying to make it look like M:I 2, you were suposed to jump to to let the bikes crash but what the heck...
Itala lands on his bike and speeds it right at Fett and as Fett tries to get out of the way Itala fires at a tree next to him releasing a huge tree trunk set as a trap....the trunk sends RF flying
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:11:57 PM
OOC: I was doing the same, but obviously didnt read it right. Now I feel a fool
::Fett lands on the ground, and is immediatley up on his feet. Fett then spins round, and sees the trunk is still coming. Fett jumps up, and grabs a nearby branch::
Darth Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:12:16 PM
**Out of No Where Dyzm and His Bike scream through the trees, he hits the rudder and whips his bike sideways, the side of the bike smashes into Fett**
Sorry I'm Late, I was putting the final extras on my bike.
**Dyzm Revs the engine**
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:12:28 PM
*Gets on com to Banestone* Get yer ass over here! *Gets his ion blaster ready*
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:18:05 PM
Itala passes by Fett and then turns over to fire at the fett falls itala accelerates to catch his body in mid-air..."He is left alone to united the Jedi are..."
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:19:44 PM
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:35:37 PM
::As fett lies on the ground, he can feel his life slipping away. Fett has only one chance left- The force. Reaching out with all of his power that he can muster. Slightly, Fett can feel himself becoming stable. A long time later Fett, completely drained, sluggishly gets up. It is a long way from anything. He struggles up to the last bike, and gets on it. He ignites the engine, and heads in the direction of the Council::
Darth Havok
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:46:09 PM
*havok waits for sight and or sense of his foes, moving through the woods...
General Scorpion
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:46:55 PM
*Waits beside Venom..*
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:49:23 PM
As Fett rides to the Council, he checks left and right, everywhere, making sure nobody is following him...when all of a sudden Itala falls on the bike right behind Fett, Itala grabs Fett's head and forces him off the Bike...Fett hits a tree and bounces down as itala rolls on the grass...and ignites his saber...
Darth Ogre
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:49:47 PM
:: takes a position near a fallen tree ::
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:54:46 PM
::Fett very slowly rises to his feet, and ignites his saber::
Darth Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:01:28 PM
**As Everyone Waits They Notice a Black Fog Gliding across the forest floor, the plants start whithering up and dieing, Sith are unaffected, and Jedi fall to there knees coughing**
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:03:15 PM
***Rushes to roundhouse fett and he ducks...Itala cuts a tree and it collapses on the two...Itala quickly gets out of the way but Fett takes too long causing the tree to catch his right leg...Itala jumps on the trunk to look at Fett, saber in hand...and gives him the most evil look in his life
Itala swings his saber and slashes down on Fett's chest...
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:03:56 PM
::Fett sees the fog, and instinctively buts in his breather::
OOC: it is 3am, im going bed
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:03:56 PM
[i]Flys in on a VERY small mettalic gray bike. As he flys through the trees he points his bike at Fett and opens fire with the blasters. Fett blocks the shots with his LS as Gue flips off the bike and lands on his feet in front of Fett as the explosion of the bike hitting a tree behind Fett makes for a very dramatic scene
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:11:35 PM
::::the fog causes Itala to miss and slash at the grass...when the fog clears Itala sees Fett is gone...looks around and doesn't find him...Itala growls in anger as he then hops on his bike hidden behind a tree and goes back to the battleground...searching for more Jedi::::
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:14:03 PM
:: boricua exits the jedi temple with his work clothes all dirty ::
:: Suddenly a black motor bike flies by and two blasters shot are fired. Instictly Boricua grabbed his LS and deflected the shots ::
" Damn sith, wont even let us be in this slimly mudhole ::he looks to his right:: hmm...I'm sure DT wont mind, well he will but it's an official jedi matter here."
:: JB got on one of Dt's rally cars and went after some sith ::
Darth Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:24:24 PM
**Boricua Heres a Crash and the Blade on the bottom of Dyzm's Speeder bike Smashes through the roof of the car, a second later it lifts off again and a high powered cutting lazor slices through the Vehichles Engine, the car goes out of control**
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:24:40 PM
I aim carefully with the bnon I have and gently squeeze the trigger. One of the TSC swoop bikes blows up in a shower of sparks.
"Rogues... target TSC ..... FIRE AT WILL!!!"
Darth Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:31:49 PM
**Dyzm Watches as the Rouges, prove they are the idiots they are, fire at one of the Ships Piloted by a guy named Will**
Darth Ogre
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:32:00 PM
:: sets his blaster cannon on top of the tree he has taken position behind, aims at Ital as he speeds around the BG and squeezes off a shot. Itala manges to swerve out of the path of the beam, but it hits a large boulder just below his speeder bike. The boulder explodes and trashes the bike and the fragments tear at the Siths skin ::
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:34:36 PM
[i]Glances over at Itala then backflips next to Venom, giving him a nice grin Igniting his LS.
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:36:30 PM
I turn the blaster cannon and fire off a volley into Darth Dysm. I dont bother to find out what happened, I fling a Detonator into Dysm's area, the explosion rocks the forest
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:39:19 PM
I sidekick Gue in the face
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:40:15 PM
[i]Slashes down at Venom who just realizes Gues next to im and as Venom dodges back Gue slices down his chest. Cutting open his shirt and slcing lightly across his skin. Glancing up he pulls his blaster and shoots a blast across Ogres front, pulling his attention away from Itala
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:40:43 PM
:: Using the help of the Force Boricua manages to control de vehicle and stop it ::
"@#%$, DT will want my balls for this...I'll give him Dyzm's instead" :evil:
Jedah Lynch
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:42:20 PM
*Gue hears a rustle behind him as Jedah bursts through the bushes tackling him into a tree making Gue slump down onto the cold dirt, as he looks up he recieves a lightsaber hilt to his face. Looking back Lynch stares at the cannon fire*
Darth Ogre
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:43:07 PM
:: dodging the blast Ogre almost drops his cannon. He recovers and turns his attention toward Gue who's attention is being kept by Venom. He fires a high powered laser blast at the Fleet Commander's back then turns his attention back to the fallen Itala ::
Darth Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:43:25 PM
**Out of the Explosion comes Dyzm. Surrounding his Modified Sith Bike is the Glow of a Sheild, it clicks off and the power to the engines returns. Dyzm Kicks the Bike into Gear and Dives at Venom. Venom Dodges as the Blade on the bottom of the Bike Rips through fabric and cuts into Venoms left arm**
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:45:53 PM
Using the Force, I allow the anger in me to power a strike via the Force, throwing Gue off his feet and slamming him into one of the trees
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:49:07 PM
***slowly gets up and looks at the aberration of a living thing called Ogre...then pics up the bike's blaster and fires at Ogre's head...the slob holds his saber in front of it and Itala force jumps up a tree and uses the force to lift the huge roots and smack Ogre's body sending him flying to Venom***
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:49:08 PM
[i]Feeling the burn in his back and the hilt hit him in the face Gue grins kickily, as he kicks up into Venoms groin hard enough to hurt him even if he was protected. As he falls to his knees, Gue brings his legs into the air and bring them down into Venoms head, knocking him out for a while
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:52:51 PM
Witha small Force push, I send one of the thruster controls on Dysm's bike to full reverse, sending the bike into an uncontrollable turn and heading into a tree stump
Jedah Lynch
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:54:36 PM
*Seeing Itala send Ogre through the air Lynch brings his attention to the TSC leader and runs up towards him ducking a strike as he goes.*
*Popping out two blades on his gauntlets he slashes at Itala who ducks the blow but Lynch holds out his hand force pushing Itala into a tree and wraps many vines around him pinning him tight to the tree*
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:56:41 PM
[i]With Venom out of it Gue rifles through Venoms things and pulls out a thermal detonator and activates it. He tosses it at Ogre and watches it land near him
Darth Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:02:44 PM
**Dyzm Jumps off and the bike hits the tree stump, but luckly it dosent explode, and it can be salvaged**
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:03:13 PM
Waking up, I snatch at Gue's arm as he tries to rifle my pockets. With a grip backed by the Force, I make Gue howl as I twist his wrist into new directions. I then use him to haul myself up, and then kick him under the armpit, once twice, three times.
Back soon
Darth Havok
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:06:12 PM
*I roll out from some dark shadowed brush seeing the detonator rolling towards Ogre's feet, I act quickly as the light on the detonator begins to flash.…*
*booting the detonator up and it the direction of Dysm, exploding in the air above him.*
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:18:23 PM
[i]While his arm, his mechanical arm, is in venows arms he raises it into the air, bringing Venom with it. He tosses Venom into a tree near Dyzm.
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:21:37 PM
**Itala hangs from a vine and fips up tp a branch up on the tress, with the force still focused on the huge roots....Lynch jumps from another tree to be caught by a huge spiny branch right on the face...Itala closes his eyes and focuses the force on the branches and roots to smack Lynch's back with another branch, his body flie up and is caught by another branch, and another and another, and yet another...Itala then pens his eyes and watches Lynch fall half dead on the ground, completele disfigured and bruised, internal bleedings...
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:25:01 PM
*Fox seemingly comes out of nowhere on his bike, sees Venom
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:25:12 PM
*Fox seemingly comes out of nowhere on his bike, sees Venom & turns twoards him. Fox hits the thruster to full & the bike speeds @ Vanom not giving him time to react. The bike hits Venom sending him flying. Fox jumps off his bike & lands next to Venom with his saber ignited* Rogues? What the hell are you supposed to be?
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:26:24 PM
OOC: Oops sorry about that...
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:29:42 PM
[i]Moves behind a tree stump and opens fire with both blasters at The Rogue sith
Darth Havok
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:43:00 PM
*Sees fox collide with venom, igniting his LS and moving quickly towards him, blocking a few blasts from gue as one blast ricochets from his blade and is sent upwards connecting with one of the branches Itala is braced to, sending it crashing to the ground…..
*Havok arrives, and rises his light saber behind fox, just as he utters his words…….”who is he?…….Someone you shouldn’t cross..
Lord Gue
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:51:03 PM
[i]Uses the force to float Itala gently to the ground
Itala Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:51:18 PM
:::jumps to another tree and uses the force to catch Havok's body with a tree root and squeeze him until he pukes blood:::
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:53:14 PM
*Fox force pushes Havok into a tree* Someone I shouldn't cross you say? He is a Sith.. I was just repaying him for attacking Dyzm.. I don't believe in fighting other Sith. *Fox force jupms over a fallen tree & uses the force to speed his running to a hidden area*
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:55:42 PM
*Suddenly, a fairly large swoop bike come howling out of the trees, straight towards The Jedi known as Boricua... JB obviously hears it coming, so he drops under the bike and stabs it with his lightsaber as it passes by, neatly destroying all steering and thrust capabilies. As JB flips up to watch what the Sith will do, he realizes a bit too late that the dark warrior had jumped off the swoop before it went over JB, and is currently punching JB's head with a solid durasteel left hook. JB ducks, but his Jedi reflexes still only make the blow hit him a bit higher than inteaded, snapping his head sideways and dropping him to the ground. Banestone steps back a bit and ignites his lightsaber and lightclaws, awaiting the Jedi's next move as he observes the Sith vs. Sith fighting all around him*
Darth Lynch
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:05:00 AM
*Rises up and checks his wounds as he cracks his head to one side than the other. Staggering to his feet he sees Itala in a tree and takes out a plasma gernade throwing it at the base of the tree causing Itala to jump to another branch but as he does Lynch uses the force to break it off sending Itala crashing to the ground on his back*
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:08:21 AM
::Thrawns shuttle lands on the out skirts of the fighting, The Shuttle ramp lowers and a Chiss walks out, He Gazes over the fighting and unclips his saber, He Walks in to the fighting and ignites his saber wating an openet::
Xarkz Chaos
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:08:31 AM
*Swings on in on his custom bike, mowing down some worthless jedi in the process* heh, whatever. I'm here to support TSC.
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:13:01 AM
OOC: Good to see you Banestone.. you too Chaos.. show your stuff man.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:13:29 AM
::Thrawn sences a speeder bike comeing by he quickly drops and slashes up as the speeder passes by Xarkz's speeder goes flying as Xarkz jumps off his out of control speeder the bike smashes into a tree seting the tree on fire, Thrwn force speeds up to Xarkz and kicks his face as he tryes to get up, Xarkz spits out blood and falls back to the ground as Thrawn towers over him::
Xarkz Chaos
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:19:47 AM
OOC: Call me Chaos...
*As Thrawn is about to kick him again, Chaos trips Thrawn and while Thrawn is falling, Chaos jumps up and kicks Thrawn.* Paybacks hell... *Kicks Thrawn in the face again, then in the side. Chaos then gets on a secondary bike and zooms off to greet everyone else.*
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:21:40 AM
::::Itala gets up rubbing his back and looks at Lynch...then jumps to another branch and closes his eyes and once again the trees' roots come out of the ground and smash Lynch's body like a fly being after the other...until one last blow send Lynch flying towards some rose vines and cut him incredible bloody mess:::
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:25:29 AM
::As Chaos gets on his 2nd speeder bike thrawn quickly jumps to his feet and shakes off the cheap shot kicks then force speeds up to Chaos and slashes at the front of Chaoses speeder bike causeing that bike also the fall apart and Chaos jumps off the bike yet again, Thrawn walks up to Choas again and hopes he wont try to run again and will put up a fight and no cheap shots either..::
Darth Havok
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:31:08 AM
*Havok’s body slumps over slightly, putting a fist to the ground coughing up blood the great Darkness invading his already dark soul. He reaches into the inner depths of his being manifesting his extreme hate from within, in an illuminating spectacle of pure brilliance all the restrainging dark energy can be seen radiating out off his body, as his mind becomes filled with putrid thoughts. Havok raises one of his arms as a grappling hook is shot from right bellow his forearm. The carbon rope with attached hook at the end whistles through the air, latching onto a sturdy branch above Gue, havok jerks back hard sending the large branch toppling on top of Gue. And rises to his feet bringing his forearm across his mouth wiping the blood from his chin….*
Lord Gue
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:48:01 AM
[i]Lifts the branch off of him and throws it at Havoc, using his force to make sure it hits him. Gue then jumps into the air, landing hard o Havocs neck, cuting off his air. Gue rolls off of havoc and beind a tree...
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:49:40 AM
***sees Ogre is dispatched, and Lynch is out, he keeps his eyes closes to have a branch grabs the falling branch on Gue and send them flying towards havok, but not before having a root swat him towards the upcmonig branches***
Xarkz Chaos
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:03:33 AM
Cheap shots? Hmm, I only did what you did to me! I guess you're calling yourself cheap then, eh? :lol:
Besides, bikes can probably move a little bit faster than you, expecially since you were on the ground recovering from the kicks and my bike was still on, not just starting up...
Anyway, *Chaos sighs at yet another bike is broken, then desides to deal with the meneace. Chaos grabs his Wankerwang and uses force speed to chuck it at Thrawn.
OOC: Okay, this will probably be the only time I explain my Wankerwang, so listen up! My wankerwang is like xena's chakram, only faster, stronger, and the blade part is made of the lightsaber /OOC.
*Thrawn ducks, barely missing the deadly blade aiming for his neck. Chaos the grabs his lightsaber and ignites it, Thrawn does the same. Then, right before they start duking it out, the wankerwang comes back rather fast and gets a good hit onto Thrawn's calf and through the bone. He falls down and his leg is broken obviously from the wound.*
Darth Havok
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:08:42 AM
*Breaths heavily for a moment, and regains his feet savoring the pain, he disposes of the incoming roots filleting them with his light saber with ease. He turns, with rage in his eyes and with an angular slice he cuts through the tree Gue ran behind. A loud creek is heard echoing through the forrest, as it collapses and crashes down trembling the ground upon impact. The evading Gue is almost fast enough to escape the massive timber and is trapped underneath with his leg being crushed from the tremendous blow..*
Darth Havok
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:15:19 AM
*Uses force speed quickly and the branches miss him totally, he raises his arm taunting Itala to come from his hiding place to face him…*
Lord Gue
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:16:20 AM
[i]Feels his bones in his legs completly shattered and his legs now totaly useless. he pulls his LS and slice's them off. Use's the force to block the pain, Gue then uses more of it to leviate as he faces Havoc...
Jedah Lynch
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:21:37 AM
*Unknowingly to Itala Lynch has just slowed his body to help him heal and conenctrate on the pain. Reaching to Itala's face Lynch smears his blood in Italas eyes blinding him before ramming his knee into Italas back knocking him to the ground. Angrily bringing one foot down on Itala chest Lynch leaps avoiding Italas counter attack before slamming the side of his leg on Italas face. Grabbing a huge branch Lynch smashes it on Italas face time after time*
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:46:47 AM
***Itala opens his eyes and rolls away from the last branch smashing...he groans as he gets up and force calls two Swoop Blasters...he holds one with each arm and turns to Lynch, he blasts his chst sendng him all the way outside of the woods as he then turns to havok and drops the guns..."Hiding place"? Itala closes his eyes right in front of havok and two thick roots come out of the ground to pull Havok in and only his head is outsde...Itala opens his eyes and ignites his saber again...leting Havok listen to them lovely humms...he swings it around his face...remembering he's a Sith, he then force calls a boulder and knocks him out...turning to Lynch once again...
Darth Havok
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:48:35 AM
*Havok turns to face Gue swinging his lightsaber with one hand, as he arcs the blade toward the floating Siths head, which is swiftly blocked.
...But provides enough time for the havok to spin and kick his opponent in the side of the stomach, and a blow to Gue’s face with his saber hilt. He then grabs him by the collar, only to be sent back with a punishing blow to the ground with a reverse axe roundhouse dodging his low striking saber, he connects to Gue’s left jaw line...
...The strike sends him into a wicked looking tailspin, and he loses grip of his light saber. Havok reaches out and calls the saber to his free hand, he twirls them both with a cruel gaze in his eyes, as Gue works to regain himself..*
Darth Havok
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:09:06 AM
(missed that one before mine)
*Struggles with his impending doom, as the boulder explodes in a extravagant rupture from havoks retaliation, the roots clinch his frame tighter as he impulsively is fighting them with the Dark Side trying to raise himself from there grasp. He works his arm around to a pouch on his thigh and pulls a fusion cutter and severs one of the roots, as some of the strain is let up off of him…
…The upheaval of soil and earth as he breaks free from the ground the scattered debri spreads widely around his exit point, he lands a short distance away and immediately tends to some torn flesh with a package of bacta salve, applying it, and calls his saber to his hand preparing for his next advance..*
Xarkz Chaos
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:13:35 AM
OOC: I'm going to bed, and I'm not going to be here for the rest of the week. Going on a trip...
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:24:53 PM
*Comes back into the woods* Hmm seems that everyone left.. *Sees his Swoop bike next to a tree undamaged. Gets on it & goes back to the council*
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:32:16 PM
I am sticking around in case Boricua comes to... if not I'll leave though, no worries.
Lord Gue
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:39:34 PM
[i]Moves off the battlefield
Jedah Lynch
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:35:33 PM
*Itala turns around to see a rock flying at him, avoiding it he is suddenly aware of the dirt flying up at him blinding him, covering his eyes he attemtps to reach out with the force to locate Lynch only to feel a pain across his back as Lynch strikes one of his blades acroos Italas back only managing a light cut but one that draws blood. Itala spins around to blast his opponent but Lynch grabs both of Italas wrist pushing them up as he shoots his blaster sending the blast upward. Lynch brings up his foot to Italas face and jumps back as two huge branches crash upon Itala after the blaster blast severed them from the tree.*
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:57:06 PM
uses his saber to slash the back of his neck carefuly and cauterizes his wound....Damn you..that was jen's favorite spot..Enough foreplay....
Itala closes his eyes and uses the force to lift up the remaining huge tree roots under the soil below Lynch and tie his feet and arms...upside down and hold him high up...Itala gets up and walks slowly to Lynch....I can just shove my saber through your mouth, but I won''re a Sith, and you and all the failures you call friends hve failed in ruining TSC's plans...Itala slashes TSC in Lynch's chest and hops on his other hidden bike...speeds away...
Sith Kat
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:09:06 PM
:: appears out of the shadows and cuts Jedah loose ::
Darth Lynch
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:13:25 PM
*Drops down and looks up at Sith Kat then puts a hand to his chest on the cut before looking towards Itala speeding away*
Sith Kat
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:16:16 PM
:: nods to Jedah and disappears into the shadows again ::
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:28:05 PM
Yeah, what a loser! I mean, he refrained from killing you and everything! The nerve! :rolleyes:
*Goes back to waiting for JB*
Jedah Lynch
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:31:37 PM
Of course.
I'm trembling from the awesome might of Itala.
Couldn't stay and fight.
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:33:34 PM
far away Itala continues riding and catches up with Fox and the others..Magnificent Seven bikes disappear as the sun comes out and a shuttle lowers a ramp...Fox, Xarks and others leave but Itala and banestone remain..."We have to wait for Dyzm and the others"....uses his specs to see all the fallen trees..."We certainly messed that forrest...nobody can beat me in the woods...I have complete control of organic beings with the force..."As the shuttle goes into the planet's orbit...The Holocaust appears to receive them..."They must hurry...." They both stand alone in the huge open field waiting...
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:39:46 PM
Starts to get impatient...
We'll teach JB a wasn't my intention to figh Sith but there's a line to draw as to how much crap you can take from some trying to ruin the Sith...sometimes you have to protect the Sith cause from Sith themselves...sickening...
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:45:21 PM
Indeed... it would be saddening, except that it makes the Jedi laugh at us all. That makes it maddening. *Forgets the subject and starts weaving a daisy chain as he waits for JB*
Itala Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2000, 06:41:20 PM
Checks his bike...
The Holocause will take us to a special meeting place, we'll head to Naboo once the Sub Carrier SSD is finished.
Darth Havok
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:24:16 PM
*Continues tending to his wounds, and reaches deep down within himself with that of the Dark Side, and senses there are still a few dark forces near, he looks up in the air to see a shuttle flying from the planets atmosphere.*
Don't think there getting away that easy now do they?.*smirks wickedly...
*grabs his portable Rogues holocom and patches through to General Scorpion in Da skies…
"Scorp… Hav here are the fleets at the ready, if so there is a fleeing vessel, try to contain it before it can reach hyperspace…. We'll continue our assault down here, and be in contact later…Hav out."
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:32:05 PM
I move out and get beside Havok, sabre and gun waiting for action
"Do you think General Scorpion can respond in time?"
"II believe so my Lord, he was instructed to be ready to back us up"
"Good. We go find if any more of this scum are about"
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 20th, 2000, 10:04:48 PM
**Dyzm Stands up out of shrub he landed in, he looks around for his bike and sees it laying on its side, very banged up**
AHHH Crap!
**Dyzm Hits a button on his Lightsaber and a out of the mist comes his back up ride, a hovering surfboard, he jumps up on it, he pulls out the controller out of his cloak and speeds off toward the shuttle**
Jul 20th, 2000, 10:46:16 PM
:: Appears, as if from nowhere, with his arms crossed over his chest. His hands move to his side and with one hand he draws out a force glaive and the other takes out a heavy blaster. with a *Schwing* the blades on the glaive burst out and reflect the sun's light. He sees the blur of dyzms surfboard fly by. for the hell of it, he shoots at the underside of the board and watches an explosion hurtle dyzm forward. Inside his helmet, he smiles slightly.
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:12:42 AM
Cough Hey guys, I'm pretty sure this fight ended three days ago... um... yeah. Hate to be the one to point that out, although I suppose there's no harm in attacking the Jedi's after being beaten by TSC. Just letting you know we won and left already. :) (well, except Bane 2, I guess)
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:22:02 AM
Funny, I dont see any losing Jedis, I just see TSC running from what appears to be a RSO surprise attack
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:35:33 AM
I know... only ONE Jedi showed up, and then he didn't fight, so there was obviously no point in continuing this fight with them. RSO attacked, to be sure, only you might read again to see that TSC had the upper hand in that skirmish. Then we left... it looked like the other Sith were no longer going to fight and obviously no Jedi were going to come. So yes... we "ran away" from RSO's surprise attack... after we beat them, or at least stopped the fighting. :rolleyes:
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